Latest - Bellarine Secondary College

Principal: Mrs Alison Murphy
Assistant Principals: Mr Damian Marra & Ms Natalie Wood,
Mr Wayne Johannesen & Mrs Barbara Luppino
COLLEGE FAX: 035251 9007
COLLEGE PHONE: 03 5251 9000
Ready to Learn
You will hear reference to being ‘Ready to Learn’ across our College. We expect every student to be prepared for
their learning every morning. This includes having the necessary materials and equipment, having their netbook
charged and with them, having completed any homework required, having the correct uniform on and having the
correct PE gear also. During Home Group sessions each morning staff will be checking that students are coming
ready to learn. If you are experiencing financial difficulties and need support in ensuring your child is ready to
learn, please contact Steve Benge or Rhonda Chudoschnik on the Drysdale Campus or Nicole Wirth on the Ocean
Grove Campus.
Congratulations to all on the great start to the College year. Classrooms are very focused on the learning taking
The Annual Swimming Carnival
The College Swimming Carnival was a wonderful event. It was terrific to see several families come along and get
involved in the day. Thank you for making the time to support the College. Congratulations to all competitors on
the spirit with which you competed. The age group champions are identified elsewhere in this newsletter and are
deserving of our praise. Of particular note was the House spirit evident around the pool with all students getting
behind their team competitors. Well done to winning house, Swan House and Captains Paige Woolhouse, Temikka
Beeston, Mia Lindberg and Jack Brady. Congratulations to the student relay team on your victory over the staff!
Year 12 Students
Year 12 students are well into their studies and responding well to the challenges before them. The staff have
provided strong positive feedback about the completion of holiday learning tasks and the reading of novels. It is
encouraging to hear that students are coming prepared to make the most of the opportunities presented. The
visit to Deakin University last week was another opportunity to further develop study skills and an understanding
of a tertiary institution and preparation for the workplace. A presentation by one of the English examiners
certainly made it clear just how students should be approaching this important subject. I am sure that all involved
found it a valuable excursion and thank the staff for their organisation and delivery of the day.
Year 12 Drive to School
As our Year 12 students turn 18 and gain their driving license it is important for them to complete the ‘Drive to
School’ process. We are very concerned about student safety and the Department of Education and Training
expects that we will follow this process. Please ensure that your son or daughter collects a form from Mr Marra
and completes this process.
Every day counts
Going to school every day is the single most important part of a child’s education. Students learn new skills and
knowledge everyday – missing school puts them behind. Whilst it might be possible to complete the learning tasks
set for the day, it is never possible to experience all of the learning that took place. Discussions in class, questions
asked and answered, sharing of perspectives within groups, contributing to group or class tasks and many other
activities just cannot be replicated outside of class time.
We understand that illness will require students to miss school at times and teachers will support students in
catching up on learning missed. We would hope that genuine illness or medical appointments that cannot be
scheduled out of school hours are the only reasons a student is absent from school.
If you are experiencing difficulties with ensuring your child attends school every day, please contact the
appropriate House Leader, Steve Benge,
Rhonda Chudoschnik, Nicole Wirth or any
member of the Principal team. We would
welcome the opportunity to assist you.
Mon 16th February 2015
Issue No. 2
Inside this issue
Principal’s Report ..................... 1-2
College Key Dates/Information . 3
Drysdale Campus Report ........... 4
Ocean Grove Campus Report..... 5-6
Whole College News….…………….7
Swimming Sports News..………….8
maintains a diverse learning
environment promoting academic
excellence and vocational success.
students develop as respectful and
resilient individuals who grow in
confidence to make a positive
contribution to their community
with the skills to sustain positive
Important opportunities coming up…
You will find an invitation to attend a number of parent BBQs in this newsletter. BBQs are planned for Year 12 students and parents (19th February),
Year 9 students and parents (24th February) and Year 7 students and parents (3rd March). Each of these evenings will have a program of activities
designed to allow parents to get to know some of the teaching staff, to hear about the program for the year, to spend some time on the respective
campus and to hear from guest speakers (Year 12). We hope you are able to attend and look forward to seeing you there.
