Feb. 7, 1950 ' w, c, HANSON 2,496,468 DOUGHNUT CUTTING MACHINE Filed June 24, 1946 1 3 Sheets-Sheet l INVENTOR. ZUaZZer Cfianson BY ' ‘ WWW H7775 Feb. 7, 1950 w. c. HANSON 2,496,468 DOUGHNUT CUTTING MACHINE 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 Filed June 24, 1946 my. 2 8 5 19 9 21 g > .10 11 2o 7 10 1 - v 9 / 1a 5 “\ 19 17 20 20 21 1s ‘ I17 19 21 a 12 10 / DOUGH 1! 7 _ 2 , INVENTOR. (ZUaZ Z er Cféan sun BY , ‘2,496,468. Patented Feb. 7, 1950 UNITED“ PATENT‘ ()FFIQE wane-1o;inaaarasm; Calif}; assigner" drone: half to David R.‘ McKinley," Sacramento, Calif. Appi'aai'ioa Jute 24, 1946; seen NB. agar a: 4 came. (Cl. I07~"—‘23) 2' . bearings 61; The’ heads 5' are connectedlto g'ethér', in rigid’relation, by a ‘spacer’ sleeve 1 hired This‘ invention is; directed mend it is an object to provide,‘ a commercial doughnut cutting ma‘; chine operative, in‘ combination with :a' conveyor belt on‘ which r1“! on of dough is disposed, to out such dough into Vth‘elforni’ of doughnuts prepara Another object of‘ are invention to provide a doughnutcutting- machine, as above, viirlfiich in cludes aqdrunilassemloly having a (plurality ___of doughnut cutting units?onand projecting out-‘ tory tofcoo-king the same.‘ , _ ' h ‘ h >_ belt, and thereioeing "novel means vfunctioning with rotation‘of said dnumassembly to discharge the_ doughnuts froinjthencutting units-after the latter'pr-uni in engagement with said conveyor belt . to the‘ shaft i'. At their peripheries the end‘heads 5 are connected hy'a plurality of circumferential 1y‘ spaced, transversely eiiten'dingparallel'Chars _8, _v ‘_ wardly frornthe periphery thereof; the “drum "as sembly being frictionally driverili-rom the conveyor to quia?dfprm such deughnuie. , to‘ said- heads‘ in concentric surrounding relation ._ and each‘ such‘ ]oar carries a' transverse row‘_ of doughnut cutting units, each‘ of whi'ch‘is indi cated‘ generally at: 9" Each of the doughnut‘out ting units _9‘ com“ s‘ an outside cutter‘ ring i0 and‘ a" center cutter rirrigr H‘ of considerably lesser diameter disposed. in concentric relation to; the cutter ring Ill‘. Both of the‘ ring'sjllljand ll‘ of g each cutting ‘unit 9 are‘ relatively sharjpatutheir outer edges‘. The doughnut cutting units 9‘ pro ject ‘outwardly from the“; bars‘ 8“ a distance such thaltjs'aid units; run, at the‘ bottom of the] drum assembly, in fire onal engagement with the con Ali-additional object of the invention is to pro v'e‘yor'l belt ‘2:, ‘whereby said'dr-um assembly is vide a doughnut cutting machine, as in the pre-_ ceding paragraph, wherein said means comp-rises 20.. driven in the di'réctioi'i' indicated’ by the arrow in doughnut vpushoutmains mounted in the drum as Fig.2. A~further object‘ of the_ inf/?e" tion is tofpr'oduce for which‘it is'designe'd. H 7 _ ' _ _ ‘_ ting units a, which ‘are jricti'onally engaginephe the_jdoiighnuts. v , ,1 y _ v , j _, Iii tendito remain~ in‘the'l'a'tter, but ‘are vdistharg‘ed therefrom back‘ onto the‘ conveyor .belt 2‘ by the I followi iig' structural ‘arrang e‘me'ht : lly'putwardly'loi fch'end headjithein'a chine‘ includes a Fig. 1 is a longitudinal sectional elevation of the machine. disc is; each navmg' a‘ hub l4 keyed, as at I5, ‘onto the shaft I, whereby said cam discs l3 are non-rotatable. Fig. 2 is a cross section on line 2-2 of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is an elevation of one of the cam discs, nut cutting units, detached. ‘ ‘ _The"doughni_itsg agent or formed‘ by' the units Inthedrawing's‘: detached. Fig. 4 is a plan view of one row of the dough , v conveyoi‘ijb‘elt _2', out through’ said ribbon to ram 30' These objects are accomplished by means‘ of such structure‘ and relative‘ arrangement of parts as will i-ully appear ioy a ‘perusal of the following speci?cation and claims. _ passes‘ tnérebéneath. With ‘.pas'siag'eof thelriqbbon orddueh. .l‘ziréneaihihe; rum assemblyjiine mit _ an eiiective and‘lpractical' device“ for the purpose _. ahead‘ or the doughnut cutting machine, and is engaged :by thedru'rnwass'einbly: as‘ said'ri‘obon 25 vancesaid pins through the cutting ‘units after each doughnut forming operation. . layer of dc'ughj i2'lis ted’ tothe conveyor belt 2 units, and a cam- mechanism operative‘ to retract said pins prior to the cutting'uni'tsl engaging the ribbon of dough‘ on the'conveyor \belt; and to ad . ‘ >Whenthe vmachine is in operation a ribbon2 or semhly in position/to work through the cutting The cam discs l3 ‘are each ‘formed, adjacent the periphery there 40 of, with a laterally inwardly opening eccentric cam track or channel I6 of predetermined con ?guration. Rods -|1 correspond to and are dis~ posed radially inwardly of the bars 8, and said Fig. 5 is a plan view of one row of the pushout rods project, at the ends, through slots 18 in the pins, detached. Referring now more particularly to the char 45 end heads, and thence extend into the cam tracks. In corresponding relation to each cutting unit acters of reference on the drawings, the dough ii the adjacent rod I? is fixed ‘with the following nut cutting machine comprises a horizontal shaft doughnut pushout pin arrangement: i supported in non-rotatable relation transverse A center pushout pin I9 is ?xed on the rod and 1y alcove ‘a conveyor belt 2 by means of upstand projects through a bore 20 opening