10 - Centerville/Western Wayne News, Wednesday, February 25, 2015 LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ORDINANCE NO. 2015-04 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE TOWN OF CENTERVILLE, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA, PLACING THE SAME WITHIN THE CORPORATE BOUNDARIES THEREOF AND MAKING THE SAME A PART OF THE TOWN OF CENTERVILLE Bulldogs Boys Basketball Team Take Two in TEC The Bulldogs picked up two wins this past week away from home, Isaiah Michaels wrestled in the state tournament and a petition. The boys’ basketball state tournament draw was held Sunday afternoon. Boys’ Basketball The boys’ basketball team travelled to Union City on Tuesday night to battle the Indians. Centerville took an 18-16 lead !" #$ # %%!# #$&!''# #(#)$$* City rolled around the rim as the horn sounded…and rolled off! Sam Shaw led the team in scoring with 18 and in rebounding #3 47$(9(#:#!$ Titans. It was a blowout from the start as the Bulldogs grabbed 3;" 3" ' # % ' "(( #9(#($ ;<=>#( 9((#3'#?>3 (#$!?# 3 Swimming $@#(!($ A#DE(>!9( 9 G H$#$J<< $ K!:((J)LJ9GJM :(<< $ :((J:J LJG $ #($ >$J# ! # ?$E(###!! vehicle accident. The bus they were riding was damaged badly J $J# &!@L$D (!( # A#D!(#DE(>$(!# $ 7$>$ Wrestling Isaiah Michaels wrestled Friday night in the152 lb. class and #&(J ily, and the coaches and teammates. Boys State Basketball Tournament Three hundred ninety-seven teams were drawn today and 3<')E>))9$9>$D7!$ @ !( the boys and girls high school state tournaments. > ( ( $J ? J and run through Saturday, March 7, with the regional round slated ?3?3 ( # $ 9: 7>$J?= To conduct the random drawing for the boys’ basketball JE>))((((!$$ )% # ( 7 J ! # !((#( home team in game one. The third ball to come out is the visitor in game two and the fourth ball the home team in game two. #(Q3Q regionals. # "; #( ( 'J= 9$3<3)J";)J3<< )J""3)# "( $Q$ ( )R ) J )R V(J )R DJ)R?&(Cont. on page 11...) BE IT ORDAINED 9 /) U Y/) YV /) > U Y/)YV= WHEREAS, / 9 8 9 /) > Z 9 # 3 U"XV 3 83 9 U"<!V )Z WHEREAS, K>* % %* 9) ) 9 8 /) @M#$#@#<"Z WHEREAS, 9 8 ?89+U Y+ 8/ YVZ WHEREAS, [@M#$#@#;< 7 8 )3 93)3##) 9 3)U Y.913)YVZ WHEREAS, + 8/ 8 ""$;@ \X# /)3 /) G % 1*Z WHEREAS, ) 89 9* ;!"<#!; /) /) 7 @M#$#@#"@UV NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 9 /) /) > Z SECTION I. / 9 9 3 9 ) SECTION II. ) [@M#$#@#" 7 + 8/ )3.913) 9 8 /) 9 ) 9 5 SECTION III. )9 ]3 8 + 8/ 93 * #699U*6V^3 /) J^3 5 SECTION IV. / + 8 / 93 /)>< 9 5 SECTION V. / 9 # 9 8 ) @M#$#@#" # 7) /) /) 9 8/ /) * ;!"<#!;& 9"!;!"< SECTION VI. + ) 9 ) 5 9 / 9 3 5 9 39 5 9 9 G 3 5 SECTION VII./5 9 ) )3 9 /)9 )) 3 7 33 9 )3 9 ) 6 + _ ) 9 0 5 ;!"<#!$ 9 9 /) /) > (=!! "!& 9/) & THE TOWN COUNCIL OF CENTERVILLE, WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA > . .>3` K` K% % 9 +//?6/?b=K *9 #/ /) . 9=?)5%?7/)+ EXHIBIT A ANNEXATION TERRITORY d6 g 6 ;/)"M*3 "$? /)> 9 33";;M 9 9 ;!!!!(!;" 6 > 9 5 > * 9 3 9 )= 3 ) ) g % 1*Z / 6!!h!!j!!k?M$"M@ 3 ) g * ) "<! 9 9 ;!!!!(!;!9 3 /*0?.5/5&?22 9 Z 6!h!!j!!k?;M"@M 3 "<!! 9 d%+l??;!;!!!<!k 3 9d%+l??;!;!!!<!k ;!!! 3 Z !!h !!j !!k ? ;<!!! 3 9 d%+l??;!;!!!<!k Z 6!h!!j!!k?$" 3 ";;M 9 d6.5.?#515#++kZ 8 3 ";;M 9d6 .5.?#515#++kZ !"h$$j"(k?@<$ 9U3VZ h!j"k?"@;" 9U3VZ 6$h<(j<k?@(MM 9Z 6(<h$$j!@k?"((;M 9Z 6!h@<j<k?@(<@@ 9Z 6!!h!"j"k?@;$( 9Z 6h!Mj$"k> "@;M$ 3 ";;M ) ) g % 1*Z !! 3 !! !! ? "<(@ 3 ) g * 9 333""$;@ Z 60K?//5=/ 3##)% 1* X3##) 60K?//5=+ ) 3 X 3 9 "<!! 9 9 ;!!!!(!;! 9 3""$;@ 3 9 ) g 6 ;9 36!! 3 !! !! ?U+ 9 3Vk Q!M@#"< ;X;<X;!"< NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE TO THE OWNERS OF THE WITHIN DESCRIBED REAL ESTATE AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES: of Circuit Court of Wayne County, !"# "$"!#%&#!!!"(! ) & *+). + / 0) 1 2 +3 4 / 5 5 3 /3 0 5+36 + ) 73 ) ) 8 9 3 9 +;!"