November ‘14 - February ‘15 Full guide to local pregnancy, baby, toddler and family groups, including Antenatal courses, plus a complete diary of local NCT events and What’s On in the area! Features include: Breastfeeding support Return to work experiences and information Getting the support you need if things don’t go to plan Top Tips on potty training ©NCT, Alexandra House, Oldham Terrace London W3 6NH, Registered charity no. 801395 For details of local course dates, see Page 36 2 Hello from the Editor Hello everyone! Welcome to the latest issue and it is my great pleasure to introduce myself to you as the new editor of Small Talk. In this edition we will be taking a look at what’s been going on in our branch over the last couple of months, as well as what’s coming up in the next few months in our Diary section on the yellow pages in the middle. Our breastfeeding focus this month is from a slightly different angle, looking at how our local peer supporters and breastfeeding counsellors can support new mums with their feeding choices. We chat to Jane Thrift from the charity, Real Baby Milk, on page 17. We’ve pulled together some useful sources of information to help those of you who are thinking about going back to work, as well as how to find out what your options are if you decide not to. We’ll also hear from some of our local members about their experiences - find out more on page 20. Although we all hope that things will go smoothly during pregnancy and the early years, sadly this isn’t always the case for all of us. Find some sources of invaluable support for when things don’t go to plan on page 40. Our new ‘Top Tips’ section will give a short handy guide to a number of different challenges that face us on our parenting journeys, with ideas from parents who have already been through it. We’re going to kick off with potty training - find out more on page 42. We have a round up of all local activities in the What’s On guide, starting on page 46. I must admit that before I was editor I had never really looked at this section properly and I’m amazed at how much goes on... it’s well worth a look! And finally, we are part of a much bigger national charity, but rely on local support and volunteers to keep our activities going. We have all sorts of people doing all sorts of roles, some are fixed posts and a little more time consuming whilst others are more flexible with people helping out as and when they can. You can give as much or as little time as you are able, so why not have a chat with us about how you can help out and boost your skills and CV, as well as meeting our friendly team along the way? Find out more on page 54. As ever, please get in touch if you have any questions or comments about this newsletter or our branch in general. And don’t forget to find us on Facebook for the most up to date news! Love … Anna x 3 Who’s who in Bridport & Lyme Regis NCT Here to support all parents, the NCT aims to give accurate, impartial information so you can decide what’s best for your family, and introduce you to a network of local parents to gain practical and emotional support and make friends. We’re a small and friendly branch – please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any of us! Chair/Branch Coordinator Alex O’Dwyer & Dee Lanning For all general branch enquiries or call 07740 349 393 Honorary President Ellen Simon 01308 898 750 Treasurer Alex O’Dwyer Parent Services Administrator Link Alaine Farmer Membership Coordinator Lindsay Noble Newsletter Editor Anna Foxx Neal Advertising Coordinator VACANT Antenatal Class Bookings Fiona Makin Antenatal Teacher Ellen Simon 01308 898750 Antenatal Social Group Dee Lanning Just Bumps: 07740 349 393 Dee Lanning Bumps, Babies & Beyond: 07740 349 393 Alex O'Dwyer Open House: 01308 421 819 Nearly New Sales Victoria White & Anna Foxx Neal For table bookings or call 07847 534 464 First Aid Training Rhona Passmore Breastfeeding Counsellors Ellen Simon & Emma Gale 01308 898 750 or 01308 863 362 Post-Natal Groups Find our NCT webpage at: 4 Here we meet some of the volunteers who organise and host our local events and generally keep things ticking along: Hello, I’m Vicky and I coordinate the Nearly New Sales. I like doing the sales as I know how much they mean to mums and dads that can't afford new! Hi, I’m Anna and I got involved with NCT by going along to a meeting which had an amazing selection of puddings on offer! I was made to feel incredibly welcome and found myself volunteering to edit the newsletter, which I’m thoroughly enjoying. Hi, I'm Rhona and I first got involved with the Bridport branch of the NCT when I attended one of the antenatal courses prior to the birth of my second daughter. I was quite anxious following her birth and the friends I made at the course gave me great support. I also found attending Bumps & Babes got us out of the house, making new friends and chatting about worries while having a cuppa and cake. I began volunteering with the branch so that we could restart our baby first aid courses, something that was close to my heart. Our branch is in need of more volunteers and committee members – without people willing to help out, our full diary of activities can’t happen! See page 55 for more information… Please mention NCT and this Small Talk newsletter when you contact any of our services or advertisers! @BridportLymeNCT 5 Branch News Nearly New Sales Saturday 6th September saw us taking over the main Reception area and main hall of Sir John Colfox school for another fantastic Nearly New Sale. With over 30 sellers and just under 200 bargain hunters, we saw many people happy with what they had bought and sold (including a great selection of homemade cakes!) We’ve got two more sales to look forward to: Saturday 6th December – 2.00 - 4.00 pm - Sir John Colfox School, Bridport Saturday 7th March – 2.00 - 4.00 pm - Sir John Colfox School, Bridport Remember – NCT members get in 15 minutes early, so don’t forget your membership card! For those of you who have been to a Nearly New Sale before, you already know what a fun social event it can be, as well as an opportunity to grab a bargain, treat your little one to some new outfits or snap up some kit ready for the next phase. For anyone looking to sell, it’s a great way to clear out the loft, the shed and the cupboards and claim back some space as well as making a bit of cash along the way. Our winter sale is one of the busiest of the year and a great opportunity to make some money before Christmas or pick up a bargain gift or toy! If you are interested in selling, we provide two tables per seller and you can also bring a rail with you. If you have larger items for sale, such as cots or pushchairs, these go onto the stage area in the main hall (displaying the table number you are given on the day) as this keeps all the walkways clear of obstructions. The Sale starts at 2pm, sellers can come into set up from 1pm. You only pay for the table, you keep all the money you make on the day! 6 If you would like to book a table, the cost is £12.50 each which will be reserved for you upon receipt of payment, which can either be via PayPal (where we ask for an additional 50p to cover admin costs charged by PayPal) or by cheque payable to NCT which can be posted to us for the cost of a stamp! For more details and to reserve your spot, please email us at Make sure you contact us early to avoid disappointment! Our sales take a lot of planning, with usually over 35 sellers and 200 bargainhungry shoppers to organise! Huge thanks go to Zoe Jones who has coordinated the sales for the last couple of years alongside Vicky White, but Zoe has moved onto new challenges and we would like to thank her for all her efforts. If you would like to get involved in the preparation for the December or March sales, even just to help with putting up posters or stuffing bags, we’d love to hear from you. The sales are huge fun and, if you volunteer, you are able to get an advance preview of the bargains too! We believe that these events are hugely beneficial for local families who rely on them to buy and sell second-hand baby kit. As an NCT branch we also rely on these sales as a vital source of income – we’re a charity and the money we make at the sales, after our costs, all goes towards funding our activities in the local area. See you on the 6th December! 7 Every Tuesday 1.00pm – 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre If you haven’t attended our group before, Bumps, Babies and Beyond is our local NCT coffee group. We meet up once a week from 1.00 - 2.30pm on a Tuesday at the Bridport Children’s Centre and everyone, member or not, is welcomed with a cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit! If you receive our bulletin or keep up to date with us on Facebook, you will know that due to popular demand we decided to run our group throughout the summer holiday period this year. There were concerns that allowing for people being away and having family time with older children that our group would see a drop in numbers.... Boy were we wrong! This summer brought record numbers of families in on a Tuesday afternoon, joining us for a coffee and a chat. Bumps, babies, toddlers, older siblings, mums, dads and grandparents joined us as we made full use of the adjoining rooms and outdoor space that Bridport Children's Centre has to offer! "I really love coming along to this group, as it is so welcoming. It's a great place to meet other Mums, swap stories and advice, and it’s a great environment for the babies to play. I always walk away with a buzz." Laura A big thank you goes out to the lovely mums who help us run this group by setting up, clearing up, bringing the milk and making the teas. With the group going from strength to strength, we now have two mums each week who act as hosts to make sure that everyone is welcomed with a cup of tea. Babies, toddlers and older siblings are welcome to join in our group, with two adjoining rooms open so that there is plenty of space! We also enjoy the company of a few bumps as mums-to-be often join us too while they are patiently, or not, awaiting their new arrival! If you would like to come and join us for a coffee and a chat, please drop in anytime, no need to call in advance! If you would like to help make the teas one week a month, please email Dee at 8 The last Thursday of every month 7.00-8:30pm (except December) Bridport Children’s Centre Our pregnancy social group Just Bumps meets up once a month at Bridport Children’s Centre and gives mums from Bridport and Lyme Regis a chance to meet other mums-to-be! We focus on mums supporting mums and like all good coffee groups we indulge in (decaff) coffee (or tea), cake and a have chat about what we are thinking, feeling and what our experiences have been so far. We share stories and worries and gain reassurance from our peers or those who are a little ahead of us on their journey to becoming a mum. Each month a guest speaker is invited to join us to answers questions. This could be a mum with a new baby and a fresh perspective on things, or mums with older babies or more than one child who will be able to offer insights into what to expect. We also regularly invite pregnancy related professionals or trained breastfeeding peer supporters. This support has been an asset to those attending now that the local NHS antenatal classes have stopped. "I have thoroughly enjoyed "Just Bumps" each month during my pregnancy. I didn't have any pregnant friends in the area so it was nice to meet others that were going through the same as me! It was great to make friends and talk to other mums to be." Annika We continued to run our group through the summer and it’s a good job we did, as our group has grown and now sees more expectant mums joining in than ever before! Everyone is welcome to join us from any stage of pregnancy. There is no need to book in advance and no charge to attend this group, although donation are appreciated and will go towards the future running of this and other groups. NB: There will NOT be a Just Bumps group meeting in December. However, we will be having a “Mum’s Christmas Night In” and are inviting all of our expectant mums to join us on Wednesday 10th December - see the Diary section starting on page 29 for details. Contact Dee at or 07740 349 393 if you have any questions! 