Our Year 7s head off on camp this week. I look forward to visiting them and participating in some of the camp activities.
College Council Election
College Council is an important governing body of the College. Membership of Council involves parents, students and staff in making decisions and
setting policy for the school. It is very important to have the views of parents put forward through Council. This year we have 4 parent vacancies and 2
vacancies for Department of Education and Training employees teaching at the school. Department of Education and Training employees not
employed at Bellarine are entitled to nominate for the parent category of council.
2015 Bellarine Secondary College Council Election Process and Timeline
Notice of election and call for nominations
Closing date for nominations
Monday 16th February 2015
4:00pm Monday 23rd February 2015
Date by which the list of candidates will be posted
Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed
Wednesday 25th February 2015
On or before Monday 2nd March 2015
Close of ballot
4:00pm Tuesday 10th March 2015
Vote Counted
Declaration of poll
Council meeting to Coopt community members
Council meeting to elect office bearers
11th March 2015
11th March 2015
18th March 2015
18th March 2015
Notice of Election and Call for Nominations
Membership Category
An election is to be conducted for members of the Bellarine
Secondary College Council.
Nomination forms may be obtained from both campus general
offices and must be lodged by 4:00pm on Monday 23rd February
2015. If a ballot is required it will close at 4:00pm on Tuesday 10th
March 2015
Following the close of nominations a list of nominations received
will be posted at each campus. The terms of office, membership
categories and numbers of positions in each membership category
open to election are in the table to the right >
Parent member
Term of office
Number of Positions
From the day after the date
of the declaration of the poll
in 2015 to and inclusive of
the poll in 2017
DET employee member
From the day after the date
of the declaration of the poll
in 2015 to and inclusive of
the poll in 2017
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect
and calling for further nominations will be posted at the general office of both campuses.
Picking Up and Dropping Off Children at School
Work has continued around the installation of traffic lights at the Shell Road entry to the campus at Ocean Grove. This will no doubt bring some
relief to the frustration experienced by members of our community when trying to enter or leave this precinct. The immediate vicinity of the
College is very busy at both the start and finish of the school day and we do encourage parents to be very conscious of students as they drop off or
collect their children. The City of Greater Geelong has also contacted all schools asking that we share the following message to enhance the safety
of all at these busy times;
For the safety of children, parents are reminded to take care and obey parking signs when picking up or dropping off children around schools.
Council’s Parking and Information Officers regularly patrol school areas during start and finish times and motorists detected breaching parking
regulations risk being issued with a Penalty Infringement Notice.
Remember, as soon as you stop to let your children in or out of the car, you are deemed to be parked. You do not have to leave your car or
turn the engine off to be fined so please ensure you are parked in a legal parking area.
At children’s crossings, you must remain stationary at the stop line while any person (including an adult or the supervisor) is on the crossing or
the stop sign is displayed. Do not let your child alright at this time, ensure that they wait until you are safely and legally parked.
If you breach a parking regulation the Parking and Information Officer assigned to monitor the crossing will usually record your registration
number and details, and the Penalty Infringement Notice will be posted to you within the next three days.
Mrs Alison Murphy
College Principal
Monday 16th – 20th Feb Year 7 Camps Rotating
Thursday 19th Feb
Year 12 Parent Information Night & BBQ @ 6:00pm Drysdale
Friday 20th Feb
Year 11 Pathways Day @ Potato Shed – For all Year 11 Students
Tuesday 24th Feb
Student Free Day– Both Campuses– Staff Professional Learning
College Council Meeting @ Ocean Grove Campus
Wednesday 25 Feb
Friday 27 Feb
Essential Levies Due
Friday 27th Feb
2 & 3 Instalment forms for Essential Levies Due
5251 9010
If your son/daughter is unwell and will miss a day at School
please ensure you call our Absence Line on 5251 9010 or
write a note when your child returns approving the absence.
This help us to keep track of their attendance and fix their
unexplained absences.
