From the Principal

No. 3
From the Principal
18 February 2015
The 40th annual Art Show Artists on Parade also took place
over the weekend and was another great success. Thank you
to Cate Livingston, Marg Grech and the Art Show committee
who worked so hard.
The ACC Swimming Competition takes place this Friday
evening on Friday evening at MSAC. We wish the members of
This week we celebrate Ash Wednesday to mark the
the Parade team and their coaches great success for the event.
beginning of the Church season of Lent. Lent is a 40 day
time of preparation for the joyful celebration of the death and
This week Hughes House has its celebration day with some
resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter. A prayer service was
special events. Please note the Parent-Tutor Meeting Night set
held in each Tutor Group with focus on the symbol of the
for Thursday 26 February.
ashes and the call to take stock of our lives and relationships
during this time. During Lent we acknowledge the neediest
We have contracted Hansen Yuncken as the builders of our
people in our world and offer some support through Project
Callan Wing extension. They will commence work on the
project this week.
This is a paraphrase of some thoughts on Lent from Sr Joan
Dr Denis J Moore cfc
Chittister reminding us of an aspect of the College’s theme
for this year: The scripture for the opening of Lent says,
“Rend your hearts and not your clothing.” Lent is a call to
weep for what we could have been and are not. Lent is the
grace to grieve for what for what we should have done and
did not. Lent is the opportunity to change what we ought to
change but have not. Lent is not about penance. Lent is
about becoming, doing, and changing whatever it is that is
blocking the fullness of life in us right now. Lent is a
summons to live anew.
Our Open Day took place last Sunday on both campuses as
we welcomed many families wishing to learn more about the
educational opportunities offered by the College. Thanks to
the Parade students who helped in so many ways on the
day and which brought credit to themselves though their
spirited and helpful interaction with the visitors.
From the Assistant
Principal - Staff Welfare
and Development
The Ladies’ Auxiliary and Fathers’ Committee worked
tirelessly over the weekend to support the event and
their efforts are very much appreciated. Pictured below is
Annie Formica, Life Member of the Ladies’ Auxiliary,
welcoming guests to the Art Show’s Opening Night.
Catholic Identity
A Catholic school in the Edmund
Rice tradition…
lives and grows as a faith-sharing
community by fostering a
personal relationship with God
through Jesus Christ.
Community Mass - All
Over recent weeks a number of parents have joined their
sons for the masses which has given a wonderful sense of
Friday 20 February 8.10am
Preston Campus - Father Michael Knight with B21 (Ms
Ashlee-Maree Mein)
Bundoora Chapel - Father Anthony Girolami with L19 (Mr
Shaun Bowie) and L01 (Mr Phil Rowlands)
Friday 27 February 8.10am
Bundoora Chapel - Father Varghese Kattikatt
with T19 (Mrs Lisa Briant) and T01 (Mr George Gregorio)
Ms Cate Livingston
Assistant Principal - Staff Welfare and Development
40th Annual Art Show
The 40th Annual Art Show was held last weekend and it
was a great success. We had 424 pieces of art from over
110 artists from across Australia.
The next Newsletter will contain all the details of the
winners as well as Raffle winners in the “Art Show Wrap
My heartfelt thanks go to the Art Show Committee:
Margaret Grech, Jenine Fogarty, Annie Formica, Charlie
Formica and Connie Bof for their fantastic contribution in
bringing this event to life.
Edmund Rice Schools Renewal Survey
As part of our commitment to continuous improvement we regularly call on all members of
the Parade College community to give us feedback on a number of aspects of our operations.
We have worked with researchers from Griffith University and the University of the Sunshine
Coast to design surveys that will support and inform the education we provide for your child.
Now the survey will be used in the school renewal process that we undertake with Edmund
Rice Education Australia every four years.
I ask that you consent as parents/guardians to participate by completing the 15 minute online
survey about your experience of the College as a parent/guardian.
Your child will also be invited to participate by filling out the survey online during a selected
class. Student participation in the survey is completely voluntary and you may consent for your
child not to participate. If this is your wish, please provide your son with a note he can show
the teacher.
