Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 15, 2015 Readings: Lv 13:1-2. 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31—11:1; Mk 1:40-45 The Deacon’s Speakin’ Dear Friends, The following is an excerpt from “Why We Fast during Lent” (23rd Publications): “One of the best biblical descriptions of the meaning of fasting is provided by the prophet Isaiah. Speaking through the prophet, God says: `Is such the fast that I chose, a day to humble oneself? Is it to bow down the head like a bulrush, and to lie in sackcloth and ashes? Will you call this a fast, a day acceptable to the Lord? Is not the fast that I chose: to lose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin?` (Isaiah 58:5-7) In this passage God doesn’t speak of helping the poor in general, but specifically helping the oppressed: those who are poor, not because of misfortune but because they are the victims of injustice. This teaching about fasting is a call to eliminate the injustice that causes their hunger rather than simply feed them. God demands not merely mercy, but a rooting out of injustice and a repairing of its effects. There is quite a difference between our being charitable to others and our making reparation. This means that the message God speaks through Isaiah is not a general admonition: “Don’t perform external rituals of worship like fasting; instead help the needy.” Rather, Isaiah’s message is far more pointed: Do not fast as acts of mourning over the harm your sins have done others; instead undo the harm. Do not just be sorry for your sins; feel sorrow for and empathize with those your sins have hurt, and repair the effects of your sins in their lives. Do not think that afflicting yourself with hunger is the penance God assigns for inflicting hunger on others; your appropriate penance is to feed them. Mourn for your individual and collective sins of injustice by practicing justice. That is a fast acceptable to God---a fast that consists of doing rather than abstaining. Both Isaiah and Jesus teach us that the best way to mourn for our sins is to undo their harmful effects. That is what Lent is all about. Jesus reminds us that our fasting is not to be seen by others, but by God (Mt 6:18). What type of fasting will God see us practice this Lent? Welcome to Lent Deacon John Mission Statement St. Paul Catholic Newman Center is a Catholic parish committed to serving the spiritual needs of college/university students, faculty and all other people who freely choose to be part of our parish family. Gathered together by the Spirit and seeking God’s will in our lives, we dedicate ourselves to bringing the transformative power of Christ into the world we know through worship, education, service and support. Digital Library The books in our Sergio Negro Library will be available online in the near future, thanks to the efforts of Steven Colagiovanni. However, we are in need of volunteers to do some computer data entry. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Luci Supino at 287-4369 or Newman Center Young Adults We are kicking off our first session of Theology on Tap discussing Confession! Join us with our speaker, Fr. Dave, to talk about how it feels being on the other side of the screen, how the Sacrament of Reconciliation is very misunderstood, and how much more important it is to repent and ask for mercy during Lent. Join us for dinner at 6:00pm followed by our speaker at 7:00pm at Me N’ Ed’s Coney Island in River Park. This Friday we will be hosting Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel from 6:00pm to 9:00pm. If you can volunteer your time please contact High School Youth Group High School Youth Group will meet Sunday, February 22, in St. John XXIII Youth Center from 5:00pm to 6:30pm for a game of Jeopardy! Bring a friend and join in on the fun! Cookie Sale - Women’s Guild This weekend, after each Mass, the Women's Guild will be selling beautifully boxed homemade Valentine Cookies. With each box you will receive a handmade valentine card created by one of our members. For only $15 a box you can buy one for a loved one, a friend, the family or for yourself. You will also be supporting the Women's Guild in their effort to raise money for their Spring retreat. Thank you for your support. Grief Support The Grief Support group will begin its spring session on Monday, March 2 at 7:00pm in the Community Room. We will be meeting for five Mondays. Please join us in processing the loss of loved ones. If you know of people who might benefit from this support, please tell them about us. For any questions, please contact the coordinator Michelle Kilner at 970-3640. C.C.C. - Collection Thank you for your generosity in last week’s Collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign. Because of your support, millions of faithful will have the opportunity to deepen their faith through daily resources on the Internet, television, and radio, and in print media. Remember, half of your donations are staying in our diocese to support local communication needs. To learn more about the important work supported by this collection, please