*O-Cent Bottle Sprains, Bruises Stiff Muscles More Than Little Incident Like This to Discourage Some Women Shoppers. Take* SOLVENT 9 IMPORTANCE OF TABLE LINEN BUT SHE WILL DO IT AGAIN URIC ACID (32 Doses) She stood at the laco counter of a FREE •re quickly relieved by Sloan's Liniment. Lay It on no rub- the day Worried WocnWd avenue Bhop. say. the Dei,,«t because you start troit Free Press. It was an unusually legs and arm* and muscles, jfndtlrcd, stiff n.'hlnn \u0084, a ,i. burning and bearing down t>usy afternoon. Othors were waiting bing. n back-worn out before the " n the /not think you have to stay faTbegln*. their turn, but she was oblivious. •Tm sorry, madam." suid clerk. !t;;':'u and vigorous, with no t rather tired-looking youngthewoman. muscles, T)ut Joints, sore I v« nothing clso to show you— V. nftln from stiff aching back or kid- nothing that Is .suffering, anything like your samtrouble or ple." wi\T*™y torm of I*bladder really wonderful. "It seems vory strange," she said in ,nknes« its action are in and out of bed a fretful tone. "I simply Thn«e ..uiTercrs who have to find will appreciate (something. hii'f'., dozen times a night I should think you'd carry strength this treatand comfort re«t, "lie a larger stock. What's in that box the Williams Treatment con- over there?" "¥o Drove "Nothing but insertions," replied and bladder diseases, rheu*tri kidney the troubles, no Blrl, and all uric acid politely. stubborn, if you or matter How chronic "Well, Treatment, give me my sample. I'llhave Williams hive \u0084,.,. used the bottle (32 doses) free to look give one 50c i youwillwill somewhere else." and send it cut out this notice if "You took the sample." address, with 100 to lith your name and expenses, 1 beg your pardon. I haven't seen to The Dr. hplD Day distribution Company, Dept. 2396, P. O. It since I handed it to you when I first DA. Williams Conn. Send at once came In." RklVyouEastWillHampton, receive by parcel post a reg"Why, I'm sure I gave it back." charge and withotaf BOc bottle, without "You certainly did not, and you'll One bottle out incurring any obligations. have to find it. as I simply can't go only to an address. 'way out to my dressmaker's tor another." There seemed nothing for the girl to Ido but pull out the different boxes I again, and lift ench separate bolt of lace in search of the mislaid bit. Of course all this took considerable time. ~ PATENT ATTORNEYS Several customers hoi become Impa"uitvnth that protect are procured throaKh tient and walked on. Others still stood Having PATENT AGESOY Inc.. COAST tACl^r there, Interested in the outcome of the Toan Building, Stockton. Onlltornln. sample hunt. A man and a young womCIip DETROIT, FLORIDA.— this ad. FREE TO Send with letter for infor- an were plainly annoyed, yet aroused. \u0084..;.. injr but once. Celebration, about free trip to Detroit's "Madam, would you mind looking in mation 'ehruary 20th and 21st. Completion first .canal your miles to bag just to be sure it's not from nine paved road Detroit rock «nd iiscajne Bay. See Detroit, the farthest south ; there V asked the girl. semi-tropics. Agents brinu buyers, the town in "I know I didn't take it, but I'll look Miami L«nJ «nd Development regular commissions. Aakle Sprats ami Dlsloeat*d Hip. "Isprained my ankle and dislocated my hip by falling out of a third story window. Went on crutch** for four ins ?i?*itron« months. Then I started to as* your Liniment, according to direction!. I most say It is h*lplng me wonderfully. W« will never be without Sloan'* Lini- S&nSte ment anymore." LINIMENT Splendid for Sprains. I fell and sprained my arm week ago and was in terrible pain. I could not use my hand or arm until I applied your Liniment. I shall never be without a bottle of Sloan's Liniment."