The results of the survey will be used to gather parent, student and staff views on how we are
going as a high school; where we are doing well and where we can improve.
All data collected is anonymous. The results of the survey will be shared with the school
community at the conclusion.
You may complete the survey at the following link
The survey will be open from 23 February until 6 March.
Dr Denis J Moore cfc
Fullness of Learning
Recognised in the
Class of 2014
As well as successfully attaining his VET Certificate at
the completion of 2014, he achieved an extremely high
study score of 48 which contributed significantly to him
gaining entry to Tertiary studies in the area of Exercise
At the Commencement Assembly the College
Also awarded was the Old Paradians’ Association’s
recognised the achievements of a number of students
Outstanding Senior VCAL Award for 2014. This was
in a number of areas: from academic achievement,
presented by Br Moore to Robert Pezzimenti who is a
through musical performance, sport leadership and
tremendous role model for getting all that he could from
overseas exchanges; to justice advocacy. There were
the opportunities that the College provided him. He was
a number of other areas in between.
awarded the PDS and VET Furnishings award and was
in the top two to three in the each of the other VCAL
One group that was highlighted were those students
who had outstanding achievements from the class of
2014. We acknowledged in particular our two duces:
Long Nguyen and Jeween Tissaarachchi, each with an
ATAR of 98.7.
Robert receives the Old Paradians’ VCAL Award
Robert was a wonderful ambassador for the VCAL
program and Parade College in all the activities and
involvements that our program offers its students. We
appreciated his efforts and leadership as a member of
Long Nguyen receives his Dux Award
the College Prefect Team. He was always willing to
assist in College activities and programs. Robert was
We also celebrated a further eight students who,
also able to continue his involvement in the College
together with Long and Jeween, make up our Top Ten
Musical as a back stage manager in Year 12 having
in terms of their ATAR: Daniel Brennan, Ryan Zhu,
commenced this interest in his younger years.
Eugene Pring, Phi Nguyen, Daniel Liuzzi, Adam Franz,
Dino Young and Christian Serruto.
Jeween Tissaarachchi spoke on behalf of all the students
recognised by Br Moore at the Assembly. Jeween offered
In attaining his ATAR of 96.5, the 2014 College
invaluable advice to all the students present. He advised
Captain, Eugene Pring undertook studies in VET
them to manage their time, make goals and use these as
Certificate III Sport and Recreation in Years 11 and 12
motivation, select subjects they enjoy, and to come to
and performed exceptionally well in all of the Units he
know strengths and weaknesses
Eugene receives his Top Ten Certificate
College Dux, Jeween offers advice to the Assembly
From the Assistant
Principal - Organisation
A final student worth mentioning is Sherwin Fernando who
has been accepted into a double degree in Engineering
and Commerce at Australian National University (ANU), in
Canberra. He credits his successful application to ANU to
the VET Course he did as part of his VCE studies last
year: Certificate III in Technical Production.
Like the course that Eugene did upon completion, students
in many VET courses receive not only a nationally
recognised Certificate III qualification, but are also eligible
for a VCE study score which contributes to their ATAR.
Staff Curriculum Professional Development Day
Tuesday 24 February
Please note that there will be no formal classes for students on
this day as all staff are involved in a Professional Development
Without the contribution towards Sherwin’s ATAR that this
Parent/Tutor Evening – Thursday 26 February
VET course offered him and the skills that he developed in
Interviews occur on both campuses after school between 4pm
the course with Mr Luke Serrano in Year 12 and Mr Stuart
Brownley in Year 11, Sherwin believes he would not have
been offered a place at ANU.
and 9pm. All families have received the relevant information.
Hughes Celebration Day and Bodkin House Mass
Friday 20 February (Day 10)
Please note that in order for Preston staff and students from
Hughes House to travel to Bundoora for their Celebration day,
morning TG will run after period 3 on Friday 20 February. The
day will commence with period 1 at both campuses.
