Bulletin PDF - St. Louis de Montfort, RC

St. Louis de Montfort R. C. Church
75 New York Avenue
Sound Beach, NY 11789
February 15, 2015
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Pastoral Staff:
Rev. Charles E. Papa, Pastor
Rev. Lennard Sabio, A ssociate Pastor
Rev. Francis Pizzarelli, S.M.M., Parish A ssistant
Rev. Edward J. Kealey, Parish A ssistant
Mr. Joseph T. Bartolotto, Deacon, Pastoral A ssociate
Mr. Gary F. Swane, Deacon
Mr. Robert M. Mullane, Deacon
Mr. John J. McNamara, Rel. Ed. Coordinator
(Grades K-3; 9-12)
Mrs. Kathleen Sweeney, Rel. Ed. Coordinator
(Grades 4-8)
Mrs. Claudette M. Kosciuk, Music Director
Mrs. Jane Guido, Outreach Coordinator
Support Staff:
Mrs. Patricia J. Kretz, Parish Executive Secretary
Mrs. Patricia J. Murray, Financial A dministrator
Mrs. Patricia F. Noto, Rel. Ed. Secretary
Ms. Madeline R. Giannino, Rel. Ed. Secretary
Mrs. Susan Walsh, Preschool Coordinator
Mrs. Chris Harrison, Sacristan
Mr. Richard Richardsen, Custodian
Parish Trustees:
Mr. Michael J. Pantozzi
Mr. John C. Gallagher
“Let us love one another
As Jesus has loved us.”
Our Sacramental Life We celebrate the Eucharist:
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5 pm;
Sundays at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am and 12 noon.
Weekday Mass: Monday through Friday at 8:30 am in the
Holy Days: as announced.
We celebrate Baptism:
On most Sundays at 1:30 pm, Please call the Parish Office
at least two months before the birth of your child to arrange an appointment for an interview. A pre-baptismal
meeting for parents and godparents, held on the first Monday of the month at 8:00 pm in the Chapel, is required.
Godparents must be confirmed, practicing Catholics.
We celebrate Confirmation:
The Bishop presides at this sacrament each year, usually
during the month of May. For information and preparation
requirements, please call the Religious Education Office,
We celebrate Reconciliation:
Confessions are heard from 4 to 4:45 pm on Saturday; or
by appointment with any of our priests.
We celebrate Marriage:
Marriages should be arrange at least six months in advance. Participation in Pre-Cana is essential. Please call
the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with one of
the priests or deacons before making catering arrangements. Weddings are celebrated at 11:30 am, 1 pm and
2:30 pm on Saturday; and 3:00pm and 4:30 pm on Sunday.
Nuptial Masses on Saturday only.
We celebrate the Anointing of the Sick:
For parishioners who are seriously ill or who are planning
to enter the hospital for elective surgery, please call the
Parish Office to arrange for a priest to administer this sacrament for the sick. All of our local hospitals are served
by specially assigned Catholic priest chaplains.
We celebrate Holy Orders:
Any gentleman interested in exploring the question of vocation to the priesthood or the permanent diaconate should
contact one of the parish priests or deacons. We will also
be happy to direct persons interested in living their lives as
Religious Sisters or Brothers.
PARISH WEBSITE: www.stlouisdm.org
PARISH Office: 744-8566; FAX: 744-8611
Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 9 am to 8 pm.
9 am to 4 pm.
Saturday: 9 am to 5 pm. Closed on Sunday.
“Msgr. John A. McGuire Parish Center”)
744-9515; FAX: 821-6089. Office Hours:
Monday to Thursday, 9 am to 5 PM. CLOSED FRIDAY.
Parish OUTREACH Office: (Please enter
through Rel. Ed. Office, in the lower church) 2090325; FAX: 821-6089. Office Hours: Monday to
Thursday, 9 am to 3 pm; and Wednesday, 6 pm to 8
Our Lady of Wisdom Regional School: 473-1211.
