ST. SHARBEL MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH WARREN, MICHIGAN SUNDAY OF THE ENTRANCE INTO LENT MIRACLE AT CANA IN GALILEE - FEBRUARY 15, 2015 SAINT SHARBEL MARONITE CATHOLIC CHURCH 31601 Schoenherr Road Warren, Michigan 48088-1977 Email: stshar belwar r Website: www.stshar belwar r Church Office: (586) 826-9688 Church Fax: (586) 826-3521 PASTOR Chorbishop Alfred Badawi ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Dianne Bartolomeo WEEKEND LITURGIES Saturday: 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTION AND PRAYERS 1st Saturday: 3:00 PM ROSARY 2nd Wednesday at 12 Noon in Chapel ST. SHARBEL FAMILY PRAYERS 22nd Day of Every Month: 6:30 PM Liturgy at 7 PM [except on Saturday/Sunday] Ash Monday Liturgy and Distribution of Ashes February 16, 2015 9 AM 12 Noon 7 PM CONFESSION: Available anytime upon request and one-half hour prior to Weekend Liturgies. BAPTISM & CHRISMATION: You must be a registered and active member of this parish. Please inform the Church Office when your child is born. Arrangements should be made with the Church three (3) weeks in advance of the date you desire to have your child Baptized and Chrismated. Godparents must be baptized, at least age 14 and must provide a letter of “Good Standing” from their lawful pastor. If you have any questions, please make an appointment. MARRIAGE: You must be a registered member of this parish and fulfilling your financial obligations to the parish. Allow a minimum of six months for all necessary preparations including pre-marriage sessions. The Code of Canons for the Oriental Churches (CCEO) makes this time frame an absolute necessity. Exceptions will be made only for extreme, valid reasons. The couple to be married should themselves contact the church prior to making any other arrangements. SICK CALLS: Please notify the Parish Office or one of the priests as soon as possible if a family member is in the hospital or nursing home. Please also notify us if any family member is a shut-in. NEW PARISHIONERS WELCOME! Liturgies. Register in the Chur ch Office dur ing r egular hour s or in the Sacr isty following Weekend St. Sharbel Church, Warren WEEKEND LITURGIES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH 4:00 pm— Mae Moses, by Family 4:00 pm— Raymond Moses, by Family 4:00 pm— Helen Shaker, by Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH 9:30 am— Edna Migala, by Don & Chr istine Her ber t 9:30 am— Paul Hellow, by Ed and Ther ese O’Brien 9:30 am— Adele Samonie 3 Year Remembrance, by Children & Grandchildren 9:30 am— John Samonie 18 Year Remembrance, by Children & Grandchildren 11:30 am— Mariam Smaha Sakr 2 Year Remembrance, by Son, Joseph and Daughter-In-Law, Nahla Sakr & Family 11:30 am—Antoine Sakr 13 Year Remembrance, by Son, Joseph and Daughter-In-Law, Nahla Sakr & Family 11:30 am— Mahboub Eid 8 Year Remembrance, by Daughter and Son-In-Law, Rima and Fadi Habib & Family 11:30 am— Steve Garmo, by Fadi and Rima Habib & Family 11:30 am— Faraj Fajou, by Fadi and Rima Habib & Family 11:30 am— Georgette Fajou, by Fadi and Rima Habib & Family 11:30 am— Yousef Maroun El-Sayeh, by Family 11:30 am— George and Mary Ann Sassin, by Pastor 1:00 pm— Baptism George James Sassin WEEKDAY LITURGIES MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16TH ASH MONDAY 9:00 am— Helen Shaker, by Family 12:00 pm— Theresa Simon Special Intentions, by Pastor 7:00 pm— Antoine Hawilo, by Pastor TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH 9:00 am— Samuel Roukoz Sfire, by Pastor WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18TH NO LITURGY THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19TH NO LITURGY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH 6:30 pm— Living and Deceased Members of Mr. & Mrs. Ike and Roxanne Allam Family, by Pastor 7:00 pm— Stations and Benediction of The Holy Cross WEEKEND LITURGIES SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST 4:00 pm— Rena Farah Taylor, by Cousin, Dr . Paul and Mr s. Linda Thomas 4:00 pm— Gordon Paul, by Don and Mar lene Paul 4:00 pm— Joanne Coules Special Intentions, by Family SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND 9:30 am— Josephine Michael 40 Day Remembrance, by Sons 9:30 am— John Abdella 2 Year Remembrance, by Maribeth Koss and Family 9:30 