Year 7 Camp Week – March 2 to 6
All Year 7 students will be involved in an alternate program in the
week commencing Monday 2 March. There will be no formal
Monday 2 March
Hughes and Treacy are on camp; Lynch and Bodkin attend the
Students commence a typical live sound work
Treacy Trail Excursion
Tuesday 3 March
Sherwin is now relocating to Canberra for his Orientation
Hughes and Treacy are on camp; Lynch and Bodkin not at
before commencing the Engineering and Commerce the
following week. We congratulate Sherwin for his excellent
efforts in Technical Production and wish him well for his
Wednesday 4 March
Hughes and Treacy return from Camp; Lynch and Bodkin travel
to the camp sites
Mr Andy Kuppe
Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning
Thursday 5 March
Hughes and Treacy not at school; Lynch and Bodkin are on
Friday 6 March
Hughes and Treacy attend the Treacy Trail Excursion; Lynch &
Bodkin return from camp
Mr Mark Aiello
Assistant Principal - Organisation
From the Assistant
Principal - Student
The College’s expectations are:
that students will stand for adults in trains, trams
and buses and offer their seats;
that students will talk in a polite respectful way to
their friends, conscious that their conversation can
Travelling On Public Transport
be overhead by others around them. If words are
Over the last two weeks, I have received some calls and
used carelessly and unthinkingly, it can cause
emails from members of the public, complaining about the
behaviour of some of our students on trains and trams,
offence to those who do not understand the context;
station platforms and buses as they travel between home
spaces like train carriages, buses and trams, again
and school.
conscious of the impact on others around them;
The complaints range from:
that students will not raise their voices in enclosed
that students will follow all directions given by Public
Transport Officers and train, tram and bus
personnel, without question or argument, politely
“. . . (on the train this morning) one of your students didn't
and respectfully, understanding that the directions
offer his seat to a heavily pregnant woman. An older
being given are for their personal safety and that of
woman had to give up her seat for the pregnant lady! Your
other passengers.
student saw her but decided to be selfish instead. Is this
what the school and parents are teaching at Parade? The
Tutor Teachers are speaking with students in class this
whole carriage was disgusted with this behaviour.”
week – we would really appreciate it if parents could
reinforce these messages at home, for your son’s
to . . .
reputation, his safety, and to help preserve the good name
of the College, so that we receive more messages like the
“I am currently on a train with some students from your
one below:
school. Their behaviour is quite disruptive & loud, & they
are sitting on seats when adult passengers are still
“All the boys on the tram were travelling to Bundoora and
as a member of the general public I was most impressed
with the behaviour of the boys. Quiet talking, didn't hear
We understand that sometimes the
one swear word and the boys seemed to keep their bags
boys don’t realise that they are being
out of the way so people didn't trip over them. They also
loud, as they talk to their friends. We
were very polite to older people and although there must
also realise that some of our students
have been at least 30 of them on the tram they were
may be very shy and not know how to
offer their seat to an adult.
Extreme Heat Days
I hate to think that any of our boys are being thought of as
We are very fortunate at
rude, careless and unthinking. Our experience of our
Parade that most, if not all of
students here at school, for the most part, is that they are
our classrooms are air-
very pleasant and respectful, considerate and polite.
conditioned, and offer cool
respite on warm days. There
So, may I ask for your help, as parents? Would you please
are plenty of drinking taps
talk to your son(s) about the following points and help them
around the school, and the
to represent themselves first, and their College in the best
canteens offer a range of
way possible as they travel to and from school.
drinks and icy poles to cool students down at recess and
lunch, in addition to the many covered and shaded areas
around the grounds at each campus.
Preston Year 7’s
Explore Parade’s History
Consequently, there should be no need for students to stay
at home during hot weather. If temperatures were to reach
extremes – and that is very rare in Melbourne, even in
Summer – parents would be notified by email or SMS IF
the College were to close, at least 24 hours before doing so.
All students are expected at school, each day – there is no
On Friday 6 February, all Year 7 students from Preston
choice about attendance if the weather is warm.
experienced an historical tour of the Bundoora Campus.
