St. Cassian Roman Catholic Church 187 Bellevue Avenue, Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Mass Schedule Lord’s Day Saturday: 5:30pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm Monday-Friday: 6:45am & 8:15am Saturday: 8:15am Office Information Holy Days: 6:45am, 8:15am, (12:05pm), & 7:30pm Served by: Sacraments Rev. Marc A. Vicari, Pastor Rev. Warren Hall, Weekend Assistant Regina Sammon, Religious Education Coordinator Maria A. Llanes, St. Cassian School Principal Stephen J. Powers, Director of Music Lee Ann Rivera, Director of Evangelization Brian Honsberger, Director of RCIA Baptisms The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated once a month on Sunday at 1:15pm. Parents should contact the Parish Office to register. R.C.I.A Parish Phone Numbers Parish Office..............................................(973) 744-2850 Fax............................................................(973) 744-6187 Our church welcomes new adult members through a process called Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). If you or someone you know is interested in becoming Catholic or completing their entrance into our church through Baptism, Holy Eucharist, or Confirmation, please call Brian at (973) 998-4229. Marriages Religious Education Office........................(973) 744-2850 Couples should begin the sacramental preparation for marriage at least one year before the wedding date. Call the Parish Office for an appointment with a Priest and to reserve a date. Youth Ministry............................................(973) 744-2850 Reconciliation Youth Ministry Website………… Saturdays 4:15-5:00pm or at another time convenient to the Priest and Penitent Music Office..............................................(973) 744-7864 St. Cassian School....................................(973) 746-1636 Fax............................................................(973) 746-3271 Anointing of the Sick The Sacrament is available for those of advanced age or anyone who is seriously ill. Please contact the Priests who will visit the home to celebrate the Sacrament Visiting the Sick Parishioners unable to attend Mass may receive Communion at home. Please contact our Parish Office. Office Hours In Case of an Emergency Monday to Friday 9:00am - 3:30pm Please contact the Parish Office at any hour, day or night. p1-0616 This Week at Saint Cassian Church Mass Readings and Intentions Events of the Week Sunday, February 15 Sunday, February 15, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Leviticus 13:1-2,44-46 1 Corinthians 10:31; 11:1 Mark 1:40-45 5:30 PM (Saturday) Joanna Suchocka 7:30 AM Lydia Zawistowski 9:00 AM For the People of the Parish 10:30 AM Mary Zimmerly 12:00noon Miss Centanni Monday, February 16, Weekday Genesis 4:1-15, 25 Mark 8:11-13 9:00 AM Margaret Rowe Tuesday, February 17, Weekday Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10 Mark 8:14-21 6:45 AM Peter Schembari 8:15 AM Thomas Harrington Wednesday, February 18, Ash Wednesday Joel 2:12-18 2 Corinthians 5:20; 6:2 Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 6:45 AM Lucy O’Callaghan 8:15 AM Helen Rush 7:30 PM Ally Linaugh Thursday, February 19, Thursday after Ash Wednesday Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Luke 9:22-25 6:45 AM Gordon Thomas 8:15 AM Imogene Allen Friday, February 20, Friday after Ash Wednesday Isaiah 58:1-9a Matthew 9:14-15 6:45 AM Michael Hannan 8:15 AM Theodore Halchak Saturday, February 21, Saturday after Ash Wednesday Isaiah 58:9b-14 Luke 5:27-32 8:15 AM Ann McHugh Sunday, February 22, First Sunday of Lent Genesis 9:8-15 1 Peter 3:18-22 Mark 1:12-15 5:30 PM (Saturday) Owen (Bud) Hoey 7:30 AM Lydia Zawistowski 9:00 AM Sarita Anne Pereira 10:30 AM Marie O’Gorman, 16th Anniversary 12:00noon For the People of the Parish Registration We welcome you to the Parish Community of Saint Cassian, and invite you to register with us by contacting our Parish Office during office hours. You must be registered in the Parish for Baptism and the Religious Education Programs. We urge all parishioners to make regular use of the envelopes. If you are moving from the Parish, please notify the Parish Office. Attention Parishioners-Recent changes in laws and regulations governing hospitals have made it necessary for hospitals to tighten the access of outside visitors, including clergy, to information about patients in the hospital. New policies now in effect require that patients must request that clergy from the patient’s faith community