Monday 2nd—Friday
6th March
On Demand Testing—Years 7-10
Tuesday 3rd March
Year 7 Parent BBQ 6:00pm
Monday 9 March
Labour Day Holiday – Public Holiday - Student Free Day
Tuesday 10 March
1st Instalment by 2 Instalments & 3 Instalments
Monday 23rd March
Year 7 HPV & Varicella immunisations
Tuesday 24th March
Athletic Sports – All Students MUST Attend
Friday 27 March
End of Term 1
Mon 13th April
Thu 23 April
Especially in-date EPI pens (anaphylaxis) and
asthma medications.
Year 9 Parent BBQ @ 6:00pm Drysdale Campus
Wednesday 25 Feb
Reminder to all parents/guardians to keep the school
informed of your students medical conditions and
ensure we current up-to-date medications in the
office area if needed.
Term 2 begins
3–Way Conferences 12:00pm– 8:00pm—All held on the Drysdale
Campus Students only attend for interview with parents/guardians.
The Bellarine Sharks is a family friendly “good sports” club
which plays its home games in St.Leonards. We have new
change rooms and large clubrooms. All our teams train
once per week and we play in the Geelong competition.
We have Under 7,9,11,13 and 15 mixed teams, under 16
girls and seniors of both Men and Women. The club is now
taking names for its 2015 season which starts in April.
Preseason training will be on Collendina Beach at 9am on
Sunday 8th and 22nd of both Feb and March.
For more information call Murray on 0417 554 828.
Monday 16th – 20th
Tuesday 17
Tues 17th & 24th
Year 7 Angahook Camp—Rotating groups
Year 7s
Forms and payment due Friday 6/2/15
Year 10 The Human Machine– Bio Lab
Year 10 Bio Lab
$30 due with note ASAP
Ready Set Work Orientation
Selected Year 10
$20 note due ASAP
$75 if you have not paid the Marine Science Essential Elective Levy,
Wed 11th
Marine Science Snorkel
Year 10 Group 1
Mon 16th
Marine Science Snorkel
Year 10 Group 2
Wed 18th
Unit 1 Environmental Science
Year 10 & 11 Science
Forms Due 25/2/15
$NIL note due ASAP
Thu 19th
Year 12 BBQ & Parent Seminar
All Year 12s
$NIL note due ASAP
Forms Due 25/2/15
$75 if you have not paid the Marine Science Essential Elective Levy,
Please note that excursion forms and money will not be accepted any later than the cut off date noted both on the excursion form and on this list.
Excursion forms and money will not be taken separately they must be handed in together. Thank you—the Administration staff
Tue 17
Mel Brew
Wed 18
Hayley Fuller
Thu 19
Leanne Thorpe
Fri 20
Jacinta Crawley
Mon 23
Stephanie Lidington
Tue 24
Stacey Cullon
Wed 25
Bec Franken
Thu 26
Tracey Palch
Fri 27
Alison Dumbell
Congratulations to the following students who have been awarded a Principal’s Award:
Angus Cassar-Smith
Nathan Elliot
Michael Dan
Jesse Creece
Charlie Baker
Sam Beasley
Craig Goodger
Excellent Help on School Photo Day
Excellent Help on School Photo Day
Excellent Help on School Photo Day
Honesty Handing in Lost Property
Honesty Handing in Lost Property
Great Work on Duty
Great Work on Duty
There has been a terrific vibe around the school grounds as the Year 9’s are settling into their new campus and
the Year 12’s are immersing themselves into their final year of high school. Across all the year levels students are
engaging with their classes and making the most of their learning opportunities. The Senior Captains and House
Captains are busily leading the way with student leadership; stay tuned for upcoming fantastic student lead
initiatives at Bellarine SC.
Swimming Sports
The Swimming Carnival was held on the Thursday 5th February. Being placed so early in the term was a challenge
for our Sports Coordinators and House Leaders to organize however the day was a great success. It was fantastic
to see a vibrant house spirit led by the House Captains, there were some captivating races as well as some
extravagant House costumes. Well done to all the students and staff who attended and participated on the day.
