TENDER FOR REMODELLING OF OFFICE SPACE (PROVIDING INTERIOR WORKS) FOR “RASHTRIYA e MARKET SERVICES PRIVATE LIMITED”, IN THE SECOND FLOOR OF KSAMB BUILDING, at No. 16, KARNATAKA STATE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING BOARD, 2ND RAJABHAVAN ROAD, BANGALORE 560 001. Rashtriya e Market Services Private Limited S EC ON D FLOOR, KSAMB BUILDING, No. 16, 2nd RAJ BHAVAN ROAD, BANGALORE 560 001 Ph: 080-22862156. EMAIL: mahadev.sc@remsl.in Website: http://www.remsl.in 1 Rashtriya e Market Services Private Limited 2nd Raj Bhavan Road, Bangalore-560 001 Short term Tender Notice No; ADM 04-01 Dated 11-02-2015 Rashtriya e Market Services Private Limited (ReMS) invites sealed item rate tenders in “Two parts” in the prescribed form from appropriate contractors registered with the Public Works Department of Government of Karnataka, Central Public Works Department, MES, and other contractors who have executed works of a similar nature Sl. No 1. Name of work the Estimated cost in Rs. Remodeling of office 45.00 Lakhs space(Interior works including Civil Plumbing & Electrical works) Time for completion EMD 45 Days Rs.100,000/ CALENDER OF EVENTS 1. Download of Blank Tender forms : 2. Pre-bid meeting for the Intending Tenderers on 24-02-2015 at 11.00 am 3. Submission of completed tender documents: On or before 15.00 Hrs 04-03-2015 4. Opening of technical bid 15 hours on 04-03-2015 5. Opening of price bid submitted by contractors: 15.00 Hrs 06-03-2015 2. The Tender Document can be viewed and downloaded from our website www.remsl.in. The interested tenderers may at their option down load the same, as “NO” hard copies of Tender document shall be provided from this office and submit their offers along with EMD (refundable) prescribed therein in the form of DD/pay order/bankers cheque in favour of “Managing Director Rems.”, payable at Bangalore . 3. Duly completed tender documents along with the Earnest Money Deposit may be submitted to the Senior Consultant (Finance & Accounts), at the registered office of the company at No. 16, Second Floor, KSAMB Building, Second Raj Bhavan road, Bangalore on or before 15.00 hours on 04-03-2015. 4. Tender documents submitted without the Earnest Money Deposit shall be summarily rejected. 2 5. Bid” and other superscribed “Price Bid”. Both covers shall be put in another sealed cover a n d t h e o u t e r e n v e l o p e s h a l l b e s u p e r s c r i b e d w i t h t h e w o r d s “Tender for Remodelling of office space in Second Floor KSAMB BUILDING, #16 2ND RAJBHAVAN ROAD BANGALORE”. 6. The Technical bids will be opened at 15.00 hours on the same day-04-03-15 in presence of the tenderers or their authorised representatives. 7. The Technical bid as submitted by tenderers shall be evaluated and tenderers would be informed of their Technical bid being accepted or otherwise, along with the date of opening of the Price bid. 8. Price bid of bidders whose Technical bids are accepted shall be opened a t 1 5 . 0 0 h o u r s o n 0 6 - 0 3 - 2 0 1 5 in presence of tenderers or their authorised representatives. 9. The Company reserves the right to reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason thereof and shall also not be bound to accept the lowest tender. 10. Tenders that do not fulfill the Qualifying Criteria as mentioned below or are incomplete in any manner whatsoever are liable to be rejected. 11. There shall be a Pre-bid meeting of bidders on 24-02-2015 @11 AM at the registered office of the Company. Bidders may attend the pre bid meeting and seek clarifications in respect of the tender and inspect the work site. Bidders may note that the scope of the work and explanatory notes given below are neither complete nor exhaustive but have been mentioned to assist b i d d e r s to understand the scope of the work The site is located at 2nd floor of KSAMB Building, 2nd Raj Bhavan road, Bangalore 560 001. Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent to any misunderstanding or otherwise s h a l l be allowed. All norms of safety shall be followed in the execution of the contract and the contractor is solely liable for any consequence arising out of violation of any safety norm. 3 Timely completion of the work and quality of workmanship are of prime importance in the execution of the contract. Following are the Qualifying Criteria: (1) Tenderers shall be duly registered with the Department of Commercial Taxes, Government of Karnataka and should have a valid registration number for VAT/Sales tax/Works Contract tax. (2) Tenderers should have completed at least one work of a similar nature, of value not less than Rs.45.00 lakhs including Civil & Electrical works, during previous two years for any state Government/Public Sector Undertaking/Private Company of repute. Tenderers shall produce a certificate of experience duly signed by the competent authority not less than the rank of an Executive Engineer Or Tenderers should have completed two works of a similar nature, each costing not less than Rs. 30.00 lakhs including Civil & Electrical works, during previous two years for any state Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Private Companies of repute. Tenderers shall produce a certificate of experience duly signed by the competent authority not less than the rank of an Executive Engineer. Tenderers shall have a recorded turnover of Rupees One hundred lakhs in at least two of the financial years in the past five financial years, namely, between 2009-10 and 2013-14. Certified copies of audited annual accounts for the relevant years shall be submitted along with the tender Details of the work to be executed are as under – 1 2 3 4 5 Estimated cost Earnest money deposit Time of completion Period of commencement Rs.45,00,000.00 1,00,000.00 Security Deposit Rs. 2,40,000 paid through a Demand 45 days 7 days from the date of receipt of work order Draft/Pay Order/Bankers’ cheque/ Fixed deposit Receipt from any scheduled bank drawn in favour of “Rashtriya e 4 Market Services Private Limited”, payable at Bangalore. The fixed deposit receipt shall be valid for 60 days beyond the date of closure of the contract. The security deposit amount less recovery, if any, towards the cost of defects rectified by the Company due to lack of response from the contractor shall released 6 Defects period 7 Liquidated damages liability for delay in execution of after the defects be liability period. 6 Months 1 %(one percent) of the contract value per week subjected to the maximum of 10% of the value of contract work 8 Escalation No escalation amount shall be admissible on account of change in the price of any material or change in the rate of salaries and wages. Any change in the quantity of any item of work shall be paid at the same rate as quoted by the contractor. Any item of work not included in the tender if executed by the contractor, shall be paid at a rate derived from a quoted item as near as possible to the executed item. If there is no such item, then the rate shall be mutually agreed to between the Company and the contractor and paid accordingly. Timely completion of work and quality of workmanship are of prime importance and the work shall be completed within the stipulated period. Managing Director and CEO, ReMS, BANGALORE 5 RASHTRIYA e MARKET SERVICES Pvt Ltd Ref: REMS/ Date: 10/02/15 INDEX OF TENDER DOCUMENTS SL. NO. PAGES DESCRIPTION 1 INSTRUCTION TO TENDERERS 2 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 4 SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES 5. LIST OF APPROVED MAKES 6 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1.0 GENERAL Tenderers are advised to acquaint themselves fully with the description of work, scope of services, time schedule and terms and conditions including all the provisions of the tender document before framing up their tender. 2.0 SITE PARTICULARS Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to nature of work, site conditions, means of access to the site etc. Non-familiarity with the site conditions will not be considered a reason either for extra claims or for not carrying out the work in strict conformity with the specifications. For site visit and any clarification / information/assistance, the intending tenderers may contact Senior Consultant (Finance & Accounts) RASHTRIYA e MARKET SERVICES Pvt. Ltd NO 16 SECOND FLOOR KSAMB BUILDING, 2nd RAJABHAVAN ROAD, BANGALORE-560 001 3.0 SUBMISSION OF TENDER a) The expression “Tender Notice” referred to in the Tender Documents shall be deemed to include any Notice / Letter Inviting Tender with respect to the work forming the subject matter of the documents and vice-versa. b) The tender complete in all respects shall be submitted along with Earnest Money as stipulated in the Notice / Letter Inviting Tender ONLY. Tenders without Earnest Money Deposit will be out rightly rejected. Tenders shall be submitted in two separate sealed envelopes Super scribing as following: ENVELOPE – I (TECHNICAL BID) Name of work : Tender no. : Due date & time of opening : Addressed to : The Senior Consultant (Finance & Accounts), Rashtriya e Market Services Private Limited No 16, 2nd Raj Bhavan road, Bangalore7 560 001 Name & address of the tenderer This envelope shall contain the following: The Earnest Money Deposit shall be paid through a Demand Draft/Pay Order/Bankers’ cheque from any scheduled bank, drawn in favour of “Rashtriya e Market Services Private Limited”, payable at Bangalore. Cheques are not accepted. Details of work done certificates. Details of work done certificates. Valid registration with Sales Tax department for Work Contract Tax/VAT. Partnership Deed in case of partnership firm and Articles of Association in case of limited Company. Power of Attorney in favour of t h e person who has signed the tender documents. In case of a company, the authority to sign the tender is to be given under a Board resolution. ENVELOPE – II Name of work Tender no. Due date & time of opening Addressed to (PRICE BID) : : : : The Senior Consultant (Finance & Accounts), Rashtriya e Market Services Private Limited No 16, 2nd Raj Bhavan road, Bangalore- 560 001 From: Name & address of the tenderer NOTE: This part shall contain the tender document, total price to be charged by the tenderers for executing the work, complete in all respect. It is to be noted that the sealed envelope containing this part shall contain only PRICES and no conditions i.e. deviations / assumptions / stipulations / clarifications / comments / any other request whatsoever. Conditional offers will be rejected. 