United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: Beck et al. [45] [54] [75] 4,701,233 Date of Patent: Oct. 20, 1987 METHOD FOR FOLDING AND SEALING 4,317,138 2/1982 Bryan ................................ .. 358/291 SHEETS 4,321,703 3/1982 Schwaertzel . 4,530,731 7/1985 Bradley ................. .. 156/227 Inventors: Christian A. Beck; Marc C. 4,573,672 3/1986 Lehmann et al. Breslawsky, both of Ridge?eld; Hans _[73] Assignee: ..... .. 358/291 R. Forster, N1chols, all of Conn. Pitney Bowes Inc., Stamford, Conn. 493/420 4,612,220 9/1986 Baxter ............................... .. 156/227 Prima'y Examiner__Donald E_ czaja Assistant EXHmin@r-—L0uiS FalaSCO Attorne , A em, or Firm-Lawrence E. Sklar; Melvin J. [21] APPI- N°~= 819,449 scolnicjlr; lgavid E. Pitchenik Int. (31.4 ....................... .. A method for B31F 1/00 U.S. C]- .................................. .. and Sealing Sheets comprises feed ing a sheet forward along a path, bulging a portion of the sheet’ Said bulged portion’ adhering a por 156/443; 53/562; 493/421 [58] Field of Search ..................... .. 270/49, 50, 45, 68; tion of the sheet face to face to a portion thereof trailing backward of the fold, and passing the formed fold for 493/420, 421, 394; 156/204, 226, 227, 484, 351, 364, 362, 217; 53/21, H7, 410, 450, 452, 562; 358/256’ 291 ward. Apparatus for folding and sealing sheets com prises means for feeding a sheet, means for bulging a portion of the sheet, means for folding the bulged por [56] References Cited tion, and means for adhering a sheet portion face to face to a portion thereof trailing the fold. Apparatus for enhancing the security of information on a front side of Us" PATENT DOCUMENTS 2,373,082 4/1945 Staelin ................... .. 3,193,983 7/1965 Wells ......... .. 3,416,785 12/1968 Sherman 3,495,318 2/1970 Mari" - t - - ' - ' - ~ - 156/484 .. 53/117 a Sheet comprises said apparatus for folding and sealing sheets, where a plurality of folds are provided and the 493/420 front side of said sheet is concealed from view inside ~ - - - -~ 270/68 said folds, said folds being sealed along the lateral side edge portions thereof. Address information may be 3,510,122 5/1970 Gauagha“ --- " 270/68 3’5 “L655 6/1970 same.“ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' " 270/68 3,874,276 4/1975 Froehlig .... .. 156/227 trailin 3,975,009 8/1976 Brown 493/421 . 3,983,679 4,196,562 10/1976 Zemke . .. .. .... . . . . . . .. 53/21 applied adjacent the trailing edge of said sheet, and the ed t. . g . ge Po.’ 1°“ ‘5 f M d t ° 6 th ° expose mformatlo“ to “6W 4/ 1980 Hirschman ................ .. 156/227 4,317,136 2/1982 Keyt ................................. .. 358/256 5 Claims, 18 Drawing Figures dd e a fess U. S. Patent Oct. 20,1987 Sheetl Of9 4,701,233 U. S. Patent Oct. 20,1987 Sheet4 of9 4,701,233 -_ U. S. Patent Oct. 20,1987 Sheet5 of9 4,701,233 U. S. Patent Oct. 20, 1987 Sheet 6 of9 4,701,233 US. Patent Oct. 20, 1987 Sheet7 of9 4,701,233 U.S. Patent Oct. 20,1987 Sheet80f9 4,701,233 ' US. Patent Oct. 20, 1987 Sheet9of9 4,701,233~ 1 4,701,233 2 tion-bearing sheet once it has been deposited at the METHOD FOR FOLDING AND SEALING SHEETS proper recipient terminal. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION (1) Field of the Invention In accordance with one aspect of the present inven tion, a method is provided for folding and sealing sheets comprising feeding a sheet into and along a path for folding and sealing it, and while so feeding the sheet, The present invention relates to a method and device for folding and sealing sheets, and more particularly to a method and device for enhancing the security of infor mation applied to a front side of a sheet by folding it bulging transversely out of the plane of the sheet a face to face and sealing the folds along the lateral edges portion of the sheet trailing its leading edge, folding the bulged portion of the sheet, passing the formed fold of the sheet so that the information is concealed and sealed inside said folds. In a preferred embodiment, forward in a direction opposite the direction of the formed bulge as a new leading edge, and adhering a of the sheet, and the last fold leaves the address informa tion exposed but conceals and seals the other informa 15 portion of the sheet face to face to a portion thereof trailing backward of the fold. The feeding, bulging, tion within said folds. folding, and adhering steps can be repeated to form The present invention is designed to fold and seal one second and third folds. In one aspect of the invention, sheet of paper at a time. If the communication involves address information is applied adjacent the trailing edge more than one sheet, each sheet or page will be folded separately. (2) Description of the Prior Art 20 during the third folding step, a trailing end portion of the sheet extending backward from said third fold is laid onto the folded portions of the sheet. Apparatus is also provided comprising means for carrying out the method of the present invention, said Devices for folding sheets are generally known in the prior art. For example, US. Pat. No. 3,516,655 to Schmeck, US. Pat. No. 3,510,122 to Gavaghan, and apparatus comprising means for feeding a sheet, means US Pat. No. 3,416,785 to Sherman all show devices for 25 for bulging the sheet, means for folding the bulged folding sheets, which include feeding rollers for feeding portion of the sheet, and means for adhering a portion of a sheet, a buckle chute for receiving the sheet and caus the sheet adjacent said bulge face to face to a portion ing it to buckle or bulge, and folding rollers for grasping trailing said bulge. Additional such means can be spaced the bulge in the nip thereof and creasing the sheet to along the path of travel of a sheet to form further folded fold it as the sheet