visit (search “Catholic Communication Campaign”). Family Life Ministry Men’s Morning Scripture Study Group meets Tuesdays from 7:30am to 8:15am after 7:00am Mass in the Community Room. Meditation Opportunities Christian Meditation meets Thursday mornings from 11:15am to 12:15pm in CNH104. Facilitated by Benita Lankford. Evening Meditation meets Wednesday evenings, 7:00pm to 8:00pm in CNH104. Facilitated by Veena Kapoor. Tai Chi for ArthritisTuesday & Thursday mornings. Beginner’s class: 9:00am to 10:00am; Regular class: 10:15am to 11:15am. CNH103. Instructor: Art Lopez. Tai Chi: Thursday evening Tai Chi classes are held on Thursday evenings, 5:30pm to 6:30pm in CNH102-103. $20 registration fee. Contact John Prandini College Ministries Ash Wednesday Mass at Fresno State Bishop Armando Ochoa will be joining us on campus for Ash Wednesday Mass this Wednesday, February 18, at noon in the Satellite Student Union. Plan to join us for a simple meal after Mass. College Night meets Wednesdays, 6:00pm to 8:00pm in Cardinal Newman Hall. All college students are welcome to join us for a delicious home-cooked dinner (it’s free!) followed by a discussion, guest speaker, service project, or other activity. On February 18, we will serve a meatless dinner in Cardinal Newman Hall 101 after the 6:00pm Ash Wednesday mass. College/Young Adult Bible Study meets Mondays, 7:00pm to 8:30pm, in the Annex. Join us for prayer and discussion of the Sunday readings and how to make your faith more a part of your daily life! Catholic Conversations on Campus Join our weekly discussion group on Fresno State campus, USU 310, Thursdays at 11:30am. Students, faculty, and staff are all invited. Feel free to bring your lunch! EMMAUS Our after-Mass discussion group for college students meets Sundays from 8:00pm to 8:30pm in the Annex (east side of the main building by the carport). Make new friends and challenge yourself to live out the message of the Gospel! Contact: Karey Spach, Director of Campus Ministry, Weekly Calendar Prayers Sunday, February 15 Lv 13:1-2. 44-46; 1 Cor 10:31—11:1; Mk 1:40-45 Women’s Guild Bake Sale 7:30am Mass for Marie Hurt Chapel 9:00am Mass for Pamela Canales Chapel 4:45pm High School Confirmation Class CNH 8:00pm Emmaus Annex + For those who have died: This Week: Richard Goulart (Ashlyn Walker’s Grandfather) Monday, February 16 Presidents’ Day - Office Closed 8:00am Mass for Steve Mark Cash Gn 4:1-15, 25; Mk 8:11-13 Chapel Tuesday, February 17 Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Mk 8:14-21 7:00am Mass Intention For rain Chapel 7:30am Men’s Morning Scripture Study Community Room 9:00am Beginning Tai Chi for Arthritis CNH 102-103 10:15am Tai Chi for Arthritis CNH 102-103 6:00pm Faith, Family & Friends Chapel 6:00pm College Confirmation Annex 6:15pm Penance Service Chapel Wednesday, February 18 Jl 2:12-18; 2 Cor 5:20—6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 7:00am Mass with distribution of ashes Chapel 12:15pm Liturgy of the Word with ashes Chapel 5:30pm Scriptural Rosary Community Room 6:00pm Mass with distribution of ashes Chapel 6:00pm Prayer & Life Workshop CNH 105 7:00pm Evening Meditation CNH 104 7:00pm College Night CNH 101 Thursday, February 19 7:00am Mass for Rosario Berman 9:00am Beginning Tai Chi for Arthritis 9:30am Morning Scripture Study 10:00am Giometti Funeral 10:15am Tai Chi for Arthritis 11:00am Christian Meditation 5:30pm Tai Chi Dt 30:15-20; Lk 9:22-25 Chapel CNH 102-103 Cafeteria Chapel CNH 102-103 CNH 104 CNH 102-103 Friday, February 20 7:00am Communion Service 6:00pm Food Recovery Network 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Is 58:1-9a; Mt 9:14-15 Saturday, February 21 8:00am Secular Franciscans 9:00am Advanced Tai Chi 5:00pm Mass for Rose Barretto Is 58:9b-14; Lk 5:27-32 Chapel Cafeteria Chapel Chapel Chapel St. John XXIII Chapel Sunday, February 22 Gn 9:8-15; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15 Knights of Columbus Breakfast 7:30am For deceased DeVechhio Family members Chapel 9:00am Mass for William Terhaar Chapel 3:00pm Igbo Mass Chapel 5:00pm High School Confirmation Class CNH 8:00pm Emmaus Annex Mass Intentions: Matt Lehman, Marie Hurt, Pamela Canales + Please pray for healing of our loved ones who are ill… Richard Caglia, Steve & Debbie Strope, Dorothy Finn, Jon & Rick Faulkner, Tom Langa, Dominic Valdez, Laura Ostler, Infant Marco Abenoja Garza, Alice Lopez, Annette Harbinger, Frank Borges, Sam VanderDussen, David Carroll, Jim Tudman, Gianna Magnone, Luz Elower (mother of Mark), Ollie Mae & Tom Godburn, Robby Klimaytis, Ernie Lee, Jennifer McClain, Don Casperson, Kenny Smith, Cathleen DiMaggio, Horace Spann, Kyle Springer Faith, Family & Friends Pre-Lenten Penitential Service This Tuesday, Feb. 17th you are invited to participate in our FF&F Pre-Lenten Penitential Prayer Service with Private Individual Confession available for those wishing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Confession will not be held from 4:00pm to 5:00pm this Tuesday. Families and friends are invited to eat their preordered pizza or their own food with family & friends from 5:30pm to 6:00pm in Cardinal Newman Hall before we move as a group to the Chapel for the Penitential Service. The Penitential Prayer Service will begin at 6:15PM in the Chapel. Children who have not yet received the Sacrament of Reconciliation will attend their normal age specific classes that will begin at 6:15PM. All others will go to the Chapel to take part in the Penitential Prayer Service. Mardi Gras Thank you to everyone who participated in our Mardi Gras dinner and made it such a successful event! Thanks to your generosity our total net profit was $20,000. Thank you again and God bless you! Sunday Contributions Feb. 7 - Feb. 8 Contributions: Jan. Total Contributions: Monthly Sunday Contributions Goal: Total Fiscal Year (July-January): $11,997 $43,181 $50,000 $356,310 Presidents’ Day Holiday Filoli Gardens Bus Trip In observance of Presidents’ Day, Monday, February 16, our The Newman Center Women's Guild is morning Mass will be at 8:00am. The Newman Center will be closed sponsoring a day trip to the fabulous Filoli for the holiday. Gardens in Woodside (near San Mateo). All members of our parish are invited to join us. A limited number of seats are available. The date is Thursday, April 16th! Bus leaves Newman Center As part of our Faith, Family & Friends evening on Tuesday, February at 6:30am and returns to Newman Center at 17, St. Paul Catholic Newman Center will host a Service of 6:30pm. Tickets go on sale the weekend of Reconciliation with individual celebration of the Sacrament available. February 21 & 22 after Mass. Cost: $60 per Seven priests will be present in our chapel at 6:15pm on this eve of person (This includes the entrance to the Ash Wednesday to help us get started on our Lenten season of gardens) renewal and celebration of God’s mercy. All are welcome, whether Questions: JuDee Peterson 261-0526 or Mickey Lord part of FF&F or not, to share in this service of prayer, scripture and 313-1275. reflection, and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation if needed. No Sacrament of Reconciliation will be held from 4:00pm to 5:00pm that day. Penance Service Listening Session The Newman Center is driven and led by you, its parishioners, and we need your input! The Pastoral Council of St. Paul Catholic Newman Center announces a series of 15 “Listening Sessions” designed to give voice to all suggestions, interests, and concerns regarding the mission, vision and goals of this church community. We invite you to actively participate in at least one of the upcoming “Listening Sessions” in order to help shape the future of your parish. Pastoral Council Members: - Robert Lippert - Kim Meyer - Camillo Prandini - Andrea Ricci - Vic Telles - Steve Toon Feb. 21st after the 5:00pm Mass in the Cafeteria Feb. 22nd after the 7:30am, 9:00am, & 11:00am Masses in St. John XXIII Youth Center Feb. 22nd after the 7:00pm Mass in the Cafeteria Feb. 24th during Faith, Family & Friends in Cardinal Newman Hall at 6:30pm - One session with adults - One session with junior high & high school students Feb. 25th with the College Student Association in Cardinal Newman Hall at 6:00pm Feb. 26th with the Young Adult Group in the Fr. Sergio Negro Library at 6:30pm Feb. 28th after the 5pm Mass in the Cafeteria Mar. 1st after the 7:30am, 9:00am, & 11:00am Masses in St. John XXIII Youth Center Mar. 1st with the Confirmation Class in St. John XXIII Youth Center at 5:15pm Mar. 1st after the 7:00pm Mass in the Cafeteria Our Lady of Victory Catholic School Kindergarten Orientation This is an informational meeting for anyone interested in enrolling a child in Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year. The orientation will take place on Thursday, February 19 at 6:00pm in the Kindergarten Classroom. Our Lady of Victory School is located on 1626 W. Princeton Avenue Fresno 93705 For more information: 229-0205 or Parish Profiles The St. Paul Catholic Newman Center parish will once again be highlighted in an episode of Parish Profiles, along side St. Joachim in Madera. Tune in Monday February 16 at 8:30pm or Friday the 20th at 11:30am. Check your cable provider for the correct channel number for KNXT. Year of Consecrated Life In 2013, Pope Francis declared that a Year of Consecrated Life (YCL) be celebrated throughout the world. YCL began on the First Sunday of Advent, November 30, 2014 and will close on the World Day of Consecrated Life, February 2, 2016. Our Diocese of Fresno, to celebrate YCL, has created a Vocations Prayer Calendar listing each month the names of priests, religious, deacons and seminarians. They are grouped in two for each day. We ask you to pray for those who are already in the consecrated service of the Church. We also want to encourage discernment & prayer for vocations. February 15-21: Sr. Clara Borregon RCM, Sr. Rosa Maria Branco,FHIC, Dcn. Trinidad Guadarrama, Dcn. Jesus Hernandez, Fr. James Kudill, Fr. Israel Avila, Sr. Cristina Caballero RSM, Sr. Maria Campuzano IMAP, Dcn. Manuel Lababit, Dcn. Henry Medina, Sem. Juan Maldonado, Sem. Season of Lent
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