8 4.0 ABNORMAL RATES The tenderer is expected to quote rate for each item after careful analysis of costs involved for the performance of the complete item considering technical specifications and conditions of contract. This will avoid a loss of profit or gain in case of curtailment or change of specifications for any item. If it is noticed that the unit rates quoted by the Tenderer for any items are usually high or unusually low, it will be sufficient cause for rejection of the tender unless The Company is convinced about the reasonableness of the unit rates on scrutiny of the analysis for such unit rate to be furnished by the tenderer on demand. Notwithstanding anything there in stated, the rates once accepted by the Company shall be final and shall not be subject to any change either on account of un- workability of unit rates or on any other ground whatsoever. 5. DEVIATIONS TO TENDER CLAUSES: Tenderers are advised to submit the tender strictly based on the terms and conditions and specification contained in the Tender Documents and not to stipulate any deviations. Conditional tenders will be rejected. 6. VALIDITY OF OFFER Tender submitted by tenderers shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of the tenders. The tenderers shall not be entitled during the said period of 90 days, to revoke or cancel their Tender or to vary the Tender given or any term thereof, without the consent in writing of the Owner. In case of tenderers revoking or canceling their tenders or varying any terms in regard thereof without the consent of owner in writing, Company shall forfeit Earnest money paid by them along with their tender without giving any notice. 7. AWARD OF WORK Company reserves the right to split the job into two or more parts and to award the work to separate agencies/contractors. Work shall be awarded to the lowest bidder, subject to the work experience and fulfillment of other terms & conditions and specifications 8. ACCEPTANCE / REJECTION OF TENDER i). Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender. ii). Company also reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever. 9 9. CORRECTIONS No corrections or overwriting will be entertained in schedule of rates by using correcting fluid. All correction in the schedule of rate should be initialed. 10 FIRM RATES The rates quoted by bidder shall remain firm till completion of all works even during the extended period, if any, on any account what so ever. It may be noted that no deviation on this account will be acceptable and offer not containing firm price shall not be considered. 11. It will be obligatory on the part of the tenderer to sign the tender documents for all the components & parts. After the work is awarded, he will have to enter into an agreement on proforma to be provided by the Company for work awarded, on a non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value at his own cost within ten days from date of receipt of acceptance order or before the work is undertaken. MANAGING DIRECTOR & CEO, REMS, 10 BANGALORE Generalconditionsof contract. Item rate tender for works. ❑ The Company reserves the right to alter the scope /or reduce quantum of work before issue of work order and the contractor shall not have any claim what so ever on this account. ❑ Rates quoted by the contractor in item rate tender in figures and words shall be accurately filled in so that there is no discrepancy in the rates written in figures and words. However if a discrepancy is found, the rates that correspond with the amount worked out and entered in the bill of quantity by the contractor shall be taken as correct. ❑ If the contractor does not work out the amount of an item or it does not correspond with the rate written either in figures or words, then the rate quoted by the contractor in the words shall be taken as correct. ❑ When the rates quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly the rate quoted by the contractor will be taken as correct and not the amount. ❑ The contractor shall take all precautionary measures to prevent entry of dust, dirt and noise pollution to the adjacent buildings and keep the premises neat and tidy, remove surplus materials and rubbish and shall not cause inconvenience to the public. If the contractor or his working people or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of a building in which they may be working or any buildings, road, kerbs, fence, enclosure, water pipes cables, drains, electric and telephone posts or wire, trees grass or garden. The cost of any such damage and risks arising out of this shall be entirely borne by the contractor. ❑ The contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the Engineer- in charge shall submit a bill. The Company and the contractor or their respective r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s m a y record a l l the measurements o f the work jointly. The measurements will be taken at site, as per latest IS code of practice for measurements. All measurements shall be taken with steel tapes only. ❑ The Company shall have full powers to the removal from the premises of all materials and bad workmanship, which in his opinion are not in accordance with the specifications. ❑ The Company may require the contractor to dismiss or remove from the site of the work any person or persons in the contractors employ upon the work who may be in competent or misconduct himself. ❑ For working on Sundays, holidays and late hours prior permission will be accorded by the Company on the application made by the contractor. 11 ❑ All works to be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to the approval in all respects of the Company who shall be entitled to direct at what point or points and in what manner they are to be commenced and from time to time carried on. ❑ The contractor shall treat all materials obtained during dismantling of a structure, excavation of the site for a work etc. as company’s property and such materials shall be disposed off to the best advantage of the company. The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and workman like manner and in strict accordance with the specifications of the PWD / Bureau of Indian Standards. In case a n y of class of work for which there is no such specifications the contractor s h a l l carry out the work in all respects in accordance with the instructions in writing of the Engineer- incharge. ❑ The Company shall have powers to make any alterations in, omissions from, additions to or substitutions for the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor shall carry out the work in accordance. The rates for such additional, altered or substituted items of work shall be worked out upon mutual consent of the Company and the contractor. ❑ If at any time after the commencement of the work, the Managing Director shall for any reason whatsoever not require the whole thereof of the work as specified in the tender to be carried out, the Company shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no claim to payment of compensation whatsoever on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full, but which he did not derive in consequence of the full amount of the work not having been carried out, neither shall he have any claim for compensation by reason of any alterations having been made in the original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions which shall involve any curtailment of the work as originally contemplated. ❑ The contractor shall obtain a valid license under the contract labour (R&A) Act before the commencement of the work and continue to have a valid license until the completion of the work. No labour below the age of eighteen years shall be employed on the work. The contractor shall pay to labour employed by him either directly or through sub contractors, wages not less than fair wages as defined in the provision of the contract labour (R&A) act 1970 and the contract labour (R&A) central rules 1971 wherever applicable. ❑ The contractor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety provision as per safety code framed from time to time and shall at his own expense provide for all facilities in connection therewith. 