is pulled through. A second buckle 30 and sealed portions. chute can be disposed after the folding rollers for re Further in accordance with the present invention, ceiving the folded edge of the sheet, bulging it a second apparatus is provided for enhancing the security of time, and folding it by further rollers to form a second information applied to one side of a sheet emanating fold. US. Pat. No. 3,570,335 to Marin discloses a fold from an information reproduction means, the apparatus ing machine for paper sheets that includes a paperwork comprising means for accepting a sheet from the repro ing assembly for performing operations such as perfo ducing means, means for feeding the sheet along a path, rating, scoring, or slitting each folded sheet. However, means for bulging the sheet in a direction opposite the these patents do not disclose the sealing of the folded sheet. information side, means for applying adhesive to a por The use of adhesives to bind sheets together is also 40 tion of said sheet adjacent the formed bulge, and means generally known. For example, US. Pat. No. 4,473,425 for folding the sheet so that the information is concealed to Baughman et al. describes applying a line of adhesive inside the sheet, a portion of which is adhered face to to one surface of a sheet adjacent one side edge of the face to a portion thereof trailing the fold. Also provided sheet as the sheet is moved along a path. A plurality of is a housing for containing the feeding, bulging, adhe sheets are moved to an assembly station where they are 45 sive applying, and folding means therein. jogged to align the sheets of the set. Pressure is then Apparatus is also provided for printing address infor applied to the sheets over the line of adhesive to form a booklet, but this patent does not show the application of mation adjacent the trailing edge of the sheet, and the ?nal fold is formed in an opposite direction so that a adhesive to the inside portions of a fold on a single sheet trailing edge portion of the sheet is sealed face to back ' of paper for sealing the folds face to face of said single 50 to leave the address information exposed. sheet. It is an object of the present invention to provide a Facsimile machines, such as the Pitney Bowes Model 8400, operate by receiving facsimile information which method and apparatus for folding and sealing sheets. It is a further object of the present invention to pro fed into a storage tray for retrieval. Other Pitney Bowes 55 vide a method and apparatus for folding and sealing sheets for use in conjunction with an information repro Facsimile machines are the models 8100, 8600, 8800, duction means to enhance the security of information and 8900. Security may be a problem, because the sheet reproduced thereby on sheets of paper. is readily available for any passerby to read. This prob It is a further object of the present invention to pro lem may be particularly acute where the information is received in off business hours, such as messages re 60 vide a method and apparatus for folding and sealing a sheet containing con?dential information and address ceived in the United States from Europe in the early is reproduced onto a sheet of paper and which is then hours of the morning. information, whereby the confidential information is folded and sealed inside the folds and the address infor US. Pat. No. 4,321,703 to Schwaertzel et al. de mation is exposed on an outside panel. scribes a transmission system for electronic transmission of in-house mail, which is said to fulfill security require 65 Further objects and advantages of the present inven ments that the transmitted documents in fact reach the tion can be seen from the accompanying drawings and properly designated recipient terminals. Yet this patent is not directed to ensuring the security of an informa detailed description of the preferred embodiments set forth below. 3 4,701,233 4 itates displacing apparatus 10 to and from the engaged and secure locked position 18. Also provided is an ad BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a front perspective view showing the appa ratus of the present invention mounted adjacent a fac justment (not shown) for facilitating alignment between apparatus 10 and machine 12. When engaged in position 18, apparatus 10 receives simile machine; sheet 24 as it exits from machine 12. Apparatus 10 re FIG. 2 is a top view of FIG. 1, showing the apparatus of the present invention in engaged and non-engaged ceives the sheet 24 directly from exit chute 26, and positions with the facsimile machine; FIG. 3 is a side view with partial cutaway showing apparatus 10 is closely aligned therewith to ensure con ?dentiality. It is intended that the physical communica tion between machine 12 and apparatus 10 be so close as possibly to eliminate the opportunity to view the sheet structural details of the apparatus of the present inven tion; FIG. 4 is a side view of the adhesive applicator sys tem of the present invention; FIG. 5 is a timing chart for the application of adhe sive; 24 as it passes from machine 12 to apparatus 10. A shield 44 is placed between the two devices for covering the path of travel to further ensure this capability, and lock 15 ing means such as key-lock device 46 is included at the FIGS. 6, 8, and 9 show further aspects of the adhesive junction of machine 12 with apparatus 10 so that appa ratus 10 can be locked into the engaged position 18 shown in FIG. 2. applying system; FIG. 7 shows the drive train for the present inven tion; Further toward the goal of achieving security, appa FIGS. 10, 11, 12, and 13 are schematic diagrams de 20 ratus 10 comprises a housing 48 for enclosing the fold scribing the method of the present invention; FIGS. 14, 15, and 16 show the preferred folding pat ing and sealing apparatus described in detail below. 