The Year 12 VCE/VCAL students attended an information day on 12th February at Deakin University, Waurn
Ponds campus. Students participated in a number of activities throughout the day which will help them in the
year ahead. It was a great opportunity also to experience the amazing facilities that Deakin has to offer.
Congratulations Liam Erck
Liam was one of 30 successful students across Victoria who was invited to perform as part of Top Class Drama.
He will perform at The Arts Centre in Melbourne on the 11th March. This is a great recognition of Liam’s work in
VCE Drama in 2014 and we wish him all the best next month.
Hot Weather Strategies
With some of the recent hot weather it is important that students are implementing Sun Smart strategies at
school. These include:
 Bringing a water bottle to class
 Wearing a hat while outside
 Wearing sunscreen (This is available from the office)
 Sitting in a cool shady spot during recess and lunchtime
Ready to Learn
A reminder that for optimal learning to occur, students need to be ready to learn. This includes being on time,
having all required equipment for each class, being mentally focused, prepared to respect other students,
teachers and the physical learning environment and ultimately prepared to give your best.
Year 9 & 12 BBQ
A remember to please the return the applicable invites for the Year 9 and 12 parent bbq’s as below. Your student
should have been given a copy or will be receiving it shortly.
Mr Damian Marra & Ms Natalie Wood
Drysdale Campus Assistant Principals
As mentioned in the previous newsletter, students have made an excellent start to the new school year. It has been particularly pleasing to see the
way in which students are wearing the school uniform. The new summer dresses look fantastic as does the PE uniform that is being worn by students
on the days that they have a practical Physical Education class. We would like to congratulate students on their presentation. Appearances are
certainly not everything, but it certainly does send a very powerful message to our community about how we feel about our College and the pride
that we feel as members of our College community.
Please recall that if your child chooses to wear their PE uniform to school, it must be the correct full PE uniform and not variations thereof or part PE
uniform and part College uniform.
Ready to Learn
We maintain an absolute commitment to ensuring that all students are ‘Ready to Learn’ each day and for each class. To that end, we need your
support to ensure that your child charges their laptop each evening in readiness for the next day’s classes. Please also ensure that children have the
required equipment for classes such as Physical Education on the days they have these classes. This becomes a greater challenge as the year
progresses but we appreciate the support of parents as we continue to reinforce this very important habit.
Year 7 Camp
Year 7 students are busily preparing for the upcoming camp at Airey’s Inlet. This is no doubt an exciting time and provides a valuable opportunity for
students to connect with their peers and class teachers and further develop the relationships which will be so important for them to achieve their full
academic, social and emotional potential over the coming years. This year marks the return of the camp to Angahook Camp in Aireys Inlet after
recent camps had been conducted at Camp Wyuna in Queenscliff. The camp will involve students completing a range of activities which will reinforce
and build student cooperative and collaborative skills. These fun activities will no doubt leave students with very happy memories that will remain
with them for years to come! We look forward to hearing more about camp from the students on their return!
Please note that an alternative program will be provided at school for the few students which are not attending camp.
Please note that students attending camp should arrive at school at the normal time on the day of departure. Students will return to the school at
the end of their camp in time for normal dismissal at 3.10pm.
Year 8 Netbook Repairs
As part of our commitment to ensuring that all students have laptops functioning at a level which
supports their learning, we are conducting maintenance this week. All year 8 students are required to
present their laptop at the following days in the box on the right.
Monday 16th February
8A, 8B
Tuesday 17th February
8C & 8D
Wednesday 18 February
8E & 8F
Thursday 19th February
8G & 8H
Homework helps students by complementing and reinforcing classroom learning, fostering good lifelong learning and study habits and by providing
an opportunity for students to become responsible for their own learning. Now the school year has settled, students at year 7 & 8 are expected to
complete 30-45 minutes a day. Further specific details around homework will be distributed to all year 7&8 students over the next week.