114-116 Myrtle Avenue, Port Jefferson, NY.
Mr. John W. Piropato, Principal
Preschool: 744-9515, ext. 500. Monday to Friday 9:30
am to 3:30 pm. Mrs. Susan Walsh, Coordinator.
Small Christian Communities: 744-0289
Parish Library: Hour s ar e the same of those for the
Religious Education Office.
Family and Marriage Counseling: 243-2503,
George Giuliani, Ph.D.
MUSIC Office: 744-9396; FAX: 821:6089.
Mailing address for the PARISH Office and Rectory: “ 75 New York Avenue, Sound Beach, NY 11789”
Mailing address for RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, OUTREACH, and MUSIC Offices: “ P.O. Box 626,
Sound Beach, NY 11789”
New parishioners are requested to register at the Parish Office.
Please stop by to fill out a registration form. We are happy to welcome you! Also, if your are moving, please
notify the Parish Office.
Saturday, February 14th, to Sunday February 21, 2015
5:00 PM
Mary Lou Pinto
8:30 AM
Charles & Genevieve Papa
Raffaele Noto
Ida Andriano
7:30 AM
Mary DePinto
9:00 AM
Dennis Healy
10:30 AM
Deacon Joseph Bartolotto 32nd
Anniversary of Ordination
12:00 PM
Parishioners of St. Louis de Montfort
8:30 AM
Jennifer Mullane-Rand
Michael Miglianico
8:30 AM
Connie Volpe
Kathleen Vogelle
8:30 AM
William Kingston
Jane Murray
8:30 AM
Carol Barba
Margaret Weppler
Int. of Deacon Joseph Bartolotto
5:00 PM
Frank & Laura Quartararo
7:30 PM
7:30 AM
Jim McCue
9:00 AM
Joseph Comito
10:30 AM
Joseph Guttman
12:00 PM
Parishioners of St. Louis de Montfort
The next Baptism Preparation March
2nd, at 8:00 PM, in the Chapel. If
you are planning a Baptism in the
near future, please contact the Parish
Office at 744-8566 to set up an appointment with one of the clergy.
OFFICES CLOSED: In obser vance of Pr esident’s
Day, all parish offices will be closed on Monday,
Rosary: The Rosar y is pr ayed after the 8:30 AM
February 16th. All par ish offices will r eopen on
Mass each weekday. We invite all who attend to stay
Tuesday, February 17th, at 9:00 AM.
and pray with us.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
February 15, 2015
Whether you eat or drink,
or whatever you do,
do everything for the glory of God.
— 1 Corinthians 10:31
Eucharistic Ministers
Team Schedule
Feb. 14/15
Team 3
Feb. 21/22
Team 4
Feb. 28/Mar. 1
Team 5
Mar. 7/8
Team 1
Mar. 14/15
Team 2
Mar. 21/22
Team 3
Please Pray for the Sick
Janeen Rosado, Tim Canning, Richard Farina, Lisa Roche, Erin
Marie Hurley, Anthony Toscano, David Godin, Jack Doherty,
William Doherty, Bill McBride, Kevin Seidel, Diane Tasman,
Justin Tasman, Irene Pigozzi, John King, Nicholas Piccoli, Mary
Markott, Gina Geaguiar, Megan Murray, Kenneth Seidel, Bobbie Pollitt, Fr. James Manning, Bradley Hirst, Tom Adamo &
Steven Oliveri, Jr.
Traveling Madonna is Back!! If you would like to
borrow her for any length of time to take to your
home, please call deacon Joe Bartolotto at 744-9525.