be contacted and allowed to visit. Clergy will not be allowed to visit unless this request is made. If you are or a loved one is hospitalized, please call the Parish Office to let us know, or contact the chaplain in the hospital. NO CCD–Winter Break K of C Squires, 6-8pm, Gym Monday, February 16 Presidents’ Day: Mass celebrated at 9:00am The Parish Office & School are closed NO Bridge R.C.I.A., 7-8pm, Conference Room Tuesday, February 17 No CCD-Winter Break Basketball/Volleyball clinic, 8:30-2:30pm, Gym Adult Basketball, 8:15am, Gym ASH WEDNESDAY, February 18 Mass celebrated at 6:45 & 8:15am, & 7:30pm Distribution of Ashes: 12:05 & 4:00pm Basketball/Volleyball clinic, 8:30-2:30pm, Gym Thursday, February 19 NO CCD-Winter Break Basketball/Volleyball clinic, 8:30-2:30pm, Gym Choir, 7:30-10pm Friday, February 20 Stations of the Cross, after 8:15am Mass Basketball/Volleyball clinic, 8:30-2:30pm, Gym Saturday, February 21 Basketball, 8a-4p, Gym Sunday, February 22 CCD, 10:15am-11:15am, School Rosary Intentions For the Week of February 16 Monday For protection of our elected officials & their families and all those in authority Tuesday For those serving in the military, especially in areas of violence; protect them, and grant peace of mind to their loved ones Wednesday For respect for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death Thursday For unity among churches and nations Friday For vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and for all parishioner living and deceased Rosary/Altar Society We invite you to join us in praying the rosary every morning for the intentions of families, the world, and the Church. We begin the rosary at 7:50am followed by the 8:15am Mass. All are welcome. p2-0616 Pray the Rosary! Lenten Wisdom from St. Leo the Great We have been taught by our Redeemer, “man does not live by bread alone, but on every word of God,” and so it is right that all Christians, no matter how much they fast, should cultivate the desire to satisfy themselves with the “Word of God” rather than bodily food. Therefore, let us begin this Lenten season with eagerness, ready to progress in devotion to our Lord, not by an empty fasting or almsgiving, but through generous compassion and good will. Let works of mercy be our delight, and let them be the food that fills us for eternity. Let us rejoice in the satisfaction of the poor when we give from our bounty. Let us delight in the clothing of those whose nakedness we have covered. Let our compassion and generosity touch the sick in their illness or infirmities, the exiles in their hardships, the orphans in their destitution, and the widows in their sadness … No one’s income is small, whose heart is big; and the measure of one’s mercy and goodness does not depend on the size of one’s means. Wealth of goodwill is never lacking, even in a slender purse. Lenten observances, rightly followed, can make hatred turn into affection and enmity turn to peace; wrath can be quenched by meekness, and wrongs forgiven by gentleness. They are a way that God’s mercy can enter your life, sins be forgiven, and Easter be rightly celebrated. So we should forgive faults, loosen bonds, wipe out offenses, and let go of vengeance. In this way, the Easter festival will find us all happy and innocent by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns forever. The Word Among Us, Lenten edition Spirituality Friday Eucharistic Adoration Second Friday, March 13 You have been chosen and called to come to the presence of the Lord. When we listen to the Lord we become open to what He calls us to be. Come and be before the Lord and listen for His message to you. We will be providing this beautiful opportunity for you to come into the Presence of our Lord on the Second Friday of every month after the 8:15am Mass until 3:00pm for the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and be with our Blessed Lord. He is waiting for you. He seeks your presence and your love. It is a gift that can transform our very life. If you are interested and available to commit to a monthly Holy Hour, please contact Leslie Penny at or call Lee Ann Rivera at the Parish Office at (973) 744-2850, x5060. Stewardship and Faith E-Giving Pray. Fast. Give up your Envelopes! We invite you to help “Brothers and sisters, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” your parish save money by giving up your offertory enve- 1 Corinthians 10:31 lopes this Lent! Enrolling with Faith Direct will provide St. Do a quick check of your priorities. Where does God rank in that list? If He is not first, you have some work to do. Putting God first in everything helps develop the attitude of “I am grateful for the gifts God gave me” instead of “I want more”. For most people gratitude leads to generosity. Cassian with consistent support and simplify your giving without the wasteful envelopes. Join us in giving up envelopes this Lenten season! Collection You can sign up online at using our Needed weekly……………………..