The Director, Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Jor Bagh Road, New Delhi-110 003. Date : 12 / 02 / 2015 Sub.:- Environmental Clearance –“THE LEGEND” Residential Apartment Project at Survey No. 224/1, Village Pooonithura, Cochin Corporation, Ernakulam District, Kerala – Application – Reg. Respected Sir, We propose to develop a residential apartment project at Survey No. 224/1, Poonithura Village, Cochin Corporation, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam, Kerala. Attached herewith are the following documents for the Environmental Clearance of the same. The documents are: 1. Duly filled Form -1 (Appendix I ) 2. Duly filled Form – 1A (Appendix II ) 3. Conceptual Plan. You are requested to accord the Environmental Clearance to our above mentioned project at earliest. Thanking you, Yours respectfully, For SKYLINE BUILDERS K. V. ABDUL AZEEZ ( MANAGING PARTNER ) 1 INDEX S. No. Particulars Page No. 1. Covering Letter 1 2. Index 2 3. Form – 1 4. Form – 1A 5. Annexure 1 Activity-wise Daily Water Consumption Calculation 6. Annexure 2 Water Balance Chart 7. Annexure 3 Vicinity Image of the site & surroundings 44 8. Annexure 4 Google Image superimposed with project site 45 9. Annexure 5 Contour Map 46 10. Annexure 6 Conceptual Plan 47 11. Annexure 7 Disclosure of Consultant engaged 48 3 – 17 18 – 40 41 42 – 43 2 APPENDIX I (See paragraph – 6) FORM 1 (I) Sr. No. Basic Information Item 1. Name of the project/s 2. S. No. in the schedule 3. Proposed capacit y / area / length / tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/ number of wells to be drilled New/ Expansion/ Modernization 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13 14 Existing capacit y/ area etc., Categor y of Project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specif y Does it attract the specif ic condition? If yes, please specif y Locat ion Plot/ Sur vey/ Khasr a No. Village Tehsil Distr ict State Nearest railway station/airport along with distance in Kms Nearest Town, cit y, District Headquarters along with distance in Kms Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporat ion, Local body (complet e postal addresses wit h telephone nos. to be given) Name of the applicant Registered Address Address f or correspondence : Details Environmental Clearance for the proposed Residential Apartment project including its services, roads , drainage arrangement etc. to be developed by M/ s SKYLINE BUILDERS 8 (a), Construction Project w ith built -up area 23,320. 14 sq. m. Total Plot Area = 4, 917.105 sq. m. ( 0.4917 ha.) Total Built-up Area = 23,320.14 sq. m. Proposed Dw elling Units = 41 Nos. New Proposed Resi denti al Apartment Project No Category ‘B’ as per EI A Notification, 2006 NO NO Surve y No. 224/1, Poonithura Village, Cochin Corporation, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District, Kerala Surve y No. 224/1 Poonithura Village Kanayannur Taluk Ernakulam District Kerala The nearest railw ay station is Ernakulam Junction Railw ay Station i s about 2.20 km and Cochi n International Airport i s about 20.50 Km. (aerial distance) aw ay f rom the project site. (Source of Informat ion : Google Eart h) Kakkanad Ci vil Stat ion about 32 km . Cochin Corporation, Shenoys, Ernakulam, Kerala 682011 Phone :0484 236 9007 M/s SKYLI NE BUILDERS 41 / 349B, Skyline House, Rajaji Road, Cochin, Ernakulam, Kerala - 682035 M/s SKYLI NE BUILDERS, 41 / 349B, Skyline House, Rajaji Road, Cochin, Ernakulam, Kerala - 682035 3 Name Designation (O wner/ Partner/CEO) Address 16 17 Pin Code E- Mail Telephone No. Fax No. Details of Alternative Sit es examined, if any. Location of these sites should be shown on a toposheet Interlinked Projects Mr. K. V. ABDUL AZ EEZ Managing Partner M/s SKYLI NE BUILDERS, 41 / 349B, Skyline House, Rajaji Road, Cochin, Ernakulam, Kerala – 682035 682 035 0484 2363695 0484 2374176 Not Applicable Village-District- Stat e 1. 2. Not applicable NO 23 W hether separate applicat ion of inter linked project s has been submitted? If yes, date of submission If no, reason Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under: If yes, details of the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? (b) The W ildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? (c) The C.R.Z Notification,1991 ? Whether there is any Government Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site? Forest land involved (hectares) 24 Whether NO 18 19 20. 21 22 there is any litigation N. A. N. A. NO NO NO NO NO pending against the project and/or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. 4 (II) Acti vit y 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project invol vi ng actions, w hich w ill cause physi cal changes in the localit y (topography, land use, changes in w ater bodies, et c.) Sr. No. Information/Checkli st confirmation Yes / No 1.1 Permanent or temporar y change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in int ensit y of land use ( with respect to local land use plan) Yes 1.2 Clearance of exist ing land, vegetat ion and buildings? Yes 1.3 Creat ion of new land uses? Yes 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e. g. houses, soil test ing? Yes bore 1.5 Construction work s? Yes 1.6 Demolit ion works? No 1.7 Temporary sites used f or construct ion works or housing of construction workers? Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and f ill or excavations Yes 1.8 Yes Details thereof (w ith approximat e quantities / rates, w herever possibl e) w ith source of information data The project site is located w ithin Cochin Corporation Limits. During constructi on phase, about 100 w orkers ( dail y average) w ill be at site. During operation phase on full occupanc y of the proposed residential project , the maximum populati on is expected 205 resident s hence there is increase in the intensit y of land use. (Source: population calculat ion is based on NBC). There are some trees at the project si te and some of them for the development of project w ill be cleared. The proposed sit e is earmarked f or the development of residential area . It is proposed to const ruct resi dential building w ith internal roads, parking, green area and other facilities. Pre-construction Soil Investigation has been carried out f or the site and ground w ater is encount er ed at 1.60 m below ground level. Duri ng investigation there is clayey silt upt o 12m, cla yey silt w ith organic matter from 12.0 to 25m, silt y sand from 25 to 28m, si lt y clay 28 to 31m, silt y sand 31 to 34m, cl ayey silt 34 to 37, clayey silt w ith sand 37 t o 43m and after 43m fine silt y sand w ith clay encountered. Construction of residential buildings, Car Parking Block, uti lities block, STP, solid w aste collection and processing faci lities, parking, I nternal roads for movement i nside the site w ill be constructed. The project site is vacant land and no structural demolition is required. Temporar y sheds for construction labour w ill be developed and the same w ill be demolished after the site development. It is proposed to construct Resi dential Apartment project w ithin the site & related facilities w hich invol ves resi dential buildings, parki ng block, road construction, solid w aste processing area, STP etc. Excavation for pile foundation of structures w ill be carried out. 5 No 1.10 Underground works including mining or tunneling? Reclamat ion works? 1.11 Dredging? No 1.12 Off shore structures? No 1.13 Product ion and manuf acturing processes? Facilities f or storage of goods or materials? No Facilities f or treatment disposal of solid waste liquid ef f luents? Yes 1.9 1.14 1.15 or or No Yes No underground w orks including mi ning / tunneling required. There is no reclamation w ork in the project site. No dredging w ork is required in the project development. No offshore structure is required i n the project development . No production / manufacturing process invol ved in the project development . Separate st ore for raw material like cement and other construction materials w ill be made w ithin the project premises. Bricks and steel w ill be laid in open. Construction phase :Municipal Solid w aste generation from the project during construction phase w ill be about 40 Kg / day and sew age generation w ill be about 10. 80 KL / da y. The nonbiodegradable w aste and other packaging material w ill be sold to the vendors. Bio-bin system w ill be provided for the disposal of bio-degradable soli d w aste and the sew age w ill be channelized to the temporary / mobile sew age treatment plant for the treatment of sew age . Operation phase :Solid w aste generation w ill be abou t 82 Kg / day and w hich w ill be collected s eparatel y as Bio-degradable and Non -biodegradable w aste as per the M SW Rules, 2000. The non biodegradable and recycl able w aste w ould be sold to the recyclers. The biodegradable w aste along w ith sludge from STP w ould be sent to the bio-bin facilit y to be de veloped w ithin the premises. Further, the spent oil from the D.G. sets ( defined as hazardous w aste) w ill be sold to C.P.C.B. approved recyclers. e-Waste : Separate earmarked space w ill be provided for e-w aste storage. Effluent:- The domestic sew age about 22.14 KL / day w ill be generated w hich w ill be treated through proposed Sew age Treatment Plant to be dev eloped w ithin the project premises. (Source of calculat ion: - Manual on norms and standards for environmental clearance of large construction project issued by Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India) 6 1.16 Facilities housing workers? long term operational No 1.17 New road, rail or sea traff ic during construction or operat ion? No 1.18 New road, rail, air waterbor ne or other transport inf rastructure including new or altered rout es and stations, ports, airports etc? Closure or diversion of exist ing transport routes or inf rastructure leading to changes in traff ic movem ents? New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines? No Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of wat ercourses or aquif ers? Stream crossings? Abstract ion or transf ers of water f orm ground or surf ace waters? No No No No stream crossi ng w ithin the project site. Domestic w ater demand w ill be fulfilled through roof rain w ater storage facilit y in rainy da ys and duri ng non rainy days Kerala w ater suppl y & st ored roof rain w ater w ill be used to fulfill t he fresh w ater demand. Further, t here is provision of use of ground w ater after obtaining necessar y permission. 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land surf ace aff ecting drainage or run -of f ? No The proposed project does not envisage any change in the existing w ater body. As far as possible, t he natural drainage for run-off w ould be maintained. 1.25 Transport of personnel or materials f or construction, operat ion or decommissioning? Yes Transportation of personnel / material during t he construction and operation phase is envisaged. In t he construction phase, approx. 10 trucks / day is envi saged for transportation of materials. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works? Ongoing activit y during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment? No There is no long term dismantling or decommissi oning or restoration w ork proposed. Not applicable 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.27 f or of No No No The proposed project is residential construction project and operational day to day w orkers w ill be hired locall y and therefore no accommodation f acilit y proposed for operational w orkers. Residential Apartment project includi ng its services, roads , parks and boundar y w all s w ill be construct ed inside the project campus. There is no new road, air w aterborne or other transport infrastructure w ill be developed. Onl y i nternal roads for traffic movement and parking w ill be developed for the residents onl y. No closure or diversion of an y existing transport routes or infrastructure leading to changes in external traffic movement w ill be developed. No new or diverted external transmission lines or pipelines w ill be developed onl y internal sew age , w ater lines, storm w ater netw ork, electricity w ire lines w ill be developed. No impoundment, damming, cul verting, realignment or other changes t o the hydrology of surface w ater courses is proposed. 7 1.28 Inf lux of people to an area in either temporar ily or permanent ly? Yes 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No 1.30 Loss of nat ive species genetic diversit y? Yes 1.31 Any other actions? or The proposed project is Residential Apartment project and about 100 nos. of labourers (skilled / unskilled) during construction phase and provi de residential facilit y to about 200 person . Due to the development of thi s project influx of people is expected in the nearby area. Not applicable There are some existing trees at site and some of them w ill be cleared for the development of the project site. None 2. Use of Natural resources for const ruction or operation of the Project (such as land, w ater, materials or energy, especiall y any resources w hich are non renew able or in short suppl y): S. No. Information/checkli st confirmation Yes / No 2.1 Land especially undeveloped or agricultur al land ( ha) Yes 2.2 W ater (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD Yes Details thereof (w ith approximate quantities /rat es, w herever possible) w ith source of informati on data Plot Area : 0.4917 ha. is undeveloped land and the project site has some existing trees at site for t he development of the project site some of them w ill be cleared. Construction phase :– The w ater consumption during construction phase meeting the domestic requirement of the construction labourers and for construction purposes w ater requirement. The domestic w ater requirement is expected to be 13.50 KL per day and for const r uction purposes w ould be about 15 KL per day. The source of w ater is from Kerala w ater Authorit y, w ell / open w ell for meeting the domestic w ater requirement and for construction purposes the source of w ater w ill be stored rain w ater pond / tanks w ithin the site. Operation Phase: The tot al dai l y domestic w ater consumption for the proposed project w ould be about 27.68 KL / Day (taken @ 135 ltr. / Person / Day f or residents buildings). The sources of w ater during operation phase for the propose d project are: 1. Roof Rain Water stored in pond / (concurrent use) (Rainy Days) Flushing Req.), 2. Kerala Wat er Aut horit y Suppl y Rainy days) (Non -Fl ushing Req.), 3. Well / open w ell water (Non - Rainy tanks (Non ( Nondays) 8 (Non-Flushing Req.) and 4. Treated w aste w ater from STP (Fl ushi n g Req.) (Entire Year) 2.3 Minerals ( MT) No 2.4 Construction material – stone, aggregates, sand / soil (expected source – MT) Yes 2.5 Forests and timber (source – MT) Yes 2.6 Energy including electricit y and f uels (source, competing users) Unit: f uel (MT), energy ( MW ) Yes 2.7 Any other natur al resources (use appropriat e standard units) No 3. The det ails regarding the dail y w ater consumption, w ater balance chart nonrainy days and rainy days chart s are attached at Annexure 1 & 2. (Source:- Water consumption calcul ation based on Manual on norms and standards for environment clearance of large construction projects issued by Minist ry of Environment & Forests, Govt. of India) Not Applicable 5,26,032 bags of Cement (50 Kg each) 53,459 cu. mtr. Sand 8,224 cu. mtr. Stone Aggregates (10 mm) 15,078 cu. mtr. Stone Aggregates (20 mm) 4,65,36,109 Bricks 12,90,877 Kg Reinf orcement Steel Source : Local market Wood shall be used for frame of doors & w indow s how ever recyclable w ood shall be used for doors. Total Pow er Req. : 1200 KW Pow er Source: Kerala State El ectricit y Board. Total capacit y of D. G. Sets : 320 Kva X 2 nos. (Standby pow er back up arrangement) Fuel – Low Sulphur HSD Not applicable Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or mat erials, w hich could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or percei ved risks to human health. S. No. Information/Checkli st confirmation Yes / No 3.1 Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (f lora, f auna, and wat er supplies) Yes 3.2 Changes disease No in or occurrence of aff ect disease Details thereof (w ith approximate quantities/rat es, w herever possible) w ith source of informati on data This is a Residential Apartment project and no st orage of hazardous chemical s (as per MSIHC Rules ) w ill be done, apart from diesel st orage for D.G. Sets w hich w ill be operated onl y during emergenc y and suitable arrangement w ill be adopted for the same. It w ill be stored in HDPE drums and kept in covered rooms under lock and key. Appropriate mitigation / measures w ill be adopt ed management in both the 9 vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) 3.3 Aff ect the welf are of people e.g. by changing living conditions? No 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could be af f ected by the project e.g. hospital pat ients, children, the elder ly etc., Any other causes No 3.5 4. S. No. 4.1 4.2 4.3 construction and operation phase s w hich w ill restrict stagnation of w ater or accumul ation of w ater w ithin the site & the surroundings. This w ill effectivel y restrict the reproduction and grow th of disease vectors. Further, appropriate sani tation facilit y w ill be provided at site during construction phase & operation phase. Good housekeeping and hygi enic measures w ill be follow ed during construction and operation phase to avoid an y cause w hich can lead to occurrence of disease. The proposed project is Resi dential Apartment project and t here w ill be various ancillary acti vities like restaurant, hotels, hospital, retail shops, convention centre, multiplex, institutions, shops, private transport facilities etc. attached to the project w hich w ill benefit to the local people and change their living conditions. Not applicable. There is no storage of any material w ithin the site w hich w ill affect the vulnerable groups of people. None Production of solid w astes during constructi on or operation or decommissi oning ( MT/mont h) Information/Checkli st Yes Details thereof (w ith approximate confirmation / No quantities/rat es, w herever possible) w ith source of informati on data No such spoil over burden or mine w aste Spoil, overburden or mine No w ill be generated. The construction debris wastes w ill be used for back filling purposes. Municipal waste (domestic Yes There w ill be about 40 kg of muni cipal solid w aste during construction phase. and or commercial The tot al Municipal solid w aste to be wastes) generated from t he proposed project w ould be about 82 Kg / day on during operation phase. This contains the domestic solid w aste generated from the individual household buildings. Hazar dous wastes (as per Yes The oil used in the D.G. sets (as a st andby source of pow er) after certain period of Hazar dous W aste operation, needs to be changed. Used oil Management Rules) w ill be stored in HDPE drums in isol ated covered facilit y Thi s used oil from the D.G. Sets w ill be sold to the CPCB approved recyclers. Also there w ill be discarded fuel filters and oil filters, discarded generator batteries and w hich w ill constitutes hazardous w aste. The list of authorized recyclers for t he processing of the above w aste are M/s Perf act Alloys, Chengannur, 10 4.4 Other industrial process Yes wastes No M/s Peejay Enterprises, Thripun ithura, M/s Excel Petrochemical , Kochi, M/s Cee Jee Lubricants, Al uva. These companies are the approved recyclers for discarded batteries & used oil in Kerala St ate. e-Waste : e-w aste w ill be outsourced to approved recycl er for safe disposal as per e Wast e (Management & Handli ng) Rules, 2012. Not applicable 4.5 Surplus product 4.6 Sewage sludge sludge f rom treatment or other eff luent Yes 4.7 Construction wastes demolition Yes 4.8 No No Not applicable 4.10 Redundant machiner y or equipment Contam inated soils or other materials Agricultural wast es The sludge from S. T.P. w ill be partiall y recycled for enhancing biol ogical treatment and t he excess sludge w ill be used as manure in green area during operation phase. Sal vageable material w ill be recovered from the w aste and the remaining construction w aste w ill be used for back filling purposes. Not applicable Yes 4.11 Other solid wastes Yes Some agriculture w aste & garden w aste w ill be generated and w hich w ill be sent to the biodegradable w aste to bio bin system. Some medical w aste from first aid provided for construction w orkers during construction phase and this w aste w ill be stored separatel y i n color coded bi ns and outsourced to a KSPCB approved vendor . 4.9 or 5. Release of pollut ants or any hazardous, toxic or noxi ous substances to air (Kg/hr) S. Information/Checkli st Yes Details thereof (w ith approximate No. confirmation / No quantities / rat es, w herever possible) w ith source of informati on data 5.1 Emissions f rom combustion of Yes The operation of proposed project does not envisage any major air poll utant f ossil f uels f rom stationar y or generating source except D.G. Sets and mobile sources vehicul ar movement during construction phase and operation phase. It is proposed to have D.G. set of 1 no. of 62.5 kV A during construction and 320 Kva X 2 nos. for the proposed facilit y. 5.2 Emissions f rom product ion Yes Onl y duri ng construction phase, there w ill be a batchi ng plant for the production of processes concrete mix. 5.3 Emissions f rom materials Yes This w ill be restricted to the construction phase and w ithin the project site onl y. handling including storage or transport 5.4 Emissions f rom construction Yes Dust w ill be generated during unloadi ng of construction mat erials, drilling and activities including plant and grinding operations etc. This w ill be equipment 11 5.5 Dust or odours f rom handling of materials including construct ion mater ials, sewage and waste Yes 5.6 Emissions f rom incineration of waste Emissions f rom burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debr is) Emissions f rom any other sources No restricted t o the construction phase and w ithin the project site onl y. There w ill be batching plants for the production of concrete mix during construction phase. The ot her source of emission is from D.G sets w hich w ill be used during elect ricit y failure onl y. During construction phase dust w ill be generated duri ng the handling of construction mat erials. Sprinklers for suppression of dust w ill be installed during unloading and handling of the construction mat erials in the construction phase to minimize the dust generation. Wind breakers (i. e. barricades w ith GI sheets) or using shade nets w ill be used for dust control. Not applicable, no i ncineration proposed. No Not applicable No Not applicable 5.7 5.8 6.0 Generation of Noise and Vi bration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: S. No. Information confirmation / Checklist Yes / No 6.1 From operation of equipment Yes e.g. engines, ventilation plant, crushers Details t hereof (w ith approximate quantities/rat es, w herever possible) w ith source of informati on data During construction, the machiner y used for construction w ill be of highest standards and w ill be of reputed make and w ill adhere to international standards. These standards itself take care of noise generated from these machines. The construction involved is for residential building, no heavy machinery i s required. Hence insignificant impacts due to construction machi nery are envisaged. The source of vi bration from the project is during construction of the buildi ng. Pile foundation excavation w orks generate vibration. The PPV levels from the pile driver w ould be maintained w ithin 15 mm / sec. at 15 m. from t he source of generation. Onl y rotary drilling machines w ill be engaged for excavation for pile foundation. Theref ore, there w ill not be an y dama ge due to the pile w ork to the nearby structures. Apart from this, t he construction activit y w ill be restricted to day time onl y. Noise w ill be creat ed from operation of D.G. sets but all the D.G. sets shall be silent generators t o restrict the noise w ithin the 12 permissible limit. 