FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT February 22, 2015 Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church 951 Swan Valley Drive Forsyth, MO 65653 Our Lady of the Ozarks Mission Statement We are a unique parish, called together from far and near. We bring our talents and our shortcomings, our histories and our hopes. Most of all, we bring our faith, and together in this faith we grow in loving and serving our parish and our community. We are blessed to belong to Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church. Parish Office: 417-546-5208 Father Rick L. Jones Pastor 417-334-2928 Father Joji Vincent, OSB Associate Pastor 417-334-2928 Sister Charlotte Flarlong, SSND Parish Office Hours: 8:00am ~ 3:00pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday Pastoral Associate 417-546-5208 emergency/cell: 417-231-5300 Check out our Web-Page at: MINISTERS: Sunday, February 22 8:30AM MINISTERS: Sunday, March 1 8:30AM Lector: T Krueger, M Guy Lectors: T Silvis, K Gerken Euch. Ministers: * Sr Charlotte, J & N Loughner Euch. Ministers: *J Silvis, D Walton, D Gabel Ushers: J Silvis, A Danna, S Hadaller, I Schmitz Ushers: F Otto, D Gerken, R Terrien, B Strader Servers: H Clausen, K Bohon Servers: N Hutchison, P Hadaller Offertory: S Higginbotham, G Ohlson Offertory: Children of the Parish Welcome/Greeters: M Luberda, D Covelli Welcome/Greeters: K Strader, P Harter Homebound Communion: M Luberda, M Little Homebound Communion: D Vincent Wednesday, February 25 9AM Mass Lector: J Loughner Wednesday, March 4 Lector: T Krueger Friday, February 27 Lector: M Terrien Friday, March 6 9AM Mass Lector: D Ratermann 9AM Mass 9AM Mass Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday February 22 23 24 25 26 27 First Sunday of Lent Office Open 8AM—3PM Office Closed Office Open 8AM—3PM Office Closed Office Open 8AM—3PM 8:30AM Mass Larry Hopke+ 9AM Eucharistic Adoration 9AM Mass Erma Carr+ Saturday 28 9AM Mass Ted Strom+ Confessions in Branson from 3PM—4PM 5:30 PM Stations 6:00 –7:00 PM Reconciliation March 1 2 Second Sunday of Lent Office Open 8AM—3PM 8:30AM Mass Jim McKelvey+ 9AM Eucharistic Adoration 3 4 St. Casimir 5 6 First Friday Office Closed Office Closed Office Open 8AM-3PM Office Open 8AM-3PM St. Katherine Drexel 9AM Mass For All the Deceased+ 5:30 PM Stations 6:00—7:00 PM Reconciliation 9AM Mass Jackie Maclyak+ 7 Sts. Perpetua & Felicity Confessions in Branson from 3PM—4PM UPCOMING EVENTS Today: Sunday, February 22—3:00 PM Rite of Election at St. Agnes Cathedral Remember Elleanor Crouch in prayer during Lent as she prepares to be received into the Church Wednesday, February 25—11 AM RCIA; 6:30 - 8:00 PM “Journey Through the Bible” Session 2 Friday, February 27—5:30 PM Stations of the Cross; 6:00—7:00 PM Reconciliation/Divine Mercy Chaplet Sunday, March 1—PSR after Mass Wednesday, March 4—11:00 AM - Noon RCIA; 6:30 - 8:00 PM “Journey Through the Bible” Session 3 Friday, March 6—5:30 PM Stations of the Cross; 6:00 - 7:00 PM Reconciliation/Divine Mercy Chaplet Sunday, March 8—KC Breakfast after Mass Wednesday, March 11—10:00 AM Music Planning; 11:00 AM RCIA; 6:30—8:00 PM “Journey Through the Bible” Session 4 Thursday, March 12—6:30 PM KC Informal Gathering Friday, March 12—10:00 AM PCCW Meeting; 5:30 PM Stations of the Cross; 6:00—7:00 PM Reconciliation/Divine Mercy Chaplet Sunday, March 15—PSR after Mass; St. Pat’s Dinner and Silent Auction Remember in Prayer All Those Who are Sick or Homebound O God, who willed that our infirmities be born by Your only begotten Son to show the value of human suffering, listen in kindness to our prayers for our brothers and sisters who are sick; grant that all who are oppressed by pain, distress or other afflictions may know that they are chosen among those proclaimed blessed and are united to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. (Collect Fern Abell Dena Baer Debbie Davis Elaine Hood Jan Olsen Joyce Stenger Michael Anderson Harold Blood Patricia Fargo Gloria Hudson Fritz Otto Christopher Sullivan Norbert & Lil Aurit Miles Brook Frank/Ann Grimm Julia Marie Kress Rose Reynolds Helen Tarnowski Faye Austin Jane Carr Phil Harter Trudy Krueger Cathy Rice Mary Traeger Dana Austin Anna Danna Carl /June Henke Colleen McGowan Mike Stenger Bill Watson Mutually Shared Vision Diocese Springfield-Cape Girardeau Our Sacred Purpose Due to the snow last week, the regular weekly Finance Report doesn’t appear in this week’s bulletin. Look for it to reappear in next week’s bulletin. To the parishioners of Our Lady of the Ozarks and Our Lady of the Lake. I don’t know how to express thanks for your kind wishes and cards on the occasion of my 60th anniversary of my ordination, not to mention the breakfast and the beautiful cakes! (Guess I just did!) At the Saturday evening Mass in Branson, I noticed a very familiar chalice. I had given that chalice to Bishop Johnston to give to a young priest who might not be able to afford one. Apparently, Father Rick asked Bishop Johnston if he could use the chalice for my 60th anniversary Mass in Branson. What a touch of class! Thanks again from an old priest who really doesn’t have a heck of a lot to offer except heartfelt thanks! Father Phil CHURCH IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Next week we will take up the Collection for the Church in Central and Eastern Europe. This collection supports Catholic organizations that provide affordable shelter and train seminarians in a region that still struggles from the effects of the Soviet rule. By providing pastoral care, catechesis, and funding for building renovations, your donations help to restore the Church and build the future in the region. Please give generously to the collection next week. Visit (search “Church in Central and Eastern Europe”) to learn more. The sacred purpose of the Diocese of Springfield-Cape Girardeau is to joyfully live our Catholic faith as intentional disciples, leading all to a full life in Jesus Christ. Our Core Values Prayer, Generous Service, Enthusiasm The Thoughtful Giver: When you name the Church in your Will (or Living Trust) to receive a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, you make one final gift — your crowning gift — to your family in faith that you have supported during your life. You declare in your will that you believe in the mission of the Catholic Church and that you want a portion of your accumulated assets to be invested in furthering the good work that it does in Christ’s name. Example of How to Make a Bequest: I give, devise and bequeath to The Roman Catholic Diocese of Springfield—Cape Girardeau, a Missouri not-forprofit corporation, for the exclusive use and benefit of Our Lady of the Ozarks Parish, Forsyth, Missouri, (insert here the sum of money or percentage of the estate). Pope Francis has named 2015 as the Year of Consecrated Life, devoted to the renewal of religious life, the celebration of the willingness of members of religious orders, and an invitation to young people to consider a vocation to the religious life. “I am determined to conquer my self-will little by little and even though I cannot immediately climb heavenwards, I want to have patience with myself, because precisely this patience raises me again closer to God. “ Blessed Mary Theresa of Jesus Gerhardinger, Foundress of the School Sisters of Notre Dame Many dioceses right here in the United states do not have enough priests and trained lay ministers to serve their parishes. These dioceses are known as home missions. The Catholic Home Mission Appeal will take place this weekend in the second collection, and supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please be generous in this appeal and share your resources to strengthen the Church at home. NOTE: The Springfield/Cape Girardeau Diocese is a home mission diocese. Our Lady of the Ozarks has benefited from this collection. For over forty years, Catholic children and young people have attended Camp Re-NEW-Al, learning about God, themselves, and what it means to be Catholic. Camp Re-NEW-Al’s philosophy is that evangelization happens while campers interact with other campers and staff members in the natural beauty of southern Missouri. The Healing Grace of Prayer—The Light is On for You . . .This Lenten season, each Catholic parish in the Springfield/ Cape Girardeau Diocese will have confessions available for 1 to 2 hours one day each week. Our Lady of the Ozarks will have confessions available every Friday from 6:00—7:00 PM. Make a commitment this Lent to join us on Friday evenings as we gather for quiet prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation for all of the situations in our lives that need the healing grace of Jesus’ love. The church will be open, and you