9 Open Houses If you’re at home with a young child and nothing to do but chores, get out and into an Open House! If you’ve not been to one before they’re a good opportunity to see other Mums, have a cuppa and have a chat. They’re informal and friendly and open to everyone – you don’t need to be a member to come along. All we ask is a £1 donation to the branch which will go to support our Bumps & Babies group, running Nearly New Sales and the production of this newsletter. You can find the dates of all the upcoming Open Houses in the yellow diary pages in the centre of this newsletter. Feel free to call the host in advance for directions but you don’t need to “book”, just turn up on the day! We’re also always looking for volunteers to host Open Houses. You don’t need loads of chairs – most people are happy to sit on the floor! If you want to find out more contact Alex on 01308 421 819 or email Mum’s Nights In and Out All Mums need a night off from time to time – which is why we have regular dates in the diary when we can get away for an evening and get together! The Nights Out are for absolutely everyone – whether you attend our groups or not – just so long as you’re a local Mum who fancies a night out and you enjoy a chat and the chance to make some new friends. We meet up for a drink and something to eat…and there are sometimes even some adventurous Mums who go for drinks after the meal too! The Nights In are relaxed meals at a Mum’s house. Everyone brings a dish to share, whether it’s an elaborate pudding or a quick pizza grabbed from the shops on the way there. We enjoy a meal together with plenty of chat and good company. And feel free to bring small babies if you wish, we are the NCT after all! All the dates for Nights In and Out can be found in the diary section in the centre of this newsletter. We would love to see you there! 10 Walk and Talk group Want to enjoy the fresh air? Why not join us at our Walk and Talk group! Every other Wednesday we take a stroll and enjoy good company and the great outdoors. Walks alternate between those that are buggy-friendly (relatively flat and using a path, even if some paths are a little rugged) and walks which are more “off road” and which would need babies/toddlers to be in a carrier or able to walk themselves! Children of all ages are welcome on the walks, as are partners and friends. We only cancel if the weather would make the walk unsafe – we will walk in the rain! Check out our Facebook page for updates and cancellations or email to check if a walk is going ahead. All walks have an advertised walk leader too, so do call or text them on the morning – or let them know if you are planning to join the group but will be late. All walks start at 10am. See our Diary on pages 29 to 32 for individual walk details and start points. Because we are a charity we do give you the chance to make a small donation to our branch at the end of each walk. If you would like to lead a walk or if you know of a great route, email 11 Baby First Aid Our NCT Baby First Aid Courses have been proving extremely popular, with courses running in Beaminster, Bridport and Lyme Regis this year, all receiving excellent feedback. Next course: Thursday 26th February 2015 7.00 - 9.30pm Beaminster Children’s Centre These courses are 2½ hours long and are run by a Red Cross First Aid trainer. Mums, Dads and other family members are able to gain knowledge in a range of topics including treatment of both the unconscious but breathing child and the unconscious child who is not breathing, choking and burns. Our next first aid course will be at the Beaminster Children's Centre on Thursday 26th February 2015. If you would like more details or would like to book a place on this course, please contact Rhona on 07981 810 422 or email “An easy to follow course providing essential first aid and the confidence to use it. Highly recommended for all new parents.” Tim Check out our Facebook page for updates and course details. Subsidised places are available to those who need it. Please contact us to see if you are eligible. 12 Family days Review of Abbotsbury Children’s Playground - 23rd August 2014 In true British fashion, the Saturday in question was rather grey and wet. Also in true British fashion, that didn’t stop us from venturing on our family day out! First on the scene was the O’Dwyer clan, huddled under a wooden bridge to shelter from the weather. But as more of us arrived, the clouds started to clear and we were treated to gorgeous sunshine and spectacular views in one of the loveliest playground settings in Dorset, complete with a zip wire that a dad just had to have a turn on... Great fun all round with children of all ages and if you weren’t able to join us it’s well worth tracking down this playground with your own family. Next Event: The Palm House, Weymouth - 7th February 2015, from 12 noon After the crazy Christmas period and the lull of January, whilst the weather is still a little unpredictable, we are going to head to the delightful Palm House in Weymouth. For those of you who haven’t heard of this play cafe and craft studio, turn to page 34 to find out more. With a great range of hot and cold food, including a children’s and babies’ menu (yes, homemade baby food on the menu!) and plenty of indoor and outdoor activities for under 5s, this will be a great location for all the family to come and enjoy themselves whilst meeting other mums and dads from our area. Older children are also welcome and can make a craft treat in the Starfish Craft Studio, ready to take home the same day. We will meet from 12 noon, but if you fancy coming down later for an afternoon tea and cake you are most welcome to turn up anytime. Call Anna on 07789 963 747 if you would like more details. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for other family-friendly events! 13 Thursday 26th February 2015, 7.00 - 9.30pm Beaminster Children’s Centre For details or to book a place contact Rhona Tel: 07981 810 422 Email: 14 Breastfeeding Support Baby and Me is a support group for women in the Bridport area who are breastfeeding, or thinking about breastfeeding in the future . If you are expecting your baby soon, why not pop along to the Bridport Children’s Centre on a Friday from 1pm, meet everyone and find out more about breastfeeding? Bumps are always very welcome and then if you experience any difficulties once you have had your baby, you'll know where to go for support and information. You do not need to have a 'problem' to attend, and many ladies go to share tea, cake and a chat about all sorts of things, all in an environment where breastfeeding is supported, so it’s also a good place to practice ‘feeding in public’ in the early days! Don't worry if you can't make it for the whole session, just come for whichever bit you can. If you can't make it to the group, there is a Baby & Me Facebook "Baby and Me Beaminster and Bridport" to join the closed group and ask for advice and information. Baby and Me (Bridport) Fridays, 1.00 - 2.30pm at Bridport Children’s Centre For more information call 07971 767794 or 01308 421 714 Please note that there is no longer a group in Beaminster. Breastfeeding Counsellors Breastfeeding Counsellors are experienced volunteers who are trained to help with any feeding-related issue. Their services are provided free to anyone and you do not need to be a member of the NCT to call them. Our local breastfeeding counsellors are: Ellen Simon 01308 898750 / Emma Gale 01308 863 362 There is also the National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212 15 16 Peer Supporters We spoke to Jane Thrift who works for Real Baby Milk to find out more about what goes on at a breastfeeding support group. Jane has attended the Dorchester group since 2006, qualifying as a peer supporter in 2007. She started working for Real Baby Milk as a Trainer in 2012 and earlier this year took over the role as Dorset Coordinator. Who are Real Baby Milk and what do they do? Real Baby Milk (RBM) is a Community Interest Company, based in Cornwall that was set up in 1995 as a voluntary project by a mum on maternity leave. It has grown considerably since then. Real Baby Milk is by mums, for mums – they know the power of peer support and this runs central to their work. They are supported by Health Professionals to provide information to share with families. Real Baby Milk's vision is a world in which breastfeeding is the cultural norm. Their aims are to empower families with fantastic, evidence based information and support and to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. Real Baby Milk Dorset is responsible for training, coordinating and supporting breastfeeding peer supporters in the 18 support groups throughout Dorset, from Bridport to Christchurch and Gillingham to Portland. They also produce the Real Baby Milk 'Essential Guide to Breastfeeding and Caring for your Baby' for families, Peer Supporters, Health Professionals and Children's Centres across Dorset. What is a Peer Supporter? A peer supporter is a mum who has had a positive breastfeeding experience, wishes to support other mums to achieve their own personal breastfeeding goals and has undertaken a training course. Many mums who train to become peer supporters have overcome problems before they could say that their breastfeeding experience was positive. They often state that they want to give to other mums some of the support they received on their breastfeeding journey. Peer supporters are part of the whole breastfeeding support service, that includes midwives, health visitors and breastfeeding specialists but they do NOT offer advice. A peer supporter will sit alongside a mother, listening to her experiences, acknowledging her journey, offering encouragement and practical suggestions if appropriate. Most importantly she will help to empower her as a mother to make her own informed decisions. A peer supporter is empathic, informed and will be able to signpost a mother to seek more specialist support if required. 