DOUBLE BLACK TM HUMIC ACID Processed using a unique proprietary method DOUBLE BLACK is a natural chelating agent Full range of humic, fulvic and ulDOUBLE BLACK enhances soil health which results in improved yield. The mic acids, and humin in its natural state active ingredients humic, fulvic and ulmic acids act as natural chelating agents that both improve soil’s ability to provide essential nutrients while enhancing the plant’s overall health. $ Naturally Active – no harsh chemicals used in manufacturing process High Purity – 18% concentration = lower use rates, and more efficient application Tank Mix Compatible A low pH of 4.0 – 5.0 Benefits the bottom line Increases nutrient uptake Promotes stronger, healthier plants Proven ability for plants to withstand environmental stress Reduces weather stress effect on crops Improved grain quality DOUBLE BLACK is formulated with the best source of Leonardite ingredient found in Gascoyne, North Dakota. Leonardite is a mined mineraloid that formed as deposits of ancient plant material aged and oxidized over time. Low in contaminants and high in organic content, North Dakota Leonardite contains significantly more humic and fulvic acids than other sources. DOUBLE BLACK is sold in 250 Gallon Totes & 2.5 Gallon jugs Processed using a unique proprietary method DOUBLE BLACK has been successfully used on corn, soybeans, wheat, alfalfa, tree crops, vegetables, cereal crops, grapevines, potatoes, sugar beets, sunflower, strawberries, turf and more. DOUBLE BLACK TM HUMIC ACID DOUBLE BLACK is a concentrated aqueous mixture of Humic Acid that is suitable for soil (broadcast, band, drip) and foliar application. It can be used alone or mixed with a wide range of plant protection and plant nutrition products. Its naturally acidic pH enables growers to also use it with acidic fertilizers or to reduce the pH in alkaline tank solutions. Double Black Tank Mix Compatibility Unlike extracted humic products, DOUBLE BLACK is compatible with liquid fertilizer. DOUBLE BLACK in Liquid Fertilizer Competitor extracted humic product in Liquid Fertilizer Both mixtures were agitated for two minutes. DOUBLE BLACK is a mixture of long chain phenol molecules, naturally found in the best of top soils. DOUBLE BLACK improves the health of the soil making nutrients more available to the crop. 800-743-2473 Corn Application Guideline 1 2 3 Recommended rate = 2 quart/acre (broadcast spray) 0.5 quart/acre (in-furrow) Timing is from planting to V-8 corn Application-sprayed broadcast alone, tank mixed (with most ag chemicals and fertilizers), in-furrow, with irrigation Corn yields with various application methods of DOUBLE BLACK P. Viger, Viger Research, Campbell, MN, USA, 2014 187.3 Bushels/acre 190 180 170 186.2 189 172.6 160 150 140 130 120 Untreated Treatment DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A Soil DOUBLE BLACK 1 Qt/A Foliar VA DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A Foliar V4 Corn yields when grown with DOUBLE BLACK Hanson & Associates Cambridge, Wisconsin, USA, 2014 155 153.0 150 145.4 Bushels/acre 145 149.6 149.1 145.1 145.1 140 136.2 135 130 125 Untreated Treatment DOUBLE BLACK 1 Qt/A Soil DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A Soil DOUBLE BLACK 1+1 Qt/A Soil+ Foliar DOUBLE BLACK 1 Qt/A Foliar V4 DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A Foliar V4 KOH Extract 4 Qt/A Foliar V4 CORN Results DOUBLE BLACK TM HUMIC ACID Increased corn value when grown with DOUBLE BLACK Hanson & Associates Cambridge, Wisconsin, USA, 2014 Increase value/acre $60.00 $58.66 $50.00 $46.83 $44.94 $40.00 $30.90 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 Untreated Treatment DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A Soil DOUBLE BLACK 1+1 Qt/A Soil+ Foliar DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A Foliar V4 KOH Extract 4 Qt/A Foliar V4 Corn yields with various application methods of DOUBLE BLACK Dr. C Chism, CRESCO Research Station, Burdette, Mississippi, 2014 260 255.9 Bushels/Acre 255 253.5 251.8 250 245 246.4 240 235 230 Treatment Untreated DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A With sidedress DOUBLE BLACK 0.5 Qt/A In-Furrow with Starter DOUBLE BLACK 0.5 Qt/A In-Furrow 1 2 3 Soybean Application Guideline Recommended rate = 2 quart/acre (broadcast spray) (lower rates in-furrow) Timing is from emergence up to R1 growth stage (R1 is when soybeans start flowering) Can be sprayed broadcast alone with post emergence herbicides, fertilizers, or with fungicides Soybeans treated with DOUBLE BLACK yielded about 10% more harvestable soybeans per acre Soybeans treated with DOUBLE BLACK yielded 5.1 and 5.6 more bushels per acre than the untreated check Soybeans treated with DOUBLE BLACK grow larger, healthier, and have more vigor Soybean yield when DOUBLE BLACK is applied at different timings Dr. C Craig CRESCO Research Station, Burdette, Mississippi, USA, 2014 71 69.7 70 70.1 70.2 69.2 Bushels/Acre 69 68 67 66 65 65 64 63 62 Treatment Untreated Check DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A In-Furrow DOUBLE BLACK 1 + 1 Qt/A In-Furrow & R1 DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A V-4 DOUBLE BLACK 2 Qt/A R1 SOYBEAN Results DOUBLE BLACK TM HUMIC ACID DOUBLE BLACK treated soybeans have a yield increase up to 10.4% while earning increased revenue to up $77 USD per acre. Soil applied Soybean Data Summary 2012 to 2014 Untreated Location Soil Applied Qt/A 2 Year Yield in Bushels per acre Hancock WI 2012 53.5 57.5 Campbell MN 2013 61.6 66.3 Burdette MS 2014 65 69.7 60.03 64.5 Average Foliar Soybean Data Summary 2012 to 2014 Untreated Location Foliar Applied Qt/A 2 Year Yield in Bushels per acre Hancock WI 2012 53.5 59.1 Campbell MN 2013 61.6 66.3 Burdette MS 2014 65 69.1 60.03 64.83 Average DOUBLE BLACK gives a positive crop response over the crops tested in all parts of the world. Most major crops and vegetables have been tested. DOUBLE BLACK should be applied from planting up to V8, the start of reproduction, or about 15 inch tall crops. DOUBLE BLACK can be applied broadcast to the soil or plants, in-furrow at planting, with other products being applied, or through irrigation equipment. DOUBLE BLACK provides marketable yield increase and positive ROI to the grower due to improved plant and soil health. 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