WEEKLY &HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT GRADE 9(All Section) Subject In school assignment Sunday Literature vocabulary quiz! Class discussion about the reading selection and highlight vocabulary. Monday Class discussion on the story, its author, and meaning. English Tuesday Reading comprehension quiz. Trade literature homework, mark Go over grammar on pp 181-184 chapter 14 Doesn’t, Don’t and Collective Nouns AND Other Problems in Agreement in English Workshop and turn in. Wednesday Trade, mark, and turn in grammar homework worksheet. H.W -Answer questions A, C, & D at the bottom of pages 490-491 while rereading. This should be on a full sized sheet of notebook paper with your name and section on it. -Revise the questions 1-11 at the end of the reading selection “I Know Why the Cage Bird Sings” on p 495. Quiz Be prepared just in case! -Answer questions 1-3 on p 495 on a full sheet of paper. - Revise AND complete the grammar on pp 181-184 chapter 14 Doesn’t, Don’t and Collective Nouns AND Other Problems in Agreement in English Workshop. Quiz Reading comprehension quiz tomorrow - Complete grammar homework worksheet. - Revise AND complete pp 4346 lesson 11 in the Vocabulary Workshop book. Quiz Be prepared just in case! - Complete combined literature and Vocabulary Workshop vocabulary worksheet puzzle. - RELAX! Quiz Due Date Grammar quiz. Review new vocabulary as a class in both Vocabulary Workshop and from literature this week. (charades maybe?) Thursday Take grammar quiz. Trade, correct, and turn in worksheet homework. Class discussion on sadness, depression, and what can the students do to combat these things. - Write the final draft of essay which was started in class. Read “About Story Corps” on pp. 502-511. Highlight difficult words. Write the meanings. - Read the story & study vocabulary that you don’t know. Quiz Literature vocabulary quiz on Sunday. Brainstorm and write a rough draft of an essay about your opinion of slavery. Include 1. The problem 2. What you did about it 3. Advice to someone who has the same problem Don’t forget an introduction and a conclusion. Math Science Geome Use the new vocabulary words. (10-3)Formulas in three dimensions (10-5)surface area of pyramids and cons *Friction : a force that opposes motion *The source of Friction *Effect of force on friction Pw63 17/2 Pw65 19/2 1. Define friction What are the two types of friction? 2.Explain with examples. 16/2 Due Date ألاحد 51-8-8051 الاثنين 51-8-8051 الاربعاء 52-8-8051 الخميس 01-5-5102 االثنين 2/61 H.W كتابة مسرحية ص () 802في الكتاب املدرس ي In school assignment Subject درس :أحكام العدد Arabic إجابة ورقة عمل درس العدد إجابة سؤال (ث) ص() 15 إجابة سؤال أطبق ص( )15 حفظ اآليات من ()02-22 التدرب على تالوة اآليات من 02-22من سورة الكهف مع تطبيق أحكام التجويد درس قصة أصحاب القرية ()2 تالوة اآليات من 02-22من سورة الكهف . Islamic Special Islamic 15/ 2 /2015 15 / 2 /2015 15 / 2 /2015 تحضير درس السلطات العامة (السلطات العامة ) National Education رسم خريطة ( قارة استراليا) Geo. تحضير الدرس ( دولة الكويت وعمان وقطر والبحرين) History Assignment 14: What is a shape Tween? pages 89 to 94. - Révision de la présentation . - Révision générale: La présentationquestions et réponds. Computer French
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