CORMIX v9.0 State of the Art Mixing Zone Modeling System Dear Friends: I am delighted to announce the release of CORMIX v9.0 - the most comprehensive tool available for mixing zone modeling and analysis, wastewater outfall design, optimization, management, and monitoring. CORMIX v9.0 has improved capabilities for modeling drilling muds and cuttings discharges from offshore oil and gas operations. The new version includes an updated CorPlot tool which can be used to graph bottom sediment deposition plots and other 2D/3D graphics that help with the analysis of model results from simulations of discharges during typical drilling operations. The model and post processing capabilities have been updated and improved to be able to perform time series analysis of depth varying ambient conditions usually encountered during such offshore operations. CORMIX v9.0GTR has now been updated to dynamically couple with a Far-Field model like Delft-3D FLOW. The coupling allows for the dynamic linking of the two models, communicating and running concurrently on different computers. The CorHyd multiport diffuser design tool with advanced graphics and hydraulics analysis has been updated to support most common wastewater discharges, including vertical multiport diffuser designs. CORMIX v9.0E - the evaluation/demo version is available for download from our web site at no charge. You are welocome evaluate and explore CORMIX data requirements, prediction capabilities and advanced feature sets, before procuring a commercial license. You can rely on CORMIX to deliver the most dependable hydrodynamic predictions, high quality 3D interactive graphics, extensive help and system documentation, and ample quality assurance features. As always, CORMIX is backed by our expert technical support. Good luck and good mixing! Sincerely, Robert L. Doneker, Ph.D., P.E. President, MixZon Inc Table Of Contents CORMIX v9.0 Feature Comparison........................................................... 3 New and Improved Features in CORMIX v9.0 ......................................... 4 CorPlot - 2D/3D Graphs and Deposition Plots.......................................... 4 CorHyd - Internal Diffuser Hydraulics Model for Multiport Diffusers............. 5 Improved Rule Base and Hydrodynamics................................................ 6 Near and Above Surface Sources and Brine Discharges............................. 6 Sediment Discharges, Drilling Muds and Cuttings..................................... 7 CorVue.............................................................................................. 7 CorSpy.............................................................................................. 8 Flow Class Decision Tree....................................................................... 8 CorSupport – CORMIX Technical Support Subscription Service................... 9 CorHelp............................................................................................. 9 CorDocs............................................................................................. 9 Benchmarks......................................................................................10 CorVal – On-line Case Validation...........................................................10 CorTime - Time Series/Far-Field Model Link............................................11 CorUCS.............................................................................................11 My Account.......................................................................................12 CORMIX Online Training......................................................................12 Outfall and Mixing Zone Monitoring Services......................................... 13 Aerial Remote Sensing System.............................................................13 Mixing Zone & Dilution Dye Tracer Studies.............................................14 Ambient Bathymetry and Velocimetry Characterization............................14 Dilution Studies using CTD..................................................................15 Outfall Condition Inspection and Assessment.........................................15 MixZon Client List.................................................................................. 16 CORMIX v9.0 2 CORMIX v9.0 Feature Comparison CORMIX VERSIONS v9.0E v9.0G v9.0GT v9.0GTH v9.0GTS v9.0GTD v9.0GTR* Free Release General Release Advanced Tools Advanced Tools Hydraulics Advanced Tools Sediment Advanced Tools Design Research Tools Release ü ü Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us Contact Us Print/Save ü ü ü ü ü ü CorData - Legacy Data Import Tool ü ü ü ü ü ü Features CorSupport Technical Support Service † CorHelp Online User Guide ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CORMIX User Manual (PDF) ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CorSpy 3D/2D Outfall Graphics ü ü ü ü ü ü CorVue 3D/2D Mixing Zone