英国斯托克顿河畔学院中文简介Stockton Riverside College

Stockton Riverside College
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
英国斯托克顿位于英格兰东北部北约克郡的提斯河畔(River Tees),环境优美,历
史悠久。因 1825 年 9 月 27 日世界上第一辆蒸汽火车在这里诞生并正式通车而闻名于
国边境局认可的高度信任主办院校资质 (a ‘Highly Trusted’ sponsor of the UK Border
Agency)。 自成立六十多年以来, 它一直持续不断地为学生提供广泛而高质量的学
术与职业培训课程,被英国教育部誉为 2010/11 年度‘the Top Performing College in
the Tees Valley’; 并于 2012 年获得由 JISC*颁发的科技成就奖(the Technical
Achievement award) 和杰出电子教学成就奖( the Outstanding e-Learning
Achievement award)。
*JISC : 英国教育科研的信息与数字科技方面的专家机构
学院分为两个校区,基础设施完善,教学设备先进,堪称 21 世纪标准的知识与文化学
大专及专升本课程(Foundation Degree and Top-up Courses)
雅思预备课程 (Pre-sessional English Course)
普通 ESOL 课程
大学预科课程(International Year Zero)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
AAT 英国专业会计初级及中级课程
英国国家高等教育文凭 (商科)(HND/Diploma in Business)
Level 3 课程
A-Level 课程
在斯托克顿河畔学院就读大专及专升本课程(Foundation Degree and Top-up Courses)
的自费留学生可获得高达 5000 英镑的奖学金;学院也为就读其它课程的留学生设立
了名额有限的奖学金,数额为 1000 英镑,详情可通过邮件咨询国际留学生办公室 .
的专升本课程就是与提赛德大学(Teesside University)合作,学生在完成学业后可
获得提赛德大学(Teesside University)的本科学士学位。
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
(Durham University)毗邻, 仅一条马路之隔; 距 2009 年英国‘年度大学’——提赛
德大学(Teesside University)也仅 2 英里; 与同样排名顶尖的纽卡斯尔大学
(Newcastle University)或约克大学(York University)也都仅有 1 小时车程。 整个
各大超市、娱乐及运动场所;学院距 Thornaby 火车站不足 100 米,有多达十多条公
从这里乘火车 1 小时即可到达纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)或约克 (York), 两个半小时即
可到达曼彻斯特(Manchester),三个半小时可到达伦敦(London); 学院距离最
近的英国 Durham Tees Valley 国际机场只有 4 英里, 8 分钟车程,这显著的交通地
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
我们在开学期间在距离最近的英国 Durham Tees Valley 国际机场为国际留学生提供免
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
学院 Teesdale 校区课程设置:
一,Level 3 课程 (大学预科课程):
课程内容:Drawing, Painting, The design process, Art history, Fashion,
Textiles, Graphics, Sculpture,Print making, Illustration
课程内容:Development planning for a career in business, Supporting business
activities, Understanding retail, Managing business information Supply chain and
stock management Projects in business
课程内容:Research techniques, Preproduction techniques, Communication
skills, Creative media production management project, Working to a brief,
Critical approaches, Computer game platforms and technologies, Understanding
the computer game industry, Computer game design, Computer game story
development, Flash for computer games,plus many more...
