vJan. 8, 1935. C. T. GILBERT 1,987,232 WASHBOARD Filed May 9, 1934 CHARLES 177 GILBERT 1,987,232 Patented Jan. 8, 1,935 Y. 1*PATENT OFFICE; 1,987,232’ ‘ _, 7 ' IJWA‘VSHBO'ARD " , ,Charles‘T. Gilbert, Saginaw, ‘Mich, assignor to I National corporation Washboard ‘of West Virginia Company, Chicago, Ill.,'a 2 Application May 9.1934,,Sériai No... 724,700 \ 2 Claims." (01.;‘68-29) ~ This invention relates to improvements inthe , I Fig. 4 is a horizontal sectional View on line 4.—-4 parts‘ of washboardsemployed as rubbing faces of Fig. 3. ' Y Y c and more particularly to double. faced, wash _‘ Fig. ,5 is ,a fragmentary, viewgin perspective boards. 6 r; . I ‘ ) The object of myinvention is'the provision of ' showing the preferred arrangement of ‘thereon .tiguous rubbinggfaces. " v ;. .‘ i “.5 a novel and improved-double ‘rubbing facethat . vFig. 6 is a detail view in perspective, showing shall be inexpensive and‘ simple; in construction an approved. method, of assemblingv the, twogrube _ ; , .' , . '_ ' and capable of being-madeoflightvmaterial, such bing-faces as va unit. ‘The same numerals of reference arefused, to as thin sheets of metal, yet rigid to, resist, ‘with 10 out undue springing or bending, the stressesv that designate. corresponding ‘parts in the;v several are produced by bearing downandrubbing when views. ’ , _‘ The rectangular framed the wash-board is The claimed invention consists principally of composed of the side bars v1‘ and} 2,, and thegtop an . improvedw arrangement of} ‘two, corrugated cross-bar 3, bottom cr0ss§bar4 and intermediate > cross-bar 5, and may be of the usual or "any-suite 15' sheets formed and co-operating so that each rub bing face of the wash-board will provide a‘sub able construction.v , v M; I, , stantially equal degree v:of stiffness and rigidity ‘ _-‘_Thevrubbing element of my improved-and novel ~ muse. . -‘ , '. _» ‘ I , a .f. for the other rubbing face and also to present surfaces of different working characteristics, one 20 for washing ordinary goods, the other for deli cate fabrics. The corrugations of the ?rst men tioned sheet extend across the direction of rub construction is seated at its side edges in suitably shaped grooves in the side-bars 1 and 2 of the frame, at its top edge in the grooved intermediate 20 cross-bar 5, and at its bottom edge in the grooved bottom cross-bar 4. In the construction shown bing and of the other substantially lengthwise the rubbingelement is composed of two corru thereof. The sheets are secured together back gated sheets 6, 7 of thin sheet metal laid back to back. ‘Each sheet is formed, as by co-rrugating, 25 25 to back in bearing engagement at the crossings and present mutually supporting‘ elements ar to present parallel series of alternating work ranged in grid-like pattern that provides symme engaging ridges, or ribs 8 and work-engaging try and equivalence of bracing for both rubbing channels, troughs, or grooves 9 in the form of sim ilar ar‘rises, uniformly spaced or substantially so. faces. ‘ 'Heretofore double wash-boards with sheet metal In addition the sheets may be embossed in known 30 30 rubbing faces have had their faces provided with manner. The sheets are disposed so that the longitudinal ribs, and the two sheets have been arrises of one cross those of the other. In the ex placed back to back with their longitudinal ribs ample herein shown they, are perpendicular, to give pointv contacts,‘ but they ‘may cross at any parallel and in contact lengthwise. Such ar other suitable angle appropriate to attain the re 3 rangement produced a double-faced board that sults herein set forth. was resistant to bending along lines extending Under the normal stresses of use each channel from the top edge of the board to the bottom, but the two sets of ribs, being parallel and contigu ous, afforded practically no resistance to bending 40 along lines, extending across theboard from one upright edge to the other, and consequently pro wall or groove, as 9 of one face presents a trans verse beam-like support for all or most of the several channel Walls of the other, faces. Each corrugated, sheet is thus supported at a great number ' of approximately equidistant points ‘ duced unequal degrees of bracing, or what may spaced closely together over its entire area. Each be termed non-symmetrical bracing for the‘ two such point of support rests upon a