Graphics ü ü ü ü ü ü CorSens Sensitivity Analysis Tool ü ü ü ü ü ü CORMIX1 Single Port Discharges ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CORMIX2 Multiport Diffusers ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CORMIX3 Surface Discharges ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CorJet 3D Jet Integral Model ü ü ü ü ü ü ü FFL Far-field Plume Analysis ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CorGIS BASINS/ArcView Tool ü ü ü ü ü ü ü Brine Discharge Modeling ü ü ü ü ü ü ü CorHyd - Internal Diffuser Hydraulics ü ü ü Sediments Dill Cuttings and Muds Discharge Modeling ü ü ü ü CorPlot - 2D/3D Graphs and Deposition Plots ü ü ü ü CorUCS - Coordinate System Converter ü ü ü ü CorDocs Technical Documentation ü ü ü ü ü ü CorVal - Case Validation Service ü ü ü ü ü ü † CorBatch - Batch Processing Utility ü CorTime - Time Series/Far-Field Model Link ü *GTR version for research and development use. Contact us for availability/licensing. † Subscription Fee required in addition to current software licensing. Contact us for more details. NOTE: Please review the online feature comparison table at, for more details. CORMIX v9.0 3 New and Improved Features in CORMIX v9.0 CorPlot - 2D/3D Graphs and Deposition Plots CorPlot provides detailed graphs and plots based on CORMIX simulation results from drill cuttings and muds discharge modeling studies. CorPlot provides the following plots for pollutant data: • Concentration vs. Plume Centerline Downstream Distance; • Concentration vs. Plume Centerline Trajectory; • Dilution vs. Plume Centerline Downstream Distance & Trajectory; For sediment data, CorPlot additionally provides the following plots: Support for Drill Cuttings and Muds Discharge Modeling for the offshore oil and gas drilling industry. • Graphical output of sediment bottom deposition contours on a user specified grid; • Suspended sediments in the water column vs. Plume Centerline; • Suspended flux remaining in the water column vs. Plume Centerline; It is often necessary to be able to model varying ambient current directions for offshore drilling operations. This can be achieved using CorTime. By combining the capabilities of the CorTime application and the CorPlot, one can produce an integrated deposition plot over a user specified grid from a drill cuttings and muds discharge modeling study for offshore drilling operations. “Drilling Muds and Cuttings” option in CORMIX v9.0 CorPlot - bottom deposition plots of WBM Muds and Cuttings from example studies of offshore drilling discharges under varying ambient current directions. CORMIX v9.0 4 CorHyd - Internal Diffuser Hydraulics Model for Multiport Diffusers Design goals for submerged multiport diffusers are to optimize costs (material use and pumping energy) and minimize environmental impacts. Inadequate attention to the internal diffuser hydraulics often results in hydraulic problems E.g. partial blockage, high head losses, uneven flow distribution and poor dilution - causing greater energy demand and negative environmental impacts. CorHyd Definition Schematic CorHyd is a computer application integrated into CORMIX v9.0GTD (Advanced Tools Design Version) and v9.0GTH (Advanced Tools Hydraulics Version). CorHyd calculates the total head required for input discharge rates. The application facilitates further design interactions, modifications and analysis via an easy to use interface that can generate relevant charts and reports. CorHyd performs calculations of velocities, pressures, head losses and flow rates inside the diffuser pipe and especially at the diffuser port orifices. CorHyd User Interface CORMIX mixing zone model assumes a uniform line source for multiport diffuser discharges. CorHyd provides the capability to ensure proper multiport design, that can be modeled by CORMIX as a line source with uniform flow distribution. CorHyd was developed to analyze and optimize diffuser design alternatives as well as existing diffuser configurations for different discharge and ambient conditions. CorHyd Output Indicating the Discharge per riser CorHyd supports analysis for different manifold designs, including simple ports, high risers, duckbill valves, single end, Y and T diffusers. The calculation algorithms are based on the application of the steady state continuity and work-energy equations between the ambient fluid at the discharge points and the effluent inside the diffuser pipe. CORMIX v9.0 CorHyd – Diffuser Visualization 5 Improved Rule Base and Hydrodynamics CORMIX 9.0 has improved models and updated rule bases. Prediction files include centerline velocities and travel times for single port and multiport diffuser cases. Surface discharge simulations report centerline travel time. Also, negatively buoyant surface discharges are possible within DHYDRO. This system presents dozens of flow classifications to fully evaluate discharge/environment interaction within the mixing zone. The updated hydrodynamic modules