1 Dr KAI SYNG TAN (KAI) Lecturer, Researcher, Artist, Curator, Lecturer, Advisor
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RUNDOWN Full profile and reviews: <>
‘Tan Kai Syng is one of the most prolific young artists of Singapore. Well versed in video, sound and electronic media, she has
created wide ranging works bordering between discourse and personal reflection. Her works often reveal her sardonic humour but
also a sharp intelligence which makes her a self reflexive, incisive artist of South East Asia now. […] Being a versatile straddler
between academician and practising artist demonstrates her agility in moving between different fields of knowledge as well as
diverse disciplines. She has a wryness which stands her in good stead […] she is a very talented interdisciplinary artist […]. She
moves restlessly from one medium to another which is art of the joy of her work. She has proven herself to be immensely attractive
to students who follow her classes with avid involvement, she can be an amazing source of inspiration’. - Singapore International
Festival of Arts Director Keng Sen Ong, 2009.
Running as an artistic discourse and creative tool of engagement and intervention.
The practice-research dynamic. Cross-disciplinarity.
Collage: of text and image; of Western and Eastern concepts and practices.
Impact beyond the academic and artistic worlds. City as site of exhibition and performance. Performance.
PhD RESEARCH 2009-2013
Written thesis: <> Practice: <>
Kai’s practice-related Fine Art PhD research was conducted at the Slade School of Fine art as a UCL scholar. Entitled The Physical
and Poetic Processes of Running: A Practice-Related Fine Art Discourse About A Playful Way To Transform Your World Today,
explored running as a creative tool of engagement and intervention. Kai produced a 70,000-word written thesis as well as a body of
artworks spanning across film, photography, GPS drawing, performance and installation. Her aim was to introduce running to the art
world as a counter to the tradition of walking, and as a mode of relating distinct discourses. Mobilising non-Western and noncanonical discourses, her additional aim was to contribute to debates about cultural difference. Integrating theory and practice, Kai
wanted to contribute to existing discourses about practice-related research, too. Over the period of 4 years, Kai’s research blog
welcomed more than 1.3 million unique visitors. She shared her research in 63 conferences, exhibitions and publications, including
dOCUMENTA 13 in Kassel and Upgrade! Soft Borders New Media International Conference in Sao Paulo.
Main <> Board <> Partners <>
In 2014, Kai set up a research institute called the RUN! RUN! RUN! International Body for Research. The institute aims to
investigate and promote running as a creative toolkit that can enable us to re-imagine the way we engage with the city, the state,
the technological-mediated world, as well as the way we think. Apart from functioning as a framework to contextualise her research
activities 2014-2020, RUN! RUN! RUN! also functions as a mechanism to continue the networks that Kai has already set up within
and beyond the UK. The Co-Director is Dr Alan Latham (UCL Geography). Branches are in London, Leeds and Singapore. The
Research Associates and Advisory Board members include senior academics and a community involvement expert. RUN! RUN!
RUN! produces a wide range of academic and artistic outputs that are practice-related, cross-disciplinary, public- and world-facing.
Several also function as excellent interfaces for teaching. The first RUN! RUN! RUN! event was the International Festival of
Running 1.0 (Slade Research Centre, Summer 2014). This unique cross-disciplinary event was critically-acclaimed and reviewed in
the Guardian. This year, Kai has been nominated by Leeds College of Art for the Leverhulme Prize in Visual and Performing Arts for
this body of work. Current and upcoming projects include:
Till 2020:
December 2015: Visual Director. Opening & Closing Ceremonies, ASEAN Para Games, Singapore.
Grant applications.
Publication of 2 anthologies.
Publication of monograph.
Journal publication.
RUN! RUN! RUN! International Festival of Running .
RUN! RUN! RUN! LEEDS. Working in partnership that I initiated with Leeds Art Gallery.
Explorations and interventions with students via workshops, field trips, and other hands-on exercises: Malmo University in
Sweden, May 2015 (by invitation); The Centre for Contemporary Art in Warsaw, February 2015 (by invitation).
Research dissemination within and beyond UK: Anti Festival Finland (by invitation); American Geographers Conference in
Chicago, April 2015; RSA Journal publication; UCL Art Museum commission April 2015 and November 2014 (both by invitation);
South East Asian Arts Festival 2014 London (by invitation).
To be featured in a Fox/NatGeo TV series, British Council and National Arts Council (Singapore) educational programmes, and
publication Singapore Eye.
PhD in Fine Art (practice-related), Slade School of Fine Art, University College London, UK.
M.A., Imaging Arts & Sciences. Distinction. Excellence Award. Top student. Musashino Art University, Tokyo, Japan.
Pass. Language examination for Japanese University Admission. Tokyo Japanese Language Centre of Japan Student
Services Organization.
Pass. Professional Development in Education, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore.
B.A. in Fine Art. First Class Honours. Slade School of Fine Art. Top student (83%).
(Exchange Programme). Filmmaking, Sound, Art History, Art & Technology, Yoga. School of Art Institute of Chicago,USA.
ABRSM Grade 8 piano Distinctions. Royal College of Music Audition. 1991: Pass ABRSM Classical music theory.
Grants and scholarships
Grant from UCL JFIGS to conduct RUN! RUN! RUN! International Festival of Running 1.0.
Travel grant from Slade School of Fine Art to participate in dOCUMENTA 13, Kassel, Germany.
Travel grant from Graduate School UCL, UK to present paper at Soft Borders conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Overseas Graduate & Graduate Research Scholarships, University College London, UK; bursary from the National Arts
Council of Singapore to read PhD.
1998-2009: Approximately 10 project & travel grants from the National Arts Council of Singapore.
Scholarship. Japanese Chambers of Commerce Industry for MA studies in Japan.