17 Who can go to a breastfeeding group? Breastfeeding groups welcome anyone who is supportive of breastfeeding. It is often helpful for women to attend when they are pregnant so that they at least know where the group is and what to expect when they arrive. All mothers with babies that are receiving or have received breast milk are welcome. We have mums who are exclusively breastfeeding, expressed milk feeding, combined feeding, and some mothers attend who have stopped breastfeeding for whatever reason and remain supportive of other women on their journey. What might I expect at a group? A warm welcome, refreshments, often including delicious cake and a supportive network of like-minded women. Many mothers find that far from being solely about breastfeeding and associated problems, the group becomes a safe place in which to breastfeed while making friends and sharing experiences about all aspects of the transition to motherhood and development of their baby. There are plenty of resources at the groups for mothers to use. What problems can they help with? Peer Supporters are trained in specific skills such as helping with attachment and positioning, ie latching the baby onto the breast and hand expressing. They understand the importance of actively listening to a mother, which can help empower a mother to gain insight into what might be happening herself. This builds a mother’s confidence in herself and her body. Peer supporters have access to up to date information via all sorts of resources. Peer Supporters do not diagnose nor prescribe treatment, but they are taught to recognise problems that include sore, cracked nipples, low milk supply, thrush, plugged ducts, mastitis and can give appropriate up to date information while also signposting to the relevant breastfeeding specialist or health professional. How can I find out more about becoming a Peer Supporter? If you are interested in becoming a Peer Supporter please contact Jane via email at has details of all support groups and breastfeeding friendly places in Dorset. 18 19 Returning to Work.... or not?! For many of us, the whole issue about returning to work or not starts before we have even had a baby! Employers need to be informed about when Maternity Leave will start and how long you are going to be off for, but even with the best laid plans, things don’t always turn out the way you expect and nothing prepares you for what’s ahead and how you and your family are going to feel emotionally, physically, mentally and financially. There are plenty of places to go for advice about your rights when on Maternity Leave and what happens when you return to work. It can seem daunting, and when you are feeling tired and emotional the chances are that you want to stick your head in the sand and not think about the dreaded ‘W’ word at all, but being informed about what choices and options are available to you will make everything easier in the long term, even if that means that you decide to give up work altogether.... I’m afraid it’s not as simple as just ‘not going back’! Try the NCT website section on Work and Childcare for more on things such as how to go about requesting a flexible working pattern, your rights around breastfeeding whilst at work, finding out about childcare vouchers and things to consider when looking for the right child care options for you and your child: Working Families is a UK charity that helps working parents and carers and their employers find a better balance between responsibilities at home and work. With a free Legal Helpline, they can give parents and carers advice on employment rights such as maternity and paternity leave, rights to time off in an emergency, and parental leave, as well as helping you to negotiate the flexible hours you want. They can also give basic advice on the benefits and tax credits that working parents can claim. The government website is another source of information and can help you calculate things such as holiday entitlement and tax credits etc. Search ‘Maternity Leave’ for more details: 20 The Family Information Service Information from our County Council As well as general advice from national organisations, Dorset County Council’s Family Information Service is also a vital source of information about what’s available at a local level. Whether you’re a new parent or have older children too, the Family Information Service is a one stop shop for information and advice about everything you might need for tots to teens including: Nurseries, childminders, preschools and after school clubs Help with the costs of childcare Support groups Children’s Centres Activities for children and young people All the information is FREE and impartial. You can access the online directory via Family Information Service website where you can search for anything from childcare to breastfeeding groups as well as what activities are on for families and children near you. Online you can also find: The Xchange website for children who are disabled and their families The Parent Newsletter, where you can sign up to receive email updates, packed with loads of useful information and advice Advice, activities and information for teenagers on the Youth Zone Information about the types of childcare available and funding for two, three and four year olds Live webchat service so that you can talk to an adviser You can also telephone the helpline from 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday or email at anytime. Tel: 01305 221066 Email: If you can’t find what you’re looking for, or just need a bit of extra advice, there’s an Outreach Team who can provide individual support and put you in touch with support and services through your local Children’s Centre. Just ask! 21 22 Real Life Experiences Stories and advice from some of our members Many ladies in the local baby groups such as our own NCT Bumps, Babies and Beyond will either be going through their own decision making process or may be stay at home mums or back to work already, so you can talk things through there too. Communicating is the key though, and no one will expect you to be Wonder Woman and deal with it all on your own. Your feelings are important and it’s OK to say ‘I’m struggling with this’ or to cry.... a lot (I did, bucket loads, on everyone, every time I talked about it!) Several of our members have shared their experiences of going back to work, or not, warts and all! “I'd definitely recommend doing some keep in touch days. I was on maternity leave for a year and in that time there had been a lot of changes. I did three keep in touch days (you can do up to ten days before you forfeit the rest of your maternity leave) while my family looked after my daughter in our house. I felt that my daughter was with people she knew in her own environment so I could relax a bit and focus on getting back into the swing of things at work. The extra pennies helped too in that couple of unpaid months at the end. Although I worried about going back to work after a year off and putting my daughter into nursery, it wasn't as bad as I expected. To begin with Amelie cried when I dropped her off. The girls at nursery assured me that it didn't last long after I'd left. They had warned me it was likely to happen and they let me stand just outside the room I left her in so that I could hear that it began to stop pretty much as soon as I'd left. She soon settled in and it wasn't long before she didn't look back when I left her, which made me a little tearful! Nursery has been great at helping Amelie develop her social skills and has given me the opportunity to get out and keep my brain active.' Rhona 23 Going back to work…… By Denise Bell To share my experiences of going back to work, I feel that I need to set the scene. I had only been on Maternity leave for just over a week from my management role at Axminster Carpets when my beautiful baby girl arrived in October 2012. I had worked much later into my pregnancy than I intended, as I believed that doing so would keep me in good stead with my employer. Rose arrived 8 days early, so I didn’t end up having much of a break at all! My husband, Tim, was also employed by Axminster Carpets. We had a lovely few weeks with hubby at home on Paternity leave before he went back to work. I put work to the back of my mind, thinking that aside from some keep in touch days that I had 9 months with my gorgeous girl before I had to go back to work! Then the unimaginable happened……. Axminster Carpets went into administration and Tim and I were made redundant. Because they had gone into administration, we were not given any notice and were not paid anything further by the company. This meant that we had no money coming in and with an extra mouth to feed this was a hugely scary prospect. I know that Tim felt a huge responsibility to be able to provide for his family, but it wasn’t too long before he found another job with a local company. With all this going on at the same time as having a new baby I think it is fair to say that whilst I was putting on a brave face to most, that I was actually struggling quite badly and this brought out symptoms in me that were partly post natal depression and I was constantly anxious, which resulted in me having panic attacks and a permanently upset stomach. This was a very unhappy and scary time for me and I really didn’t feel in a good place but I had to keep going as my baby girl and hubby needed me…… Months passed in a haze of it just being a relief to get through the day. Some days seemed bearable, but panic attacks could still come from nowhere. Had I still been employed by Axminster, I would have been going back to work by now. In a way it was a blessing that I didn’t have a job to go back to, as I do not think I would have been able to. The longer I went without working, the harder it was for me to even consider going to work. The thought of leaving Rose with anyone else was so overwhelming that I just did not know how I was going to go about it! After a while my husband thought it would be a good idea for Rose to go to a nursery or child-minder, even if only for a few hours each week, to give me some time to try and get myself into a better place as I was neglecting myself to a certain extent and putting Rose’s needs before mine. After a number of trial sessions with a child-minder, it was evident that Rose was not settling and I found this extremely difficult and hard to deal with. A friend of mine was using a local nursery and suggested that I go and see them and have some trial sessions there too. 24 I can say without any doubt that from the first visit Rose seemed much happier. On the tour of the nursery she wanted to be cuddled by the lady that was showing us around. After a few taster sessions, Rose was booked in for three mornings a week and whilst I still felt guilty about what I called “abandoning” my daughter, my husband and friends assured me that this was good for Rose and for me too. Having this extra time to myself was tinged with guilt, but I felt I could be a better mum if I could recharge my batteries, and that this would help me cope better with my stomach issues and anxiety problems. I was always very aware that Tim had been solely taking care of all the finances and knew that I would really need to think about working properly again soon, but the thought of that was terrifying for many reasons! (1) My stomach and panic attacks were really unpredictable and being in a pressurised environment might make everything worse (2) Working would mean Rose going to nursery for more hours and this brought out the guilty feelings (3) What on earth am I going to do?! (4) What if I just cannot do it?! I think you can see my thought process! Out of the blue I receive communication from an ex-colleague at Axminster Carpets asking if I could go in for an informal chat as the company had new owners. Whilst not really wanting to go back, I got caught up in the process. One chat led to another, which led to an offer and before I knew it I had a contract pending and was about to start back with Axminster carpets again. Days before meeting with my new manager for the first time, we had an estate agent round to our house. The gentleman who came was the director of the company and without really thinking about it I asked him if he had any part time vacancies as I was looking for a new