6.3 From industr ial or sim ilar No processes From construct ion or demolition Yes 6.4 From blasting or piling 6.5 From construction operat ional traf f ic 6.6 From lighting or cooling Yes systems No From any other sour ces 6.2 6.7 No or Yes Not applicable Due to the various construction acti vities, there w ill be short term noise impacts in the immediate vicinit y of the project site. The construction acti vit y w ill include the follow ing noise generation acti vities: Operation of D.G. Sets, concreting mixing and excavation w orks for foundati on of structures. No blasting or pili ng w ill be adopted in the construction phase. There w ill be some noise generate due to cutting of marble and other st one material during construction phase. Some amount of noise w ill be generated from vehicular movement in t he construction and operation phase. The lighting of the proposed project w ould be limited to the permissible lux level. Not applicable 7. Risks of contamination of land or w ater from releases of pollutant s into the ground or into sew ers, surface w aters, groundw ater, coastal w aters or the sea: Details t hereof (w ith approximate S. Information/Checkli st Yes / quantities / rates, w herever possible) w ith No. confirmation No source of informati on data Used Oil from the D.G. Sets w ill be stored 7.1 From handling, storage, use or No in HDPE drums and w ill be kept at a spillage of hazardous separate place and sold to CPCB approved materials recyclers. Therefore there is no risk of contamination due to used oil. The storage of used oil w ill b e in such that no spillage of hazardous materials. 7.2 From other land place discharge of sewage or eff luents to water or the (expected m ode and of discharge) No 7.3 By deposition of pollut ants emitted to air into the land or into water No 7.4 From any other sour ces No Sew age w ill be disposed off through proposed Sew age Treatment Pl ant to be developed w ithin the premises both during construction and operation phase. There is no chance of spillage or discharge of sew age and all the sew age w ill be channelized properl y through closed pipes to the STP. The sew age after treat ment w ill be utilized for flushing , horticul ture purposes. There is no emissi on except of D.G. set s. By use of l ow sulphur diesel, the emission from the D.G. sets w ill be w ithin norms. Not applicable 13 7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment f rom these sources? No Not applicable 8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, w hich could affect human healt h or the environment S. No. 8.1 Information/Checkli st confirmation From explosions, spillages, f ires etc f rom storage, handling, use or pr oduction of hazardous substances Yes / No No 8.2 From any other causes No 8.3 Could the project be aff ected by natural disaster s causing environmental dam age (e.g. f loods, ear thquakes, landslides, cloudbur st etc)? No Details thereof (w ith approximat e quantities / rates, w herever possibl e) w ith source of information data This is residential building project and the chances of explosions, spillages, fire are minimal. During construction all the labours w ill be provided w ith suitable personal protecti ve equipment (PPE) as required under the health & safet y norms. Training and aw areness about the safet y norms w ill be provided to all supervisors and labours invol ved in construction acti vit y. An agreement w ill be si gned w ith the contract or w hich will clearl y deals w ith the safet y aspect s duri ng construction. No major hazardous w aste is being stored w ithin the project site. No Industrial or process acti vit y is invol ved in this project hence chances of chemical hazards and accidents are mini mal. Not applicable As per seismic cl assification, the project site falls in Zone -III. No report ed cloudburst in the area. Also, there i s no hill y area around the project site, there is no chance of landslides. Structure design aspects as per the seismic codes – IS1893 ( 2002), IS 13920 (1993) and I S 456 (2000) as appli cable w ould be incorporated. (Source:-Seismic India.) Zone Classification of 9. Factors w hich should be considered (such as consequenti al development) w hich could lead t o environmental effects or the potential for cumulati ve impacts w ith other existing or pl anned acti vities in the localit y S. No. Information/Checkli st confirmation 9.1 Lead to development of support ing ut ilit ies, ancillar y development or development stimulated by the pr oject which Yes / No Details thereof (w ith approximate quantities / rates, w herever possibl e) w ith source of informati on data 14 could have impact environment e.g.: on the • Supporting inf rastructure Yes (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc.) Appropriate infrastructure like roads, pow er suppl y, w aste management and w aste w ater treatment w ill be developed w ithin the site so that chances of occurrence of any adverse impact s are minimized. During construction skilled, unskilled and professi onal w ork force incl uding temporary and permanent emplo yees shall be hired locall y in order to generate the employment to the local people. While during the project operation stage for the purpose of day-to- day maint enance, w orkers w ill be employed. Moreover, m ore employment w ill be created as a result of positi ve induced development in the immediate vicinit y of project site. 9.2 9.3 9.4 • housing development Yes Residential Apart ment project w ould provide da y to day w orking jobs directl y and indirectl y and the surroundings to the project site w ill have lot of residential development acti vi ties during construction and operation phase. • extractive industries No Not applicable • supply industries Yes The project w ould require l arge quant it y of construction mat erial and manpow er during construction phase and large quantit y of infrastructure f acilities like convenient shopping, banks, travel services etc. and lots of people w ill get direct / indirect jobs and hence suppl y industries or bulk suppliers of materi al for the residents w ill be developed in the site vici nit y. • other No Not Applicable Lead to af ter -use of the site, No which could have an impact on the environment Set a precedent f or later Yes developments Have cumulat ive ef fects due to Yes proxim it y to other exist ing or planned projects with similar eff ects Not applicable The project proponent intends to develop an environment al friendl y residential site and to set a precedent for future development. The project site is surrounded by several residential / commercial projects l ocated w ithin the immediate vi cinit y of the sit e. 15 (III) S. No. 1 2 3 4 Environmental Sensitivit y Areas Areas protected under international convent ions, national or local legislation f or their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value Areas which are im portant or sensitive f or ecological reasons - W etlands, water courses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, f orests Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of f lora or f auna f or breeding, nesting, f oraging, resting, over wintering, migration Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters 5 State, Nat ional boundaries 6 Routes or f acilities used by the public f or access to recreat ion or other tourist, pilgrim areas Def ense installations Densely populated or built -up area 7 8 9 Areas occupied by sensit ive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilit ies) 10 Areas containing important, high qualit y or scarce resources (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agr iculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) Areas alr eady subjected to pollut ion or environmental damage. (those where exist ing legal environment al standards are exceeded) Areas suscept ible to natur al hazard which could cause 11 12 Name/ Identit y Kerala backw ater Aerial distance (w ithin 15 km.) Proposed project location boundary about 3.0 km from the project site Kerala backw ater about 3.0 km Arabian Sea About 7.0 km Water Canal Abutting the project site Kerala backw ater About 3.0 km from the project site Kerala backw ater about 3.0 km Arabian Sea About 7.0 km Water Canal Abutting the project site No None w ithin the area NH-47 About 1.50 km No Cochin Not Applicable The project site is w ithin Cochin Cit y & hence densel y population Hospital, school, places of w orship, communit y facilities etc. Lakshw adw eep sea Availabl e w ithin the 15 km. radius. The vicinit y map show ing the surrounding features is attached. About 33 km. Cherupuzha About 0.50 km ( Information Source : Google Earth aeri al distance) No No criticall y polluted area is located w ithin 15 km. radius. The project surroundings area and it’s falls under 16 the project to present environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adver se climat ic conditions) No Zone-III, according to the Indian Standards Seismic Zoning Map and falls in Zone-III. No reported earth quake, erosion, subsidence, cloud-burst in the area or in its surroundings. Also, there is no hilly area around the project site, there is no chance of landslide. (IV). Proposed Terms of Reference for EI A studies Ans. The proposed project is residential project w ith total Built-up area of 23,320. 14 sq. m. and w hich is less than 1,50, 000 sq. m. and therefore, as per EI A Notification, 2006, EI A Study for the project is not required. “I hereby give an undertaking that the data and inf ormation given in the application and enclosures are true to t he best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and inf ormation submitted is f ound to be f alse or misleading at any st age, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any t o the project will be revoked at our risk and cost. Place: Kerala Mr. K. V. ABDUL AZEEZ (Managing Partner) For SKYLINE BUILDERS 17 APPENDIX II ( See paragraph 6 ) FORM-1 A (Onl y for construction projects listed under item 8 of the Schedule) (Environmental Clearance for Proposed Residential Apart ment project incl uding its services, roads and boundary w all to be devel oped by M/s SKYLI NE BUILDERS ) at (Surve y No. 224 / 1, Poonithura Village, Cochin Corporation, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District, Kerala) CHECK LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS (Project proponents are required to provide full information and w herever necessar y attach explanatory notes w ith the Form and submit along w ith proposed environmental management plan & monitori ng programme) 1.0 L AND ENVI RONMENT ( Attach panoramic view of the project site and the vi cinity) 1.1. W ill the exist ing land use get signif icant ly altered f rom the project that is not consistent with the surroundings? ( Proposed land use must conf orm to the approved Master Plan / Development Plan of the area. Change of land use if any and the statutor y approval f rom the competent author it y be submitted). Attach Maps of (i) site locat ion, (ii) surrounding f eatures of the proposed site ( wit hin 500 meters) and ( iii)the site (indicat ing levels & cont ours) to appr opriate scales. If not available attach only concept ual plans. Ans. The proposed project site for Residential Apartment project is located at Surve y No. 224 / 1, Poonithura Village, Cochin Corporation, Kanayannur Taluk, Ernakulam District, Kerala . The pr oject site is located in notified residential area. The vi cinit y map and satellite map show ing the location of the project site & it’s surrounding features is attached at Annexure 3 & 4. The survey map show ing the topographical cont ours of the site is attached at Annexure 5. The conceptual pl an show ing the location of residenti al building blocks, STP, WTP, Solid w aste process area, electrical servi ces, green belt, parking space, rain w ater storage, int ernal traffic circulation et c. are attached at Annexure 6. 