and rule base allow for easy specification and modeling of near and above surface discharge sources. The 3-D CorSpy and CorVue visualization tools are also fully integrated into the expanded flow classification and simulation rule base. v9.0 allows for near and abovesurface discharge sources Near and Above Surface Sources and Brine Discharges New effluent specification allows for detailed mixing analysis of dense discharges such as concentrates from desalination facilities. Improved hydrodynamics now account for bottom density current mixing with sloping bathymetry, essential for coastal mixing zone analysis. Detailed ambient density and current profile specification is available, to account for internally stratified flow layers for dense discharges. In addition, negatively buoyant surface source configurations are allowed in version 9.0. CORMIX can be used to model brine density currents, surface plunge point, and mixing on sloping bottoms CORMIX v9.0 6 Sediment Discharges, Drilling Muds and Cuttings CORMIX can simulate typical dredge discharge properties with 5 particle size classes- chunks, sand, coarse silt, fine silt, and clay. Sources can be single port, multiport, surface discharges, or above surface discharges with or without a deflector plate. The model has now been extended to meet the simulation requirements of offshore oil and gas drilling operations. CORMIX now supports the input and modeling of up to 10 custom particle size classes of solids and fall velocities. CORMIX v9.0 can simulate both water column suspended solids concentrations and bottom deposit “footprint” sediment flux. The CorPlot tool can then create 2D deposition plots. CORMIX - GTS models discharge sources with suspended sediment CorVue New and improved graphics for interactive mixing zone visualization are now available in CorVue. This advanced tool allows you to easily assess plume regulatory mixing zone behavior, visualize boundary interactions and density current upstream intrusions, and criteria such as RMZ, CMC, CCC, TDZ for efficient documentation of regulatory compliance. CorVue features include: • Improved output into jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tiff, ps formats; • Improved user control for better visualization; • Print, copy & paste images with clipboard; • Save CORMIX centerline prediction as Comma Separated Value (csv) format; • Integrated on-line help manual. Various plume visualization options in CorVue CORMIX v9.0 7 CorSpy Unidirectional, Alternating, Staged diffusers; Beta, Theta, Gamma, Sigma – confused about diffuser configuration or specification? CorSpy can help! This 3D diffuser visualization tool makes specification of complex multiport diffuser geometry a snap. With CorSpy you can interactively view the discharge data you specified in relation to the CORMIX x-y-z coordinate system and local boundaries. CorSpy features include: • Near-surface and above-surface diffuser configurations; • Visualization of rosette design diffuser configurations; • Improved output into jpeg, gif, bmp, png, tiff, *ps formats; • Improved controls for boundaries, axis display, etc.; • Integrated on-line help manual. Rosette Alternating Fanned Unidirectional Staged Flow Class Decision Tree Classification of discharge/boundary interaction has a profound influence on mixing zone behavior and regulatory compliance. Ever wonder how CORMIX predicts your flow class? You can learn more about the internal logic of the CORMIX decision support system. View the Flow Classification Rule Base to determine flow class for your simulation. Screenshot of the flow classification decision tree for the new IPV3 class CORMIX v9.0 8 CorSupport – CORMIX Technical Support Subscription Service CorSupport is a subscription-based technical support service that provides: • Answers to general questions about physical processes and mixing zone modeling; • Help with understanding input parameters; • Assistance with interpretation of simulation results. CorSupport is available by e-mail or phone in 1, 3, 6 or 12 month subscription terms. For info on CorSupport pricing and coverage please visit: CorHelp CorHelp is an easy to use on-line help and user documentation system integrated into the CORMIX user interface. From the simplest to the most complex questions – find answers in CorHelp quickly and easily. CorHelp has been designed to include: • Tooltips and help pop-up windows in the CORMIX GUI; • User interface integrated on-line context-sensitive help; • Integrated on-line help manuals; • Integrated on-line CORMIX manual CorDocs Simplified on-line access to CorDocs hypertext CORMIX system documentation. CorDocs is now hosted on-line and just a mouse click away – no more large downloads to install the documentation system. With CORMIX v9.0 you get instant web-based access to the complete CORMIX1, CORMIX2, and CORMIX3 technical reports. CORMIX v9.0 9 Benchmarks Compare CORMIX/CorJet model performance to laboratory