Please Pray for the Deceased:
Joseph Vacirca
Hilda Inzalaco
Angela Whimple
Berta DeNicholas
Mon., Feb. 16: Genesis 4:1-15; Mark 8:11-13
Tues. Feb. 17: Genesis 6:5-8; Mark 8:14-21
Wed. Feb. 18: J oel 2:12-18; 2 Corinthians 5:20; Matthew 6:16
Thurs., Feb. 19: Deuter onomy 30:15-20; Luke 9:22-25
Fri., Feb. 20: Isaiah 58:1-9a; Matthew 9:14-15
Sat., Feb. 21: Isaiah 58:9b-14; Luke 5:27-32
Feb. 22nd: 1st Sunday of Lent
Genesis 9:8-15; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15
Sound Beach, New York
February 18th
-Masses at 8:30 AM and 7:30 PM in the Church (Ashes will be blessed and distributed
During Masses).
-Distribution of ashes during ceremonies at 12:00 noon, 3:00 PM and 4:30 PM.
-Prayers Cards with a “Prayer for Lent” will be given out at all services on Ash
Wednesday as a reminder of the season of Lent.
-Saturday Vigil at 5:00 PM
-Sundays at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM; and 12:00 Noon
-Weekdays (Monday through Friday) at 8:30 AM in the Church.
-Stations of the Cross will be celebrated every Friday during Lent as follows in the
Church: February 20th at 6:30 PM; February 27th at 6:30 PM; March 6th at 6:30 PM;
March 13th at 6:30 PM; March 20th at 6:30 PM; March 27th at 6:30 PM; April 3rd at
7:30 PM. Also, at 12:00 noon ever y Fr iday, Our Lady’s Stations in the Chapel.
-We offer to each family a copy of “A Wondrous Love,” a meditation booklet with a
reflection for each day of Lent, by Henri J.M. Nouwen & C.S. Lewis.
-Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fast and abstinence. Limit of one full
meal on these days for all who have completed their 21st year and have not reached
their 60th.
-Days of abstinence from meat are all Fridays of Lent for all who have completed their
14th year.
-Weekdays of Lent: there is no obligation to fast. However, voluntary acts of selfdenial and charity are recommended.
Lent reminds us of the power that is sin and darkness, of our need for repentance and forgiveness. It is a time to remember Christ’s suffering and to remember that Christ continues to suffer today in the faces of the poor, the sick, the
neglected, and the persecuted in our world.
Upcoming week in the Music Department:
Children’s Choir: Monday, Feb. 16 – REHEARSAL – 6:30
to 7:30PM to make up for cancelled rehearsals due to
bad weather and prepare for Sunday.
Sunday, Feb. 22 – The Children’s Choir will sing at the
9am Mass (1st Sunday of Lent)
Youth Choir: Thursday, Feb.19- NO REHEARSAL -Schools
closed for winter break.
Adult Choir:
Tuesday, Feb. 17, Rehearsal 7:30 to 9PM
Sunday, Feb. 22 – The Adult Choir will sing at the
10:30am Mass.
Contemporary Ensemble:
Sunday, Feb. 22, The Contemporary Ensemble will sing at
the 12 Noon Mass
Hymns for Sunday, Feb. 22 – First Sunday of Lent – Readings #904
Gather #42
“Be With Me, Lord”
PreparaƟon: JS #557
“SoŌly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling”
Communion: Gather #159 “Deep Within”
“Lord Lead Us Day by
Day” (9am)
“O Lord Have Mercy” (10:30am)
JS #380
“Forty Days and Forty
Have a blessed Season of Lent!
Join us every Friday for Stations of the Cross at
6:30PM followed by Soup or Spaghetti dinner.
If any one is in need of prayers for a special or
specific petition, you are cordially invited to write
one. Forms are available at the entrance to our
Church at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The
petitions will be picked up at the end of each month.
The Parish Ministry of Prayer and Praise will pray for
you and your intention. Please pray for us.
We invite all parishioners to take the opportunity to
make an offering for (1) the bread and wine; and (2)
the altar candles used at the weekend Masses. The
donation for each will be twenty-five dollars. Names
of the donors and intentions will be printed in the
Sunday Bulletin., For example:
This week’s bread and wine are donated
In memory (honor) of
Requested by
Harold and Virginia Lee
Stop by at the Parish Office to make arrangements.
Check should be made out to: “St. Louis de Montfort
The Commemorative Gift Program remains
opened. If you wish to dedicate a hymnal, please
contact Claudette Kosciuk at the Music Office:
744-9396, ext. 401.
Prayer Group
The Ladies Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at 10
AM in Classroom #3. Please come and join us.
Thursday Night Prayer Group: Meets at 7:30 PM
in the Chapel. We pray the Rosary every week. Everyone is welcome!
Our Financial Stewardship
It is everything we do after we say we believe
Weekly Financial Report
St. Louis de Montfort—Parish Renovation Campaign
“Grateful for Our Past...Planning for Our Future”
Total Pledged:
Paid to Date:
% of Cash received:
# of Gifts:
% of Goal:
02/08/15 Collection:
Building & Grounds Collection:
Faith Direct:
Total Collection:
$ 3,323.00
$ 2,034.75
For 2015, we will begin mailing the regular Offertory
envelopes on a bi-monthly basis. This new system
will save the parish money and be more effective and
Thank you for your generous support!
Campaign Goal:
Needed to reach Goal: $ 31,277
Thank you for your prompt payments.
Monthly payment reminders will be mailed on
February 18th.
The Memorial Book preparations are complete!
Church in Need Collection: On Feb. 22nd a collection will be taken for “The Church In Need.” The
monies collected at this time will be shared among
three areas of the world where there is particular need
for help: The Church in Central and Easter Europe,
The Church in Latin America, and The Church in Africa. Please be as generous as your means allow.
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
Faith Direct Update
Special Thanks to 76 families who make their regular offertory
contributions and 79 families who make their capital campaign
payments thru FAITH DIRECT. Faith Direct enables you to
give electronically by using your credit or debit card.
Faith Direct contributions of February(4 weeks):
Regular Offertory Collection:
Capital Campaign
Total Faith Direct for Feb.
$ 8,139.00
$ 1.763.92
$ 9,902.92
Thank you!
Signing up for Faith Direct is easy, online please visit
www.faithdirect.net, pick up an enrollment form at the parish
office or call the parish office at 744-8566 and speak with Andy
White. Our parish code is: NY314.
“whatever you did for one of these least brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for me.”..Matthew 25:40
Outreach Coordinator: Mrs. Jane Guido (631-209-0325)
E-mail address: jGuido@sldmrc.org
The Outreach Office is located in the Lower Church. Please enter through the Rel. Ed.
Complex. Drop offs can be made on Monday-Thursday 9 AM to 3 PM, or you may
use the receptacles located inside the front door of the Church.
L.I. Women’s Coalition:
Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk:
Child Abuse:
Brighter Tomorrow:
The Retreat (Hotline for Domestic Violence): 329-2200
Seabury Barn:
Catholic Charities (Food Stamp Info):
Fidelis (Family Health Plus):
Contact Good Shepherd Hospice:
Hope House Ministries
Alcoholics Anonymous 24-Hour Hotline
Suicide Prevention
Women’s Help Line
Journeying Through Grief
Our Bereavement Team can assist in bringing you healing
and comfort following the death of a loved one. We offer
one-on-one sessions throughout the year and plan group
support sessions in the Spring and Fall. In these sessions
we journey together as a small community. Help is available through the compassion and caring of others. Please
call Deacon Gary Swane at 516-241-6520 for further information and/or to register. All information is confidential.
Support Group for Victims/Survivors of Domestic
Violence: You ar e not alone! We meet ever y
Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 PM. No fee/completely
confidential. Call 631-698-2074 to register. 24 hour
hotline 631-666-8833.
PANTRY NEEDS: Kindly help our families when
you go food shopping. Presently we need: Laundry
detergent, dish detergent, shampoo, conditioner,
juice & pancake syrup.
PLEASE NOTE: Please make sure the expiration
dates on food items are current. We can accept
unopened food items only.
Thank you for feeding the hungry.
Due to limited space, the Outreach Office cannot
accept any more toys or household items. Please
bring these items to St. Gerard’s Thrift Shop on
Terryville Rd. in Pt. Jefferson. Thank you!
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE HOURS: Our Religious Education Office will be open from 9 AM to 5 PM Monday thorough
Thursday, and on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 9 PM. We are closed
on Friday’s.
Virtus Training: We will be offer ing the VIRTUS Pr ogr am
(required for all Church Volunteers along with the Background Check
and Code of Conduct) on Thursday, Mar. 19th, at 10 AM or 7:30 PM,
at St. Anthony’s All Saints Room in Rocky Point. To register for this
Training, please go to the diocesan website (DRVC.org) and click on to
the VIRTUS Training Calendar link. After you create a user id and
password, you can then register for this session on the calendar.
Opportunities for Adults—Adult Faith Formation
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults: J oin us on Tuesday, February 17th, fr om 7:00 to 8:00 PM in Room #3 of the Mar gar et GalvinBattillo Rel. Ed. Center to learn more about our Catholic Faith and to
prepare to receive either Baptism, Confirmation or First Eucharist.
Join with our Catechumen, Jared Egan; and our three Candidates: Kevin Kirchner, Melanie Loughlin and Elizabeth Wisemann as they journey
towards the Easter Sacraments.
New at Leisure Village: A new gr oup is for ming fr om people of all
faiths to study the books of the Bible. There will be an orientation
meeting at the Leisure Village Clubhouse on Wednesday, February
11th, at 10 AM.
Opportunities for our Young Adults (18-35)
Bible Study and Faith Sharing for our Young Adults: J oin
us beginning on Monday, February 23rd, for our Bible Study at
St. Mark’s in Shoreham from 8 to 9 PM. We will be gathering
in the Meeting Room in the Parish Center and planning social,
spiritual, and service opportunities for our Young Adults.
Opportunities for our Teens (find us on Facebook-St. Louis
de Montfort Youth Ministry
Is the Sacrament of Confirmation a Graduation from Religious Education? Is it the endpoint of all we need to know
about our Catholic Faith? At. St. Louis de Montfor t we
think not!! Our Religious Education takes place in small groups
in Pre-K through 8. These groups forma great sense of community and faith sharing. We are encouraging all of our Confirmation Groups to continue to meet throughout the Teen Years as
our teens need this sense of community, sharing of faith and life
issues, and personal affirmation.
Youth Communities: To sign up for one of our many Youth
Communities (small groups of 8 to 10 Teens with two Adult
Leaders), you can register at the Religious Education Office.
Many of our Confirmation groups from previous years are continuing to meet together.
Youth Mass: 12:00 Noon Mass on Sunday, Feb. 22nd.
Teen Community Days: On Sunday, Feb. 22nd, we will
gather together in the Parish Center after our Teen Mass from 1
to 2:30 PM with all of our Youth Communities for sharing and
Adult Faith Formation Roundtable: J oin us on Tuesday, February
17th, fr om 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM, at the J oseph McDonnell Meeting
Room at St. Louis de Montfort for our roundtable during which our
participants share their reading and reflections on our Catholic Faith.
Upcoming topics include: The Catholic Church and Capitalism.
What is Pope Francis Saying? J oin us on Thur sday, February
19th, fr om 10 to 11 AM for our study of the Apostolic Exhor tation
Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) by Pope Francis. Find out
what Pope Francis thinks about what we should be doing to share the
Good New of Jesus. We will be meeting in the Music Room at St.
Anthony’s Church in Rocky Point.