…...…….… $15,500.00 *Sunday, February 8...…………….……….……...15,512.00 church code: NJ514, or by mailing a paper enrollment form available in the parish office. Thank you for your continued support and generosity of Saint Cassian Church. *Weekly Collection amount includes an average of $3,849 weekly from Faith Direct. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Many blessings, Fr. Marc Vicari, Pastor p3-0616 P4-0616 P4-0616 p4-0616 Next Week’s Schedule Hospitality Little Angels Nursery Sunday, February 22 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM Betty Ferdon, Jack Gogan, Mieke Wiggin Karen Friedrich, Eileen Ziegler, Sub needed Yolanda Thompson, Marion Turek, Nancy Weinstein Altar Server Saturday/Sunday, February 21/22 5:30PM 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM J.& M. Bacha, J. Cavagnaro, G. Fasanella, L. Smeets G. Fahy, M. Fahy P. & C. Emanuelli, J. Romero, K. Stelma, J. & J. Ohlmuller T. Breslin, F. Campbell, J. Wypasek Our Nursery is open during the school year, downstairs in the Youth Room during Sunday’s 9:00am Mass. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 are welcome to participate. Our Nursery gives parents of young children the opportunity to enjoy Mass while their children are cared for by our capable and dedicated volunteers. The nursery is staffed on a rotational basis with volunteers who have been trained in Protecting God’s Children, along with Confirmation Candidates who are helpers. If you would like more information about our ministry or to volunteer, please contact Eileen Ziegler at the Parish office at 973-744-2850. Schedule: February 15 February 22 Lector Presidents’ Weekend-no nursery Helen Ann Brown Saturday/Sunday, February 21/22 5:30PM 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12:00PM Eileen Fasanella Tom Heyman Liz Lynch Gemma Sullivan Yvette Rego We Pray for those who are ill Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers Saturday/Sunday, February 21/22 5:30PM 7:30AM 9:00AM 10:30AM 12:00PM Kathleen Conroy, Pat & Erwin O’Grady, E Ziegler, Lynn Acocella, Mieke Wiggin Roberto & Cynthia Demetillo, George Prell, Michael Streit Karen & Michael Cantine, John Lodato, Barbara Prichard Carlos Espinoza, Tim Barr, Elizabeth Palermo, Angie Wypasek For Ash Wednesday 7:30pm Mass: Virginia Mohwinkel, Fumiko Yozawa, Margaret Schroeder, Ed Gaffney, John Corcoran, Jim Raleigh, Michael Swift, Samantha Murray, Bernard Shea, Florence Russo, Doreen Nilan, Al Mattner, Robert Mattner, Ken Buck, Cary Pilsbury, John Sabbak, Jan Stewart, Richard Carboni, Ralph Ostella, Judy Bianchi, Darryl Fox, Karen Bergen, Michael Duffy, Nick Sciara, The Schaeffler Family, George Miller, Owen Anderson, Glenn Costello, Janice Laird, Walter Major, Stephanie MacDonald, Elaine Flynn, Howard James, Jane Maloney Templeton, Rosemary Thomasberger, Howard C. Gaffney, Jr., Zoila Moncada, Barbara Daly, Heather Hazen, Katelyn Spoerl, Maxine Lawrence, Anthony Torregrassa, Robert & Joyce Blackburn, Patrick Hannan Altar Servers: J. Cavagnaro, S. Collins, G. Edgington, M. Gasak Lector: George Kenny We pray for those who have died Eucharistic Ministers: Barbara Runser, Sandy Kenny, Ray Aumack, Mary Ann Vierheilig Martha Polemeni Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers to Nursing Homes - February 15 A wonderful way to remember a loved one Little Nursing Home Van Dyk Nursing Home Michael LaQuaglia ........................................... Walter Springer ....................................................................... Mary Henderson February 22 is to have the Sanctuary Lamp lit in their memory for a week, or to offer the Altar Breads or flowers in their memory for a week. Call the parish office to make arrangements. Liz Palermo ........................................................Erin Fasanella Agnes Dembia ................................................. Jerry Fasanella The Mass Book for 2015 is open. Children’s Liturgy of the Word February 15.....Dan Dunn, Jessica Freeman, Regina Sammon February 22.....Jessica