United States Patent 1191 1111 Woodmansee [451 May 21, 1974 [54] ' REFRACTORY BODIES AS FIXED BED 2,662,007 12/1953 COAL GASIFICATION DILUENTS 2,341,861 2/1944 Fucks . . . . . . . . . . . 2,868,631 1/1959 Woebcke ............................ ,. 48/206 , [75] Inventory Donald E. Woodmansee, _ ' Schenectady’ NY‘ . Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Leo l. MaLossi; Joseph T. ‘ Dec 19 1972 . Cohen; Jerome O. Squillaro , [2 1 ] Appl . No .: 316,454 52 [57] . ..c1 .................. .. 4 1 Us 4 - , Field of Search ‘ _ ' . _ ' _ U 48'/2O"2' 48/206 accommodated by the addition of a diluent to the [56] charge "1 °°a1 “1 approximately 11‘ "(Mme mm’ (or 20-4 205 higher) in the form of strong, open-structured bodies. 210. 261,38’ 9 £0 46 ’ ’ 1 ’ ’ ’ ’ ABSTRACT The swellin g of coal in ?ited. . bed coal gasi?cation is , . 8/202’ 8129359 428650368 [51] Int. Cl. .................................... .. cioj 3/16 [58] . . . . .. 201/38 Assistant Examiner—Peter Kratz Schenectady, NY. [22] Filed Dickinson ........................... .. 48/206 Primary Examiner-Robert L. Lindsay, Jr. [73] Assignee: General Electric Company, [ 3,811,849 The structures described herein as diluent bodies are ’ hollow refractory cylinders capable of retaining struc References Cited tural integrity throughout the pro?le of temperature UNITED STATES PATENTS exposure and having cavities large enough to accomo date the swelling of coal and add porosity to the bed. 3,463,623 8/1969 Forney .................................. .. 48/99 1,030,333 6/1912 Rusby et al. ........................ .. 48/203 C0141. _ 4 Claims, 1 Drawing Figure /\ D/LUENT \\ 7?: WASHER ‘ "' r- COMBUSTION . ZONE 1 3,811,849 REFRACTORY BODIES AS FIXED BED COAL GASIFICATION DILUENTS bed during the process. The cavity in the diluent body must be large enough to accommodate swelling of the coal and also contribute added porosity to the bed to promote gas/coal contact. In addition, these refractory diluent bodies must be capable of surviving repeated BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Fixed bed coal gasi?ers have been known and used cycling through the gasi?er and transport apparatus. and it has been recognized that successful operation Run-of-mine coal and refractory diluent bodies are deposited as a mixed charge into gasi?er 10 via hopper 11 in the properproportions (e.g., 50 percent diluent thereof depends upon using non-caking coals or coke to accomplish the gasi?cation. When care is not taken . to limit the ?xed bed composition in this way the swell by volume and 50 percent coal by volume). The lay ing of the coal cuts off requisite bed porosity and ered charge shown has been found to be preferable to an intimately mixed charge. The coal plus diluent thereby limits gas-solid contact. ‘ In the ?xed bed coal gasi?cation process, as the coal moves down to the combustion zone and the refractory bodies settle on grate 12 with the ash. Ash and refrac tory bodies are removed from grate 12 to drop into an ash lockhopper 13 from which they drop down on and are carried away by conveyor belt 14. At screen 16 the enters the gasi?er at the top and lands on the top of the charge, it receives heat from the upwardly moving product gas. As the combustion process near the bot tom of the gasi?er consumes some of the coal and the , rest of the coal is gasi?ed, coal at the top of the charge gradually moves down passing through a series of treat ment stages: initial heating; devolatilization and coking; gasi?cation, and carbon oxidation. A large number of ash is separated from the refractory bodies, that are then carried back up to the feeding station for mixing 20 with the coal. composition is sinterable and the resulting body has sufficient structural integrity. The cylinders shouldbe of about l,700° -'- l,900°F. is required. When air and product is called producer gas; when oxygen and steam are employed, the end product is called synthesis gas. ‘ The diluent bodies may be made of silicon carbide, alumina, zirconia, magnesia, etc. as long as the starting chemical reactions occur and a, minimum temperature steam are introduced to the combustion zone, the end 2 the bed as these diluent structures move down with the 25 at least about two inches in length with an outer diame ter of at least about 11/: inches. The hole should provide signi?cant cavity space and still leave suf?cient wall thickness for the cylinder to retain strength. The hole If the product gas is to be burned in a gas turbine, the should be at least about %-inch I.D. erosive (particles of ash), corrosive (e.g. Na and K Exemplary silicon carbide hollow cylinders were pre compounds) and ammonia must be'removed by wash 30 pared from clay-bonded silicon carbide powder (Car. mg. The object of this invention is to ‘be able to utilize run-of-mine coal regardless of swelling and caking characteristics in ?xed bed coal gasi?ers. In contrast to ?uid bed coal gasi?ers, the ?xed bed has de?nite ad vantages, primarily associated with the counter current movement of the product gas relative to the movement of the coal in the gasi?er. More sensible heat remains bofrax No. 4 —- Castable or Ramming Mix — Carbo rundum Co.). The powder was mixed with a small amount of water and compacted in a mold under about 10,000 psig in an'arbor press. There was no need to heat the bodies as directed in the instructions for the use of this material, since the bodies were strong , enough to be charged with the coal and they were thereuponheated in the reducing atmosphere in the gasi?er itself. The size bodies produced were two inches long with ll/é-inch OD. and ‘ii-inch I.D. 40 and the coal is devolatilized before it is gasi?ed en What I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters abling the volatiles to form part of the product gas. Patent of the United States is: in the gasi?er instead of leaving with'the product gas 1. In the process for generating a gas mixture con ' SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION This invention encompasses means for solvingthe problem of the swelling and caking of coal in the ?xed taining combustible components wherein coal and a 45 bed . gasi?cation of coal wherein strong, open structured bodies are distributed in the coal being into gas exchange relationship with an upwardly mov ing gas mixture, the initial gaseous input at the bottom of said bed being steam and an oxygen-containing gas, the improvement comprising the step of employing as the diluent material a plurality of refractory bodies, said bodies being in the form of hollow cylinders retain charged to the gasifier. The ratio by volume of diluent bodies to coal should be at least about 1:1. Hollow re fractory cylinders have been successfully demonstrated as diluent bodies in ?xed bed coal gasi?cation with ing structural integrity throughout the pro?le of tem perature exposure with the cavity in each body being large enough to accomodate swelling of said coal and strongly swelling coals. . BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING This invention is illustrated by 'way of example in the 55 to add porosity to said bed to promote gas-coal contact, thewyohiwrne raLio of refractory bodies to coal being at accompanying schematic representation of a coal gas least about 1:1. i?er receiving a coal/diluent charge, the diluent being 2. The improvement of claim 1 wherein the refrac recycled. DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENT tory material is silicon carbide. 60 Such diluent bodies must have and must retain struc~ tural integrity throughout the temperature pro?le in order to provide a bed support to minimize crushing of ’ 3. The improvement of claim I wherein the hollow cylinder has an outer diameter of at least about 1% inches, an inner diameter of at least about three-fourths inch and a minimum length of at least ‘about 2 inches. The arrangement shown in the drawingis illustrative of the process of this invention employing shaped dilu ent bodies; namely, hollow refractory cylinders. diluent material distributed relatively uniformly there through comprise a downwardly moving ‘bed placed 65 4. The improvement of claim 1 wherein the refrac tory bodies are separated from the coal ash and recy cled.
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