Jeppe Ørskov - Orskov Yard

Orskov Yard A/S, February 2015
Dear customers, partners and suppliers,
Jeppe Ørskov
1964 - 2015
It is with profound grief that we have to inform you that our CEO and co-owner of Orskov Group,
Jeppe Ørskov, has passed away peacefully after long illness on 10 February 2015.
In Loving Memory of Jeppe.
Daily operations at the yard will remain unchanged and the company will be run by
Christina Ørskov, who has been serving as interim CEO during Jeppe’s illness.
On behalf of the the family and the company
Christina Ørskov
Niels Ørskov
Member of the board
Orskov Group - Havnepladsen 16 - DK-9900 Frederikshavn
Phone: +45 9620 8500 - Fax: +45 9620 8585 - E-mail: