February 20th, 2015 Dear colleagues, I am pleased to send you the fourth circular for the 15th International Echinoderm Conference (IEC) that will be celebrated from May 25th to 29th 2015, in Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico. Here you have more “fresh information” on the 15th IEC: We have already 100 people registered to attend! Our 15th IEC Plenary Speakers are confirmed: Maria Byrne Messing, Charles O’Hara, Timothy Harilaos, Lessios We are happy to inform you that we have everything ready to host the “Assembling the Echinoderm Tree of Life Symposium” in the 15th IEC in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. Deadlines have been extended: Registration deadline extended to March 20, 2015 Abstract submission extended to March 20, 2015 Early registration extended to March 20, 2015 Late registration: after March 21st, 2015 Remember: the registration fee includes the Wednesday FIELD TRIP (for all the registered people, including guests), the welcome package (including the conference Booklet), coffee breaks, the Sunday evening “Ice Break” and a Tshirt! Diving in the Mexican Caribbean (May 30th): If you are interested in experiencing a couple of dives in the beautiful Caribbean waters of the Mayan Riviera, bring with you your diver certificate at the 15th IEC!! (approximate cost 69 USD without equipment and 84 USD including equipment). Please send an email to iec15th@gmail.com to confirm your intention to choose the service. General information: Registration should be completed at the same time as submission of abstracts. Please complete the registration form and submit to: iec15th@gmail.com The registration and abstract forms are provided on the web page: http://www.icmyl.unam.mx/15iec The submission of the abstracts needs to be done directly to the email: iec15th@gmail.com with the file name: Lastname_Name_Category attach as PDF file. Remember that the prices are in Mexican Pesos thus the corresponding exchange rate should be applied. Payment should be done directly by an international bank transfer. Once the payment has been done, please send a copy of your bank-receipt or confirmation order to the email: iec15th@gmail.com with the file name: Lastname_Name_Payment All the prices are in Mexican Pesos. The room include food, tips and beverage because is an all-inclusive hotel. The prices are per night. Paying from around the world to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico J. P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A. Bank Account 00101693118 DLLS Swift Code Chasus33 ABA Trransference E.U. 111000614 ABA Transference Europe 21000021/ Address 2900 Woodridge, 1st Floor; Houston, TX 77087 Paying from Mexico to: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico BBVA BANCOMER Banco (Bank) Cuenta (Account) 00446634494 Solo cheques (Checks only) Sucursal 3461 Felix Cuevas Plaza 001 Ciudad de México CLABE 0121-8000-4466-34494-2 Transferencia bancaria INTERBANCARIA (Bank Transfer) Moneda (Currency) Mexican pesos For payments in cash directly to the bank, please contact: Lic. Jose Luis Peralta Arias Tel: +52(55) 5622-5779, exts. 25779 and 45213 and email: joseluisp@cmarl.unam.mx Cost Early registration: From January 1st to March 20th 2015. o Students: $4,200 Mexican pesos (includes T-shirt). o Senior Scientist: $7,500 Mexican pesos (includes T-shirt). Guest: $ 2,100 Mexican pesos Cancelation fee $900 Mexican pesos, after April 25th 2015, no refund. o Banquet: $1,800 MXN. Cancelation fee $500 Mexican pesos, after April 25th 2015, no refund. Late registration: after March 21th 2015. o Students: $5,500 Mexican pesos (includes T-shirt). o Senior Scientist: $8,800 Mexican pesos (includes T-shirt). Guest: $ 2,100 Mexican pesos. Cancelation fee $900 Mexican pesos, after April 25th 2015, no refund. o Banquet: $1,800 Mexican pesos. Cancelation fee $500 Mexican pesos, after April 25th 2015, no refund. Venue Hotel RIU PLAYACAR Single $1,993.75 Mexican Pesos. Double $ 2,750. 00 Mexican Pesos. Disponibility 65 rooms. There is a second hotel from the same company where you could also stay. Hotel RIU YUCATAN Single $ 2,283.75 Mexican Pesos. Double $ 3,150.00 Mexican Pesos. Disponibility 55 rooms. If you are interested in staying in any of these hotels, the reservation needs to be done directly through the travel agency in order to get the conference rate. Since we have been experiencing some communication problems with the Travel Agency, please call to this “new telephone number” from Monday to Friday and from 10am to 5pm (Mexico’s Time). Travel Agency: "Travel Deal" Telephone: +52 (55) 65-48-20-91 Email: traveldealmx@hotmail.com There are also other lodging options in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. More information is available in the web page. Contact More information is now available at the web page: http://www.icmyl.unam.mx/15iec of the meeting, on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/15IEC and twitter: @15iec The email is: iec15th@gmail.com We are very pleased to help you if you have further questions. We are looking forward to see you in Playa del Carmen, Cancun, Mexico. Sincerely yours, Dr. Francisco A. Solís-Marín Dr. Alfredo Laguarda Figueras Organizing Committee Colección Nacional de Equinodermos "Dra. Ma. E. Caso Muñoz" Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México, D.F iec15th@gmail.com
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