The Bible Book of the Month Club: J oin us on Thur sday, March
5th, fr om 10 to 11:30 AM in the Music Room at St. Anthony’s
Church in Rocky Point for our study of the Bible. This month we will
be reading and studying the Book of Psalms: Part Two. Each month we
will take a different book of the Bible and share what it means for us in
our faith journey!!
Bible Study: The Gospel of John: J oin us on Monday, February
23rd, fr om 8 to 9 PM in the Meeting Room at St. Mar k’s Par ish in
Shoreham as we study the gospel of John and apply the meaning of the
gospel to our own lives today!
Teen Retreats: On Satur day, March 21st fr om 3 to 6 PM all
of our teens are invited to our Parish Center for our Youth Retreat to grow in their spiritual lives.
Teacher Meeting, Tuesday, February 24th, 10 to 11 AM or 7
to 8 PM (Grades Pre-K through 3 and 9 through 12)
THANK YOU!! A special “Thank You” to two of our outstanding teens who have helped us recently: Kristy Gange did a
wonderful job writing and directing our Christmas Pageant this
year; and Jack McCarthy did an amazing job making a bookcase
and providing a wall mounted TV and DVD player for our Joseph McDonnell Room in our Religious Education Center. Kristy was working towards her God Award as a girl Scout and Jack
towards his Eagle Scout Award. What great examples of our
young people being the Church of today!!
To register for any of our Adult Faith Formation Classes: You can
call Mr. John J. McNamara, Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation, at
744-9515 ext. 200 or email him at amos184@juno.com
Parent Seminars: We offer a monthly Par ent
Seminar for all of the parents of our children in Rel.
Ed. To give them an opportunity to grow in their understanding of our beloved Catholic Faith. The seminars consist of a twenty minute presentation on a specific aspect of our Catholic Faith and how this relates
to our role as parents, an opportunity for our parents
to share together, and a prayer experience. Our next
parent seminar will be offered on Tuesday, March
3rd, fr om 10 to 11 AM or fr om 7 to 8 PM. We will
meet in the Church (or in the Chapel if there is a
Mass of Christian Burial in the Church).
Franciscan Young Adult Group: J oin us on
Wednesday, March 11th, at 7 PM at St. Louis de
Montfort in Room #4 of our Religious Education
Center, to grow in a closer relationship with God and
your peers and to explore the filed of ecological justice. For more information contact Mrs. Jean D’Onofrio at jld1075@optonline.net.
Small Christian Communities: You ar e cor dially invited to
come and share the Spirit of Christ! Join a Small Christian
Community here at St. Louis de Montfort. What is a Small
Christian Community? We are members of the parish family
who gather together in small groups to reflect on how the Spirit
of Christ is working in our lives. We reach out to other sin that
same Spirit. There are currently several groups meeting at various dates, times and locations within our parish community. We
even have a Moms and Tots group for those of you with little
ones. Join us. “Remain in Him and He in us!” Please call Deacon Robert Mullane at 744-0289 for more information.
Catholic Websites: One of our wonder ful par ishioners, Steven Smith, would like to share some of his
favorite Catholic Websites with all of us. Steven was
greatly helped in his personal Faith Journey with
these websites. Check out the blog of Fr. Eric Hollas, OSB, at monkschronical.wordpress.com.
It’s that time of year!
Registration for September 2015!
Applications have been mailed to those already on
our mailing list. If you are interested in enrolling you
child for this coming September, please call for an
application to be mailed.
If we receive more applications (after the application
deadline) than we have openings for, a lottery will be
held to fill the openings. Notification of acceptance
will be mailed out the week of February 9th. Open
house for registered students, will be held, Wednesday, March 11th.
If you have any questions, please contact Susan
Walsh at 744-9515, ext. 500.
The Betty and George Macdonald Scholarship for
High School Seniors: Ther e will be a meeting on
Wednesday, February 25th, at 7 PM, in the Chapel
for all of our Seniors in High School who would like
to apply for our Parish Betty and George Macdonald
Scholarship. The scholarship is based on averaging
30 hours a year in service in our parish and in the
community. The applications will be distributed at
that time. If you cannot attend this meeting, please
contact Mr. McNamara at 744-9515 ext. 200 or by
email at amos184@juno.com.