I hope that clarifies the issue for families. If you are ever in
Led by Jim Seymour, the Community Liaison Officer, the boys
doubt, please call the College.
discovered the rich history that Parade College has to offer.
Uniform and Hair Policy
uniforms and memorabilia in the Heritage Centre and searched
Many thanks to parents and students who have made good
use of the last two weeks to get school uniform in order – we
do appreciate your support, especially with getting hair cut
and tidied. As noted in the last two College Newsletters, and
in our Uniform Policy, ponytails, top knots or hair tied back in
any way is not part of our Uniform Policy.
If students feel that they need to tie their hair back because it
is in their eyes or in their way, then it is too long and needs
to be cut. If they are tying it back as a fashion statement –
that has its place on the weekend and after hours, out of
They saw the original steps from the Old Blue Stone Pile, old
the cemetery for the oldest and youngest Christian Brothers
buried there.
The boys really enjoyed their experience and learnt a lot about
the school that they belong to. They were excited to realise that
their time at Parade would add to the ongoing story and
traditions of Parade College.
Some student reflections about the incursion:
Charbel Rahme B20: “I learnt that Edmund Rice was the
uniform. Again, we appreciate your support.
founder of the Christian Brothers.”
Miss Regina Rowan
Domenic Liparota B21: “I learnt that Brother Moore is one of
Assistant Principal - Student Welfare
the last Brothers who is teaching.”
Aristos Koutsoubos H20: “Not all the people buried in the
cemetery were Brothers - some were priests.”
On behalf of all Year 7 Preston students, Ms Sarah Cooper and
myself, I would like to thank Jim Seymour for taking the time to
show us around the Campus. I hope that the Year 7 Bundoora
students enjoy the tour in their Religious Education classes as
much as we did.
Miss Ashlee-Maree Mein
Years 7-8 Religious Education Convenor
Urgent Message from
Public Transport Victoria
Student Welfare
As set down by the fine examples of Edmund Rice, our
Public Transport Victoria has asked us to place the following
College has a very long and rich tradition of service via
message into our College Newsletter. Please take a
leadership. This week our Tutor Groups are in the process of
moment to ensure that your son is not at risk of being fined
selecting students to become members of the House
when travelling on public transport
Committee at each campus. The boys nominated will be part
of a leadership group that will immerse itself with College
events, and will represent their fellow students and Parade
College as a whole. These students will be called upon to set
a positive example to be mirrored by their classmates.
The House Committee gives the boys an opportunity to plan
and participate in occasions such as House Celebration
All students aged 17 years and over, or those requiring a half yearly or
yearly Student Pass (regardless of age) are required to obtain a 2015
Victorian Public Transport (VPT) Student Concession Card as proof of their
concession entitlement. This is a legal requirement.
Days, House and Tutor Group Liturgies and Assemblies,
Founders Fortnight festivities, etc. In addition to this, they can
represent the College at upcoming events which include
Open Day, Year Level Information and Orientation Evenings,
and various Mother/Son and Father/Son Evenings.
Students who carry their own Health Care Card are not required to
purchase a VPT Student Concession Card.
Application details and a copy of this years form are available online at
You can apply for a Victorian Public Transport Student Concession Card or
Student Pass by completing the following form:
2015 Victorian Public Transport (VPT) Student Concession Card application
form(PDF) 180kB
2015 Victorian Public Transport (VPT) Student Concession Card application
form - accessible version (RTF) 143kB
Lodging your application
When working with our House Committee, our aim is to instil
in them the notion of serving their fellow students, and indeed
the wider Parade community, through praxis – converting
thoughts and ideas into acts that create change. The boys
can have an input in the development of school policies and
You can lodge your application at:
Premium Stations: Applications are accepted Monday - Friday after
9.30am. Some stations may be unable to process applications between
3.30pm - 6.00pm on weekdays. Also accepted all day Saturday and
Sunday. Staffed V/Line stations and V/Line ticket agents: Call 1800 800
007 (6am - midnight daily) for locations and operating hours.
their thoughts will be considered when developing student
initiatives and extra-curricular activities.
