The 2015 Wisconsin High School State Powerlifting Meet March 14th – 15th 2015 Hosted By: NAPLA Necedah Powerlifting This is a USAPL sanctioned event Entries Must Be Postmarked By – Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED ***ALL ATHLETES MUST/PROVIDE PROOF OF HAVING A VALID USAPL MEMBERSHIP TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEET*** Visit the USAPL Website to secure your USAPL CARD/MEMBERSHIP LOCATION OF MEET: Necedah High School High School 1801 S. Main, Necedah, WI 54646 MEET DIRECTOR'S PHONE and E-MAIL Erich Mach Cell-(608) 547-8681 Work-(608)547-8681 MEET FORMAT: • A $40.00 dollar Entry Fee for State Meet THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE USAPL CARD • Running one Division for lifters 9th – 12th Grade. • 3 Sessions (Session I Saturday a.m.) (Session II Saturday p.m.) (Session III Sunday a.m.) • Individual Awards will be given after each session with Team Awards presented after session II for girls and boys after session III. • This will be run as a four platform meet • 10 minute break after each event on the individual platforms. Platforms will run independent from one another. • Flights of lifters may be shifted for deadlifts ONLY if one platform is ahead of schedule. • Announcer and (Marksteiner Program) will be used. Overheads will be available for Back-Up • Meet Results will be run with Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet LIFTING INFORMATION This is a preliminary schedule, weight classes are subject to change as in the past. Lifting Schedule Sessions Weight Class Registration Equipment Check Weigh-Ins Session I Saturday March 14th Session I Girls’ Division 97-148 7:00-8:30 am (Entrance back Gym) 7:00-8:30 a.m. (Entrance back Gym) 7:00-8:30 a.m. (Locker Rooms) Saturday March 14th WHSPA Meeting Session II Saturday March 14th Session II Girls’ Division 165198+ Boys’ Division 114-132 Session III Sunday March 15th Session III Boys’ Division 148275+ Rules Meeting Lifting Start Time 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. (7:30 a.m. in Library) 12:30-2:00 p.m. 12:30-2:00 p.m. 12:30-2:00 p.m. (Locker Room) 7:00-8:30 am (Entrance back Gym) 7:00-8:30 a.m. (Entrance back Gym) 7:00-8:30 a.m. (Locker Rooms) MEET AWARDS: • Lifter Medals 1st – 5th • Lifter Trophies 1st – 3rd • Best Lifter Trophies 1st – 3rd for Boys & Girls • Team Trophies 1st – 3rd Place for Boy’s Team & Girl’s Teams in Divisions 1, 2, & 3 Early Equipment Check: Friday, March 13th 5 to 6:30 P.M. This is a USAPL sanctioned event Entries Must Be Postmarked By – Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 Entry Fee $40.00 per lifter THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE USAPL CARD USAPL CARDS MUST BE PURCHASED PRIOR TO THE EVENT. WITH PROOF OF MEMBERSHIP REQUIRED TO LIFT AT THIS EVENT (Please Make Checks Payable to NAPLA Powerlifting) State Meet T-Shirts will be available at the Meet Programs $3.00 Daily Admissions will be $10.00 Adults $7 Students 5 and under Free Event (2) Day Admission will be $18.00 Adults $12 Students Team Entries are automatically calculated at the Scoring Table. However, TEAM FORMS WILL BE USED AS A BACK UP AND ARE EXPECTED TO BE DONE. Lifters must attend the school of the Powerlifting Team that they represent. In order for a Powerlifting Team to receive a trophy, they must have at least one coach who is a paid WHSPA Member. Coaches can pay the $20.00 WHSPA Membership at the Coaches Meeting on Saturday March 14th at 7:30 A.M. All Lifters must be in good academic standing at their school and may not have any athletic or extracurricular code violations in order to compete in the WHSPA State Powerlifting Meet. A school administrator must sign an “Athlete Good Standing Form” verifying that all participants from their school have met the “Good Standing” criteria. As a coach, athlete or team, when you arrive at the venue, you must enter in the back of the school and enter ENTRANCE A ONLY. You can stop at the registration table to pick up your team folder, check in lifters, submit USAPL membership forms, and submit Athlete Good Standing Forms. Once lifters are registered then proceed to the rear of the Main Gym for equipment check-in. NO COOLERS are allowed into the GYM. Teams will get one coach’s wristband for every five lifters. Extra wristbands can be purchased for $5.00/Wristband for any assistants. 