2015 Program Information 2015 KOICA –KNU 1. Master’s Degree Program in Food Security and Agricultural Development August 2015 – October 2016 Daegu, Korea Korea International Cooperation Agency Graduate of Kyungpook National University CONTENTS PART I. KOICA & SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM 03 PART II. PROGRAM OVERVIEW 06 PART III. HOW TO APPLY 07 1. APPLICATION ELIGIBILITY 07 08 2. APPLICATION PROCEDURE 11 PART IV. PROGRAM CONTENTS 1. ACADEMIC SCHEDULE 11 2. ORIENTATION 12 3. CURRICULUM 13 4. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 20 21 PART V. TRAINING INSTITUTE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. ACCOMODATIONS 21 23 3. OTHER INFORMATION FOR INT’L STUDENTS 25 29 PART VI. SUPPORT SERVICES 1. TRAVEL TO KOREA 29 2. EXPENSES FOR STUDY AND LIVING 3. INSURANCE 29 30 31 PART VII. REGULATIONS 1. PARTICIPANTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES 2. WITHDRAWALS 32 3. TEMPORARY LEAVE 32 31 4. ACCOMPANYING OR INVITING FAMILY 33 5. OTHERS 33 34 PART VIII. OTHERS 2 1. CONTACT INFORMATION 34 35 2. HOW TO GET TO THE ICC OF KOICA 3 PART Ⅰ. KOICA & SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Part I KOICA & SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) The Korea International Cooperation Agency was founded as a government agency on April 1, 1991, to maximize the effectiveness of Korea's grant aid programs for developing countries by implementing the government's grant aid and technical cooperation programs. Under the motto “Making a better world together,” KOICA is supporting partner countries to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and to promote equitable and sustainable development in the countries. Less than a half century ago, Korea was among the world’s most impoverished. However, it achieved economic development in a short time and has become a member of the OECD. As a country which overcame poverty and attained successful development, we believe our most valuable asset is our own experience. Reflecting on our own experience, we have learned that country ownership of the development is essential for success. Therefore, we seek to offer assistance in line with the development priorities of partner countries and empower our partners. < Korea’s ODA & Framework> Official Development Assistance (ODA) is composed of grants or concessional loans, which are provided to developing countries with the purpose of promoting economic development and welfare. Korea’s ODA is classified into three areas: 1) bilateral aid(grant aid & technical cooperation), 2) bilateral loans, and 3) financial subscriptions and contributions to international organizations (multilateral.) Bilateral aid is comprised of technical cooperation and various types of transfer (made in cash, goods or services) with no obligation for repayment, and is implemented by KOICA under the authority of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Bilateral loans are provided on concessional terms under the name of the Economic Development Cooperation Fund (EDCF), implemented by the Export-Import Bank of Korea under the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. Multilateral assistance is delivered either as financial subscriptions or 4 PART Ⅰ. KOICA & SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM contributions to international organizations. KOICA Fellowship Program In order to empower a country’s capacity for development, Human Resource Development (HRD) is critical. HRD has been a key factor behind the success of Korea’s own development. As a country where natural resources were scarce and investment capital was lacking, it was through the expansion and upgrading of human resources that Korea was able to escape from the vicious cycle of poverty and underdevelopment. Therefore, Korea presents a powerful example of how capacity building through HRD can push the development process forward. For this reason, KOICA has been providing various training programs focused on HRD. Types of KOICA Fellowship Programs KOICA offers five major types of training programs: 1. Country Training Program Tailored programs that are specifically designed for an individual partner country 2. Regular Training Program Programs that are open to any interested partner countries 3. Special Training Program Programs that are temporarily available owing to particular commitments of the Korean as well as partner governments 4. Joint Training Program Programs conducted in partnership with international organizations and other agencies 5. Scholarship Program Master’s degree programs offered to individuals from partner countries 5 PART Ⅰ. KOICA & SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM KOICA's Scholarship Program With a mission to nurture talented students from developing countries, KOICA invites high-caliber students from developing countries and helps them gain professional and systematic knowledge that will play a key role in their home country’s development. In order for KOICA to run the program effectively and efficiently, KOICA is collaborating with excellent and specialized Korea universities in the fields of economics, trade, women’s empowerment, rural development, etc., and is making great efforts to provide opportunities to study in Korea. With the skills and knowledge in the development field, KOICA will give opportunities to people from developing countries to contribute to the development of their countries by implementing this program. In particular, this program has significantly strengthened the relationships between Korea and the students’ home countries. Students, who have been given an opportunity to see Korea’s experience in poverty reduction and socioeconomic development, will gain a deeper understanding of Korea and contribute to the future social, political and economic ties between the two countries. From 1997 to 2013, the program has assisted more than 1,800 students through 95 courses. As of 2013, 301 participants are currently participating in the program at twelve different universities with 15 master’s degree programs such as development policy, Korean Economy & Development Cooperation, Women & Development, Fisheries Science, Agriculture and Rural Development, Global Techno Human Resources Development, and etc. More detailed information is provided from our website at http://training.koica.go.kr. KOICA’s Scholarship Program is fully committed to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and is determined to expand its efforts to nurture future talents from developing countries to promote their countries’ sustainable economic growth and social development. 