Sessional Prize from UCL for outstanding academic results. London, UK.
Project Grant from the Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK.
Shell-National Arts Council Art Scholarship to read BA in Fine Art in the UK.
International awards and major commissions
Leverhulme Prize in Visual and Performing Arts nomination.
Visual Director. Opening & Closing Ceremonies, 8 ASEAN Para Games. Commissioned by Sports Singapore.
Great North Run film commission shortlist.
Artangel Open 100 shortlist (700 entries).
UCL Centre for Humanities Interdisciplinary Research Projects (run by Professor Lisa Jardine) shortlist (120 entries).
Curator (with Dr Alan Latham, UCL Geography), Producer, Designer. RUN! RUN! RUN! An International Festival of
Running 1.0. Supported by Slade School, UCL Geography. Funded by UCL and AHRC. Featured in the Guardian.
Visual Director, Lyricist. Closing Ceremony, Handover Performance, 27 South East Asian Games, Myanmar.
Commissioned by Singapore Sports Council.
Museum of London digital film commission.
dOCUMENTA 13, Kassel, Germany. Funded by Slade School of Fine Art.
London Ambassador Excellence Award. From the Greater London Authority, UK.
Leonardo Electronic Almanac New Media Exhibition.
Life! Best Multimedia Design Award nomination for Vagina Monologues.
Singapore representative. Guangzhou Triennale, China.
Singapore representative. Asian Art Biennale, Bangladesh.
Invited to participate in Nanjing Triennale.
Invited Curator of film programme, Cinema South Festival, Israel.
Multimedia Designer, Performer (Chekov’s Masha). Spotlight Singapore in Moscow. Commissioned by The Arts House.
Audiences: Senior Russian and Singaporean Ministers. Moscow International Performance Arts Centre, Dom Muzyki.
Named ‘one of Singapore’s foremost video artists’ by curator Dr Eugene Tan in Contemporary Art In Singapore.
Young Artist Award, a top National Arts Council award received from the Singapore President.
Public Commission for permanent video installation. Commissioned by Land Transport Authority, Singapore.
Singapore Representative. Biennale of Sydney. Exhibition. Artist-In-Residency. Masterclasses.
Named ‘a media artist to look out for’ by curator Johan Pijnappel in Japanese publication Art It.
President’s Young Talents Award, Singapore Art Museum.
Official Selection. Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival New Currents Japan.
Official Selection.Transmediale, Germany.
Videos collected by Fukuoka Art Museum, Japan.
Merit Award, New Visions (Video), 42nd San Francisco International Film Festival, USA.
8th Panasonic Video Awards with stop-motion animation.
The Most Promising Young Artist Award, UOB 12th Painting of the Year.
Certificate of Distinction, Phillipe Charriol Contemporary Art Competition, Singapore.
Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland.
Slade Summer Research Residency. London, UK.
Villa Straeuli, Winterthur. Switzerland.
Japan Foundation. Beppu, Japan.
Flaggfabrikken - Center for Photography and Art. Norway.
‘Trade Routes/Converging Cultures: Southeast Asian and Asian American Women.’ Manila, Dumaguete, Philippines.
Biennale of Sydney. Perth, Canberra, Sydney, Australia.
NIFCA-Theatreworks Artist-In-Residency Award. Suommenlinna, Finland.
Flying Circus Project. Theatreworks Singapore. With Atlas Group, Jerome Bel. Curator: Keng Sen Ong.
As lecturer, pathway leader, assessor
External Assessor. Art Education with Management module. Singapore Institute of Management University.
Tutor. Open College of Arts, UK. In Contextual Studies, Art History, Drawing.
Tutor. UCL. In Teaching in H.E, to PhD students, School of Life and Medical Studies.
Visiting Lecturer. Critical and Historical Studies Programme, Royal College of Art.
Visiting Lecturer. School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University.
Visiting Assessor, Lecturer. Foundational Course, London College of Communication. UK.
Keynote Speaker. Art & Music Education Conference, Ministry of Education, Singapore.
Adjunct Lecturer. School of the Arts, Singapore. In Digital Arts.
Visiting Lecturer. Conducted Masterclasses & workshops at Photomedia, School of Arts, ANU; School of Film & Video,
ECU; Faculty of Communications & Creative Industries, School of Contemporary Arts. Australia.
Pathway Leader. Full-time Lecturer. Faculty of Media Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore.
Led Video Art Pathway in innovations, enhancements & strategies;
Contributed to planning of policies and examinations in Faculty of Media Art; member of planning committees at College-level;
Responded to the College’s potential for cross-faculty collaboration such as co-teaching and creating collaborative show with
Fashion School;
Initiated & facilitated nation-wide partnerships & collaborations such as with Theatreworks;
Coordinated, organised & conducted assessment activities according to the College’s policies and QAA Guidelines;
2008: Improved Video Art programme by rewriting programme description according to Quality Assurance Agency benchmarks
for Higher Education. Programme was subsequently successfully re-validated by the Open University UK;
Administered & coordinated all operational aspects of teaching, learning & course delivery for the Video Art Pathway;
Developed & designed contents & structure of Video Art;
Ensured learning & teaching strategy of programme was effectively delivered;
Taught major curriculum components in Video Art (minimum 18 hours per week);
Supervised students at Postgraduate Level on their thesis films and projects;
Developed staffing profiles in terms of research and relevant qualifications;
Managed staff members, including part-time faculty;
Interviewed & selected lecturers and prospective students;
Coordinated with other divisions such as the Learning Centre, Student Services, Marketing and Academic Administration;
Promoted profile of Video Art pathway nationally and internationally, such as by curating exhibitions of works by students
within college and internationally;
Initiated & facilitated international partnerships such as curating students’ work for the Sight Media Festival at in Tokyo;
Represented LASALLE in Tokyo for meetings & presentations;
Organised talks & workshops by Singaporean & international artists & curators;
Provided pastoral care to students.
Given Kai’s interdisciplinary background, she also delivered lectures, seminars and tutorials at other schools including The Puttnam
School of Film and the Faculty of Fine Arts.
Visiting Lecturer. Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines.
Adjunct Lecturer. Multimedia. LASALLE-SIA College of the Arts, Singapore.
1998-2001: Full-time Lecturer. School of Film and Media Studies, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore.
Led, designed & taught courses in production and theory, including: ‘Film Theory & Aesthetics’, ‘Film History’, ‘Set
Design’, ‘Storyboarding for Multimedia’;
Proposed, designed & successfully ran ‘Experimental Projects’ course;
Assisted in the coordination and teaching of 16mm Filmmaking course;
Supervised thesis film projects.
As advisor
Advisor. Delhi International Film Festival, India. Also initiated partnership between the Slade and DIFF.
Digital Arts Consultant. School of the Arts, Singapore.
Judge. Fly By Night, an annual filmmaking competition, Singapore.
Mentor. To young film curators from secondary schools, Asian Film Archive, Singapore.
2007–12: Expert Panel Member approving funding proposals of up to £125,000. Media Development Authority Singapore.
Judge. Scholarship Selection Panel, Japanese Chambers of Commerce & Industry, Singapore.
Focus Group Member. Ministry of Education, Singapore
Focus Group Member. Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI), Singapore.
Focus Group Member. National Arts Council for its New Media Arts Fund, Singapore.
Committee Member. Ministry of Education’s Video Awards, Singapore.
1998-9: Activities Chair. Thomson Video Club Management Committee, Singapore.
As curator
Visual Director. Opening & Closing Ceremonies, 8 ASEAN Para Games, Singapore.
4 2015:
RUN! RUN! RUN! Programme at Anti Festival Finland.
Working in partnership that Kai initiated with Leeds Art Gallery, curate programme RUN! RUN! RUN! LEEDS which
features city-wide regular runs, research meetings, heritage tours and workshops.
Exhibition with book launch The Art of Running: Text and Images by Artists Who Like Running & Runners Who Like Art.
Visual Director, Lyricist. Closing Ceremony of the Handover Performance, 27th South East Asian Games, Myanmar.
Invited Curator, Advisory Board Member. Delhi International Film Festival, India.
Curator. Programme of South East Asian films, 7th Cinema South Festival in Sderot, Israel.
Curator. 30-minute programme of Video Art. SIGHT Media Festival, Tokyo, Japan.
Curator. Performer. 2 events, Tokyo Wonder Site, Japan. Curator. Opening event of exhibition Twilight Tomorrow. Designed publicity materials. Wrote an essay about ‘laptop
cinema performance’ movement. Singapore Art Museum.
Curator, Artist, Speaker, Performer, Moderator. Solo exhibition ISLANDHOPPING. ASK Gallery. Chaired discussion with
pioneer video artist Takahiko Iimura, Tokyo, Japan.
Chairperson. Thomson Video Club organising committee of Singapore’s First Junior Video Awards. Organised and
conducted video-making workshops.
As researcher
Research Fellow. Leeds College of Art, UK.
Volunteer. Department of Paintings, Prints and Drawings, Museum of London.
Curator's Assistant. National Art Gallery, Singapore.
Fellow, Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, UK.
Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK (in application).
Member, Running Cultures Research Network (academics studying running as artistic and social innovation).
Director, Founder, RUN! RUN! RUN! International Body For Research.
Artistic Associate, Philbeat, Singapore.
Associate Fellow, Higher Education Academy.
Media Coverage (Selected)
2015: To be featured in a Fox/NatGeo TV series, British Council and National Arts Council (Singapore) educational
programmes, and publication Singapore Eye.
Lockwood, A. 2014. ‘Running and academia: the intellectual aspect of pounding the pavements’. Guardian. June 30.
Hindley, D. 2014. ‘Run Run Run! An International Festival of Running.’ Running the Line. June 27.
H.R. Cobby, 2014 February 6, How to Stop Worrying and Love (Running), UCL Art Museum Blog.
Wang, Y.M, 2012: ‘Artistic Sibilings Products of a Liberal Household’. Lianhe Zaobao Fukan.
A. Brown, 2012, The Games: Inspiring Images. Featuring ‘Kaidie’s 2012 Nondon Olympics Photo Finish.’ 2012: June: Interview at Chinese-language newspaper Lianhe Zaobao Fukan, Singapore
Stadtfilter Radio Winterthur, 2010. Radio Interview.
CNN GO, 2010 February: ‘Virtual visual art - Where on Google Earth is Kaidie Nondon?’. Arts Page.
M, Martin, 2011 October 10. ‘All Round Performance’, on performance art in Singapore. Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
M, Martin, 2011 June 13. ‘Video Art Gets A Screening In Blockbuster Show’. Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
D, Koh & A, Teo, 2011. ‘Strokes of Genius’. Singapore Tatler. Edipresse Singapore Pte Ltd, p.138.
M, Martin, 2010 April 30. ‘Next Stop, Art. Turn Commuting On The Circle Line Into Art.’ Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
2009. ‘Live’ on Japanese Television show on Kai’s artist-in-residency at the Mixed Bathing World Festival, Beppu, Japan.
M, Martin, 2010 March 23. ‘iPlay’, Today. Singapore Press Holdings.
Tan, L.J, 2008 October. ‘8Q-Rate: School’. iSh magazine. Interview on Kai’s work. 49-57.
Chua, A. 2008 August 14. ‘Quirky 8Q’. On 8Q’s inaugural show. The Straits Times: Life! C1-3.