channel wall ~ ' v of the opposing sheet and that wall is in effect 45 rubbing faces. The means by which I have remedied such de a beam extending from edge to edge of the rub-v fects of earlier double-faced boards will now be bing face. Otherwise stated, the surfaces of the described, reference being had to the accompany two sheets are preferably in the form of uniform ing drawing, in which: 50 _ or similar arrises or corrugations mutually per Fig. 1 is a front face View of a wash-board em pendicular to give only point contacts or bearings. bodying my invention. The embodiment here shown as a preferred Fig. 2 is a rear view of the same, partly broken form of my invention has equally spaced point I bearings or contacts at the crossings arranged in Fig. 3 is a central vertical section on line '3--8 what may be termed a symmetrical gridlike pat away. 66 of Fig. 2. ' tern by which the two sheets are equally braced 1,987,232 in both directions, and’ they are held together so the edges of the two sheets together is disclosed and claimed in co-pending application Serial No. as to constitute a unit that is rigid in itself. Preferably the two sheets 6 and '7 are arranged 737,484, ?led July 30, 19347, by Charles W. 'Saden as shown, the ridges and grooves of one sheet water, common assignee. ' I Having thus described, my invention, whatI being at right angles to those of the'other and in bearing arrangement therewith. In Fig. 6, showing an enlarged fragmentary view, the edges/10,‘ llof theztwosheets-are shown attached by folding so 'as'to lapover one-‘upon 10 the other. By thus ?xing together two or more claim and desire to secure by'Letters Patent is: 1. In a wash-board, two rubbing faces made ofcorrugated-sheet meta}, each-presenting simi- '~ lar alternating work-engaging arris ridges and channels substantially uniformly spaced, 10 edges of the two superimposed sheets the double gsaid sheets being secured in back to back en-'-~ working surface 6, 7 can be fabricated so“ as to gagement, the ridges constitute a unitary double-faced rubbingele sheet extending across ‘those, of the other sheet and > channels of each ment, and these unitsv can-beeasily and;quickly tsubstantiallyiatrightangles‘to give mutual con V15 inserted in the frame when ‘the wash-board is _ being assembled. _ l , ‘;substantially ‘equi-distant and de?ning a iigltidélike pattern,_=each channel of one sheet con Another advantage is attainedby the arrange: stituting a .transverse supporting member ‘for ment of the corrugated rubbing surfaces as above each of‘ the several‘ channels of the other sheet described. The horizontally arrangedcormga-w when 'therlatter is subjected to stresses incident 20 tions of sheet '7 are well adapted for washing to its use as a rubbing surface. 20 vmostirinds ‘of go0ds,lI-but the ~-vertical=arrange ment of corrugations'in sheet 6 is especially well adapted ‘Ionwashing ordinary 'goo'ds,’in*which‘ the adapted for washing i?ne‘ fabrics, such ‘as ilinen corrugations extend substantially perpendicular handkerchiefs, silk‘Iingerie, 25 etc. _ ’ ‘ ' - The ‘wash-board above -described ‘is ‘inexpen to the direction of rubbing, the other for delicate ‘fabrics, in which the 5 corrugations extend-"sub :25 sive 2in construction and v‘the rubbing surfaces stantially lengthwiseioflthe-‘directionv of rubbing, are lexceedinglystrongpbut lightyboth sheets to said ‘faces ' being @made of‘ corrugatedvv sheet’ metal _ I gether weighing less than the-single-‘sh‘eet-of an securedltogether, the-two presenting similar‘ sube -ordinary"boar'd with one rubbing ' face vwherein 30 the metal>has tobe made thick enough to with stantially'v uniformly spaced ‘ridges and channels‘, the? channels of each sheet: being-i‘arrangiedsubé 30 stantially perpendicular ‘to’ those of itl'ie' other stand bending both laterally‘ and ‘vertically. '~ _~ ' Theunitary construction indicated-in Fig. 6 sheet and in bearing engagement therewith'a't ‘facilitates ‘manufacture. andreplacement, and/the the crossings, and constituting transverse 'sup washeboard ,has ‘numerous advantages‘ ‘as an ports therefor arranged in ig'ridélike ! patterns to 35 article of manufacture in addition to the desir able features above described. ' , , ‘ r _‘ ’An improved'means for binding and-securing provide'symmétryT of "bracing ‘for both‘lrubbing *
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