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
课程内容:Leading a team,Health and safety,Control resources,Promote the
sector,Marketing,Customer care,Plus units relevant to the sector you work in
课程内容:PC maintenance, Website development, Installing and upgrading
software, Developing computer games, Presenting and communicating
information, System security, Computer programming, Digital graphics and
animations, Networking and communications, E-commerce, Systems analysis
and design, Human computer interaction
课程内容:performing to an audience,principles of acting,devising plays,film
and television acting,developing movement skills,musical theatre performance,
jazz dance,singing skills,dance performance, production arts workshop,makeup application skills and creative uses in performance,special effects make-up,
period make-up,make-up for performers,make-up using prosthetics and more
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
课程内容:Investigating the travel and tourism sector, The business of travel and
tourism, The UK as a destination, Customer service in travel and tourism,
Preparing for employment in travel and tourism, European destinations
课程内容:The aviation industry, Health, safety and security in the aviation industry,
Handling air passengers, Marketing the aviation industry, E-business for airlines,
Meeting customer needs, Air travel information, Aircraft operations, Preparation
for work in aviation, Air cargo operations, Airport ramp handling, Human
resources in the aviation industry, Environmental impact of aviation, Airport
emergency operations
课程内容:Child protection, Human growth and development, Practices in
childcare, Early childhood learning, Child health, Legal aspects and social policy,
Professional practice (work experience placements), Equality, diversity and rights
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
课程内容:Safe working practices & procedures, Electricity & the environment,
Structure of the electrical contracting industry, Installation of wiring systems,
Fundamental electrical principles, magnetism, power & energy, Mechanical science
force, gravity, acceleration & velocity, Procedures of inspection & testing
课程内容:Developing effective communication in health and social care, Equality,
diversity and rights in health and social care, Health, safety and security in health
and social care, Development through life stages, Anatomy and physiology for
health and social care, Personal and professional development in health and social
care, Sociological perspectives for health and social care, Psychological
perspectives for health and social care, Plus other specialist units
课程内容:Principles of anatomy and physiology, Assessing risk in sport, Fitness
training and programming, Fitness testing for sport and exercise, Sports nutrition,
Psychology for sports performance, Technical and tactical skills in sport, The
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
athlete’s lifestyle,Sports coaching, The physiology of fitness, Exercise, health
and lifestyle, Instructing physical activity and exercise, Sports injuries,First aid,
Coaching awards, Fitness instructing, Community Sports Leader Award
1.Pre-sessional English Course 课前英语课程
2.General ESOL Course 普通ESOL课程
3.International Year Zero 大学预科课程
三,大专课程(Higher National Diploma)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
课程内容:(第一年)Contextual Studies,Performance Practice One: Dance,
Performance Practice One: Drama, Performance Practice One: Music,Workrelated Experience One (第二年)Contemporary Specialist Practice,Performance
Practice Two: Dance,Performance Practice Two: Drama,Performance Practice
Two: Music,Work-related Experience Two,Performance and Events in the
Community,Creating, Devising and Developing
课程内容:(第一年)Aviation Sector Operations,Fundamentals of Marketing,
ICT in Travel and Tourism,Managing and Developing People,Managing Financial
Resources,Self - Analysis and Career Development (第二年)Aviation Sector
Management,Managing Customer Service for Travel and Tourism,Tourism
Development,Travel and Tourism Business,Work Related Project,Modules
offered may vary.
课程内容:(第一阶段)Business Application Technologies,Principle of Computer
Maintenance,Network Theories and Concepts,IT Professional,Work Based
Learning 1,Routers and Routing Protocols (第二阶段)Managing a Server
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
Environment,Work Based Learning 2,Network System Administration,Advanced
IT Professional,LAN Switching, VLANS and Wireless Networks,Wide Area
课程内容:(第一阶段)Developing Technologies,Interactive Animation,Interface
and Digital Content Design,Introduction to Networks and Computer Security,
Sound and Video Editing,Website Development
课程内容:Budgeting,Financial Statements,Financial Performance,Internal
Control and Accounting Systems,Personal tax computations,Business tax
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
课程内容:Production of accounts from trial balance to profit and loss and balance
sheet for a sole trader,Basic costing principles,Aspects of VAT,Use of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
学院Bede 校区课程设置:
1年课程:Promoting Quality Care and Communication,Promoting Good Health
2年课程:background to the care sector and provision for specific client groups,
aspects of health and human development, equal opportunities and clients' rights,
practical care skills, voluntary work and career progression. There are several weeks
of work experience. You will go on a one-week residential placement at a national
voluntary organisation. You will also complete a 'People Handling- using hoists and
slings' course, an introduction to sign language course, a deaf awareness
introduction course and a first-aid course.
2.1 批判性思考
课程内容:combined with any subject, from Maths, to English Literature, to
Psychology. On the course you will be taught to develop thinking skills, which are
central to your ability to arrive at judgements based on reason. These skills are really
important for your success in other AS or A-level studies, so the payback will not
only be in the achievement of AS Critical Thinking but also in better grades in other
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
subjects. The course covers the following: identifying reasons and conclusions,
deciding the credibility of sources, presenting and evaluating arguments.