< "!=!! 6 > ) 9 * ? > =;!!? %6 *$(@($ 3 ) )9 ) ) Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 14 North, Rane 1 West, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the North line of said Quarter Section, said pipe being 212.87 feet East of the northwest corner of said Quarter, and running thence South 89 degrees 30 minutes East on said north line 480.12 feet to an iron pipe; thence South 1 degree 32 minutes East 265.7 feet to the center of a small stream; thence North 76 degrees 36 minutes West along said Stream 200 feet; thence North 50 degrees 15 minutes West along said stream 363.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing 1.8 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: Situated in the Northeast Quarter, Section 23, Township 14 North, Range 1 West, Wayne Township, Wayne County, Indiana, being part of a 1.8 acre tract as described in Deed Record Book 444, Page 481, as recorded in the Wayne County particularly described as follows: Commencing at an iron pipe found at the northwest corner of said Quarter; Thence South 89°30'00" East 212.87 feet along the north line of said Quarter, in Turner Road, to a mag nail set at the POINT OF BEGINNING for the tract herein described; Thence continuing South 89°30'00" East 339.12 feet along said north line, in said road, to a mag nail set, witness an iron rod set South 01°32'00" East 20.00 feet, (all iron rods set are 5/8" rebar with plastic cap stamped "RLS 7955"); Thence South 01°32'00" East 233.12 feet, to an iron rod set; Thence North 76°36'00" West 54.16 feet, to an iron rod set; Thence North 52°39'17" West 368.21 feet, to the point of beginning, containing 1,000 acres more or less, as shown on drawing No. B-590, dated 15th August, 2005, being subject to the right of way of Turner Road and all legal easements of record. Commonly known as 4735 Turner Road, Richmond, Indiana 47374. 69G ) 83 3 ) !"#"$"!# %&#!!!"(! > 9G 8 7 ) 9 / 6 J ) 9 K 6 > =;#M#;!"< 3. Q;<@(!# + . @!@6+6 *$(@($ U(M<V@(@#!M< . 6 / 5=0)5UV )3 = $(@< / * *$(@($ 6 * 7 =6 Q!M"#"< ;X;<@X$@X""X;!"< Western Wayne News Wednesday, February 25, 2015 - 11 Ivy Tech Richmond celebrates Black History Month As It Looks to Knight By Max Knight G $ #J (#$ # ##$# $! !J # # D # !##( #!$9# the answer. @#$J!$4 #)@ ( KJ $ 7 $ > @ $J#! !$# #( 4 $#J#(##$ HK!J ((# ( $7$# $(##$#$J( $(# \(J$J $ J $ ) J (! L(((! #J # A \J *>< ( \J E&!(#$(3< $J 3="3="JA\)J ?7 L$#?(\A\$?(\ ( !$ 9$#(J($ D $ $K(($##$( \! # ! H # 4LEK$ >$!3=##( #$D !! ?3=;$(( 3< (# 4#$D #!!$ ]3="$$$#($;;J<<< (#$ ####^ V_`@@# $ !EE#$_ !" # \Jj!$ $ &( \@ 4 G!$ #( G$ J \$ 9(J 9 E$ ? J J $J J \$J QR< 7$J 7$ ; M E@ > ) \ \$ 9( ! $ A#4 3"Q< \$ 9( # ( (!$ # 7 R &$J G G!$J ;Q'"QQQ'Q3$3=Z!$ Who we are: $ % & & '* * ' +++++/ $ % * $/ $ ' 0 * * /$ * $/$ # 2 & 3 &4/ Centerville Sports ... continued from page 10 )>3E(#!#( ( ( A $ ( ; K E # $ * &$ L$Q(#$ ](# # $ &! &( &$ :(#( $# # A # $ # K Ep* &$ ( Q # $ # L$ ( ( (J#(#;R< >$ >'Q9\!($\>$q(>& #*&$(#$# >p*&$(7$ L # $ > ( $(><(: LEGAL ADVERTISING RESOLUTION 2015-03 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN OF CENTERVILLE, INDIANA, APPROVING A SCHEDULE OF CHARGES FOR SERVICES THAT ITS VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT PROVIDES WHEREAS, 3 ) ) 9 U "@#""#;#""UV ] ] U "@#""#;#MU9V 9 9 83# 33 3Z WHEREAS, /) & * )j 9 ) 9 ) ) 9 9 @M##";#"MZ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, 9 /) = 6 "?&&?/l?%%?+/?4b /) 9 )3 3 9 & * @M##";#"M= d )) /) & * 9 )3 3 9 = U"V& ) 3 # 3] ] ) U;<!!!V 8 X ) U"!!!!V U;V & # U"<!!!V U<!!!V X U@V& 8 9 9 3 U$V & 9 3 ] k 6 ;/ /) 9] 9 3 <#@#"#$UV + 9 /) /) "!& 9# ;!"< ?/?*l44?/5>504 +//?6/= #/ Q!M;#"< ;X;<X;!"