1.2. List out all the major project requirements in terms of the land area, built up area, water consumption, power requirement, connectivit y, communit y f acilit ies, parking needs etc. Ans. The major project requirements for this construction projects are mentioned below :Objecti ve of the project = Residential Apartment Project 18 Total Cost of the Project = Rs. 41.40 Crores Total Plot Area = 4,917.10 sq. m. ( 0.4917 ha.) Proposed Built -up Area = 23,320. 14 sq. m. Total Nos. of Dw elling Units = 41 Nos. No. of building blocks = 1 No. ( 2 Basement s + Ground + 23 floors) Max. height of the building = 80.10 m. Total Domestic Wat er Req. = 13.50 KL / day Construction Wat er Req. = 15 KL / Day ( Average) Sew age Generation = 10.80 KL / day Sew age Disposal Facilit y = Sew age Treatment Plant ( Mobile/temporary) Source of Water = Rain Water collecti on pond (constructi on purpose) and Kerala w ater Authorit y suppl y, w ell (domestic requirement) Total Domestic Wat er Req. = 27.68 KL / day ( @ 135L per da y f or residents ) Sew age Generation = 22.14 KL / day Sew age Disposal Facilit y = Sew age Treatment Plant & Recycling Treated Wat er Avail able = Source of Water = Roof Rain Water (concurrent use) ( Rai ny Days) (Non-Flushing Req.), Stored Rain Water / Kerala w ater Authorit y suppl y / Well / open w ell (Non-Rai ny days) (Non-Flushing Req.) and Treated w ater from STP (Flushing Req.) Total Pow er Requirement = 1200 KW Source of Pow er = Kerala State Electricit y Board & D.G. Sets (standby) Capacit y of D.G. Sets = 320 kV A x 2 Nos. Parking Proposed = 133 Cars + 255 Tw o-w heelers CONSTRUCTION PHASE: - OPER ATION PH ASE: - 20 KL / day 19 Connecti vit y : The main access to the project site i s from existing 22 mtr w ide Stadium Link road and the National Highw ay-47 is located at about 15.0 km aw ay from the project site. Nearest Railw ay st ation is Ernakul am Junction Railw ay Station is at about 2.20 km and Cochin Int ernational Airport, is at about 20.50 km. (all aerial distances) aw ay from the project site. The details of the dail y w ater requirement balance chart ( rainy da ys & non – rainy da ys ) is provided. Also attached is the acti vit y w ise population & dail y w ater consumption details are attached at Annexure 1 & 2. 1.3. W hat are the likely impacts of the proposed act ivit y on the exist ing f acilit ies adjacent to the proposed site? ( Such as open spaces, communit y f acilities, details of the existing land use, disturbance to the local ecology). Ans. The project si te is located at Poonithura Village w hich is in the Municipal limits of Cochin Corporation . There w ould be no major negati ve impacts on the existing faciliti es adjacent to the proposed site and details are gi ven below : S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Environmental Anticipated Impact s Aspects Open space Encroachment of open space f or storage of construction materials and for setting up of labour colony. Communit y The communit y faci lities available adjacent to the project Facilities site like w ater suppl y & electric suppl y w ill have no impact. The communit y faci lities available adjacent to the project site like access roads & the public transport w ill have impact. Existing land The land use of the project site confirms the land use use plan. Ecological The ecological assessment on the fauna & flora aspect s Resources of the project site w as carried out and the floral species found are commonly availabl e in the area and hence there is no threat to the ecological resources . 1.4. W ill there be any signif icant land disturbance resulting in erosion, subsidence & instabilit y? ( Details of soil t ype, slope a nalysis, vulnerabilit y to subsidence, seism icit y etc may be given). Ans. The details are gi ven below : S. Aspects Details No. 1. Soil Type Pre-construction Soil Investigation has been carried out for the site and ground w ater is encounter ed at 1.60 m below ground level . During investigati on there i s cla yey 20 silt upto 12m, claye y silt w ith organic matter from 12.0 to 25m, silt y sand from 25 to 28m, silt y clay 28 to 31m, silt y sand 31 to 34m, claye y silt 34 to 37, cl ayey silt w ith sand 37 to 43m and after 43m fine silty sand w ith clay encountered. The contour surve y of the site is carried out. There is a difference of about + 0.50 m from the highest and low est level of the site. As per Seismic zone classification of India the project site is fall under Seismic Zone -III. 2. Slope Anal ysi s 3. Seismicit y S. No. 1. Environmental Aspects Soil erosion 2. Subsi dence instabilit y Anticipated Impact s The land portion w ith Lateritic Cl aye y Soil & Clay soil w ill have marginal erosion during heavy rai n and hence some impact . Regarding the erosion on laterite soil, the impact w ill be minimal. & The cl aye y soil do not have good soil bearing capacit y and there are chances of subsidence and w ill have impact . As per the Sei smic Zoning Classificat ion, the project site in Zone-III. The stabilit y of the structures w ill have moderate impact. 1.5. W ill the proposal involve alterat ion of natural drainage systems? (Give details on a contour map showing the natural dr ainage near the proposed project site) Ans. There is a level difference of about + 0.50 m. and the natural dr ai nage pattern is t ow ards north -w est side. The contour map show ing the nat ural drainage of the proposed project site is provided. There i s storm w ater drain available al ong t he access road to the project si te. The proposed development does not affect the drainage pattern of the site and surroundings. 1.6. W hat are the quantit ies of earthwork involved in the construction act ivit y -cut ting, f illing, reclamation etc. (Give details of the quantities of earthwork involved, transport of f ill materials f rom outside the site etc.) Ans. Excavation of earthw ork for the foundation of struct ures w ill be carried out. The top soil w hich is fertile w ill be kept at site for landscaping w ork. The excavated soil w ill be used f or back filling w ork and remaining for internal road construction purposes. 1.7. Give det ails reg arding water supply, waste handling etc. during the construction period. Ans. Construction phase – It is expected to have about 100 w orkers (average) during construction phase. The w ater requirement during construction period is from the Kerala w ater supply. T he domestic w ater requirement is expected to be 13. 50 KL per da y and for constr uction purposes w ould be about 15 KL (average) per da y. Furt her, by using of ready mix concrete (RMC) & curing agents, the w ater w ill be reduced subst antiall y. The major 21 part of the construction w ater requirement w ill be full y consumed. The sew age generation from laborers during construction period w ould be about 10.80 KL / day and this quantit y of domestic w aste w ould be disposed through mobile / temporary STP t o be provi ded at site. The treated sew age w ill be used for meeting the landscape requirement. The non bio -degradabl e w aste, the empt y cement bags, other packaging mat erials etc. w ould be disposed to the vendors. The sew age generation from the laborers during construction period w ould be about 10.80 KL / day and this quantit y of domestic w aste w ould be used for meeting the landscape requirement. The non bio-degradabl e w aste, the empt y cement bags, other packagi ng materials etc. w ould be disposed to the approved vendors. The bi o degradable solid w aste from the labour colony w ill be disposed in a bio -bin system for microbi al composting. 1.8. W ill the low lying areas & wetlands get altered? ( Provide details of how low lying and wetlands ar e getting modif ied f rom the proposed act ivit y) Ans. There is about + 0.50m level difference and the same w ill be altered for developmental acti vities like construction of roads, buildings, pedestrian w ay et c. 1.9. W hether construction debr is & waste during construction cause health hazar d? (Give quantities of var ious t ypes of wastes generated during construction including the construction labour and the means of disposal) Ans. The constructi on w aste consists of earth, debris concrete, lumber, masonry and cardboards w hich are about 35%, 15%, 12% and 10% respecti vel y. Construction w aste w ould be disposed for backfilling purposes. The bio degradable food w aste from the constru ction laborers w ill be disposed in a bio-bin s ystem for microbial compost ing from the labour colon y. The non biodegradable w aste w ill be stored and sold to the vendors. The domestic liquid effluent (about 10.80 KLD) from the labour col ony w ill be treated through mobile / temporary STP to be provided at site and the construction w aste material like empt y cement bags, w aste iron bars, w ooden w aste etc. w ill be sold to the vendors. 2.0 WATER ENVIRO NMENT 2.1. Give the total quant it y of water requirement f or the proposed project with the breakup of requirements f or various uses. How will the wat er requirement met? State the sources & quantities and f urnish a water balance st atement. Ans. The det ails are provided below : The w ater requirements during construction phase are for construction purposes and for the domestic w ater requirements of the construction w orkers. The const ruction w ater requirement is expect ed to be 15 KL/ day and for domestic purposes is estimated to be 13.50 KL/da y. The w ater requirement during the construction phase w ill be met from the stored rain w ater & Kerala Water Authorit y suppl y. 22 The total dail y w ater requirement, w ater balance chart and source of w ater during the operati on phase of the project calcu lat ed on the basis of full occupancy are mentioned bel ow : CONSTRUCTION PHASE: Total Domestic Wat er Req. = 13.50 KL / Day ( 100 Person X 135 Ltr./Day) Sew age Generation = 10.80 KL / Da y (80 % of demand) Construction Wat er demand = 15 KL / Da y Source of Water = Kerala Water Aut horit y suppl y for domestic demand & Stored rain w ater for construction purpose. OPER ATION PH ASE: Total Domestic Wat er Req. = 27.68 KL / Day Fresh w ater requirement = 18.45 KL / Day Sew age Generation = 22.14 KL / da y ( @ 80 % of demand) Sew age Disposal Facilit y = Sew age Treatment Plant & Recycling Treated Wat er Avail able = 20 KL / day ( @ 90 % of sew age ) Source of Water is from: Roof Rain Water (concurrent use) (Rai ny days) (Non - Flushing Req.), Kerala Water Authorit y suppl y (Non- Rainy days) ( Non -Fl ushing Req.) Well / open w ell w ater (Non -Rainy days) (Non -Flushing Req.) Treated w aste w ater from STP (Flushing & horticulture Req.) (Entire Year) The project has made provi sion for rain w ater storage tanks for the concurrent use of w ater and the stored rain w ater for the non rai ny da ys and hence the availabilit y of w ater is ensured. The Wat er Balance Chart (rain y days & non -rainy days) and acti vit y- w ise population & dail y w ater consumption details are attached at Annexure 1, 2 & 3. 