12 The contractor shall make his /their own arrangements for water required for the works and nothing extra will be paid for the same, as the water available from the Company source may not be sufficient to meet the construction. ❑ The entire work is to be completed within the period stipulated i.e. 45 days from the 8th day of issue of letter of intent/work order. Time shall be the essence of the contract. After the work awarded, the contractors shall furnish detailed time schedules for the approval of the Company which after approval shall form part of the contract and are to be strictly adhere to. ❑ The maintenance period for the work shall be Six months and any defects noticed during the period shall have to be rectified by contractor at his cost, failing which the action taken for maintenance Company shall be final over which the contractor will not have any claim. ❑ The Company will have the right to get any item of the work included in this tender or not executed through other agencies. probable quantities in respect of the work and Schedule of specifications are enclosed. The schedules of probable quantities are liable to alterations by omission, deduction or additions at the discretion of the Company. The rates quoted by the tenderer in the schedule shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies payable under respective statues, inclusive of all taxes, duties & levies, Service tax, sales tax on components/ materials/ consumables and also sales tax on works contract in pursuant to constitution (forty sixth amendment) act 1982, control duty and for any other duty levied by the government or other public bodies. The rates shall be firm and shall not be subject to exchange variations, labour conditions or any condition. ❑ Sales tax a n d I n c o m e T a x and other statutory levies if any will be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor as per the relevant sales tax act, applicable for the contracted work as amended from time to time, at the rates specified from time to time. ❑ Samples of all materials to be incorporated in the works shall be submitted to the Company for his approval without claiming any extra cost. Materials not confirming strictly to the samples are liable to be rejected. ❑ Unless otherwise provided in the schedule of quantities the rates tendered by the contractor shall be all inclusive and shall apply to all heights, lifts, leads and depths of the building and nothing extra shall be payable to him on this account. ❑ Sample of various materials re qu ire d for testing shall be provided free of charge by the contractor. Testing c h a r g e s , i f any unless o t h e r w i s e provided, shall b e borne by the department. All other 13 expenditure required to be incurred for taking the samples, conveyance, packing etc. shall be borne by contractor himself. ❑ For the purpose of recording measurements and preparing running account bills, the abbreviated nomenclature shall be accepted along with the item number. ❑ I /We declare that the work will be carried out as per the specifications in tender document and as per the specifications said above. The items of work not covered in the specifications said above will be carried out as per the specifications in the relevant P W D / CPWD specifications, and if not covered in PWD/CPWD specifications the work will be carried out as in the relevant IS specifications, and if not covered in the any of the above, the work will be carried out as directed in writing by the Engineer- in charge. ❑ I / We declare that the rates quoted by me/us are on the basis of the above. Dated: ------------------- Signature of the contractor With 14 stamp TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS I – MATERIALS 1. CIVIL WORK MATERIALS All materials like cement, Sand, Aggregate Bricks and Steel etc used in the work shall confirm ot IS Specifications suitable for the work in accordance with Architects/ Company’s approval. 2.HARDWARE & METAL All hardware used in the work shall be of approved manufacture, make and brand. The contractor shall produce samples for approval materials are to be procured only after receipt of approval of samples. Fittings generally shall have satin chrome or anodized finish, unless otherwise specified, and shall be suitable for their intended purpose in accordance with Architects/ Company’s approval. Screws are to match the finish of the articles to be fixed, and to be round or flat-headed or counter sunk as required. The Contractor shall cover up and protect all brass and bronze surfaces with a layer of thick white grease or other suitable protective material and renew the same as necessary. Such protective layer shall be subsequently cleaned and cleared away on completion of the work. Aluminium and stainless steel shall be of approved manufacture, make and brand and shall be suitable for its particular application. Generally, of Aluminium shall have anodized finish or powder coating as specified shall comply with the samples approved by the Architects/company. All stainless steel sheets shall be 304 S.S Japan or equivalent as specified but shall not be less than 1.6 mm (16 SWG) thick or otherwise specifically prescribed. 15 All steel, brass bronze Aluminium and stainless steel articles shall be subjected to a reasonable test for strength, if so required by the Architects/ company, at the Contractor’s expense. All brazing and welds are to be executed in a clean and smooth manner, rubbed down and completed in the flattest and tidiest way, particularly when exposed. Chromium plating shall be in accordance with BS 1224 or as per approved specifications for normal outdoor conditions and shall be on a base material of copper or brass. 3. GLAZIER All glass to be of approved manufacture, complying with IS 3548 as per approved quality and sample and shall be of the selective qualities specified and free from bubbles, smoke vanes, air holes and other defects. Polished plate glass shall be ‘glazing glass’ (G.G) quality; that for mirrors shall be ‘silvering quality’ (S.Q) conforming to IS:3438 or as per approved sample and quality. The compound for glazing to metal is to be a special nonhardening compound manufactured for the purpose and of a brand and quality approved by the client. On completion of work, clean all glass inside and out, replace all cracked scratched and broken panes and leave in good condition. 4. PAINTS & POLISHES All material required for the works shall be of specified and approved manufacture delivered to the site in the manufacturer’s containers with the seals intact and 16 clearly marked with the manufacturer’s name trademark and description of the contents and colour. or All brushes, tools, pots, kettles etc. used in carrying out the work shall be clean and free from foreign matter and are to be thoroughly cleaned out before being used on a different type or class of material. All iron or steel surfaces shall be thoroughly scraped and rubbed and cleaned out with wire brushes and shall be entirely free from rust, scales etc. before the priming coat is applied. Materials conforming to the B.I.S. Specifications or of makes /brands specified below shall be used in the work: APPROVED BRANDS OF PRODUCTS / MATERIALS Note: Only below indicated brand materials shall be used or obtain fresh approval for the equivalent materials to be used in case of genuine for substituting the materials like non availability or change in selection for various reasons 1 Veneer United : Jacksons, Anchor, Orchid, Marine plywood Indian plywood Mfg. 2 : Co.Anchor, Century, Western India Greenply, Kitply 3 Mineral Fibre Board Douglas : Celotex, Armstrong, Hunter 4 Laminate Decolam : Formica, Greenlam ,Merino, : Indal, Jindal 5 Aluminium extrusion 6 MDF : 17 Nuwud, Duratuff 7 Wall putty Roofit, Conmix 8 : Glass 9 Gypsum ceiling Screws, self 10 tapping machine screws : Asian, NCL Altec, Birla white, Modi, Saint Gobain : GYPBOARD of India Gypsum GKW, Nettlefold or approved : equivalent 18 11 Hardware : Hettich, Sleek, Hafele, Efficient 12 Adhesive : Fevicol, Vamicol, Aksr 13. Vinyle Flooring : Armstrong 14. Wooden Flooring : Pergo 15. Wall Tiles : Kazaria,Somany, Jhonson 16. Sanitrory Fixtures : Hindware 17. Water supply fittings : Jaguar 16 Electrical Cables : Finolex, polycab, Havells 17. Electrical Fittings ; Phillips, Bajaj 18. Fans : Bajaj, Crompton, Usha 19. Air Conditioners : Voltas, Samsung 20. Switches and Accessories : Anchor Roma, M.K. 1. The existing partition work may please be seen at site and understand the conditions of the partitions before quoting the items since the existing one needs to be refixed and remodeled as per the requirement and drawings attached. 2. The detail drawings may also be obtained from the Rems office during working Hours to for better visibility and get obtain clarification, if any. 3. Please note that it may become necessary to use some new materials in order to provide good elegance and finishing to the existing partitions as per the design and drawing enclosed. 