Freeman, L. Buenaventura, R. Sammon p5-0616 Please stop by the parish office to arrange masses for your loved ones. A $10 per mass donation is suggested. ARCHDIOCESE OF NEWARK 2015 LENTEN REGULATIONS 1. The days of both Fast and Abstinence during Lent are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. If possible, the fast on Good Friday is continued until the Easter Vigil (on Holy Saturday night) as the “paschal fast” to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to share more fully and to celebrate more readily His Resurrection. The other Fridays of Lent are days of Abstinence. i On a day of Fast, only one (1) full meal is permitted, and two smaller meals, which, if added together, would not exceed the main meal in quantity. i Those between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obliged by the law of abstinence. 2. The obligation to observe the laws of Fast and Abstinence “substantially”, or as a whole, is a serious obligation. 3. The Fridays of the year, outside of Lent, are designated as days of penance, but each individual may substitute for the traditional abstinence from meat some other practice of voluntary self-denial as penance. 4. The time for fulfilling the Pascal Precept (Easter Duty*) extends from the First Sunday of Lent, February 22, 2015, to The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, May 31, 2015. *Canon 920, §1. All the faithful, after they have been initiated into the Most Holy Eucharist, are bound by the obligation of receiving Communion at least once a year. Stations of the Cross Join us each Friday morning after the 8:15am Mass during the Lenten Season for the Stations of Cross Youth Group / Evangelizaon Tues., Feb. 17—Foodbank Service Actors, singers, and instrumentalists needed for the Living Stations of the Cross on Good Friday (4/15). Wed., Feb. 18—Mass, Breakfast, Service Rehearsals start Feb. 25. Mon., Feb.—16—Ice Skating St. Cassian Play Group Let the children come to me…for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. – Mark 10:14 Please support our teen and adult volunteers who go into NYC to bringing meals and other necessies to people in need. Our next Midnight Runs are scheduled for March, June, September, and October. Contact Lee Ann Rivera if you are interested in parcipang in this venture into New York City,. We also welcome the following new or gently-used items: sheet blankets, wool blankets, quilts, towels, and washcloths, and t-shirts (especially Men’s Large and XLarge). Parents and caregivers are welcome to build relaonships within the parish and to foster friendships among young children. We meet every other Friday for 1 hour, alternang between the morning and aernoon. Please note our schedule below and contact Lee Ann Rivera to RSVP. Feb. 20 (4:00– 5:00pm) Mar. 6 (9:30—10:30am) Mar. 20 (4:00—5:00pm) For more informaon contact Lee Ann Rivera, Director of Evangelizaon, at 973—744-2850 (X: 5060) or email p6-0616 Religious Education Update There is no CCD during the week of Winter Break: Sunday, February 15; Tuesday, February 17; and Thursday, February 19. CCD resumes on Sunday, February 22nd. Attention: Confirmation Candidates: Saint Reports are due and should have been handed in already. If you have not handed in your report, do so as soon as possible. For more information regarding the CCD program, please call Regina Sammon or Judy Nash at (973) 744-2850 Don’t forget to sign in after Mass each weekend. St. Cassian School St Cassian Students Receive Recognition After Participating in the Mini Model Congress 2015 Leadership Day Based on their performance on Leadership Day, five St Cassian students were selected from among hundreds of students throughout the state to chair the Mini Model Congress Event scheduled for April 14th, 2015 in the State House in Trenton. The students who received this recognition are: Alec Nossa Katherine Stelma Kristina Arriaga Nieve Beckwith Xavier Morales In addition, the Bill written by 8th grader Sophie Hradil on Mandating Drug Testing for Teens and Young Adults was selected as one of the bills that will be debated at the event. Congratulations to the students recognized and to Miss Linda Sees, the team moderator. Good luck to our entire 7th and 8th grade Mini Model Congress Team as they prepare to participate in the event at the State House in Trenton on April 14th! Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) We invite you to participate if you… x x x x Have questions about Catholicism Might think about becoming Catholic Are baptized but under-educated in faith Desire sacraments not yet approached—Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance We meet weekly on Monday evenings from 7-8pm in the Conference Room off Larkin Hall. Questions? Contact Brian Honsberger, our Director of RCIA, at (973) 437-9739, by email at p7-0616 2ND GRADERS WHO RECEIVED RECONCILIATION Congratulaons to all the children who received the Sacrament of Reconciliaon. Gisele Acevedo Anderson Acuña Arden Acuña Mercer Acuña Benjamin Albers John Angelillo Angela Anzaldi Gianluca Arena Eva Arvelo Cameron Atkinson Nathaniel Baer John Banzon Ella Barchie Quatrell Bardouille Brooks Barre Maria Basinger Tyler Bischak Ava Broderick Jude Broderick Emma Bucalo Maximilian Byrnes Avril Callanan Jake Carcich Harrison Cassatly Malia Cesareo Scarle Claps Julian Coen Bram Corcoran Angeline Cronin Parker Day Ava Decker Emma Decker Connor Degnan Margaret de la Fuente Troy Dibble Lily Donohue Samuel Dorian Anne Durr Simona Fahy Lily Farrell Colin Felber Reese Festa Logan Figueroa Maximus Figueroa Pierce Finkle Cara Flynn Cole Foley Bradley Foster Marin Fredericks Lilina Giarrusso Rylan Gorman Zaldo Lucas Greer Owen Hayes Luke Hegarty Aven Hodgson Jane Hogan Alexandra Hoover Carla Impoco Cali Kenny Abigail Kern Chloe Kilpatrick Riley Kopp Abigail Lacey Alexandra Law Francis Lehman Claudia Lehrer Olivia Leisey Erin Liddy Jake Liloia Delilah Loncar Sophia Lorens Jack Lutz Julia Lynch William Magaldi Sabrina Mandel Michael Manners Brendan McCall Fiona Michaud Regan Moore Alexander Morton Nicola Murungi Isabel O’Connell Mahew Oess Daphne O’Hara Luke Olczak Alfred Otero Daniel Pelayo Jude Pepper William Pfeifer Patrick Quinn Maxwell Rieman Estela Sanchez Bridget Smallman Lauren Spielberg Keira Tagliareni Clara Turck Caspar Turck Gabriella Verney Christopher Vigna Brynn Williams Please pray for them and their families as they connue their preparaon for First Holy Communion. p8-0616 Of Interest to our Parishioners Over 50 Group Last month’s presentation postponed until Friday, March 6! “True health occurs on a physical (body), mental (mind), and spiritual (soul) level. When these three levels are aligned with each other, we express a state of health.” On Friday, March 6, 2015 at 12:30pm in Larkin Hall, the 050 Fellowship Group, will have a very informative program presented by Dr. Wood (Doctor of Chiropractic Degree) on a healthy bod/mind/soul and environment to thrive in. These workshops include topics such as, understanding the factors of our personality to create better relationships, understanding our emotional guidance system, empowering ourselves and our children through expressing our true talents, etc. Health is not a goal; it is a state of being. Please bring your brown bag lunch. Coffee, tea and desserts will be provided. Bring a friend. This is a program you will not want to miss! 973-454-4306 Office of Family Life Ministries Of the Newark Archdiocese sponsors three support groups for: 1. Parents Grieving the Death of a Child: i St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Center on the First Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm, 60 Byrd Ave, Bloomfield i St. Peter the Apostle Parish Center on the Third Monday of each month at 7:30pm a 445 Fifth Avenue, River Edge 2. For Fathers Who Have Lost a Child meets quarterly at Notre Dame Parish Center, 359 Central Avenue, North Caldwell. There is no pre-registration for any of the groups and no fee. For further information, contact the Office of Family Life at 973 -497-4327 or email Charitable Gift Annuities Are you 65 years of age or older? A Charitable Gift Annuity may be right for you. It not only benefits you, it also benefits your loved ones and the Church. Find out today, how to establish a gift annuity by contacting Theresa Lynch in the Planned Giving Department at 973-497-4042 or by email at Birthright Is currently looking for gently used baby clothing up to size 2T. We can also use unused diaper packages. We can find a home for any unwanted used cribs and pack n plays. For more information, call Jeanne Scott at 973-746-7895. The Social Concerns Committee will be splitting the collection amongst three locations: Human Needs Food Pantry in Montclair, Missionary Sisters of Charity in Newark and St. Joseph’s in Jersey City. We will be collecting PEANUT BUTTER and JELLY for the weekends of February 21/22 and February 28/March 1. Please place all items in our food baskets located in the church lobby, the Parish Reception area and at the entrance to Larkin Hall (off patio): NO WINE OR ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES PLS! One in church lobby One in Parish Center reception area One at entrance to Larkin Hall (off patio). On their behalf, we thank you for your generosity. Any nonperishable, packaged items are always welcome. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those parishioners who contribute to our weekly food collections. Dr. Wood attended Life University where he received his Doctor of Chiropractic Degree. He completed his undergraduate work at William Paterson University where he obtained a B.S. in exercise physiology. Dr. Wood is trained in Aikido and Qigong, and regularly exercises to help balance his body, mind and soul. Rose LaMantia FOOD BASKETS HELP FILL OUR BASKETS! Help is available “IN A PINCH” When a little help makes a lot of difference, call the Saint Cassian “In a Pinch” Committee! If you need: - Companionship for shut-ins - A ride to Mass - Transportation to keep a physician’s appointment - A daily or weekly telephone call just to keep in touch - Meals for families facing illness or hospitalization - Grocery shopping for families dealing with illness - Meals for parents and siblings of St. Cassian’s “New Babies” If you think we can help you in any way, just try us. Don’t hesitate to contact us at the parish office, 973-744-2850! Volunteers are ready and willing to help. Interested in Joining a Book Club? The Bellevue Avenue Branch Library book discussion group will meets monthly on Monday from 7-8pm. Join us. Members participate in the selection of books to be read and discussed. Contact Linda Welch at 973-744-0500, ext. 2221, at the main library for more information. Job Seekers of Montclair We recommend you look into The Job Seekers of Montclair (held at St. Luke’s Church), 73 So. Fullerton Ave (corner of Union St.), which now has a web site with the schedule of events and will be getting more referral links: http:// We encourage all to attend the 12-week series for some outside support and advice and training, but more importantly the opportunity to network with a new group of people and volunteers who are interested in helping with networking opportunities. The meetings cover topics such as “Coping with Change”, “Handling Your Finances”, etc. Please see the bulletin board for a complete listing of topics and dates. Join us on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 7:30-9:15pm for our presentation, “Developing your Resume.” No Meeting on February 18. p9-0616 Montclair UNICO 2015 Christian Marriage Anniversary Liturgies The Archdiocese is preparing the annual tradition of honoring couples in our Archdiocese who will be celebrating five, twenty-five and fifty years of Christian marriage din the year 2015. These anniversary liturgies will be celebrated at 3:00pm by Archbishop John J. Myers in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark as follows: April 19, 2015 May 3, 2015 50 years (all Counties) 25 years and 5 years (all Counties) If you would like to attend, please call Eileen Ziegler at the parish office (973-744-2850) to register. Marriage Encounter Are you looking for some practical tools that will restore your communication, rekindle your romance and renew your marriage commitment? A Marriage Encounter weekend can do just that. For more information about Marriage Encounter, contact Mike and Eileen at 1-877697-9963, ext. 7, visit our website at or by email at Military families, are you getting ready to deploy? Is your family trying to reconnect after deployment? Marriage Encounter offers tools of communication that have kept many military marriages strong and happy throughout the ups and downs of military service. Contact your local chaplain or call 1-800-823-5683 for more information. An Annulment Information Evening Is scheduled for Tuesday, March 10, 2015 at 7:30pm at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 217 Prospect Street, So. Orange, NJ. A staff member of the Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Newark will provide basic information about annulments; the requirements for annulments and how to begin the process of petitioning for an annulment. There will be an opportunity for questions at the end of the session. Pre-registration is not necessary, but for directions, please call the parish at 973-763-5454. Respect Life Office Often receives phone calls and e-mails from people looking for help with a crisis pregnancy or post abortion healing. www.rcan/life/Crisis