6 PART Ⅱ. PROGRAM OVERVIEW PROGRAM OVERVIEW Part II ▣ Program Title: Master's Degree Program on Food Security and Agricultural Development ▣ Duration: August 6, 2015 – October 31, 2016 *Degree will be issued in February, 2017 ▣ Venue: Daegu, Korea ▣ Objectives - To secure a pool of future agricultural experts with professionalism and competence needed for food security and improving agricultural technology. - To contribute to the development of human resources who will positively and effectively contribute to the improving agricultural technology in the developing countries. - To educate the future leaders in government, business and civic organizations who can effectively meet the challenges of the globalizing world. - To provide professional services to public and private sector organizations to facilitate democratic processes and market mechanism. - To share the Korean experience and knowledge with other developing countries. This will enhance their ability to further their expertise in the areas of economic development and quality of life. ▣ Training Institution Graduate School of Kyungpook National University (http://grad.knu.ac.kr) ▣ Number of Participants: 18 ▣ Language: English 7 PART Ⅲ. HOW TO APPLY Part III HOW TO APPLY 1. APPLICATION ELIGIBILITY Candidates should: - Be a citizen of the country which has a cooperative relationship with KOICA. - Be a government/municipality official or a researcher / an instructor in state institutes working in his/her home country with a Bachelor’s Degree or higher(private sector employees are not eligible) - Have a good command of both spoken and written English to take classes conducted entirely in English and to be able to write academic reports and theses in English. - Be preferably under 40 years of age in good health, both physically and mentally, to complete the program. - Pregnancy is regarded as a disqualifying condition for participation in this program. Having Tuberculosis or any kind of contagious disease is regarded as a disqualifying condition for participation in this program. Not be a person who has withdrawn from KOICA’s scholarship program. - Person belonging to the institution in which candidates submitted false documents and returned to his/her country arbitrarily in the middle of SP program cannot be applied Have not participated in KOICA’s scholarship program or any of the Korean government’s Scholarship Program before(Master’s degree program) 8 PART Ⅲ. HOW TO APPLY 2. APPLICATION PROCEDURE A. Application documents to be submitted 1. KOICA application form 2. Completed Application Form of Kyungpook National University. (Including a recommendation letter and letter of consent) 3. Curriculum Vitae 4. Cover Letter (a personal statement) (if applicable) 5. Sealed official Undergraduate Academic Transcript 6. Photocopied college diplomas or proof of prospective graduation 7. Score Reports for either official TOEFL or IELTS score (if available) - The most recent scores are preferred, and must be less than two years from the application deadline. - Exemption: International students whose native language is English or who have received a BA or MA from an accredited English-speaking institution 8. Certificate of Employment (if available) 9. Two passport-size photos 10. Copy of passport ※ All documents (Diplomas, Transcripts, Statement of Purpose, Recommendation Letters, etc.) must be original in English. ※ Every document we listed as application package is very important for evaluation. If there is any missing items, you may have some disadvantage in the process. Please make them clear to read. * Important notes for all applicants: 1. All forms should be typed in English and all the supporting documents should be in English. Documents in any other language should be accompanied by a notarized English translation. 2. Original documents should be submitted. Should they be unavailable, however, copies must be authorized by the originating institution before they are submitted. 9 PART Ⅲ. HOW TO APPLY 3. If any of the submitted materials contain false information, admission will be rescinded. 4. Applicants whose forms and supporting documents are incomplete or unsatisfactory will be disqualified from the admission process. 5. Applicants should take full responsibility for any disadvantage due to the mistakes or omissions on the application. B. Application period & procedure 1) Due Date for Application : April 17, 2015 * Closing Date for Application: The date all required materials must arrive at KOICA headquarters in Seongnam, Korea. Local deadlines may differ in each country so please make sure to confirm with the Embassy or KOICA office in your country. * Please note that dates are subject to change. 2) Contact us - Address: Office of International Affairs, Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehak-ro, Bukgu, Daegu, 702-701 Republic of Korea - Homepage: http://en.knu.ac.kr - Person in charge: Sejin Park - Tel: +82-53-950-6091 - Fax: +82-53-950-6093 - E-mail: admission@knu.ac.kr 3. Selection Process A. Admission Decision Procedure - Round 1: Screening by Application Documents - Round 2: Interview by Phone & Essay Evaluation 10 PART Ⅲ. HOW TO APPLY Round 2 : Phone Interview An interview will be conducted only for those applicants who have passed Round 1. The phone interview will be conducted in English. Main purpose of the Phone Interview is to evaluate applicants’ English skill in both speaking and listening level required to successfully complete the Master’s Degree Program of KNU. The applicants’ educational goals, leadership potential, fluency in English, etc. will be also evaluated. The Phone interview WILL ONLY take place at KOICA office or Korean Embassy. B. Evaluation & Admission Timetable Procedure Review & Evaluation of Document Phone Interview Dates April 20, 2015 – April 24, 2015 May 11, 2015 – May 15, 2015 Interview Result June 2, 2015 Medical Check-up June 8 – June 26 Final Admission announcement July 1, 2015 Registration to KNU July 7, 2015 Remarks Screening by professors in Department Screening by professors in Department To get an invoice from Office of International Affairs * Please note that dates are subject to change ** The acceptance for the program will be confirmed after the medical checkup 11 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS Part IV PROGRAM CONTENTS 1. ACADEMIC SCHEDULE Session Period(dd/mm/yyyy) Academic Calendar 06/08/2015~09/08/2015 Check in the dormitory & orientation at KOICA 10/08/2015~11/08/2015 Check in the dormitory at KNU, Daegu Immigration Office 12/08/2015~31/08/2015 Preparatory session 12/08/2015~14/08/2015 Course registration for Fall Semester 2015 Fall Semester 01/09/2015~17/12/2015 Fall Semester 2016 Spring Semester 02/03/2016~19/06/2016 Spring Semester 22/06/2015~17/07/2016 Summer Semester 12/08/2016~14/08/2016 Course registration for Fall Semester Qualification test for foreign language (Korean) 01/09/2016~18/12/2016 Fall Semester 06/10/2016~08/10/2016 Submission of thesis for review 26/10/2016~28/10/2016 Thesis oral defense 31/10/2016 Departure 06/01/2016~08/01/2016 Submission of completed thesis 26/02/2016 Graduation ceremony Preparatory Session 2016 Summer Semester 2016 Fall Semester Thesis revision under professor’s supervision and completion in home country (if required) 2017 Spring Semester *The above schedule is subject to change. **A detailed Program Schedule will be provided upon arrival. 