19 4. The sample of materials shall be produced before commencement of the work and get the approval for making every item. Refund of Security deposit: The security deposit amount less recovery, if any, towards the cost of defects rectified by the Company due to lack of response from the contractor, any other dues to Corporation, shall be released after the defects liability period No interest shall be payable to the contractor against the Security Deposit furnished / recovered from the contractor, by the Company. Deviations/Variations Extent & Pricing: The Company shall have power (i) to make alteration in, omissions; from additions to, or substitutions for the original specification, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the progress of the work, and (ii) to omit a part of the works in case of non-availability of a portion of the Site or for any other reasons, and the Contractor shall be bound to carry out the Works in accordance with any instructions given to him in writing signed by The Company and such alterations, omissions, additions or substitutions shall form part of the Contract as if originally provided therein and any altered, additional or substituted work which the contractor may be carried out on the same conditions in all respects including price on which he agreed to do the main work. Any alterations, omissions additions or substitutions ordered by the Company which in the opinion of the contractor changes the original nature of the Contract, he shall carry it out and the rates for such additional, altered or substituted work shall be determined by the Company as detailed below. . The time of completion of the works shall in the event of any deviations resulting in additional cost over the Contract Sum being ordered be extended as follows if requested by the Contractor. 20 a) In the proportion which the additional cost of the altered additional or substituted work, bears to the original Contract sum; plus. b) 25% of the time calculated in (a) above or such further additional time as may be considered reasonable by the Company. Rates for Extra/Additional Items i) If the rate for additional, altered or substituted item of work is specified in the Schedule of Quantities the Contractor shall carry out the additional, altered or substituted item at the same rate. ii) If the rate for any altered, additional or substituted item of work is not specified in the schedule of Quantities the rate for that item shall be derived from the rate for the nearest similar item specified therein. iii) If the rate for any altered, additional or substituted item of work cannot be determined in the manner specified in subparas (i) and (ii) above, the contractor shall within 7 days of the receipt of the order to carry out the said work, inform the Company under advice to the Accepting Authority of the rate which he proposes to claim for such item of work, supported by analysis of the rate claimed, and the Company shall, within One month thereafter, after give due consideration to the rate claimed by the Contractor determine the rate on the basis of market rate(s). In the event of the contractor failing to inform the Company within the stipulated period of time, the rate which he proposes to claim, the rate for such item shall be determined by the Company o n the basis of market rate(s) and shall be final. 21 Suspension of Works: a) The contractor shall, on receipt the order in writing of the Company, suspend the progress of the works or any part thereof for such time and in such manner as the Company may consider necessary for any of the following reasons: i) b) On account of any default on part of the Contractor; or ii) For proper execution of the Works or part thereof for reasons other than the default of the Contractor; or iii) For safety of the works or part thereof. The contractor shall, during such suspension, properly protect and secure the works to the extent necessary and carry out the instructions given in that behalf by the Engineer-inCharge. If the suspension is ordered for reasons (ii) and (iii) in subpara (a) above. The Contractor shall be entitled to an extension of the time equal to the period of every such suspension plus 25%. The Contractor shall arrange, at his own expense, all tools, plant and equipment hereafter referred to as (T & P) labour, P.O.L. & electricity required for execution of the work. FORCE MAJEURE Any delays in or failure of the performance of either party herein shall not constitute default hereunder or give rise to any claim for damages, if any, to the extent such delays or failure of performance is caused by occurrences such as Act of god or the public enemy; expropriation or confiscation of facilities by Government authorities, or in compliance with any order or request of any Governmental authorities or due acts of war, rebellion or sabotage or fires, floods, explosions, riots or illegal joint strikes of all the workers of all the 22 contractors. MATERIALS 1. All materials to be provided by the Contractor shall be in conformity with the specifications laid down in the contract and the Contractor shall, if requested by the Company, furnish proof to the satisfaction of Company in this regard 2. The contractor shall indemnify the Company, its representatives or employees against any action, claim or proceeding relating to infringement or use of any patent or design or any alleged patent or design rights and shall pay any royalties or other charges which may be payable in respect of any article or material or part thereof included in the Contract. In the event of any claim being made or action being brought against the Company or any agent, servant or employee of the Company in respect of any such matters as aforesaid, the Contractor shall immediately be notified thereof. 3. All charges on account of octroi, terminal or sales tax and other duties on material obtained for the Works from any source shall be borne by the Contractor. 4. The Company shall be entitled to have tests carried out as specified as per relevant standard code of practice for any materials supplied by the Contractor even for those for which, as stated above, satisfactory proof has already been furnished, at the cost of the Contractor and the Contractor shall provide at his expense all facilities which the Company may require for the purpose. The cost of materials consumed in tests shall be borne by the Contractor. 5. Stores and Materials required for the works, brought by the Contractor, shall be stored by the Contractor only at places 23 approved by the Company. Storage and safe custody of material shall be the responsibility of the contractor. i) Company’s officials concerned with the Contract shall be entitled at any time to inspect and examine any materials intended to be used in or on the works, either on the Site or at factory or workshop or other place(s) where such materials are assembled, fabricated or at any place(s) where these are lying or from where these are being procured and the contractor shall give such facilities as may be required for such inspection and examination. ii) All materials brought to the Site shall become and remain the property of the Company and shall not be removed off the Site without the prior written; approval of the Company. But whenever the works are finally completed the Contractor shall, at his own expense forthwith, but with the prior approval from the Company, remove from the Site all surplus materials originally supplied by him and upon such removal the same shall revert in and become the property of the contractor. However before given any approval as aforesaid the Company shall be entitled to recover or adjust any amount given as advance to the Contractor. Defects Liability Period: The Contractor shall be responsible to make good and remedy at his own expense within defect liability period of Six months from the date of completion of the work in all respect. Contractor’s Liability and Insurance From commencement to completion of the works, the Contractor shall take full responsibility, care of and precautions to prevent loss or damage and to minimize loss or damage to the greatest extent possible and shall be liable for any damage or loss that may happen to the Works or any part thereof from any cause whatsoever (save and except the Excepted Risks) and shall at his own cost repair and make good the same so that, at completion, the works shall be in good order 24 and conditions and in conformity in every respect with the requirements of the Contract and instructions of the company. In the event of any loss or damage to the Works or any part thereof or to any material or articles at the Site from any of the Excepted Risks the following provisions shall have effect: a. The Contractor shall, as may be directed in writing by the company remove from the site any debris and so much of the works as shall have been damaged. b. The Contractor shall, as may be directed in writing by the company proceed with the completion of the works under and in accordance with the provisions and Conditions of the Contract, and Provided always that the Contractor shall not be entitled to payment under the above provisions in respect of so much loss or damage as has been occasioned by any failure on his part to perform his obligations under the Contract or not taking precautions to prevent loss or damage or minimize the amount of such loss or damage. All statutory deductions as applicable like TDS, sales tax/VAT shall be made from the due payment of the contractor. No claim for interest will be entertained by the Company in respect of any balance payments or any deposits which may be held up with the Company due to any dispute between the Company and contractor or in respect of any delay on the part of the Company in making final payment or otherwise. The contractor shall ensure that no materials/wastes/plant , equipments etc. are dumped at the site. In case any of the above items are dumped the contractor shall clear the same from the site by or before completion of the work at his own cost or otherwise Company will carry out the work at the contractor’s risk and cost after 7 days notice. 