2008. Named by then Director of Singapore Art Museum Dr Kwok Kian Chow as a favourite artist. Men’s Style magazine.
M. Koh, 2007, Portrait of an Artist... at Home and Abroad, IS Singapore online magazine.
Chia, A, 2007. ‘Siblings Among Young Artists’. About the Young Artist’s Award. The Straits Times: Life! 7.
Clements, T, 2006. ‘Bigger Than Christmas’. Sydney Morning Herald. June. Australia.
Rightangle Productions, 2007 November. ‘Philip Tan and Tan Kai Syng’. In Bloodline to the Arts. 30 minute Arts Central
Television programme on artistic families featuring Kai with her brother composer Philip Tan. Singapore.
2004: Sunday Art Museum. Interview in Fuji Television’s programme for exhibition at the Uplink Gallery. Japan.
2004: 30-minute TV programme in Arts Central by VHQ on local filmmakers. Singapore.
Nayar, P, 2000. ‘Moving Images’. Business Times. Singapore. EL1-2. 2-page spread about DENSE, Kai’s exhibition at the
Alliance Francaise du Singapour. Discussions about Video Art, and interview about film Chlorine Addiction.
Holderness, M., 1998. 'Managers Reclaim the Sites'. Times Higher Education.
Citation in Research Papers
Chen, L. 2009. Contra-indications: Corporeality, Iconicity and Representation in Singapore Lesbian Theatre. PhD thesis,
National University of Singapore.
Schneider, JG, 2007. ‘Singapore 2007 Medienkunst’. Springerin (Documenta magazine). Austria.
Biggs, S. 2008. New Media: The ‘First Word’ in Art?
Su, R, 2008. Walking in the City: Urban Space, Body, Performance Art. National University of Singapore. BA Dissertation.
Chee, M.J, 2007. The Practice of Tactical Art By Women Artists in Singapore. MA Thesis. University of Sydney. 50-52.
Uhde, J and Y Ng-Uhde, 2004. ‘Singapore Cinema: Spotlight on Short Film Production’. In: S. Siddique Harvey Screening
Southeast Asia. Spectator 24:2 (Fall 2004): 18 - 26.
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Yow, S.K., 2008. ‘The Asian Traditional in the Works of Liu Kang and Tan Kai Syng’, paper presented at ISEA International
Symposium on Electronic Art 25 July – 3 August, Singapore.
Exhibition Catalogues, Reviews (Selected)
Stephens, J. 2013. Yonder Catalogue. Perth Institute of Contemporary Arts.
Zhuang, J, 2013. Art In Transit: Circle Line MRT – Singapore. Land Transport Authority. 24-27.
Kwok, K, 2008. 8Q Sam, 8Q-Rate: School. Catalogue essay by Director Kwok Kian Chow.
2008: Guangdong Museum. 3rd Guangzhou Triennale 2008 Official Catalogue.
Oon, C, 2007. ‘Walk on the Art Side’. Article: The SAS Companion. Singapore. 1-2.
Tan, E, 2007. ‘Tan Kai Syng’. In: G. Nadarajan, R. Storer and E. Tan eds. Contemporary Art In Singapore. Institute of
Contemporary Arts. Singapore. 142- 145.
2007. Profile, Young Artist Award 2007. National Arts Council. Singapore.
Tan, E, 2006. ‘Apology, Re-imagining 15.2.1942—15.8.1945: Tan Kai Syng’. Move On Asia: Clash and Network Single
Channel Video Art Festival 2006 catalogue. Seoul. 216 – 219.
Pijnappel, J, 2006. ‘Kai Syng Tan: ISLANDHOPPING In-Conclusion Sydney Leg 2006’. Biennale of Sydney. Sydney. 268-269.
C.J. W-L Wee, 2006. “After Theory–and into ‘Zones of Contact’?” In: N. Bullockc and R. Keehan eds, Zones of Contact 2006
Biennale of Sydney: A Critical Reader. Artspace Visual Arts Centre. 43-44.
Yap, J, 2006. ‘Tan Kai Syng’. In: ISLANDED: Contemporary Art from Singapore, New Zealand, Taiwan. 42-45.
2005: Future of Art, Science, and Technology. Daejeon Museum of Art, Korea. 138-139.
S. Merali, ed. 2005. Politics of Fun, Spaces & Shadows Catalogue, House of World Cultures, Germany. 131, 147, 165.
Messmer, S. 2005. ‘The Manic Collector’. Culturebase <> Germany.
Pijnappel, J, 2005. ‘World Specialists Identify Asian Media Artists To Watch’. Art It: Japan’s First Bilingual Art Quarterly.
2005 (6). Japan. 79-84. Named ‘a media artist to look out for’.
Kawai, M, 2004. In: Bijutsu Techo (‘Art Handbook’), June 2004 publication, Japan.
Wee, C.J. W-L. 2004. ‘One Of The Greatest Shows On Earth In The “Global City for the Arts’”. In Twilight Tomorrow
Catalogue. Singapore Art Museum. Singapore. 12-17.
Yap, J, 2003. ‘Kino Kinetics’. In: Multigraf srl-Spinea Ve ed. Open 2003: Arte & Cinema. Arte Communications. Venice. 72-73.
Fan, J. 2003. ‘An Artist’s Statement of Non-Intentions’. In: The President’s Young Talents Exhibition 2003. Singapore Art
Museum. Singapore. 55-61.
Lee, F. 2002. In: Selves. Ministry of Communication Arts–National Arts Council. Singapore.
Go, K. 2001. ‘I Don't Want To Categorize This Film’. In: YIDFF Organizing Committee, ed. Yamagata International
Documentary Film Festival 2001 Festival Report. Japan. 31.