10 in FIG. 1 and is shown mounted next to a tabletop leading edge 60 and the last or trailing edge 45. Sheet 24 Apparatus 10 also has a tray 52 for receiving the folded tern for the present invention; and and sealed sheets after they pass through apparatus 10. FIGS. 17 and 18 show perspective and side views Apparatus 10 has a keylock device 54 included on the respectively of an alternative arrangement of the appa 25 access cover 56 to restrict unauthorized access to the ratus of the present invention with respect to a facsimile internal portion of apparatus 10. machine. Information may be applied to sheet 24 by the facsim ile machine 12 in any number of different formats. One DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE particularly preferred format is shown in FIGS. 14, 15, PREFERRED EMBODIMENT 30 and 16, which depicts a sheet 24 that has been folded in The apparatus of the present invention for folding accordance with a preferred aspect of the present in and sealing sheets is indicated generally by the numeral vention. Sheet 24 exits from machine 12 with the ?rst or facsimile machine 12, such as for example the Pitney has information on a ?rst or front side 38 thereof, this Bowes Model 8400. Machine 12 is a well known stan 35 information being indicated generally by lines 40. Sheet dard facsimile machine for receiving information trans 24 ordinarily would have no information on the back mitted from a remotely located sending unit over a side 39. Sheet 24 has been folded into four panels 30, 32, 34, and 36 by folding the sheet three times along the suitable transmission medium and reproducing said in formation at the receiving unit, here machine 12, by three folds 31, 33, and 35. It can be seen from FIG. 14 that folds 31 and 33 are in a ?rst direction, or toward the applying said information in a suitable format to a sheet of paper, which is typically either 8é><ll inches or 8% X 14 inches in size. A sheet 24 bearing said informa tion is then ejected from said machine 12 from an exit chute indicated as 26 in FIG. 1. The sheet 24 will be 3 inches longer than the original sheet transmitted through the machine 12. An original 8§><ll inches’ document thus transmitted will be 8% X 14 inches and an 8% X 14 inches original will be 8% X 17 inches after hav ing been folded and sealed in the machine 10. Apparatus 10 can be used in conjunction with a copier, a printer, or in general any information repro ducing or sheet handling type of equipment where information side 38, while fold 35 is in the opposite direction, or away from the information side 38 and toward the back side 39. 45 In accordance with the present invention, informa tion 40 may be formatted to fall into two categories. The ?rst category is for information applied to panels 30, 32, and 34, which panels are taken together to de?ne a region 42 on sheet 24. Said information in region 42 will be covered or concealed from view when panels 30, 32, and 34 are folded in a face to face relationship as indicated by the directions of folds 31 and 33 shown in FIGS. 14 and 15. Accordingly, information on panels sheets are to be folded and sealed. In addition to operat 30, 32, and 34 may constitute con?dential information ing as an integrated system with a facsimile, copier, or printer unit, apparatus 10 can also operate as a stand 55 to be hidden from view inside the folds. alone sheet folder and sealing machine. However, be cause apparatus 10 is particularly useful in conjunction with a facsimile machine, the preferred embodiment herein will be described in terms of cooperation with facsimile machine 12. As seen in FIGS. 1 and 2, apparatus 10 is movably supported adjacent facsimile machine 12 on frame 14, which has a pivoting support means 16 enabling appara By contrast, panel 36 and the information applied thereto will be exposed to view because of the direction of fold 35 shown in FIGS. 14, 15, and 16. In the pre ferred embodiment, the information on panel 36 may constitute address information identifying the intended recipient of the message or con?dential information received at facsimile machine 12 from a remotely lo cated sending unit (not shown). In accordance with the present invention, machine 12 comprises means for tus 10 to be displaced to and from an engaged and se cure locked position 18 with machine 12 as shown in 65 printing address information in a zone 43 de?ned by FIG. 2 for accepting sheets from the facsimile machine 12, which are ejected from exit chute 26. The unen gaged position 20 is shown in phantom. Handle 22 facil panel 36 in FIG. 14, said zone 43 or panel 36 trailing the information panels 30, 32, and 34 and being adjacent trailing edge 45. 5 4,701,233 6 The means for printing address information on panel 36 can comprise an address printing function built into rollers 68 and 70, and pass along a bypass chute 93 into a bypass stacking tray 95. In effect, solenoid 92 can be the central controller of the facsimile machine 12, such as a microprocessor. The microprocessor controls the information receiving and printing functions of machine 12. On the sending end of the facsimile system (not operated by the key-lock operator to remove apparatus shown), there is provided an appropriate operator key ing device to input the address through a keyboard or other operator control directly linked to the sending facsimile device. The microprocessor in the receiving in FIG. 10, leading edge 60 is de?ected upwardly and backwardly into rollers 68 and 70, and, while being so 10 from the output of machine 12 to permit direct exit of those sheets not requiring folding and sealing. When the surface 86 is disposed in path 82, as shown fed, enters a ?rst buckle chute 96. Buckle chute 96, and 0 also the second and third buckle chutes 98 and 