CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING Open SPEC # PROJECT NAME Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) Pre-Qualification for PreTransit Design and Transit Qualification Construction Engineering Services USER DEPT. CDOT CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION Architecture and Engineering design services for: 1: Transit Station Design (Architectural Finishes); 2: Architecture & Elevated Transit Station Design; 3: Subway Transit Engineering Station Design; 4: Construction Engineering for Transit Projects; 5: Streetscape, Riverwalk, and Urban Landscape; 6: Transit Facilities. AD DATE QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE N/A PREBID LOCATION N/A N/A 02/09/15 02/24/15 01/12/15 01/19/15 N/A N/A Stacy Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 01/16/15 01/26/15 N/A N/A Stacy Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at Alyceson Gillespie Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at Lynnette Terrell Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 02/24/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 11:00 a.m. 127930 RFQ for Professional Architectural and Engineering Design Services 2FM Qualifications are requested from companies with Architecture & expertise to provide Architectural and Engineering Engineering Design Services for the Department of Fleet and Facility Management. 02/18/15 11:00 a.m. 124846 Rescue Saws, Blades, Parts and Accessories CFD Commodities 02/25/15 11:00 a.m. 127158 Various Types of Printing Paper 2FM Purchase of various types of printing paper for the Commodities production of printed materials using various copier and offset printing equipment. 127313 (Target Market) High Density Discharge (HID), Incandescent, Fluorescent and Miscellaneous Lamps CDOT Purchase of High Density Discharge (HID), Incandescent, Fluorescent and Miscellaneous Lamps for installation by the City to provide lighting Commodities for various infrastructure projects. The HID includes both High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide Lamps. 02/23/15 03/09/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 03/03/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. 128437 Small Business Initiative (SBI) Bidding Restricted to Small Local Business Enterprise - Western Ave. Streetscape - Monroe Street to Lake CDOT Streetscape Improvements on Western Avenue between Monroe Street and Lake Street. Streetscape Improvements includes construction of Construction new sidewalk, curb and gutter removal and replacement, ADA ramps, street lighting, street trees and site furniture. 01/26/15 02/10/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 02/03/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. 03/23/15 11:00 a.m. 02/24/15 11:00 a.m. Edward Anderson This is an open process where Submittals will be accepted continuously. Submittals received will be evaluated periodically thereafter. Consultant Firms currently Pre-Qualified are not required to re-submit in the Project Category(ies) for which they are currently Pre-Qualified. N/A 03/12/15 4:00 p.m. Purchase of new rescue saws, parts and accessories. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Gary Bell RFQ documents are available for downloading and printing at Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. 1 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 02/24/15 11:00 a.m. 03/03/15 11:00 a.m. 03/03/15 11:00 a.m. 03/04/15 11:00 a.m. 03/13/15 11:00 a.m. SPEC # PROJECT NAME 123883 Damen, Elston, Fullerton Reconstruction Intersection Improvements 128580 Small Business Initiative (SBI) Bidding Restricted to Small Business Enterprise - Midway International Airport Security Guard Booth Enhancements 125762 Argyle Street Streetscape 126044 Replacement of Chillers 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 and Upgrade of South Cooling Tower – Chicago O’Hare International Airport. 129423 Phase 15 Residential Sound Insulation Program for Chicago Midway International Airport USER DEPT. CATEGORY CDOT Reconstruction of Damen, Elston, Fullerton Construction Intersection and Improvements. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CDA Reconfiguration of service drive approach at the 55th Street service lane, reconstruction and restoration of pavement and drainage system and Construction replacement of guard booth at the 55th and 63rd Street service lanes, and enhancements to the lighting, security, controls, and landscape areas. CDOT Streetscape Streetscape Improvements on Argyle Street. Streetscape Improvements includes Construction construction of new sidewalk, curb and gutter removal and replacement, ADA ramps, street lighting, street trees and site furniture. CDA Removal of Chillers No. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5, four associated Chilled water pumps P101, P102, P103 and P104, four associated Condenser Water Pumps, P111, P112, P113 and P114, Chilled water supply and return piping to 42” main header, Construction condenser water supply and return piping to 42” main header, supporting provisions for Chillers 1, 2, 3, 4 and associated piping, conduit and equipment, removal of concrete pads and auxiliary steel framing. CDA The City of Chicago Department of Aviation is soliciting proposals through this Bid from interested Construction Bidders to sound insulate 400 single family homes and multi family structures around Chicago Midway International Airport. AD DATE 01/29/15 01/08/15 02/05/15 01/06/15 02/19/15 QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION 02/13/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 02/10/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. 01/21/15 Dept. of Aviation Midway Airport Maintenance Complex, Operation Conf. Room 01/15/15 211 6201 S. Laramie Ave. Chicago, IL 60638 10:00 a.m. 02/18/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 02/17/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. 01/20/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 01/13/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. 