2.2. W hat is the capacit y (dependable f low or yield) of the proposed source of water? Ans. During construction phase, the source is from the rain w ater storage tanks / ponds, Kerala Water Suppl y and rec ycl ed w a ter from STP. With the estimated average constructi on phase w ater requirement of about 28.50 KL / da y (13.50 KL + 15 KL) extending for a period of about 3 2 mont hs, this source is dependable. The source of w ater for the proposed project during operation phase w ill be w ater from the proposed rain w ater collection tank w ithin the site for meeting non -flushing w ater requirement (during rainy da ys). Also, it is proposed to construct STP for the treatment of domestic sew age. During non-rain y da ys, the source s of w ater is from stored rain w ater tanks, Kerala 23 Water Authorit y suppl y and w ell / open w ell w ater for meeting the non flushing w ater requirement. The treated w ater from STP w ould meet the w ater requirement for flushing & hort iculture purposes. Theref ore by these sources and b y an integrat ed w ater management approach, a dependable source of w ater is ensured. . 2.3. W hat is the qualit y of water required, in case, the supply is not f rom a municipal source? (Provide physic al, chemical, biological char acteristics wit h class of water qualit y) Ans. The source of w ater for the proposed project w ill be from st ored rain w ater during rainy days & non -rainy da ys for non -flushing purposes & treat ed sew age for meeting the flushing w ater requirement . It is proposed t o have Sew age Treatment Plant ( STP) for treatment of domestic sew age. Al so, it is proposed t o have WTP for filtration & disinfection of rain w ater before it s use. The w ater qualit y of the w ater available near to the si te i s collected and anal yzed through an approved laborat ory. It is observed that the anal yzed values physi cal, chemical parameters of w ater anal yzed is fit for potabl e purposes to meet the dri nking w ater standards as per IS:10500 after filtration. 2.4. How much of the water requirement can be met f rom the recycling of treated wastewater? (Give the details of quantities, sources and usage) Ans. The proposed project has provi sion for treatment of sew age. The treated w ater from STP w ill be recycl ed to meet the flushing requirement, and remaining to horti culture requirement. The details of quantit y of treated w ater and its usages are provi ded in w ater balance chart at Annexure 2. 2.5. W ill there be diversion of wat er f rom other users? ( Please assess t he impacts of the project on other exist ing uses and quantit ies of consumpt ion) Ans. Since there is minimal dependency on public suppl y for the un -interrupted w ater suppl y to the project, there w ill be minimum impact to the surrounding. Source of Water is from: Roof Rain Water (concurrent use) (Rai ny days) (Non - Flushing Req.), Kerala Water Authorit y suppl y (Non - Rainy days) ( Non -Fl ushing Req.) Well / open w ell w ater (Non -Rainy days) (Non -Flushing Req.) Treated w ater from STP (Flushing & horticulture Req.) (Entire Year) The project has made provi sion for rain w ater storage tank s and w ill be used for the concurrent use of w ater and stored rain w ater for the non rain y days and hence the avail abilit y of w ater is ensured . The Water Balance Chart (rainy days & non-rainy days) and act ivit y -w ise populat ion & dail y w ater consumption details are attached at Annexure 1 & 2. 2.6. W hat is the increm ental pollution load f rom wastewater generated f rom the proposed activit y? ( Give details of the quantities and composit ion of wastewater generated f rom the proposed activit y) Ans. There w ould be minimum incremental pollution load from w astewater generated from the proposed acti vit y because the w hole w aste w ater of this project w ould be treated through proposed S. T. P. w ithin the project area and the treated w ater from S. T.P w ill be full y re- used to meet flushing and 24 horticulture w ater requirements and excess to the publ ic drain. Therefore, there is a minimum impact envi saged due t o the proposed project t o the nearb y area. 2.7. Give details of the water requirements m et f rom wa ter har vesting? Fur nish details of the f acilities creat ed. Ans. The source of w ater for the proposed residential construction project w ill be w ater from Rain w ater storage tanks during rainy da ys to be constructed w ithin the site for meeting the w ater for non-flushi ng acti vities after filtration. Also it is proposed to have tw o rain w ater harvesting pits w ithin the site for recharging of rain w ater. 2.8. W hat would be t he impact of the land use changes occurr ing due to the proposed project on the runof f characterist ics (quantitat ive as well as qualitat ive) of the area in the post construction phase on a long term basis? W ould it aggravate the problems of f looding or water logging in any way? Ans Pre-construction Soil Investigation has been carried out for t he site and ground w ater is encounter ed at 1. 60 m below ground level. During investigation there is clayey silt upt o 12m, clayey silt w ith organic matter from 12.0 to 25m, silt y sand from 25 t o 28m, silt y cla y 28 to 31m, silt y sand 31 to 34m, claye y silt 34 to 37, claye y silt w ith sand 37 to 43m and after 43m fine silt y sand w ith clay e ncountered. The soil is lateritic clay & silt y clay in nature. Due to these factors, the percolation to the grou nd bef ore the site development is very poor. Further, it is proposed to have rain w ater storage tank to store the rainw ater to fulfill the non -flushi ng w ater demand during rainy & non rainy days. The excess and surface runoff f rom the site before discharge outside w ill be passing t hrough a de -siltation cum oil removal unit. The excess st orm w ater w ill be channelized to the external drain w hich is available near the project site . 2.9. W hat are the impact s of the proposal on the ground water? ( W ill there be tapping of ground water; give the details of ground water table, recharging capacit y, and approvals obtained from competent authorit y, if any) Ans. Pre- constructi on Soil Investigation has been carried out for the site. As per the soil investigati on report , t he w ater table is encountered at about 1.60 m below from the ground level. The source of w ater for the proposed project w ill be w ater from rain w ater storage tank f or meeting the w ater requirement during rain y da ys concurrent use and stored for non -rainy days and Kerala w ater authorit y suppl y at site for meeting the w ater requirement for non -flushing acti vities and hence the availabilit y of w ater is ensured and due to t he reasons mentioned above, t he dependen cy on ground w ater w ill be nil. Further the project proposes to construct large diameter open w ells within the premises after obtaining all the required approvals from competent authorities. 2.10. W hat precautions/measur es are t aken to prevent the run -off f rom construction activities pollut ing la nd & aquif ers? (Give details of quantities and the measures taken to avoid the adverse impacts) Ans. The run-off during construction phase w ill be partiall y channelize d to the rain w ater storage tank . The surface and excess runoff w ill be channelized 25 from the site after de -silting and oil removal and theref ore, the run -off w ill not contaminate the land and aquifer. 2.11. How is the st orm water f rom wit hin the sit e managed? (Stat e the provisions made to avoid f looding of the area, details of the drainage f acilit ies pr ovided along with a site layout indication contour levels) Ans. The roof run -off from the site w ill be appropriatel y channelized to the storm w ater collection tank to be construct ed w ithin the site and surface run -of f w ill be connected to the rai n w ater harvesting pits and the excess to the external storm w ater drain. The cont our map show ing the nat ural drainage netw ork w ithin the site is provided w ith the application. The surf ace runoff w ill be properl y channelized to the storm w ater netw ork . 2.12. W ill the deployment of construction labourers part icular ly in the peak per iod lead to unsanitar y conditions around the pr oject site (Just if y with proper explanation) Ans. The proposed project has provisi on of labor colony and the domestic sew age from the colony w ill be channelized to the existing STP for treatment of sew age during the construction period to handle the sew age. Also, it is proposed to have the food w aste disposal from labor colony t hrough the microbial bio-bin f acilit y. Al so, it is proposed to have a dedicated staff f or good housekeeping of the construction site premises and the labor colon y premises. These measures w ill ensure good hygi enic conditions around the labor colony. 2.13. W hat on-site f acilities are provided f or the col lection, treatment & saf e disposal of sewage? (Give details of the quantities of wastewater generat ion, treatment capacit ies with technolog y & f acilit ies f or recycling and disposal) Ans. The proposed project w ill be provide facilit y of temporary / mobile S TP for the treatment of sew age during construction phase and proposed STP w ithin the project premi ses t o treat the sew age during operation phase. The treatment of the sew age is up to a tert iary level. The total quantit y of sew age generation w ill be about 22.14 KL/day. The treat ed w ater w ill be used for meeting the flushing, horticultu re w ater requirement. The details are provided in attached w ater calculation and w ater balance chart. 2.14. Give details of dual plumbing syst em if treated waste used is used f or f lushing of toilets or any ot her use. Ans. The treated w aste w ater from the proposed Sew age Treatment Plant during the operation phase of the project w ill be used for flushi ng and horticulture purposes and for w hich dual plumbing system is proposed. 3.0 VEGETATION 3.1. Is there any t hreat of the project to the biodiversit y? ( Give a descript ion of the local ecosystem with its unique f eatures, if any) Ans. There are some existing trees, shrubs etc. at site and the development of the residential pro ject some of them w ill be cleared, The ecology & Biodi versit y report contain the assessment stud y i s attached. Further, the proposed project has provision of plantation of nati ve species of trees, shrubs etc. in the landscape area. Further, as per “The Ker ala Promotion of 26 Tree Grow th in Non -Forest area ( Amendment) Act, 2007”, for cutting of the trees in the list of trees found in the si te, it does not require permission. 