100 to be unit or facsimile machine 12 is programmed to retain the further described below, may be of any desired or desired address information, which is then printed on known construction for the purposes of this invention. However, for illustration purposes only, as shown in panel 36 adjacent the trailing end 45 of sheet 24. Accordingly, as shown in FIGS. 14, 15, and 16, the FIG. 10 buckle chute 96 comprises a pair of closely last panel 36 bears the address on the outside of the - 5 spaced parallel plates 102 and 104 having between them ?nished document when the folding pattern is such as to an adjustable stop element 106. Stop element 106 pro lay the trailing end portion or panel 36 extending back vides an abutment that stops the movement of leading ward from fold 35 onto the folded portions of sheet 24. edge 60 as it moves through chute 96. The stop 106 is In this way, the front side of said trailing end portion shown in an extreme position for accommodating the ends up outside the folds, because the last fold 35 is in a 20 8% X 17 inch sheet. When the stop 106 is pushed to the direction opposite to the direction of the previous two alternate position, an 8%)(14 inch sheet is folded to the folds. desired size. The basic operation of apparatus 10 for achieving the results shown in FIGS. 14, 15, and 16 is best understood with reference to the schematic diagrams of FIGS. l0, 11, 12, and 13 and a description of the method of the present invention for folding and sealing a typical single sheet 24 as it progresses through apparatus 10. The structural details of the apparatus 10 will then be de scribed further below. FIG. 10 shows sheet 24 exiting from facsimile ma chine 12, the machine 12 being indicated only generally by break lines. The information or front side 38 of sheet 24 faces upwardly. Sheet 24 is urged by the exit rollers of machine 12 (not shown) along a paper guide 58 in communication with exit chute 26. Sheet 24 is protected from outside view by shield 44, as shown in FIG. 1. The leading edge 60 of sheet 24 encounters lever 62 of trip switch 64 and depresses it, thereby activating apparatus 10 by energizing the feeding and folding rol Stopping the motion of leading edge 60 when it abuts stop 106 and simultaneously continuing to feed sheet 24 causes a portion of sheet 24 backward of edge 60 to bulge transversely out of the plane of the sheet in the direction shown in FIG. 10. It is understood that any means for bulging sheet 24 could be used as well, such as for example a blast of compressed air or an extend able arm. Buckle chute 96 is disposed so that the direction of formed bulge 108 in sheet 24 is toward rollers 70 and 72, which grasp bulge 108 in the nip therebetween, crease or fold bulge 108, and pull the sheet 24 therethrough to form the ?rst fold 31. It is further to be noted that, because bulge 108 has been formed in a direction away from the front or information side 38, any information on what is to become panels 30 and 32 will be concealed inside the fold. lers 66 through 80, the details of which are described As bulge 108 is formed and folded, adhesive is simul taneously applied to a portion of the side of sheet 24 more fully below. Trip switch 64 also activates a timing lying opposite the direction of the bulge 108, here the means (not shown) for measuring time periods impor information side 38. This adhesive is applied by a mech-' tant for synchronizing the adhesive application system, anism described in detail below; with respect to FIG. as described below. 45 10, this adhesive applying means is represented only by The sheet 24 is fed along a path indicated only gener dot 110, which_is darkened to indicate its being in an ally by numeral 82, which path 82 is de?ned generally operative state to apply adhesive at this point in the by the nips of cooperating rollers in the following or der: 68 and 66, then 68 and 70, then 70 and 72, then 70 and 74, then 74 and 76, and ?nally 78 and 80. The sheet 24 is folded and sealed at various stations along path 82, cycle of apparatus 10. The adhesive is preferably ap plied to both lateral edge portions of the side of sheet 24 bearing information and can be applied to both panels 30 and 32, as denoted by numeral 112 in FIG. 14. How as will be described now in detail, to achieve the result ever, other patterns are also possible so long as the shown in FIGS. 14, 15, and 16. The leading edge 60 of sheet 24 is picked up in the nip adhesive is applied to a portion of sheet 24 that is to be inside the ?rst fold. of rollers 66 and 68 and is fed forward until edge 60 encounters paper turn around guide 84, which is a curved surface 86 disposed in the path of travel of lead is operated to apply adhesive at the correct time to sheet The adhesive applying means represented by dot 110 24. Trip switch 64 senses the presence of leading edge 60 when lever 62 is depressed, and a timing means such rollers 68 and 70. as a clock (not shown) begins a time out period. Because Curved surface 86 is mounted on pivotable arm 88, 60 sheet 24 is advanced along path 82 at a substantially which in turn is supported on pivot point 90. Arm 88 is uniform average speed, whether said advancement is ing edge 60 to de?ect sheet 24 upward into the nip of connected to solenoid 92 through linkage means 94 and continuous or stop and go, it is possible to time when is displaceable to and from the engaged position shown leading edge 60 will form ‘bulge 108. At the proper time in FIG. 10. In the engaged position, surface 86 de?ects after the leading edge 60 is sensed by switch 64, the leading edge 60 into rollers 68 and 70. In a second posi 65 adhesive applicator 110 spaced adjacent the roller pair tion [shown in phantom in FIG. 10], surface 86 is piv oted upward to permit sheet 24 to continue through roller pair 66 and 68 more or less horizontally, bypass 70 and 72 is moved in response to the timing means into alignment with a lateral edge portion of the side 38 of sheet 24 opposite to the direction of bulge 108. 