ANNOUNCEMENT OF SCHEDULE OF CLASS ROOM SESSIONS TO BE CONDUCTED THROUGH VIDEO CONFERENCING FOR POLYTECHNIC COLLEGES IN TAMILNADU CIRCULAR It is proposed to broadcast live class room sessions in various subjects to be conducted by the Principal / staff of Polytechnic Colleges, through Video Conferencing, for the benefit of the Polytechnic College students. The Polytechnic Colleges can view the class room sessions and interact by login through A-View using the user-id and password allotted to them. The Polytechnic Colleges, who have not yet registered in A-View can get the user id and password, by sending the details of their Polytechnic College to the email ids:, Please contact Mr. Padmakumar - 09446539700, Ms. Karthika – 09446483700 for further clarifications regarding login for class room sessions. Class Room sessions through Video Conferencing (Feb.2015) – Schedule updated Sl. No. Date & Time of the Session Duration Name of the Host Polytechnic College Subject Name of the staff handling the class room session 1 19.2.2015 11.15 AM to 12.15 PM 1 hour Periyar Centenary Poly. College, Vallam R. Vengatesh Lect./Mech. 2 19.2.2015 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai Computer Integrated Manufacturing Introduction about CIM Injection Moulding 3 19.2.2015 3.15 PM to 4.15 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai 4 20.2.2015 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM 1 hour Kottai Mariamman Poly. College, Salem 5 20.2.2015 11.00 AM to 12.00 Noon 1 hour Thiagarajar Poly. College, Salem 6 20.2.2015 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai Relational database maintenance system (Introduction to SQL) Thermal Engineering I Transducers and Signal Conditioner Operational Amplifiers Hydraulics (Flow through open channels) S. Selvaraj, Lect. (SG), TDM S. Senthil Lecturer / CSE Mr. S. Udayakumar, Mechanical R. Muthamilarasi HOD/EEE A.A. Dhanraj, Lect.(SG) / Civil Contd..2.. ..2.. Sl. No. Date & Time of the Session Duration Name of the Host Polytechnic College Subject Name of the staff handling the class room session 7 20.2.2015 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM 1 hour Thiagarajar Poly. College, Salem Computer Architecture N. Vanitha HOD/Computer 8 24.2.2015 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai G. Gayathri, Lecturer, ER 9 24.2.2015 11.00 AM to 12.00 Noon 1 hour Tamil Nadu Poly. College, Madurai 10 24.2.2015 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai 11 24.2.2015 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM 1 hour 12 25.2.2015 11.00 AM to 12.00 Noon 1 hour Thiagarajar Poly. College, Salem & The Institution Of Engineers, Salem Local Centre Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai Electronics devices & circuits (SCR construction operation & its applications) Automobile Technology-Gear Boxes, Clutches & differential Thermal Engineering (Basic thermal dynamics) Women Engineers in Quality Management System 13 25.2.2015 1.30 PM to 2.30 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai 14 25.2.2015 3.00 PM to 4.00 PM 1 hour 15 26.2.2015 10.00 AM to 11.00 AM 16 P. Mathivasanthan Lect./Mech. A. Balasubramanian, Lecturer (SG) / Mechanical Mrs.G.Selvi & Mrs V.Ushamani PLC & SCADA (Cylinder sequence applications) Digital Electronics (Decoders & its applications) P. Padmavathy DIC, ER Tamil Nadu Poly. College, Madurai English – Grammar T. Anupriya Lect./Eng. 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai Embedded Systems (Cache mechanisms) K.V.N. Sowmiya, Lect./ECE 26.2.2015 11.30 AM to 12.30 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai Engineering Physics (Semi conductors) R. Rubanther Lect. / General Engg. 17 26.2.2015 3.15 PM to 4.15 PM 1 hour Murugappa Poly. College, Chennai Data Structures (Linked lists) S. Supriya Lecturer 18 27.2.2015 11.00 AM to 12.00 Noon 1 hour Thiagarajar Poly. College, Salem Manufacturing Technology I - Foundry G. Balasivarama subramanian HOD/Production 19 27.2.2015 3.30 PM to 4.30 PM 1 hour Thiagarajar Poly. College, Salem Computer Hardware & Networking Computer Networks K. Senathipathi Lecturer (SG) / PDCA B. Sharmila Lecturer/ ECE Sd/C.T.E./C.I.O.
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