Pregnancy and Post Abortion Healing 973-497-4350 or via e-mail All calls and e-mails are confidential. In a town rich with history of groups of people of varied origins, a video presentation on the Architecture and People of Pine St, Montclair, will open the monthly meeting of Mtc/UNICO Wednesday, February 18th at 7:00pm. All are welcomed. UNICO is an Italian-American service organization, providing scholarships, as well as maintaining culture and heritage and exploring how we, the descendants, contribute to and continue that legacy. New members are invited to participate and share their heritage. For information: 973-783-1864. Mobile app for Catholics There is a new and exciting mobile app for Catholics in the Archdiocese! Be sure to go to “Newark Evangelization” at the App Store and download this free tool for your mobile devise. This free app comes to you compliments of the Office for Evangelization. Check out Spirituality Retreats Woman’s Retreat, March 13-15 at the Marianist Family Retreat Center, Cape may Point, NJ Join with other women in a creative exploration of your own story and stories of women in faith. Come alone, or with a relative or friend. A team of women has prepared this weekend of rest and renewal. Eucharist, other prayer experiences, beach walks, socials and fun are included. Cost $130pp, double occ. For more info, call ~ 609-884-3829 Retreat Day for Men and Women, March 14 At St. Thomas the Apostle Parish, 60 Byrd Ave, Bloomfield from 9am to 3pm. Cost $25 includes a continental breakfast, please bag a lunch. For info: call Ann at 973-338-9538. 40 Days for Life-Lenten Campaign LIFENET is organizing a “40 Days for Life” effort of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion in America from Ash Wednesday, February 18th to March 29th. We are asking people to come and pray for one (1) hour per week for six (6) weeks between the house of 7:00am and 7:00pm at the Social Security Building in Montclair, 396 Bloomfield Avenue (across the street from a high-volume abortion center). To get more information or to sign-up to volunteer, call Susan Josephson at 862-210-0161 or Christine Flaherty at 973-497-4500 or email: Prayer saves lives! Summer Camps Crisis Pregnancy Helpline: 1-888-4 OPTIONS Camp25 Veritas 2015:2014 Camp Veritas is a one-week play-andDoor Collection ~ October & 26, Post Abortion Healing: 1-877-HOPE 4 ME (Rachel’s Vineyard) pray sleep away summer camp for teens going into 7th to 12th National Life Center: 1-800-848-LOVE Little Sisters of the Poor from St. Joseph’s Home for the Elderly in Totowa be visiting our parish this Saturday and grades. Morewill details: Birthright: 1-800-550-4900 Sunday, October 25/26, 2014. The Little Sisters of the Poor operate188 homes throughout the world providing loving Catholic Charities: 201-246-7379 (Pat Chiarello) Mary Help1879. of Christians Camp: Camp runs from June 29 to care to the elderly poor and have served the aged in New Jersey since Several Sources: 201-818-9033 July 31, 2015. Open house on Saturday, March 7 and SaturNew 201-408-4726 Please join meHope: in welcoming Sister Grace and Sister Rose, andday, please as generous as2:00pm. your means allow. Thank April be 25 from 11:00am to For more information, Good Counsel Homes: 1-800-723-8331 you for your continued support. contact : p10-0616 p11-0616 Time is running out to register early. Now is the me to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION OF $5 OFF the regular price. This is only available with online registraon. p12-0616 Time is running out to register early. Now is the me to take advantage of the EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION OF $5 OFF the regular price. This is only available with online registraon. p13-0616 ____________________________________________________ p14-0616 HUGH M. MORIARTY FUNERAL HOME, INC. 76 PARK STREET, MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY• 744-4346 • Hugh M. Moriarty, Jr., Manager ~ N.J. Lic. No. 3000 • Family Owned and Operated Since 1946 • Hugh M. Moriarty, III ~ N.J. Lic. No. 4912 Schumacher Chevrolet ALEX & LEO AUTO REPAIRS INC. 8 Main Street • Little Falls, NJ Service & Parts Serving The Paterson Area For Over 75 Years • New And Used Car Sales Mon.-Fri.: 9AM-6PM Sat.: 8AM-1PM 973-256-1065 RALPH FONTE New & Used Car Sales AM PM Mon.