I have had the pleasure of working with some enthusiastic,
vibrant and diligent boys as part of our House Committee
You can pay by cash, Visa, Mastercard or cheque. Cheques must have the
account holder's name, address, phone number and driver's licence
number written on the back of the cheque.
structure in the past. Above are the members of the Preston
School ID cards
campus House Committee, I am sure they too will fulfil their
A school identification card does not entitle students to buy concession
responsibilities with aplomb in 2015!
Ms Mary Dourios
Student Welfare Coordinator - Preston Campus
Mr Kevin Bourke
Logistics and Environment Manager
Caritas Just Leadership Day
“Aspire not to have more, but to be more.’”
Oscar Romero
Those brilliant words perfectly capture what inspired me to
accept my invitation to attend the Caritas Just Leadership Day
held at Parade College. I attended this activity, along with
many other student representatives, to learn what injustices
the world faces and how to stand against them, but I came
away with so much more.
The Caritas speaker, Megan Bourke, showed us the injustices
faced by billions every year; from lack of basic human rights
like water, food and shelter, to the unfair distribution of the
world’s resources. Megan also challenged us to believe that
we as the future leaders of society can aim to eradicate poverty and world hunger. Caritas is currently aiming to end hunger by 2025, and I have learned that if we work together as
a society, this goal, however radical it presents itself, IS possible to achieve.
Save the Date
22 March 2015
Year 9 students Andreas Lunn (T21), Ethan Duong (L21)
and Jordan Stepanovski (H20)
1st Working Bee for 2015 at both
Preston and Bundoora Campuses
8.00am until 12.30pm
There is enough food produced to feed every human being, yet
because of food wastage (Australia averages over 3 million
tonnes of food wastage annually) and international trade arrangements, people get left behind. Hungry families can go
from almost nothing to having the same rights to a happy lifestyle that we have; all that is needed is goodwill on the part of
More information in our next
the international community.
If there is one thing that I took from this experience, it is that
the key to a better world is not money, but care.
Callum Holmes
Year 10, T09
Visual Arts at the
Heidelberg Theatre
Over the summer holidays, seven of our students had
their works hung in the foyer of the Heidelberg Theatre
Company. It was exciting to see their works in a setting
outside the school and I was excited by the opportunity.
Art needs an audience and the learning area will
continue to find opportunity to display the talents of our
art students.
There are four major exhibition this year:
The Catholic Education Week Visual arts
ACC Arts and Technology Exhibition
The Parade College Junior Arts and Technology
The Parade College VCE Arts and Technology.
These events will be advertised at a later date.
Please congratulate the follow students;
Joseph Bibby
Year 12 B03
Adrian Franzese
Year 12 T01
Justin Wang
Year 12 H07
Alexander Longo
Year 11 L05
Luis Iaconis
Year 10 H06
Aaron Appathurai
Year 9 H15
Maxwell Miskas
Year 9 T15
Mr Tony Teo
Learning Area Leader - Visual Arts and Drama
Year 10 Commissioning Day
The Commissioning Day concluded with a Liturgy and
an address by Br Moore. He reminded the boys that
Community Action is part of a long Parade tradition and
that what they do on placement – be it big or small – can
indeed make a difference in the lives of those whom they
As part of the Religious Education course, all Year 10
students participate in the Community Action program at
A special thank you to Mr Darrell Cruse who hosted the
some stage during the year. Every Thursday afternoon
day and personally organised each student’s placement,
for six weeks, these students will be placed at a local
without which this program could not run.
aged-care agency where they will help run activities and
chat with residents.
Ms Marita Stretch
Learning Area Leader Religious Education
At the beginning of the program, students participate in a
Community Action Commissioning Day where they
receive information about what to expect, their
responsibilities to the program, and how Community
Action and a move to make a difference in the world can
be seen at Parade College, in the wider community and
around the globe.