25 Safety Code: The Contractor shall at his own expense arrange for the safety provisions as appended to these conditions or as required by the Company, in respect of all labour directly or indirectly employed for performance of the works and shall provide all facilities in connection therewith. In case the Contractor fails to make arrangements and provide necessary facilities as aforesaid the Company shall be entitled to do so and recover cost thereof from the Contractor. The Company shall not be liable for any accident, injury or for any other mishap caused to him/them/their employees/agents and labour employed by the contractor and for any kind of damage during the execution of the contract or work done. For any kind of such injury or loss caused to any person/persons mentioned herein above, the contractor shall be exclusively liable. Liability for Damage, Defects or Imperfections and Rectification thereof: If the Contractor or his workmen or employees shall injure or destroy any part of the building in which they may be working or any building, road, fence etc, continuous to the premises on which the work or any part of it is being executed, or if any damage shall happen to the work while in progress the Contractor shall upon receipt of a notice in writing in that behalf make the same good at his own expense. If it shall appear to the Company or his Representative at any time during construction or re- construction or prior to the expiration of Defects Liability Period, that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect or unskilled workmanship or that any materials or articles provided by the Contractor shall, upon receipt of a notice in writing in that behalf from the Company, forthwith rectify or remove and re-instruct the work so specified in whole or in part, as the case may require or as the case may be, and/or remove the materials or articles at his own expense, notwithstanding that same may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for and in the event of his notice aforesaid, the Company may rectify or remove and re-execute the work and/or 26 remove and replace with others the materials or articles complained of as the case may be, by other means at the risk and expense of the Contractor. In case of repairs and maintenance works, splashes and dropping from white washing, painting, etc. shall be removed and surfaces cleaned simultaneously with completion of these items of work in individual rooms, quarters or premises, etc. where the work is done, without waiting for completion of all other items of work in the contract. In case the Contractor fails to comply with the requirements of this condition, the Engineer-in- Charge shall have the right to get the work done by other means at the cost of the Contractor. Before taking such action, however, the Company shall give three days notice in writing to the Contractor. PAYMENTS: Payment shall be released as per the quantum of work executed in accordance to the instruction and drawings issued to the contractor. Any work executed by the contractor in violation to the tender specifications, drawings and direction of Engineer in charge shall constitute breach of agreement and shall not qualify for the measurement. The measurement shall be jointly recorded by the contractor and representative of REMS. If Contractor intends to submit interim R.A Bills these should not be less than Rs 10.00 Lakhs of the work executed. All other statutory deductions and Security deposit as applicable shall be effected from each running bills. The Bills submitted by the contractor shall be paid after all deductions within 15 working days by the employer. No escalation will be paid even in extended period, if any. MOBILISATION ADVANCE: On conclusion of the contract, interest free mobilization advance up to 10% of the contract amount will be paid to the contractor against a Bank guarantee of equivalent 27 amount from any Nationalized Bank. The advance will be deducted from the Running bills of the work prorata. ARBITRATION AND LAWS In the event of any dispute, the same shall be referred to the sole arbitration of Managing Director & CEO of the Company or such officer he may appoint to be the arbitrator. There shall be no objection that the Arbitrator is an employee of the Company or that he had to deal with the matter to which this tender relates in the course of his duties as an employee of the Company, and/or he has expressed his views on all or any of the matters in dispute or differences. The award of the officer so appointed by him shall be final and binding on the parties. The venue of Arbitration is at Bangalore only. The award of the arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on all parties to this contract. The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the parties to the dispute, as may be decided by the arbitrator(s). MANAGING DIRECTOR & CEO, ReMS, BANGALORE SIGNATURE OF THE 28 CONTRACTOR SPECIALCONDITIONS 1. During working at site, some restrictions may be imposed by Engineer-in- Charge/Security staff of Company or Local Authorities regarding safety and security etc., the contractor shall be bound to follow all such restrictions/instruction & nothing extra shall be payable on this account. 2. No compensation shall be payable to the contractor for any damage caused by rains lightening, wind, storm, floods Tornado, earth quakes or other natural calamities during the execution of work. He shall make good all such damages at his own cost; and no claim on this account will be entertained. 3. No labour hutment shall be allowed in the premises. All labourers should leave the site after day’s work. The security & Watch ward of site contractor materials/work etc. shall be at his cost only. 4. All rates quoted by the bidders shall remain firm for the contract period/extended contract period. 5. If the contractor fails to proceed with the work within the stipulated time as specified from the date of issue of letter of intent/letter to proceed with the work, the Company shall forfeit the earnest money deposited by him along with the tender. 6. The work has to be executed in accordance with the specification mentioned in the BOQ and in case of any discrepancy the PWD specifications with latest amendments if any, shall be followed. The decision of the Company in this regard shall be final and binding upon the contractor. 7. The materials used for carrying out the work shall be of best locally available quality and the contractor has to carry out the necessary testing of the material as ordered by the Company for its conformity and all testing charges shall be borne by the contractor. 29 8. All the civil works, if required, like fixing of load hooks, making chases in the wall, drilling of holes, fixing of doors and finishing of jambs, providing scaffolding for carrying out complete works shall be arranged by the contractor and making good the same. Nothing extra on theses account shall be considered or paid. 9. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the any injury or damage caused to the workmen deployed by him at site for carrying out the work and Company has nothing to do with such happenings and in no way shall be held responsible for the same. 10. All communication should be addressed to MANAGING DIRECTOR ReMS BANGALORE 30 BILL OF QUANTITIES SEPERATELY ENCLOSED PROPOSED REMODELLING OF OFFICE SPACE FOR ReMS IN SECOND FLOOR OF KSAMB BUILDING @ 2ND RAJABHAVAN ROAD, BANGALORE Item No 1 2 Description of Item BILL OF QUANTITIES Unit Dismantling burnt brick masonry in clay mortar/lime mortar/cement mortar and stacking the bricks and removing the Cum debris with all leads and lifts . Dismantling of existing structures like culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other structure comprising of masony, cement concrete, wood work, seel work, including T & P and scaffolding wherever necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal of Cum unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable material with all lifts complete as per specification 3 Dismantling plastering and removing the Sqm debris with all leads and lifts 4 Dismantling the tile work in wall floor and roof laid in cement or surki mortar including disposing the materials with all Sqm leads and lifts (tiles thickness 10mm to 25mm.) Qty 14.00 3.00 71.40 34.72 Rates quoted by contractor In Figures In Words Amount 5 6 7 Removing and paneling / false ceiling / wooden partition/ aluminium partition, stacking it with all cost and conveyance Sqm labour for all items of work, HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specifications Refixing of existing Al. partition with necessary screw, brackets & hardware without any damage of the material & Sqm floor and complete as per design. Construction of partition wall 10 cms thick with Table moulded modular burnt bricks of class designation 35 with cement mortar 1:4 including providing and fixing plaster mesh manufactured out of hot dipped gelvanised iron of nominal thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c to c including cost of materials, Sqm labour charges, scaffolding, curing as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 501.38 183.00 39.83 8 9 Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of design mix M20 with OPC cement @320Kgs, with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregate @0.69cum and fine aggregate @ 0.46cum with superplastisiser @3ltrs confirming to IS 9103-1999 Reaffirmed2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated Cum for R.C.C. beams, columns of all sizes in foundation plinth and superstructure ground floor level for roof slabs,staircase, lintels,columns, including