-Thurs.: 9 -8 Fri.: 9AM-6PM • Sat.: 9AM-5PM Collision Specialists Since 1945 Auto Body Repairs & Renishing (973) 746-0855 63 No. Willow St., Montclair, NJ Steve McCormack 744-0600 McCORMACK PLUMBING & HEATING, LLC Ph: 973-744-0411 Fax: 973-744-0412 MUSIC & THEATER SYSTEMS 198 BELLEVUE AVENUE UPPER MONTCLAIR DR. MATTHEW J. PELUSO, Attorney at Law • General Practice NJ Speciality #5629 “Smile More” Parishioner 441 Pompton Ave. • Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 O: (973) 239-6300 • F: (973) 239-6301 • (973) 744-5600 Mary Wood Nikki Mammano Owner ph: 973-746-2068 ESTATE AND HOUSE SALES LIQUIDATIONS fax: 973-532-6866 94 YANTACAW BROOK RD. TEL 973-783-2942 UPPER MONTCLAIR FAX 973-783-3904 NEW JERSEY 07043 107 Watchung Ave. Montclair, NJ 07043 web: email: Montclair Tree/Landscape Experts Inc. Pruning & Feeding, Tree & Shrubs Removals: Trees & Stumps P.O. Box 43660 Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Joseph A. Maffongelli, Jr. D.M.D., M.S., P.A. Board Certied Orthodontist Safe & Adorable Baby Products NJ Lic. # 9562 533 Bloomeld Avenue Montclair, NJ 07042 PROTECT YOUR MOST VALUABLE INVESTMENTS. Contact us about insuring your home, your belongings, your automobile and much more. Compliments of 56 Park Street Montclair, NJ 07042 Tel: 973-744-8500 Fax: 973-744-6021 Toll Free: 800-261-6942 Daniel O’Connell Certied Public Accountant William H. Connolly & Co., LLC 973-509-0075 Insurance and Risk Management AMERICAN ROYAL HARDWARE GESUELE J. LODATO (973) 744-6727 546 VALLEY RD., UPPER MONTCLAIR FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED FOR 30 YRS. Attorney at Law 251 PARK ST. • UPPER MONTCLAIR, NJ • FULLY INSURED • Come Home to Better Banking C.J. 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Four season customer service is our top priority. 616 St Cassian, Upper Montclair, NJ (inside) (U) Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • CAGGIANO MEMORIAL HOME FOR FUNERALS Independently Family Owned and Operated Since 1942 Newly Renovated & Enlarged KATHLEEN MCCORMICK CAMPI ATTORNEY AT LAW WILLS, ESTATES FAMILY LAW, LITIGATION GRAZIANO & CAMPI LITTLE NURSING HOME INC. 71 Christopher Street • Montclair, NJ Brian Cumiskey, L.N.H.A., Administrator 744-5518 (973) 509-2115 • FAX (973) 509-9070 • 155 Pompton Avenue, Verona, NJ 07044 62 GROVE STREET • MONTCLAIR, NJ HARRY J. HERZ Michael A. Caggiano, Manager N.J. Lic. No. #2825 Personal Attention and A Commitment to Excellence ATTORNEY AT LAW 973-744-6667 DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW Divorce/Separation • Custody/Visitation Child Support/Alimony • Enforcement Domestic Violence • Annulment • Adoption FLOOR COVERINGS Since 1926 INC. If your oor covering is not becoming to you... You should be coming to us. 10 Elm St., Montclair, NJ 07042 Anne & Jim Russomano PARISHIONERS Ph: 973-744-2080 Fax: 973-744-2552 REAL ESTATE Purchase & Sale Closings • Mortgage Renancing GERALD C. TOBIN MUNICIPAL COURT DWI & Trafc Offenses • Criminal • Expungement Estate Planning • Estate & Trust Administration Probate • Tax Planning • Corporate Law 52 Faireld Street • Montclair, NJ 07042 BANKRUPTCY COUNSELOR AT LAW Over 30 Years of Experience and Integrity 973-746-7774 973-857-1800 25 Pompton Ave., Verona, NJ 07044 Classes & Parties for Children Age 4 Months to 12 Years Montclair • 973-744-1002 Keil’s Pharmacy, Inc. 626 Valley Road Upper Montclair, NJ 732 Valley Rd. Upper Montclair Prescriptions & Compounding Services Home Health Care & Surgical Supplies 973-707-2157 Like us on Facebook to see our specials! 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Board Certified Pediatric & Adolescent Cardiologist 101 Old Short Hills Rd., Suite 104 West Orange, NJ 07052 973-731-5550 4-14 Saddle River Rd., Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 201-794-1366 ABBOT O’REILLY CONTRACTING Lic# 13VH01378300 Ma Masonry • Waterproong • Framing Insulation • Decking • Roong Call For Your Free Estimate 973-746-4825 Diagnostic Specialists A/C Repairs • Brake Service Family Owned for 35 Years (973) 893-9239 1050 Broad St. Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Put a new SPIN on your FITNESS Rhodes, Van Note & Company REALTORS® Indoor Cycling & Strength Studio 695 Bloomfield Ave., Montclair 635 Valley Road • Upper Montclair, NJ 07043 Phone: (973) 744-6033 • Fax: (973) 744-7997 ~ YOUR HOME TOWN TEAM ~ Lic.11384 Bonded & Fully Insured 24-Hr. Emergency Svc. Paul 973-748-1677 (next to Whole Foods) Sign up (cycling studio) PROMO CODE 25% off: StCassian Electrical Contracting, Inc. Residential • Commercial 616 St Cassian, Upper Montclair, NJ (back) (U) John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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