7 4,701,233 8 after the third folding and sealing step, as depicted in FIGS. 14, 15, and 16, then the third and ?nal fold is formed in a direction opposite to that of the previous The adhesive is dispensed onto the sheet 24 as the sheet feeds along path 82 and is drawn into the rollers 70 and 72, thereby accomplishing the deposit of a thin strip of adhesive along the edge portions. However, the sheet two folds. As shown in FIG. 12, buckle chute 100 is disposed for forming a bulge 124, this time in a direction opposite to the direction of the previous two bulges, whereby the information side of sheet 24 adjacent the 24 could also be subjected to periodic, or stop and go movement, and the adhesive applying means could move in and out to apply small dots of adhesive. In the preferred embodiment, at a further time after the leading edge 60 is sensed, such time being chosen to permit application of a strip of adhesive corresponding to the length of the fold to be formed, the adhesive trailing edge of the sheet on panel 36 is exposed to the outside of said fold. After adhesive is applied at 120 and bulge 124 is folded by rollers 74 and 76, then the next formed fold is passed forward as a further new leading edge with said face to face sealed portions of the sheet adhered face to back to a trailing edge portion of the applicator 110 is withdrawn from alignment with sheet 24 and the dispensing of adhesive ceases. sheet, thereby leaving the address information exposed. As the bulged portion 108 is folded by rollers 70 and 72, the formed fold 31 is then fed forward by rollers 70 and 72 as a new leading edge 116 with the portion of the sheet 24 to which adhesive was applied at 110 sealed face to face to a portion of the sheet backward of fold 31. Consequently, any information inside said fold is concealed from view. After the folding and sealing steps have been per formed as shown in FIGS. 10, 11, and 12, the folded and sealed sheet 24 is passed forward as shown in FIG. 13 along a path further de?ned by paper guide 126 to exit roller pair 78 and 80 for being pushed outside housing 48 into the tray 52 shown in FIG. 1. It is understood that this folding and sealing process Depending upon the length of sheet 24 and the size of the ?rst fold, which can be adjusted by positioning stop 106, the folding and sealing operation may be complete can be carried out a theoretically unlimited number of times, although as a practical matter three such folds are at this point, and the folded and sealed sheet with the preferred. Otherwise, the thickness of the folded sheet one fold therein can be passed on to a storage or stack 25 may increase to awkward and unworkable proportions as the number of folds increases. ing tray. However, it may be desirable to form a number of successive sealed folds in a sheet, and any number of such folds can be formed by adding further sets of The structural details of apparatus 10 for carrying out the folding and sealing steps described above are shown in FIGS. 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Apparatus 10 comprises a buckle chutes and feeding and folding rollers along path 82. 30 pair of parallel upstanding side plates 130 and 132, A second folding step, with accompanying adhesive shown partially in FIG. 6, which de?ne a frame sup applying means, is depicted in FIG. 11. Rollers 70 and 72 continue to feed sheet 24 forward, and new leading shown in section in FIG. 3 further encloses and sup edge 116 feeds into buckle chute 98, is stopped, and ports said components. Feet 136 and 138 support hous forms a bulge at 118. Adhesive is applied by adhesive applicator 114, and rollers 70 and 74 grasp bulge 118, ing 48 for placement on a suitable surface, such as table top 140. Housing 48 can be formed of metal or other porting the folding and sealing components. Housing 48 fold it into a second fold 33, and pass the second formed fold 33 forward as a next new leading edge 122. As the material for securing apparatus 10 against tampering. sheet portions with adhesive thereon pass through rol lers 70 and 74, the face to face adhered portions formed pair of guide surfaces 142 and 144 for receiving sheets by rollers 70 and 72 are sealed face to face to a further backward portion of the sheet 24. The direction of bulge 118 is chosen to be opposite to the information A sheet inlet chute 134 or paper guide 58 comprises a from machine 12 through shield 44 from the exit rollers of machine 12 (not shown) through an opening 50 in housing 48. Shield 44 is designed for close communica tion with machine 12 to restrict the outside visibility of sheet 24 as it exits from machine 12. Lever 62 connected side 38 of sheet 24, so the second fold 33 also conceals 45 to trip switch 64 is disposed in inlet chute 134 for sens a further portion of the information therein. ing the leading edge of a sheet as it is fed along chute FIG. 12 depicts a third and, in the preferred embodi 134. ment, the ?nal folding and sealing step of the present The roller system comprises cylindrical rollers 66, 68, method. Rollers 70 and 74 feed sheet 24 forward with a 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, and 80 as described above in terms of next new leading edge 122 feeding into buckle chute 100, where its forward motion is stopped. A third bulge is formed at 124, adhesive is applied at 120, and folding takes place between rollers 74 and 76. The further formed or third fold 35 is now passed forward as a further new leading edge 127, with the face to face sealed portions of the sheet 24 from previous folds ad hered face to face to a further backward