03/04/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 02/27/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 1:30 p.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST John Stewart Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Addenda #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD Christopher DeGard ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. John Stewart Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Thomas Magno Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM - $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid/Addendum available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. Thomas Magno Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. 2 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING SPEC # PROJECT NAME Phase 15 Residential Sound Insulation Program for Chicago Midway International Airport CDA Bids are requested from companies with expertise to sound insulate 400 single family homes and multi Construction family structures around Chicago Midway International Airport. 120173 Part A: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Billing and Collection services; and Part B: Patient Tracking and Mobile Electronic Patient Care and Reporting (EPCR) System Solution DOF CFD Proposals are requested from companies with Professional expertise in EMS Billing and Collection Services Service and Patient Tracking & Mobile Electronic Care and Reporting System Solution. 124063 RFQ for Human Resource Testing Services Category 1: Development of Employee Selection Tests and Assessments Category 2: Examination Administration and Security Category 3: Computer Based Examinations and Test Centers DHR Proposals are requested from companies with expertise to provide Human Resource Testing Services within the following services categories: Category 1: Development of Employee Selection Professional Tests and Assessments Service Category 2: Examination Administration and Security Category 3: Computer Based Examinations and Test Center 119092 RFP for Controlled Substance Analysis/Testing (EIA/RIAH Drug Screening with GC/MS & Expert Witness Testimony) CPD CFD CDPH Proposals are requested from companies with Professional expertise in Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) and/or Service Radio Immunoassay (RIAH) drug testing services for pre-employment drug testing. 03/13/15 11:00 a.m. 129445 02/27/15 4:00 p.m. PROJECT DESCRIPTION CDA 129444 Phase 15 Residential Sound Insulation Program for Chicago Midway International Airport 02/24/15 4:00 p.m. CATEGORY Bids are requested from companies with expertise to sound insulate 400 single family homes and multi Construction family structures around Chicago Midway International Airport. 03/13/15 11:00 a.m. 02/23/15 4:00 p.m. USER DEPT. AD DATE 02/19/15 02/19/15 01/12/15 12/05/14 08/22/14 QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION 03/04/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 02/27/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 1:30 p.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Thomas Magno Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. 03/04/15 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 02/27/15 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 1:30 p.m. Thomas Magno Plan Deposit: $0.00 first set CD ROM $50.00 each subsequent set CD ROM. Bid available for pick-up from the Bid & Bond Room 301, City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60602. 01/26/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 806, Conf. Room A 01/26/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Rona Jeongco RFP documents are available for downloading and printing at 12/16/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 806, Conf. Room A 12/16/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 11:00 a.m. Rona Jeongco Addenda #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. RFQ/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 09/05/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 806, Conf. Room A 09/03/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. Rona Jeongco Addenda #1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. RFP/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 3 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING SPEC # PROJECT NAME 03/04/15 4:00 p.m. 124497 RFP for Public Address System Upgrades at O’Hare International Airport 03/05/15 4:00 p.m. 125096 RFP for Foreign Language Interpretation, Translation Services and Related Services and Solutions 130132 Notice of Availability (NOA) to Operate Concessions on the Chicago Riverwalk 121714 Request for Proposal (RFP) for Payment Processing for Payments to the City for Various Items 03/27/15 4:00 p.m. 120714 RFP for Library Management System 02/18/15 11:00 a.m. 130308 Centralized Payroll Processing Services for Student Employment Program 03/09/15 12:00 p.m. 03/12/15 4:00 p.m. USER DEPT. CDA OEMC Various Depts. QUESTION DUE Proposals are requested from companies with expertise to design, upgrade, enhance, automate and construct a digital Public Address Systems for Professional general and emergency announcements at O’Hare Service International Airport. The work will also include an upgrade to the existing Public Address System with the most current hardware/software components. 11/24/14 12/23/14 Dept. of Aviation Aviation Administration Building 12/09/14 10510 W. Zemke Road, Chicago, IL 60666 10:00 a.m. Proposals are requested from companies with Professional expertise in various translation services: Video, Service Telephone, Document Translation and Written Translation. 