12 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS 2. ORIENTATION (KOICA) When you first arrive, there will be an orientation for 2-3 days for KOICA’s Scholarship Program at the KOICA International Cooperation Center (ICC). The orientation aims to provide participants with useful information on the program as well as general information on living in Korea that you will need during the program. Usually, the orientation is composed of three parts: KOICA’s welcoming session, a Seoul City Tour and a medical checkup. The order of each part is subject to change. a. KOICA’s welcoming session In the first part of the orientation, you will have a welcoming session which includes KOICA’s welcoming reception, an introduction of KOICA and a course outline. Through this session, you can have an overview of the Scholarship Program. Lectures about Korean culture and basic Korean language, as well as general information regarding daily life in Korea, will also be delivered in this session. b. Seoul city TOUR KOICA provides a Seoul City Tour to every participant of the training program. Seoul is the capital of Korea. You will have a chance to visit the cultural heritage and downtown area of Seoul. The tour will help you get accustomed to the new culture and surroundings in Korea. c. Medical checkup Candidates who have passed the interview and written exam must receive an additional medical checkup at the local hospital "designated by KOICA". The hospital reservation and related information will be notified to the candidates individually by an organization responsible for arranging checkup schedule (TBD). Medical checkup fees will be fully covered by KOICA but the transportation fee has to be covered by the candidates themselves (please remember that transportation and accommodation fees will not be reimbursed). The medical check-up results will identify the candidates’ health conditions, and KOICA will verify factors that hamper the completion of the scholarship 13 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS program. The final acceptance of the program will be confirmed after the medical checkup results are examined. Upon request, individual medical checkup results can be provided by the KOICA program manager at least two weeks after the completion of medical checkup 3. CURRICULUM A. Credits per Semester and Requirements for Graduation Session Type Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester Fall Semester Mar-Jun Jun-Aug Sep-Dec Sep-Dec Pre-requisite Korean Language Required Required Courses 3 credits Elective Courses 6 credits 12 credits Total 9 credits 12 credits 6 credits 3 credits 3 credits Total 3 credits 21 credits 3 credits 27 credits * The above requirements are subject to change. - 15 months of residency (Total: 4 semesters) - Students who received a grade of “F” cannot retake the same course. - Based on the school calendar, the thesis semester (from October 2015) falls in out-of-residency period (i.e. back in home country). In practice, thus, students are strongly recommended to submit their draft thesis before returning to home. The extension of thesis writing periods will be offered only in exceptional cases. The participants will receive their Master’s Degree Diploma after they go back to their country, upon successful completion and acceptance of a Master’s thesis. 14 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS B. Curriculum and Credits Session Type (credit) NonCurricular Programs Special Lectures, Field Trip, Lab Tour, Preparatory Required (3 credits) Food Security and Crop Production Subject Remarks Basic Experiment in Lab Korean Language (N.A.) Crop Physiology Crop Production and Practice Principle of Plant Breeding Fall (1st Session) Introductory Plant Biotechnology Elective (6 credits) Plant Genetic Resources Select 2 courses Seed Production Integrated Pest Management Mechanization for Farming Agricultural Economics Saemaul Movement and Rural Development Post-Harvest Technology Weed Management Water Management of Crop Cultivation Spring nd (2 Session) Soil and Fertilizer Management Elective (12 credits) Climate and Crop Production Food Safety Control Food Chemistry and Nutrition Agricultural Policy Agricultural Marketing Thesis Research Summer (3th Session) Fall (4th Session) Required (3 credits) Elective (3 credits) Field Seminar 2 Thesis Research * The above curriculum is subject to change. 15 Select 4 courses PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS C. A list of Courses available for KNU-KOICA SP Subject Food Security and Crop Production Crop Physiology Crop Production and Practice Principle of Plant Breeding Introductory Plant Biotechnology Plant Genetic Resources Description The aim of this course is to provide the concept of food security and how to secure sufficient food to sustain a steady expansion of food consumption and to offset fluctuations in production and prices. Students are required to take at least this introductory course in each of the major of agriculture, irrespective of their area. The course will cover a comprehensive understanding on crop production, the general principles of crop production, crop production as a science, an art, and a business, introduction of new concepts of crop production. Additionally, the course discusses the evolution of crop production, the key technical advances, and their impact on crop production and food security. The concept of sustainable agriculture is also dealt with climate changes in the world. Crop physiology is the study of the ways in which plant physiological processes are integrated to cause whole plant responses in communities. The course explores a broad range of concepts in plant physiology such as water relations, xylem and phloem transport, photosynthesis, carbon assimilation, source-sink concept, starch and sugar synthesis, respiration, mineral nutrition, nitrogen metabolism, signal transduction, growth and development, photomorphogenesis, phytohormones, plantpathogen interaction, plant response to environmental stress, and post-harvest physiology. Examples will be drawn mostly from agronomic crops, but the basic concepts and approaches will be applicable to all types of cultivated plants. This course develops basic principles predicated on the philosophy that when principles are understood, practices based on sound reasoning and understanding will be followed logically and with a degree of confidence. And also, this course attempts to develop principles relative to crop production to provide production techniques with proper management for environmental conservation. This course has made to stimulate interest in crop plant breeding and encourage students to become professional plant breeders. Therefore this course makes students facilitate the understanding about the role of plant breeding in agriculture, the genetic basis of plant breeding, tools of the plant breeder, methods in plant breeding, germplasm resources for breeding crop plants, and release and distribution of cultivars. Students would be trained about how to design the breeding field, to do hybridization, to do yield trails through field practice. Finally they would understand the importance of plant breeding for food production through the course. The aim of this course is to provide a plenty of information and examples to give the students a sound knowledge of plant biotechnology in all its various guises, but particularly those related to the genetic manipulation of crop plants including gene cloning, transcriptional/translational gene regulation, and plant transformation etc. Plant biotechnology has made tremendous progress in recent years and has enjoyed previously unknown level of public awareness. Unfortunately, much of this awareness has arisen from the negative publicity that surrounds genetically modified (GM) crops. Therefore, this course will cover not just scientific aspects, but also the economic, social, moral, and ethical issues that surround and, some would say, plague the subject. Genetic resources refer to genetic material of actual or potential value. Genetic material is any material of plant, animal, microbial or other origin containing functional units of heredity. This course aims to provide the concept of plant genetic resources, how to collect and conservation, how to use them as genetic resources at plant breeding, and the intellectual property issues such as protection and sharing benefits for genetic resources. Students would have field practices such as visiting gene bank, collecting genetic resources, and conservation through. Finally they would understand the importance of plant genetic resources for plant breeding and food industry through the course. 16 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS Seed Production Integrated Pest Management The ultimate purpose of this lecture is to educate the high-quality human resources leading the seed industry in the country involved by teaching the basic knowledge related to the grow provision crops formation, process of development, the shape of the seed, and physiology and the production method of each crop seed, the continuance of quality of the seed variety related to the seed industry, the regulations relate to the seed, the supply of the seed, and the renewal system of the seed systematically. This course intends to present an overview of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Theoretical and practical considerations will be intermingled. The course will emphasize current concepts but will also pay particular attention to emerging technologies. Students are expected to already possess basic training in techniques of pest and crop management so that this course can stress the integration of those techniques into a comprehensive and coordinated multidisciplinary program. Mechanization for Farming This subject is designed to study on all kinds of agricultural machinery for farm mechanization in developed countries. Farm tractor, combine tractor, dryer and internal combustion engine are studied. Cost analysis which a procedure for analyzing the cost of operation is studied as well. Agricultural Economics The purpose of this course is to provide the use of economic tools and concepts in the analysis of agricultural markets. We will review microeconomic theory and develop the graphical and mathematical tools for agricultural market and policy analysis. The emphasis will be on the evaluation of agricultural marketing, domestic agricultural policies, and international trade policies. Field Seminar 1 Saemaul Movement and Rural Development Post-Harvest Technology Grasp effectiveness of special quality that is having productive capacity that understand and keeps more importance of work which supply food that is the most important product in human life among agricultural important part. Master technology of general rice culturing and breeding through example announcement that method is adapted naturally receiving restriction by natural environment in rice culturing. Specially, there is general observation purpose of lecture to train manpower that can contribute in rice production and agriculture development of each countries by doing rice seed disinfection, germination forcing, seedling, rice transplantation, and crossing and GMO stability administration description through seed harvesting and agricultural investigation. This course is firstly to focus on general understanding of Saemaul Undong and Saemaul study, emphasizing on learning of 'Saemual Spirit' such as initial three key spirits (hard working, self-help, cooperation) plus the value of volunteering, challenge and creativity which are required in changed circumstance of the 21st century. This course broadly covers subjects such as 'Saemaul Planning' as a course to study planning process to develop effective community development, 'Skills for Saemaul Undong' to do research on practices of Saemaul Undong and develop practical skills to be applied in the community based on Saemaul Undong theories, 'Saemaul Undong Seminar' to encourage students to devise for each of their own country more applicable programs of Saemaul Undong and their active participation in the class through presentation, discussion and group activities including team projects, 'Case Study of Saemaul Undong' to analyse comparatively Saemaul Undong cases in Korea and around the world based on Saemaul Undong theory, 'Field Study in Saemaul Undong' to provide an opportunity to take field trips to historic sites of Saemmaul Undong movement. Finally this course introduces Korean experiences how to achieve Green Revolution and how to apply Saemaul Undong to development of rural area in Korea. This subject is aimed to study on engineering elements of agricultural processing for graduate students. Drying, storage, cleaning, sorting, grinding and milling of agricultural products will be studied. Also, air vapor mixture, fan and pump theory, plant layout and design will be studied with exercises at the lab. as well. 17 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS Weed Management Water Management of Crop Cultivation Soil and Fertilizer Management This course is to provide the students with important background information on all aspects of weed management and the most effective sustainable agriculture technology for reliable supply of food for the world. Weeds affect human activities and great damage to the crop production. Weeds may poison livestock or seriously decrease crop yields. And they create problems in recreational areas such as golf courses, parks, and fishing and boating sites. Thus it is required to study the nature of weeds and how they interact with human. This course would help students to understand the relationship between the soil water and plants, evapotranspiration (ET), crop water requirements, irrigation water requirement, irrigation methods and irrigation water management. For these, students will obtain the knowledge how to calculate crop ET and irrigation water requirement. Students will also learn how to design irrigation facilities and manage agricultural water efficiently. This lecture focuses on delivering the fundamental and applied concepts of soils and fertilizers that are vital in agriculture and life science. In particular, the students are urged to understand and explore the advanced knowledge related to the applied technologies of soils and fertilizers such as management of nutrients and environments, fertilizer formulations, soil conservation etc. This course aims to provide understandings on the climate change and the influence of each of climatic variables on the crop growth, and on the incidence of pests and disease, and on the crop productivity. The course deal with the scenario of climate Climate and Crop change and improvement of new variety and cultivation technology in order to copy Production with changeable environmental ecotype. The course makes to strengthen capacity of policy development related on the climate change and food security through learning and sharing information on the agricultural policy of advanced country. The objectives of this course are designed to provide general knowledge and technical skills focused on food safety and control in the food industry field. The lecture includes definition and evolution of foodborne pathogens, the methodologies Food Safety used to identify microbial hazard, and intervention and regulation strategies. At the Control end of this course, the student is expected to have a clear perspective of food safety and control and to be capable of establishing the specific aspects of preventive programs such as HACCP, GAP, SSOP, and GMP in the various food industries. In the light of increasing nutrition-related illnesses in the world, it is necessary to find new ways to empower individuals and communities to exercise control over their health. Proper nutrition practices hold the key to the prevention and treatment of the Food Chemistry chronic degenerative diseases that affect families globally. Food chemistry and and Nutrition Nutrition is designed to prepare students for expert in the food and nutrition sectors Students will be exposed to the main aspects of chemical composition, nutritional values, physical properties and metabolism of food and processed food. The primary purpose of the course is to provide students an understanding of public policies which relate to the agriculture and food system. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: Understand the functions of public policies related to agricultural commodity prices, farm income, trade, finance, natural resources, and rural areas, Agricultural Policy B. Know the processes by which policies are enacted and implemented, C. Identify impacts of various types of policies on domestic constituent groups and on other countries, D. Analyze probable economic impacts, effectiveness, efficiency of particular policy changes, E. Communicate effectively about current policy and policy issues. Agricultural Marketing The primary objective of this course is to foster development and understanding of key agricultural marketing issues and concerns, equip you with analytical skills that may be utilized to evaluate different marketing problems. This course will provide you with an understanding of economic concepts that will be employed for analyzing issues in agricultural marketing. 18 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS Thesis Research Field Seminar2 This course is designed to improve the ability of students for planning of their academic career and thesis experiment, thesis writing, the experimental design, implementation of experiments, and interpretation of the results. The course is operated through one-to-one mentoring programs setting with student and professor for student’s thesis and experiment. This course is designed for students understand the real world of crop production. Most of the sessions will be field trips and discussion. Participating students are requested to prepare a term paper on the basis of the field trips and discussion. Field trips to agricultural production fields, research stations, seed companies, seedling growers, agricultural machinery and chemical companies will be arranged. Review and presentation session will be held. C. KNU-KOICA SP Regulation Residing in a dormitory - Students must reside in Graduate Students Dormitory of Kyungpook National University Living off-campus is not allowed. A student who violates dormitory regulations will be evicted from the dormitory and he or she must return to her country immediately Cooking is possible in a dormitory room Attendance and Absenteeism - - Students are expected to attend all of the classes he/she has registered for each semester. Any student who, without good reason, has failed to attend class for at least two-thirds of the total classes shall be prohibited from sitting for the exam. In the event a student will be absent for any of the reasons below, the student must notify the appropriate department, faculty, and dean and get approval in advance: - Death of an immediate family member (grandparents, parents, siblings) or equivalent circumstance - Academic planning, field-trips, on-location training, etc - Participation in seminars or conferences (including international ones) as approved by the Graduate School Dean Other events as approved by the Graduate School Dean In the event of student illness or emergency situations, students who will be absent for less than seven days (including holidays and weekend days) need to submit written notification of such absence to the Graduate School Dean. For absences longer than seven days, students must submit a written diagnosis by a physician. - Examinations and Grade Evaluations (1) Minimum Grade Point Average Requirement - Students must maintain at a minimum a C- (70-73) grade point average. Anything below 70 points (F=69 and below) will be not be acknowledged as a 19 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS passing grade (2) Regular Exams and Make-up Exams - Regular Exams: Mid-term (7th to 8th week of semester), Final (End of semester) - Make-up Exams - In the event a student cannot sit for an exam due to illness, or any other emergency, the student must notify the faculty before the test date, and obtain the Graduate School Dean’s approval to sit for the exam at another time. (3) Qualifications to Sit for an Exam - Any student who, without good reason, has failed to attend class for at least two-thirds of the total classes shall be prohibited from sitting for the exam. In the event of illness or emergency situations, students need to provide a written explanation of their absence. (4) Scholastic Performance Evaluation Method - Scholastic performance will be e v a l u a t e d based on a 100% m a r k s for each course registered. Grades will be based on classroom performance (presentations, attendance) and test performance (mid-term and final exams). - Grades will be calculated on a curve as follows: - A- to A+: 30% of the students in the class - B + A: 40% of the students in the class - C and below: 30% of the students in the class (5) Evaluation Standard: Evaluation Ranking % 97- 94- 90- 87- 84- 80- 77- 74- 70- 69& S U marks 99 96 93 89 86 83 79 76 73 below (Pass) (Fail) Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- F GPA 4.3 4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 0 4. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES - Industrial sites: Samsung Electronics, Hyundai Motors, Hyundai Heavy Industries, POSCO, Daedong Agrimachine, etc. 20 PART Ⅳ. PROGRAM CONTENTS - Cultural sites: Gyeongju historical Monument Place, Folk village, Andong Hahoe folk village, National Museum of Korea, The Birthplace of Saemaeul Movement, etc. - Public Offices sites: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Rural Development Administration, Korea Rural Community Corporation, Gyeongsangbuk-Do Agricultural Research & Extension Services, etc. 21 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE Part V TRAINING INSTITUTE 1. GENERAL INFORMATION ❏ KYUNGPOOK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY KNU’s Educational Philosophy TRUTH The highest value that a university must pursue as a hall of learning, meaning that it strives to seek the truth without hesitation. PRIDE Referring to the pride of KNU’s students and faculty as demonstrated through its endless development of great talent that has contributed to the development of Korea and indeed human society. We celebrate this great pride through our university’s history, traditions and future goals. SERVICE KNU graduates have been educated as real intellectuals, proud professionals and practice-valued servants of the people, who serve not only their own society and nation but also the global community. 