cost of all materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing, complete as per specifications. Providing TMT steel reinforcements for RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position lapping and/or welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps and hooks shall not be measured and paid) cost of all materials labour, HOM of machinery complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . MT 0.20 0.02 10 KSRB 4-6.7 :Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping etc., and removal of form work for sides and soffits of beams, beam haunchings, cantilever girders, bressumers and lintels not exceeding 1 m in depth including cost Sqm of all materials, labour complete as per specificaitons and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work - 1.76 11 Providing and fixing 65mmx125mm GRP Doorframe fabricated using E-Glass Chopped Strand Mat (CSM) U.V- stabilized Isopthalic Gelcoat and Isopthalic resin. The thickness of the GRP skin shall not be less than 2.0mm. The doorframe consists of four segments, which are provided with plug-in-socket arrangement in-situ in the mould. The segments are plugged in and are joined together by means of screws. The GRP frame shall be provided with wooden reinforcement on 6 locations for high screw holding capacity for fixing metalling hold fast and shall be consolidated by filling with medium density foam/Plaster of Paris with fibre reinforcement. Six Numbers of 260mmx25mmx5mm size 'S' shaped M.S. flat hold fast shall be provided with the frame . Rm 22.80 12 SOLID PANEL PVC DOOR SHUTTER: Providing and fixing in position 30MM THICK factory made rigid foam panelled door shutters made from MS tube of 19 gauge thickness, size 19x19mm for styles and 15x15mm for top and bottom rails, covered with heat moulded PVC C channel of 5mm th. sheet and 30x50mm wide to form styles and 5mm thick and 75mm wide PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail and bottom rail on either side and 5mmm thick 20mm wide PVC sheet as gap insert for top rail and bottom rail, panelling of 5mm thick Sqm PVC sheet fitted in MS frame sealed in to styles and rails with 5x30mm PVC sheet beading on either side and joined together with solvent cement adhesives etc complete fixed to frame with 3 nos of 75mm alluminium hinges including cost of materials, labour, HOM of machineries as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 6.30 13 Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement mortar 1:4 to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and removing scaffolding, Sqm including cost of materials, labour, curing as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . including lime rendering 55.97 14 Providing rough cement plastering 15mm thick in single coat with cement mortar 1:4, to brick masonry for base of dadooing works with sand of approved quality, providing and removing scaffolding, Sqm including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work 43.37 15 Providing applying two coats of wall putty to inside plastered walls and ceiling using white cement putty. Scraping and levelling the surface using steel blade and preparing the surface even and smooth by using Sqm different grade sand papers, including cost of materials, cost of labour and scaffolding etc., complete as per the specifications 383.47 16 17 18 Providing and applying painting in two coats with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand on wall surface with one coat of primer to give an even approved shade after throughly brushing the surface, free from mortar drops and other foreign Sqm matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications Providing and applying enamel metal paint one coat (excluding priming coat ) on previously painted steel or other metal surface brushing to give an even shade after cleaning oil, grease, dirt and other Sqm foreign matter, including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. Providing venyl flooring of approved quality and make fixed on the top of existing flooring and skirting fixed with Sqm suitable adhesive, including cutting to the required size and fixing etc., complete 3275.00 195.00 400.00 19 20 21 Providing and laying of modular wooden polished flooring of 12 mm thick high density timber of approved colour and design with end trims, transition profiles, Sqm beading, 15 mm thick felt, and 20 micron polyester film with 4 mm thick foam underlay etc. Providing Ceramic tiles of approved make,shade and size for flooring, treads of steps and landings laid on a bed of 12mm thick, cement mortar 1 :3 mix, flush pointing with white , cement using colour pigment, including cost of materials, Sqm labour, curing, complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . Providing skirting, dado, rises of steps with colour glazed tiles 6mm thick on 10mm thick cement plaster 1:3 and jointed with white cement slurry over rough plaster surface (excluding cost of rough plastered surface which should be Sqm measured and paid separately ) using glazed tiles of approved make and size including cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. 70.81 18.40 76.02 22 Providing and fixing of an partly opaque and partly glazed partition. The opaque portion to consist of a framework made of Al. Sections of size 2” x 1' at 2'0” center to center in both directions. The frame work to be clad with 1/2” thk gypsum boards on both sides. The rate to be inclusive of a skirting made of marine plywood of height 3” and thickness 1/2” finished with laminate. At 4'-0” lvl a teak wood trim is to run horizontally. The glazed portion of the partition to be made of a Powder coated Al. and 6mm thk. Clear glass. The glass to be fixed with glazing clips. The cladding with gypsum on both sides to extend upto the slab/beam soffit which ever is lower. Note the Al sections that are concealed within the opaque partition to be plain anodized. The Al sections in the glazed portion of the partition to be powder coated. The rate to be inclusive of providing of additional verticals at the doors and intersections with other partitions and powder coated frames around the door openings and two coats of Plastic Emulsion paint for the exposed face of Gypsum Board of approved color and make . Etc complete as per design . Sqm 257.50 23 Providing, fabricating, assembling and fixing in position anodized aluminium shutters to the existing door frame in the partition using 47.62x44.45mm section thickness 3.18mm, weight 1.505kg/m for vertical frame; 47.62x44.45 thickness of 3mm, weight 1.42kg/m for top section, 49.91mmx44.45mm with wall thickness 3mm, weight 1.495kg/m for central rail; and 114.3mmx44.45mm thickness 3.18mm, weight 2.646kg/m for bottom rail; aluminium sections anodized 12 to 15 microns and cut to length joint metred and corners grinded, the bottom rail and top rail hinged or pivoted, opening arrangements including providing and fixing standard approved accessories, such as aluminium handles, tower bolts, lock, pivots: hinges P.V.C. or rubber gasket, 12mm prelaminated sheets ( Novopan) exterior grade of approved colour both sides same colour for bottom panel of maximum height 0.90m and 5.5mm thick plain glass for top panel ( Novopan ) and glass fixed with glazed clips 19mmx17.3mmx11mm, 0.9mm thick, weight 0.124kg/m; aluminium sections treated for removal of any rust and prevention of further rust formation, and coated with greasy materials for non- adherance of mortars or any other sticky materials, including cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per specifications. Sqm 31.92 24 25 26 Providing and fixing acoustic veneer paneling, over the 50mmx35mm sal wood frame work at spacing not exceeding 600mm c/c fixed to the wall filled with 50 mm thick 32kg density glass woool and top covered out of 4 mm thick approved quality veneer, fixed over 19mm thick ply of approved brand termite and water Sqm resistance, finished with melamine polish complete including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work HOM of equipment etc.,complete as per specification. Providing and fixing in position 10mm thick plaster of paris ( Gypsum anhydrous ) for ceiling flat surface upto a height of 5 m above floor level over first class teakwood strips 25mm / 6mm with 10mm gap in between and reinforced with rabbit wire Sqm mesh fixed to wooden frames ( frame work to be measured and paid for seperately ) including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications. Labour charges for fixing plain, frosted or pin headed glass panels (clear glass area) Sqm with teak wood beading as per design 235.08 119.12 7.56 27 Cleaning of office floors, toilet floors, corrodors,lobbies,partitions, storage units, furnitures, electrical and electronic equipments, doors, windows,curtains blinds etc.,including cleaning of dust etc.,using suitable bombay broom, stick,squezers/wipers/rubber brushes, mop Sqm sticjs, coir brushes, bamboo baskets, plastic buckets, trolleys, wiping cloths, carry bags etc., removing the debris to the nearest garbage pit complete 302.40 28 29 Providing and fixing 100 mm wide venitial blinds for window fashion fabric of Taiwan make, with 50mm thick powder coated channel with balance, imported, acrylic self alignable mechanism and equally placed spacers, imported tilting mechanism for easy tilting operation, with nylon imported thread and beadings, 100 mm wide imported washable reusable fabrick placed with top hanger and bottom with 100 mm Sqm long bottom plate connected to