Parents and guardians can help students with their homework by:
 Encouraging a regular daily session to examine and complete homework
 Discussing key questions or suggesting resources to help with homework
 Helping to balance the time spent between homework and recreational activities
 Asking how homework and class work is progressing, and acknowledging success
 Attending the school events, productions or displays their child is involved in
 Talking to teachers about any homework problems
 Checking if homework has been set
 Ensuring students keep a homework diary (Student Organiser)
 Reading texts set by teachers
 Discussing their child’s responses to set texts and asking to see their completed work
 Discussing homework with their child in their first language, if English is not the main language spoken at home, and linking it to previous
 Linking homework and other learning activities to the families’ culture, history
and language.
Year 7 BBQ
Parents and guardians are invited to attend a very informal BBQ on Tuesday 6 th
March; 6pm – 7.30pm. The aim of the evening is for parents and guardians to meet
informally with class teachers to continue the transition of families and students
into our community and to continue the conversations which can only enhance our
capacity to fully support both parents and students.
Head Lice at Ocean Grove Campus
It has come to my attention that some students at the Ocean Grove Campus may have head lice and I seek your cooperation in checking your
child’s hair and in those instances where head lice or eggs are found, treating your child’s hair.
Head lice are wingless insects. They are grey/ brown and are about 1- 3mm in length when fully grown (the size of a sesame seed). Female head
lice lay eggs that are smaller than a pinhead and these attach to your hair close to the scalp. The eggs hatch about seven to 10 days later. Young
lice take about 10 days to become adults capable of laying new eggs. When head lice hatch they leave empty shells called nits attached to the
hair. Nits are white and can be mistaken for flakes of dry skin. Unlike dandruff, nits stick to the hair and you won't be able to remove them with
normal shampooing. Head lice are hard to spot on the hair but you can remove and then identify them by combing them out. Comb the hair in
sections using a special fine-toothed comb, available from pharmacies.
If head lice or egg are found on your child’s hair you need to inform:
 The School and advise when the treatment started.
 Parents/Guardians of your child's friends so they too have the opportunity to detect and treat their children if necessary.
Out of Uniform
If a student is out of uniform they must provide a signed note of explanation to their Home Group teacher.
Students out of uniform will generally be provided with a clean replacement item to wear for that day. This ensures that all students will
therefore be in full school uniform each day. The student will be expected to launder and return the item to the General Office asap.
The exception will be shoes. Students wearing incorrect footwear should again provide a written explanatory note.
The student should present this note to their Home Group teacher who will provide them with a Shoe Pass for that day.
Students who are regularly out of uniform will be referred to House Leaders.
Student Organisers
Please recall that all students are expected to have their Student Organiser with them in every class. Students are expected to take their Student
Organiser home each night. Parents are encouraged to check Organisers each night to ensure there is clear and consistent communication
between class teachers, House Leaders and parents. We ask that parents sign the Student Organiser each week. Home Group teachers will also
sign the Student Organiser each week.
The student laptops are an invaluable learning tool. They are very powerful tools in terms of enhancing learning and improving student
engagement. As a result, class teachers plan around each student having a fully charged laptop in all classes. This requires students to take
laptops home each night and charge them overnight to ensure they are ready to learn the following day.
Laptops should never be left in student lockers overnight.
Biolab Excursions
Year 8 students are currently involved in class excursions to the
Biolab Facility at Belmont High School as part of their studies in
Science. The excursion served to make very powerful links
between Science, Mathematics and Physical Education and
involved students completing activities aimed at deepening
their understanding of the body’s response to exercise. We
look forward to a report from students who attended the
excursion in our next Newsletter.
Please note the following points of contact at the Ocean Grove campus. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact your child’s House Leader
should you have any questions and or require any support.