11/26/14 12/17/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 12/10/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 11:00 a.m. Lisa Clark Addenda #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. RFP/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 02/06/15 Department of Fleet and Facility Management (2FM) 2nd Floor Conference Room 02/05/15 30 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 11:00 a.m. Michelle Woods (NOA) Notice of Availability documents are available for downloading and printing at 02/11/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 02/02/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:30 p.m. Altha Riley RFP documents are available for downloading and printing at 01/30/15 02/25/15 Chicago Public Library Harold Washington Library Center 02/18/15 Multipurpose Room, Lower Level 400 S. State St. Chicago, IL 60605 3:00 p.m. Jacoby Radford RFP documents are available for downloading and printing at 02/06/15 N/A John Stewart Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2FM The City invites the submission of proposals by food and beverage, recreational, cultural and Professional educational operators of concessions with the Service qualifications and expertise necessary to develop, promote and operate on the Chicago Riverwalk. DOF Professional Proposals are requested from companies with Service expertise in Payment Processing Services. CPL Proposals are requested from companies with expertise to deliver a flexible comprehensive Professional Library Management system solution that provides Service user-friendly access to Chicago Public Library staff and optimizes staff efficiency. DFSS Small Orders Centralized Payroll Processing Services for Student Employment Program. 01/28/15 01/20/15 PRE-BID DATE PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST AD DATE CATEGORY N/A PREBID LOCATION N/A Addenda #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take Lisa Freelon-Gilbert out sheet. RFP/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 4 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING 02/20/15 11:00 a.m. 02/20/15 11:00 a.m. 03/04/15 11:00 a.m. 03/18/15 11:00 a.m. Without Pricing SPEC # PROJECT NAME 130287 Towing Services - Heavy Duty Vehicles 130285 Towing Services - Light Duty Vehicles, Medium Duty Vehicles, and Motorcycles 114608A Refuse Trucks: 4x2 Tilt Cab Chassis with 16 Cubic Yard Refuse Body (Group C) & 6x4 Tilt Cab Chassis Truck with 20 Cubic Yard Refuse Body (Group D) 124445 (Reverse Auction) 85 Foot Aerial Trucks (Reverse Auction Date TBD) 02/19/15 11:00 a.m. 123879 Pole Painting Services 02/24/15 11:00 a.m. 126935 Locksmith Services and Parts USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2FM Towing Services - Light Duty Vehicles, Medium Small Orders Duty Vehicles, and Motorcycles. 2FM Towing Services - Light Duty Vehicles, Medium Small Orders Duty Vehicles, and Motorcycles. 2FM Vehicles Heavy Equipment Purchase of new, current model, Refuse Trucks including repair services for vehicles and equipment. 2FM Vehicles Heavy Equipment Purchase of new, current model 85 Foot Aerial Trucks, separately or in conjunction with Repair Services in accordance with all of the terms and conditions of this specification. CDOT DOF AD DATE 01/30/15 01/30/15 12/01/14 09/26/14 QUESTION DUE N/A N/A PRE-BID DATE N/A N/A PREBID LOCATION N/A N/A John Stewart Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at John Stewart Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Rony Mammoo Addenda #1 & #2 & #3 & #4 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 10/17/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 301 10/08/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Michael L. Smith Addenda #1 & #2 & #3 & #4 & #5 & #6 & #7 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Larry Washington Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at Larry Washington Addenda #1 & #2 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at 12/17/14 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 301 12/09/14 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:30 p.m. Provide labor, materials, and equipment necessary Work Services to perform and complete Pole Painting Services. 01/09/15 02/11/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 01/21/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. Repair and/or replace locks and perform preventive maintenance as required. 12/17/14 01/05/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 01/07/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. Work Services PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST 5 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING SPEC # PROJECT NAME USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 02/27/15 11:00 a.m. 120161 Comdial/Vertical Tier 1 Dealer Telephone Equipment, Products and Technical Support Services 02/27/15 11:00 a.m. 124593 Legal Notice Publication Services 02/27/15 11:00 a.m. 123571 Board Up Services and Security Door and Window Rental and Installation 03/06/15 11:00 a.m. 121080 Purchase Repair and Maintenance of Graphite Furnace System DOWM Work Services 03/11/15 11:00 a.m. 126597 Installation, Repair, and Maintenance of Various Guardrails, Crash Attenuators, Bollards, Sand Barrels and Other Related Safety Control Devices CDOT Installation, repair, and maintenance of various Work Services guardrails, crash attenuators, bollards, sand barrels, and other related safety control devices. 120190 Parts and Service Snow Equipment and Accessories 03/18/15 11:00 a.m. OEMC Maintenance and repair services for Work Services Comdial/Vertical Tier 1 Dealer Telephone Equipment, Products, and Services. Provide publication services for legal notice against unserved defendants. DOL Work Services DOL Provide labor, material, equipment, and services for Work Services Board-Up services; Contractor required to be oncall basis twenty-four (24) hour a day. 2FM Deliver one (1) Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (GFAA) System with full PC control and an automatic sample changer, including repair and maintenance services. Provide parts and repair services for de-icer, snow Work Services blowers, snow plows equipment and related accessories. AD DATE QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST 01/16/15 02/03/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 01/29/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. 