22 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE KNU’s Educational Goal KNU is transformed through innovation, communication and its impression on the world. It began as a regional education hub founded with the support of residents, and quickly gained a strong reputation as the best university south of Seoul. KNU became known for producing the top Korean intellectuals of the age, representing the Republic of Korea with pride. Our goal is to reaffirm the status long held by KNU, bringing change and the spirit of innovation to the world. We will become a university that inspires people the world over with our achievements. We are a globally-oriented, knowledge-driven university. We are now a global competitor, as such, we have to foster research capabilities that can compete with global standards and cultivate talent that will lead the world. KNU will be a university that not only creates knowledge but also leads the stream of intelligence as it takes a step ahead. As a university with one of the nation’s largest campuses and operating infrastructures, we strive to impress the region, the nation and the world. We put investment in human resources above all else. One of our greatest assets is the people we educate. KNU will give first priority to concentrated investment in human resources development, producing talented individuals with the wisdom of cultural insight and scientific technology; passionate professionals who enjoy a challenge; people who will lead the world with creativity and innovation. In addition, we will create an educational and professional environment in which all people-students, professors, and staff of the university-trust and cooperate with each other. ❏ GRADUATE SCHOOL OF KNU Graduate School of KNU was established in October 20, 1953, since when its objectives have been to explore sound academic theories and methods in depth, to activate academic research in order to promote the human qualities and disciplines required in society, and to contribute to national development and the prosperity of the mankind. The graduate School has played key roles in universities around the country, as well as in research institutes and professional organizations, and on the international stage. In addition, the excellent teaching staff and academic supervisors in our Graduate School, who are outstanding in their research and educational capacities, have consistently given quality guidance to 23 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE enthusiastic MA and doctoral students on the basis of future-oriented curricula and systematic teaching methods. We promise to continue doing our best in fostering the next generation of academics who will lead us into the future, while at the same time continuing to preserve our brilliant history and tradition. If you want to see more details about Graduate School of KNU, please visit here: http://grad.knu.ac.kr/eng 2. ACCOMMODATIONS ❏ All students sponsored by KOICA should reside in the Dormitory of the University. - In KNU, residential facilities are provided for students from outside Daegu or Sangju city and overseas for their safe, clean, comfortable and affordable living environment. - Each dormitory is equipped with a gym, a recreation hall, a meeting room, a computer lab and laundry facilities. All the rooms are fully furnished and also have Internet access. Residents in the dormitory are required to cooperate with each other to maintain their surroundings. KNU dormitories have certain rules that all resident should comply with, and the residents will be held responsible for any violation of rules. - KNU Dormitory on Daegu Campus has 10 dormitory buildings with 2,037 rooms, housing over 4,500 students. Since it’s located in the campus area, you can reach any buildings on campus by walking from your dormitory buildings. - Students have to share the room with other student (1 room for 2 people type) 24 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE ❏ Images of Dormitory 25 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE 3. Other information for international students Area A 1. Main Administration Bldg. 3. Central Library 5. Common Lecture Bldg.2 7. Carving & Modeling Bldg. 9. Main Auditorium 11. College of Humanities 13. Graduate School Bldg. 15. College of Agriculture & Life Science Bldg.2 17. General Education Bldg. 19. Science Bldg1. 21. College of Natural Sciences 23. Science Bldg.2 25. Gymnasium 1 2. Student Service Center 4. Library Cafeteria 6. Fine Art & Design Bldg. 8. College of Music & Visual Arts 10. Dgb Culture Center (Center for Lifelong Edu., Art Gallery.Bank) 12. Faculty Research Bldg. 14. College of Agriculture & Life Science Bldg.1 16. College of Agriculture & life Science Bldg.3 18. KNU Press 20. Bokhyun Bldg. 22. Swimming Pool 24. Gymnasium 2 26. Global Plaza(Office of International Affairs) 26 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE Area B 1. Veterinary Hospital 3. College of Engineering Bldg.10 5. College of Engineering Bldg.5 7. College of Engineering Bldg.8 9. Dormitory(Hyupdong-gwan) 11. College of Engineering Bldg.7 13. College of Engineering Bldg.13 15. College of Engineering Bldg.12 17. College of Engineering Bldg.6 19. Dormitory(Jilli-gwan) 21. Dormitory(Moonhwa-gwan) 23. Dormitory(Sungshil-gwan) 25. College of Engineering Bldg.9 27. College of Engineering Bldg.2 29. Scientiflc Instruments Center 31. R.O.T.C 33. Sports Arenas 2. College of Veterinary Medicine 4. Semiconductor Complex 6. Business Lncubation Center 8. Dormitory(Myeonhak-gwan) 10. Dormitory(Hwamok-gwan) 12. College of Engineering Bldg.4 14. College of Engineering Bldg.11 16. College of Engineering Bldg.3 18. Dormitory(Vongsa-gwan) 20. Dormitory(Gungji-gwan) 22. Faculty Apartments 24. Chemistry Bldg. 26. College of Engineering Bldg.1 28. Enviromnental Science Institute 30. Biology Bldg. 32. Student Club Bldg.(Baekho-gwan) Area C 1. KNU Museum 3. College of Law/Graduate Law School 5. College of Ecomics & Business Administration1 7. College of Human Ecology 9. Woodang Bldg. 11. Teacher's College 13. IT Services 15. Technopark 2. Student Union Bldg 4. College of Social Sciences 6. College of Economics & Business Administration 8. Dormitory(hyangto-gwan) 10. Common Lecture Bldg.4 12. Language Institute 14. General Information Center 16. Mobile-Techno Bldg. A. SCHOOL STORES & WELFARE FACILITIES ◆ Cafeterias and convenient facilities Facilities Location (Name of Bldg.) ◆ Bldg. 20, Area A (Bokhyun Building,1F) ◆ Bldg. 26, Area A (Global Plaza, 3F) Cafeteria ◆ Bldg. 15, Area B (Coll. of Engineering Bldg., 1F) ◆ Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 2F) ◆ Bldg. 14, Area C (General Information Center, 1F) 27 Service Hours There is a different schedule for service during the semester and during vacation. Please always be aware of the operating hours PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE ◆ Bldg. 4, Area A (Library Cafeteria, 1F) Convenience ◆ Bldg. 20, Area A (Bokhyun Building, 1F) ◆ Bldg. 26, Area A (Global Plaza, 1F) Store All stores are open during normal business hours ◆ Bldg. 19, Area B (Dormitory(Jilli-gwan), B1) ◆ Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 2F) ◆ Bldg. 20, Area A (Bokhyun Building, 2F) Coffee Shop ◆ Bldg. 26, Area A (Global Plaza, 1F) All stores are open during normal business hours ◆ Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) ◆ Banking Shinhan Bank: Bldg. 26, Area A (Global Plaza, 1F) ☏ 053-954-7025 Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) ☏ 053-950-5280, 5288 Daegu Bank: Bldg. 10, Area A (Dgb Culture Center (Center for Lifelong Edu., Art Gallery. Bank)) ☏ 053-950-5286, 5294 ◆ Post Office: Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 2F) ☏ 053-950-5281, 053-952-7617 ◆ Fitness Center Bldg. 33, Area B (Sports Arenas, B1) ☏ 053-950-7469 Fee: 36,000 won per month / 97,200 won per 3 months Bldg. 22, Area A (Swimming Pool, B1) ☏ 053-950-7464~5 Fee: 65,000 won 5 days a week per month ◆ Medical Services Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 3F) ☏ 053-950-6566 Operating Hour: AM 9:30~PM 5:00 * To receive payment from the insurance: KNU Hospital 28 PART Ⅴ. TRAINING INSTITUE ◆ Other On Campus Facilities Facilities Location Bookstore Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) Shoe Repair Shop Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) Beauty Salon Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 3F) Optician's Shop Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) Photo Studio Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) Travel Agency Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) Stationary Store Bldg. 2, Area C (Student Union Bldg., 1F) Bldg. 26, Area A (Global Plaza, 1F) Souvenir Shop 1F, Student Union Bldg. 1. 