Smarter Balanced Assessments 2014-15 Webinar #5 February 10, 2015 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Division of Assessment and Student Information OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Today’s Topics Introduction/Newsflashes Digital Library Interim Assessments Summative Assessments Portal February 10, 2015 | Slide 2 Alphabet Soup Assessment and Registration Tool (ART) • OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION • Test Information Distribution Engine (TIDE) • • • • • • • • Managing and editing users/students Registering students for tests Selecting supports and accommodations Processing and viewing test invalidations Test Delivery System (TDS) • • Digital Library User Sign-on Test Administrator Interface Student Interface Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) Online Reporting System (ORS) February 10, 2015 | Slide 3 Training Training Webinars OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Technical Requirements Tuesday, February 3, 3:00 pm PT Thursday, February 5, 10:00 am PT TIDE (Test Information Distribution Engine) Friday, February 27, 3:00 pm PT Thursday, February 19, 10:00 am PT – preceding TDS Webinar Test Delivery System (TDS) Thursday, February 19, 11:00 am PT – following TIDE Webinar Thursday, February 26, 1:00 pm PT Online Reporting System (ORS) Tuesday, February 24, 3:00 pm PT Thursday, February 26, 10:00 am PT Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) Wednesday, February 25, 2:00 pm PT February 10, 2015 | Slide 4 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION BYOD is an option some districts may want to utilize by allowing students to use their own (technology) devices. Intended for districts that have already implemented BYOD and have sufficient district capacity to ensure equity of access. OSPI has developed a policy for districts. The document is posted to the portal. February 10, 2015 | Slide 5 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Secure Browser Updates Secure App that supports iOS 8 on iPad released 1/26 ("AIRSecureTest" on App Store) All other Secure Apps & Secure Browsers posted in Dec. are already up-to-date No additional changes or updates are expected prior to Summative Assessment window February 10, 2015 | Slide 6 Digital Library Educator resources for formative assessment practices to improve instruction 7 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Digital Library Modules now available in the Digital Library: 31 math Exemplar Instructional Modules 31 ELA Exemplar Instructional Modules 30 Assessment Literacy Modules 10 Score Report Modules January 13, 2015 Slide 8 Interim Assessments 9 Interim Assessments Timeline OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessments are available Comprehensive Interim (ICA) Interim Assessment Blocks (IAB) Teacher Hand Scoring System (THSS) opened January 27 Written responses are hand scored by the teacher/educator (selected responses are machine scored.) Overall score will be generated after hand scoring is complete. Exemplars are provided for teachers to practice scoring Training Guides are provided to give teachers materials to support the scoring Administration times vary depending on the grade and block. In general, a non-PT block requires approximately one hour January 13, 2015 Slide 10 and a PT block requires up to two hours. Teacher Hand Scoring System Materials Materials used by educators to score Smarter Balanced interim assessment items Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Snapshot of Materials’ Location 2 Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 1 2/11/2015 Training Guide - ELA Cover page: Instructions by claim Stimulus or sources Item stem Rubric(s) Condition code document Claim and target chart Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Take a Look at ELA Training Guides Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Exemplars - ELA Prep Set ~10 student response papers Ordered 2, 1, 0 Includes metadata, item stem, student response, and scoring comments (when available) Check Set ~10 student response papers Randomly ordered Include metadata, item stem, and student response Key to Check Set Scores Included scores and scoring comments (when available) Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Take a Look at ELA Exemplars Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Training Guide - Mathematics Cover page Stimulus for Performance Task Metadata table Item stem Dependent item stem (if applicable) Rubric and exemplar response Condition code document Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Take a Look at Mathematics Training Guides Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Exemplars - Mathematics Prep Set ~5-10 student response papers Ordered full credit, partial credit, no credit Includes metadata, item stem, student response(s) to dependent item(s) (if applicable), student response, and scoring comments Check Set ~5-10 student response papers Randomly ordered Includes metadata, item stem, student response(s) to dependent item(s) (if applicable), student response Key to Check Set Scores Included scores and scoring comments Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Take a Look at Mathematics Exemplars Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Snapshot