data sets with emphasis on limiting hydrodynamic cases for model benchmarking analysis. See how CORMIX compares with rigorous test cases. This tool will help validate the models predictive capability for single port CORMIX1 and CORMIX2 cases. The CORMIX/CorJet Benchmarks site is accessible online at Plot constructed during CORMIX/CorJet benchmark analysis CorVal – On-line Case Validation CorVal is a web-based interactive validation database for a client’s specific CORMIX mixing zone prediction. CorVal, offered as a subscription service, will validate a client’s CORMIX1 (submerged singleport discharges) model prediction with available laboratory and field data contained in a custom validation database. This database of plume dilution experiments is developed from published laboratory and field studies of buoyant jet mixing and plume dilution. CorVal presents a validation analysis of the client’s CORMIX predictions compared to cases in the database with similar physical mixing characteristics (flow classification). Regression statistics and graphs of predicted vs. measured values are presented on actual and normalized parameters for buoyant jet mixing. CORMIX v9.0 CorVal study – Comparison Plot and Statistics 10 CorTime - Time Series/Far-Field Model Link CorTime allows for the automated modeling and calculation of time series data. Using CorTime, one can perform time series analysis due to time varying ambient conditions or discharge characteristics. CorTime is an automated tool for linkage of CORMIX to set boundary conditions in far-field coastal circulation models. CorTime accepts an input file summarizing the varying input data (ambient and/or discharge conditions) for each time step. CorTime then executes CORMIX with input data for each time step and the corresponding plume characteristics are calculated. The consolidated output report summarizes the characteristic plume parameters such as the x,y,z coordinates at the end of near-field region and at the specified regulatory mixing zone (RMZ), with corresponding dilution, concentration, plume thickness, width and travel times - of all the time steps in the CorTime simulation. The CORMIX case file (*.cmx), prediction file (*.prd) and the session report (*.ses) for each time step that is successfully run are automatically saved. CorTime simulation results will assist with the analysis of plume behavior under time varying conditions and with linkage to far-field simulation models. Plots of time series data using the CorTime Graph application CorUCS CorUCS is a new post-processing tool that will convert CORMIX trajectory information in a prediction file from the CORMIX coordinate system to the coordinate system specified by the end user using the outfall location’s latitude and longitude position (in WGS84 format). The inputs required for the conversion are ambient current direction and diffuser position relative to geographic North. CorUCS input specification in the CORMIX UI CORMIX v9.0 11 My Account On-line user account management (accessible at allows you to: • Change account settings and preferences; • View purchase & product download history; • Place on-line orders through our secure on-line ordering system; • Track CorSupport requests. Screenshots of the My Account feature CORMIX Online Training MixZon is now pleased to offer CORMIX Online Training in 1 to 2 hour webinar formats. Participants can now attend interactive online session from the comfort of thier home or office without the need to make cumbersome travel arragements. Participants review the basic theory of mixing zone modeling from point source discharges; explore new ways to schematize and extend range of model application; discover time saving tips and techniques for advanced model application; learn to avoid benthic ecological impacts with advanced outfall designs; comply with NPDES requirements for conventional and toxic discharges. This course delivers technical training to engineers, scientists, regulators, and consultants on mixing zone modeling for NPDES mixing zone permits. The course includes an introduction to theory of transport modeling, outfall design, and mixing zone water quality management supported by extensive hands-on computer exercises. The online training sessions are hosted by Dr. Robert L. Doneker, the primary developer of the CORMIX system. MixZon can also provide a comprehensive training course on mixing zone modeling and the CORMIX software at your location. Additional information is published at: CORMIX v9.0 12 Outfall and Mixing Zone Monitoring Services MixZon Inc has the unique capability to integrate water quality measurement, outfall and mixing zone monitoring and analysis, in addition to mixing zone modeling using CORMIX. We specialize in Mixing Zone Field Studies for NPDES permit compliance. Our capabilities include: • Aerial Remote Sensing System for monitoring water quality at site scales; • Mixing Zone Dye Tracer Studies; • Ambient