2. 2. 4. HEALTH CARE ◆ Health Clinic Center of KNU (in Campus) MON TUE WED AM 09:30-12:00 Family Med Ophthalmology Dental Clinic General Clinic Family Med PM 1:00-5:00 Family Med General Clinic Family Med Neuropsychiatry THU General Clinic Internal Med General Clinic FRI Dental Clinic General Clinic General Clinic dical staffs are dispatched from KNU Hospital ⦁ For Dental clinic, Ophthalmology consultation Hours: AM10:00-12:00 ⦁ For Neuropsychiatry consultation Hours: PM2:00-5:00 ⦁ during a vacation, General clinic and Family Med is open ◆ KNU Hospital (in the distance of 10 min by car from Campus) - Address: 130 Dongdeok-ro, Jung-gu, Daegu, 700-721, Korea - Tel: 82-53-200-5114 - Fax: 82-53-200-5514- Website: http://eng.knuh.kr 29 duri ng a se me ster, me ⦁ PART Ⅵ. SUPPORT SERVICE Part VI SUPPORT SERVICE 1. Travel to Korea KOICA arranges and pays for the participant to travel to and from Korea. The participant is to travel by the most direct route between Incheon International Airport and a main international airport in the participant’s home country. KOICA will cover economy class, round-trip airfare. If a participant wants to change the flight itineraries, they should pay the additional airfare. The participant is responsible for the issuance of an appropriate visa (which must be the ‘Study Abroad Visa [D-2]) necessary for this Scholarship Program. Should the participant be unable to get the appropriate visa before the date of entrance, KOICA is unable to provide any assistance and, if it proves necessary, participants may have to return to their respective countries to get the visa issued at their own expense. 2. Expenses for Study and Living The following expenses will be covered by KOICA during the participant’s stay in Korea. Expenses Amount cost KRW Tuition fee - Accommodation (mainly the dormitory of a training institute) - Living allowance KRW 33,300 per day Sundry expenses (VISA, passenger service charge, etc) KRW 200,000 Textbook and materials KRW 800,000 Study visit & field trip, etc. during the program - A medical checkup after entrance - Overseas travel insurance, etc. - In addition, participants may be invited to a special event organized by KOICA with the aim of promoting friendship among each other and understanding about Korea during the program. 30 PART Ⅵ. SUPPORT SERVICE 3. Insurance During the program participants will be covered by the “New group accident Insurance(2)” The insurance covers expenses for medical treatment and hospital care caused by diseases or accidents within the scope and limit of insurance coverage. Participants should first pay by themselves and then be reimbursed for the expenses later, on the condition that the case falls under the coverage of the insurance. Limits of Coverage Amount cost KRW Death or Permanent Disability by Accident KRW 100 million Medical Expenses by Accident KRW 20 million Death by Disease KRW 100 million KRW 10 million Liability (Deductible : 200,000 Won) Loss of Personal Effects KRW 1 million Airplane Hijacking KRW 1.4 million US$1= approx. KRW 1,089 (as of February 2015) Main Scope of Coverage - Death or Permanent Disability by Accident & Death by Disease: The insurance shall pay the insurance money up to the above limit. - Medical Expenses by Disease and Accident: The insurance shall cover the medical expenses at actual cost within the limit of the medical insurance subscription amount per case (for details, refer to the insurance policy) - Medical checkup at the participant’s option and the fee for a medical certificate and diseases caused by pre-existing medical conditions, etc. are not covered by the insurance. ※ The insurance coverage is limited to the treatment incurred within Korea. Deductibles (Insured persons are responsible for deductibles, as described below.) 31 PART Ⅵ. SUPPORT SERVICE Maximum Coverage Limit per Day ▪ Outpatient Services: 250,000 won ▪ Medicine: 50,000 won Deductible per day (outpatient) ▪ Clinic: 10,000 won ▪ Hospital: 15,000 won ▪ University hospital, level 3 hospital: 20,000 won Deductible per day (medicine): 8,000 won Dentistry and Oriental (Chinese) medicine: Uninsured items and prosthetic dentistry Hospital treatment -The beneficiary is responsible for 10% of the costs. Orthopedics ▪ Equipment and consumables (e.g., wristbands and cast shoes) Fees for issue of certificates In the case of uninsured items and material costs, a detailed statement must be submitted. Receipts from medical institutions or pharmacies must be submitted. Credit card receipts will not be accepted. Procedures, Services and Diseases Not Covered by the Insurance 1) Medical check-up, vaccination, nutritional supplements, and tonic medicines 2) Mental disease and behavior disorder 3) Dental care ※ To receive dental care, prior consultation with the coordinator of KOICA is required. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Congenital Cerebropathy Herbal remedies Obesity Urinary diseases: Hematuria and urinary incontinence Diseases of the rectum and anus Tiredness and fatigue Freckles, hirsutism, atrichia, canities, mole, wart, pimple, and skin ailments such as hair loss due to aging 11) Medical expenses caused by treatments for enhancing appearance (e.g., double-eyelid surgery) 32 PART Ⅵ. SUPPORT SERVICE 12) Costs that are not related to treatments and medical check-up costs that are not related to a doctor’s diagnosis. 13) Diseases that participants already had before arrival in Korea ※ Detailed information will be provided upon arrival 33 PART Ⅶ. OTHERS REGULATION Part VII 1. Participant’s Responsibilities Participants are required - To take up the scholarship in the academic year for which it is offered (deferral is not allowed). - To follow the training program to the best of their ability and abide by the rules of the training institute and KOICA. - To reside in the accommodation designated by the training institute for the duration of the course except for holidays or temporary leave. - To maintain an appropriate study load and achieve satisfactory academic progress for the course. If the participant fails to attain certain grades required by the university, his or her status as a KOICA program participant may be suspended. - to participate in all activities associated with the approved course of study including all lectures and tutorials, submit all work required for the course and sit for examinations unless approved otherwise by the training institute in advance. - To notify the training institute in advance and get an approval for temporary leave. - To advise KOICA and the training institute of any personal or family circumstances such as health problems or family problems which may seriously affect their study. - To refrain from engaging