02/05/15 02/13/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 1103 02/10/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. Robert Kelly Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 02/06/15 02/13/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 103 02/11/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 1:00 p.m. Robert Kelly Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 02/09/15 02/13/15 Bernie Harges Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 01/09/15 02/19/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 01/29/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. Larry Washington 02/25/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 103 02/23/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. William Dotson 02/06/15 N/A N/A Hugo ZapataMartinez Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at Addendum #1 has been issued to all companies listed on the specification take out sheet. Bid/Addendum documents are available for downloading and printing at Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 6 CITY OF CHICAGO BID OPPORTUNITY LIST FEBRUARY 17, 2015 The most up to date bid information is available immediately for downloading at unless otherwise indicated. A business card is required in order to be added to the Specification Take-Out List. To have a bid specification package mailed to you, please call the Bid & Bond Room at 312-744-9773 and request the document by the specification number. When applicable, copies of bid specifications, plans and drawings may be obtained after submitting a deposit in the amount specified for each set of documents. The city will only accept a certified check, cashier’s check or money order; cash is not accepted. Most Information available at: Bidders are responsible for obtaining bid materials. Contact the Bid & Bond Room at, referencing Spec. No. to register as bid document holder. This entitles Bidder to receive notices related to the bid specification. Great News Everyone!!!!! The Bid & Bond Room is now located in City Hall 121 N. LaSalle Room 103, please update our address information and notify your staff and courier services to assure timely pick-ups and deliveries. BID OPENING SPEC # PROJECT NAME USER DEPT. CATEGORY PROJECT DESCRIPTION 03/18/15 11:00 a.m. 124604 Car Washing Services 2FM Provide car washing services, steam cleaning, Work Services hand and automatic cleaning and detailing services for various City departments. 03/31/15 11:00 a.m. 124387 (Target Market Program) Integrated Pest Management Services 2FM Work Services Provide labor, material, and all other pertinent supplies for Pest Control Services. AD DATE QUESTION DUE PRE-BID DATE PREBID LOCATION 01/29/15 02/10/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Room 103 02/19/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. 02/09/15 02/26/15 Dept. of Procurement Services, Bid & Bond, Room 103 03/05/15 121 N. LaSalle St. Chicago, IL 60602 2:00 p.m. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST Larry Washington Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at Larry Washington Bid documents are available for downloading and printing at 7 The Department of Procurement Services (DPS) is the contracting authority for the procurement of goods and services for the City of Chicago. Department of Procurement Services City Hall, 121 North LaSalle, Room 806 Chicago, Illinois 60602 – 312-744-4900 We pledge to work together as a team and with our customers to guarantee an open, fair and timely process by establishing, communicating and enforcing superior business practices. The Department of Procurement Services provides weekly email notifications – DPS Alerts – on City of Chicago bid opportunities, procurement news, and events. DPS has developed a number of innovative programs: • Bid Opportunity List – Weekly update of upcoming bid opportunities in: Small Business Initiative. Designed to encourage small businesses to participate in City- Architecture & Engineering Aviation Commodities / Small Orders Work Services Construction Professional Services Vehicles & Heavy Equipment • DPS Buying Plan. Quarterly update with a 15 month forecast of hundreds of upcoming opportunities for all City of Chicago user departments. • DPS Public Workshops. 13 different classes taught monthly or quarterly on procurement and certification related issues, free to the public. A wide variety of topics, such as: Procurement Fundamentals, How to Become Certified and How to Navigate the DPS Website Diversity Credit Program. Private sector firms obtain up to 5% utilization credit on a City contract for work performed by a certified firm on a prime’s private sector contracts. Local Manufacturing Ordinance. Bid incentive to bidders providing goods made or assembled in the City of Chicago. Local Business Preference Ordinance. Expanded local business preference to all City funded contracts over $100,000. Phased Graduation Ordinance. Firms that have exceeded the M/WBE program’s size standards continue to participate for a period of 3 years to gradually exit the program. M/WBE Mentorship Program. Established contractors willing to enter into a mentor/protégé relationship can be awarded up to 5% additional utilization credit. Alternatively Powered Vehicle Ordinance. 1/2% bid incentive for companies located in 6 county region when 50% or more of the company's fleet are alternative fuel vehicles. Project Area Resident Ordinance. Require contractors on contracts valued at $100,000 or more to utilize at least (7.5%) of all labor hours by residents in construction area. Salvage Auctions. Online auctions for the sale of assets which include surplus equipment, vehicles, furniture and office equipment. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! If you have an idea or suggestion on ways that DPS can improve our services, please contact us:
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