position, that I love houses and was sharing how I think people should present their homes for sale! He told me to send my CV, but I didn’t expect anything to come of it. Within a couple of days he contacted me and asked if I could pop into the office for a chat. To cut a long story short, I was about to sign a contract to go back to Axminster (despite every part of me telling me it was the wrong decision) when I got an offer of work from the estate agents, just in the nick of time! I politely turned down the Axminster role and agreed to start working at Jackson-Stops & Staff in March this year. Despite knowing that I had made the right decision in terms of starting my new job, I was still petrified that my physical symptoms were going to make life very difficult for me. However, six months on I can say hand on heart that for the first time in years and years I have a job that I love and I look forward to going to work. I still feel guilty that Rose is at nursery and not with me, but ultimately I do know that it is good for her to mix with her peers and for her development. I also know that it is good for me to be me and not Mum for a while each day. So no matter what barriers are in your way, whether they are medical, emotional, irrational etc. please do not think you are the only person feeling like this – it is fairly normal, it is OK to be scared and you will get through it! 25 My advice on how to cope with juggling everything! By Alex O’Dwyer With my first two sons I went back to work full-time when they were each six months old and they went to nursery. With my third son, I didn't return to work at all and have remained a stay-at-home Mum, albeit one that does quite a bit of voluntary work etc. So I have a fair bit of experience of both "sides of the fence" but that also means I know enough to know that there is no one-size-fits-all approach and the decision to work or not, and how to juggle motherhood with all the other aspects of your life, is a deeply personal one. So here are just a few random thoughts and memories of things that went well and things that didn't when I worked... Communicating with your partner is so important If you're both working, you will both be doing some serious juggling. For us, 8am on a Monday morning was a flashpoint for hideous rows as we tried to gee ourselves up for a busy week and get the boys off to nursery. It set the week off to a horrible start and made things very stressful. So we agreed to give up half an hour of our Sunday evening to prepare ourselves... sharing diaries, knowing who had what meetings, being totally clear for each day on who was dropping off / picking up from nursery and agreeing who would have first shower / do breakfast etc. The devil is in the detail and when you're tired and stressed it is so easy for your partner to become a scapegoat for all your frustration... Build a wall around your time with your children If you have the type of job where you "take work home" either literally having emails and desk work to do in the evening, or where you are simply thinking and processing what has happened during the day, it is really important to build a wall around your time with your children. If you've raced to be home for 4pm, then switch off your phone, clear your head, and focus on sorting out kids’ tea, bathtime and storytime. You can always think about work again when they're asleep. It is a false economy to try and get any work done when you're with your children. For me, when I was trying to keep up with an email exchange whilst supervising the building of a Duplo house or bathtime, they were the times I felt most unhappy with my work-life balance. The classic "doing too much and doing it all badly" situation.... Choose child care that is right for YOU as well as for your child. If the nursery you've chosen has a glowing Ofsted report, organic baby food and every carer has a degree in early years education, that is fantastic... but if it means you have to drive 45 minutes out of your way every morning on the way to work, if it is outside of your budget or if the opening hours cause you masses of stress, then maybe it isn't right. Your child needs a happy and relaxed Mummy more than anything else... 26 Talk to your boss Keep lines of communication open at work so your employer can build a good understanding about your working patterns, your childcare constraints and any issues you have with juggling work and motherhood. A good boss should be supportive of flexible working arrangements. And it is a truth well known that your child will get chicken pox / conjunctivitis / sickness on days when it is incredibly awkward to have to disappear from work to pick them up. You'll feel embarrassed and bad about it. And yes, there may be a snarky faced colleague who has a view about it. But this is life, and your kids come first - that's your choice and you should be proud of it. Treat returning to work as if it were a new job When you return to work, try to treat it as if you are starting a totally new job. That way you won't feel surprised or worried when it actually does feel like a new job... things will have changed and, most importantly, you will have changed. So take each day as it comes, don't feel you have to be back as effective as you used to be before maternity leave straight away. And even if you're going back full time, try to plan a gentler staged return to work routine, so building up to full time over the course of a month, maybe 2 days the first week, 3 days the next etc so both you and your child can get used to the new routine. If you're a stay-at-home mother, don’t stay at home! If you're not working and you're a stay-at-home mother, then my biggest piece of advice is... don't actually stay at home! It is much better for you and your child to be out and about at least once every day.. .to the shops, the playground, the beach, a friend's house. It's hard work being at home with children all day, every day so do yourself a favour and make sure there's variety in your routine and that you get the chance to do things that are interesting to you sometimes. There is no shame, and you're not a bad mother, if you just can't face reading *that* Peppa Pig book **again** or if the sound of Old McDonald jingling out of your child's favourite toy is starting to sound like fingers down a blackboard... And finally, listen to your heart and to your feelings If you're not happy - either working or staying at home - then think about ways you can create a change. Your child's early years are so precious, and it is so important that you are as happy as you can be during this time because that is how you will be the best mother to your child. For some people that might mean spending more time at home and less at work, for others that might mean you realise you do actually want/need to get out into a work environment because that will make you feel good about yourself and therefore can be a better parent. You may need to work for financial reasons or you may need to compromise in order to fit in with your partner's needs too. Whatever decision you take, you will undoubtedly be thinking through the impact on your child(ren) and you will be making the best choices for you and your family... so don't feel guilty! 27 The Pros and Cons of Working By Lindsay Noble Weighing up the pros and cons of your situation can help you and your family with the decision making process. Whilst the following is just one person’s experience, it may be helpful to recognise some of your own feelings, both positive and negative, in the list below. Pros: Being able to feel a sense of achievement for a day’s work and seeing I have achieved something Not being a responsible mum for a few hours, a chance to get back to my ‘old’ self Having confidence in myself that I’ve still ‘got it’ and am not a baby brain! The chance for adult conversation Being known as myself e.g. Lindsay , not ‘Mummy’ or ‘Darcy's Mum’ Not having to think of Baby's needs for a few hours a day and having a mental break from the next meal, sleep, change and coming up with ways to entertain her etc Child care is socialising for Baby Financial reasons and independence, having some spending money An unconditional smile when picking up tot at end of day Enjoying the days off as extra special time with tot, quality time has value Cons: Anxiety about who will look after tot, decisions about childminder vs nursery and finding the right place for her Feeling guilty, feeling like you have abandoned your child and falling short of responsibilities of a Mum Social pressures being the only mum in a group going back to work. Timing of when to go back - at the end of maternity leave, a year, longer...? Finding the balance of Mum and work, still needing to do housework, shopping, cooking and laundry at the end of a working day Missing Baby's achievements and milestones Worrying if they are happy and settled into their care while you are at work, are their individual needs being met or are they lost amongst a group? The most important thing is to communicate.... with your partner and family, with your friends and support network, with your employer and with yourself. Know that you are not alone, whatever you are feeling, and that it is OK to be longing to go back to work just as much as it is OK to be worried and upset about it. Things always work out in the end, it’s just a question of how and when! 28 Bridport & Lyme Regis NCT DIARY Everyone is welcome at our activities and events – you don’t need to be an NCT member, though if you would like to be there are details on page 54! Donations towards the running of the branch, including provision of refreshments at groups and the publication of this newsletter, will always be gratefully received at any event or meeting. Occasionally dates may be changed - please keep an eye on our Facebook page as date changes will be posted on there. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the individual listed for more information. November Tuesday 4 Nov Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Monday 10 Nov Open House 1.30 - 3.00pm At Dee’s: Endway, Higher St, Bradpole, DT6 3JA. Mobile 07740 349 393 Tuesday 11 Nov Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Wednesday 12 Nov Walk and Talk 10.00am Thursday 13 Nov Branch Meeting 8.00pm Tuesday 18 Nov Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Tuesday 18 Nov Mum’s Night Out 7.30pm Meet at The Stable, East St, Bridport. “Tuck In Tuesday”! Wednesday 19 Nov Open House 1.00 - 3.00pm At Kate’s: Riverside, Back Rivers Lane, Bridport 01308 427259 Tuesday 25 Nov Wednesday 26 Nov Hive Beach – cliff walk to Cogden and back. Not suitable for buggies. Meet outside the café. Call Alex 07940 538 540 At Dee’s: Endway, Higher St, Bradpole DT6 3JA. Mobile 07740 349 393 Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Walk and Talk (Buggy-friendly route) 10.00am Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Meet Bridport Football Club car park. Call Alex 07940 538 540 29 November (continued) Thursday 27 Nov Just Bumps 7.00 – 8.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Friday 28 Nov Open House 1.00 – 3.00pm At Katy’s: 4 Burbitt Close, Shipton Gorge DT6 4FD Tuesday 2 Dec Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Saturday 6 Dec Nearly New Sale 2.00 - 4.00pm Sir John Colfox School, Bridport. Email Tuesday 9 Dec Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Wednesday 10 Dec Walk and Talk 10.00am Lyme Regis. Meet at east end of Marine Parade, by the clock tower. And we’ll go for hot chocolate and cake afterwards! Call Alex 07940 538 540 Wednesday 10 Dec Mum’s Night In with Just Bumps 7.30pm At Alex’s: Atrim Farm, Atrim Lane, Broadoak, Bridport DT6 5PX. 01308 421 819 Monday 15 Dec Open House 1.30 - 3.00pm At Dee’s: Endway, Higher St, Bradpole DT6 3JA. Mobile 07740 349 393 16 Dec Bumps, Babies & Beyond CHRISTMAS PARTY! 