in political activities or any form of employment for profit or gain. - To agree to KOICA collecting information concerning them and passing that information onto other relevant parties, if necessary. - To return to their home country upon completion of their training program. - Not to extend the length of their training program or stay for personal convenience; neither KOICA nor the university will provide any assistance and be responsible for extension of their stay. 34 PART Ⅶ. OTHERS 2. Withdrawals - In principle, a participant is not allowed to withdraw from the course at his or her own option once the course starts. - A participant may withdraw with valid personal or home country’s reasons (such as health or work issues) when acceptable to KOICA. - If a participant fails to attain certain grades required by the training institute, he or she may be forced to withdraw and return home upon withdrawal. - A participant who has withdrawn is not allowed to re-apply for KOICA’s scholarship program for the next two years after the withdrawal. - The participant who withdraws must return to the training institute the living allowance he or she has already received for the remaining period from the date of departure from Korea. 3. Temporary Leave - Participants can have temporary leave within 19 days a in a year (to the participants’ home country or for a trip abroad) on the condition that the trip does not affect their schoolwork and as long as they notify the university in advance. - KOICA and the university do not pay airfare for the trip. The temporary leave may not exceed 19 days during the whole period of study. - If the participant is found to have made an unreported temporary visit to his or her home country or traveled to other countries or made a trip despite the university’s disapproval, his or her living allowance will be suspended (from the day of departure to the day of return). 4. Accompanying or inviting Family - As KOICA’s Scholarship Program is a very intensive program which requires full commitment to and concentrated effort for study, participants cannot bring any family members. KOICA does not provide any financial or other administrative support for the dependents of the participants. - If a participant invites family members within the duration of one month, one must take a full responsibility related to their family members travel to and stay in Korea including administrative and financial support as well as legal 35 PART Ⅶ. OTHERS matters in Korea. The participant is required to sign and submit the Written Pledge with supporting documents by acknowledging their responsibility and conditions of bringing their family members in Korea in advance. A copy of the Written Pledge is available at the Office. 5. Others - KOICA will assume any responsibility only within the limit and scope of the insurance for participants. - KOICA is not liable for any damage or loss of the participant’s personal property. - KOICA will not assume any responsibility for illness, injury, or death of the participants arising from extracurricular activities, willful misconduct, or undisclosed pre-existing medical conditions. - If the participants break any of the rules of KOICA and the training institute during their stay in Korea, their status as a KOICA program participant may be suspended. 36 PART Ⅷ. OTHERS OTHERS Part VIII 1. Contact Information a. Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) (http://www.koica.go.kr) ∙Program Manager Capacity Development Program Department Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) 418 Daewangpangyo-ro, Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-Si, 461-833 Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea ∙Phone: +82-31-740-0416, Fax: +82-31-740-0684 b. Graduate School of Kyungpook National University (http://en.knu.ac.kr) - Training Manager: Ms. Hyejin Kim - Address: 1416 Global Plaza 80 Daehak-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu 702 - 701, Republic of Korea - Homepage: http://en.knu.ac.kr - Person in charge: Hyejin Kim - Tel: +82-53-950-6591 - Fax: +82-53-950-6596 - E-mail: neatsung@gmail.com 2. How to get to the ICC of KOICA ▶ Notice!! When participants arrive in Korea, they should go to the ICC of KOICA for KOICA Orientation including medical checkup. After the Orientation, participants will move to the dormitory of the University. Route: Incheon International Airport → Korea City Airport, Logis & Terminal (CALT) 37 PART Ⅷ. OTHERS → International Cooperation Center (ICC) Arrival at Incheon International Airport (http://www.airport.kr) Flow - Fill out Arrival Card (or Immigration Card), Customs Declaration Form, Quarantine Questionnaire ( on board) - Quarantine including animals and plants ( on 2nd Floor) - Present your Arrival Card, Passport and other necessary document to Passport Control - Claim baggage on 1st Floor - Customs Clearance - Pass an Arrival Gate - Go to the KOICA Counter, Which is located between Exit 1~2 Ÿ KOICA Counter at Incheon Airport - After passing through Customs Declaration, please go to the KOICA Counter (located between exit 1~2) at Incheon Airport. At the Lounge on the 1st floor of CALT airport Mobile : 82-(0)10-9925-5901 KOICA Counter, you can get detailed information about how to get to International Cooperation Center (ICC) and purchase limousine bus ticket for City Airport, Logis & Travel (CALT). - All the KOICA staff at the Incheon Airport wears nametags or has signs for indication. If you cannot meet the KOICA staff at the counter, please purchase st a limousine bus ticket from the bus ticket counter (located on the 1 Floor), and 38 PART Ⅷ. OTHERS go to CALT Bus Stop No. 4A (or 10B). Please find the bus number 6103 and present your ticket to the bus driver. From Incheon Airport to CALT, the approximate time for travel will be between 70 to 90 minutes. When you arrive at CALT, you will find another KOICA staff who will help you reaches the ICC. KOICA will reimburse the limousine bus fare when you arrive at ICC. Also, please be aware that there may be illegal taxis at the airport. Even if they approach you first, please do not take illegal taxis and check to see if they are KOICA staff. Ÿ KOICA Counter at CALT Airport Location : Next to Exit 1 on the 1st floor (No.9- 10) : 82-32-743-5904 - If the limousine bus is not available due to Tel. Mobile : 82-(0)10-9925-5901 your early or late arrival from 22:00 to Contact : Ms. Jin-Young YOON 05:30. - Please contact the ICC reception desk (Tel. 031-777-2600 / English announcement service is available 24 hours daily) - The staff at the ICC reception desk will let you know how to use a taxi. The taxi fare from the airport to ICC is normally 90,000 Won. ※ KOICA won't reimburse the taxi fare if you use a taxi during the hours of 05: 30 ~ 22:00. From Incheon International Airport to the ICC through CALT st - Take a City Air limousine bus at bus stop No.4A on the 1 Floor. Buses run every 10~15 minutes between the hours of 5:30 and 22:00. st - Meet the KOICA staff at the lounge on the 1 Floor of CALT upon arrival. - Take a car arranged by the KOICA staff to the ICC (Expected time: 20 minutes) 39 PART Ⅷ. OTHERS "Please remember to read the Fellows' Guidebook. It is available from the Korean Embassy or KOICA Overseas Office in your country and provides valuable information regarding KOICA programs, allowances, expenses, regulations, preparations for departure, and etc." 40
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