3.2. W ill the constr uction involve extensive clear ing or modif icat ion of vegetation? (Provide a detailed account of the trees & vegetat ion af f ected by the project) Ans. There are some existing trees, shrubs etc. at site and the development of the residential project some of them w ill be cleared. Further, for restoration, the proposed project w ould plant l ot of nati ve species of trees, shrubs etc. in the landscape area. 3.3. W hat are the measures proposed t o be taken to minim ize the likely im pact s on important sit e f eatures (Give details of proposal f or tree plantation, landscaping, creation of wat er bodies etc along wit h a layout plan to an appropriate scale) Ans. It is proposed to have large number (mostl y flow ering, shady & f ruits bearing trees) of tree plant ation (nati ve species) w ithin the project area and the landscape pl an show ing the landscape area is show n in attached Conceptual Plan. 4.0 F AUN A 4.1. Is there likely to be any displacement of f auna - both terrestrial and aquatic or creation of barriers f or their movement? Provide the details. Ans. There w ill be short term displacement of fauna due to the constructi on of the proposed residential project during construction period onl y. The provision is made for plantation of local flow ering, sha dy & fruit bearing species in the green area during operation phase to attract the local fauna w ithin the site. 4.2. Any direct or indirect impacts on the avif auna of the area? Pr ovide details. Ans. There w ill be some direct and indirect impacts for a short period of construction phase on the avifauna of the area due to this project. The proposed project has provi sion of eco restoration w ith lot of flow ering trees and fruit bearing trees w ill enh ance the presence of avifauna and the conceptual plan show ing the landscape area, number & t ype of plants proposed in green area is attached. A butterfl y garden w ith the suitabl e host and nectar plants w ill be made. 4.3. Prescr ibe measures such as corridors, f ish ladders etc to mitigate adverse impacts on f auna Ans. Not applicable. 5.0 AIR ENVI RONM ENT 5.1. W ill the project increase atmospheric concentration of gases & result in heat islands? (Give details of background air qualit y levels wit h pr edicted values based on dispersion models taking into account the incr eased traff ic generation as a result of the proposed construct ions) Ans. The proposed project is a Resi dential Apartment project and it w ill not increase atmospheric concentration of gases, the project has provision of 27 D.G. Sets for standby arrangement of electricit y and w ill run onl y during pow er failure. The stack attached to propose D.G. Set s w ill follow all the rules and regulations of State Pollution Control Board and Central Pollution Control Board. 5.2. W hat are the impacts on generation of dust, smoke, odorous f umes or other hazardous gases? Give details in relat ion to all the meteorological parameters. Ans. During construction phase, there w ill be generation of dust & smoke due to this project. The dust generation during construction phase w ill be controlled by enclosures at appropri ate locations and al so by sprinkling of w ater for suppressi on of dust. The gas / smo ke generati on expect ed is from D.G. sets onl y and the gases w ill be vented out through stack of appropriat e height. EN V IR O NM ENT AL AS P ECT S CONSTRUCTION PHASE: Ai r Qualit y OPER ATION PH ASE: Ai r Qualit y ANT IC I P AT E D IM P AC T S Emission of f ugiti ve dust due to excavation, material handling, marble & other stone cutting Flue gas emissions from DG Set used during construction Emission from construction equipments & other vehicles Flue gas emissions from during electricit y f ailure. Emissions from vehicles. DG Sets used 5.3. W ill the pr oposal create shortage of parking space f or vehicles? Fur nish details of the present level of transport inf rastructure and measures pr oposed f or improvement including the traff ic management at the entr y & exit to the project site. Ans. The proposed project w ould provide vehicle parking facilities w ithin the project premises and the parking plan for this project w ould follow KMBR guidelines. The tot al number of parki ng proposed is 133 Cars + 255 Tw o w heelers as per KPB R norms w ithin the project site. The conceptual plan clearl y show s the internal traffic management w ith entry and exit to the proposed project site w ith parking plan is attached. The proposed site development w ill provide dri ve w ay as per KPB R/KMBR norms at all around the building block for easy & smooth vehicular movement. The i nternal roads movement, parking areas for tw o -w heelers & cars are provided in attached parki ng pl ans. The main access t o the project site is from existing 22 mtr w ide Stadium Link road and the National Highw ay-47 is located at about 15.0 km aw ay from the project site. Nearest Railw ay st ation is Ernakulam Junction Railw ay Station is at about 2.20 km and Cochi n International Airport, is at about 20.50 km. (all aerial distances) aw ay from the project site. 28 5.4. Provide details of the movement patterns with int ernal roads, bicycle tr acks, pedestr ian pathways, f ootpaths etc., with areas under each category. Ans. The conceptual plan clearl y show s the internal t raffic man agement w ith entry and exit to t he proposed project site, all internal roads w ith w idth, pedestrian path w ays etc. Furt her provisi on for ramps are proposed for the easy access to the building for physicall y challenged persons. Additional measures: A parking plan as per KMBR / KPBR Rules is proposed w ithin the site. Provide w ide pedestrian dedicated pathw ays w ithin the site. Promotion of use of cycles. Public transport ation syst em is available near the main entry. Ramps are proposed for the eas y acc ess to the building for ph ysicall y challenged persons. 5.5. W ill there be signif icant incr ease in traff ic noise & vibrations? Give details of the sources and the measures proposed f or mitigation of the above. Ans. The proposed project is a residential building project and there w ould be some increase in noise and vi bration due to the vehicular movement w ithin the project site. The project has provi sion of large area f or the parking and easy movement of vehicles w ithin the project area and sm ooth movement is provided for the vehicles to reduce the traffic congestion. 5.6. W hat will be the impact of DG sets & other equipment on noise levels & vibr ation in & ambient air qualit y around the proj ect site? Provide details. Ans. The D.G. sets w hich w ould be used for the project w ill be w ith sound proof acoustic enclosures and hence there w ill be no impact to the surroundings. The D.G. sets w ould be attached w ith proper anti vibration pads to reduce any vibration impact to the site surrounding. The flue gases from the D.G. sets w ill be vented out through st ack of appropriate height as per C.P. C.B. norms to reduce t he impact s on air qualit y in and around the project site. 6.0 AESTHETI CS 6.1. W ill the proposed construct ions in any way result in the obstruction of a view, scenic amenit y or landscapes? Are these considerations taken into account by the proponents? Ans. There i s no natural feature of aesthetics located in t he immediate vi ci ni t y of the project site. A large area is proposed to develop as landscape area w ith planted large number of local species. 29 6.2. W ill there be any adverse impact s f rom new constr uctions on the existing structures? W hat are the consider ations taken into a ccount ? Ans. The project site is located w ithin the residential project and the project site is surrounded w ith several residential units and roads. Thereby, t here w ill be no any adverse impacts due to t he development of the proposed project. The site for t he residential project is vacant area w ith a temporary shed and the same w ill be cleared for the project, hence there is no major adverse impact due to the new construction. 6.3. W hether there are any local considerations of urban f orm & urban desig n inf luencing the design criter ia? They may be explicit ly spelt out. Ans. The proposed project w ould be constructed in conformit y w ith the Kerala Building Rules ( KMBR). As per seismic classification, the project site falls in Zone -III. No reported cloudburst in the area. Al so, there is no hill y area around the project site, there is no chance of landslide. Struct ural design aspect s as per the seismic codes – IS 1893 (2002 ), IS 13920 ( 1993) and IS 456 (2000) as applicable w ould be incorporated in our project. 6.4. Are there any anthropological or archaeological sites or artef acts nearby? State if any ot her signif icant f eatures in the vicinit y of the proposed site have been considered. Ans. There is no report of existence of an y ant hropological or archaeological site nearb y t he project area. The proposed project is located in limit of Kozhikode District, Kerala. The vicini t y map show ing the 500 mtr. radius features of site & surrounding area is provided. 7.0 SOCIO -ECONO MIC ASPECTS 7.1. W ill the proposal result in any changes to the demographic struct ure of local populat ion? Provide the details. Ans. The proposed project i s resident ial construction project. During operation phase, on full occupanc y of t he project, the maximum population expect ed is 205 persons (fixed) and hence there w ill be influx of people f or getting better residential facilit y to the project area and surroundi ng. 7.2. Give details of the existing social inf rastructure around t he proposed project. Ans. There are several schools, colleges, religious places commercial and residential buildings, governmental and pri vate offices, hospitals, w hich are located around the proposed project. The vi cinit y map of the area show ing the 500 m. surrounding feature s & det ails w ith their locat ion to the proposed project is provided. 30 7.3. W ill the project cause adverse ef f ects on local communit ies, distur bance to sacred sites or other cultural values? W hat are the saf eguards proposed? Ans. The project w ould not ca use any adverse effects on local communities, disturbance to sacred sites or other cultural values. The proposed project is a residential construction project and thereby the livi ng i ndex of the people around the project site w ill definitely improve. Also there w ill be various ancillary acti vities like conveni ent shops, hospitals, school facilities etc. f or fulfill the residents demand w hich w ill benefit the local people and change their living condition 8.0 BUILDING M ATE RI ALS 8.1. May involve the use of building materials with high -embodied energy. Are the construct ion mater ials produced with energy ef f icient processes? (Give details of energy conser vat ion measur es in the selection of building materials and their energy ef f iciency) Ans. The proposed project is a Resi dential Apartment project and the no central air conditioned system is required . The proposed project during construction peri od w ill make all attempts to use to avoid building materials w ith high embodied energy. Cement bl ocks & hollow bl ocks w ill be replaced w ith country made red bricks. Further, the river sand w ill be replaced by manufact ured sand from stone crushers. The glass used w ill be low emissi vit y and havi ng U val ue as per ECBC norms. 8.2. Transport and handling of materials during construct ion may result in pollution, noise & public nuisance. W hat measures are taken to minim ize the impacts? Ans. All vehicles w hich bring construction material to the site w ould possess valid Pollution Under Control Certifi cates (PUC). All vehicles w ould be of close bod y to avoi d dust from the l oose materials, and vehicles w hich bring sand, stone dust, etc. w ould ensure that the above mentioned material are properl y w etted during transport ation to avoid dust generation. Pucca Road w ill be made in the construction site for the vehi cle movement so that the dust generation due to the vehi cular movement w ithin the project site w ill be minimized. Stacking of construction material shall be confined to the project site onl y. All t he D. G. Sets w ould have attached w ith Acoustic Enclosure for sound pollution control and all sound generating construction acti vities w ill be minimized. Furt her, barricading of the site w ith GI sheets up to 20 ft height for t he si de abutting t he publi c road during constructi on phase w ill be done. 8.3. Are recycled m aterials used in r oads and structur es? St ate the extent of savings achieved? Ans. The plastic ( non -biodegradable solid ) w aste during construction period w ill be used along w ith coal tar during the constructio n of internal roads. This w ill increase t he life of roads. 