of Materials’ Location Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction 2/11/2015 Interim Assessments OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Interim Assessment Blocks (IABs) for ELA The non-PT ELA blocks have 13-18 questions. Each ELA block contains a different amount of hand scored items: Listening, Research and Edit/Revise blocks are all machine scored Brief Write blocks are all hand scored Reading Lit and Reading Info blocks have1-2 hand scored items per block All PT blocks have three questions and a full write. Two Research items and the Full Write are hand scored. One Research item is machine scored. February 10, 2015 | Slide 22 Interim Assessment Blocks: ELA OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION ELA Block # of items Reading Lit 13-15 Reading Info 14-16 Brief Write 6 brief writing tasks Response type Mostly machine scored, a few hand scored Mostly machine scored, a few hand scored Estimated Time* 45 min -1 hour 45 min -1 hour All hand scored 45 min -1 hour Edit/Revise 13-16 All machine scored 30 min Listening 14-16 All machine scored 30 min Research 17-18 All machine scored 30 min Mostly hand-scored 1-2 hours, including 30 minutes for the classroom activity. All Performance Tasks 3 items and 1 full write *Estimated time is based on 1-2 minutes to answer a MC question and up to 5 to answer a constructed response. Plus time to read stimulus/sources. February 10, 2015 | Slide 23 Interim Assessment Blocks, 2014-15: Math, Grades 3-5 Math Blocks # of items Response type Estimated Time* OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Grade 3 Operations & Alg. Thinking Fractions Measurement & Data 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min Mostly hand scored 1:30 hour, including 30 minutes for the classroom activity. Grade 4 Operations & Alg. Thinking Number & Operations in Base 10 Fractions Measurement & Data Grade 5 Operations & Alg. Thinking Number & Operations in Base 10 Fractions Geometry Grades 3 & 4 Performance Task 6 *Estimated times for the CAT are based on 1–2 minutes to answer a Claim 1 question and 2–6 minutes to answer a Claim 2, 3, or 4 question. February 10, 2015 | Slide 24 Interim Assessment Blocks, 2014-15: Math, Grades 6-8 Math Blocks # of items Response type Estimated Time* OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Grade 6 Ratios & Proportional Relationships Number System Expressions & Equations Geometry 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min Mostly hand scored 1:30 hour, including 30 minutes for the classroom activity. Grade 7 Ratios & Proportional Relationships Number System Expressions & Equations Grade 8 Expressions & Equations – I Expressions & Equations – II Functions Geometry Grades 6, 7, & 8 Performance Task 6 *Estimated times for the CAT are based on 1–2 minutes to answer a Claim 1 question and 2–6 minutes to answer a Claim 2, 3, or 4 question. February 10, 2015 | Slide 25 Interim Assessment Blocks, 2014-15: Math, High School Math Blocks # of items Response type Estimated Time* OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Algebra & Functions Linear Functions Quadratics Geometry Right Triangle Ratios High School Performance Task 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min 13–16 All machine scored 30 min–45 min Mostly hand scored 2:00 hour, including 30 minutes for the classroom activity. 6 *Estimated times for the CAT are based on 1–2 minutes to answer a Claim 1 question and 2–6 minutes to answer a Claim 2, 3, or 4 question. February 10, 2015 | Slide 26 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IAB Reporting Individual student scores are available for each block. Reporting for each block is based on three classifications related to the overall scale score cut point between levels 2 and 3: “Below Standard,” “At/Near Standard,” and “Above Standard.” Each IAB (as well as ICA) can be administered unlimited times to a classroom. February 10, 2015 | Slide 27 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Practice and Training Tests The Smarter Balanced Practice and Training tests are available now on the WCAP portal: Practice and Training tests provide both test administrators and students a thorough review of the test in preparation for the summative assessment. Most often, the Practice and Training tests can be administered in lieu of the interims, especially with Practice Test using the secure browser. February 10, 2015 | Slide 28 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Practice and Training Test options Guest student Guest session • This is how students can take practice tests at home, for example, or how a member of the public can take a practice test Guest student Real session • Requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE Real student Real session • Requires the student to be present in TIDE and requires a Test Administrator with a user account in TIDE • This most closely mimics the operational environment February 10, 2015 | Slide 29 Summative Assessments 30 Summative Assessments OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Test Administrator Certification Student Readiness Reporting February 10, 2015 | Slide 31 Test Administrator Certification OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Test Administrator (TA) certification module will be