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 LAST ONE BEFORE CHRISTMAS! December Tuesday January Tuesday 6 Jan Wednesday 7 Jan Tuesday 13 Jan Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Walk and Talk (buggy friendly route) 10.00am Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm 30 Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 West Bay, meet at the pier, opposite Ellipse café Call Alex 07940 538 540 Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 January (continued) Tuesday 13 Jan Branch Meeting 8.00pm At Dee’s: Endway, Higher St, Bradpole DT6 3JA. Mobile 07740 349 393 Wednesday 14 Jan Open House 1.30 - 3.00pm At Dee’s: Endway, Higher St, Bradpole DT6 3JA. Mobile 07740 349 393 Tuesday 20 Jan Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Wednesday 21 Jan Walk and Talk 10.00am Stonebarrow Hill, Charmouth. Meet by the National Trust hut. (suitable only for very “off road-friendly” buggies) Call Alex 07940 538 540 Thursday 22 Jan Mum’s Night Out 7.30pm Meet in the Beach & Barnicott, South Street, Bridport. Friday 23 Jan Open House 10.00am – 12 noon At Katy’s: 4 Burbitt Close, Shipton Gorge DT6 4FD Tuesday 27 Jan Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Wednesday 28 Jan Open House 1.00 - 3.00pm At Kate’s: Riverside, Back Rivers Lane, Bridport 01308 427259 Thursday 29 Jan Just Bumps 7.00 – 8.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 February Tuesday 3 Feb Wednesday 4 Feb Friday 6 Feb Saturday 7 Feb Tuesday 10 Feb Wednesday 11 Feb Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Walk and Talk (buggy friendly route) 10.00 am Open House 10.00am – 12 noon The Palm House, Weymouth from 12 noon Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Langdon Wood, meet in the NT car park Call Alex 07940 538 540 At Katy’s: 4 Burbitt Close, Shipton Gorge DT6 4FD The Palm House, Weymouth, DT4 7DW Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 At Dee’s: Endway, Higher St, Bradpole DT6 3JA. Mobile 07740 349 393 Open House 1.30 – 3pm 31 February (continued) Thursday 12 Feb Mum’s Night In 7.30pm At Suzanne’s: Charm Cottage, Seymour Farm, North Allington, Bridport. 01308 459 551 Tuesday 17 Feb Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Tuesday 24 Feb Bumps, Babies & Beyond 1.00 - 2.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Wednesday 25 Feb Walk and Talk 10.00am West Bay – West cliff. Not suitable for buggies. Meet at the pier, opposite Ellipse café Call Alex 07940 538 540 Thursday 26 Feb Just Bumps 7.00 – 8.30pm Bridport Children’s Centre. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 Friday 27 Feb Open House 10.00am – 12 noon At Alex’s: Atrim Farm, Atrim Lane, Broadoak, Bridport DT6 5PX. 01308 421 819 For general information about the branch contact: Alex O’Dwyer 01308 421 819 Dee Lanning 07740 349 393 Email: See the feature on Page 34 for more details about this venue and our next family day out... 32 Sure Start Children’s Centres We are lucky enough to have three Sure Start Children’s Centres in our area, in Bridport, Lyme Regis and Beaminster. Each one offers a full range of classes and activities, as well as access to information and additional support for those who need it. Why not pop along to your local centre and pick up their latest timetable and information leaflet to see what’s happening in your area? Litt gglers le Wri FAB Foods Stay and Breas t Parent Play Pump elling Couns ing cou ucation Adult Ed rses Baby Mass ag e Loan Young Parent Groups Bridport: 01308 421 714 Lyme Regis: 01297 444 076 Beaminster: 01308 861 030 33 The Palm House Play Café, Weymouth An oasis of calm in a busy world By Anna Foxx Neal Having heard about The Palm House in Weymouth and how fantastic the child friendly facilities were, I decided to take my two year old daughter and my husband along one Sunday and met with the owners, Nigel and Vicky Sims-Duff. We were so impressed that I recommended we head over there for our next branch Family Day Out, which is now in our Diary for Saturday 7th February! As well as running a successful business, the owners have five children and you can tell from the moment you walk in that the place has been designed with children and parents at its heart. Based in a beautiful Edwardian glasshouse in the heart of Weymouth, The Palm House is a place to relax, play, create or dine in one superb location. It has been imitated elsewhere, but the Palm House was the first venue to combine a cafe with a specialist under 5’s play centre anywhere in the region. It has all the facilities that a family requires including an official award for facilities for breast feeding mothers. In the North Wing is ‘Blooming Kids,’ the large, bright play activity centre for babies and under 5’s. This is free for babies under 6 months, £1 for 6-12 months and usually £2.50 for over 12 months, though NCT members can enjoy this area for a fixed price of £1 per child of any age, with no limit to how long you stay Concessions include free entry with every £5 spend and only £1 after 3.30pm. Child minders are also just £1 per child. It contains play equipment, toys, bricks, dolls houses, trains, cars and lots, lots more! Outside is further equipment, a crooked cottage, trampoline, a giant sandpit and further seating for those sunny days. Older siblings are allowed in the play area but generally, it is a calm relaxed environment where the grownups can eat and drink on the comfy sofas whilst the children play around in safety. And with free WiFi access too, you can catch up on emails, Facebook or sort your online shopping and banking! 34 In the South Wing is the Starfish Craft Studio, suitable for children of all ages. Baby hand and foot prints are popular, but there is a wide range of other crafts, from simply painting a fridge magnet to decoupage, pottery, driftwood, mosaicing, t-shirt printing and lots more, all using materials that mean you can take your creations home on the day.... there’s no need to go back to collect them at a later date. The cafe-bistro is at the heart of the Palm House and offers a full breakfast, lunch, snack and dessert menu. Many dishes are homemade such as Cottage Pie, Vegetarian Lasagne, Penne Carbonara and tasty soups, as well as a range of cakes and scones which are a particular speciality. All other meals are cooked fresh, such as English breakfasts, jacket potatoes, baguettes, paninis and toasties and daily specials such as Thai Green Curry are also available. As befitting a family cafe, there is an extensive children’s menu with seven hot and seven cold food options, including meal deals. All these options are healthy and freshly made with no nuggets or fries in sight! Uniquely, The Palm House has its own baby menu with homemade, natural baby food at just 75p per portion (25p of that is donated to the Special Care Baby Unit at Dorset County Hospital), something I had never seen on a cafe menu anywhere ever before! The finishing touches to the place are in the bright decor throughout, soothing music in the background, baby changing facilities and the range of local, handmade gifts for sale, as well as Bean Togs, a section for new and gently worn clothes, books, toys and nursery bits. Add in a function room that can cater for any occasion and all in all you have a venue that feels very special indeed. So whether you are looking for somewhere to go and enjoy lunch in easy going surroundings or simply need to grab a coffee and let the children burn off some energy during a shopping trip to Weymouth, this delightful family owned and family friendly play cafe is well worth a visit! See page 13 for details of our get together at The Palm House on Saturday 7th February 2015. 35 NCT Antenatal classes Little one on the way? Want the reassurance an antenatal course can offer? Worry no more as the NCT are able to offer you courses in your local area. What do the courses offer? With a relaxed and friendly style, the NCT Signature antenatal course will be as individual as you are. That's because it will be flexible and tailored to the needs of your small group. Your NCT Signature antenatal practitioner is fully licensed and experienced in preparing you and your partner - both physically and emotionally - for the arrival of your beautiful baby. Couples, singles, friends and family partners welcome and as the courses are inclusive of everyone, the price of the course is for two attendees so you can bring your partner or your mum, or indeed anyone you want with you! More than half of your course will cover the birth of your baby. There's also plenty of time to explore your questions, hopes and anxieties in a safe and supportive space. Subjects covered typically include: Pregnancy, birth choices and options available Body awareness, relaxation, breathing and massage What happens in labour, the role of your partner and how your baby is born Pain relief - natural and medical methods More complex pregnancies and medical procedures, including caesarean birth Early parenting, feeding your baby and lifestyle changes You will discover what your baby needs to help them thrive. So, of course, in an NCT Signature antenatal class, there is no such thing as an awkward question. NCT Signature antenatal courses are famous for the friendships and networks that form as you meet other local parents-to-be, friendships that can support you through the early weeks and months of parenthood. Plus, you will also receive an NCT-exclusive personal learning pack to take away with you plus a free week-by-week pregnancy e-newsletter. 36 When and where are the courses? Each course is 14-15 hours long spread over two Sundays to be held at Bridport Children’s Centre. The next course dates for Bridport are: 2nd and 9th November 2014 4th and 11th January 2015 1st and 8th March 2015 Courses are £136 with an option to include NCT membership at a reduced price, though you do not have to be an NCT member to attend. Discounts are available for this course; please enquire in confidence about these. Everyone can pay for a course by agreed instalments as long as the final payment is made by the time that the course starts, so please speak to the NCT today and get the information you want to prepare you for your bundle of joy To book your place or register your interest, email Fiona Makin on Pregnant? Do Yoga! Fridays 5.30-6.30pm Lyme Regis Children Centre Pregnancy Yoga classes are designed to keep you fit, mobile and energised: Keep your body strong to aid labour and recovery after birth Specific postures to relieve common pregnancy ailments Relaxation exercises help you connect with your growing bump Gain confidence to relieve pain during labour Attention and guidance given in a comfortable and safe environment by an experienced Yoga teacher and mother of two £7 drop in or £33 for a block of 5 Contact Barbara Mella for more details 07941 045 004 or 01297 678 289 37 Charlotte’s Story With Rhona Passmore Being pregnant can be a worrying time. There is so much to prepare for, physically, mentally and emotionally. We all hope and pray for a happy, healthy baby to be safely delivered at the end of nine months, but things don’t always go to plan or end up the way we hoped they would. I talked to Rhona, who shared the story of her first child, Charlotte. Although not easy reading, it’s important that we talk about situations like this that may affect others... “Our eldest daughter was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect at her 20 week anomaly scan. As well as regular growth scans with a consultant at my local hospital, we headed to St Michael’s Hospital regularly to be seen by the paediatric cardiology team for more detailed cardiac scanning. A plan was made for me to be induced at 38 weeks. We were informed that Charlotte could be very unwell at birth and require urgent surgery and they wanted us to be in a hospital with cardiac surgeons and a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) incubator for Charlotte. 