2001: ‘New Asian Currents: Chlorine Addiction’. In: YIDFF Organizing Committee, ed. Yamagata International Documentary
Film Festival 2001 catalogue. Japan.
2000: Young Artists Speak. MICA. Singapore.
Brunswick Square Gardens. Gardener. Litter-Picker. London, UK.
Runner & fundraiser, such as for Shelter (£1520), 2011 Virgin London Marathon.
Lewisham Homes. Photographer, helper. Football, gardening, dance activities.
Helper. Art workshop, Get More Bikes, London, UK.
London Ambassador. 2012 London Olympics. Won Excellence Award.
Helper. Art workshop, ‘Johnnie’ Johnson Housing, Manchester.
Bloomsbury Festival Guide. On Art & Society. Bloomsbury Festival. London, UK.
Cultural Bloomsbury Guide. Lead visitors on monthly tours, London, UK.
Facilitator. Mapping session with Dr. Jamie O'Brien at Headway East.
Japanese-English Interpreter for Mom/n/dad productions. RESFEST, Singapore.
Other skills
Adept in a range of digital softwares for art-production, teaching, project management and research (including Word,
Wordpress, Photoshop, Avid, Final Cut Pro, Mimsy, Moodle). Adept in both Windows and Mac systems.
Underwent training at UCL in basic computer programming (including PSP, MySQL, Dreamweaver).
Languages: Spoken: English, Mandarin, Japanese. Writing & Reading: English, Chinese, Japanese.
Perfect pitch. Perfect hearing. Classical piano Grade 8. (Distinctions ABRSM practical and theory exams 1990-1)
Reviews <>; Profile <>
Clip of permanent public video commission (since 2009) <>
House of World Cultures Interview (2005) <>
Current research
The RUN! RUN! RUN! International Body for Research website <>
Guardian review of RUN! RUN! RUN! International Festival of Running <>
RUN! RUN! RUN! International Festival of Running 1.0 #r3fest <>
Leonardo exhibition & interview (2011)<>
Video clip of PhD research <>; PhD thesis 2013
As artist (selected from more than 400 shows in 50 cities)
Museum of London Film Commission.
Travelling show Move on Asia. ZKM; Beijing Commune in China; Alternative Space Loop in Korea et al. Curated by Jinsuk
Suh, Fabian Offert. With Chen Chieh-Jen, Gao Shi Qiang and Song Dong.
Yonder. Curated by Jasmin Stephens. Perth Institute of Contemporary Art, Australia. With Simon Faithful.
Singapore representative for Olympics-themed show Lens On Twelve. Connaught Brown Gallery, London. Also featuring:
Marie-Jo Lafontaine, Chen Chieh-Jen and Jun Nguyen-Hatsushiba.
London Ambassador. Greater London Authority. 2012 London Olympics.
Making Space. Slade Research Centre. Keynote speakers: Grayson Perry, Martin Creed.
Leonardo New Media Exhibition: Re-Drawing Boundaries. Senior curators: Lanfranco Aceti and Christiane Paul. With Teri
Reub, Jeremy Wood, Mez, Stanza.
Permanent public video installation. Commissioned by Land Transport Authority. Singapore.
Featured Artist. Art Singapore: The Contemporary Asian Art Fair. Performance, exhibition, screening.
Film collaboration with Claudia Tomaz (Venice, Locarno Film Festivals).
Guangzhou Triennale. Curators and other artists include Gao Shiming, Sarat Maharaj, Werner Herzog, Trinh T. Minh-ha.
Video installation. Commissioned by 8Q sam contemporary art space for inaugural exhibition.
Interactive video tour. Curator: Joselina Cruz. ‘Curating Lab’. Singapore Art Show.
Biennale of Sydney. Gallery 4A. Curator: Charles Merewether. Australia.
ISLANDED: Contemporary Art from New Zealand, Taiwan and Singapore. Adam Art Gallery. Wellington Arts Festival.
Digital Paradise: Media Art from Singapore. Daejeon Museum of Art. Korea.
Contemporary Art from South East Asia. House of World Cultures. Curators: Keng Sen Ong, Rikrit Tiravanija. Berlin.
The 3rd Women's Arts Festival Fantastic Asia. Organised by Feminist Artists' Network. Also features Yayoi Kusama. Sung
Kok Art Museum, Seoul, Korea.
Japanese Experimental Cinema Programme. Also features Matsumoto Toshio. New York Film Anthology, MOMA, Irvine
College, USA.
Singapore Season. Performance, exhibition, screening. Institute of Contemporary Arts. Curated by Ong Keng Sen. UK.
Asia Video Art Conference. Outlounge, Pola Annex Museum. Performance, screening. Run by Video Center Tokyo.
President’s Young Talents Exhibition. Singapore Art Museum.
Singapore representative. Open 2003, 6th International Exhibition of Sculpture & Installations. Venice.
Centre Georges Pompidou: European-Asian collaborative exhibition Sonic Process, curated by Matthieu O’Neil. France.
3 new installations. 60s Now!, part of Heritage Festival. Singapore Art Museum.
Official selection. Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival New Asian Currents, Japan.
Shot In The Face. Earl Lu Gallery. With Song Dong and Zhang Peili.
Transmediale.01. Berlin, Germany.
Video screening. Fukuoka Asia Art Museum. Japan.
Official selection. 42nd San Francisco International Film Festival. Winner of Certificate of Merit. Golden Gate Award.
Official selection. British Short Film Festival. Empire Leicester Square: 16mm Brookfield Zoo screened. UK
Official selection. 8th Panasonic Video Awards with stop-motion animation, Singapore.
The Most Promising Young Artist Award. UOB 12th Painting of the Year, Singapore.
Certificate of Distinction. Phillipe Charriol Contemporary Art Competition, Singapore.