2.2 英语文学
AS 1 年
A-Level 2 年
AS课程内容:You will begin working with set texts straightaway making critical
analyses and assessments of two novels, two poets and two drama texts, including
one by Shakespeare. These texts include a play written before 1800, poetry from
before 1945 and at least one novel written after 1990 allowing readers to experience
the full range of genres and time periods.
A2课程内容:You will study a minimum of a further six texts of differing styles and
periods building on the critical skills developed in AS. In addition to studying set texts
for the examination you will be given the opportunity to broaden your knowledge and
understanding by reading other texts which interest you for your course work.
2.3 英语语言
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS 课程内容:You will be introduced to the analytical study of language using a
wide variety of texts, both written and spoken, and will use a systematic approach
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
using specific linguistic areas. For your course work, you will write original pieces
with commentaries explaining your techniques.
A2课程内容:You will study the development of the English Language over time,
with a focus on 1700 to the present, examining how and why it changes. You will
also analyse how children from birth to eleven, acquire language by examining their
speech, reading and writing. Your course work will take the form of a formal
investigation into a chosen area and a more creative text.
2.4 法语
AS 1 年
A-Level 2 年
AS 课程内容:You will learn French basic grammar from scratch as well as speak
and read about topics to do with Society (youth culture, gender issues, education,
future careers etc). and with Leisure and Lifestyle (travel and tourism, sport, hobbies,
entertainment, health issues etc). Lessons are mostly taught in French.
A2课程内容:The two topic areas are Environmental Issues (including global
warming, transport, energy, sustainability etc). and Social and Political Issues
(including the role of media, racism, immigration, terrorism, globalization). In addition
to this you will be given a choice of a range of modern films/texts to study in class.
2.5 历史
AS 1年
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容:You will study two 20th century European History topics. One is
centred round the civil war in 1930's Spain and the other looks at Italy and the fascist
leader, Mussolini. In British History you will concentrate on the years 1945-90. In this
part of the course those people who are doing GCSE History will extend their skill in
using documents. In British History you will concentrate on the years 1945-90. In this
part of the course those people who did GCSE History will extend their skill in using
A2课程内容:You will work in depth on Germany, 1900-1945, including some
coverage of the effects the two world wars had on the country. This in-depth analysis
will be balanced by studying a theme over a period of 100 years. We will be looking
at Russia from 1856-1964. There is a lot of scope for personal interest and individual
choice in this final part of the course.
2.6 地理
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容:Comprises two main themes: Physical Environments: Topics include
tectonic processes and hazards, rivers and drainage basins and climate change.
Human Environments: Topics include population and settlement change.
A2课程内容:Comprises taught practical and field based activities. The main themes
are glacial environments, development and sustainability. These issues are also
investigated on the field trip to the French Alps.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
2.7 神学,哲学,伦理学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容:Moral decision making and ethical theory followed by a study of
practical issues, including abortion, euthanasia, genetic questions and war. The
basis for belief in God, the different approaches to this question and the challenges
and problems surrounding it today.
A2课程内容:Conscience, determinism and sexual ethics, environmental and
business ethics. The issues of the soul and afterlife, religious experience, miracles
and myth and religious and moral language.
2.8 法学
AS 1年 A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: Divided into two units examining the English Legal System and
Sources of Law concentrating on: the courts, alternative methods of dispute
resolution, police powers, principles of sentencing, the judiciary, the legal profession,
the provision and funding of legal services, lay magistrates, juries, judicial precedent,
Acts of Parliament, delegated legislation, statutory interpretation and European
Union Law.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
A2课程内容:Two units of study covering Criminal Law. In particular: principles of
criminal liability; actus reus; mens rea; strict liability; attempts; general defences;
murder; manslaughter; non-fatal offences against the person; theft; burglary; robbery.
3.1 生物
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: Biological molecules; enzymes; cell ultrastructure; mitosis; gas
exchange; plant biology; heart and circulation; biodiversity; classification; evolution;
adaptations to the environment.
A2课程内容:Ecosystems; population dynamics; nutrient recycling; conservation;
environment and sustainability; protein synthesis; genetic code; gene technology;
cellular respiration; photosynthesis.
3.2 化学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
课程内容:Key concepts will be studied and linked directly to modern applications.