—<*•»»> B. B. Springmr, ElitaUlk. N.J. jJust to prove it." She I words. bit Fine for Stiffness. Sloan** Liniment ha* done more ** good than anything I have ever tried for stiff joints. I got my hand hurt so badly that Ihad to stop work right in the busiest time of the year. I thought at first that I would have to have my hand taken off. but I got a bottle of Sloan's Liniment and cured my hand." —Wilton IFh—Ur.ManU. Ala. »« cts. por pkt., <n* othtr leading /retfor trial, viz.: Croiro I'lnW, largest and finest of all Asten. PnnKT. Orchid-fld., superb new Ky/Mfc?iSl ftj'^^^^'^tKi orchid colors. p riinroae> New Giant White, "» l*{*tunla» Brilliant Beauty. fflllr^i^ Snowball Tomato, new (white). All these Six leading Seed Novelties for only 10c, with Notes on Culture, Catalogue, Floral together Hints, etc. Oar Bid Catalottaeof Flower and Vet?. Seeds. Bulbs. Plants and rare new Fruits free to all who apply. We are the largest growers in the world of Gladiolus, Cannaa, Dahlias, Lilies, Iris, etc., and ouc itocks are best and cheapest. JOHN LEWIS CHILDS, Floral Pad, N. T. L ~^*^ >^-*i&^f!r^v^J chiding S Novelties — Sick Cure Headache, T ml **tJfATTIW^ f \L\£mF*SK \>.^V?tOKJW^ 'wS.g, ( p^F^ f BOSTON. MASS. MUST KEEP STRAIGHT FACE Indoor Pastime In Which No One Is Allowed to Smile or Laugh During Progress of Game. Constipation, This Is a gamo In which no one la allowed to smile and laugh. All the players, except one, sit in a row or half-circle, one goes out of the room and returns with a stick or poker in his hand, and a grave and solemn face. He is supposed to have just returned from a visit to Buff. The first player asks him: "Where do you come from?" "From Buff." The next asks: "Did he say anything to you?" To which the reply ts: "Buff said 'Baft." And gave me this staff, Telling me neither to smile or tc laugh. Buff says 'Baff' to you all his men, And I say 'Baff' to you again And he neither laughs nor smiles. In spite of all your cunning wiles, But carries his face with a very good grace, And passes his staff to the very next Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath —Candy Cathartic. Xo odds how bad your liver, stomach or bowels; how much your head aches, how miserable you are from biliousness constipation, indigestion, and sluggish bowels —you always get They immerelief with Cascarets. diately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove the sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excesa bile from the liver and carry off the constipated waste matter and poison A from the intestines and bowels. 10-cent box from your druggist will your liver and bowels clean; A healing salve that cures all kinds of keep sweet and head clear for stomach Piles. Painful cases quickly relieved. raonths. They work while you sleep. WREATH PILE CURE , Send for Sloan's free, instructor* Dr.EARLS.SLOAN.Ioc tWI Cures cuts and wounds. XSo VBjJrf off her I ffVIfA #£&S£^X&&sf/Jf**^' . At all Dealers. 28c. 60c. and $1.00 bonk on horses, cattle, hogs and poultry. Address She looked and there v.-as tho poor i little sample. "Well—l—well—how—' And she flounced off without further Advt. tional Bank. remark. "The Lord pity her husband!" exCHILDS' GIANT SUMMER COSMOS positively the most iuperb ! claimed the man fervently. "That is, •fr**\ ..iVS an beautiful garden flower -iJjl^H^lilooms profusely from If she has one." j&i^ifo?'*itwL'&tf'i known.to N°v plant pro:l*ft%A*?iv*-1 June «i eacll vte*k&p3ffitY&]?.**ff JtL ducinff thousands of flowers, larger and more exquisite than jTjJlkS^J^ mSM the fall Cosmos, white, blush, 10 CENT “CASCARETS” SSwV^f vfi^^Ki^ pink.rose.crimson.etc. Thrive* ItTTt17I f'ilvVi*£\£i«k FOR LIVER AND BOWELS cut flower for ftiVl fil'TPv%Sj*&r anywhart— vases, etc. Mailed fof M\Viuliirj/*vi7s • * j Co.. Deiroll, Dade County, Southern Florida. and Chemist, Howard E. Burton, Assajfsr •advllle, Colorado. Specimen prices: Gold, Gold, 50c.; 76c; Lead, 11.00; Gold. Silver. Silver, and full Zinc or Copper. $1 .00. Mailinit envelopes and umControl Drice list sent on application. Reference: Carbonate Napire work solicited. Kills Pain j fnd Advertising Cimt, John*)*. Law* SLOANS u SSin 1 Classified — Try it I "Mail SI Appropriation pe, EL m a f| jj Restore ill Assist »iI i , Digestion Promote Liver Activity fj »>y Regularity the daily use of fOSTETTER'S Itomach bitters Hacked BY A co J^^B~W kl9 years- recore els. tiny Sugar-coated Hamburg For a change, granules—Adv. Relish. sometimes, after seasoning it. Krlnd ing the meat and it, fry out with mix and egg beat an steak In spidthe turn pork, Borne salt side, then turn er and brown on one By using and brown on the other. platter In a on placed be care it can i whole slice and is very nice. Kve BalMm for sraldins rtu Roman "m .