No. 779,600. ' ' . PATENTED JAN. 10, 1905. J. HIGKLER. I BILGE BLOCK, APPLICATION FILED we. 4. 1904. T1 -1 .51 éLE‘ > 4/ ‘| 12 .4. . ‘7 ,mmm . 5 Ja/m M01522? " No. ‘779,600. Patented January 10, 1905. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. JOHN HICKLER, OF PASADENA, CALIFORNIA. Bvl‘LGE-BLOCK. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 779,600, dated January 10, 1905. Application ?led August 4;, 1904. Serial No- 212.576 To all whom, it natty concern: blocks upon the dock~timbers or track 2. The Be it known that I, JOHN HICKLER, a citi upper surface of the block at is inclined, as at zen of the United States, residing at Pasadena, 5“, has a plain ?at surface 6 in the rear, and in the county of Los Angeles and State of Cali intermediate the surfaces5 and 6 a concave , fornia, have invented certain new and useful bearing-surface 7 is provided. The tilting 55 Improvements in Bilge-Blocks; andI do de member 3 consists of a rectangular block 8, clare the following to be a full, clear, and ex having a concave or semicircular transverse act description of the invention, such as will recess 9 therein. Secured within the recess 9 enable others skilled in the art to which it ap is a strong metal tube 10, said tube being se cured in place by a bolt 11 passing through My invention relates to bilge-blocks; and one the upper portion of the block 8, through the of the principal objects of the same is to pro tube 10, and having ?tted upon its inner end vide a bilge-block which will be strong, dura within the tube a nut 12, which serves to hold ble, and capable of withstanding the great the tube within the recess 9. The tube 10 pressure or weight to which this class of de may be formed of steel or other strong metal 65 vices is subjected. and provided with end ?anges 13, said ?anges Another object is to provide a bilge-block being slightly curved or rounded upon their in which the tilting member is separate and inner ,surfaces for a purpose which will be pertains to make and use the same. detachable from the bearing block or support and is thus interchangeable for other blocks presently explained. In order that the block 8 will normally tilt to theipo'sition shown in Fig. 2, any suitable any part of the structure of the block. Weight 14, like a spike driven into the end of Still another object is to provide a device of the block 8, may be utilized. Other means, this character which will be simple in con however, of giving a slight excess of weight struction, e?icient in operation, and which will to this end of the block may be resorted to. 75 not be liable to injury or destruction in use. It will be understood that the block 8 is re These and other objects are attained by movable from the supporting-block 4c, the tube means of the construction illustrated in the ac 10 merely resting within the recess 7' in the companying drawings, in which— supporting-block. The ?anges 13 are slightly Figurell is a transverse outline of the hull curved in order that the block 8 may have a 80 of a vessel supported upon bilge-blocks made slight lateral motion to conform to any uneven in accordance with my invention. Fig. 2 is a surface upon the hull of the vessel to be sup longitudinal section of one of my bilge-blocks. ported. in the series or renewable in case of injury to Fig. 3 is a transverse section of the same. From the foregoing it will be obvious that Fig. 4 is an end view, and Fig. 5 is a side view, my bilge-block is exceedingly strong and du of the bilge-block in the position which it may rable and will withstand a tremendous weight assume for supporting timbers in a horizon without injury, since the tube 10 is supported tal plane. ' upon nearly its entire periphery within the Referring to the drawings for a more par , ticular description of the invention, the nu meral 1 designates in outline the hull of a ves sel supported upon my bilge-blocks, and 2de recess 7 in the supporting-block and the re cess 9 in the. tilting member. Moreover, by 9O slight lubrication of the recess 7 the tube will freely move or rock in the bearing to assume notes the dock~timbers or track upon which the bilge-blocks are mounted to be moved in un der the hull of the vessel or out from under the required position under the hull of the vessel. Whenever it is desired to support horizon 95 said hull when desired. tal timbers upon the bilge-blocks, the block 8 My bilge-block comprises two sections or is tilted backward to the position shown in members 3 4, the member 4 being the support Fig. 5, of the drawings, the upper surface of ing-block and provided with suitable keepers block 8 then representing a true horizontal 5, which form a guideway for moving bilge plane. E Various changes in the form, proportion, ing member by means of a bolt passing through and the minor details of construction may be resorted to Without departing from the prin the upper portion of said tilting member, through the upper Wall of the tubular bearing ciple or sacri?cing any of the advantages of and terminating Within said tubular bearing, 25 and said tubular ‘bearing adapted to rock in this invention. Having thus described my invention, What the recess of the supporting member. I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is—— 1. A bilge-block comprising a base or sup 10 3. A bilge-block comprising oppositely-re cessed members, one of said members forming a support and the other adapted to rock or porting element, a tilting member counter tilt thereon, a tube secured in the recess in Weighted at one end and having a bearing-tube the rocking member and adapted to tilt in the secured thereto adapted to rock Within the recess in the supporting member, and means bearing-surface of the supporting-block, said to prevent lateral movements of one member 20 tube having curved ?anges upon its outer ends relatively to the other. 35 In testimony whereof I have hereunto set to permit a slight transverse rocking move ment to compensate for irregular surfaces, my hand in presence of two subscribing Wit nesses. substantially as described. JOHN HIGKLER. 2. A bilge-block comprising a base or sup Witnesses: porting member, a tilting member, said mem bers having registering recesses, a tubular W. K. PROVOOST, BEN. J. COWL. bearing secured Within the recess in the tilt
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