As curator and exhibiting artist
Visual Director, Opening and Closing ceremonies, 8 ASEAN Para Games. Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore.
RUN! RUN! RUN! Programme at Anti Festival Finland.
Working in partnership that Kai initiated with Leeds Art Gallery, curate programme RUN! RUN! RUN! LEEDS which
features city-wide regular runs, research meetings, heritage tours and workshops.
Exhibition with book launch The Art of Running: Text and Images by Artists Who Like Running & Runners Who Like Art.
Curator (with Dr Alan Latham, UCL Geography). RUN! RUN! RUN! An International Festival of Running 1.0. Slade
Research Centre. Exhibiting artists include Jo Volley, Veronique Chance, Carali McCall, James Steventon.
Visual Director. Closing Ceremony of the Handover Performance, 27th South East Asian Games, Myanmar.
Programme of South East Asian films, 7th Cinema South Festival in Sderot, Israel.
30-minute programme of Video Art. SIGHT Media Festival, Tokyo, Japan.
2 events with musician Christophe Charles and dancer Takao Kawaguchi. Tokyo Wonder Site, Japan. Opening event of exhibition Twilight Tomorrow with composers Philip Tan and Christophe Charles, video artist Kawai
Masayuki. Singapore Art Museum.
Solo exhibition ISLANDHOPPING. ASK Gallery. Chaired discussion with pioneer video artist Takahiko Iimura, Tokyo,
In preparation: journal publications (peer-reviewed).
In preparation: monograph publication.
In preparation: anthology publications.
Tan, K.S., 2014 September. RUN! RUN! RUN! Highgate Harriers Gate. Issue #29.
Tan, K.S., 2013 August 13. The Physical and Poetic Processes of Running: A Playful Way To Transform Our World Today.
Unpublished PhD thesis. 347 pages, 120,000-words total, 200 colour plates, with a 15-minute film.
• Tan, K.S., 2008. ‘Monster’. In: Casarino, C, Sawhney, S and Mowitt, J, ed. 2012. Cultural Critique Number 80, a peer-reviewed
publication by University of Minnesota Press.
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Tan, K.S., 2010. ‘A Mini Rough Guide To The Rough Guide’. In: Gabriel, M., ed. 2011. Upgrade! Soft Borders, pp.111-117.
Tan, K.S., 2010. ‘My Time Interview: Kaidie and Life 3.0’. In: Neuhaus, F., ed. 2010. Blog of Urban Tick.
Tan, K.S., 2008. 2 commissioned essays for 7th Cinema South Festival Catalogue. Israel.
Tan, K.S., 2007: ‘The Rather Terrible Slaughter of the Tour Guide!’ In Shen, Q., ed. Soft Power. China. 165-170.
Tan, K.S., 2007. ‘Dis-eases / Cease-Fires’. In: Wendland, T., ed. Asia Europe Mediations: Contemporary Asian and European Art
(catalogue). Poland. 78-79.
Tan, K.S., 2005. ‘Programme notes: Works by Video Art students’. Sight Media Festival 2005. Japan.
Tan, K.S., 2005. ISLANDHOPPING 2002-2005 Japan. Unpublished MA thesis written in the Japanese language that explores
the Japanese aesthetic concept of ‘ma’. 130 pages.
Tan, K.S., 2005. ‘ISLANDHOPPING’. In: Musashino Art University Graduate School Graduation Exhibition 2004. Musashino Art
University. Japan. 185-186
Tan, K.S., 2004. ‘One of the Greatest Shows On Earth’. In: Yap, J., ed. Twilight Tomorrow (catalogue). Singapore Art Museum.
Singapore. 18-23. Commissioned essay on the phenomena of the ‘live’ laptop music and video performance.
Tan, K.S., 2002. ‘Tremblings Measuring Nothing On Any Scale’. iSh magazine. Singapore. Tan, K.S., 2000. Strokes & Overlaps. Distributed internationally by Select Books. Singapore. Also housed in the reference
section of the National Library Bras Basah Road Singapore.
Tan, K.S., 2000. ‘DENSE’. Interview in M. O’Neil ed. Lien. May-August. Alliance Francaise du Singapour. Singapore. 16-19.
Tan, K.S., 1998. ‘The Fine Art Awards...‘ across 13 pages in Proud, D. ed. The Slade Journal, Vol.2. Slade School, UK.
Tan, K.S., 1997. mud, mY uNOFFICIAL dUMPINGGROUND London. Large hypertext website.
Tan, K.S., 1995. ‘Babe Babe My Lovely Babe’. In T. Sharp, ed. Small Talk. Arrival Press. UK.
American Geographers Conference, Chicago, USA.
Malmo University, Sweden (by invitation).
The Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw.
ESRC funded Running Dialogues, London (by invitation).
UCL Art Museum, London UK (by invitation).
UCL Art Museum, London UK (by invitation).
South East Asian Arts Festival 2014 London (by invitation).
Museum of London Film Commission.
Synergize2014. Lancaster University. Performance-Lecture and Running Discourse.
AHRC and National Arts Council-funded Pop Up Pop Up by Dr Hilary Powell.
Sensingsite. Central St Martins. Convened by Susan Trangmar, Duncan White, Steven Ball.
Invited Speaker. Time-Based Media Art Programme, UCL Art Museum.
Invited Speaker. PolyPly 24. Poetic Research Centre, Royal Holloway University.
European Art Research Network (EARN) Conference at dOCUMENTA 13. Kassel, Germany.
Annual Research Day. Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University. Opened by Prof. John Urry.
Sexuate Subjects: Politics, Poetics and Ethics. UCL. Keynote speaker: Dr Luce Irigaray.
Upgrade! Soft Borders New Media International Conference. Sao Paulo. Also featuring Jo-Anne Green.