bathymetry and velocimetry characterization; • Dilution studies using CTD; • Outfall Condition Inspection and Assessment. Aerial Remote Sensing System With USEPA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program support, MixZon Inc has designed and developed a low cost, rapidly deployable, aerial remote sensing platform for monitoring mixing zone water quality data in real time. The aerial platform uses a tethered helium balloon for deployment. In 2009 USEPA awarded MixZon additional SBIR contracts to assist with the commercialization and verification of this system. We currently continue to perform research and development to improve this technology for water quality monitoring. We have established the technical feasibility of our system to monitor mixing zones in rivers at site scales. Our patent-pending remote sensing platform and data management system measures outfall dilution performance and focuses on temperature as a dilution tracer. The temperature tracer can also be used as an indicator of other water quality parameters within the mixing zone such as BOD, coliforms, dissolved metals, etc. MixZon aerial remote sensing platform deployed from the company’s boat The platform gathers continuous, real-time, site scale, geo-referenced mixing zone data for NPDES regulatory compliance, Endangered Species Act (ESA) habitat assessment, and hydrodynamic mixing zone simulation model validation. The remote sensing system has been successfully deployed in numerous Mixing Zone Studies over the last few years. The data from these studies was widely accepted and led to successful NPDES permit applications. MixZon currently continues to perform research and development to improve this technology for water quality monitoring. This service is by contract. CORMIX v9.0 The mixing behavior of an heated effluent from an industrial wastewater surface canal outfall - captured by our remote sensing platform 13 Mixing Zone & Dilution Dye Tracer Studies MixZon has the experience and technology to perform comprehensive mixing zone dye tracer studies for NPDES permit compliance. Our submersible sensor platform includes an array of sensors, including CTD (conductivity, temperature, depth), turbidity, and fluorometer (RhodamineWT). Rhodamine-WT is a fluorescent, non-toxic, uv stable, water-soluble, biodegradable tracer dye that can be accurately measured in extremely small concentrations, down to 0.1 parts per billion (ppb). Dye Study in progress Ambient Bathymetry and Velocimetry Characterization All our sensor platforms are integrated with differential GPS for sub-meter positional accuracy. Plume dilution monitoring is enhanced by conducting a detailed bathymetry and velocity survey with our boat-mounted or towed ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler). ADCP sonar and survey-grade DGPS can be deployed from our jet boat or towed raft giving us “go anywhere” capability with sub-meter accuracy. We also have the ability to integrate monitoring data from our aerial remote sensing platform and submersible platforms, producing incredibly comprehensive mixing zone studies. Dye concentration contours - based on data from a dye tracer study. CORMIX v9.0 Bathymetric Map based on data from ADCP sonar surveys ADCP sonar and survey-grade DGPS deployed from our Riverboat MixZon Inc uses GIS to analyze and present data collected from remote sensing and ADCP sonar surveys 14 Dilution Studies using CTD MixZon has the capability and experience to complete successful mixing zone dilution studies using a submersible CTD (Conductivity-TemperatureDepth) sensor. CTD sensor data is tagged with Differential GPS (DGPS) data in real time, for sub-meter positional accuracy. This data can then be post-processed and overlaid on state plane maps to produce dilution contours as part of the study report. The technique of using conductivity as a dilution tracer is most applicable in fresh water systems, where initial dilution is required without the expense of a dye tracer study. Minimum dilution contours - based on data from a field dilution study. Outfall Condition Inspection and Assessment MixZon Inc has successfully deployed the DIDSON acoustic camera to conduct outfall inspection. This technique can produce high quality video images in highly turbid environments. Outfall inspection using this technique can be a cost effective option for infrastructure maintenance and NPDES permit compliance. Multiport diffuser construction Images from sonar video showing several ports of a multiport diffuser Our capabilities in aerial remote sensing combined with our state of the art sonar for velocimetry and bathymetry surveys, allows us to perform CORMIX model validation and/or calibration for single port, multiport diffuser, and surface discharge sources. Please contact for more information. CORMIX v9.0 15 MixZon Client List MixZon has over 7000 academic, government, commercial, and consulting clients worldwide. We