am— John Harb, by The Solomon and Hazkial Families 11:30 am— Louis Joseph, by Family 11:30 am— Virgil Medley, by Family 11:30 am— Michael Gabriel, by Family 12:30 pm— Prayers of Family of Saint Sharbel COLLECTION February 8, 2015 - $5,418.00 May God bless you in return for your generosity and support of your parish! Page Two READERS FOR: Sat., February 14th 4:00 pm John Cafagna Sun., February 15th 9:30 am Kimberly Ejbeh Sun., February 15th 11:30 am Joseph Sakr,, Jr. - English Pauline Saba - Arabic READERS FOR: Sat., February 21st 4:00 pm Dixie Hunrath Sun., February 22nd 9:30 am Maribeth Koss Sun., February 23nd 11:30 am Simon Mourani - English Mirna Mourani - Arabic GREAT SEASON OF LENT LENT BEGINS MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16th Lent begins this week and it is devoted to the Passion of Our Lord. One form of observance is to pray before the Stations of the Cross in church and meditate on Jesus’ walk to Calvary. February 16 – Ash Monday. The fir st day of Lent. Ashes from the burnt palms of the previous Hosanna Sunday are blessed and placed on the forehead as a sign of penance. Lent is our chance to amend our ways and become “new” at Easter. ASH MONDAY Monday, February 16th is Ash Monday, a day of total fast and abstinence. Holy Mass will be offered at 9:00 AM, 12 NOON and at 7:00 PM, and ashes will be blessed at the three (3) Masses. LENTEN REGULATIONS Abstinence from meat and meat products is observed on Ash Monday and all Fridays of Great Lent. Abstinence is binding on everyone over the age of fourteen years. Fasting from food and drink (except water and medicine) is observed from Midnight until Noon on Ash Monday and Good Friday. Fasting is binding on everyone between the ages of eighteen and sixty years. Those unable to fast due to ill health must perform other penances and works of charity; like regularly attending daily Mass, Stations/Benediction of the Cross and making charitable donations. Weddings are not celebrated during Lent. LENTEN DEVOTIONS On the Fridays of Great Lent, the daily Mass will be celebrated at 6:30 PM, followed by the Stations/ Benediction of the Cross. A GREAT LENTEN MEAL… will be held every Friday of Lent from 5:00 pm till 6:15 PM and from 8 PM till 9:30 PM. Please join us and break bread with your follow family members, parishioners and friends. St. Sharbel Church, Warren Page Three OPEN DOORS...WELCOME! Over the past few weeks, I have been overwhelmed with the outpouring of support I have received from many local churches and pastors. I especially want to thank the Rev. George Shalhoub, pastor of St. Mary Antiochian Basilica in Livonia, the Rev. Michel Cheble, pastor of Our Lady of Redemption Melkite Catholic Church in Warren, and the Rev. Bogdan Milosz of St. Faustina Catholic Church in Warren, MI. Thank you for your generous open heart and open doors to myself and the parishioners of St. Sharbel Church during our upcoming time of transition. I have spoken with and met with each of them who have expressed their brotherhood and charity to help keep our community in spiritual union and prayer during the upcoming months. Your hospitality is deeply appreciated. Dear Father Alfred and Members and Officials of St. Sharbel Community. This is an invitation to offer you our home, our church, to be open for your needs for any liturgical or sacramental use. Please let us know and a key will be given to you. Your brother, Fr. George Shalhoub FRIDAY LENTEN DINNERS As the season of Lent draws near, so do thoughts of our annual Friday Lenten Dinners. These will begin on Friday, February 20th through Friday, March 27th, served 5 PM - 6:15 PM and again from 8 PM - 9:30 PM. Individuals, families, organizations/clubs and businesses are being sought to sponsor our Lenten Dinners. If you or your group would like to be a sponsor, please contact the Parish Office or see Chorbishop Alfred. The food will be prepared by a different restaurant each Friday. We are also asking for donations of sweets and desserts. If you are willing to assist with these, please contact the Parish Office. The following are the Fridays of the Lenten Dinners and current sponsors: Friday, February 20th - Ike’s Restaurant Friday, February 27th - In Loving Memory of Steve Garmo, Georgette Habib Fajou, and Faraj Habib Fajou