nylon imported bottom link chain. The rate is inclusive of drilling holes for fixing channels to the wall, fixing threads and beadings and link chains, hard ware fixtures etc., complete as per drawing, specification Providing and fixing 10mm thk Jet black Granite as urinal partition to suit the existing partition and complete with Sqm necessary arrangements 49.50 3.6 30 31 Providing and laying plat form using prepolished,water cut/gang saw 20mm thick telescopit Black granite, laid on existing vertical supports and fixing in CM 1:3 proportion, including cutting to required slope,pattern withe paper joints, including full rounding for nosing, finished Sqm with cement mortar, pointed with colour pigments to match the colour of slab making through jointing with sealent, making holes 25x12mm grooves in joints including curing Providing full nosing for 20mm thick granite slab using required macninery including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work, Rmt HOM of equipment etc., complete as per specification 2.16 3.6 32 33 Providing and fixing storage unit of 0.6m width made out of 19mm thick commercial ply vertical support finished in approved 1.5mm laminate with 12mm thick ply packing internally finished with enamel paint of approved colour and shade shelves shall be formed out of 19mm ply finished with enamel paint of approved shade and Sqm clolur and 19mm thick shutters formed out of 19mm thick ply finished with 1.5mm thick laminate of approved shade and colour etc., complete the rate includes cost of all materials, labour charges, complete as per specification Removing of existing old broken water coset Indian/European and disposing it with all cost and conveyane labour for all items of work, HOM of equipments with all lead and lift, loading and unloading , Each transportation charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification and direction of the EngineerIn-Charge of the work 7.14 7 34 35 36 Providing and fixing in position brass bib cock of approved quality 20mm nominal bore including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all leads as per specifications and directions of the Each Engineer in charge of the work . 20 mm dia Providing and fixing in position brass stop cock of approved quality 20mm nominal bore including cost of all materials, labour and HOM of equipments with all leads Each complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work 20mm dia Providing and fixing unplasticised PVC connection pipe with brass union 15mm nominal bore 450mm length of PVC connection including cost of all materials, Each labour and HaM of equipments with all leads complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 11 11 8 37 38 Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor, low density polyethylene pipes 6.00 kgf/sq.cm working pressure 25mm outside diameter with special flange, compression type fittings, wall clips, making good the wall, ceiling and floor, including cost of all materials, labour charges, HOM of R.M equipments and testing complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . and directions of the engineer in charge of the work. Providing and fixing to wall, ceiling and floor, low density polyethylene pipes 6.00 kgf/sq.cm working pressure 32mm outside diameter with special flange, compression type fittings, wall clips, making good the wall, ceiling and floor, including cost of all R.M materials, labour charges, HOM of equipments and testing complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 80 40 39 40 Providing and fixing Chorinated Poly Venyl Chloride(CPVC) Pipes conforming to IS 15778, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipe with clamp at 1.00mtr spacing. This R.M includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete (internal work exposed on wall ) 20mm nominal OD Pipes Providing and fixing Chorinated Poly Venyl Chloride(CPVC) Pipes conforming to IS 15778, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipe with clamp at 1.00mtr spacing. This includes jointing of pipes and fittings with R.M one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete (internal work exposed on wall ) 25mm nominal OD Pipes 20 25 41 42 43 Providing and fixing Chorinated Poly Venyl Chloride(CPVC) Pipes conforming to IS 15778, having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipe with clamp at 1.00mtr spacing. This R.M includes jointing of pipes and fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete (internal work exposed on wall ) 32mm nominal OD Pipes Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial fusion 3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 compelete with PP-R plain fittings including brass threads polypropelene random R.M fittings including chasing the walls External plumbing 50mm dia pipe outer dia(3 layer) Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial fusion 3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 compelete with PP-R plain fittings including brass threads polypropelene random R.M fittings including chasing the walls External plumbing 63mm dia pipe outer dia(3 layer) 20 15 15 44 45 46 Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial fusion 3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 compelete with PP-R plain fittings including brass threads polypropelene random R.M fittings including chasing the walls External plumbing 75mm dia pipe outer dia(3 layer) Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial fusion 3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 compelete with PP-R plain fittings including brass threads polypropelene random R.M fittings including chasing the walls External plumbing 90mm dia pipe outer dia(3 layer) Providing and fixing concealed UV stabilised and antimicrobial fusion 3 layer PP-R pipes confirming to DIN 8077 compelete with PP-R plain fittings including brass threads polypropelene random R.M fittings including chasing the walls External plumbing 110mm dia pipe outer dia(3 layer) 15 15 30 47 Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, water closet European type ( Pedestal type) with black solid plastic seat and lid, C.P brass hinges, rubber buffers. 10 litre white glazed / vitreous china clay low level, flushing cistern (all are approved make) with fittings, C.I / M.S brackets, 40mm diameter flush bend with fittings and clamps, overflow arrangements with Each specials and 25mm mosquito proof coupling of approved design, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 4 48 49 Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat back wash basin size 550x400mm with a pair of 15mm C.P brass pillar taps with C.I / M.S brackets, 32 mm C.P. brass waste of standard pattern, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, Each including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and directions of the engineer in charge of the work Providing and fixing white vitreous china clay, flat back, lipped front urinal basin of 430x260x350mm with 5 litres PVC automatic flushing cistern, C.I / M.S brackets, standard flush pipe and C.P. brass spreaders with brass unions and G./. clamps complete. painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, including cost Each of materials, labour complete as per specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 4 2 50 51 52 Providing and fixing 450mm dia oval shape mirror with plastic moulded frame of approved make and shade with 6mm thick hard board backing including cost of materials, labour complete as per Each specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . Providing and fixing 600x120mm dia glass shelf supported on alluminium angle frame with C.P brass brackets, guard rail fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws and washers including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and Each directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . Providing and fixing C.P. brass towel rail 600 mm length, 20mm dia with C.P brackets, fixed to wooden cleats with C.P. brass screws including cost of materials, labour complete as per specifications and Each directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 4 4 4 53 Providing and fixing CI nahani trap of approved quality and make confirming to IS specifications and construction of cistern in CC 1:2:4 including cost of materials, conveyance, labour complete as per Each specifications and directions of the Engineer in charge of the work . 4 54 55 Providing and fixing stainless steel kitchen sink of size 400x915mm bowl depth 160mm, with drain board, M.S / C.I brackets, stainless steel plug 40 mm, painting of fittings and brackets, cutting and making good the wall and floor wherever required, TO BE FIXED in 20mm thick granite slab of by cutting required thickness and width of grooves and fixing using adhesive etc., complete including cost and conveyance of all materials, labour for all items of work, HOM of Each equipment with all lead and lift, loading and unloading, transportation charges and all other incidental charges etc., complete as per specification and direction of the Engineer-in-charge of the work Supplying and fixing of PVC casing and capping on the wall or ceiling using necessary materails like bends, screws at Mtr an interval of 300mm…etc as required. 