31 8.4. Give details of the methods of collection, segregation & disposal of the garbage generated dur ing the operation phases of the project. Ans. The details are gi ven below :SOLID W ASTE: The proposed project w ill generate about 82 Kg / da y of domestic solid w aste from the proposed residential construction project . The solid w aste from the proposed project w ill be segregated into tw o categori es at source itself and as per Municipal Solid W aste Rules, 2000 appropriate colored bins i.e., Bio -degradable ( green bins ) & non biodegradable ( blue bins ) w ill be provided. The non-biodegradable and rec yclable w aste w ould be sold to the approved vendors / recycl ers. The bi odegradable w aste along w ith sludge from STP w ould be sent to t he bio-bin syst em for safe disposal . e-Waste : Discarded computer parts, monitors, key boards etc. from the indi vidual house hold constit utes as e -w aste and this w aste w ill be suggested to store in a separat e earmarked area w ithin the project site. E-w aste w ill be disposed as per E Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2012. H AZ ARDOUS W ASTE: As per Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling Rules), 2003, the hazardous w aste i.e., the used oil from D.G. sets, discarded oil filters and discarded batteries w ill be stored separatel y and disposed to CPCB / KSPCB authorized vendors onl y. 9.0 ENERGY CO NSERVATIO N 9.1. Give details of the power r equirements, source of supply, backup source etc. W hat is the energ y consumpt ion assumed per square f oot of built -up ar ea? Ho w have you tried to minimize energy consumption? Ans. The total pow er requirement is estimated to be 1200 KW and w ill be met b y Kerala State Electricit y Board. The project w ill make provision of D.G. Set s (320 kV A x 2 Nos.) as standb y arrangement of el ectricit y during electricit y failure. Further, the proposed project w ill have provisi on of pow er savi ng (CFL & LED) and maximum natural ventilation / light w ill be provided to minimize energy consumption. Other measures for energ y conservation proposed are: Solar Energ y operated Photovoltaic lighting for part ial external areas lighting. Savings in energy by t he use of CFL / LED lamps. Building Management Syst em ( BMS ) through sensors for maximizing the energ y conservation. Solar street lights provision in common area 32 Electrical fixtures w ould be of 5 star series as per Bureau of Energ y Efficiency ( BEE ) t o achieve reduction in energy consumption. Total expected energy savi ng b y using LED / CFL lights, solar street lights and other energy efficient equipments w ill be about more than 2 3.50 % w ith compare to ordinary el ectric items. 9.2. W hat type of and capacit y of power back -up to you plan to provide? Ans. The project proponent has made provision of D.G. Sets ( 320 kV A x 2 nos.) as standby arrangement of electricit y. 9.3. W hat are the characteristics of the glass you plan to use? Provide specif icat ions of its characterist ics related to both short wave and long wave radiat ion? Ans. The glass used w ill be of low emissi vit y and the other specifications of the glass w ill compl y w ith the norms as per ECBC. The further details are : Roof w ill be insulated w ith vermiculite ( 50 mm ) + brick coba ( 100 mm ) + tiles ( 25 mm) above the RCC slab ( 150 mm ). 9.4. W hat passive solar architectur al f eatures are being used in the building? Illustrate the applications made in the pr oposed pro ject. Ans. All t he relevant features are i ncorporated like t he orientation of the building, shading effect etc. 9.5. Does the layout of streets & buildings maximize the potential f or solar energy devices? Have you considered the use of street lighting, emergency lighting and solar hot water systems f or use in the building complex? Subst antiate wit h details. Ans. Due consideration has been t aken for maximum use of the sol ar energy w hile preparations of layout plan. The project proponent shall made provision for solar lighting syst em for lighting in parking & road area. 9.6. Is shading eff ectively used to r educe cooling/ heating loads? W hat principles have been used to maximize the shading of W alls on the East and the W est and the Roof ? How much energy saving has been ef f ected? Ans. All t he relevant features are i ncorporated like t he orientation of the building, shading effect etc to reduce cooling / heating loads. 9.7. Do the structures use energ y - eff icient space condit ioning, lighting and mechanical systems? Provide technical details. Provide details of the transf ormers and m otor ef f iciencies, lighting i ntensit y and air -conditioning load assumpt ions? Are you using CFC and HCFC f ree chillers? Pr ovide specif ications. Ans. Suitabl e energy optimization w ill be adopted duri ng the calculation of energ y load of the proposed project. The space heating load w ill b e minimized using passi ve sol ar structure and suitable buildings envelop material. Uses of incandescent lamp and halogen lamps have been avoi ded and energ y efficient LED lamps w ill be used for all common area. The diesel generator sets shall be automatical l y controlled to optimize their usage based on the actual load requirements at any time. Vari able frequenc y dri ve systems w ould be adopted for the lifts, etc to maximize the energ y savi ng. 33 9.8. W hat are the likely ef f ects of the building activit y in alte ring the micro -climat es? Provide a self assessment on t he likely impacts of the proposed construct ion on creation of heat island & inversion eff ects? Ans. More open spaces are proposed w ithin the site to creation of any heat islands. The roads and par king spaces w ould be w ith concrete slabs intermittent w ith grass on surrounding. 9.9. W hat are the thermal charact erist ics of the building envelope? (a) roof ; (b) ext ernal walls; and ( c) f enestration? Give details of the material used and the U values or the R values of the individual components. Ans. The building construction material nam el y bricks, concrete and st eel are being used in t he construction. U -fact or, also know n as Thermal Transmittance, is heat transmission in unit time through unit area of a material or construction and the boundary air films, induced by unit temperature diff erence betw een the environments on each side. The glass used w ill be of low emissivit y and the other specifications of the glass w ill compl y w ith the norms as per ECBC. The further details are: Roof w ill be insulated w ith vermiculite ( 50 mm ) + brick coba ( 100 mm ) + tiles ( 25 mm) above the RCC slab ( 150 mm ). 9.10. W hat precautions & saf ety measures are proposed against f ire hazar ds? Fur nish details of emergency plans. Ans. Li st of equipments proposed for Fire Fighting Measures as per Nati onal Building Code requirement :A. B. C. D. The major equipments proposed for Fire Fighting Measures are Main Hydrant Pump, Spri nkler Pump, Diesel Engine Pump, Jockey Pump. Capacity of Fire Water Storage Tanks & Number: It is proposed to have Fire Wat er Storage Tank of appropriate capacity of overhead tank for fire fighting provided at the tower. Fire Detecting Equi pments: The Fire Detecting Equipments would confirms BIS and NBC norms. Other Fire Fighting Measures: The ot her Fire Fighting Measures proposed incl udes, an Emergenc y Control Room, Separate Fire exit during emergenc y, all rooms w ith Fire Detector / Smoke Detector, Fi re Extinguishe rs at each entry and exit point on each floor, (5 Kg, 10 Kg and 9 Ltr. capacit y) , Public address system etc. The Fire Fighting Measures are backed by Electrical suppl y from D.G. sets in case of emergency. The nearest fire station is at Kal petta, Fire Station w h ich is about 16 km. aw ay from the project site. 9.11. If you are using glass as wall material provides details and specif ications including emissivit y and thermal char act erist ics. Ans. The glass w ill be used low -e glass. Opaque assemblies shall be modeled as having the same heat capacit y as the proposed design but w ith minimum U factor. The glass used w ill be w ith low emissivit y and the other specifications of the glass w ill compl y w ith the norms as per ECBC. The Roof w ill be insulated 34 w ith vermiculite (50 mm) + brick coba (100 mm) + tiles (25 mm) above the RCC slab (150 mm). 9.12. W hat is the rate of air inf iltrat ion into the building? Pr ovide det ails of how you are mitigating the effects of inf iltration. Ans. I nfiltration i s the uncontrolled inw ard air leakage t hrough cracks and crevices in any building element and around w indow s and doors of a building caused by pressure differences across these elements due to factors such as w ind, inside and outside temperature differences, and imbalance betw een suppl y and exhaust air systems. 9.13. To what extent the non -conventional energy technologies are utilized in the overall energ y consumption? Provide details of the renewable energy technologies used. Ans. The uses of non -conventional source construction proje ct are as follow s: - of energy in the proposed a. Solar Street Light: It is also suggested to use solar cell pow ered street lights w ithin the proposed project si te for conservation of electricit y. b. Use of CFL/LED Lamps : The project has provision to use CFL / LED lamps / lights w hich conserve less electricit y compare to ordinary l ights in t he common area like parks, pavements & parking area etc. 10.0 Environment Management Plan The Environment Management Plan would consist of all mit igation measures f or each item wise act ivit y to be undertaken during the construction, operat ion and the ent ire lif e cycle to minim ize adverse environmental impacts as a result of the activit ies of th e project. It would also delineate the environmental monit oring plan f or compliance of various environm ental regulations. It will state the steps to be taken in case of emergency such as accidents at the site including f ire. 35 Environmental Management Plan Sr. Potential Action No. Impact I. Construction Phase All equipments are operated within specif ied design par ameters Vehicle trips to be m inimized to the ext ent possible Any dr y, dust y materials stored in sealed containers or prevented f rom blowing. Compact ion of soil during various construct ion activities 1. Air Em issions Ambient air qualit y within the premises of the proposed unit to be monitored. Transportation of materials with tarpaulin covers W etting of loose construct ion mater ial bef ore unloading DG Sets with chimney height as per CPCB norms. W etting of roads during dry weather List of all noise generating machiner y onsite along with age to be prepared. Equipm ent to be 2. Noise maintained in good working order. Night working is to be minimized. Generation of vehicular noise Implement good wor king practices (equipment select ion and sitt ing) to minim ize noise and also reduce its impacts on human health (ear muff s, saf e distances, and enclosures). No machiner y running when not required. 