On Thursday 5 February at the first term Commissioning
Day, Mr Darrell Cruse spoke about the history of
Community Action at the College and launched the ‘This
Is Your Life’ digital stories project. In conjunction with
Alzheimer’s Australia, some of our students will be
working with residents and their families to create short
movie clips telling the story of a resident, including
photos from their life and perhaps their favourite song.
This is a wonderful initiative that records and celebrates
the life and contribution of each of those interviewed.
Other speakers included Mr Andrew Walker who
introduced the Duke of Edinburgh Awards that begin at
Parade this year. One of the elements required for this
award is Service, for which Year 10s can incorporate
their Community Action hours. Ms Kaja Anderson from
The Red Cross ran a trivia game and discussed the
organisation’s mission and various Red Cross projects.
Year 12 student Rohan Bhalla (L04) spoke about
Parade’s ongoing Eddies Backpacks Project for Foster
Care children, as well as Parade’s Advocacy Team that
all students are encouraged to consider joining.
Year 12 Students Welcome
Year 7s to our Preston
I really enjoyed the day because it was something very
different. We got the chance to interact with the young
boys. The boys I talked to were not shy and that made it
a lot easier to communicate with them. I thought they
had a good time and I know I did have a good time.
Georgios Poumpoulidis (T10)
On the first day of school the Year 12 boys at the Preston
Campus welcomed the 2015 Year 7 students. In the
morning there was a ‘getting to know you’ session where
the Year 12 students met their Year 7 mates. Then in the
afternoon we had a liturgy where the Year 7 students were
presented with house badges and lanyards and the Year
12 students received their Year 12 badge. Then the Year
12’s took their Year 7 to their locker and many had a chat
with parents who were waiting for the son to complete the
Here are a few comments from some of the Year 12
Albert Maatouk B10, Adam Abou-Sinna B20
I felt like a real leader and the feeling was amazing. This
and Jaxon Spilsted-King B-20
was a great experience to help a younger student on his
first day. I did feel a bit of pressure because we had a lot
of responsibility on the day. I began to realise that we had
to be role models and that these boys looked up to us. I
felt good because it is a good feeling to look out for
someone else.
Albert Maatouk (B10)
I felt good knowing that my buddy had someone to look up
to and talk to if they need it. I think this was a great idea
having the Year 12 greet and meet the new Year 7
students. I hope the Year 7 students will feel a lot more
comfortable coming to school and knowing they can talk to
the Year 12 boys if they need to. I think it is a good way to
help the Year 7 students settle into school.
Matthew Strachan (L10)
Justin Grech L10, Jack Nicolo L20
and Fletcher Adcock L21
I felt the day was a great success. The young students
spoke well and seemed to feel welcomed. I felt very much
like a leader. I was surprised that the Year 7 students
Mr Joe Herran
really listened to me and kind of looked up to me. At the
VCAL Convenor
end of the day we had a liturgy where we handed the Year
7 students their house badge and lanyard.
Justin Grech (L-10)
Introducing our Year 12 VCAL Students
Every year we present our Year 12 VCAL students to the school community, and in each issue of the Newsletter two students
present themselves and their story. Each student in our program has a unique program that is suited to his own needs and goals,
and the pathways that our boys take are interesting and varied. Many of the boys are looking to find an apprenticeship or work at
the end of Year 12 and many of our students continue their studies either doing a pre-apprenticeship course, a Certificate or
Diploma course at TAFE. Some of our students decide after further study at TAFE to continue their courses at University.
My name is Michael Coco (T10) and I
My name is Joel McKenzie (L10) and I
am currently doing Year 12 VCAL at
am currently doing Year 12 VCAL at
Parade College Preston. I started my
Parade College Preston. I started
secondary education at Parade College
VCAL in Year 10 doing the Pathways
Bundoora Campus, then I moved over
Program and have enjoyed my time
to Preston Campus when I was in Year
here at Preston. We study, Literacy,
10 to be involved in the Pathways
Outside of school I enjoy playing sports, going motorbike
riding, jet skiing and also hanging out with my friends. I
have an older brother who is now an electrician. My
dream is to follow in his footsteps. He also completed the
Year 12 VCAL program and this helped him achieve an
In VCAL our main subjects are Literacy, Numeracy,
Personal Development Skills, Work Related Skills and
Business Certificate. I am at Preston three days a week
and the other two I am doing my VET subjects. The VET
subjects I studied last year were Carpentry and
Plumbing. I have continued to do Carpentry this year as I
have already finished two years of the course and with
the third year I can complete the certificate successfully.