25mm 1 400 56 57 Supplying PVC/GI flexible conduit pipe25…mm dia fixing on surface over inverted tapered wooden plugs or phill plugs or rawl plugs and clamped using heavy gauge saddles at an interval of Mtr 300mm using NF screws and the either end of the pipe terminated completely. Concealed Conduit System : Supplying heavy gauge PVC conduit pipe 32mm dia 2mm thick confirming to IS 2509 with suitable size bends, junction boxes, adhesive paste etc., and fixing using inverted wood plugs in case of RCC ceiling and RCC wall stone structure or ravel plugs Mtr in case of brick walls and cement plastering damaged portion using heavy gauge saddles at an interval of 700mm using WF screws. 100 120 58 59 60 61 Supplying and wiring adopting loop system in existing PVC Conduit /casing capping using 1100V grade, copper conductor flexible multistrand FRLS PVC insulate, 2x1.5 sqmmcable confirming to the GTP, with out switch,, the other end of the wires shall be terminated with sufficient loose length in a wood/PVC round block. complete for each outlet. Short point up to 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch. Point Medium point up to 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch. 25 Point 20 Long point up to 3Mtr from tapping point to out let via switch. Point 15 62 63 64 Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100v grade, multistrand Copper conductor single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring as per IS-694:1990 & confirming to GTP of Mtr GROUP- A 1.5sqmm Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100v grade, multistrand Copper conductor single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring as per IS-694:1990 & confirming to GTP of Mtr GROUP- A 2.5 SQMM Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100v grade, multistrand Copper conductor single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring Mtr as per IS-694:1990 & confirming to GTP of GROUP- A 4 sqmm 400 1700 900 65 66 Wiring for lighting/power circuit using one of FRLS PVC insulated 1100v grade, multistrand Copper conductor single core wire in open or concealed system of wiring as per IS-694:1990 & confirming to GTP of Mtr GROUP- A 10 sqmm Supplying and flush mounting powder coated/galvanized metal box suitable for mounting modular switch plates. The box should be firmly flush mounted after due groove cutting in Brick/Stone/C.C wall 67 1-3Way 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 300 Each 25 4-5Way 6Way 8 way 10-12Way Supplying and fixing superior quality modular switch mounting polycarbonate plate with necessary supporting back plate with required nos. of machine screws, bolts nuts etc., complete on the existing metal/PVC box. Each 15 Each 60 Each 6 Each 6 1 to 3 Module 4 Module 6 Module Each 25 Each 15 Each 60 76 77 78 79 80 81 8 Module 10 Module 12 Module Supplying and fixing of 6Amps one way. modular switch/ Socket/stepped electronic fan regulator/ dimmer/telephone socket etc on existing modular switch plate.as per IS3854and IS 1293 Each 6 Each 4 Each 2 Each 230 Supplying and fixing of 6Amps 3way socket. modular switch/ Socket/stepped electronic fan regulator/ dimmer/telephone socket etc on existing Each modular switch plate.as per IS3854and IS 1293 Supplying and fixing of Stepped Fan Regulator. modular switch/ Socket/stepped electronic fan regulator/ dimmer/telephone socket etc on existing Each modular switch plate.as per IS3854and IS 1293 32 15 82 83 84 85 Supplying and fixing of 6/16Amps universal socket modular switch/ Socket/stepped electronic fan regulator/ dimmer/telephone socket etc on existing Each modular switch plate.as per IS3854and IS 1293 Supplying and fixing a drop light using one PBBC/bakelite pendent holder, PVC insulated twin twisted copper wire of 23/0.0076"upto 1Mtr, one of 60/100 watts lamp of 230 volts grade and one of 5 amps Each bakelite ceiling rose fixed on the existing wooden block of the outlet. Supplying and fixing PBBC bakelite straight or slant batten holder and wiring, within Each 60w/230 Volts lamps. Groove cutting in the wall/floor supplying …32.dia 2mm/2.5mm thick heavy gauge PVC Conduit Pipe with bends, metal junction boxes adhesive paste etc.,and bracing U or J hooks and cement plastering Mtr up to the surface of the brick level and run with 18 SWG GI fish wire run through out the conduit wherever necessary. 75 32 14 110 86 Supply of LED modular down light 2'x2'-36 watts luminaire with 36 Watts system wattage. Housing shall be with pressure die cast aluminum alloy with corrosion proof resistant polyester power coated. Driver operates with voltage range from 100 V to 270 V 50/60 Hz with short circuit, overload & mis-wiring protection. Lumen Maintenance of 70% at 50000 Hrs. Injection moulded poly carbonate diffuser for better mechanical stability, light transmission & avoid pot hole effect. Junction temperature shal < 70 degree Celsius. Driver is on constant current driver @ 0.06 A with PF>0.92 with line voltage @ 220-240 V @ 50/6- Each Hz, driver effeciency >85% & THD<15% LED Efficiency > 130 lm/W at 1W & Fixture Efficiency > 75lm/w with CRI>75 with injection moulded polycarbonate lens with < 80 mm depth. 5 years warranty against any manufacturing defect working under standard electrical condition. 12 87 88 Supplying surface mounted type mirror optic luminaries for Twin 2X 4'X 28 watts fluorescent lamps cross rising of stove enameled deep coloured M.S. low profile housing complete with all accessories and high purity anodized aluminum reflector assembling along with cross louvers Each including necessary fluorescent tubes with Energy Saving Electronic Ballast. supplying box type suitable for 28 W T5 single/twin Lamp & suspension mouted luminaire & optical reflector. Prewired with HF electronic Ballast, push fit type lamp holders & main connectors. Channel cover shall be made of CRCA MS sheet and finishing is done with stove enameled Each white with end caps made of engineering plastic 1x4'-28 watts. 44 10 89 90 91 supplying capacitor type ceiling fan complete with down rod blades, shackle, canopies etc. for operation on 230 volts, 50 cycles. Single phase AC supply conforming to ISS-374-1979 and with double ball Each bearing system. 56" sweep (1400) supplying of 1440 rpm heavy duty exhaust fan with bracket blades suitable to operate on 230V 50Hz, AC supply complete I no Each 9.2.2 /P no 78 15" sweep (450mm) Fixing all types and all capacities of fluorescent/false ceiling/spot light/CFL /LED fittings indoor on the wall / ceiling/ rafters / girders using 23/0.0076” twin Each twisted PVC insulated wires, required Nos of round blocks and clamps 15 3 66 92 93 Fixing a ceiling/wall mounting fan of all capacities and all types with necessary clamps and S hook made out of 15mm dia MS rod, with 5 amps ceiling rose of approved quality with necessary length of 23 / 0.0076 inch PVC insulated twin twisted Each wire of approved quality mounted on a suitable size wooden board and wired complete. Fixing one exhaust fan after making a suitable nitch in the wall and finishing with cement mortar and colouring to match the existing wall or brackets with bolts and nuts and a 5 amps, ceiling rose with sufficient length of 23 / 0.0076 inch PVC Each insulated twin core wire of approved make with wire mesh and wooden frame if required. 15 3 94 95 supplying of 1.5… TR split Air conditioners (4 Star rating)suitable for operation on A/C supply single phase 50 hz 230 volts with hermetically sealed compressor with air cooled condenser, motor capacitor and start run capacitors, relay and over load protector internal unit, with one indoor and one outdoor unit. The condenser unit will be placed outside the room on the terrace to avoid noise including standard length of suitable size copper tubing Each covered with insulation tube. (High wall chorded/cordless) suitable capacity 3 core sheathed/PVC copper cable and a battery operated wireless remote unit. Installation charges for split type air conditioner with allied works for one indoor and one outdoor unit is to be mounted on suitable Angle Iron support up Each to 3.0 ton split/cassette type 3 3 96 97 Supplying, errection, testing and commissioning of 4KVA capacity voltage stabilizer suitable for 170 to 270 v in put and load variation from no load to full load, with over load protection, spike suppression, Each operating at 00 C.To 400 C. Range etc., complete. Supplying and fixing 12 way regular MCCB distribution Panel confirm to IS 8828, on wall / wood board / flush mounting using required clamps, bolts, nuts etc., with provision for fixing of suitable type capacity MCCB's as an incomer for 3 phase Double door with necessary bus bar completely wired to use on 440Volts 3phase 4 wire powder coated painting etc., Each complete with a provision for fixing of single/three phase suitable capacity MCCB/MCB's as outgoings conferming to IS8828. 3 4 98 99 Supplying and fixing 5-32 Amps SP miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve , indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with Short circuit breaking capacity of 10K and complete Each wiring as required.confirming to IEC 60898 I no 6.16.1/P no 47 Supplying and fixing 5-32 Amps DP miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve , indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with Short circuit Each breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required.confirming to IEC 60898 Supplying and fixing 5-63 Amps TPN miniature circuit breakers on existing MCB distribution boards using necessary fixing materials and 'C' Type curve , indicator ON/OFF, energy cross-3 with Short circuit Each 100 breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required.confirming to IEC 60898 8 8 4
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