TAPS NEWSLETTER TELEPHONE: 4626 4577 FAX: 4626 8488 Principal: Mr G Cartwright www.thomasacre-p.schools.nsw.edu.au Deputy Principal: Mr D Jance SCHOOL SECURITY 1300 880 021 24 Hours Dear Parents, THIS WEEK AT TAPS Week WELCOME BACK Welcome back to the new school year. We have a number of new staff joining us this year - Mrs Berry, Mrs Gregory, Mr Gould, Miss Moisy, Mrs Puntoriero and Ms Tuerlings. They will make an exciting addition to our staff. WEEK 3 P & C Meeting 3:15pm Staffroom 9th I’d also like to extend a warm welcome to all the parents who are new to our school that includes all Kindergarten parents as well as the parents of the twenty-eight (28) new students who enrolled into Years 1 to 6. Stage 3 Meet the Teacher 17th K-6 Assembly and Badge Induction 20th ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT The 2014 Annual School Report was uploaded to the school website last Friday. My thanks to all who were involved in contributing to it. The hyper link to the 2015-17 School Plan will show that the School Plan is in its final stages of preparation and will be uploaded prior to the end of March. NEW DEMOUNTABLES We have had four (4) new demountables installed over the holiday period. We are presently seeking quotes on installing wi-fi to all the rooms as well as new Touchpanels, the replacement to Interactive White Boards. STUDENT’S ABSENCE OF THREE (3) DAYS OR MORE REQUIRES A SUPPORT CLASSES Parents will remember that at the close of last year the school was informed that it had been successful in establishing three (3) new support classes. One of these a Kindergarten Multi Cat class will commence next week. I expect the other two (2) classes will commence at the beginning of Term 2. DOCTOR’S CERTIFICATE CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR THE LATEST EVENTS All teacher positions will be advertised this term. ROAD SAFETY It is always worth spending a little time at the beginning of the school year talking to your children about the importance of travelling safely to school TAPS NEWSLETTER – TERM 1 – WEEK 2 2nd February 2015 AT TAPS www.thomasacrep.schools.nsw.edu.au UPDATED WEEKLY Page 1 and home. Take time to talk to them about your expectations about how they should travel to school, use the pedestrian crossing and watch carefully for cars. For parents please take extra care when dropping off and picking up your children. The school is always a busy place but particularly at the beginning and end of the day. KINDERGARTEN 2015 The school year has got off to a good start. It is amazing how quickly our new kindergarten students settle into their classes. Our kindergarten students will finish school at 2:30pm until the end of Week 3 (Friday 13th February) and will be met in the morning at the front of the school from 8:40am by our Kindergarten teachers and Senior school buddies. Please ensure that your child’s clothing, hats, lunch box and drink bottles are clearly labelled with their name. We ask that Kindergarten children DO NOT order from the canteen for the first two weeks as they have different eating times to the rest of the school. A reminder to all parents that a certain amount of leeway is given at the start of the school year when we are settling new students into school but the sooner we can establish routines the better off we are. Please encourage your children to walk to their respective assembly areas themselves. We will be encouraging all parents just to drop their children off, wave goodbye and leave them in our care. Your support and co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated. K-6 ASSEMBLY - Week 4 Friday 20th February I would like to extend an invitation to all parents and our local community to attend the first K-6 Assembly of the year which will be held on Friday 20th February (Week 4) under the Primary COLA commencing at 12:40pm. Our