Vol. 113 No. 07 Regular Meetings: 4th Tuesday of the Month February 24th, 2015 Frydek Knights of Columbus # 12558 Father Lad Klimicek Council Visit our Council on the web at www.kofcfrydek.com UPCOMING / ONGOING EVENTS: 4th Tue Regular Meeting $500 Monthly Gift Card Drawing March 1, 2015 State Scholarship Deadline March 8, 2015 Blood Drive April 1, 2015 Local Scholarship Deadline April 17, 2015 4th Degree Spring Fling Golf Tournament April 26, 2015 St Mary’s Frydek Grotto Celebration BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy Birthday to the following brothers who will celebrate their birthday in March 2014: Ben Hosak-Mar 1st, George Slater-Mar 1st, John Burttschell-Mar 4th, Jeff Winfield-Mar 4th, Jeffrey Bream-Mar 7th, Donald Pleasant-Mar 7th, Clayton Haidusek-Mar 8th, Timothy Lezak-Mar 11th, Patrick Haidusek-Mar 16th, Matthew Siska-Mar 20th, Charles Kendall-Mar 23rd, James Jackson-Mar 24th, Tyler Reichardt-Mar 29th, Clarence Noack-Mar 30th and Phillip Kmiec-Mar 31st. MEETING INFORMATION Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 24th. The meal will begin promptly at 7:00 PM with the meeting beginning at 7:30 PM. The meal cookers for the February meeting will be Mike Evanicky, H.C. Grimet, and Hervy Vaclavik. 3RD ANNUAL $500 A MONTH MASTERCARD GIFT CARD RAFFLE Winner in January was Brad Murray. At the Officer’s meeting Stephen stated that there were 70 tickets left. The tickets are being discounted for the remaining drawings so if you want a reduce price ticket see Stephen Reichardt. AWARD WINNERS Knight of the Month – Russell Ondruch Lady Knight of the Month – Amanda Cendalski Family of the Month – Bennie Ondruch Attendance Prize - January – Ken Fields name was drawn and he WAS present to win the $85 attendance prize so the February attendance prize goes back to $25. Show up at the meeting and have a chance to win the attendance prize. KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS Keep the following in your prayers: Ron Alspaugh, Lloyd Corbett, Mary Lou Corbett, , Robert Zboril, Steve Sliva, Heidi Slansky, Debbie Jez, Thomas Tydlacka, Lawrence and Irene Blazek, Donna Underwood, Charlie and Emily Holub, Joe Mazac, Walter Ondruch, Bob Thorpe, Vince Ruffino, Leonard Stolarski, George Zboril, Donnie Machala, Clifford Blomberg, Kim Pekar, Pete Zapalac, Florence Mieth, Karen Brastad and Ramon Selvera. GRAND KNIGHT’S CORNER Our Super Bowl Fundraiser was a success! I would like to thank everyone who showed up to work. Also, our 3rd Annual $500 gift card drawing has started. At the officer’s meeting, Stephen stated there are about 70 tickets that are not sold. So they are being sold at a discounted price. If you missed our Valentine’s Social, you missed a good party. Don’t forget that the Blood Drive is March 8th. Fraternally, Eusebio Contreras Jr. Grand Knight 5582 Wild Flower Rd. Sealy, TX 77474 Mobile: 979-661-4602 contrerasjre@yahoo.com Use the KC rosary you received in your 1st degree often and please pray in thanksgiving for the blessings we have received in the past year. Insurance Agent- Phil Dornak 1-800-460-2706 / 979-541-9267 District Deputy- Larry Kana Diocesan Deputy- Reggie Vasquez State Deputy- Terry Simonton
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