are welcome to come for a few minutes or for an hour. A Week of Camp Re-NEW-Al makes for a lifetime of discipleship. Campers are immersed in a totally catholic experience loaded with fun, faith, and fellowship. For brochures and more information, please see the parish bulletin board. First Sunday of Lent Readings: Jeremiah 31: 31-34; Psalm 54; Hebrews 5: 7-9; John 12: 2023 Reflections Questions: What clues do today’s First Reading and Responsorial Psalm offer about God’s justice and mercy? How do you interpret the lines in the Second Reading that refer to the Noah story? Does Christ only concern himself with the people of his own time and with future Christians? Why do you think he would preach to sinners from the past? Mark gives the briefest account of the temptations in the desert but adds the detail that he was among beasts and angels ministered to him. Why do you think Jesus had to undergo this time in the desert? How does the desert experience relate to what happens next? PSR Classes — March Sunday, March 1—Chapter 7 Snack/Aide: Joanne Hall Sunday, March 15—Reconciliation Snack/Aide: Jennifer Hutchison Sunday, March 29—Holy Week, Paschal Mystery, Resurrection Snack/Aide: Karen Koehn A Little Lenten Humor . . . A Catholic man walks into a diner on the first Friday of Lent. He orders the fish plate. After the meal is finished, he pays the bill, but leaves no tip. He repeats this every Friday during Lent at the same diner. On the last Friday of Lent, the waitress finally asks the man " Excuse me sir. You've been eating here every Friday, and not once did you leave me a tip. Didn't I provide good service too you?" The man replies "The service you provided was excellent. But because it's Lent, I had to give up something. So, I decided to give up tipping.” Catholic Charities partners with Holy Trinity Parish to offer free tax preparation for qualified individuals Catholic Charities of Southern Missouri is sponsoring a free VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) tax clinic Volunteer certified tax experts assist you in filing your taxes electronically Income limit —$53,000 Adjusted Gross Income Location — Holy Trinity Parish, 2818 E. Bennett St., Springfield Dates — Thursdays, beginning February 5 through April 9 Time — 4:00 pm – 7:30 pm Appointments are required. Please call (417) 720-2000. Senior citizens (60 years of age or older) can call Tax Counseling for the Elderly at 417-862-0762 for free tax preparation, including the Missouri Property Tax Credit. Another easy and safe way to file your taxes this year is by using If you have household income of $60,000 or less, visit to file both your federal and state tax returns for FREE. HUNGERING FOR A BETTER LIFE Our journey with CRS Rice Bowl begins in Tanzania, where a simple soybean is changing lives! What actions can you take this Lent to change lives—at home and around the world? Like many farmers in Tanzania, Gertruda Domayo used to struggle to provide for her three grandchildren. Now she is a member of Soya ni Pesa, a Catholic Relief Services project that means “soybeans are money.” Through the project, Gertruda has learned that a few small changes can make a big difference. Crop spacing and fertilizer have doubled her harvests. Membership in the local farmers’ group gets her good prices at market—which means a six-fold increase in family income. And the soybeans themselves add nutrients to the soil, fueling future harvests. For Gertruda and her grandchildren, that means more and better food. Best of all, Gertruda knows how to provide her family with a better life. Visit to watch a video and learn more about Tanzania. MARK THE DATE — MARCH 15 ST. PATRICK’S DAY DINNER AND SILENT AUCTION All proceeds from the St. Patrick’s Day Dinner and silent auction will go towards the purchase of a church sign. Look for more information in next week’s bulletin. AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED The PCCW would appreciate any donation for the silent auction, big or small. Baked goods, gift cards, and services are also welcomed. Every donation gets us closer to our goal. We will post a complete list of the auction items March 1. Please contact Marie Terrien (546 -2334) or Kathy Strader (546-8039) if you can donate to the silent auction or help with the dinner. Thank you so much. Let’s proudly make Our Lady of the Ozarks Catholic Church sign