portion of the sheet. If the length of the three folds combined is chosen to be approximately equal to the total length of the sheet, as in the preferred embodiment, then in the third folding and sealing operation the said face to face sealed portions of the sheet from the previous two folds are adhered face to face to a trailing edge portion of the sheet. their cooperating function with respect to FIGS. 10, 11, 12, and 13. Said rollers are mounted on their respective shafts 146, 148, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, and 160, which shafts are supported by appropriate bearings in side plates 130 and 132 for appropriate rotating motion. The rollers are selectively placed in side to side abutting relationships in various combinations for forming nips therebetween to grip sheets for the desired folding or feeding actions. Rollers 80, 76 and 66 are spring loaded by a spring member 79 against their corresponding rotatably ?xed roller 78, 74 and 68 respectively. Rollers 68, 72 and 74 are rotatably ?xed in engagement with the roller 70. The drive train for said rollers is shown in FIG. 7. A 20-30 r.p.m. electric gearmotor drive 162 when acti Additionally, while the third fold 35 can in accor dance with the present invention be formed in the same 65 vated by trip switch 64 supplies rotational kinetic en~ ergy at substantially constant angular velocity via direction as the previous two folds, if the address infor sprocket 166 and timing chain 168 to sprocket 164 coax mation as described above is applied to panel 36 adja ially mounted on shaft 150 for turning main support cent the trailing edge of sheet 24 and is to remain visible 4,701,233 10 roller 70. Gear 170, also coaxially mounted on shaft 150, 114, and 120 shown in FIG. 3 mounted on pivotable further engages gears 172, 174, and 176 for turning rollers 68, 72, and 74 respectively. Roller 74 is in side to side abutment with roller 76 for frictionally engaging arms 206, 208, and 210, respectively. FIGS. 8 and 9 show these structural features, plus the additional ap same and causing it to rotate. An O-ring driving belt 178 in combination with O-ring pulleys 179 and 181 drive roller 78. Roller 80 is frictionally engaged by roller 78. Gear 172 engages gear 180 for turning roller 66, which in turn drives bypass roller 182 through an O-ring drive belt 184 and matching pulleys 183 and 185. plying means 212, 214, and 216 mounted on pivotable arms 218, 220, and 222 respectively. As seen in FIG. 3, the adhesive, such as a liquid glue or other suitable material, is provided from reservoir 224 through tubes or lines 226, 228, 230, 232, 234, and Flexible belt 184 also acts to convey a sheet along 236 to the six applicators. The glue reservoir 224 is routinely ?lled by a key operator who has access to the internal portion of apparatus 10 when the exterior cover said belt and out bypass exit 186 in housing 48 when paper guide 84 is moved to the bypass position by pivot lock 54 is opened. In the preferred embodiment, the gluing system is a pressurized system having a manifold able arm 88 and solenoid 92, as described above. 217, which equalizes the pressure in individual lines to As shown in FIG. 3, shafts 146 and 148 supporting 15 the respective applicators. A pad-heater 221 is used to rollers 66 and 68 are placed adjacent the termination of maintain the glue in a flowable condition, and a inlet chute 134 for receiving seriatim sheets fed into weighted member 219 rests on top of the liquid glue chute 134 by machine 12. Guide surfaces 142 and 144 reservoir 224 to provide suf?cient pressure to cause the guide said sheets into the nip of rollers 66 and 68. As glue to ?ow to the applying means 110, 114, 120, 212, described above, guide surface 86 is for turning the 214 and 216. Alternately, a parastaltic pump (not leading edge of the sheet around and directing it into shown) may be used to provide a relatively low pres the nip of rollers 68 and 70 mounted on their respective sure to the manifold distribution system. shafts 148 and 150 adjacent and in alignment with sur And, alternatively, glue stick applicators could be face 86. used at the various application points. These glue sticks Shafts 148 and 150 and their respective feed rollers 68 could be easily replaceable by the key machine opera and 70 are disposed adjacent the inlet end 188 of buckle chute 96. Stop element 106 is slidable back and forth by adjusting means 190 positioned thereon for changing the desired length of the ?rst fold. Buckle chute 96 tor, who has access to the interior of the apparatus 10. causes a fed sheet to bulge, as described already above. tation. As best seen in FIG. 6, a dispensing tip or nozzle Roller 72 is mounted on shaft 152, roller 72 being in a side to side abutting relationship with roller 70. R01 lers 70 and 72 are positioned adjacent and aligned with supporting member 223 for in and out movement. A spring 225 af?xed at one end to post 227 and at the other buckle chute 96 to cooperate therewith to form a ?rst fold as each buckled sheet feeds between them; rollers 72 and 70 then feed the folded new leading edge of the paper sheet to the inlet end 192 of a second buckle chute 98. Stop element 194 likewise has adjusting means 196 to select the desired length of the second fold. Buckle FIGS. 