Important links will be developed between topics throughout both AS and A2. Topics
covered will include polymers - their design and applications, medicines, colours and
dyes, spectroscopic methods of analysis, bio fuels and industrial chemistry. Practical
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
skills will be integrated and developed within topics but assessed separately. There
will be an emphasis on understanding and application rather than recall.
3.3 计算机
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: You will study computer hardware, how data is stored, networks and
how using computers affects society. You will also study programming and the
techniques used to write large programs.
A2课程内容:The topics in AS Computing are extended and database and operating
systems are added. The range of programming languages studied is wider. The
practical work focuses on writing a program for a specific user.
3.4 信息技术
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: An introduction to ICT that looks at how data is collected and turned
into information, then stored and shared; used or misused and kept secure. We
study how ICT is used in applications. The practical work covers both using
spreadsheets to model situations, and using different types of software to present
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
A2课程内容:Extends the topics covered in the AS course by emphasising the
implications for organisations that use ICT. We study the management of information
and networks. The project involves designing and implementing a database
application for an external user.
3.5 地质学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: You will study four themes: the rock cycle, global tectonics, geological
structures and environmental geology.
You will study six themes: • Rock formation processes: The origin and composition
of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks • Rock deformation: The response
of rocks to the forces generated during continental collisions and mountain building
events • The fossil record: The fossilised remains of extinct animal groups, evolution
of life on earth and the evidence of catastrophic mass extinction events • Past
climates: The evidence and cause of climate change throughout geological time •
Quaternary geology: The legacy of the Ice Age and the causes of this period of
global climatic cooling • The lithosphere: The structure, composition and nature of
the Earth's outermost layer.
Fieldwork is an essential part of the course and you will have the opportunity to visit
the Lake District, Yorkshire Dales, North Yorkshire coastline and the French Alps.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
3.6 数学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: Two core mathematics units covering algebra, coordinate geometry,
calculus, sequences, series, trigonometry and functions. One applied unit in decision
mathematics covers algorithms, graphs, networks and various network problems. It
also includes linear programming and mathematical modelling.
A2课程内容:Two core units develop the AS core topics further and we also cover
numerical methods and vectors. One applied unit; in recent years this has been a
choice between a second Decision unit or Mechanics. Mechanics is basically
theoretical physics involving the study of force, mass, motion, energy and
momentum. Using mathematical models to describe and predict real life situations is
at the heart of mechanics. It is often enjoyed by students also taking physics.
3.7 高等数学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: Further Pure 1 unit has some overlap with the core units in
mathematics, extending them further. It also covers complex numbers, matrices and
rational functions. Applied units are the same as mathematics.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
A2课程内容:Further pure units include vectors, matrices, linear transformation,
differential equations, polar coordinates, limits and extension of previous topics from
AS. Another applied unit is also taken.
3.8 物理
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: Study digital imaging, signalling and sensing through applications eg
medicine, astronomy. Other topics include materials eg selecting materials for spare
part surgery; wave and quantum behaviour (including light and electrons); the
methods and problems of modelling space, time and motion through applications like
air traffic control. Course work: research and make a presentation on a materials
topic, undertake a practical task on quality of measurement.
A2课程内容:Computer modelling, gravity fields and evidence for an expanding
universe are explored. Study matter under extreme conditions, plasmas, biological
materials, and how pure random behaviour gives predictions. Find out how
electromagnetic machines work, how to see inside atoms and the nucleus and, the
risks and benefits of ionising radiation. Course work: undertake a research briefing
and a practical investigation.
3.9 心理学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
Key Approaches/Biopsychology: How do the brain and environment influence
behaviour? Research Methods: Can lab experiments capture genuine behaviour?
Gender Development: Why do we act in a masculine or feminine manner? Social
Psychology: Why do people conform and obey? Cognitive Psychology: Why do we
forget precious memories? Anxiety Disorders: Why do we develop and how can we
treat phobias/ OCD?
Cognitive Development: How do children develop intellectually? Substance Abuse:
Why do people become addicted to heroin? Mood Disorders/Schizophrenia: Why do
people lose all touch with reality and how can we treat this? Approaches, Debates
and Methods: How are statistics used to analyse data? Do humans possess 'free
4.1 社会学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: Unit 1: Exploring socialisation, culture and identity - pre-released
material Unit 2: Topics in socialisation, culture and identity - the family
A2课程内容:Unit 3: Power and Control - Education. Unit 4: Exploring social
inequality and difference - social inequality and difference in the context of
sociological research.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
4.2 政治管理
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: You will learn about issues at the heart of the democratic process such
as elections, influences on voting, pressure groups and political parties. You will also
study Parliament, the PM and Cabinet, and government at different levels - local,
regional and the EU.