I hope to work with an electrician once a week because
that’s where I see myself working when I finish school.
In VCAL we must complete two weeks of Work
Experience at the end of every term. This means we can
have up to four lots of work experience during the year. I
have found that doing work experience is very important
if you are looking for a job. I have done several work
experience weeks with electrical companies and have
really enjoyed working along with different A Grade
electricians and see how different people and companies
My aspirations for next year is to get an electrical
apprenticeship and begin working by the beginning of
Numeracy, Personal Development
Skills, Work Related Skills and a Business Certificate
course as part of the VCAL program. These subjects
help us prepare for the workplace and life in general
once we finish school. I think these subjects are really
helpful to knowing what it takes to be responsible and do
things for yourself.
I am also studying Plumbing for my VET course. The
Plumbing course is a Certificate II course. We have
facilities that let us experience what it is like to actually
be on the worksite, things like a sandpit to learn about
digging trenches to put pipes down and our own sheet
metal area and materials help us to understand what it
really takes to be in the workforce and work as a
For work experience I have done a few jobs such as
working with a builder, doing construction work and also
I did a few weeks with a landscaper. I enjoyed all of
these work experiences but my favourite out of them all
would have to be the work experience I did with a
landscaper because of the variety of work. It involved
lots of other trades and you are never doing the same
thing. All of the different jobs I got experience in showed
me the variety of work there is in the trades and really
helped me to decide the career pathway I wanted to
My aim for next year is to either be starting a Plumbing
Apprenticeship or to be continuing my studies and
possibly doing a diploma in Fitness which would lead to
work in the Fitness Industry either at a gym or as a
personal trainer.
From The Old Paradians
All Riders greet the Judge in 2015 OPA Bike
Eight riders greeted the judge in the 2015 Old
Paradians’ Association Alphington-Bundoora Bike Ride
on Sunday, on a day in which Parade College opened
its gates to the general public.
60 Years On Old Boys Uphold the Traditions
Geoff Coyne’s recent Melbourne foray afforded the
resident Queenslander a welcome chance to catch up with
fellow Old Paradians more than 60 years after they
completed their schooling together.
The riders, ranging in age from early teens to early 60s,
completed the 16-kilometre Alphington-Bundoora bike
ride via the Darebin Creek trail.
Despite the presence of three marshals, a breakaway
group caused some late confusion, leading the peloton
a merry dance to Mt Cooper. But whereas last year’s
ride claimed a competitor with a puncture and another
with a grazed knee, this year’s equivalent was by and
large incident-free.
Pictured here at a luncheon at RACV’s Melbourne City
Club are from left to right; Geoff Coyne (1953), Bob King
(1953), Jim Noonan (1953-‘54), Michael Frazer (1954) and
Prof. Barry Blake (1954). Standing to Jim's right is his wife
Carmel in black jacket and to his left Janet McArdle, widow
of John McArdle, a colleague from St Bernard's Essendon.
“We are all former pupils of Brother Bowler of St Colman's
Central School,” Coyne explained. “Apart from Jim, we all
played tennis together throughout our school years at St
Gabriel's tennis courts, Reservoir.”
For the record, the cyclists who took part in this year’s
bike ride were Brad Cocks, Rob Cugno, Carlo De Bolfo,
OPA President Lewis Derrico, former OPA President
Peter Johnston, Anthony Peyton, Dino Rebellato and
Gaetano Turchiarelli.
The ride ended at the Grevillea Pavilion at the top of
Parade Drive, where John Abrahams, Phil Carter and
Keith Sharkie manned the barbecue and each cyclist
was handed an OPA Centenary T-shirt for completing
the journey. Fellow Old Paradians including Simon
Vincent, a final year student of 1989, stopped by to
socialise with the cyclists on what doubled as the
College’s annual Open Day.