a reality in 2015! The best mathematical equation I have ever seen: 1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given. To report child abuse call the Missouri Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-392-3738 or call the police. To report violations of the Code of Conduct for Clergy, Employees and Adult Volunteers Working with Minors to the Chancellor at 417-866-0841 or or a Victim Assistance Coordinator: Judy St. John, LPC, NCC: 573-587-3139 or or William J. Holtmeyer, Jr., MS at 417-860-3858 or Concerns may be discussed with your supervisor, a Victim Assistance Coordinator, the Office of Child and Youth Protection or the Chancellor. The TIPS online reporting system may also be used, and is available on the diocesan website. Go to to view the Code of Conduct for Clergy, Employees and Adult Volunteers Working with Minors and for other important information, including a link to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's document, Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. If you are unable to access the website and desire printed information, contact the diocesan Office of Child and Youth Protection at 417-866-0841. WINTER WEATHER REMINDER Weekdays: If the Forsyth Schools are closed, the Church is closed. School closings are announced on TV and radio. Sundays: Branson Hometown Radio (KOMC 100.1 FM) sometimes announces Church closings beginning at 7:00 AM. Sr. Charlotte will e-mail those who have e-mail. The parish call list will also be activated. Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for February 2015 Prisoners That prisoners, especially the young, may be able to rebuild lives of dignity. Separated Spouses That married people who are separated may find welcome and support in the Christian community. Bishop Johnston’s Prayer Intentions for February 2015 For the women and men throughout our diocese in consecrated religious life and for the those from our diocese who have recently entered religious congregations for formation. For those who suffer from depression, that the light of God's love may pierce their darkness and bring them healing and hope. GERKEN & Associates 1.800.897.4016 Visit us online at 173 Shadowrock Dr. Forsyth. MO Tue — Fri 8:00 — 5:00 Sat 8 — 12 For Appt 294-1984 Walkin’s Welcome two barbers to serve you Don Carr Wren Carr Full Service Funeral Facility Traditional Funeral—Cremation Pre-Arrangement Available Funeral Chapel Residential Commercial Realtors Serving the area since 1975 MR. DON’s BARBER SHOP Forsyth Whelchel Funeral Chapel Established in 1915 417.546.4757 Dan Guy ENROLLED AGENT D&M Accounting Service Highway 160, P.O. Box 808 Forsyth, Missouri 65653 (417) 546-5086 Fax (417) 546-6559 16560 U.S. Hwy 160—P.O. Box 425,Forsyth, MO 65653 The Offertoryfor Gift BearThis Space Available ers have the privilege of YOUR ADVERTISING bringing to the altar the bread, wine and water that will be miracuPlease call the Parish Office lously transformed Into 417-546-5208 the Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ! Don Carr Construction & Home Maintenance Free Estimates Insured PH 417-251-1012 Darrel & Susan Bearden SNAPP BEARDEN FUNERAL HOME OZARKS MEMORIAL PARK BRANSON 417-334-3670 PB PEOPLES BANK OF THE OZARKS Member FDIC 15775 U.S. Highway 160 Forsyth, MO 65653 417.546.3118 Fax 417.546.2208 Mailing Address: PO Box 728, Nixa, MO 65714 Toll Free 888.739.8560 Have Family or Business Disputes? School issues, Rent, Medical or other bills? Personal assistance available Dr. MICHAEL K. HYNES No charge for inquiries 335.5759 ~ Stop conflicts ~ ~ Save Legal Costs ~ Forsyth Welding & Ornamental Iron 142 Main Street Forsyth, MO OPEN MONDAY — SUNDAY 8:00 AM — 8:00 PM Matt Stallcup & Daughters Excavation 417-546-3298 Specializing in Residential and Commercial Excavation! John Stallcup & Sons Excavation 417-546-5203 Specializing in Topsoil Delivery! Knights of Columbus Nathan Brooks Phone: 417.335.2532 8040 E State Hwy 76 Kirbyville, MO 65679 PRO LIFE Forsyth Council #7680 Lake Views Shepherd of the Hills Estates 517 Coy Forsyth, MO 65653 Food Store 417-546-5446 Apartment Community 1 & 2 Bedrooms 1-1/2 & 2 Baths 417-546-3334 for Carefree Living CHEVROLET ~ BUICK ~ GMC WWW.PINEGARBRANSON.COM BUTCH WOLFE New & Pre-owned Sales & Leasing N. Hwy 65 ~ Branson, MO 65616 417-334-3114 or 1-800-766-9215
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