-yey» and sw^uinn eyes or eyellda.—Adv. A Rare Inflammation of Combination. trouThe O«P»eltjr for geuirs intoout of ble and the ability for getting I it are seldom combined In tho same , I person. Ute^ ""'TIIIOTO »DVERTI*CRS \V irn.s expelled promptly from the MENTION THIS PIPH -vstem with IT. Peery's Vermli fuse "Urad Shot."—Adv. l----_____7. 191' Making Mint Sauce. When making mint sauce if hot When of cold it will vinegar is used instead a a m t-L-1 M." \u25a0 Tor there is not the danger of as on top of the stove. first Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets They regulate put up 40 years ago. invigorate, stomach, liver and bow- and 1 Induce Bowel oLT urn Ej 111 \u 25a0 ™»!' tJ.H,Dnwru*. 'MS-! "'\u°"'«' "*.*""** H . "™ vo Purchased ' ' In buying a table cloth one should. if possible, havo tho exact measurtjni nt of the table for which it is intended; tho usual length is from two a&d one-half to three yards. If the i table is a square one, one-fourth to one-third of a yard is allowed to fall Many of tho new over the ends. cloths have the design round on a j square cloth, which makes them especially attractive for the round table, ; as the cloth can be cut circular with| out disturbing the pattern; usually I these have a circle of flowers, or the satin bands, according to the design , in tho border, in tho middle of the I cloth to fit the top of tho table. Napi kins should match the cloths, and there ought to be two dozen allowed for each cloth; one dozen of each size. — 2 greafly k ' __—\u25a0— DR. PIERCES ——«—— Golden Medical Discovery \u25a0 I „ on alterative extract from native medicinal plants, prescribed in both liquid bin! tablet form by Dr. It. V. Tierce, over 40 years a«o. as an inMore than tn years of experience hai proven it' superior worth ami regulates and blood purifier. It invigorates system. vißoratinir stomach tonle It can through bowels, whole stomach, liver anil and them the the now also Ix3had i" sufrar-cnated tablet form of most Healers in medicine. stamps I'icrco's Invalids in one-cent for trial box to Dr. if not. Bend 50 cents Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N.Y. Thi. Common Sense Medical Adviser I . PAGES HANDSOMELY BOUND IN CLOTH-TREATS I II IS A BOOK OF 1003 MEDICINE AND IS A COMPLETE I PHYSIOLOGY. HYGIENE,ANATOMY, 1 HOME PHYSICIAN. Send 31 one-cent stamps to R. V. Pierce, Bulfalo. N. Y. | PROPER COURSE IN READING Systematic Selection, With a Purpose, Is About the Only Way to At- TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING tain Results. Save your Hair! Get a 25 cent bottle of Oanderine right now—Also A book, an apple, and a blazing flro. What more can the heart of man desire ?" * Pretty near solid comfort isn't ltT Especially If the flro burns without smoking, the apple is ripe and Juicy, and the book is of the right kind. For the book is the most Important part of the combination. In planning your reading for the long winter months, it is a good thing to have some definite Idea in mmd —; some particular line along which you would like to add to your store of information. It may bo history, biography, science or farming. It may be' that you would like to know more about animals, or bug or birds. If you take pains to plan your course of reading carefully, you may in a few months' spare time accomplish a great, stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mule evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff—thai