2015 WHSPA STATE POWERLIFTING ENTRY FORM Name:________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ City:________________________ State:__________ Zip:______________ Phone#:__________________ Age:_________ D.O.B._____________ Male: _____ Female:_____ Grade: Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Weight Class: 114 123 132 148 165 181 198 220 242 275 275+ Weight Class: 97 105 114 123 132 148 165 181 198 198+ What Meet Did You Qualify At: _______________________ What Weight Class Did You Qualify At: ____________ Best Qualifying Total of The Season:________ Date of The Meet:______________________ What Was The Total Pounds Lifted: ________ USAPL Card #:____________________ What Weight Class Do You Plan To Lift At State:________________ What School Do You Attend:___________________ Head Coach’s Name:_________________________ In consideration of your accepting this entry, I hereby for myself and my heirs, release any & all rights for damages for injuries I may have against Necedah High School, USA Powerlifting, NAPLA, Erich Mach and any/all other meet associates, staff, spotters, loaders, all sponsors, referees as a result of my traveling to, and/or participating in the above listed competition. I make this release and waiver of claim with full knowledge of the hazards and inherent rights associated with the above listed competition. I hereby assume the risk of injury and property damage/loss. Also, in consideration of accepting this entry I hereby sign over my rights to be videotaped and/or photographed, to the meet directors and/or his designee. I am fully aware that I will receive no royalties and/or compensation for resale of the videotapes and/or photos. RELEASE FROM LIABILITY AND CONSENT TO DRUG TEST. IMPORTANT: READ THIS RELEASE CAREFULLY, BY SIGNING THIS FORM YOU WILL BE GIVING UP IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS. In consideration of the acceptance of my entry in this Powerlifting competition I intend to be legally bound for not only myself, but also my heirs, my executors, and my administrators. In signing this release from liability I waive and release everyone connected with the competition from any and all liability, including any results of negligence which may arise from this competition. Moreover I agree that any testing method which the meet director and the sponsors of this meet use to detect the presence of strength-inducing drugs SHALL BE CONCLUSIVE. That is, whether I think results of the test are right or wrong I agree that I have no right to challenge the results of the drug test. I further agree to submit to any physical test, which may be necessary to complete drug testing. Should I fail to pass drug test, I agree to forfeit any trophies or awards. I otherwise have won. I understand and agree that if I fail to pass the drug test, my name will appear on a published list of suspended members. If it is determined that I have failed the drug test, I agree to waive any claim for which legal relief is available. I agree to pay any attorney fee and litigation expenses incurred by any person, real or corporate, whom I may sue in an effort to challenge this Release from liability form. I understand that my agreement to pay attorney fees and litigation expenses is the Sino Qua Non for the acceptance of my entry in this contest. I also certify with my signature that this release/agreement cannot be modified orally. Certification: I hear give my word of honor as an athlete that I have not used any strength inducing drugs (i.e. anabolic steroid, natural hormone or synthetic growth hormones) as part of my training during the past 36 months, nor have I used prescription diuretics or psychomotor stimulants during the seven days prior to this meet. I also certify that the information regarding my qualifying total is accurate true information. To be signed by Lifter, Parent/Guardian and Coach _________________________________ (Signature of Lifter) ____________ _____________________________________________ (Date) (Team) _________________________________ (Signature of Parent/Guardian) ____________ (Date) _______________________________ (Signature of Coach) __________ (Date) 2015 WHSPA STATE POWERLIFTING PAYMENT FORM The Payment Form, The Entry Form, Proof of Good Standing Form, and your Payment Must Be Postmarked By -Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 Send Entry Forms & Checks To: ATTN: Erich Mach Necedah Area High School 1801 S. Main Necedah, WI 54646 This is a USAPL Sanctioned Event. If you have any questions about the 2015 Wisconsin High School State Powerlifting Meet, you can contact the meet director or visit our site.
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