< LIFE’S MEMORIES BY KARIN 7XUQ \RXU PP ILOP 9+6 WDSHV VOLGHV PHPRU\ FDUGV LQWR IXOO VL]H '9'¶V WR HQMR\ IRUHYHU KARIN R HEFLIN karin.heflin@yahoo.com 765-478-5575 - H 765-969-3491 - C P.O. Box 285 Cambridge City, Indiana 47327 Heritage Goodhew Enterprises, Inc. 6WDQGLQJ6HDP0HWDO5RRILQJ 1HZ ,QVWDOODWLRQ 0HWDO 5RRI 5HSDLU 6SHFLDOLVW 765-509-0069 765-857-2623 Silvia Bowman, Owner Your Extra Service Florist 118 W. Main St. Cambridge City Kenny Teague Financial Advisor “We do it for those who do it right!” 478-5871 JERRY DODDRIDGE Customer Service 105 West Main St. Hagerstown, IN 47346 Bus. 765-489-5019 TF. Fax 866-532-0583 TF. 888-489-5019 kenny.teague@edwardjones.com www.edwardjones.com Delay Insurance Service AND ASSOCIATES Business • Farm • Auto Home • Health • Life or just Call 120 E. Main, Centerville, IN 47330 (765) 855-3431 www.dadinsure.com Dale Delay “We Care” 9# [ 3DN!#&&(&$J;; 3K?>E(#J;Q D;Q';===&&;Q'="<E( 7R;Q';=;'3;Q'="';< ?X;Q'Y'3<QQ K?RZ9# Subscribe to Western Wayne News or Nettle Creek Gazette and Save $22 52 x $1.00 = $52 Sub is $30 Western Wayne News Wednesday, February 25, 2015 - 17 HELP WANTED LEGAL ADVERTISING PERFECT CIRCLE CREDIT UNION: Part-Time Member SerEmail your ads to: westernwaynenews@frontier.com vices Representative positions, WANTED TO BUY FOR RENT HELP WANTED 20-25 hours/week, at 631 E Main WANTED: Antiques, Paintings 2BR APT FOR RENT: 330 W St, Hagerstown and 77 S 37th DRIVERS, VAN: $5,000 & Overbeck Pottery, Sets of Church St, Cambridge City. No St, Richmond. Duties include Sign-On Bonus! $1,000 Sterling, Antique Toys, Old yard, no pets. $350 mo + $400 variety of teller tasks. Good Guaranteed Weekly Pay! Advertising Pieces, Anything deposit. 765-825-5886. No calls ). .3 ¡ reading/mathematical ability unusual - Give us a Call!! after 8 p.m. (1/28) and oral/written communication Home Every Weekend! Wheeler’s Antiques skills. Applications available at www.CoxTransfer.com FOR RENT: 1-2BR, 329 W 107 W. Main Street Church St, Cambridge City. No Class-A CDL w/1yr Exp. call any branch & online. Send appliCenterville, IN cation/resume to: HR Dept. PO pets. $400 plus deposit. 825- Bill Melton: 1-800-593-3590 (2/25) (765) 855-3400 Box 29, Hagerstown IN 47346 5886. No calls after 8 p.m. (3/25) CLOCK REPAIR %% ( ) or e-mail jsweet@pccu.com. (2/25) HOUSE FOR RENT: 2 BR, 1 BA, THE OLD CLOCK SHOP Newly remodeled, in Mt. Auburn. Local Subscriptions STATE OF INDIANA ) Clock Repair, $450 a month plus deposit. No *+/ ; COUNTY OF WAYNE )) SS: Old & Modern Clocks, pets. 765-277-6607 (2/25) Over the counter $52 Watch Battery Replacement, FREE TO GOOD HOME Already Subscribe? IN THE WAYNE Old & New Lamp Repair. FREE TO GOOD HOME: White Add our internet sub SUPERIOR II COURT 320 S. Ash St. 2015 TERM male Maltese, 6 years old. Phone Centerville, IN *=/ $ 478-4693. (2/25) 765-855-5511 Cause No. Bill Senters & Larry Hensley 89D02-1501-MI-000004 LEGAL ADVERTISING Fri 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Closed Monday Ad Deadline: Thursday 5 p.m. Phone: 765-478-5448 Email westernwaynenews@frontier.com LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Superior Court I of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D01-1501-EU-000008 Notice is hereby given that David Jones was on the 4th day of February, 2015, appointed Personal Representative of the estate of DEWEY JONES who died on the 23rd day of January, 2015. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not ) ) three (3) months from the date of 9 or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 4th day of February, 2015 Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Superior Court 1 Donald Simkin, Atty #042-15 2/18, 2/25/2015 STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) IN THE WAYNE CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Superior Court I of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D01-1501-EU-000004 Notice is hereby given that Sara E. Cox and David A. Federico were on the 4th day of February, 2015, appointed Co-Personal Representatives of the estate of ASIA C. COX, who died on the 11th day of August, 2014. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not now ) U@V 9 ) (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 4th day of February, 2015 Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Superior Court I David A. Federico, Atty #047-15 2/18, 2/25/2015 LEGAL ADVERTISING LEGAL ADVERTISING Autism-Aspergers Support,INC and Bingo will be relocating to a different address. Effective immediately we will be moving from 1407 S. 8th Richmond,In 47374 and moving to 320 South 5th Richmond,In 47374 #041-15 LEGAL ADVERTISING STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF WAYNE ) IN THE WAYNE CIRCUIT COURT Cause No. 89C01-1501-MI-000001 IN THE MATTER OF PETITION OF JILL DENISE KOONS TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE OF APPLICATION AND PETITION Notice is hereby given that I have applied to the Wayne Circuit Court, of Wayne County, State of Indiana, to have my name changed from Jill Denise Koons to Jill Denise Rader, and that said petition and application will be heard by said Court on the 31st day of March, 2015 at 3:30 O’Clock p.m. Dated: January 15, 2015 Signed: Jill Denise Koons David J. Burton (16666-53) BURTON & SIMKIN 25 North Seventh Street Richmond, IN 47374 Telephone (317) 966-5518 Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Circuit Court Cause No. 89C01-1501-MI-000008 IN RE: THE MATTER OF PETITION FOR THE CHANGE OF NAME OF MINOR CHILD #033-15 2/11, 2/18, 2/25/2015 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Circuit Court of Wayne County, Indiana KARLI JORDAN REED Cause No. TO KARLI JORDAN PAULEY 89C01-1501-ES-000006 Notice is hereby given that on NOTICE th Notice is hereby given that the 28 day of January, 2015, SteHerbert Abrams and Marzella ven Lee Fouts and U.S. Bank N.A. +9 & 9;;!"< are appointed Co-Personal Reprel . 3 sentatives of the estate of MELVIN of Minor Child, requesting that Karli JENNINGS, deceased, who died rd Jordan Reed’s name be changed on the 23 day of December, 2014. All persons who have claims to Karli Jordan Pauley. Said Petition will be heard by the Judge of against this estate, whether or not the Wayne Circuit Court on the 2nd ) day of April, 2015 at 9:00 a.m./p.m. ) Any person may appear at the three (3) months from the date of 9 3 9G or within nine (9) months after the Herbert Abrams decedent’s death, whichever is Marzella Abrams earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Craig C. Parker, Atty Dated at Richmond, Indiana, 303 South A St. this 28th day of January, 2015 Richmond, IN 47374 Debra Berry, Clerk, Telephone (765) 373-8065 Wayne Circuit Court Edward O. Martin, Atty #045-15 2/18, 2/25, 3/4/2015 #043-15 2/18, 2/25/2015 Handmade Greeting Cards by j.s.p. at Western Wayne News, Building 125 & ` 2/11, 2/18, 2/25/2015 LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Circuit Court of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89C01-1502-ES-000011 Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of February, 2015, Kenneth Lee Ray is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of LARRY KENNETH RAY, deceased, who died on the 24th day of November, 2014 All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not ) ) three (3) months from the date of 9 or within nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 11h day of February, 2015 Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Circuit Court Paul F. Vertesch, Atty #055-15 2/25, 3/4/2015 %% ( ) Local Subscriptions *+/ ; Over the counter $52. ! !!!"