A2课程内容:This goes on to focus on the politics of the United States. You will
learn about the President, Congress, the Supreme Court, US parties and elections,
etc. In recent years Politics students have been able to make visits to Parliament, the
E.U. Parliament in Brussels, and Washington D.C.
4.3 商学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: The first module of the course involves looking at aims and objectives
of business and the factors that influence decisions. In module 2 you will look at the
key functions of a business; Marketing, Finance, Operations and Human Resources.
A2课程内容:In the second year you will be expected to take on a more critical role
in terms of how you evaluate businesses. Using knowledge gained in the AS course
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
you will be required to assess the performance of real businesses and identify how
they can improve their performance.
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: You will learn about the anatomical, physical and psychological
influences on performance. You will study the social, historical and cultural
background to sport and physical activity, and you will be assessed on your active
participation in sport which could be individual, a team sport or outdoor pursuit.
A2课程内容:This course builds on AS by re-visiting the main topic areas, looking at
new aspects of each and exploring them in greater depth. There is an emphasis on
optimising performance.
6.1 艺术设计
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
课程内容:You will develop skills, knowledge and understanding in Art and Design
that will expand your creative thinking. You will have the opportunity to do drawing,
life drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, digital photography, textiles, fashion,
3D and graphic design. The course will cover contextual issues in historical and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
contemporary aspects of Art and Design. Visiting galleries is a fundamental part of
the course.
6.2 电影学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
课程内容:The course studies cinema as an institution, film making, writing for film,
critical approaches to British and World Cinema, critical approaches to Hollywood,
with case studies on key films, leading actors and directors, with practical projects in
script writing and film making.
6.3 媒体学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
课程内容:The course studies production, institutions and regulation of the media,
the analysis of audience, genre, representation and narrative, within television, film
and the press. It also has practical projects in television, advertising, radio and print.
6.4 戏剧学
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
AS课程内容: Unit one is a written paper in two parts: 1. response to live theatre seen
during the first year. 2. questions on the studied set text. Unit two is the practical
presentation of an extract from a published play.
A2课程内容:Unit three is a written paper on two set texts, one pre-twentieth century
play and one modern/contemporary play. Unit four is the practical performance of a
devised piece of drama based on a theatrical style of your choice. Research of this
style will be presented as part of the final mark in the form of a portfolio.
6.5 音乐
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: You will gain an understanding of harmony, texture, and rhythm, how
instruments and voices can be used and ways this can all be written down. There
are three units: Performing; Composition and Developing Musical Understanding that
run simultaneously through the year.
A2课程内容:You will learn how to identify musical features and relate these to the
music's context and how it is special. You will also develop performing and
composition skills and investigate different styles of writing music. The three units in
Extended Performance, Composition & Technical Study and Further Musical
understanding build upon those at AS and are assessed in greater depth.
6.6 音乐技术
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell
课程内容:Over two years this exciting course covers many aspects of the recording
industry. You will examine Sound Recording Techniques and how to record all
manner of instruments and sounds, as well as improving your listening skills. You will
be required to record musicians, bands and soloists for assessment and in doing so
you will further develop your own skills as an Engineer and Producer.
6.7 舞蹈
AS 1年
A-Level 2年
AS课程内容: In the first year you will develop your performance and your
choreography in pairs or triads. The theory will concentrate on health and safety,
techniques and critical skills with which to assess your own and others' performance
and professional dance.
A2课程内容:The focus of the second year, choreography and performance, moves
towards group dance. The theory concentrates on a specific area such as modern
dance, ballet, dance in American musicals and you will study a specific practitioner.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------英国斯托克顿河畔学院
地址:Stockton Riverside College, Harvard Avenue, Thornaby, Stockton -on-Tees,
England, TS17 6FB, UK
网址:www.stockton.ac.uk 邮箱:international@stockton.ac.uk
电话:0044-1642-631313 手机:0044-7733388801 联系人:Sissi Liu-Covell