38 weeks arrived and I called the hospital daily, to be informed that I could not be induced that day as there were no NICU beds available. By this time we were pretty psyched up and wanted to get going with it. I called at 8am the morning of 39 weeks to be told again that I was unlikely to be induced that day. To take our minds off it we called some friends and made plans to go out for a Sunday roast. Two hours later, they called back to say a baby had been discharged from NICU on the morning doctor’s round and could I come up now to start the induction process? I should have planned lunch on the first day! We arrived at St Michael’s and were promptly told that they would not be able to start the induction process for several hours and to go and get some lunch and come back. Although everyone told me how much more painful induction was going to be, even the little old lady next door, no-one mentioned how long it would be. I had 3 pessaries in total over the next 2 days. Each pessary could be given 6 hours following the last, but they had to have permission from the labour ward before inserting them to check they had a bed and midwife to look after me. On Tuesday night the doctor told me that as nothing was happening with the pessaries I would be fasted for theatre from 6am. I had tea and toast & bloods taken just before 6am. Following another examination and the ward round it was decided that something was happening and they left me to it. 38 Just before 5pm on Wednesday it was decided that I was just dilated enough that they would be able to break my waters and I was transferred to the labour ward. The poor midwife had just jumped off the bed before a tsunami of waters My husband arrived back to drenched the nice clean bed and the floor. find my midwife mopping the I now had two hours for labour to start floor in the entrance to the before they would attach me to a syntocin hospital as my waters had drip. I would also be attached to a foetal again gushed all over the heart monitor so would be unable to leave floor. I had naively thought the ward so they sent me for a wander. that there would be no more... My husband arrived back to find my midwife mopping the floor in the entrance to the hospital as my waters had again gushed all over the floor. I had naively thought that there would be no more. Although my contractions had increased by 7pm, I had a syntocin drip started. Things moved much more quickly and the tens machine that I had been using wasn’t quite cutting it anymore, so I started on gas and air. I don’t know if it was the gas and air, which I was very attached to, (much to my Rob’s upset) or the syntocin but I was feeling really sick. The midwife and Rob were nagging me to eat and drink as I needed the energy and my urine sample had ketones in it. I have to admit I was quite uncooperative about it and the head midwife was called to talk some sense into me. I gave in and had an energy drink & half a sandwich and promptly threw up. This seems to be a common theme in my labours. My midwife examined me again just after about 2am and I was fully dilated. The room suddenly got very crowded as a huge team arrived to take care of my daughter when she arrived (I can honestly say I don’t really remember this but Rob assures me there were lots of them). I have to admit I was quite uncooperative about it and the head midwife was called to talk some sense into me. Charlotte arrived at 2.58am, she was quickly taken to the other side of the room to be checked out by the doctors. I was lucky to then have the chance to have a little cuddle before she was taken to NICU. Charlotte was being examined and treated in NICU while I delivered the placenta and was stitched up, had a bath and tea and toast. Then we were allowed to go up and see her briefly. She was in an incubator, nil by mouth and hooked up to IV fluids but she was absolutely perfect. 39 The next day I took my expressed colostrum up to NICU and had kangaroo care with Charlotte, where we removed her clothes and she had skin to skin with me under my top. She was well enough to be transferred around the corner to Bristol Children’s Hospital the next day where we stayed for 10 days before being allowed to take her home with a view to having corrective surgery at 3 months old when her heart would be bigger and easier to operate on. Unfortunately Charlotte collapsed 2 days later and was rushed back to the children’s hospital where she stayed for 3 weeks prior to her death. Further investigations after her death showed that she not only had a congenital heart defect but also an undiagnosed metabolic issue. Although it was a difficult decision to try for more children, as we did not know how likely it would be that it would happen again, we have been lucky to have another two gorgeous, healthy girls.” ************ Where to get support If things don’t go to plan Sands National Charity, Sands, offers support to anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby before, during or shortly after birth. They offer emotional support and information for parents, grandparents, siblings, children, families and friends, health professionals and others. Support is also available to people who may have experienced the death of a baby a long time ago, even as long as thirty or forty years ago, as well as those whose baby died more recently, but who are still grieving. For more information, visit their website at Tel: 020 7436 5881 or email 40 NCT Shared Experiences Helpline The NCT's Shared Experiences Helpline can be a useful source of support, putting anyone who has had a challenging experience of pregnancy or birth in touch with someone who has had a similar experience, to listen to their concerns and share their stories. When you call the Shared Experiences Helpline, the enquiries team will put you in touch with a volunteer who has gone through a similar experience and is able to offer understanding and a listening ear. Callers are also given details of other relevant charities or support organisations who may be able to help. If you or someone you know needs the support of the Shared Experiences Helpline, call the number below Monday - Friday from 9am – 7pm. You can leave a message outside of these hours and someone will call you back. Tel: 0300 330 0700 The Birth Trauma Association The Birth Trauma Association (BTA) was established to support women suffering from Post Natal Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or birth trauma. They are not trained counsellors, therapists or medical professionals, but mothers who wish to support other women who have suffered difficult births and aim to offer advice and support to all women who are finding it hard to cope with their childbirth experience. They do not currently have the resources for a telephone helpline, but you can email them at the address below or find them on Facebook. For more information, visit Email: 41 Top Tips on... Potty Training There are no hard and fast rules for when to start potty training, so take the lead from your child and look out for the following signs that they might be ready: They let you know they want to be changed when their nappy is wet or dirty They take an interest when you, your partner or older siblings go to the loo They have bowel movements or pee at regular times of the day, for example always after breakfast or at bath time They know when they need to pee or poo and can say so in advance Most parents would say it's not worth starting potty training until you’re sure that you’re both ready and you have the time to focus on it. Major upheavals, both physical and emotional, can affect the success of potty training. Getting Started Start using words related to the toilet around your toddler, such as pee or wee, poo or poop – whatever you say in your home. Whenever they do a pee or poo in their nappy try to encourage their understanding of what happened and why. Try leaving a potty where your toddler can see it and make sure they understand what it’s for. When your toddler is ready to pee, encourage them to use the potty. If your child slips up, just mop it up and wait for next time. It takes a while to get the hang of it. If you don't make a fuss when they have an accident, they won't feel anxious and worried and are more likely to be successful the next time. It’s more about simply being familiar with the potty and what it is for to start with, rather than the ‘training’ element of exactly when to use it, so expect a few accidents. As you move on, rather than asking if they need a wee – they’re quite likely to say 'no' – simply say, 'it's time for the potty' and help your child to sit on it. We were going to wait a few months as I wanted to be in a position where my daughter could communicate more and tell me that she wanted the toilet etc. One evening at bedtime, she kept saying ‘potty, potty’ so we took all her clothes off, she got on the potty and did a wee! She was so pleased with herself. That’s the routine every bedtime now and we haven’t pushed onto ‘training’ her to be dry or tell us in advance when she wants to wee, we’re just pleased with how it’s going so far. Anna 42 Boys: Boys usually find it easier to learn to wee while sitting down at first, as they need to feel comfortable when sitting to do a poo. When they start to stand up to pee in the toilet you can help them aim better by playing ‘sink the cereal’ (float a few pieces of cereal in your toilet for him to aim at), or put a ping-pong ball into the toilet. It won’t flush away so it’s great for target practice. Another idea is to try putting some blue food colouring down the toilet. As your toddler urinates it will turn green and might make the experience more fun and exciting! Girls: Allow your daughter to come with you to the toilet, and tell her what you’re doing so that she understands even though she can’t necessarily see everything Remember to wipe from front to back to help prevent any infections from developing around her vagina. 