and alcohol alcohol alcoholism Volume 50 Number 2 March/April 2015 and contents Scan to view this journal on your mobile device alcoholism 107 118 132 140 146 152 164 173 180 188 Downloaded from by guest on February 16, 2015 157 Volume 50 Number 2 March/April 2015 REVIEW Can Motivational Interviewing in Emergency Care Reduce Alcohol Consumption in Young People? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis S. Kohler and A. Hofmann METABOLIC AND GENETIC Potential Contributions of the Tobacco Nicotine-Derived Nitrosamine Ketone (NNK) in the Pathogenesis of Steatohepatitis in a Chronic Plus Binge Rat Model of Alcoholic Liver Disease V. Zabala, M. Tong, R. Yu, T. Ramirez, E.B. Yalcin, S. Balbo, E. Silbermann, C. Deochand, K. Nunez, S. Hecht and S.M. de la Monte Increased Alcohol Consumption in Urocortin 3 Knockout Mice Is Unaffected by Chronic Inflammatory Pain M.L. Smith, J. Li and A.E. Ryabinin Genetic Variability in CYP2E1 and Catalase Gene Among Currently and Formerly Alcohol-Dependent Male Subjects A. Plemenitas, M. Kastelic, S. Porcelli, A. Serretti, M. Rus Makovec, B. Kores Plesnicar and V. Dolžan The Role of Lipin-1 in the Pathogenesis of Alcoholic Fatty Liver L. Bi, Z. Jiang and J. Zhou CLINICAL Influence of Microelement Concentration on the Intensity of Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome P.L. Prior, M.J. Vaz, A.C. Ramos and J.C.F. Galduróz TREATMENT Brief Intervention in the Workplace for Heavy Drinkers: A Randomized Clinical Trial in Japan C. Ito, T. Yuzuriha, T. Noda, T. Ojima, H. Hiro and S. Higuchi Assessing and Treating Alcohol Relapse Risk in Liver Transplantation Candidates G. Dom, M. Wojnar, C.L. Crunelle, N. Thon, J. Bobes, U.W. Preuss, G. Addolorato, H.K. Seitz and F.M. Wurst Relationship Between Emotional Processing, Drinking Severity and Relapse in Adults Treated for Alcohol Dependence in Poland M. Kopera, A. Jakubczyk, H. Suszek, J.M. Glass, A. Klimkiewicz, A. Wnorowska, K.J. Brower and M. Wojnar Development of a Real-Time Repeated-Measures Assessment Protocol to Capture Change over the Course of a Drinking Episode S.E. Luczak, I.G. Rosen and T.L. Wall A Pilot Study on the Feasibility and Acceptability of a TextMessage-Based Aftercare Treatment Programme Among Alcohol Outpatients S. Haug, M.J. Lucht, U.John, C. Meyer and M.P. Schaub EPIDEMIOLOGY Is the Relationship Between Major Depressive Disorder and Self-Reported Alcohol Use Disorder an Artificial One? S. Baggio, K. Iglesias, J. Studer, M. Dupuis, J.-B. Daeppen and G. Gmel The Effect of Beverage Type on Alcoholic Psychoses Rate in Russia Y.E. Razvodovsky Physical Activity and Risk of Alcohol Use Disorders: Results from a Prospective Cohort Study L.K. Ejsing, U. Becker, J.S. Tolstrup and T. Flensborg-Madsen Acute Stress Increases Voluntary Consumption of Alcohol in Undergraduates S.A. Magrys and M.C. Olmstead Adolescent Alcohol Use and Binge Drinking: An 18-Year Trend Study of Prevalence and Correlates W. Pedersen and T. von Soest Drinking Patterns and Victimization among Male and Female Students in Mexico L. Strunin, L.R. Díaz-Martínez, A. Díaz-Martínez, T. Heeren, M. Winter, S. Kuranz, C.A. Hernández–Ávila, H. Fernández-Varela and C. Solís-Torres ISSN 0735-0414 ISSN 1464-3502 (ONLINE) Volume 50 Number 2 March/April 2015 alcohol and alcoholism International Journal of the Medical Council on Alcohol Journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism 195 200 206 213 219 226 Contents continued on inside back cover ® MIX Paper from responsible sources FSC® C007785 ALCOHOL AND ALCOHOLISM continued from back cover The International Journal of the Medical Council on Alcohol and The Journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism Alcohol Consumption, Hospitalization and Medical Expenditure: A Large Epidemiological Study on the Medical Insurance System in Japan K. Nakamura, N. Okuda, T. Okamura, K. Miura, K. Nishimura, S. Yasumura, K. Sakata, H. Hidaka and A. Okayama Accuracy of Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Detecting Problem Drinking in 18–35 Year-Olds in England: Method Comparison Study D.R. Foxcroft, L.A. Smith, H. Thomas and S. Howcutt LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A Transition in Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research: The Shift from Animal Modeling to Human Intervention S.E. Cavanaugh Disulfiram and the Zenalyser®: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks K. Fletcher Marchiafava–Bignami Disease Presenting as Acute Dysarthria and Ataxia R. Garcia-Santibanez Alcohol and Alcoholism is financially self-supporting, enjoys full editorial independence and is free from any commercial influences Founding Editor: Dr Allan Thomson Chief Editors Professor Jonathan D. Chick Professor P. De Witte Castle Craig Hospital Blyth Bridge West Linton EH46 7DH Scotland Biologie du Comportement Universite de Louvain 1 Place Croix du Sud 1 - box L7.04.03 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium Tel: +44 1620 892905 Tel: +32 10 47 43 84 Fax: +32 10 47 40 94 Dr Lorenzo Leggio Editor for North America Laboratory of Clinical and Translational Studies (LCTS), NIAAA 10 Center Drive (10CRC/15330) MSC 1108, Room 1-5429 Bethesda, MD 20892-1108 USA Associate Editors P. 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