awful scurf. There is nntliiiiK so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair Of its lustre, its Strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverishness and Itching Of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die linn the hair falls out fast. A little Danderino tonight —now —any time —will surely save your hair. Get a 2G cent bottle of Knowlton'a Dandeiine from any drug store. You surely can have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little DaaTry it! Save your hair! derlne. deal. German Dumplings. Grate three or four cold boiled potatoes. To these add two thoroughly beaten eggs, a little salt and one-half cup milk. Stir in enough flour so you can form into balls with your hands. Be careful not to get too stiff and Drop into boiling flour your hands. salted water and boll about 20 minWhen they have boiled about utes. ten minutes turn over quickly without sticking fork into them and cover again. Pour gravy over them same as for potatoes. Gravy made after frying pork chops Is best Suppose for example, that you are principally interested in birds. There are enough books, magazines and other literature devoted to these pretty, feathered friends so that it will be easy to find material for the whole winter's work on this one subject. Of course you should make notes as I you go along. In this way you can save for future reference any scraps of Information that you may glean from the sources at your command, and you willfind, in a short time, that you have accumulated a vast fund of definite knowledge on the subject you may divide For convenience your notebook into several sections, $1000 FREE IF I FAIL TO CURE any CANCER or TUMOR _ POOR CURED AT HALF PRICE OR FREE NO KNIFE, OR PAIN NO PAY UNTIL CURED hy GUARANTEE. *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 /^ /XJ-JC/J x\ \ TJItMBL f indie \\ JMfA\»-\\^^ Knv or other -XaWWsfcsj* WRITTEN GUARANTEE plaster 3-day painless ff^gS^ES » 1 I W ANY TUMOR. LUMP or SORE on the LIP, FACE or hudy long i* CANCER. It Never Pains Until Last WTITTT^sWr .^^^^^^?S&*^r*^k /P^&Rfrjitr f\\ BOOK ffy^^T g/ / 120-PAGE sent free: te«iiini>ni«li Iklfy'Ji*/ I of THOUSANDS CURED ****— Stage. J*^ AnyLump i" Woman's Breast ALWAYS poison* I BELIEVE IS ALWAYS CANCER, and the armpit and KILLS QUICKLY I swear we have CURED 10.000. Go"?.,"."!? o orB deep glands In CHAMIEY rB ru 8T00cKANcAEli ""SOldDr.&Mrs. "MOST SUCCESSFUL CANCER SPIC'AUSTS LIVINO" A B 436 Valencia St., SAN FRANCISCO, CAL KINDLY MAIL this to someone with CANCER About Potatoes. Put the potatoes to soak a little while with a small piece of common soda In the water, and you will find they aro much easier to scrape and do not soil tho fingers. THIS WOMAN'S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. _ _ _ END STOMACH TROUBLE, Baltimore, MA —"I am more than such headings as follows: glad to tell what Lydia E. Finkhnm's GASES OR DYSPEPSIA under nests Their 1. Classes of birds. 2. Vegetable Comr>^7 r:^ 3. Their habits and nesting-places. did for me. pound pound did l lWll-JLdP»i Sick, Sour, "Pape's Diapepsin" makes and food. 4. Description and classifi- !&fijs|Sp|iii| I1 suffered adful dreadful stiffen d dr. 5. ltirds Gassy Stomachs surely feel fine cation of common birds. and was very pains nnd jjSSS^' j^j^ in five minutes. that are rare or extinct. 6. Miscelirregular. IrregUlar. 11 became *|w»S3%? laneous notes and anecdotes. for iij W '^j alarmed and sent for If what you just ate is Bourins on Any subject may be divided In a Lydia E. Pinkham's some following your stomach or lies like a lump of similar style. By Vegetable Com•p\ iead, refusing to digest, or you belch such methods one Is enabled to put ip!fr3t^^!ii pound. I took it regir] knowledge into definite shape, which helps one to remember and make use of vastly more than when it is left a mere Jumble cf odds and ends. One need not —in tact should not confine reading to only the one central subject Good literature of any kind should bo mixed in for the sake of variety. Every boy and girl should acquaint themaelves with tho great writers of prose and poetry, both of our own and of former times. The boy and girl In the country have no better time for this purpose than the stormy daya and long evenings of win- yjfsg|gps& li'^t^'j^s'/ ulurly until I was without a cramp or like and it has now been six months since I took any medicine at all. I hope my little note will assist you in helping other women. I now feel perfectly well and in Mrs. August the best of health." W. Kondner, 1632 Ilollins Street, Baltimore, Md. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-day holds the record of ter. being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN of voluntary testimonials on file in the If yon have paint In the back. Trlnary, Bladder or Kldnny trouble, and want a certain, pli'&iwit hurb Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., (Ira.'H Iilia, try Mother AKOMA ouiv for wnman'a -10 LRAF. It I" a mifi' and novur-fallinK rtKiilit tor. seem to provo this fact. «anip!» liackttue *t UrilKlt'.Hti or by mull VI rent*. Boy. (V... N. Y. Ora, *RKE. Aildrmithe Mother In For thirty years it has been the standaid remedy for female ilia, and has reRed Headed Dwarfs. stored the health of thousands of women In the Valley of Rpbns. In the Pyrewho have been troubled with such ailnees ,1s found a raco of dwarfa. They ments as displacements, inflammation, all have red hair, broad fares and Hut ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. noses. If you want special advice Improved Conditions in France. write to Lydia B. Plnklmm Med\u25a0•\u25a0!»• ~ - -— icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Statisticians now count on the surMass. Your letter willbe opened, • vival to maturity of 70 out of even France, born in In read and answered by a woman male children 100 and held in strict confidence. •tead of 67 a few years ago. — SOME ODD GYROSCOPIC TOYS Professor t Jf "^fli Gray of the Royal Society Has Invented and Exhibited Several Acrobatic Dolls. pain and felt ifM^TvJ r*?-,?; -"''-1 another person, - Some extraordinary toys based on the old gyroscopic tops have been recently invented by I'rofesßor Gray of the Royal society, and exhibited by him at the Royal institution. One toy Is a doll figure hanging by its hands from two wires strung along together, a gyroscope whirling inside the doll figure. As the wires are slightly Jogged the figure begins to move along the wires, hand-over-hand like an acrobat, liy a curious property of the gyroscope, when the hidden wheel be Sins to run down the little figure begins to hurry, as if it intended to use every effort to complete its Journey before losing its power. Another toy consists of three doll acrobats on trapezes, a gyroscope being concealed in each doll. When the gyroscopes are properly started the balancing perform three acrobats feats, each doll In its turn doing a stunt in regular order, but no two doing the same stunt at the same time. mmmmmmmmmmmmm A doll bicycle rider on a tight rope Is another toy. from the handle bars of the bicycle wires are run to the proper connections with the hidden gyroscope, so that If the little figure Kidneys starts to fall to th<; left the handle country Doctors In all parts of the turned, and the front wheel bars are have been kept busy with the epidemic pointed to the left enough to keep the many There la not a medlclno for any purso has visited When a man has the short change of grip which exactly as a human rider game worked on him, ho makes a noißO p< .\u25a0 more carefully made than 8 S. S. It balance, of this grip symptoms homes. The does. that brings the Police, anil yet that same represents the highest typo of medicine. year are often very distressing ana may walk Into a store and have the jt» medical properties are Just an essenscientist man From his the condimodels leave the system in a run-down which showed how It 1h as good" game worked on him and tla | t0 we i| balanced health, If the blood Just to a place kidneys, possible ||U I*'Lk "lo tluj I1{>ulls!li"Kelements of tion particularly the _^ fl*SjS(i*\ sf?