into the center ing standards 3. At opposite ends the shaft I is cutter ‘ring I i, while ‘four symmetrically arranged secured to the standards 3 by clamps 4. pushout pins 2| extend in pairs on opposite sides A drum assembly is rotatably mounted on the of the adjacent bar l8 for movement through the ?xed shaft l between the standards 3, and com outside cutter ring I0, the latter ,being of substan prises a pair of relatively widely spaced circular end heads 5 turnably mounted on said shaft by 55 tially greater diameter than the width of the loar 3 2,496,468 8, whereby the pushout pins 2| can be disposed as claimed. The pushout pins 21 for each cutting unit 9 are in the form of two U-shaped members secured to the corresponding rod I‘! on opposite edges of the bar and the inner periphery of the cutter ring, and a dough conveyor belt disposed sides of the center pushout pm I 9 and straddling tangentially of the periphery of the machine, groups of push out pins, the pins of each such group straddling the bar from the back and being the ‘adjacent bar 8. Rotation of the rods I1 is prevented by radial so positioned relative to the cutter rings that when reciprocated they will move through the guide rods 22 extending from collars 23 ?xed on cutter rings, and means to reciprocate such groups of push out pins. the rods if; said guide rods 22 projecting in wardly in slidable relation through guide ears 24 10 2. A cutting machine as in claim 1 in which the push out pins are spaced from the inner on the inner face of one of the circular end peripheries of the cutter rings. heads 5. The con?guration of the cam tracks [6 is such 3. A doughnut cutting machine comprising a that the rods [1, together with the pushout pins supported shaft, a pair of spaced apart circular [9 and 2 l, are retracted in advance of the cutting 15 end heads mounted for rotation on the shaft, a plurality of circumferentially spaced apart par units 9 engaging the ribbon of dough l2, and are held so retracted until the doughnuts have been allel bars fixed to the peripheries of the end heads cut. Thereafter, and as the cutting units 9 begin and extending between said heads, a plurality of to rise away from the conveyor belt 2, the cam doughnut cutting units mounted on each bar, tracks 16 act on the rods I‘! to advance the pins 20 each such cutting unit comprising a. cutter ring l9 and 2| through the cutting units 9 so as to ?xed to the face of the adjacent bar and such discharge the formed doughnuts, which then fall ring being of a diameter to project to each side back onto the conveyor belt 2. At a following thereof to leave open spaces between the side point on said conveyor belt 2 the doughnuts, and edges of the bar and the inner periphery of the trimmings, are separated by hand. 25 cutter ring, and a dough conveyor belt disposed tangentially of the periphery of the machine, a With the described doughnut cutting machine, rod disposed parallel to each bar and spaced ‘doughnuts may be cut or formed commercially therefrom inwardly toward said shaft, means to in a practical, speedy, and effective manner, the reciprocate said rods toward and away from the machine being of such construction that it re quires a minimum of maintenance or repair, and 30 bars, and a group of spaced apart push out pins ?xed to the rods adjacent each cutter ring, such , can be readily cleaned preparatory to, or after, ?nger-s straddling the adjacent bar and project use. ing into the adjacent cutter ring. From the foregoing description it will be readily 4. A machine as in claim 3, including a radial seen that there has been produced such a device v as substantially ful?lls the objects of the inven 35 guide member on each of said rods, guide ears on the end heads, each guide member projecting tion as set forth herein. through one of said guide ears in sliding relation thereto, whereby the rods will rotate with the heads while allowing such reciprocation thereof. may be resorted to as do not form a departure 40 WALTER C. HANSON. from the spirit of the invention, as de?ned by the REFERENCES CITED appended claims. Having thus described the invention, the fol The following references are of record in the lowing is claimed as new and useful, and upon ?le of this patent: which Letters Patent are desired: UNITED STATES PATENTS 1. A doughnut cutting machine comprisinga supported shaft, a. pair of spaced apart circular Number Name Date While this speci?cation sets forth in detail the present and preferred construction of the device, still in practice such deviations from such detail end heads mounted for rotation on the shaft, a '_ plurality of circumferentially spaced apart par allel bars ?xed to thezperipheries of the end heads 50 and extending between said heads, a plurality of doughnut cutting units mounted on each bar, ‘each. such cutting unit comprising a cutter ring 29,295 870,249 Marsh ___________ __ July 24, 1860 Patterson _________ __ Nov. 5, 1907 1,656,590 Longstreth et a1. ____ Jan. 17, 1928 1,945,755 fixed to the face of the adjacent bar and such Number ring being of a diameter to project to each side 55 11,128 thereof to leave open spaces between the side Scruggs ___________ __ Feb. 6, 1934 FOREIGN PATENTS Country Date Great Britain ____ __ June 30, 1891
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