Appreciate Your Support! Here are some of our valued users: ADM Velva Alaska DEC Alabama DEM Alberta Environment Alden Research Lab Amec Anderson Marine Surveys Applied Science Associates Aqua-Fact International Services ARCADIS Arizona DEQ Argonne National Laboratory Autoritat Portuaria De Barcelona AWML International, Nigeria AZTI Fundacion Baird and Assoc. Barr Engineering Company Basler & Hofmann Battelle Beaufort Group Beca Carter Hollings & Ferner Bechtel Corporation Boyle Engineering Corp. British Petroleum Brown & Caldwell Burgess & Niple California Dept. of Health Services California Dept. of Water Resources California State University California SWRCB Camdus Group Camp Dresser McKee Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission Carl Bro Carollo Engineers Cascade Steel CEDEX, Spain CEOM SCpA CETESB, Brazil Chevron ETC Chevron Texaco Chu Hai College Conic-Bf Ingenieros Connecticut DEP D Appolonia, Italy Daebul University DAL Science & Engineering Delaware DNREC Deltares Democrete University of Thrace DynMcDermott - DOE E.I. DuPont Earth Tech EBX Engineering SRL Eco-Logic Engineering Ecology & Environment Ecoprogress Engineering-Environmental Mgmt EnSafe Entech Consultants ENVIRON UK Environment Agency UK Environment Canada Environmental Reclamation Services Environmentek Exxon-Mobile FDA Florida Atlantic University Florida DEP FMC Corp. GBMC & Associates Georgia DNR Georgia Tech GHA Technologies Golder Associates Gradian Gray & Osborne Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, Australia Great Lakes Environmental Center Groundwater Management Associates Halcrow Group Hampton Rhoads Sanitation District Herrera Environmental Consultants Hidroambiente HIDROSISTEM Engenheiros Consultores Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates Hong Kong Drainage Services Department HR Wallingford HydroAnalysis Hydrocontrol Hydrometrics HydroQual IAEA Idaho DEQ Indiana DEM, DNR Initec Technologia Innogy Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua J. E. Edinger Associates Jacobs Consulting Services Jaime Illanes y Asociados Consultores Japan NUS Kansas Dept. of Health & Env. Kentucky Div. Of Water KEPRI, KEPCO Kerr Wood Leidal Assoc. King Saud University Kingett Mitchell Komex International Agricultural & Rural Infrastructure Larry Walker Associates LaSalle Consulting Group Latinoconsult Limno-Tech LORAX Louisiana DEQ MACTEC Engineering & Consulting Makai Ocean Engineering Manly Hydraulics Laboratory Maine DEP, DMR Maryland DOE, DNR McGinley & Associates Michigan DEQ Middle East Technical University Minnesota PCA Mississippi DEQ Montana DEQ, DNR Najarian Associates National Institute of Ocean Technology, India Nebraska DEQ Nebraska Public Power New Hampshire DES New Jersey DEP New South Wales EPA, Australia New York DEC NIWA, New Zealand NOAA Fisheries Normandeau Assoc. North Carolina DENR-DWQ Norwegian Institute for Water Research Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, MEP, China Ohio EPA Oklahoma DEQ Ontario Ministry of Environment. Oregon DEQ Pacific Northwest National Lab Parametrix Parsons Brinckerhoff Petrobras America, Brazil Petronyx Consulting Engineers Pinnacle Consulting Group Qatar Petroleum Quebec Ministere de l’Environnement Railroad Commission of Texas Rundall Blanchard Assoc Safege Cetiis Science Applications Intl. SEAUS SECOR International Incorporated Sharp and Associates Shaw E&I Shell Global Solutions SIDMAR Bernhard Pack Sinclair Knight Merz South Carolina DHEC SPAWAR St. Johns River Water Management District Stantec Consulting Stevens Institute of Technology Stoller-Navarro Joint Venture Subsea Engineering Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute Taxon Estudios Ambientales Tennessee DOWPC, DEC Tennessee Valley Authority Tetra Tech Texas CEQ The Camdus Group The Citadel Triad Engineering, Inc. Underwood Engineers University of New Brunswick Universidad de Chile Universidad de Zaragoza Universidade de Sao Paulo Universität Karlsruhe University Catolica De Chile University of Alberta University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt University of Canterburry University of Chile University of Concepción University of Minnesota University of New Orleans University of Patras University of the West of England University of Western Australia University of Wisconsin URS Corporation US Army Corps of Engineers US Bureau of Reclamation USEPA, USEPA Regions 1-10 US Fish & Wildlife Service US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Veolia Water Systems Vermont ANR Vigil-Agrimis Virginia DEQ W.F. Baird & Associates Wacker Siltronic Wald + Corbe Wallis Engineering Washington DOE, DOH Washington Group International Weaver Boos Consultants WESI Consulting West Virginia DEP - DWR Western Resource Solutions Westinghouse Savannah River Woods Hole Group Worley WS Atkins US and International Regulatory and Government agencies CORMIX v9.0 16
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