It is hoped that an Old Paradians’ Cycling Group will
ultimately be established as a result of this bike ride,
which is only in its second year.
Mr Tony De Bolfo
Old Paradians’ Association CEO
4 March
The following important dates in the College
calendar can also be found on our website under the
Year 7 Camps Changeover
Homework Club 3.15pm-4.30pm
BACK UP DATE - ACC Athletics Day
@ Albert Park 10am-4.30PM
‘News’ tab
19 February
Ministry Retreat No 1
Year 8 Athletics Carnival
Bundoora Year 7 Parent iPad
5 March
Year 7 Camps (Bodkin & Lynch)
Year 7 Hughes & Treacy not at
Workshop 7.30-8.30pm Rivergum
Year 9 English Performance
(Bundoora & Preston) P2
World Day of Prayer
Bodkin House Mass
Year 7 Camps (Bodkin & Lynch)
ACC Swimming MSAC 7-10pm
Year 7 Treacy Trail (Hughes &
21 February
Saturday Detention
22 February
1st Sunday of Lent
23 February
Father Son Summer Games Night
20 February
Hughes Celebration Day
6 March
8 March
3rd Sunday of Lent
International Women’s Day
6-9pm College Hall/Bunjil Park
9 March
Labour Day Public Holiday
Finance Meeting, 7.30pm
10 March
Homework Club 3.15pm-4.30pm
24 February
Staff PD Day - Student Free Day
Ladies Auxiliary Meeting (Bundoora)
25 February
Homework Club 3.15pm-4.30pm
ACC Senior Sport Tennis & Volleyball
Trial GAT
26 February
Parent Teacher Evening 4-9pm
27 February
2016 Year 7 Applications Close
Failte Program
Senior Football Camp Depart
28 February
Senior Football Camp Return
1 March
Clean Up Australia Day
2nd Sunday of Lent
Year 7 Camps (Hughes & Treacy)
Year 7 Treacy Trail (Lynch &
2 March
OPA Luncheon
Ministry Retreat No 2
Homework Club 3.15pm-4.30pm
Fathers Committee Meeting
12 March
Ministry Retreat No 2
OPA Business Breakfast
Coming Soon….
Working Bee Day
27 March
Term 1 Ends
3 April
Good Friday
5 April
Easter Sunday
Homework Club 3.15pm-4.30pm
13 April
Term 2 Commences
Year 7 Camps (Hughes & Treacy)
Year 7 Lynch & Bodkin not at
Semi Finals
22 March
3 March
11 March
Ladies’ Auxiliary
Fathers’ Committee
Parade Fathers’ Committee
Enhancing father son relationships
WOW! we did it again! Thanks to all the ladies who were
able to come out last weekend and assist at either the Art
METEC Driver Ed
Show Opening, Baking over 200 scones on Saturday and
Final places for Year 10 Driver Ed Program are filling up.
Open Day at either Bundoora or Preston. We also extend
Please return your form to Student Services as soon as
our thanks to our Parade boys both current and ex-
students for their help at the Opening Night of the Art
Show and during Open Day. Your pride in your school
Working Bee
community is apparent through your willingness to assist
Please note the next Working Bee is Sunday 22 March from
promote it in various ways.
As usual your dedication to our Parade Community and
Thank You
especially to each other is inspiring. Thank you all again
Thanks to all the fathers who supported the Open Day and
for taking the time out from your weekend to help. Well
Art Show last weekend.
Next Meeting
Tuesday 10 March
Opening Mass 7pm (Chapel)
Meeting 7.30pm
Upcoming event to keep and eye out for:
Year 7 Mother/Son night Wed 18 March 7.30pm College
President Veronica Spiteri
Secretary Judy O’Connor/Marina Konstantinou
Jeff Warke
President PFC
0409 174 208
Become an Active Member of the Fathers’ Committee to
support the Parade community