26-44, Herlihys Road, Lower Templestowe 3107 PO Box 985, Templestowe 3106 Telephone: 9850 5983 E-mail: templestowe@cam.org.au Websitehttp://pol.cam.org.au/templestowe/Home.aspx Facebook: St Kevin’s Parish Parish Office Hours: Tue to Thu; 9am to 4pm Parish Priest: Fr. Gerry McKernan ST KEVIN’S PARISH St. Kevin’s is a welcoming community founded on the Father’s LOVE for us and by giving service to all. St. Kevin’s is a welcoming community founded on the Father’s LOVE for us and by giving service to all. TheBaptismoftheLord 10th and11thJanuary2015 Entrance Antiphon After the Lord was baptized, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended upon him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Response to First Reading You will draw water joyfully from the springs of salvation Gospel Acclamation (8.30am Mass only). Alleluia, alleluia! John saw Jesus approaching him, and said: This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Alleluia! Response to Prayers of the Faithful Make our Hearts ready O Lord Communion Antiphon (8.30am Mass only) Behold the One of whom John said: I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God. Welcome to any visitors! We hope you enjoy your stay in the lovely village of Templestowe. This weekend we welcome in Baptism to our Parish and this community Sienna Rose van der Linden. How wonderful to be baptized on this wonderful day. In two distinct ways, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord serves as a bridge. Firstly, it doubles up as the concluding feast of the Christmas season, and as the 1st Sunday of Ordinary Time. Secondly and much more significantly, it highlights a dramatic transition of Jesus’ life. All three synoptic gospels identify Jesus’ baptism as the even which plucks him out of obscurity and impels him into public ministry. More’s the pity that this feast-like that of the Holy Family and of the Epiphany-occurs during the Australian summer holiday season. Not one of the seven gospel text from these festivals is ever read on another Sunday, except on the rare occasion when the feast of the Presentation of the Lord falls on a Sunday. The gospel accounts of Jesus’ baptism are brief but rich in meaning. They reveal him as God’s beloved Son and envoy; they provoke us to a fresh awareness of the mission to which we are called as the baptised. Tu SPIRITUAL LIFE OF THE PARISH Saturday 6pm(Vigil) Sunday 8.30am Baptisms: 9am(HolyCrossMonastery) 10am(withChildren’sLiturgy) Weekdays: Tuesday–Thursday9.15am (noMassthisFriday) Adoration:Wed7.15pm DropIn: TBC ReconciliationFirstSaturdayofthemonth Visitation SUPPORTINGMINISTRIES @10am(orbyappointment) Forcommunionathome, visiting,transportationormeals, pleasecontacttheparishoffice. Caritas Australia would like to thank you all for your generous support of their Middle East Crisis Appeal. $1,763.00 was forwarded to them and this support will be directed to where it is most needed in the region to provide emergency assistance to displaced families, host communities and affected populations. LastSundayoftheMonth A. PresentationandWelcome); B. BaptismMeetingonthe4th C. WednesdayoftheMonth. 1. FirstSundayoftheMonth 2. (SacramentofBaptism) 3. Weddings: 4. Byappointmentonly 5. Funerals: Forbereavement support,pleasecontactthe ParishHouseon98505983 Sacraments:2014enquiries canbemadetotheParish Office. R.C.I.A: Enquiriesregardingbecoming aCatholicpleasecontact PamCohen98521472 ParishTennisClub: SocialandCompetition. PleaseringPaul9846‐2083 LAST WEEK’S GIVING Parish & Diocesan Support Direct Debit/Credit Card Total Pledge Priests’ Living Costs Social Justice $ 1,340.00 $ 790.50 $ 2,130.50 $3,020.65 $ 817.00 $ 0.00 PLANNED GIVING: For envelopes, please contact the Parish House LITURGY ROSTER Time Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – 18th and 19th January 2015 First Reading: 1 Samuel 3:3-10,19, Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 6:13-15,17-20 and Gospel: John 1:35-42 Commentator Lector Communion Altar Children’s Liturgy Servers 6.00 pm Margaret Turner Deanne McAdams Ann Maguire Tony Robinson Lyn Robinson 8.30 am Paul Polidano Leo Holt 9.00 am Margaret Mangan David Marburg Pat Bond Michael Doyle Bernard Charnley 10.00am Carmel Purdey Jo Ridgeway Tony Whelan Pat Rowland Tashs V Frank Ozzimo Paul Polidano Betty Natoli We pray for Better Health: Clare Bond, Geraldine Dalla Riva, Kathleen Gleeson, Ray Wigraft, John Shine, Joseph Lynch, Tim Mullin, Joan Haussegger, Phillip Lazaroo, Jai Barmer, Julia Fitzsimons, Julie Emery , Linda Foley Volunteers Please Hello God sheets (at the back of the Church) Volunteers for children to read/colour Please during Mass or at home Volunteers Please Volunteers Please Anniversary: Recently Deceased : Baptism marks the beginning of mission “The baptism by John in the river Jordan would not have been easy for the first Christians to understand. On the face of it, this undergoing