by Vilda Garmo & Family Friday, March 6th - Elie’s Restaurant of Birmingham Friday, March 13th - La Saj Lebanese Bistro Friday, March 20th - Please call if interested Friday, March 27th - Please call if interested Volunteers are also needed to help serve. Please see Sign-up Sheet in the Gathering Room. St. Sharbel Church, Warren Page Four Those who need our prayers Akl Abiragi Elizabeth Abraham Sadie Abraham Jeanette Aesy Lou Albert Zina Bassil Benjamin Benjamin Dominic Bologna Mary Bringer Paul Burch Amira Butrise Baby Jaxon Carlson Lawanda Davey Nemo Dawood Delores Eggen Alice Fay Elias Paul Elias Samira El Khoury Natalie Epstein Patricia Farrar Joseph Ferrante Terry Francis Anna Elias Gleason Gerald Grazadzinski Ilene Grobbel Sylvia Grobbel John Grzadzinski George Hanna Youssef Issa Hattar Don Herbert Newborn John Hopper III Georgette Kaddo Jacob Hirmz Joseph Jacob Barbara John Edward & Suham John Louis Jolet Jason, Joseph & Jeffrey, Randa & Ashton Najat Kalil Lena Kanan Marlene Khames Michael Kosinski Antowan Kriam Michael Kriam Janice Kroll Agnes Langschied Al Latouf Teresa Logan Matt Lomasney Mary Ann Lucas Raphael Malkoun Aldo Marchesi Silvio Marchesi Saher Marry Joe Mattar Maureen McKernan Tony Michael Brian Miller Peter Moffett Jr. Elizabeth Moore Anne Nader Rose Nader Genevieve Nicholas Tony Nofar Dolores Pustelny Sonia Ragland John Rubel Lorraine Rubel Salwan and Son, Sam Hiyam Salim Jamila Shina Silvana Theresa Simon Christine Najor Smith Emily Toma Victoria Toma Deborah Tosolt Tringali Family Laura Turkaly Daniel Warren Jad Yacoub Dear God, we place all our intentions in your hands. We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health once more…..Amen. St. Sharbel Church, Warren UPCOMING EVENTS/MEETINGS February 13-15 February 15 February 15 February 16 February 20 February 22 March 14 MYO Retreat LAS Meeting 10:30 am Men’s Club Meeting 10:30 am Ash Monday - Lent Begins Friday Lenten Dinners begin 5 PM Prayers of Family of St. Sharbel following 11:30 AM Mass St. Sharbel Church Lenten Retreat 2015 ANNUAL BISHOP’S APPEAL Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Sharbel, As we are beginning our annual penitential journey of Great Lent, it is also the time for our Annual Maronite Bishop’s Appeal. The quota for our parish this year is $14,000.00. Last year it was $12,900.00. Based upon past years, each parishioner is asked to contribute between $35 to $50 in order to reach our goal. If we do not meet the goal, we will have to make up the difference out of our general collections. Last year we were short of $1,600.00. I know that some of you are experiencing hard times, while some of you are doing well financially. So, I am asking you to give what you can afford, whether it is less or more than the suggested amount. The Lord will bless you for whatever you are able to give. Please remember that the poor economy also means that there is a greater need for the charitable works supported by the Bishop’s Appeal. Bishop Elias Zadain’s personal appeal will be mailed out from the Chancery Office directly to your home. Please take the time to read it. Also for your convenience a pre-addressed remittance envelope will be included, which may be either placed in the collection basket or mailed to the Church Office. Checks should be made payable to Saint Sharbel Maronite Church. This contribution will appear on your parish contribution record for 2015 and is tax deductible. Please give what God has put on your heart to give. Thanking you for your continued generosity and support. 2015 Eparchial Assessments $28,000.00 2015 Eparchial Appeal $14,000.00 2015 Property Insurance Catholic Mutual Group $27,000.00 2015 Clergy Health Insurance and Retirement $19,800.00 CONFESSIONS DURING LENT You are encouraged to approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation during this season of Lent. Catholics MUST go to confession at least once a year. However, confession is a sacrament that we should receive frequently throughout the year in order to examine our lives and consciences, be repentant of our sins before God, and be cleansed and restored to a state of grace. This is also a sacrament of healing of the affects of sin in our lives, which affects all our relationship, especially that with our Lord. Do not miss this great opportunity to encounter the unfathomable mercy of God. A schedule of Lenten confession dates and times will appear next week. As always, confessions are heard 1/2 hour before the beginning of weekend Masses. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! A spiritually enriching and uplifting Lenten Retreat will be held on Saturday, March 14th from 9 am - 3 pm at St. Shar bel Chur ch. Our retreat masters will be Deacon John Sfire and Bobbi Sfire. There will be separate sessions for men and women. Please save the date and prepare to attend this wonderful opportunity during Lent! Page Five PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Sharbel Community, Anyone giving a party tries to figure out how many people to expect and will try to prepare enough food and beverages to make sure everyone will be satisfied. No one wants to be embarrassed by running out of food. On the other hand, no one wants to pay for food that will be wasted. There are personalities that take great delight in the mistakes and shortcomings of others. There are personalities that come to life trying to rescue people who are experiencing the consequences of their mistakes and shortcomings. In various ways both personalities are trying to find fulfillment in what they are doing. To find fulfillment we cannot find it in rejoicing in imperfections or mistakes of others. God does not take joy in our pains and hurts. He did come to rescue us and fulfill us. He rescues us with our obedience to Him, doing what He tells us. Very often He does it through others. Sometimes an ignorant person who is trying to help others can be dangerous. The line where we are enabling and crippling a person to stay dependent in areas where they should be independent and self supportive is not an easy line to see, especially for parents. Jesus can take what is empty, fill it with what is ordinary, and change it into something extraordinary. Mary was a rescuer in this story. She knew that their hosts would be embarrassed that they were running out of wine. She also knew that if she didn’t say something, they were going to run out, and she knew who to talk to about the dilemma. We need to do the same thing. When we can do something that will save someone an embarrassment, we need to do it. However, there are times when we should not. The person to talk to is still Jesus. Sometimes it is not time for Him to do it, and sometimes it is. This miracle happened because all involved were obedient. Mary told them the right thing, “Obey Jesus.” The waiters did the right thing; they obeyed Jesus. It is the right thing for us also. Obedience rightly understood is fulfillment, our emptiness is transformed, and life becomes filled with a rich flavor of joy. This is because when it comes to what God wants for us, it is motivated by immense love. God is always creating and planning ways for us to grow and drink from His wisdom to find peace and joy. Jesus did not tell everyone He was going to make the best tasting wine tonight, and then give the directions. Sometimes without knowing how and why we just simply have to listen, do what seems ordinary, like put water in empty water jars. We have to be willing to taste and trust the words of Jesus to give us what we need. God’s plans are always better than our own. If you are like me, you still find it hard to do at times, especially if you are hurt, and holding on to the pain or fear of embarrassment. In the end, His words, His plans will bring you to deep feelings of praise and thankfulness to Him. LITURGY INTENTIONS FOR THE PARISHIONERS The pastor is obliged by church law to celebrate Liturgy for his parishioners on all major feast days and at least 12 other times during the liturgical year. These celebrations are to be celebrated on the weekend or the day of the major feast. This is why you will sometimes see the intention for a Sunday Liturgy as being for the parishioners. We usually have other requested Liturgy intentions. But I must fulfill my obligation as your pastor to pray for you and your intentions. I invite you to join me on those Sundays to pray for one another, the needs of our parish, and for those most in need of our prayer. In Christ, Chorbishop Alfred Badawi
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