#$# Tues-Fri 9-5. Ad Deadline: Thurs @ 5 p.m. WANTED: USED AUTOS DUBLIN USED AUTO PARTS 38 North Dublin Street Dublin, IN Wanted: used batteries, motorcycles, trucks, cars, lawn mowers, tractors & scrap metal. Will haul away. Free estimates on buying junk cars & trucks. Call Gary Longnecker at 765-478-4519 or 765-265-2033. (OGB) IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF: DUSTIN SCOTT ATKINSON, TO CHANGE NAME Attention Citizens of Town of Cambridge City and All Other Interested Parties Town of Cambridge City Blight Elimination Program Notice of Successful Application and Hearing The Town of Cambridge City applied to Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority’s (“IHCDA”) Blight Elimination Program (“BEP”). Our application was successful. We have received an award. Working in conjunction with the Town and home owners we intend to acquire and demolish the following residential structures: 706 Westview Dr., 35 E. Church St., and 312 S. 4th St. The goal of the Blight Elimination Program is to reduce the number of blighted and abandoned homes in our community and neighborhoods. We believe the acquisition and demolition of these structures will stabilize neighborhood property values, prevent avoidable foreclosures, and assist us in our efforts to keep our community and neighborhoods safe. We invite you to attend a public hearing at 5:30pm, on March 9th, 2015 at the City Building, 127 N. Foote St. Cambridge City, IN to discuss the positive impact this program will have on our community. 7 9 contact Michael Stuckey at 765-478-5611. If you have questions about the Blight Elimination Program, please feel free to visit http://www.877GetHope. org/blight or email feedback@ihcda.in.gov. #040-15 2/11, 2/18, 2/25/2015 PUBLIC SALE ABC E-Z is conducting a Public Sale on 03/07/15 at precisely 11:00 AM. The units listed below and the last known residence are published. NOTICE OF PETITION TO CHANGE NAME NOTICE IS HEREBY given that Dustin Scott Atkinson has petitioned the Wayne Superior II Court of said County and State, said pe39 ; day of January, 2015, to have his name changed from Dustin Scott Atkinson to Dustin Scott McWhinney, and that petition and application will be presented to and heard by said Court on the 7th day of May, 2015 at 2:30 p.m. Any person may appear at the hearing and 9G changed of name of Dustin Scott Atkinson to Dustin Scott McWhinney. Dated this 11th day of February, 2015 Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Superior II Court In the event of payment made in full prior to public sale, up to 1 hour prior including holdover balance. Only in this event will the sale on ) 9 canceled. Please contact us for further question at 765-478-5481. Elric Wright Unit # F307 C/O Eco Lab Equpiment Care 3439 N. Shadeland Ave Ste#1 Indianapolis, IN 46220 #044-15 2/18, 2/25/2015 GARDNER, SAYRE & WEIKART Attorneys for Petitioner 1050 North J Street Richmond, IN 47374 Telephone (765) 966-6688 #056-15 2/25, 3/4, 3/11/2015 LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE: Pursuant to IC 4-32.2-4-7.5 The Autism-Aspergers Support center and Bingo formerly located at 1407 South 8th Richmond,IN 47374 will be or has relocated to 320 South 5th Richmond,IN 47374. Operators are: Michael Arnett Bernice Arnett Asa Arnett Bernice Arnett 5 3] = Michael Arnett Asa Arnett Rick Allen Charles (JR) Ryder Bernice Arnett David Arnett Any letters concerning such move should be sent to: Diane Freeman @ Indiana Gaming Commission Charity Gaming Division East Tower Suite 1600 101 West Washington Street Indianapolis,IN 46204. #054-15 2/25/2015 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the Wayne Superior 2 Court of Wayne County, Indiana Cause No. 89D02-1502-EU-000010 Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of February, 2015, James E. Cashman is appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of HELEN SUE SHAFER, deceased, who died on the 9th day of February, 2015. All persons who have claims against this estate, whether or not ) ) three (3) months from the date of the 9 ) nine (9) months after the decedent’s death, whichever is earlier, or the claims will be forever barred. Dated at Richmond, Indiana, this 18h day of February, 2015 Debra Berry, Clerk, Wayne Superior 2 Court Thomas S. Milligan, Atty #060-15 2/25, 3/4/2015 On or about July 31, 2015 the Town of East Germantown intends to apply to the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority for funding from the State Community Development Block Grant Program. This program is funded by Title I of the Housing and Community Development act of 1974, as amended. These funds are to be used for economic development, public facilities, and housing projects. The purpose of this application shall be for an Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation for Low to Moderate-Income residents The Town of East Germantown will hold a public hearing on March 10, 2015, at 6:00 P.M. (local time) in the East Germantown Town Hall, 206 South Milton Street, Pershing, IN 47370, to provide citizens an opportunity to express their views on community development and housing needs, past community development and housing activities, and the proposed Owner-Occupied Rehabilitation project. * 33 3 9 are available from the ! Z [$!\ ] \ ^/_ South Milton Street, PO Box 248, Pershing, IN 47370. Interested citizens are invited to provide comments regarding these issues either at the public hearing or by prior written statement. A plan to minimize displacement and provide assistance to those displaced has been prepared and is available to the public. The application will be available for review and comment on July 31, 2015. Information concerning the proposed project may be obtained from Jelyne Ashcraft, East Germantown Clerk/Treasurer, 765-478-9052 from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. or Star Development, Inc. at 765-478-6512 from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. on Monday through Friday. #057-15 2/25/2015 ! westernwaynenews@frontier.com LEGAL ADVERTISING Cambridge City Civil Town, Wayne County, Indiana Cash & Investments Combined Statement - 2014 Governmental Activities Local Fund Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ! 0 0 0 1 WATER UTILITY 101 0 0 0 0 1 #053-15 Local Fund Name Beg Cash & Inv. Bal Jan. 1, 2014 Motor Vehicle Highway $50,821.93 Local Road And Street $4,403.96 Sanitation $40,604.08 Law Enforcement $8,395.74 Continuing Ed. Rainy Day $226,932.88 Cumulative Capt Imprv $3,320.42 Cigarette Tax Cumulative Capital $85,623.12 Development Cumulative Capital $104,900.78 Imprv (Tax Levy) Co Economic $95,428.51 Development Income Tax Firemen $9,007.57 Cemetery Expansion & $28,597.00 Enhancement )) "(;@$" Wastewater Treatment $38,244.12 Bond And Interest $258,136.04 (Sinking) Payroll $3,225.29 Police Department $16,982.86 Dublin Patrol General $153,602.14 Water Utility-Operating $143,840.01 Water Utility $237,277.25 Depreciation/Improve Water Utility - Customer $56,920.71 Deposit Water Utility - Debt Reserve $67,743.01 Bond & Interest Sinking Fund $258,136.04 Total All Funds $1,893,866.87 Receipts Dispersements End Cash & Inv. Bal Dec. 31, 2014 $190,492.80 $16,497.05 $109,165.48 $1,998.15 $193,764.62 $0.00 $97,729.60 $3,334.05 $47,550.11 $20,901.01 $52,039.96 $7,059.84 $86,640.00 $4,946.41 101,257.22 $0.00 $212,315.66 $8,266.83 $11,335.54 $39,996.82 $56,961.84 $61,171.26 $53,142.05 $112,929.99 $36,904.02 $36,549.92 $95,782.61 $859.90 $3,330.00 $4,045.76 $0.00 $5,821.71 $31,927.00 <"(<!! $433,460.13 $103,953.00 "!