REGULAR FELLOWSHIP ACTIVITIES MONDAY 10:00am - 12 noon Open Doors at The Hall (Linda Rout 01787 376131) The Spirit of the Lord is on us to … … proclaim the Good News … bind up the broken hearted … free the captives … bring sight to the blind NEWSLETTER & DIARY DATES MARCH 2015 ADMINISTRATION OFFICE THE HALL, 1 BROOM STREET, GREAT CORNARD, SUDBURY, SUFFOLK, CO10 0JT 01787 374152 Registered Charity No. 1089937 TUESDAY (SCHOOL TERM TIME) 9:30am -11:00am Jellytots (Parents & Toddlers) (Hazel Harcourt-Powell 01787 313410) 8:00pm Housegroup (Meets at Brian & Rosie’s home) SUNDAY 10:00am - 10:25am Prayer Meeting 10:25am Sunday Worship (with Crèche facilities) (For Communion, Family and Special Services, see Diary Dates) Sunday School Pebbles (4-8 year olds) Boulders (9+ year olds) (Hazel Harcourt-Powell 01787 313410) (Lizzi Halden 01787 376455) Diary Dates for March Sunday 1st March 10:25am Sunday Worship with Communion - The Hall Monday 2nd March 10:00am – 12 noon Open Doors - The Hall Friday 6th March 2pm Women’s World Day of Prayer service - St Gregory’s Saturday 7th March 9.30am - 3pm Sudbury on Show - Town Hall and St Peter’s (exhibits from local organisations) Monday 9th March 10:00am – 12 noon Open Doors - The Hall Saturday 14th March 10:00am Sudbury Women’s Aglow meeting - The Hall Monday 16th March 10.00am – 12 noon Open Doors - The Hall Monday 23rd March 10.00am – 12 noon Open Doors - The Hall Monday 30th March 10.00am – 12 noon Open Doors - The Hall PEOPLE PAGE Happy Birthday to ..... March 3rd - Lily Hunt 5th - Kathy Cowling 6th - Zac Lawrence 11th - Lizzi Halden 28th - Becky Evans 30th - Esther Halden (If we have missed yours please let Nigel know your birthday) Look at our updated website which is now viewable on smartphones and tablets. This month’s Newsletter & Diary is now available to read or download via the website. ~ STOREHOUSE ~ We are a Collection Point for Storehouse (Food Bank). Please feel free to bring any donated dry items to the Hall. Collection is made weekly. For more details please see the leaflet in the Hall. In January 2015 Storehouse gave out 57 food bags. They are currently low on: chicken meals and tinned vegetables The Difference Between Law and Grace **SUNDAY MEETINGS** Sunday Meeting talks can be downloaded from the website. Here is a selection of them; to listen to these, and others, visit our website at and click on the Audio Link. 07/09/2014 - The disciples said to Jesus, ‘Increase our faith’. What was Jesus’ reply? (Paul) 14/09/2014 - Being an encourager. (Nick) 21/09/2014 - Faith should make you open your mouth and speak! (Paul) 28/09/2014 - Developing good habits. (Nick) 05/10/2014 - Today, when you hear His voice... Believe!! (Paul) 12/10/2014 - The apostle Paul said: ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’. (Nick) 19/10/2014 - A look at the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth - the parents of John the Baptist. (Paul) 26/10/2014 - Inheritance. (Nick) 09/11/2014 - Memories - remembering what God has done for us. (Nick) 16/11/2014 - What does the Bible say about the ‘heart’? (Paul) 23/11/2014 - Thanking God for blessings and benefits. (Nick) 30/11/2014 - How do you see situations? The way most people do or the way Jesus does? (Paul) 07/12/2014 - How do you see situations? Naturally or spiritually? (Paul) 11/01/2015 - A look at the story of The Prodigal Son, (the elder son). (Paul) 18/01/2015 - The contrasts between Law and Grace - Part 1. (Nick) 25/01/2015 - The methods used by Jesus in healing. (Paul) 01/02/2015 - The contrasts between Law and Grace - Part 2. (Nick) 08/02/2015 - The first mention of ‘Love’ in the Old and New Testaments. (Brian) 15/02/2015 - The methods used by the early church in healing. (Paul) Law demands obedience whereas Grace imparts righteousness. Law condemns the sinner whereas Grace makes the sinner righteous. Law brings death whereas Grace gives abundant life. Law exposes my deficiencies whereas Grace points me to my sufficiency in Jesus. Law says ‘God will leave me when I fail’ whereas Grace says ‘God will never leave me or forsake me’. Law makes me ‘sin conscious’ whereas Grace makes me ‘righteousness conscious’. Law tells me that I have failed whereas Grace shows me that I am more than a conqueror in Christ. Law is about what I must do whereas Grace is about what Jesus has done. Law looks at my performance whereas Grace looks at Jesus’ performance. Law makes me ‘self conscious’ whereas Grace makes me ‘Christ conscious’. (From a talk by Nick on 18.01.15) MIRACLE ZONE in the jungles of BORNEO by Ronny & Kay Heyboer The book ‘Miracle Zone in the Jungles of Borneo’ is now available. It was written to both inspire people to know how awesome and great God is & with Him all things are possible, and as a fundraiser with all proceeds going to Living Waters Village. From the Back cover: From this moment onwards, the life of Ezra, a starving six year old Dayak boy from the jungles of Borneo changed dramatically. He was taken to the home of the White Man where he received love, medical care, good food and education. More importantly he came to know God, who changed his life for eternity. “I believe that in this world we need to think less about looking after ourselves and more about how we can reach out to others; to those who are so in need of a touch from the One who made us and understands us better than we could ever understand ourselves.” Ronny Heyboer AGAPE CAFÉ Agape Café is a relaxed and non-threatening environment; a place where Christians should feel comfortable to bring their non Christian friends, to develop relationships and hopefully start conversations that might lead towards Jesus. Tuesdays 1.30pm – 3.30pm Wednesdays 9.30am – 11.30am Wells Hall, Old School for tea, coffee and cake to reach out to the community in Great Cornard. There is also a Christian Book Store. Agape Café Live is held on the second Sunday of each month at Wells Hall Old School in Great Cornard. The next Agape Café Live will be held at 7:30pm on Sunday 8th March in the newly refurbished Café, featuring live music by Emigré If you would like to be involved baking or serving please contact Linda or Jon. CHURCHES TOGETHER IN SUDBURY & DISTRICT Available for a limited time for £12 including delivery from: Prayer Breakfasts - Saturdays 8-9.30am - £1 each miracle-zone-book-ronny-heyboer March 2015 7th - New Life Church 14th - St John’s Methodist Church Hall 21st - St Gregory’s Church Hall 28th - Living Waters CCF MINISTRY GIVING for 2014 During 2014 the Fellowship gave gifts to the following ministries: • • • • • Living Waters Village, Borneo (Ronny Heyboer) £2,500 Asia Link £1,500 Eden’s Project (Sudbury)£1,500 Future Vision£1,500 Samaritans Purse (Shoe Box Appeal) £1,000 We are very grateful to our Lord that He has given us this Grace of giving and thank you for your part in this. You can find out more about these ministries by looking at updates in the foyer or hall notice board or by visiting their websites: If you would like to give regularly to the Fellowship you can do this by Bank Standing Order or Direct Debit and, if you are a tax payer, you can enhance your giving through Gift Aid. Please speak to Nigel Smith if you want more details. Refreshments Rota 1st March 8th March 15th March 22nd March 29th March Brian & Rosie Jacqueline & Val David & Pat Linda Julie Welcome Rota You will be greeted each week by either David, Nigel or Becky. ** PRAYER PAGE ** Please continue to pray for Kathy Cowling ‘The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective!’ (James 5 verse 16). Testimonial Feedback It is always encouraging to hear how and when God answers our prayers. It would be great if you could let the Elders know details of these which could be included in March’s Newsletter. Deadline for Newsletter submissions - March 16th. CONTACTS Please telephone the office on 01787 374152 or email to contact: ELDERS Nick Harcourt-Powell David Rout Paul Hillman TRUSTEES Nigel Smith Anne Hemmings David Ford Thought For The Month HOUSEGROUP LEADERS Brian & Rosie Thake Choose to focus on positive thoughts; the thoughts we think and the words we speak create our lives. CHILDREN’S ADVOCATES ‘As I think in my heart, so I am’. (Proverbs 23:6) David Rout Pat Ford
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