43 Potty Training - How to Survive! By Alex O’Dwyer With two boys done and just one to go we asked Alex for her Top Tips on Potty Training. Here's what she’s learned (so far...) Don't start too early There is no rush, despite what "well meaning" older relatives may say ("He's 2 now, surely he's ready to be out of nappies... my children were all dry at 22 months/18 months/6 months/birth...". ) Yeah right. And so what!? Don’t get too desperate! The last few months before potty training happens, you will be desperate to start, because, frankly, their nappies will be getting more "challenging" as they get older. Full sized... if you know what I mean. This is not a reason to rush. Stick it out for as long as you can. Best and fastest results come later! Communication is important Wait until they are really communicating and can properly understand basic instructions before even attempting to potty train. There's a big difference between being able to say "I need a wee" and being able to control when that wee will appear. The control often comes quite a bit later than the ability to it. Enjoy the ride! Like all things, potty training will be up and down. They'll love sitting on the potty for a few days, and then will suddenly reject it and scream... or they'll produce a fine pile of poo on day one, and then not another solid will hit the potty for a month. Go with it. It will come right in the end. Pull ups or not pull ups? Pull up nappies are vital for when you're going out and there's a good chance that accidents will happen or you won't get to a toilet in time. However, try to stick to proper pants as much as possible at home. Just buy a big bundle of cheap ones and be prepared to throw some away in desperate times. Invest in carpet cleaner up front Toddlers will rarely do their accidents anywhere helpful, like on the tiled bathroom floor. It will always be on the thick pile rug, in their own slipper, on a favourite toy etc... Keep Calm Never ever show your child how annoyed/frustrated/desolate you are, even if accidents keep happening. It's not their fault, but do make sure that they understand that poo and wee can carry germs, so its ok to make a big deal of cleaning up, but in a constructive way! 44 Buy a potty and a trainer toilet seat Try both and follow which one your child likes most. My oldest used a potty for a little while, but my middle son didn't like it at all and went straight onto the trainer seat. My youngest is already saying he doesn't like the potty (after thumping his bum on it the first time he ever tried it out) so am thinking we'll go straight to toilet seat with him too. Don't spend loads on all singing and dancing potties the simpler and cheaper the better (especially as they may just take against it!) Let everyone know about it Make sure your partner, anyone else you're living with, family and childcare providers know that you're trying to potty train and get them on board with your approach so they can back up what you're doing and saying. On an eco/environmental note... Don't be tempted to put your normal baby wipes down the toilet once your little one is on the potty or using the big toilet - they cause no end of sewage and environmental problems as they don't break down like toilet paper. Use normal toilet paper and keep a water spray handy so you can always moisten it if you need to at first (little bums sometimes object to "rough" dry toilet paper!). All of a sudden, it will come right. I promise! 45 What’s On? Our area is bustling with baby and toddler groups of all types and sizes…take your pick! Our What’s On listings rely on us being given accurate information about groups. We cannot take any responsibility for any errors, but if you know of any changes or omissions, please let us know at with listings free of charge to all not-for-profit groups. If it is your first time attending a group we recommend you call in advance to ensure that the group is running, especially during school holidays. What’s On…MONDAYS Fizzy Boppers - Netherbury Village Hall. 9.30 - 10.30am. Music and dance group for 0-5 year olds. Refreshments included - £3.50 per family. Call Julia on 07833 718032 or email Axminster Monday Monkeys Every Monday 9.30 - 11.30am during term time at Millway Hall. For more information contact Gaynor 01297 32 659 Toddler club – Bridport United Reform Church, East Street 9.30 - 11.30am. Call 01297 489 449 Stay & Play - Bridport Children’s Centre Stay & Play Sessions for children 0-5 years on Mondays 10.00 - 12 noon. A chance to play, to participate in a planned activity, have a healthy snack and finish with a song or a story! Call 01308 421 714 for more information. Stay & Play - Lyme Regis Children’s Centre Stay & play sessions for children 0-5 years on Mondays 1.15 - 3.00pm. Call 01297 444 076 for more information. Little Acorns Toddlers - Evershot Village Hall, Mondays and Thursdays, 1.15 - 3.15pm. (Term time only) Friendly group, with indoor and outdoor space for your baby or child to play, snack included for children and home-made cake for parents/carers. £2.50 per session. or call 07752 479 900 46 What’s On…MONDAYS (continued) Happy Bunnies Playgroup – Mosterton Village Hall Children 0-5yrs welcome on Mondays 1.30 - 3.00pm. Cost £1.50 per session. Please contact Kizzy on 01308 867 142 or search for “Happy Bunnies Playgroup” on Facebook for more information. What’s On…TUESDAYS Gym Tots Bridport Leisure Centre Soft play, slides, rockers and other activities are on offer every Tuesday and Friday morning at . 9.30 - 11.00am for youngsters aged from 18 months to three years. Call 01308 427 464 for more details. Topsy Turvey Toddlers - St Andrews School, Yetminster. Tuesdays from 9.00 - 11.30am (Term time) Friendly group with large indoor space to play. Lots of craft activities, painting, cooking and lots of toys to play with. £1 per session. This includes snack and drink for the children, and homemade cake for parent or carers. For any more details call Nicky on 01935 83250. Little Wrigglers Postnatal group – Beaminster Youth & Children’s Centre. This group for babies under 1 year old runs on Tuesdays 10.00 - 12 noon. Call 01308 861 030 for more information. Baby Band at Axminster Christian Fellowship Church, Castle St For children from 6 months. Tuesday’s 10.30 - 11.30am . £1 per session NCT Bridport Bumps, Babies and Beyond - Bridport Children’s Centre Our own friendly group for parents with babies and toddlers up to two years old, older siblings also welcome. Come and join our group, meet other Mums, make friends and enjoy tea and biscuits. We have a range of toys for babies and toddlers. The group runs every Tuesday during term time from 1.00 - 2.30pm. Call Dee on 07740 349 393 for more information. Uplyme Village Hall, lunch group from newborn to pre-schoolers,1.30 - 3.00pm. Tea & Tots at Seaton Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon 2.00 - 3.30pm , £1 per session 47 What’s On…WEDNESDAYS Swimming Sessions Flamingo Pool, Axminster A session for young children and babies is held in the warm hydrotherapy pool on Wednesdays from 9.30 - 10.30am. Call 01297 35800 for details. Leaps and Bounds at the Salway Ash village Hall Wednesday morning baby, mother and toddler group running 9.30 - 11.30am . The group has a wide range of toys, including a tots bouncy castle. Cost £2 to include fruit & toast for the children, and hot drinks for adults. First Steps Toddler Group – Litton Cheney and Thorners Community Hall, School Lane. 9.45 - 11.15am. Call 01308 482 162 Bride Valley First Steps Toddler Group Meets Wednesdays 9.45 - 11.15am at the LATCH village hall in Litton Cheney. There are toys, trampoline and soft play combined with friendly faces, a good old cuppa & biscuits! Parking on site. NCT Walk and Talk Group Walks take place every other Wednesday during term-time and alternate between routes suitable for buggies and routes that need babies and toddlers in a carrier. Usually around 2 miles – a chance to chat and get fresh air! See page 13 for details, check out Bridport & Lyme Regis NCT on Facebook or email Charmouth Cherubs Parent, baby and toddler group - Wednesdays in term time, 10.00 - 11:30am Charmouth Village Hall £1.50 for one child/£2 for two children to include tea/coffee, toddler activity and snack Tots@Ten – Bradpole Parish Church 10.00 - 11:30am Tots@Ten is for under 3's and runs during term time. There are toys, ride ons and craft activities for all children to join in on. This group rounds up with story and rhyme time and a healthy snack. Donations welcome Kilmington Toddler Group Each Wednesday 10.00 - 11.45am at Kilmington Baptist Church. Axmouth Toddler Group Wednesday’s 10.00 –11.45 am at Axmouth Village Hall, £1. Call Lindsey 01297 21232. 48 What’s On…WEDNESDAYS (continued) Bridport Toy Library Every Wednesday 10.00 - 12 noon, during term time at the United Church, East Street, Bridport. Creative activity materials are also available at cost price. Contact Mrs Chantler on 01308 423 250 for further information. Young Parents Group – Bridport Children’s Centre A group for young parents, supporting each other, on Wednesdays 10.00am – 1.00pm. Call 01308 421 714. Library Toddler Time - Bridport Library Toddler time, every Wednesdays 10.30 - 11.00am, suitable from birth to approx three years, with rhymes and songs at Bridport Library. Precious Ones Toddler Lunch Group - Bridport Christian Fellowship Hall, Kings Square, (back of East Street car park). Wednesday 12noon - 2.30p.m. This group is for under-fives and their parent or carer. Lunch is provided for adults and children. Call 07971 767 794 for more information. Pregnancy Yoga – Bridport Children’s Centre 1.15 - 2.45pm (term time only). Classes focus on gentle postures, breathing techniques and positions for labour and relaxation. Call 07754 628 449 for more information. Little Wrigglers Postnatal Group – Lyme Regis Children’s Centre. This group for babies under 1 year old runs on Wednesdays 1.15 - 3.00pm. Call 01297 444 076. Little Wrigglers – Bridport Children’s Centre 1.30 - 3.00pm. A group for parents and babies up to 9 months old, covering topics such as baby development, childcare choices, sleep routine and weaning. (Runs throughout the summer holidays) Minster Mini’s Axminster Church Wednesday’s 2.00 – 4.00pm at . Suitable for 0-5 years, £1 per session. 49 What’s On…THURSDAYS Tiny Tots Axe Valley Sports Centre Each Thursday 9.00 -10.00am, £2 Powerstock Stay and Play Group – Powerstock Village Hut. 9.00 - 11.00am. For under 4’s. Call 01308 420 497 Netherbury Desperados Thursday mornings, 9.30 - 11.30am at Netherbury Village Hall. The group is for under 5’s and their parents, and offers a range of toys and weekly activities such as breadmaking. Gundry Lane Toddler Group – Bridport Youth Centre. 9.30 - 11.30am (term time only). £2 for one parent and child, 50p for each additional child. Parents, carers, childminders and grandparents all welcome. Swimming Sessions - Bridport Leisure Centre Ducklings swimming sessions for children aged six months to 3 yrs are held on Mondays and Thursdays. The introductory class is at 10.00am, the stage two class is at 10.30am. Parents must accompany children in the water. Musical Monkeys Seaton Every Thursday 10.00 - 11.30am at the Methodist Church Hall, Seaton. Charmouth Stay & Play Thursdays 1.00 - 3.00pm at Charmouth Youth Centre, for children aged 0-5. Little Acorns Toddlers - Evershot Village Hall. Mondays and Thursdays, 1.15 - 3.15pm. (Term time only) Friendly group, with indoor and outdoor space for your baby or child to play, snack included for children and home-made cake for parents/carers. It is £2.50 per session. or call 07752 479 900 Messy Church – Bridport United Church. 3.30 - 5.30pm (3rd Thursday of every month). All ages welcome. Call 01308 458 489. 50 What’s On…FRIDAYS Gym Tots Bridport Leisure Centre Soft play, slides, rockers and other activities are on offer every Tuesday and Friday morning at . 