of a ritual of repentance did not seem to make sense. It can only have been included in the Gospel tradition because it really happened. However, the account we have in Mark’s Gospel shows us that reflection upon this event led to an understanding of its great significance - as the defining inauguration of the mission of Jesus. It was the Father’s authorisation of the public role he was about to assume, and a prefiguring of the climax to which his career would lead – the Paschal Mystery – which he was later to look forward to as ‘a baptism’ (Lk 12:50). “The destiny of each of us has its origin in the Father’s decision, before time began, to create us and to call us to a unique place in the divine plan of creation. Our response to God’s call is made as we take up the issues of our lives. Because he ‘has been put to the test in exactly the same way as we ourselves are, apart from sin’ (Heb 4:15), the Eternal Son’s life among us followed the same pattern as ours. His baptism by John was a decisive moment in his human life. Come to carry forward the designs of God among the chosen people, Jesus came and mingled with the enthusiastic crowd listening to John’s preaching. Submitting to John’s baptism was a moment of compassionate solidarity that he would have prayerfully shared with the Father. Suddenly, Mark’s account takes an unexpected turn - ‘the heavens are torn open’ and a Trinitarian drama unfolds as the presence of God’s Spirit is made manifest, and the incarnate Son receives a commission from the Eternal Father, indicating what is in store for him in the public mission he will undertake: ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; my favour rests on you’.” - An extract from a homily by Fr John Thornhill It is now the time to disassemble and pack away the beautiful Christmas decorations in the Church that we have enjoyed so much. If you are willing and able to assist please come along on Tuesday January 13th at 10am. All are welcome and remember many hands make light work. Thank You. ForinformationonourParishSchoolsplease contact StKevin’sPrimarySchool 26‐44Herlihy’sRoad, LowerTemplestowe3107 Phone:98504609 Fax:98520384 E‐mail: principal@sktemplestowelr.catholic.edu.au Web:www.sktemplestowelr.catholic.edu.au Principal:MsFrancesMatisi StCharlesBorromeo PrimarySchool 222SerpellsRoad, TemplestoweVic3106Tel:0398427634 Fax:0398415427 E‐mail: principal@scbtemplestowe.catholic.edu.au Web:www.scbtemplestowe.catholic.edu.au Principal:MrGregThomas Giving a Voice to Families - 2015 Synod on the Family Following the recent Synod on the family, Pope Francis and the Bishops’ Synod are again seeking input ahead of their 2015 meeting. In response to feedback during the previous process, a simplified questionnaire has been developed for our local Church. The survey can be found at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/Synod2015. A simple guide with the questions is available from the Life, Marriage and Family Office website at: www.cam.org.au/lifemarriagefamily or a copy of the questions is available at the back of the church. Any questions about the process can be directed to the Life, Marriage & Family Office on 9287 5579. Evangelii Gaudium “...solidarity must be lived as the decision to restore to the poor what belongs to them...convictions and habits of solidarity, when they are put into practice, open the way to other structural transformations and make them possible. Changing structures without generating new convictions and attitudes will only ensure that those same structures will become, sooner or later, corrupt, oppressive and ineffectual.” Par 189 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013 Have you over the course of last year brought something delicious to the Parish Office to share? If you have, have you left your plate/bowl/utensils/coffee etc? If you have left any of these in the Parish Kitchen would you mind picking it up. We are sure that they want to go home. ST KEVIN’S REUNION All past students, parents and parishioners are invited to attend the “We Went to St Kevin’s” Reunion Sunday 22nd February 2015 Templestowe RSL 156 Parker St, Templestowe 1pm – 5pm Bring a plate, old photos and great stories to share. All Welcome This is a family friendly gathering. RSVP on our Facebook page or contact Karen Fitzsimons 0418 313 495 In case you have forgotten the bon bon jokes of Christmas Day! Peter : “Dr! Dr! I have strawberries growing out of my head”. Doctor : “Don’t worry Peter, I’ll put some cream on them”. What animal makes a noise “oom, oom”? Answer next week! No Alright – “a cow walking backwards” Have you found your FINDERS TALENT yet? Just a reminder that we are looking for – People with a strong Audiovisual and Computer background Also more readers for 6pm and 8.30am Masses would be a help. Many thanks to the people who found a new light for the organ.
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