3. W aste water Discharge Acoust ic muf f lers / enclosures to be provided in large engines and DG Sets. Noise to be monitor ed in ambient air within the site premises. The noise level will not exceed the permissible lim it bot h during day and night times. All equipments oper ated within specif ied design par ameters. Vehicle trips to be m inimized to the ext ent possible No untreated dischar ge to be made to surf ace water, ground water or soil The discharge point should be selected proper ly and sampling and analysis should be undertaken prior to discharge Parameters for Monitoring Random checks of equipment logs/manuals Vehicle logs Absence of stockpiles or open containers of dusty materials. Construction logs The ambient air qualit y will conf orm to the standards f or PM 1 0 & PM 2 . 5 , SO 2 and NO x, Equipment logs, noise reading W orking hour records Maintenance records of vehicles Site working practices records, noise reading Muf f lers / enclosur es in place Noise reading Random checks of equipment logs / manuals Vehicle logs No discharge hoses in vicinit y of watercour ses. Discharge norms f or eff luents as given in consent to operate by PCB. 36 4. Soil Er osion 5. Drainage and eff luent Management 6. W aste Management 7. Non-routine events Take care in disposal of wast ewat er generated such that soil and groundwater resources are protect ed Minim ize ar ea extent of site clearance, by staying within the def ined boundaries Protect topsoil stockpile where possible at edge of site Ensure drainage system and specif ic design measures are working eff ectively. The design to incorpor ate exist ing drainage pat tern and avoid disturbing the same. Implement waste management plan that identif ies and character izes ever y waste arising associat ing with proposed act ivities and which identif ies the procedures f or collect ion, handling & disposal of each waste ar ising. Plan to be drawn up Considering likely emergencies and steps required to prevent / lim it consequences The Envir onmental Management Cell 8. Environmental / Unit is to be set up to ensure Management implementat ion and monitor ing of Cell/ Unit environmental saf eguards. II. Operational Phase Stack emissions f rom DG set to be optim ized and monit ored 9. 10. Air Em issions Noise Ambient air qualit y within the premises of the proposed unit to be monitored. Exhaust f rom vehicles to be minim ized by use of f uel eff icient vehicles and well maintained vehicles having PUC certif icate. Vehicle trips to be m inimized to the ext ent possible Noise generated f rom operation of DG set to be opt imized and monitored DG sets t o generate less than 75 dB(A) Leg at 1.0 m f rom the source DG sets are to be pr ovided at ser vice building with acoustic enclosures with height of chimney above roof level or as specif ied by SPCB Generation of vehicular noise No untreated dischar ge to be made to surf ace water, groundwater or soil. Site boundar ies not ext ended / breached as per plan document Eff ective cover in place Not to leave any exposed area dur ing rainy season Visual inspect ion of drainage and records thereof Comprehensive wast e management plan i n place and available f or inspection on site. Compliance wit h MSW Rules, 2000 and Hazardous W aste (Management and Handling Rules), 2003 Mock drills and recor ds of the same Setting up of Environment Management Cell The ambient air qualit y will conf orm to the standard f or PM 1 0 & PM 2 . 5 SO 2 , and NO x. The ambient air qualit y will conf orm to the standards f or PM 1 0 & PM 2 . 5 as given by PCC Vehicles log s to be maintained Vehicle logs Maintain records of vehicles Maintain records of vehicles No discharge hoses in vicinit y of watercour ses 37 11. W astewater Discharge 12. Drainage and eff luent Management 13. Indoor air contamination 14. Energy Usage 15. Emergency preparedness, such as f ire f ighting 16. Environment Management Cell/ Unit (B) Take care in disposal of wast ewat er generated such that Soil and groundwater resources are protect ed Ensure drainage system and specif ic design measures are working eff ectively. Design to incorporate exist ing drainage pat tern and avoid disturbing the same. Contam inants such as CO, CO2 and VOCs to be reduced by providing adequate ventilat ion. Energy usage f or air -conditioning and other activit ies t o be minimized Conduct annual ener gy audit f or the buildings Fire pr otection and saf ety measures to take care to f ire and explosion hazards to be assessed and steps taken f or their prevention. Discharge norms f or eff luent as per “Consent to Operate” by PCB The Envir onment Managem ent Cell/ Unit to be set up to ensure implementat ion and monitor ing of Environmental saf eguards Setting up of Environment Management Cell Visual inspect ion of drainage and records thereof Monitor ing of indoor air contaminants such as CO, CO2 and VOCs Findings of energy audit report Mock drill records, on site emergency plan, evacuation plan ENVI RONMENTAL MONITORI NG PL AN The envir onmental monitor ing programmed is a vital process in the management Plan f or any construct ion project. This helps in signaling the pot ential problems that would result f rom the proposed project and will allow f or prompt im plementation of eff ective corrective measures. The environmental monitoring will be required during construct ion and operational phases. Water Qualit y and Public Health Since water cont aminat ion leads to var ious water r elated diseases, the project author ities shall est ablish a procedure f or water qualit y sur veillance and ensure saf e water f or the consumers. A detailed epidem iological study related to water borne diseases shall be carried out and the data shall be complied f or ever y year in the project area. This data would help the authorit y in f inding out the trends f or incidence of water related diseases prev alent in the area, which would help them to take suitable remedial measures f or reducing or er adicat ing the occurrence of these diseases in f uture. W ater qualit y param eters shall be monit ored bef ore and af ter the completion of the project. Monitoring shall be carr ied out on quarterly basis to cover seasonal var iat ions. W ater qualit y shall be analyzed by applying the standard techniques. The parameters recommended f or monitor ing are as f ollows : pH Total Dissolved Solids Total Suspended Solids Total Alkalinit y Temperature Total Hardness Calcium Magnesium Iron Chloride Sulphat e Nitrate 38 Calcium Temperature Fluoride Total Nitrogen Total Phosphate Total Colif orms Ai r and Noise Quali t y Monitoring The attributes to be monit ored as a par t of the mit igation measures are Air Qualit y, Noise Levels; the m onitor ing programme f or the construction and operation stag e is presented in Table given below : - Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Particulars Me d ic a l c um Fir s t A id f ac i l it y T oi le ts wi t h ST P in th e l a bor c ol o n y S up p l y of dr ink i ng wa ter f or t h e l ab o ur er s W ind Br e ak er s S pr ink l er s f or s up pr es s io n of d us t S ol i d W as te f r om l ab o ur c am p & c ons tr uc t i on s it e TO TAL S r. No. P art i cul a rs ENVI RONMENT M AN AGEMENT PL AN CONSTRUCTION PHASE Approx. Approx. Recurring Capital Cost Basis for Cost Estimate Cost/ Annum (Rs. In Lacs) (Rs. In Lacs) 1. 2 2. 0 A F irs t A i d m edic a l f ac i l it y wi t h a tra i ne d p ers on wi t h f ir s t a id k it . 1. 2 3. 0 T oi le ts a n d m ob i l e ST P 1. 0 2. 0 Ra i n wa t er f rom t a nk wi t h f i l tra t io n & d is inf ec t i on & p ub l ic s u p pl y wa t er 1. 5 4. 0 1. 2 2. 0 1. 0 2. 0 7.10 15.0 W ind bre ak ers at t h e s it e i n t he s id e wh er e it is a bu tt i n g an d ot h er v u ln er ab l e ar e as . S pr ink l ers , pi p e li n e n e t work , o n l i ne m ic ro f i l ters a n d pr es s ure pum ps S egr e ga t io n & M ic ro b i a l b io - b i n c om pos t i n g f ac i l it y O P E R AT IO N PH AS E Ap p ro x. Ap p ro x. Re cu r rin g Cap it al Co st Cos t / An nu m Ba si s fo r Co st E sti m ati on ( Rs . In La kh s) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S e wag e T r ea tm ent P la n t W ater T r ea tm ent P la n t (W T P) S ol i d W as te Ma n ag em en t P l an No is e Co n tr o l f or D.G . S ets D.G . S ets Em is s i on s tac k i ng , s am pl i n g G re en Ar e a de v e l opm en t Ra i n W ater s t or ag e ta nk T O T AL 2. 0 10 . 0 Ca p it a l Cos t 1. 0 3. 0 Co ns tr uc ti o n of W T P 1. 0 2. 0 1. 0 3. 0 1. 0 3. 0 2. 0 3. 0 1. 5 0 5. 0 9. 5 0 29 . 0 Co l ou re d b i ns at a p pr opr i at e l oc a t io ns & B io- b i n s ys tem D.G . S ets wi l l b e n e w an d wi l l be f itt e d wi t h ac ous t ic en c l os ur es T he c ap i ta l c os t wo u l d i nc l ud e c os t of pro v i d i ng a d eq u at e h e i gh t of s t ac k , l ad d er, p l atf orm an d s t ac k m oni tor i n g G re en Are a D e v el o pm en t, c os t of p la nts , p l an ta t io n c os t , m an ur e etc . Co ns tr uc ti o n of Ra i n W ater s t or a ge ta nk 39 EN V IR O N ME NT MO N I TO RI NG P LA N CO N ST RU CT IO N PH AS E S r. No. P art i cul a rs P ar am et e rs Fr equ en c y 1. Am bi e nt A ir P M 1 0 & P M 2 .5 , SO 2 , NO x , E v er y thr e e m onths E v er y thr e e m onths O nc e i n a m on t h 2. 3. Ra i n wa t er / pu b l ic s u pp l y No is e L e ve l As p er I S : 1 05 0 0 24 hr s . N o is e Le v e l T O T AL Ap p ro x. R e cu rr ing c o st / An nu m ( Rs . In L ac s ) 1. 0 3. 0 0 1. 2 5 5. 2 5 O P E R AT IO N PH AS E S. N o. P art i cul a rs P ar am et e rs 1. Am bi e nt A ir P M 1 0 & P M 2 . 5 , SO 2 , N O x , 2. St ac k Em is s i o n S P M, S O 2 , NO x 3. T reat e d W ater f rom ST P pH , BO D, CO D, O i l & G r e as e , T S S, bac t er i o l og ic a l p aram e ters 4. Ra i n wa t er / pu b l ic s u pp l y As p er I S : 1 05 0 0 5. No is e L e ve l 24 Hr s . N ois e L e v e l T O T AL Fr equ en c y O nc e i n a s eas o n E v er y s ix m onths O nc e i n a m onth O nc e i n a m onth O nc e i n a m onth Ap p ro x. R e cu rr ing C ost / An nu m ( R s. I n L a cs ) 1. 0 0. 2 5 3. 0 0 9. 0 0 1. 2 5 14 . 50 40 Annexure 1 ACTIVITY WISE POPULATION & DAILY WATER CALCULATION CHART Activity No. of Dwelling Units Population Non-flushing Req. Flushing Req. Total Req. ( In KLD ) Residents 41 Nos. 41 X 5 = 205 Person 205 X 90 =18.45 205 X 45 =9.23 27.68 18.45 KL 9.23 KL 27.68 KL 41 Annexure 2 42 43 Annexure 3 44 Annexure 4 45 Annexure 5 46 Annexure 6 47 Annexure 7 DISCLOSURE OF CONSULTANT ENGAGED Name of the Project: Surve y No. 224/1, Village Poonithura, Cochi n Corporation, Taluk Kanayannur, Dist rict Ernakulam, Kerala. Project Proponent : M/s SKYLI NE BUILDERS Nature of the Consultanc y Name of the Consultant / Expert EI A / EM P O rg an i za t i o n E n vi r o nm en ta l E ng i n eer s & Co ns ul t an ts P v t. L t d. EI A Co or d in at or P. Z . T HO M A S - Address & E-mail FA E - LU SU M E R E DA R P. Z . T HO M A S A 1- 1 9 8, J an ak Pur i , Ne w De l h i – 1 1 0 05 8 . FA E - A P P. Z . T HO M A S M EG H A C P AR M AR E- m ai l : FA E- AQ FA E-W P MO H A N A P AT IL P. Z . T HO M A S M EG H A C P AR M AR SR E EJ IT H P. N . FA E- E B S A M EE R DE S H P AN D E SR E EJ IT H P N T O MS A UG U ST IN E FA E- N V P. Z . T HO M A S MO H A N A P AT IL DR . V. MO H A N AN FA E- S E DR . J AC O B J O HN J O MO N M. C . FA E- HG FA E- G S FA E- RH FA E- S HW MU K E S H SU RO LI YA MU K E S H SU RO LI YA M EG H A C P AR M AR P. Z . T HO M A S M EG H A C P AR M AR FA E – SC S A M EE R DE S H P AN D E e e c n e wd e l h i @ g m a i l . c o m Approvals, if any from N ABL / MoEF / CPCB etc. NA B ET Ac c re d it e d EI A Co ns u lt a nc y org a n i za t io n at S er i a l No . 53 , L is t of Ac c r ed i te d Co ns ul t anc y O rg an i za t i o n A n I SO 9 0 01 : 20 0 8 Cer t if i ed c om pan y 48
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