DRHA 2010 Conference. Brunel University, London, UK. Also featuring Stelarc.
Off the Shelf Word And Image Festival. UCL. Curated by Sharon Morris, Jon Thomson.
Invited Speaker. Human-Machine Relationships in 20-Century East Asia Conference & Publication, Oxford University.
Invited Speaker. My Sightseeing & Walking Efforts 1994 – 2011. National Museum Singapore.
Invited Speaker. 1) Round-table discussion. National Museum of Canberra. With Charles Merewether, Ken Lum. And
Takemura Kei. 2) Teaching of Art Practice Symposium, College of Fine Arts, Sydney. 3) Museum of Sydney.
Invited Speaker. The (Un)Finished Work: Making Music & Video in Real Time. Musashino Art University, Japan.
Invited Speaker. Design Communications Department, Tama Art University. With Christophe Charles, Tokyo, Japan.
Invited Speaker. Twilight Tomorrow Conference, Singapore Art Museum.
Invited Speaker. Asia Video Art Conference. Pola Annex Museum, Japan.
Invited Speaker. Round table discussion. Yamagata in Tokyo: POST-FICTION!, at Box Higashi Nakano, Tokyo Japan.
Invited Speaker. Symposium. With Kees Barker, Jon Jost. Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, Japan.
Invited Speaker. Histories of SVideo Art. Earl Lu Gallery. With Song Dong and Lin Tian Miao, Singapore.
Solo shows
World premiere of film 20 Ways Trans-Running Can Transform Your World. Slade School of Fine Art, London, UK.
Tokyo, Japan: 30 May: Kai Syng Tan Special Programme. 4-hour screening. Space NEO. Premiere of new works; artist’s
talk with noted film Curator Fujioka Asako.
Tokyo, Japan: ISLANDHOPPING IN-CONCLUSION Spring 2005 9-21 May, Gallery Surge. ‘Live’ performance with laptop
musicians Tamaru and Adachi Tomomi
London, UK: Curated by Ong Keng Sen. Institute of Contemporary Arts, London. Part of the Singapore Season:
90-minute ‘live’ lecture performance of ISLANDHOPPING UK LEG at Brandon Room;
Solo exhibition at Digital Studios with 5 computers and mountains of artefacts;
4 projections of works at the Cafeteria.
Tokyo, Japan: 13-25 September: ISLANDHOPPING Fall Variation at Gallery Surge. Performance with computer music
pioneer artists Carl Stone, and Christophe Charles.
Tokyo, Japan: first major installment of ISLANDHOPPING at ASK gallery in Ginza. Exhibited approximately 60 movies
programmed by artist Takano Satoru on MAX/MSP. The installation was commissioned and sponsored by Musashino Art
8 2004:
Singapore: Multimedia designer for Eve Ensler’s Vagina Monologues, directed by Loretta Chen, Drama Centre.
Nominated for ‘Life’ Theatre Awards for Multimedia Design.
Moscow, Russia: Video Artist and Performer in Spotlight Singapore in Moscow: Generation/s, performance conducted
and composed by Iskandar Ismail, directed by Ivan Heng, presented by The Arts House. The performance took place at
the Moscow International Performance Arts Centre Dom Muzyki on 4 June, to a high-profile audience that included Senior
Minister Goh Chok Tong and senior Russian ministers.
Singapore: Open Singapore Arts Festival 2001 with an Ivan Heng production of Ovidia Yu’s Woman On A Tree In A Hill
as visual artist and ‘live’ performer, with Korea’s Gong Myong percussion band and others. Jubilee Hall.
Performances (Selected)
University Alpha M Project. Opening reception featured talk I conducted with Takahiko Iimura, legendary Fluxus video artist.
Tokyo, Japan: Over a 2-hour Tan Kai Syng Special Programme: ISLANDHOPPING and Chlorine Addiction (2000)
screened, followed by ‘live’ performance and talk at the Yamagata In Tokyo 2004: Documentary Dream Show.
Singapore: Pardon My French!, Screening and installation of new video art pieces, Alliance Francaise de Singapour.
With Jon Rose. New Directions Music Festival, organised by the School of Music, LASALLE College of the Arts,
Australia: 60-minute lecture-performance 3 ISLANDS/3 DECADES, Museum of Sydney.
Japan: Musashino Art University. Performed ‘live’ (30-minutes) with Christophe Charles.
Tokyo, Japan: ‘Live’ interactive audio-visual performance: Taki Kentaro X Kai Syng Tan X Ryota Hamazaki Session 2:
Game Piece, Out-lounge, Tokyo.
Tokyo, Japan: ‘Live’ audio-visual performance accompanied by Christophe Charles at Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of
Photography. Feature Paroxysms & Non Continuous Whiles.
Tokyo, Japan: February 25: Invited to perform at the 11 Nippon International Performance Art festival (NIPAF ’04) at Die
Pratze. ‘Live’ performance entitled Amuse Me.
Tokyo, Japan: Invited to perform and talk at Artists’ Night Vol. 3, an overnight event at Tokyo Wonder Site gallery.
Featured 4 sets of work, including 3 ‘live’ performances:
In a programme on works about Tokyo, PRE-TEXTS: RE-FORMULATED STRUCTURES with sound by
Christophe Charles was presented and discussed, alongside a screening by Fluxus artist Takahiko Iimura;
BE SIDES THE POINTS, a new work directed and conceptualised by Kai who invited Dumb Type
choreographer/dancer Takao Kawaguchi, and sound artist Christophe Charles to work with her;
Another new work SOUS TITRE / FUKIKAE / SUBTEXTS [RUBI] performance with Kotaro William Tokuhisa
(voice) and Belgium Isabelle Mairiaux (voice);
DYING FOR…, with a musical composition set to the visual score created by Kai.