Badge Induction service will take place during this assembly. Badges will be issued to the School Captains, School Vice Captains, House Captains, House Vice Captains and SRC representatives. We look forward to seeing you there. OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS CATHOLIC PARISH ROSEMEADOW SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) 2015 This Sacrament will be celebrated on Thursday 26th March from 4:00pm. It is available to all children who are in Year 3 or above and have been baptised. If you wish your child to make this Sacrament with the option of receiving their First Holy Communion later in the year and did not come to the enrolment night last year you MUST attend the first lesson for this programme on Saturday 21st February, 2015 commencing at 4.15pm. Children will participate in lessons within the Parish School classrooms, and parents will meet with Father in the Parish Meeting Room. This is the last opportunity for you to enrol for 2015. The programme fee of $25.00 is also payable at the first lesson. NOTE: If you will be enrolling at the first lesson, then please arrive at 3.45pm to the Parish Meeting Room before the lesson to complete the paperwork. You will need a copy of your child’s birth and TAPS NEWSLETTER – TERM 1 – WEEK 2 2nd February 2015 Page 2 PRINCIPAL: Mr Greg Cartwright DEPUTY PRINCIPALS: Mr Donovan Jance and Mrs Rebecca Kerron EARLY STAGE 1: STAGE TWO: KINDERGARTEN: YEAR ONE: YEAR TWO: YEAR THREE: YEAR FOUR: YEAR FIVE: YEAR SIX: ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS Mrs Yvonne Bryce STAGE ONE: Mrs Leanne Williamson STAGE THREE: Mrs Jennifer Kalgovas Mrs Heidi Thompson CLASS TEACHERS KB Mrs Hannah Brown KC Miss Rebecca Collins KR Ms Anne Rocchetto KS Mrs Delwyn Sylwestrzak 1A Mrs Pat Aston 1L Mrs Ursula Lischer 1V Miss Brooke Vamvas 2M Mrs Eva Michalowicz/Mrs Karen Kous (*Reading Recovery teachers) 2P Mrs Natalie Puntoriero 2T Mr Drew Thompson 3G Mrs Kelly-Anne Gregory/Miss Emily Moisy 3H Mrs Leilana Hunter 3J Mr Justin Whyte 4S Mrs Rebecca Smith 4T Ms Kristen Tuerlings 4/5H Miss Genevieve Houlton/Mr Brett Gould 5B Mrs Danni Berri 5/6M Mr Michael Marsh 6B Mrs Lyn Bridger 6T Mr Leszek Sylwestrzak SUPPORT STAFF ESL: Abor. Ed: LIBRARY: COUNSELLOR: SUPPORT: AEO: RFF: PASTORAL CARE: TAPS NEWSLETTER – TERM 1 – WEEK 2 Mrs Claudia Sannio Mrs Sharryn Azevedo Mrs Genevieve Houlton/Mrs Jennifer Kalgovas Mr Alan Pages Mrs Fiona Haviland/Mr John Reynolds Mrs Veronica Kinchela Mrs Melinda Byrne/Miss Alison Marsden Mrs Katie Woelner Mrs Louise Mason 2nd February 2015 Page 3 ADMINISTRATION School Administration Manager: School Administration Officers: General Assistant: Canteen Manager: Mrs Denise Eather Mrs Joanne Carter Mrs Cherylne English Mrs Janeene Zifovich Mr Rob Wenzel Mrs Donna March LEARNING SUPPORT OFFICERS Mrs Joanne Archer Mrs Coleen Austin Mrs Lyn Ballard Mrs Bree Ferguson Mrs Gidget Jansz Mrs Andrianna Kastrounis Mrs Lynda Matts Mrs Cherrie Pelaez Mrs Lisa Sperling Mrs Thalia Ward Mrs Wendy Wilkinson WEEK 3 9th February WEEK 4 P & C Meeting in staffroom 3:15pm Meet the Teacher Week - times to be advised 17th 20th WEEK 6 4th March 10th 11th 12th WEEK 8 16th Stage 3 Meet the Teacher K-6 Assembly and Badge Induction - COLA 12:30pm Koori Education Carnival Years 5 and 6 6S to host assembly - School hall 2:05pm Zone Swimming Carnival 2T to host assembly - School hall 2:05pm School Photographs Selective High School Placement Test P & C Meeting on staffroom 3:15pm 20th 25th 30th 1st April 3rd 6th 7th to 17th 20th K-6 Assembly - Primary COLA 12:30pm 6B to host assembly - School hall 2:05pm Easter Parade 2M to host assembly - School hall 2:05pm GOOD FRIDAY Easter Monday School holidays Staff Development Day WEEK 9 WEEK 10 TAPS NEWSLETTER – TERM 1 – WEEK 2 2nd February 2015 Page 4
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