April 7, 2015 Paid for by the Rockwood School District – Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent – 111 E. North Street, Eureka, MO 63025 Overview • Background • Long-Range Financial Plan • Bond Issue Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Background Process began with our annual facilities and maintenance review, which occurred early in the school year • The review involves school principals, parents and the Facilities’ Dept. staff • More than $170 million in cycle maintenance and facility needs were identified “Regardless of these compounding needs, we have never, nor will we ever, present our needs in a way to suggest the sky is falling. I’ve seen countless school districts go down that path which ultimately alienates many who would otherwise support their efforts. The true spirit of our profession is that we will always do the very best we can with what we have, and in Rockwood, we will remain committed to excellence, regardless.” ~ Dr. Eric Knost Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Long-Range Financial Plan After the facilities and maintenance review: • Developed a long-range financial plan to address these needs • Developed a proposed balanced budget for the 2015-16 school year, without further diminishing our human resources “It is important for our community to see a commitment to stewardship. It wasn’t easy to create a balanced proposal comprised of appropriate requests exceeding our target by over $9 million.” ~ Dr. Eric Knost Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Long-Range Financial Plan (cont.) Next step: Respect our taxpayers by developing measures that minimized the impact to our existing tax rate. The goal is to create a dedicated levy in our operating fund to address cycle maintenance needs. A “tax transfer” such as this requires a vote of the people, but in order to do this without increasing the existing tax rate, we will have to wait nine years. • In nine years, we will pursue a tax transfer of 54 cents that will not increase the current tax rate, while yielding $17 million annually for cycle maintenance needs. • In years 1 – 9, we will utilize bond issues designed to maintain the current tax rate. Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Bond Issue - Prop 4 • The Board unanimously approved a bond issue for the April 2015 ballot. • This $68.95 million bond issue will not raise the current tax rate. • Taxpayers need to understand this will extend the length of our current debt. Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Bond Issue – Prop 4 Please take some time to review details of the Prop 4 projects. This information is posted on the Rockwood website www.rockwood.k12.mo.us/prop4 Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Technology for all schools $12 million • R eplace obsolete computers • R eplace projection devices • Replace aged network equipment Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 High School Science Labs $10 million Upgrade science labs in high schools for STEM curriculum Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Safety and Security $2.3 million • Install new locking systems for interior classroom doors • Update safety alarm systems and replace panels • Install safety film glass on school entrances • Replace aged stadium lights and poles at LHS, MHS, RSHS • Replace steps to play field at Kehrs Mill Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 School Improvements $16 million • Implement energy savings initiatives • Install synthetic fields on the stadium fields of the four high schools • Replace aged tracks at the four high schools • Renovate Eureka High locker rooms/weight room • Replace exterior of Kellison to address water infiltration • Renovate kitchen/cafeteria at Uthoff Valley, Stanton and CCL to accommodate current enrollment • Renovate nurses station/front office at LaSalle Springs • Replace gym floors at all four high schools Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Annual Cycle Maintenance $28.65 million Preventative maintenance district wide: roofs, flooring, heating/cooling, playgrounds and parking lots Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 From the Superintendent “It will be easy to look at this effort with a critical eye while considering your individual thoughts on what should or should not be included, or how we should or should not be addressing our existing needs. What I can assure you is that our process has carefully considered all aspects while realizing the many perspectives which exist. Bottom line, our needs are real and this is a sound, transparent and accountable approach to moving forward. It’s not a one fell swoop effort; instead, it’s a responsible approach that truly does stay focused on helping kids thrive.” Dr. Eric Knost Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025 Need Information? If you have questions that need answered, please ask. askthesupt@rockwood.k12.mo.us Paid for by the Rockwood School District - Dr. Eric Knost, Superintendent - 111 E. North Street, Eureka MO 63025
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