Leasa Saffin
Margot Romanin
Lisa Wood
Kelly Clitheroe
Parents are, of course, both welcome and invited to contact class teachers and/or Assistant Principals Mrs Barbara Luppino or Mr Wayne
Mr Wayne Johannesen & Mrs Barbara Luppino
Ocean Grove Campus Assistant Principals
Student Absence
Please note that Parents and Guardians are required to provide an explanation for their child’s absences. We would appreciate if
parents could do this by:
Telephoning the College on 5251 9000
Writing a note in the Student Organiser or a separate note to present the next day at the General Office. We can therefore ensure we have an
accurate and authentic record of your child’s attendance and be able to support student attendance.
In all instances the College requires the following information:
 Child’s name.
 Home Group and Form Group
 Date absent.
 Reason for absence.
 Parent/guardian signature (when written).
Late Arrival
 When a student is going to arrive late to school for any reason please let the College know by phone or write a note.
 All students arriving late to school (after 8.55am) must report to the General Office where they will be provided with a late pass.
 Students who regularly arrive late without an explanation will be referred to their House Leader.
Early Departure
If it is unavoidable that a student needs to leave for an appointment, the student is required to provide a signed note of explanation to the College
office before school.
The student will in turn be issued with a Leave Pass.
This is to be handed to their teacher at the arranged time of departure. It would be appreciated if appointments, where possible, could be arranged
outside school hours.
Students Wearing PE Uniform to School
Students in years 7-10 are allowed to wear full PE uniform to and from school on the days that they have PE practical classes. This should include;
BSC PE polo top
BSC navy blue shorts or plain navy blue basketball shorts previously purchased
White sport socks
Runners (not surf/skate shoes)
BSC rugby top or BSC spray jacket
There are to be no variations to this uniform. Girls are not allowed to wear tights to and from school. No other jackets/jumpers are permitted.
Also – if students have technology on the same day they have PE, they must comply with the footwear requirements in technology, which is to have
leather shoes.
A fantastic day was had by all who attended the Swimming Sports on Thursday 5 th February. The weather provided us with perfect conditions for
swimming and for those who were spectators to cheer their fellow class mates on, while soaking up some much needed Vitamin D.
We had many successes on the day with many junior students swimming their first ever competitive race. It was great to see those willing to have
a go even if they had not had a lot of swimming experience. Two of the major successes of the day was Elena and James Nicholls. Elena set a new
record which was held by Stephanie Rice in 1997 (A former student) Elena swum the 50m Breaststroke in 38.70 seconds, smashing the old record
of 44seconds. In swimming terms she absolutely smashed it! James’ efforts saw him break a 27 year old record (from way back in 1988) in the
50m Breaststroke. An outstanding effort James.
The day was not all strictly business, the staff and students managed to have some fun with a few novelty relays. The participation in these events
are always very popular and this year was no different. Lead by the enthusiasm of the Year 11’s and 12’s, the Year 7’s and 8’s were keen and
showed excellent competitive spirit to gain some extra points for their house.
A big Congratulations goes to each age group champions from the day:
Taylah Wilson
Andrew Douglas
Elena Nicholls
Hudson Everett
Alice Crawford
Edward Ford
16 yr
Monique Beavis
James Nicholls
17 yr
Lucinda Green
Lachlan Ford
20 yr
Greta Gant
Aaron Ford
Congratulations to Swan House who managed to repeat their winning ways from 2014 and are now back to back House champions for the
swimming carnivals.
College House Champions 2015
Swan 1,319.0
Nepean 1,233.3
Corio 1,051.0
Lonsdale 936.6
Junior House Champions 2015
1 Swan
2 Nepean
3 Corio
4 Lonsdale
Intermediate House Champions 2015
1 Nepean
2 Corio
3 Swan
4 Lonsdale
Senior House Champions 2015
1 Swan
2 Nepean
3 Lonsdale
4 Corio
Congratulations to all the students who came along and competed, supported, assisted and made the day enjoyable. A big thank you to the
Bellarine staff and parents who helped out, supported, cheered and for some very talented staff, competed in the staff Vs student relay. Without
the support of these people the day would be as successful as it is.
The College has a team of 64 students who are eligible to represent the College at the Geelong Division Swimming Carnival on the 27th of
February. Good Luck to all of these competitors.
Mr McIntosh and Mrs Blackett