Tokyo, Japan.: Perform ‘live’ video with concert pianist Keiko Sato on piano, Christophe Charles on computer, hearingimpaired Mr. Yonoiyama with body. Visual Music for the Deaf, Sight Media Festival, Sony Somido Building.
Tokyo, Japan. Invited to perform ‘live’. PRE-TEXTS. With Christophe Charles. Tokyo Designers Week.
Other group shows (Selected)
Seoul, South Korea: City_Net Asia, Seoul Museum of Art. Featuring artists from India, Japan, Seoul and Guangzhou.
Showed The Rather Terrible Slaughter of the Tour Guide!
Shanghai, China: Exhibited The Rather Terrible Slaughter of the Tour Guide! Zendai Museum of Modern Art. Soft Power,
curated by Shen Qibin.
Changwon, South Korea: Singapore representative. Exhibited DIS-EASES / CEASE-FIRES. Changwon 2007 Asia Art
Festival: Peach Flower, Apricot Flower.
Poznan National Museum, Poland and Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany. Asia-Europe Mediations: Asian Attitude.
Curators: Harro Schmidt and Shen Qibin. Showed 2 new works. Other artists in the show include Song Dong.
London UK: Candida Arts Trust: Painkiller for My Foreign Body: A Showcase of Singapore Film and Video (1967-2007)
by Asian Film Archive. Shared Chlorine Addiction.
Brisbane, Australia: State Library of Queensland, South Bank: Apology and A Plethora of Histories screened at MAAP
Multimedia Art Asia Pacific 2006 Out of The Internet.
Tokyo, Japan: Athene Francaise: A Plethora of Histories, and Apology at Documentary Dream Show by invitation.
Organised by Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival office. Other works shown are that by Apichatpong
Weerasethakul and Kentaro Taki.
Goteborg, Sweden: ISLANDHOPPING in Goteborg Open Lab, curated by Ong Keng Sen.
Singapore: Earl Lu Gallery: ISLANDHOPPING NZ Summer Leg, Singapore Arts Festival. This is the 2 leg of the
travelling group show ISLANDED. Conducted Artist’s Talk.
First exhibited at Seoul, South Korea: Alternative Space Loop. Organised by AAF, Korea. ‘Apology’ screened at Move On
Asia. Other locations: Tokyo Wonder Site, Osaka Electro-Communication University Shijogawara, Plus Gallery in Aichi,
Japan, Beijing’s Arario Gallery and Shanghai’s Duolun Museum of Modern Art, both China.
Seoul, Korea: Sung Kok Art Museum: The 3rd Women's Arts Festival Fantastic Asia. Organised by Feminist Artists'
Network. Present ‘Apology’. Also features Yayoi Kusama.
Tokyo, Japan: Somido Hall: Artist’s Talk, screening of videos and ‘live’ performance with young Yosuke Arai at Sight
Media Festival, a media exhibition for the hearing and hearing-impaired curated by composer Keiko Sato, at Sony
Building’s Somido Hall in Ginza.
9 2004:
USA: New York Film Anthology, MOMA, and Irvine College: A featured artist in Japanese Experimental Cinema
Programme, a study of Japanese avant garde cinema from 1950s. The show includes retrospectives of video art giant
Matsumoto Toshio.
Singapore Art Museum: ‘The Big Big 21 century Sci-Fi Disaster Horror Movie’ exhibited in SENI, Singapore’s trial
Rotterdam, Netherlands: On special invitation to screen ‘SemiillogicalSpores’ at public space on a 15mX20m screen at
Cineboards 2004, organised by Stitching Picos.
Paris, France: ‘Pre-Texts: Pre-formulated Structures’ exhibited in public space in joint project between students of BeauxArts Ecole de Paris and Musashino Art University
Singapore Art Museum: ‘The Big Big Horror Sci-Fi Movie’, in Twilight Tomorrow.
Tokyo, Japan: Uplink Gallery: Participate in group exhibition as Special Guest. Install Dying For. Interviewed in Fuji TV’s
Art Museum programme.
Tokyo, Japan: Superdeluxe. Documented dance performance DDD by Dumb Type artist Takao Kawaguchi; edited DVD.
Paris, France: Centre Georges Pompidou: My video was one of the ‘mixes’ in a European-Asian collaborative exhibition
Sonic Process, curated by Matthieu O’Neil.
Copenhagen, Denmark: ‘How Far From The Truths’, at Video Programme 2002.
Tokyo, Japan: Box Higashi Nakano. At POST-FICTION!, premiered Tokyo Tremour Triplet.
Tokyo, Japan: Tama Center Cultural Complex: Talk and screening of Chlorine Addiction, Parthenon Tama Asian
Documentary Festival.
Tokyo, Japan: Box Higashi Nakano cinema: Talks and screening of Chlorine Addiction, in Yamagata in Tokyo Festival
Singapore: Singapore Art Museum: 4-projection video installation I Am Fit For Life as part of the Nokia Singapore Arts
CHICAGO, USA: The Empty Bottle: Chlorine Addiction screened at Discount Cinema.
New York, USA: Video Lounge. A chapter from Chlorine Addiction screened at Outer Limits, a showcase of International
Film and Video Art.
California, USA: University of Southern California School of Fine Art. The entire Chlorine Addiction screened at Art In
Motion Festival.
Brussels, Belgium: Several films exhibited at Video Take, organised by A Prior.
Singapore: Alliance Francaise du Singapour. DENSE. Premiered Chlorine Addiction, arguably the 1st video-art
exhibition in Singapore - and with an interactive DVD!
UK: Slade School Of Fine Art, University College London. Slade School Summer Degree Show. 5 sets of works exhibited,
including a video trilogy, sound installation, 23-page satirical questionnaire, large hypertext and a series of short films.