Saipan Swim Club International Meet and 37th Annual Saipan Ocean Swim Thursday through Sunday, March 12-15, 2015 Entry Deadline: Friday, February 27, 2015 Meet Referee: Carol-Lynn Calobong- Pierce Download and submit MM and TM files to Entry Contact: Jacoby Winkfield Meet Director: Richard Villagomez VENUE: International Swim Meet: Kan Pacific Swimming Pool, Marpi, Saipan Ocean Swim: World Resort Hotel Beach, Susupe Saipan COURSE: Long Course, 50 Meters – 8 Lanes. Ocean course in the lagoon, maximum depth of 8 feet SCHEDULE: Thursday March 12,2015 Warm-Up: 4:15 PM 5:00 PM Races Start – 5:10 PM Friday, March 13, 2015 Warm up 1:45-2:45 Races start - 3 PM Saturday, March 14, 2015 Morning Session: Warm-Up: 7:00 AM to 7:50 AM Opening Ceremony Procession 8:00 AM Races Start- 8:15 Afternoon session: Warm-up: 1:00PM-2:00PM* Races Start: 2:00PM *(Saturday afternoon start time may change at the Meet Director’s discretion and will be announced during the morning session) Sunday, March 15, 2015 Ocean Swim Registration: 7:00AM-8:00AM Races Start: 8:00AM International meet event order: March 12 Thursday Afternoon 11 & over 1500 Free* Must have achieved an A qualifying time in the 200 Freestyle (See attached Guam Swimming Time Std.) 400 IM 13 & over March 13 11 and over All ages 11 and over All ages All ages All ages March 14 All ages 13 & over All ages 11 & over All ages All ages 11& over All ages March 14 All ages All ages All ages All ages All ages All ages Friday Afternoon 400 Free* Must have achieved an A qualifying time in the 200 Freestyle (See attached Guam Swimming Time Std.) 100 Breast 200 Backstroke 200 IM 100 Butterfly 4 x 100 Medley Saturday Morning 4 x 100 Free Relay 800 Free*Must have achieved an A qualifying time in the 200 freestyle (See attached Guam Swimmer Time Std.) 50 Fly 200 Breast 100 Free 100 Back 200 Fly 200 Mixed Medley Relay (2 boys & 2 girls) Saturday Afternoon 50 Free 50 Backstroke 200 Free 50 Breast 200 Free Relay 200 Free Mixed Relay (2 boys, girls 2) MEET FORMAT WAIVER: The host club has the right to change the format of the meet. These changes would be made for a more efficient swim meet for the swimmers and the host club. Reasons for these changes include: • To allow more swimmers to swim. • To condense the meet into smaller time frame. Some of the changes that can be made: 1)add a session 2)combine events/heats 3)condense sessions 4)change in session start time. RULES: The meet will be conducted in accordance with current FINA rules and regulations. The Meet Director shall have full authority to remove or have removed from the vicinity of the competition anyone whose behavior or actions are unsafe or are disrupting the orderly conduct of the meet, including the disqualification of athletes from competition. FORMAT: Timed finals for all events TIMING: Automatic timing system with manual backup. DIVISIONS: Individual Events: 8&under 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, and Open. Relay Events: 8&under, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16, and Open ELIGIBILITY: All athletes must be currently registered with their governing Federation. Age on the first day of competition will govern a swimmer’s eligibility for any category ENTRY PROCEDURES: Entries must be submitted using Hy-Tek Team Manager by Friday February 27th, 2015. Entries must be RECEIVED NO LATER than the entry deadline. Please send file to ENTRY FEES: $5.00 per Individual Event. $7.00 per relay event. Payment should be received no later than the start of the meet on Friday, March 13. ENTRY LIMITS: Swimmers 8 years & under may enter a maximum of seven(7) individual events, relay entries are unlimited. All others may enter a total of nine (9) individual events, relay entries are unlimited. CHECK IN: Please provided the meet director of any scratches at least 45 minutes prior to the start of the session to ensure an on time start. WARM-UPS: Warm ups will be open warm ups, with lanes 1 & 8 reserved for starts and lane 2 reserved for pace work with 25 minutes left in warm ups. AWARDS: Individuals will be awarded ribbons for 1st through 8th place. High points Trophies will be awarded to the top 3 individual point scorers in an age group. INDIVIDUAL POINTS: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th - 6th - 7th - 8th 9- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2- 1 RELAY POINTS: All relays are non-scoring RESULT: Final results will be emailed to the designated team coach. CONSESSOINS: Concessions and snacks will be available on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. Souvenir T-shirts and swim related items will be available for purchase throughout the meet. OCEAN SWIM: Entry Fee $20.00, which includes the race and awards banquet. Swimmers not participating in the ocean swim, parents, and family members who would like to attend are asked to pay $5.00 for the awards banquet. Payments can be made any time before the start of the Ocean Swim. AGE GROUPS AND DISTANCES: 8 & Under .6 km, 9-10 1 km, 11-12 1.3 km, 13-14 & 15-18 2.5 km, OPEN 1.3 km & 2.5 km OCEAN SWIM COURSE: See attachment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SWIMSUITS: Fina approved suits ACCOMODATIONS: Marianas Resort is a beautiful Resort Hotel that is located 5 minutes from the pool and is an excellent choice for teams that would like to stay in close proximity to the pool. This year the Resort will be offering a special rate for teams wishing to stay during the meet. Please contact the reservations desk at the Marianas Resort and contact Jacoby Winkfield at , if you run into any problems. Century Plaza Hotel- Smaller medium priced hotel located in Garapan 15 minutes from the pool, close to stores and restaurants Victoria Hotel- Smaller medium priced hotel located in the heart of Garpan 15 minutes from the pool, close to stores and restaurants RESTURANTS: There are numerous dining options throughout the island with most of the restaurants in Garapan, Susupe, and Chalan Kanoa. Please be aware that dining options are limited near the pool. Bento and catering options are available from local restaurants and Subway. The Thursday Night Street Market across from the Christo Rai Church in Garapan is a popular option for local foods, snacks, and trinkets. RENT-A-CAR: There are several on the island and reservations came be make on-line or via phone. Saipan Swim Club P.O. Box 503758 Saipan, MP 96950 LETTER OF INTENT (Please return to by February 15, 2014) Team: ___________________ ___________________________________________ Coach’s Name: __ Mailing Address: __________________ Contact Number: ____ _____________________________ ______________ _________E-mail Address: ____________________ _____ Additional contact (if coach is not main contact): ______________ ________________________________________________ E-mail Address: _________________________ _________________________ Approximately how many swimmers will be attending the international meet? ______ _____________ Approximately how many will be swimming in the Ocean Swim on Sunday? ______ _____________ Saipan Swim Club P.O. Box 503758 Saipan, MP 96950 37th Annual Saipan Ocean Swim Sunday, March 15th, 2015 Name: ____________________________________ Swim Club: ______________________ Address: ___________________________________________Phone:_________________ Date of Birth: ______________________ Gender: Male ____ Female____ Age: ________ E-Mail:___________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: Phone number ___ Hotel: ________________________________________ Phone______________________ Category: YOUTH (Circle One) MASTERS (Circle Age-Group & Distance) 9 – 10 yrs 1.0 K 20-29 yrs 1.3 K 2.5 K 8 & Under 0.6 K 30-39 yrs 1.3 K 2.5 K 11 – 12 yrs 1.3 K 40-49 yrs 1.3 K 2.5 K 13 – 14 yrs 2.5 K 50-59 yrs 1.3 K 2.5 K 15 – 19 yrs 2.5 K 60-Over 1.3 K 2.5 K In consideration of the acceptance of my entry, I claim that I am physically fit to participate in the annual Saipan Ocean Swim, and therefore, hereby hold harmless, indemnify and release, and forever discharge the Saipan Swim Club, official members, sponsors and organizers of this event from and against any and all claims, demands and action arising from my participation or my son(s) or daughter(s) participation in the event. Registration 7:00 am just north of World Resort Beach Front (First event will start at 8:00 am.) $20 Entry fee includes race banquet and awards. Signature:______________________________________________ Date:___________________ (Parent’s signature if minor)
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