February 22, 2015 11:00 AM First Sunday of Lent Seminary Sunday Worshippers please note: Childcare is available downstairs. If you have a prayer request, green prayer/care request forms are available in all pews; completed forms are collected during the singing after the homily. At this sign - * - all who are able are invited to stand. All bread used in communion is gluten-free, and the cup is filled with non-alcoholic wine. For quiet reflection.... Gian Carlo Menotti "Hell begins on the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do.” ~~~~~ Prelude “A Sabbath Melody” Mueller (The candles are lit symbolizing the light of Christ entering our worship.) Words for Gathering and Passing of the Peace Introit #352 “Spirit Song” SPIRIT SONG *Assurance of God’s Forgiveness Leader: Hear the good news: The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. All: In Jesus Christ, we are forgiven, freed and empowered to live as joyful servants of God and one another. *Prayer Response #259 “Spirit of the Living God” Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me God Meets the People Through the Word A Word for All Ages LIVING GOD Chris Perrotti “Surely the Presence” Response #263 WOLFE Scripture Lesson Old Testament: Genesis 9: 8-17 (red Bible page 6; blue Bible page 13) Response: Psalm 51 (hymnal page 743) Gospel: Mark 1: 9-15 (red Bible page 764; blue Bible page 1552) “It’s All About DNA” God Calls the People Sermon Call to Worship Leader: Unstop our ears, People: Lace up our shoes, Leader: Open our hearts, People: Turn our faces toward God, Leader: For the Lenten journey begins. People: To listen to the voice of Jesus, Leader: To walk the narrow path of discipleship, People: To trust the depths to the forgiving love of God, Leader: To direct our attention to heaven’s song, People: The eternal melody of love. *Hymn of Praise #180 “Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days” God’s People Respond *Hymn of Devotion #561(vvs.1, 2 and 4) “It Is Well with My Soul” Prof. Brita Gill-Austern VILLE DU HAVRE (Please pass the green prayer/care request cards to end of pew to be collected.) Litany for Seminary Sunday Sharing of Concerns Sharing of Joys Call to Prayer, Silent Prayer, Pastoral Prayer, Lord’s Prayer (“forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us”), Choral Amen Presenting our Gifts, Tithes and Mission Offerings ST. FLAVIAN *Prayer of Confession God of the depths, searcher of hearts, you know the tumult of our lives --- a busyness that bruises those nearest, a loneliness that claws at the soul, a fearfulness that leads to distrust and cynicism. You know our longing for a more centered life --- time for reflection in prayer; gracious, unhurried times with friends and family; renewing rest and exercise; growing moments to deepen our faith and witness. Give us the courage to persist in prayer, excel in kindness, and walk gently on the earth. Heal the wounds we carry, forgive the errors we commit and lead us to new life. In the name of Jesus. Amen. (Plate: Regular Offering; Missions Basket: Church World Service) Offertory Anthem *Doxology #46 “Wonderful Merciful Savior” “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heav’nly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen Rogers/Wyse OLD HUNDREDTH *Prayer of Dedication God of mercy and grace, we give these gifts of ourselves, striving to be the obedient children you have called us to be in covenant with you. We are reminded by the example of Christ that there is nothing that this world can tempt us with that can match the satisfaction of being tested and found faithful. In our times of plenty and our times of need, help us keep strong in our conviction that in you and only you can we put our trust for the security of our lives. We pray this in Christ's holy name. Amen. God Sends the People *Hymn of Commission #612 “O Jesus, I Have Promised” ANGEL’S STORY *Benediction *Choral Benediction Response PEACE DALE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CONGREGATION OF THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST 261 Columbia Street Peace Dale, Rhode Island “Peace I Leave” *Light of Christ Leads Us Out Into the World (During the response, anyone who needs extra assistance &/or a clear aisle is invited to move forward toward the fellowship hall.) *Postlude “Finale in E minor” J.S.Bach Flowers are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Ruth and Clement Babcock in honor of their birthdays by their daughters, Alice Babcock, Judy Brown, and Mary Szrom. Volunteers: Ushers – Claudia & Peter Swain, Bob Gamache, Phil Holley; Offering Team – Meg & Tom Kolodziej, Ed Holt; Deacon on Call – Laurie McCoy; Toddler Care – Susan Krochin; Property Management – Phil Holley (open), Dezi Dezzani (close); Hospitality – Artemis Ramaker; AV – Ray Dufault; Clock Winder -- Dave Parkinson We welcome Brita Gill-Austern as today’s guest preacher. As a pastoral theologian, Brita has a passion for teaching and creating a community of learning where the care of persons is embodied in a pedagogy that engages head and heart. In the last several years her teaching, research and writing have turned to examine the intersection of love and justice in relation to the care of those made poor by practices of exclusion. This has led to working with students to cross geographical and conceptual borders to enhance their understanding of the forces that deepen poverty and create divisions between us. She is Faculty Director of Border-Crossing Immersions and has led border crossing trips to Nicaragua, El Salvador and Mexico for the last six years. She has been committed for more than two decades to interfaith dialogue and work between Jews and Christians, and for the last several years with Muslims as well. An underlying theme that weaves through all her work is the centrality of connection to all healing, and fostering those practices of connection that can bring healing to individuals, communities and society as a whole. As a board member of Communities Without Borders, she is active in work to stop the spread of global AIDS and to educate AIDS orphans and other vulnerable children in Zambia and India, to ensure a more hopeful future for them and our world. She is an ordained United Church of Christ pastor, and served in three parishes in Pennsylvania and California for eight years before joining the faculty at ANTS in 1988.In a co-edited volume, Feminist and Womanist Pastoral Theology, she and Bonnie Miller McLemore lift up the contributions of feminism and womanism to the discipline of pastoral theology. She has contributed many articles and chapters to the field of pastoral theology. Our MissiOn stateMent… “GO and invite peOple tO enter intO a life-Transforming relationship with Christ, eMpOwerinG theM tO GO and invite Others.” Ministers to the World Senior Minister Minister of Visitation Executive Assistant Director of Music Organist Director of Bell Choir Director of Church School & Youth Toddler Care Supervisor Sexton Pastor Emeritus Ch.M. Emerita The Whole Congregation The Reverend Paul A. Bizer George R. Wyckoff Rachel Sheldon Edward DeFusco Gayle Keinard Susan Hoaglund Christopher Perrotti Susan Krochin Mary DePietro Dr. Lawrence A. Washburn Betty V. Nickerson Website: www.peacedalechurch.org Church Office 401-789-7313 (Monday – Friday 8:45 AM – 2:00 PM)
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