^. every prevent > gyroscope In a motor car to as almost meats, 'gniirin, fats and Bugars of our daily seem to suffer most, \\J*m?' curve, and the car from overturning on a food. 8. S. S. U prepared direct from victim complains of lame back \V&k*& natlvo botanical material. Not a drop of «jSwRVr *'^£'ipR5§J?A\ urinary troubles which should not be says the Dundee Advertiser. With such /; £*?*&V \««^j**^Ofif^A\ drugs Is added. Not a drop of minerals neglected, as these danger signals often a device a car rounding a curve at This la one of tho moat Impurtkidney troubles. high speed would tilt to the Inside as jSJBSU '» used. lead to dangerous large "'lngs sale on Dr. kn"w and tc> remember (BH^slW^wK^^SsKca ant Druggists report a If It were running on a banked track, WBr*^V^^|l«f#'V\fyj«T^s^l \ 1 when your blood needs attention. so many ] impostheoretically Kilmer's Swamp-Root which It would be and 'fifc^^'-J^yj^V^?Xß lt ls ""= """it effective, the purest, tho people say soon heals and strengthens ,«i:l m and most reliable medicine JSSji. "tSy-rW^fP^ quickest sible for the car to overturn. grip. of M the kidneys after an attack for poisoned blood, rheumatism known fS Swanip-Root is a great, kidney, liver catarrluil Infection, malaria, skin Uia.-uso, J\s%ik's3Brr V\V\-Y 2£ 111I Free to Our Header* being an and, "''l "ores and (ill afflictions that show In remedy, and bladder Write Marine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago., for healing JnfeUjC' 'V T \u25a0'\¥\'jWffif' "»e blood, .skin. Joints and i.iu.fcled. Free. Write all herbal compound, has a gentle almost 48-pa?e Illustrated Eye Hook they blood I* is will adrUe An Interesting book on tho about Your Eye Trouble ami effect on the kidneys, which ™ to those who write. Get a bottle of the Muriue mailed by Proper Application most as to the in cases » greutv *%^ 'y^Satr immediately noticed of 8 B S today It ls the world's Co., Eye Remedies in Your Hpeclal Case Your those who try it. Dr. Kilmer aI sam- Druggist will tell you th.-it Murine Uelieves When You A* for S. S. S. D« So bore Eyes, BtreDfrtbeus \V«-,tk Eyes UoeNn't Binghamton, N. V.. offer to send I hey Will With LmphuH.s ho Smart, Soothes Eye I un, anil veils lor Miln ple size bottle of Swamp-Root on reI nderstand. and l of petufe every sufferer Try It in Your Eyes and in IJaby's Eyes lor \u0084 M free frOIII o m |\u0084.u,^ P ...i,,t of ten cents, to Bcaly Eyelids and Granulation trial convince it. A will requests who of it. any one who may be in need A table of weights and dhmoim, negular size bottles, 50 cents and $1.00. to Be and framed under gl*as, druggists. typewritten nure »tore». For sale at all greatest blood purifier known. should hang In every kitchen. paper. \u25a0 Make Demand Forcible Don't Be Trifled With Peculiar After Effects of Grip This Year Leaves the Cavor and give color. the sauce better more mention this Putnam Fadeless Dyes color than others. goods Improve dysprpsia comes nervousness, sleeplessness and genAlong and ill health. Why? Rccaueon disordered stomach docs not permit the food to bo assimilated an.l carried to the blood. On the other hand, the iii iod ia charged with poisons Which coino from this disordered digestion. In turn, the nerves nro not fed on Rood, rid blood and wo It is not head work that •M those symptoms of nervous breakdown. does it, but poor stomach work. With poor thin blood th« body is not protected apainst the attack of germs of grip—bronchitis—consumption. Fortify the body DOW with 1 ' li Appurtenances "All is Well That Ends Well" Some Thought on Before They Are and Shaped. gas and eructate sour, undlgt ted food, or have a feeling of dlssineSß, heartburn, fullneu, nausea, bad taste you in mouth and stomach-headache, can set blessed relief in five minutes. Put an end to stomach trouble for< vet by