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 depict the details of the adhe sive applicator means. Each applicator is substantially similar to every other applicator, differing only in orien 121 is mounted on an arm 210 pivotably mounted on to tab 229 urges arm 210 away from the paper path to an inoperative position. The tip 121 is fed by adhesive or glue tube 226, and adhesive is dispensed under slight pressure at tip 121 when valve means therein (not shown) is operated to an open position by a pressing action on button 231. As shown in FIG. 9 with respect chute 98 causes the fed sheet to buckle a second time, as 40 to tip 110, the tip may form two ori?ces, one on either already described above. Rollers 70 and 74 are mounted on shafts 150 and 154 positioned adjacent and aligned with buckle chute 98 to cooperate therewith to form a second fold as each buck side for dispensing adhesive to both portions of the sheet on either side of the fold line. The pressing action for operating the valve means is achieved when a cam surface such as surface 233 led sheet feeds between them; rollers 70 and 74 then 45 mounted on rotatable cam 235 pushes against button 231 feed the next new leading edge to the inlet end 198 of the third buckle chute 100. Stop element 200 has adjust ing means 202 to select the desired length of the third, and in the preferred embodiment, ?nal fold. Buckle chute 100 causes the fed sheet to buckle yet a third time, as already described above. Buckle chute 100 is further aligned with rollers 70 and 74 so that the third buckle forms in an opposite direction to the other two buckles, as already described above. Rollers 74 and 76 are mounted on shafts 154 and 156 positioned adjacent and aligned with buckle chute 100 to cooperate therewith to form a third fold as each buckled sheet feeds between them; rollers 74 and 76 then feed the folded further next new leading edge as cam 235 rotates about its axis during one cycle of machine operation, as described below. Also, when cam surface 233 rotates into engagement with button 231, pivotable arm 210 and likewise nozzle 121 are moved inward toward the paper path into an operative position for dispensing adhesive onto a portion of the sheet as it bulges into engagement with a roller pair. This operative position is observed in FIG. 9, where cam surface 237 is shown engaging button 238 to move pivotable arm 206 inward to dispense adhesive from nozzle 110 onto a lateral edge portion of sheet 24. When cam 235 has continued in its rotation, such that surface 237 has passed button 238, then pivotable arm 206 will return to its inoperative position, the valve means acti forward adjacent guide surface 126 to the nip of exit vated by pressing button 238 will shut off nozzle 110 rollers 78 and 80 mounted on shafts 158 and 160. Rollers 78 and 80 feed the folded sheet out through discharge opening 204 in housing 48 to tray area 52. and wait for the next sheet to pass through. It can be appreciated from a review of FIG. 3 in conjunction with FIGS. 6, 8, and 9, that the adhesive application mechanism of the present invention com The adhesive applying system of the present inven tion comprises six adhesive applicators, three for each 65 prises three pairs of applicators, one pair for each side of the sheet. If fewer folds are contemplated, then buckle chute. One applicator of each pair is positioned fewer applicators could be used. Three of the applica on the right side, the other applicator on the left. The tors are indicated as the adhesive applying means 110, applicators are mounted on pivotable arms that move in 11 4,701,233 12 meral 296, and then surface 248 activates applicator 212. The length of ‘the active cycles for each applicator pair R1, R2, and R3 as depicted in FIG. 5 is chosen in con junction with the speed at which the sheet moves along the path 82, so that an appropriately long strip of adhe sive corresponding to the panel to be sealed is deposited and out in matched left-right pairs in sequence to apply adhesive to an edge portion of the sheet as it passes along the folding and sealing path. Accordingly, it is clear that the applicators must be synchronized or timed with the feeding of the sheet along the feeding and folding path. The timing of the applicators is achieved by means of on a lateral edge portion of the sheet. There is an offset two cam wheels 235 and 242, one wheel 235 for the right side and one wheel 242 for the left. Cam wheels 235 and 242 are coaxially, rotatably mounted on shafts 261 and 262. The cam wheels have raised cam surfaces 221 in the applicator arms 220, 222, 206 and 208 which allows the appropriate cam surfaces 244, 246 to pass by the respective arms 220, 222, and 206 and 208, thereby limiting glue application to one bulge area per sheet in timed and predetermined sequence. Other means for activating the adhesive applying spaced around the perimeter thereof for engaging the pivotable arms to move them into position for dispens ing adhesive at the appropriate times. FIG. 4 shows a side view of cam wheel 242, along means that are well known to those of skill in the art 5 could equally well be used. For example, the pivotable with the associated applicators 212, 214, and 216 arms could be moved to and from their operative posi mounted on pivotable arms 218, 220, and 222. Three tion for applying adhesive by means of appropriately placed solenoids also responsive to a timing means. raised cam surfaces, 244, 246, and 248, each said surface being disposed for contacting its corresponding pivot~ While the present invention has been described in terms of the pivotable mounting arrangement of appara able arm, are positioned at the perimeter of cam wheel 242 and travel around shaft 262 to engage their respec tive pivotable arms as the cam wheel 242 rotates. Cam wheel 242 is driven by timing belt 268 and pulley 270, which in turn is driven by timing gear 264 receiving power from a mating gear 266 mounted on shaft 150. Cam wheel 242 rotates only periodically as each sheet passes through the apparatus 10 and is timed to make tus 10 onto machine 12 as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, other arrangements are possible. For example, FIGS. 17 and 18 show an alternative arrangement for a facsimile ma chine 13 where the sheet 24 exits at the top rear