9.30 - 11.00am for youngsters aged from 18 months to three years. Call 01308 427 464 for more details. Stay & Play – Beaminster Youth & Children’s Centre Stay & Play sessions for children 0-5 years on Fridays 9.30 - 11.30am. Call 01308 861 030 for more information. Library Story Time - Bridport Library Story time every Friday 10.30 – 11.00am for Under 5’s, aimed more towards pre-school aged children with stories & rhymes. Munch Club Bridport Run by St Mary’s Church, the group meets on Fridays 12.30 - 2.30pm at Church House, South St, Bridport. Lunch is provided with vegetarian options, followed by fruit and tea & biscuits. There is a range of toys for toddlers, and song and story time at the end of the session. Cost (including lunch) £1.50 per adult and 50p per child. Baby & Me – Bridport Children’s Centre Every Friday, 1.00 - 2.30pm. A baby group for breastfeeding mums and pregnant ladies, offering support if needed, but also tea and friendly chat! Run by other mums who have completed peersupport training. Call 07971 767 794 or 01308 421 714 for more information. Stay & Play – Lyme Regis Children’s Centre. 1.15 - 3.00pm What’s On…SATURDAYS Saturdads - Bridport Chrildren’s Centre. This runs on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month 10am-12pm. These are sessions for Dads and male carers who may not get the chance to use the Children’s Centre during the week. A supportive environment where you and your children can play and learn together. Call the Centre on 01308 421 714 for more information. 51 What’s On…SATURDAYS (continued) Bridport Child Contact Centre We provide a safe, happy environment for nonresident parents to meet with their children, after a separation. Parents need to complete a referral form, either themselves or through a solicitor. We are then able to ensure that contact can take place in a way which is satisfactory to both parents. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturday afternoon of each month, from 2.00 – 4.00pm at the Bridport Children’s Centre. All the helpers are volunteers and have been checked by the DBS. The helpers are there to support parents, and we do not write reports, and are not attached to the police or social services .We are affiliated to the National Association of Child Contact Centres ( If you would like more information, please contact Mish or Diana on 07792 075 972 What’s On…SUNDAYS Gingerbread runs on the 4th Sunday of the month 10.00am - 12noon at Bridport Children's Centre. A great way to meet other single parents and make new friends. At group meetings you’ll meet people in similar situations to share experiences with. We welcome single parent families from all walks of life, whether you’re a mum, dad, carer or even a grandparent bringing up children on your own, and kids are always welcome! Call Tammy on 01308 421 714 or head to Peace Time - Bridport For parents and young children at Quaker Meeting House, South Street, Bridport.2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. 10.30 - 11.30am A time for young children and parent(s) to share experiences, exploring the creative and spiritual side of life. Come into a friendly atmosphere of calm, where you and your child(ren) can listen in wonder to meditation bowls and rain-stick, blow and watch bubbles and listen to music to encourage peace and well-being, sharing the “Wow-effect”! Other activities: stories, games, craft and cooking. If one parent would like a bit more peace, they may like to attend “grownup” Meeting for Worship. This will be going on at the same time, and you would be most welcome. The younger members of the family may join in from 11.20am. Bradpole Brunch 3rd Sunday of the Month - Bradpole Village Hall 11:30 12:30pm. Come and enjoy delicious bacon rolls with fresh coffee or tea, fruit and soft drinks. Come and enjoy fun creative activities, story and songs for adults and children together. All Welcome! 52 There are many benefits to joining a group and getting involved with the NCT. Why not take out a membership for you and your family? More details on the next page... 53 NCT and Membership Our vision is a world in which parents are valued and supported to build a strong society, believing that a child’s early years significantly impact upon the future they help to shape. Our charitable purpose: We offer information and support in pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. We campaign to improve maternity care and ensure better services and facilities for new parents. We aim to give every parent the chance to make informed choices. We want to make sure that everyone has access to our services and activities. NCT membership offers you an easy way to meet other mums and dads who are going through exactly the same thing and the good news is NCT membership costs less than £4 a month! When you’re a member, you’ll also get exclusive access to: Priority entry and the chance to grab a bargain at our famous NCT Nearly New Sales Our inspiring and informative quarterly parenting magazine, NCT Matters Special discounts at NCT Shop and our new Eco Range Low-cost holidays using our members only NCT family house swap holidays Membership options: We have a range of membership options to meet your needs. One membership covers up to two people at the same address, so select the 'Joint membership' option to sign up your partner too. 18 month membership costs £48. You can opt to pay up front or just £8 per quarter by direct debit 12 month membership costs £40, or £10 per quarter by direct debit Reduced price membership is available at £10 per year. You are eligible for this if you receive Employment Support Allowance or tax credits (excluding child tax credits alone). Volunteer rate membership. For those who volunteer - NCT offer a reduced rate membership of £26 as a single payment or quarterly direct debit of £6.50 per quarter. 54 Keep Calm and Do the Money... Treasurer This is a crucial role to make sure our branch runs smoothly and that we're on top of our finances. We are looking for a new person to take over this role. If you have around an hour a week to spare, this role is most computer-based admin so can be done at a time to suit your routine. You don't need formal accounting experience, just attention to detail, good IT skills and lots of common sense. Keep Calm and Lead the Charge Branch Coordinator Interim Branch Coordinators Alex and Dee are happy to continue in this role, however between them they hold at least 4 roles, host most events, have 4 children (mostly Alex’s), have part time jobs and also volunteer elsewhere! Keep Calm and Host an Event Open House, Walks, Just Bumps or Bumps, Babies and Beyond Do you have a couple of hours to spare? If you do, you could really help us out by leading a walk, hosting one of our groups or opening up your living room to mums for a coffee at a time that suits you! So if you are organised and interested in leading a good team of dedicated volunteers, then they are happy to hand over the reins! Keep Calm and Socialise Parent Support Coordinator Keep Calm and Raise Some Funds Fundraising Coordinator Are you a people person? Organised and friendly? Then this could be the role for you! Due to only having a small number of volunteers we have not had anyone to help us raise more funds or to distribute the funds where needed. This role would be ideal for someone outgoing and creative! Is this you? We need someone to ensure that the parent support system in the branch is working well. This means organising our groups, liaising with Health Visitors and Midwives and generally being a friendly face. Keep Calm and Grab a Bargain Nearly New Sale Volunteer Keep Calm and Contact Us!!! What are you waiting for! We require between 5-10 volunteers at each sale we run, and that’s just on the day! We also need some help on our NNS organizing team. Can you spare a few hours to sell refreshments or organise some tables? All volunteers get early entry into the sale! Call Alex - 01308 421 819 Call Dee - 07740 349 393 Email us on 55 Add Saturday 7th March 2015 to your Diary too...more details in the next issue! 56 Your next edition of Small Talk… This is your newsletter and we want to hear from YOU! The next edition of Small Talk will be the March to June 2015 issue. Deadline for this edition is 23rd January 2015 Please get in touch if you would like to contribute or advertise. For every newsletter we need stories and recommendations from parents in OUR branch. There is no such thing as a good or bad story, only YOUR story. If you would like to contribute an article or you have any suggestions on how we could improve this newsletter, please get in touch: Like our Facebook page – nctbridport – to get all our news and updates! The information in this newsletter is for the use of the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) members only in connection with NCT activities and may not be used for any commercial purpose. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual and not necessarily those of the NCT or the Editors. The information in this newsletter should not be reproduced without the Editors’ consent in writing. The conditions of the Data Protection Act may apply. The appearance of an advert in this newsletter does not imply endorsement of the company or its products by the NCT, nor does it constitute a recommendation. NCT cannot be held liable for loss, damage or injury arising out of goods sold through these columns or any advertisement in this newsletter. 57 Advertise with us Small Talk is the newsletter of Bridport and Lyme Regis NCT and it is distributed to new and expectant parents throughout our area, which covers Bridport, Lyme Regis, Axminster and Beaminster. The newsletter is distributed free through local hospitals, dentists’ and doctors’ surgeries, nursery schools, playgroups, childrens’ centres and shops and facilities frequented by young families, as well as our at our popular Nearly New Sales (nearly 200 people attended our last Bridport sale). It is published three times a year and is also available to download from the NCT website. Advert size Price for 1 issue Price for 3 issues (1 year) ¼ page 95mm x 65mm £18 + VAT £45 + VAT ½ page 95mm x 135mm £25 + VAT £65 + VAT Full page 200mm x 135mm £40 + VAT £95 + VAT ½ page 95mm x 135mm £35 + VAT £100 + VAT Full page 200mm x 135mm £60 + VAT £160 + VAT Black and White Colour inside cover – back or front We are also happy to create artwork for your advert if required, and request a minimum donation of £10 for this service, in recognition of the volunteer time that will go into creating your advert. Opportunities for promotion at Nearly New Sales Why not use our popular Nearly New Sales for additional promotion and marketing? Over 250 people attend each of our sales (buyers and sellers) which are held four times a year and there are a range of opportunities: Leaflet insertion into bags £10 per 100 inserts (at one sale) £75 for inserts into all bags at all four sales in a 12 month period Leaflet distribution on the door £25 per sale Your presence at our events or other sponsorship options Contact us to discuss your requirements… Contact Anna for all advertising enquiries Tel: 07789 963 747 Email: 58 Children’s Centres are for everyone caring for a child under five. We offer support and information as well as fun activities for you to enjoy with your child. Little Wrigglers 0 – 6 months Giving you the tools to give your child the best start in life including baby development, weaning and sleep routines. Stay & Play 0 - 5 years Play with toys, make things, have a healthy snack and finish with a song! Saturdads 0 – 5 years (older siblings welcome) For dads and other male carers, a chance to play with your children and eat bacon sandwiches Outreach Workers Offering you additional support when you need it most. Please speak to us for further information. …and lots lots more! For more information, call us, pop in or visit our website: Beaminster Children’s Centre 01308 861 030 Bridport Children’s Centre 01308 421 714 Lyme Regis Children’s Centre 01297 444 076 59 60
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