getting s large fifty-rent case of Pipe's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how need' place." less it is to suffer from Indigestion, If he can repeat all this without dyspepsia or any stomach disorder, laughing he delivers up his staff to It's the quickest, surest stomach dueseat; and takes his else, some one It's wonderful. tor in the world. but if he laughs, or even smiles, he pays B forfeit before giving it up. Needed. Further J. A. CROUNSE CO. Apache Indians held as prltOf the Box 836 San Francisco, Cal. i oners of war at Ft. Sill, Okla., 178 I have elected to remove to the MescaFlank Steak With Dressing. lero Indian reservation in southern Select a nice, thick flank and have New Mexico, while the remaining 88 ihe butcher remove all skin and score will take up their residence among the It on both sides. Ask for a small Klowas and Comanches in Oklahoma, piece of suet. Ingredients for dress- ! Bays a report by the committee aptog: Two cupfuls of soaked bread | pointed to take up the matter. The crumbs, one small onion, one table- I Apaches have been prisoners of wai spoonful of butter, one egg, one-quarsince Geronimo's surrender In 1886. the ter teaspoonful of salt, a little powderAs the $200,000 appropriated at ed sage, several shakings of pepper. last session will not be sufficient to IF YOUR CHILD IS CROSS, FEVERISH, CONSTIPATED Pour water on the stale bread. When provide for moving and obtaining poft press dry in both hands, then re- lands for all the Apaches, the conlect any hard or dark parts. Beat the I gress will be asked to make an addi- Look Mother! If tongue is coated, fSS well, and stir in, also the season- -1 tlonal appropriation of about $100,000. cleanse little bowels with "Caliing; mince the onion, put in frying j It Is planned to move as many next fornia Syrup of Figs." Pan with the butter, let it cook a lit- spring as the money already avallbut not brown; add the bread, | able for the purpose will permit Mothers can rest easy after giving turn a few times, then taken from Are You Constipated? "California Syrup of Fip;s," because in Ptove. Rub the flank well with salt a few hours all the clogged-up waste, Wright'! Indian Vegetable Pills sour bile and fermenting food gently pepper, on, then place dressing years fid moves out of the bowels, and you have pll tightly, tie with white cord, cut i have proved their worth for 75 I yourself now. Send for a well, playful child again. them Test [vet up finely, tie with white cord, cut ! sample to 372 Pearl St., N. V—Adv. Sick children needn't be coaxed to roast, cover and cook In steady [he take this harmless "fruit laxative." Mt; It must be well done, but not Cooking in a Jar. Millions of mothers keep it handy bea pied out Not until she has tried it will cause they know its action on the housekeeper realize how delicious are Btomacta, liver and bowels is prompt vegetables and fruits cooked in a jar and Kiir.-. top of the Ask your druggist f"! B 50-cent boti in the oven rather than on possible tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which water as little As stove of directions for babies, children full flavor contains the i should be added, then and for grown-ups. ages of all A casserole , the foodstuff is retained. vegetables the or i answers admirably for To Bake Fish. Appetite Apple this way. baking fish lay it first on a piece fruits prepared in It are sauce, rhubarb, prunes and beans really of clean greased cotton cloth, then lay some of the things which are The It in the pan It can be lifted out easthe ily when done excellent cooked in the oven. fe, process is simple for the housew burning By A>M to Bestow Ask for S. S. S. and Don't Stand for the "Just as Good" Talk. I In Weakened Condition " "" 's^sii»C» 'TwlS' 'kS? \C& V r^W®K3i^^Hi\\> 'A \ /%%s&&*s^S% '" r*^'\ \ C~^s~Jfl Mr<2i'^*?!22r £<i'JL Jrf^T~>••"'/ XiS&&W "EYfSt'-V ' *-/MW-¥ I™W W^ J^T," ' «£•»•* 3*Vrf?wSS earfVeeT od,r tof o^^
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