of 25 machine 13 instead of the bottom front as shown in one complete revolution for each sheet. That is, as a sheet enters the apparatus and is sensed by trip switch 64, a time out period begins. At the appropriate time, the cam wheel 242 is released for making one complete revolution to permit cam surfaces 244, 246, and 248 to engage each and only one of the adhesive applicators in the appropriate order on each lateral end of the machine 10. At the end of this one revolution, wheel 242 is stopped until a next sheet is properly sensed. The timed release of wheel 242 is achieved by means of a spring clutch mechanism shown generally as 252 in FIG. 4. At the appropriate point in time as determined FIG. 1. In FIGS. 17 and 18, the apparatus 11 of the present invention is modi?ed for mounting on the top rear of machine 13 on frame 290. The sheet 24 exits from machine 13 via exit rollers 280 and 282 and enters apparatus 11 through shield 284 into roller pair 286 and 288. The apparatus 11 then functions in essentially the same manner as apparatus 10 described above, with the folded and sealed sheet exiting at 292. It is also to be understood that the invention is not limited in its application to the details of construction and arrangement of parts speci?cally described or illus trated, and that within the scope of the appended claims it may be practiced otherwise than as speci?cally de by the clock, an enabling signal is transmitted to sole 40 scribed or illustrated. We claim: noid 250 via cable 254. Solenoid 250 is enabled and 1. A method of folding and sealing a sheet having retracts rod 256, which releases stop 260 to engage the parallel lateral edges, comprising: spring clutch assembly to deliver rotational kinetic en (a) feeding said sheet forward along a path for folding ergy from timing gear 264, which receives power from and sealing said sheet upon itself; main shaft 150. Then, after the cam wheel 242 has com 45 (b) while so feeding said sheet, buckling said sheet in pleted one revolution, the rod 256, which has returned a ?rst localized area to form a ?rst bulge; to its extended position, engages stop 260 to release (c) while continuing to so feed said sheet, applying an spring clutch 252 and stop the rotation of cam wheel adhesive within the ?rst bulge parallel with said 242. FIG. 5 is a timing chart for the cam mechanism show 50 ing the timing of activity of each adhesive applicator. Along the vertical axis, R1 corresponds to the ?rst adhe sive applicators 110 and 216 and to cam surface 244 on cam wheel 242; R2 corresponds to applicators 114 and 214 and to cam surface 246 on cam wheel 242; and R3 latertal edges; (d) forming a ?rst fold in the ?rst bulged portion of the sheet as the sheet is progressively advanced along said path; (e) bringing the inner surfaces of the ?rst bulged portion rearward of the ?rst fold into contact with corresponds to applicators 120 and 212 and to cam each other, thereby causing said inner surfaces of surface 248 on cam wheel 242. The time t is indicated said ?rst bulge to adhere to each other; and along the horizontal axis, the time t being chosen to accommodate both 14 inch and 11 inch paper. The trip (f) continuing the feeding of said sheet with the switch 64 is tripped at approximately time t=0 and, 60 after an appropriate time delay period corresponding to the speed of the sheet along the path of travel, the 2. The method of claim 1, further comprising: (a) while so feeding said sheet, buckling said sheet in spring clutch is engaged or energized. The cam wheel begins to rotate and, after a further time delay, cam surface 244 moves into engagement with and activates 65 applicator 216 for a ?xed time period as indicated by numeral 294 in FIG. 5. Thereafter, in succession, sur face 246 activates applicator 214 as indicated by nu (b) while continuing to so feed said sheet, applying an adhesive within the second bulge parallel with said formed fold as the new leading edge of the sheet. a second localized area to form a second bulge; lateral edges; (c) forming a second fold in the second bulged por tion of the sheet as the sheet is progressively ad‘ vance along said path; 13 4,701,233 (b) bringing the inner surfaces of the second bulged 14 (d) bringing the inner surfaces of the third bulged portion rearward of the second fold into contact portion rearward of the third fold into contact with with each other, thereby causing said inner sur faces of said second bulge to adhere to each other; each other, thereby causing said inner surfaces of and said third bulge to adhere to each other; and 5 (e) continuing the feeding of said sheet with the third formed fold as the new leading edge of the sheet. (e) continuing the feeding of said sheet with the sec 4. A method according to claim 3, further comprising during the third folding step laying a trailing end por ond formed fold as the new leading edge of the sheet. tion of the sheet extending backward from said third 3. The method of claim 2, further comprising: 10 fold into the folded portions of the sheet. (a) while so feeding said sheet, buckling said sheet in 5. The method of claim 4, wherein the adhesive ap plying steps further comprise: a third localized area to form a third bulge; (b) while continuing to so feed said sheet, applying an adhesive within the third bulge parallel with said lateral edges; (c) forming a third fold in the third bulged portion of the sheet as the sheet is progressively advanced (a) before said ?rst folding step, sensing the presence of the leasing edge of a sheet being fed at a point in 15 said path; and (b) responding to said sensing to apply adhesive to the , sheet in timed relation to the movement of the sheet along said path. along said path; 1 20 25 35 45 55 65 * * ‘I *
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