("(< $433,180.89 $0.00 <;MMM $38,523.36 $362,089.04 $565,669.22 $11,000.00 $565,060.06 $10,576.00 $3,834.45 $17,406.86 $794,180.39 $421,055.02 $0.00 $761,327.53 $448,648.75 $49,256.61 $186,455.00 $116,246.28 $188,020.64 $10,064.94 $2,747.76 $64,237.89 $20,844.00 $103,953.00 $2,992,695.31 $0.00 $0.00 $2,801,689.39 $88,587.01 $362,089.04 $2,084,872.79 2/25/2014 Western Wayne News, Wednesday, February 25, 2015 - 19 Lincoln 6th grade boys basketball LEGAL ADVERTISING The 6th grade boys basketball team traveled to Union County Saturday (2-14-15) for a two game tournament. Game 1, Lincoln *&$(($' score Lincoln 33…Union County 38. Top scorer for Lincoln was Darian Bishop with 16 points. Bryce Pennington, Bryce Klein, Jacob Ervin and Jacob Longo all contributed 4 points and Zach Hall with 1 point. Leading scorers for Union County were M. Wicker and J. Bias both with 10 points, B. Clayton with 8 points, A. Vonwinkle with 5 points, B. Reiblodt and L. Paddock both had 2 points and M. Harnung with 1 point. Game 2 Lincoln faced Eastern Hancock coming out on top….Lincoln 53…Eastern LEGAL ADVERTISING Hancock 45. Top Scorer for STATE OF INDIANA ) the Lincoln squad was Darian ) SS: Bishop with 31 points. Darian COUNTY OF WAYNE ) also went 11-13 from the free IN THE WAYNE SUPERIOR COURT 2 throw line. Bryce Pennington added 6 points, Bryce Klein CAUSE NO. 89D02-1501-MF-000006 and Alex Hokey had 5 points, Jacob Longo added 3 points, MERCHANTS BANK OF INDIANA, f/k/a GREENSFORK TOWNSHIP Jacob Ervin had 2 points and STATE BANK, Zach Hall with 1 point. Top Plaintiff, vs. scorer for Eastern Hancock BRANDON BERTSCH and JENNIFER J. BERTSCH, was D. White with 26 points, as Tenants in Common, et al., T. Myers with 8 points, K. Huff Defendants. with 7 points and R. Hawkins To: Jennifer J. Bertsch with 4 points. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Coach Hall/Coach Pennington You have been named as a party defendant in a certain civil action pending in the Wayne Superior Court #2 and bearing Cause Number 89D021501-MF-000006. The exact nature of said action can be ascertained by examination of a copy of the Com ) this Court. The civil action may be characterized as one for foreclosure of real estate mortgage. The real estate is located at 11395 Sample Road, Milton, Wayne County, Indiana, and more particularly described as set forth in Exhibit “A” to the Complaint. The name and address of the attorney representing the Plaintiff, Merchants Bank of Indiana, f/k/a Greensfork /) 6 3 )= Adam G. Forrest, Atty. No. 23920-89 Boston Bever Klinge Chidester 27 North 8th Street Richmond, IN 47374 (765) 962-7527 Cross & b ) U@!V days after this Notice is last published 9 3 > + +) ings to the Plaintiff’s Complaint in said Court. If you fail to do so, judgment may be entered against you for the relief requested in Plaintiff’s Complaint. Debra Berry, Clerk Wayne Superior Court 2 Dated: February 11, 2015 #050-15 2/18/, 2/25, 3/4/2015 LHS 6th Grade Boys v. Hagerstown The Lincoln 6th grade boys basketball team hosted Hagerstown Tuesday (2-1715) evening coming out on top after two hard fought overtimes by a score Lincoln – 51 Hagerstown – 50. Top scorer for the Lincoln boys was Bryce Klein with 15 points. Darian Bishop had 14 points, Bryce Pennington added 8 points, Zach Hall and Jacob Ervin both with 5 points, Jacob Longo with 3 points and Alex Hokey with 1 point. A special shout-out to the bench as they added the ener($ the game strong and take the victory. Great job boys. Top scorer for Hagerstown was M. Howard with 34 pionts. Coach Hall/Coach Pennington real estate AUCTION 40 ± " 9]Ê, Ê£ÈÊUÊÈÊ* ACRES Southeastern Indiana, near Hagerstown Cropland & Farmstead in Wayne Co. ÓÊ°Ê-ÊvÊ>}iÀÃÌÜÊUÊÓ¤Ê°Ê ÀÌ ÊvÊÜÞ°Ê£ÊEÊÇäÊÌiÀV >}iÊUÊ£äÊ°Ê7iÃÌÊvÊ,V ` SITE: Golay Community Center, 