McGann-Mercy High School to Offer Drivers Education—Spring Session Starts February 22nd:
This NYS approved program provides the required
48 hours of instruction—24 hours of classroom instruction and 24 hours of in car training. After successful completion of the course, students will received an MV-285 certificate and be eligible to test
for a senior license at age 17. The Spring session
will start February 22nd. In addition to classes after
school during the week, McGann-Mercy will also
offer Sunday sessions which are ideal for those students to play sports or participate in other after
school activities. Don’t miss out! Registration is on
a first come, first served basis. Call 727-5900, ext.
320, or go to www.mcgann-mercydhs.org for information on specific class dates, sessions, costs and
St. Joseph’s College: The Institute for the Study
of Religion in Community Life of St. Joseph’s College will be hosting a conference to be given by Sister
Elizabeth Johnson, C.S.J., noted author and distinguished professor of theology at Fordham University.
Sister will give two presentations during the event
which will take place on Friday, February 27th, from
9:30 AM to 2:00 PM in O’Connor Hall of the college’s Patchogue location (155 West Roe Blvd.). Her
talks are related to her most recent book “Ash the
Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love.” Preregistration is required. A $20 donation includes a boxed
lunch, Please contact Professor Paul Ginnetty at 631687-2681 or pginnetty@sjcny.edu to register or for
further details.
Babysitting Available for pr eschooler s in the Lower Church during the 9:00 AM Mass. Please stop
downstairs before and 9:00 Mass and see one of the
volunteers if you have any questions.
HELP WANTED: Par t Time Sacr istan, Sunday’s
7 AM to 1 PM; Full Time Custodian/Maintenance.
St. Anthony of Padua, 614 Route 25A, Rocky Point.
Call Mr. Chris Crescimanno for an appointment.
Monday-Friday between 9 AM and 4 PM. 744-2609,
ext. 5.
Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School to
Hold Open House: Fr om 12 to 2 PM on Sunday,
March 1st, for pr ospective students for the 20152016 school year, grades 7-12, giving them the opportunity to tour the school and learn more about its academic, athletic and service programs in an environment where “goodness becomes greatness when faith
comes first.” Bishop McGann-Mercy Diocesan High
School provides a robust learning experience intermingled with Catholic values. Located at 1225 Ostrander Avenue in Riverhead. For more information
about the Open House or registration, please call the
Admissions office at 727-5900, ext. 335.
Project M.E.R.C.Y. “Mercy Night:” On Fr iday,
March 6th, PROJ ECT M.E.R.C.Y. (Ministr y to
the East End Roman Catholic Youth) will another
“Mercy Night” and the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Mercy Night will take place from 7 to 10 PM
in the McGann-Mercy Diocesan High School auditorium (1225 Ostrander Ave., Riverhead), and is open
to all high school aged youth (grades 9-12) who wish
to come together in prayer, fellowship, the desire to
make a difference and have some fun while doing so.
For additional information and to RSVP, call 7275900, ext. 315.
“The eighth-graders will be presenting Shakespeare’s
Hamlet in the church basement on Friday at 7 PM.
The congregation is invited to attend this tragedy.”
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts
they perform for us in our time of need. And give us peace. I
ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.
If you will call the Parish Office and give us the names of parishioners or close relatives of parishioners who are serving in
the Middle East, we will print them in the bulletin. Please give
us the APO address. Please inform the Parish Office when
Solider has returned home safely.
Christopher Dragon
Gregory Gowrie
Jerome Arnold
William Cannella
Robert Bruccoleri
Kevin McLoughlin
U.S. Marines
U. S. Army
U.S. Army
U.S. Navy
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Army
Thank you for your prayers.