posted to the portal Narrated Interactive Takes approximately 30 minutes Short quiz at end of module Provides a Certificate Certification module is not required by OSPI but recommended that districts use as part of TA training February 10, 2015 | Slide 32 Student Readiness for Smarter Balanced OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Ensure students have at least two opportunities at school for guided practice with assessment tools and question types Use sample performance tasks or optional Interim Assessments to give students experience with math and ELA performance tasks Provide student keyboarding/data input opportunities in grades K-2 to ensure readiness for grade 3 online assessments February 10, 2015 | Slide 33 Student Readiness - continued OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Provide additional keyboarding opportunities for grades 3-6 to ensure readiness for Smarter Balanced writing tasks Partner with libraries and community organizations to promote equity of access to technology for students outside of school time Consider loaning machines or providing useable surplus machines to needy students K-2 checklist – Educational Technology February 10, 2015 | Slide 34 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION K12 Checklist – Education Technology February 10, 2015 | Slide 35 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Computer Adaptive Test: Information on Item and Response Types February 10, 2015 | Slide 36 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Summative Reporting Scores are available in the Online Reporting System within three weeks of completing online tests and submitting paper/pencil tests. Paper/Pencil tests are submitted by school (ELA and math) except for grade 3 ELA. Grade 3 ELA paper/pencil tests can be submitted in batches before other grades/content areas are completed, in order to have results within three weeks of receipt. February 10, 2015 | Slide 37 What Folks Seem to Want To Know (aside from everything) Pre-ID OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Reports and Data Where do I find student lists? Where to edit test flags? NEW DETAILED DOCUMENT ON PORTAL! What gets reported? What do the reports look like? NEW USER GUIDE AND MODULE ON PORTAL! Is there a one-page document that explains everything? February 10, 2015 | Slide 38 Pre-ID OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION New Document on the Portal: PreIDdetailsSpring2015.pdf All test windows, all pre-ID rules, all pre-ID timelines Includes where to go to find lists of students since pre-ID ongoing now (rather than a series of static exports) Non-EOC standard paper materials generated based on records in TIDE on 1/30 Accommodated forms/kits data sent 2/9 How to do ‘New and Moved’ for paper administrations EOC Registration (including accommodated forms) still open through 16 March February 10, 2015 | Slide 39 Available Data in ORS Report District Level School Level Teacher Level Roster Level Student Level Claim (ICA and Summative) Claim-level percent at each performance level for a subject within a particular grade or course for the current administration. Block (IAB) Level Detail Subject Detail (ICA, IAB, and Summative) OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Data for a subject within a particular grade or course for the current administration. Block-level percent at each performance level for a subject within a particular grade or course for the current administration. Target Level Detail (Adaptive tests only) Relative strengths and weaknesses by target for a subject within a particular grade or course for the current administration. Trend (ICA and Summative) Longitudinal comparison of scores for a selected administration (across time). Student Listing (ICA, IAB, and Summative) Roster of all students who belong to a school, teacher, or class with their associated subject or course (and claim, if applicable) scores for the current administration. Student Detail (ICA, IAB, and Summative) Detailed information about a selected student’s performance in a specified subject or course (and claim, if applicable). Content Specifications: ELA and Math Assessment offices Content offices also preparing supplementary documents February 10, 2015 | Slide 40 Home Page Dashboard: Report Tables OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION General rule: click the thing you want to see to get to the next most granular level February 10, 2015 | Slide 41 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Subject Detail Report February 10, 2015 | Slide 42 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Individual Student Reports February 10, 2015 | Slide 43 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Your One-Page To-Do List: READ AND WATCH EVERYTHING (AND DON’T PANIC) February 10, 2015 | Slide 44 Portal WCAP Portal OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Please share widely with all district and school personnel OSPI’s Smarter Balanced page at as well as AIR’s WCAP portal at February 10, 2015 | Slide 46 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION WCAP Portal February 10, 2015 | Slide 47 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Thank you! February 10, 2015 | Slide 48
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