1007 E. Main Street, Nice Small AUCTION Cambridge City, IN (NW corner of the Junction of US 40 & IN SR 1). Farm with PROPERTY LOCATION: 13555 Swoveland Road, Hagerstown, IN. 2 Buildings and miles south of Hagerstown. From Hwy. 1 and Hwy. 38 Intersection then south 2 miles to Swoveland Road and then east ½ mile to Cropland property on the right. TRACT 1: 3± acres with 1,200 sq. ft. one story 3 bedroom home, 1½ baths & 1 car garage. Includes 2 barns: 2 story 28’ x 36’ barn w/ loft & stalls & 28’ x 40’ pole/metal barn in good condition. About 332 ft. frontage on Swoveland Road. TRACT 2: 37± acres with about 33 acres cropland and about 4 acres woodland. Good soil types. About 300 ft. of frontage on Swoveland Road. OWNER: JAMES HARRIS ESTATE, Lisa Longnecker, Personal Representative Per Court Order; Edward O. Martin, Attorney INSPECTION DATES PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION to be held 4(523$!9-!2#(s!call Walther and Hawkins at 765-855-0835 #AC63001504 FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL: Sales Manager: Steve Slonaker www.SchraderAuction.com NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 93 9 3)9 /%";;!"<M=!! 9 > +3$!"?%6 * )3 petitions: 1. BZA 2015-12=. ) K 6 6 l 6 7 9 833 93 ) 3 and detached garage from the remaining farm at 15105 W. US 35, Losantville, Indiana 47354, A-1 Agricultural District, part of the ) g 6 ;@/)"*3 ";?/)@(;M; 2. BZA 2015-13:. %K 4 l 6 7 ) ) 3 33 3"<?5";;* $(@($+#"+3?1 6) g 6 $/)";*3 "> /) 80 acres, more or less. 3. BZA 2015-14:. ?6* 9 `3l 0 ) 3 ) 3 (@"!. *2 &$(@$<+#"+3 6 g 6 "@2 /) g 6 ;$/)9/)"(*3 "@?($$ 6) g 6 "/)"(*3 "$?2 /)!!@( 4. BZA 2015-15:. > l 0 9 9 <; 6 >93$(@@*#"5 #&* 6#49 /)U;V% /U@V+ /)>932 /)!";; 5: BZA 2015-16:. ) KK6+4K4l 6 7 9) 3 "$"*>93 $(@@+#"+34"4+ 2 /)<!!! 6: BZA 2015-17:. ) KK6+4K4l 6 7 93##) 9 3"$"*>93$(@@+#"+34"4+ 692 /)<!!! 7: BZA 2015-18:. ) K6K* 9 &6]6 6]l 6 7 93##) 9 X 33 @"M6) *2 &$(@$<+#"+3 g 6 "/)"M *3 "@?/)<$$; BY: Kristen Ward, Chairman ATTEST: Steve Higinbotham, Secretary #059-15 2/25/2015 LEGAL ADVERTISING Dublin Civil Town, Wayne County, Indiana Cash & Investments Combined Statement - 2014 Governmental + ELECTRIC *?&06? Local Fund Number 101 ;!" 202 271 401 $!; $$$ 445 472 555 ("! 806 610 612 613 M"$ M;; 623 WATER 601 602 Local Fund Name WATER WORKS DEPRECIATION M!$ >+/?*>5*`6+l DEPOSIT W.W.R.S.D. CLEARING ACCT. Total All Funds #058-15 Receipts Dispersements End Cash & Inv. Bal Dec. 31, 2014 $81,311.19 M<"M(@ $26,482.18 $1,339.39 $1,969.48 @"@!@< $(MM@! $1,647.11 $0.00 $59,681.79 $@M@ $292.34 $1,473.52 $2,106.15 $37,916.97 $MM;!< !!! $70,244.10 $73,041.83 $<@("(! $6,687.77 $635.00 $2,089.66 ;@;!@ ;((;!< $135.00 $10,000.00 $42,365.00 !( $301,519.67 $638,545.11 $2.24 $7,742.00 @($ @<;!!!! $52,809.66 $68,418.94 $!;;@$; $0.00 $1,499.39 $3,099.65 @< @;(!" $323.30 $10,000.00 $34,343.66 $@M@ $299,544.84 $639,682.68 $994.80 $4,720.68 @$;$;< !!! $51,649.19 $85,934.08 (@MM<!" $33,169.95 $475.00 $959.49 "<<! $$<"( $1,458.81 $0.00 $67,703.13 !( $2,267.17 $335.95 $1,113.59 $40,938.29 ";$"<$ @<;!!!! $71,404.57 $80.41 $189,152.32 $177,947.96 $11,284.77 $13,781.02 $12,533.91 $25,098.61 $1,216.32 $2,829.99 $3,103.49 $4,753.81 $1,179.67 """@!! "!!!! "@"!! ""M";!! $6,718.09 $110,813.49 $110,602.46 $6,929.12 $443,501.79 $1,565,652.09 $1,514,918.30 $494,235.58 2/25/2014 GENERAL FUND %l1&0 LOCAL R & S FUND BEAUTIFICATION FUND CUMP. CAPTAL IMP. FUND 0%+.?l?45.&0 ?5?l/+¥&0 DONATION FUND PARK - GRANT PHASE I RAINY DAY FUND 4?lb?¥?66&0 PAYROLL FUND ELECTRIC OPERATING ELECTRIC DEPRECIATION ELECTRIC METER DE ?4?/*+61*?6?*l? *?&06?+61*?6?*l? REFUSE COLLECTION FUND WATER WORKS OPERATING WATER WORKS +61*?6?*l? 603 DUBLIN 270 W.W.R.S.D CLEARING ACCT. Beg Cash & Inv. Bal Jan. 1, 2014
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