Unity College News Waves Week 4, 20th February 2015 Absentee line: 5490 5700 School line: 5490 5777 Sports line: 5490 5741 Reminders and Announcements LENT If you have recently moved house or changed your contact details, please notify the College office of your changes. Alternatively, please use the “Update Details” button on the parent portal. P-6 and Years 11,Year 12,School photographs Monday 23rd February Please wear formal uniform Seniors to wear blazers and ties. Years 7-10 School photographs Tuesday 24th February Please wear formal uniform Seniors to wear blazers and ties. Please see parent portal for more details Book Club - Please use credit card for purchases From the Principal Dear parents, students, staff and friends of Unity The Commissioning Ceremony of our Year 12 Cohort was a great success. Thank you to Anita Smith and her team for the organisation of this event. This includes sound and lighting, choir, music, publishing, catering and setup. The involvement of the parents with the pinning of the senior badges on their children is always a significant event. The Year 6 Student Leadership also took place on Friday, thank you to Lin Johnstone and her team. Both Leadership ceremonies are an important part of empowering our Students to take leadership responsibilities to help Unity College a better place. Thank you to all parents who came to be part of this special occasion. Each year we join with other Christian Colleges on the coast for a Ecumenical Service where 25 students from each of the 16 Christian Colleges on the Sunshine Coast for a special service. This Thursday I will attend a special Scholarship presentation at the University Of The Sunshine Coast as three of our Year 12 Students of 2014 are presented with their scholarships. We congratulate Tayla Dokonal who has been awarded the Inaugural 2015 USC Thompson Excellence Scholarship. We also congratulate Harry Blades and Nicole Hegarty who have bee awarded the 2015 USC Vice—Chancellors Merit Scholarship. We have been trialing a new free app called BCE Connect please click below link for more information. Read more Have a great week, Mr Rudy Goosem, Principal Junior Phase News Dear parents, students, staff and friends of Unity Our Year 6 leaders had to recent opportunities to be involved in and further develop their leadership skills. On Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th February 2015 the Brisbane Lions conducted their community camp and during this time they visited various schools in the region. Unity was selected for a visit on Wednesday 11th February at 1:00pm by 3 players to deliver their Lion Hearted Leaders program. The program discussed what leadership looks like in the classroom, in the play ground and on the sporting field. Then, on Wednesday, 18th February, the GRIP Leadership conference was held at Nambour Civic Centre with 20 local schools participating. It was a very lively day with proactive leadership strategies experienced by the student participants including some very LOUD NOISES sessions. Well received and enjoyed by all of our Year 6 student Leaders. (see attached photo) Years 4-6 District Swimming Carnival – Tuesday, 17th February This event went extremely well. Unit did very well. Many thanks to the efforts of Mr Justin Williams and Mr Dominic Connors. Congratulations to all participants and, more particularly to those who made Regional. By the way, this Regional Swimming Carnival is on Thursday, 5th March at the Caboolture Regional Aquatic complex. For your consideration: Absenteeism – When your child is going to be absent from school, please ensure that an explanation is given either on the Absentee line or written in your child’s diary. We have an increasing number of unexplained absences. Rugby A note is situated on the Parent Portal – (Unity Blogs tile – Rugby) for interested 7 and 8 year olds who are keen to play in the Walla Rugby competition. Please return permission forms to class teacher by Monday, 23rd February. We still need a few more players to make the squad. Please Note: We are in desperate need of a Walla Coach/Manager to help out over the 4 Wednesdays. Junior Phase Term 1 events: Monday, 23rd February– Junior Phase College photos Wednesday, 4th March – Round 1 Walla Rugby – Talara State College Thursday, 5th March – Regional Swimming Trials at Caboolture. Wednesday, 11th March – Round 2 Walla Rugby – Talara State College Thursday, 12th March – Digital Citizenship evening – Lecture Theatre Wednesday, 18thMarch – Round 3 Walla Rugby – Talara State College Wednesday, 25thMarch – Round 4 Walla Rugby – Talara State College Thursday, 26th March – Year 1 excursion to Maleny Dairy Weeks 9 & 10 - Junior Phase Parent/Teacher/Student conferences. Actual dates TBA Monday, 30th March, Holy Week commences Wednesday, 1st April – P-12 Cross Country Carnival Thursday, 2nd April – Term 1 ends. Holy Thursday – 2nd April Good Friday – 3rd April Easter Sunday – 5th April Have a great week, Steve Chapman Head of College (P-6) Middle/Senior Phase News Dear parents, students, staff and friends of Unity Welcome to Week 4. 2015 promises to be an excellent year for our College community. We have a number of key projects aimed at improving learning; the co-curricula program of the College is going from strength to strength; and student leaders have new opportunities in front of them. Student feature of the week – First Coffee Shot! In an expansion of our College course offerings, our first four students to commence Barista training at the College made a great impression on Shaun Morris, our Barista extraordinaire Teacher, who wrote this reflection. ‘Congratulations to (anticlockwise from left to right) Dan Brodrick, Bellamy Escott-Kenny, Brodie Trickie and Nick Dale on their induction into a new program at the College this term, the College Coffee Academy. The academy is aimed at providing specific employability skills recognised in the local hospitality and tourism industry to select students who will in turn make connections within the College community showcasing their developed skills. In the program’s early stages, the gentleman are to be congratulated for their enthusiasm and efforts towards this new and exciting initiative.’ Teaching and Learning feature of the week – BLOGS All our College teachers have made a most courageous step forward in trying out learning blogs! After only a few hours of in-service, teachers are experimenting with trying to provide opportunities for students to extend their learning. Teachers are doing a variety of things, including: Posting work done in class for students to revisit later when they wish to refresh Sharing unit outlines of course work so students can see how they are progressing Preparing for the next class with pre-readings or pre-exercises Providing opportunities for students to collaborate in class forums. These are just a few ideas, there are many more initiatives happening. We are inviting all parents and guardians to view these blogs. To get to them you will have to sit next to your sons and daughters as they log on and let them show you what is available to them. This is the only way at this stage. We shall be sending out a comprehensive ‘How to . .’ for parents shortly. In the meantime, please allow your student/s to show you this new adventure for our College learning community. Blessings for the coming week Alain Sauvage Head of College, 7 – 12 APRE News Ash Wednesday begins the forty days of Lent — a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. During Lent, we prepare for Easter, and reflect on the new life that Christ has given us. With this new life comes the obligation to share our gifts with all members of our human family. Through prayer we respond to God’s call to live justly as Jesus teaches us. We reflect on the gifts of the earth that we enjoy in abundance and give thanks. In our prayers, we are reminded that we have an obligation to share the fruits of the earth with the poor, the marginalised and the disempowered. By fasting we walk with the poor for whom the pains of hunger are a normal part of daily life. In giving alms we take concrete and meaningful action to give of ourselves to the lives of others. The ashes we received on Wednesday remind us of our own mortality and call us to repent, to turn away from selfishness to the promise of new life. We ask forgiveness for our human weaknesses and to pray for the strength to become better and more compassionate people. Prayer We live in the light of peace and security while others try to live their lives in the darkness of insecurity, injustice, war and famine. Lord, bring light to the darkness, open our eyes and hearts to the suffering of others. Lord have mercy. Mrs Lin Johnstone Mrs Anita-Louise Smith (Acting) Assistant Principals Religious Education Dance Please see the new and improved Co-Curricular Ensembles timetable on the parent portal. If your student has successfully auditioned for or joined one of the many ARTS Co-Curricular Ensembles that the College is offering in 2015 then we have some exciting news for them…. Read more Wetlands Celebration On Tuesday 3rd February, the school celebrated World Wetlands Day along with SEQ Catchments and Stockland. Read more Sports News and Date Claimers The first four weeks of Term 1 has certainly brought the best in our sporting Students. Please see link below for more information. Read more District Trial Day 2 for the following sports; Basketball Under 19’s Boys & Girls Teams Football Under 19’s Boys & Girls Teams Rugby League 18’s & 15’s Boys Teams Rugby Union 18’s Boys Team Read more Student Wellbeing How Unity College and families can partner to encourage regular school attendance. Read more VET We were very fortunate to have both WIN and Channel 7 here on Wednesday to interview several of our students and Mr deLaurence, regarding a new Basic Health Care school to work program that is being launched at an Information evening tonight. This program is an industry driven pilot program being run on the Sunshine Coast through TAFE and some of the major local health care providers, including the Sunshine Coast Private Hospital at Buderim and the new Sunshine Coast University Private Hospital. Unity College was invited to participate in this interview as we had the largest number of students register for the Information evening and who have an interest in a career in the health industry. Only 21 Year 11 students from across the Sunshine Coast will be chosen to participate in this Certificate III in Basic Health Care pilot program, which will run across the next two years and involve 120 hours of industry placement. Students who complete this program will have enhanced opportunities within the growth health care sector after school and will also increase their opportunities for transition or entry into other vocational or university studies. Sherry Christie Administration – Vocational Education and Training Officer See photos School Photographs Unity College Photographs for 2015 will be taken by “Portrait Patch” on the following days: Monday 23rd February -Prep to Year 6, 11 and 12 Tuesday 24th February Year 7 to Year 10 Read more Student Banking Student banking has started, children will be required to bring their banking books to school on Wednesday’s. For any students who do not already participate in Student Banking, packs will be available in the coming weeks. Further details to follow. Café News The café is opened Monday — Friday for both lunch breaks. Our Tuckshop Convener is Mr Alan Moore. A copy of the menu, prices and ordering procedures is available on our Parent Portal. Unity College is committed to providing healthy food. We now have available two new gluten free items on our menu, they are a gluten free beef lasagne and a meat lover’s pizza, and these items are available alongside our own home made gluten free choices of baked potato with avocado and cheddar cheese and a vegetable frittata with crunchy salad. Also available are Queensland Yogurt company products, we will be stocking a variety of flavours which will include mango, passion fruit, mixed berry and raspberry with other choices available on a daily basis. Online ordering system: Flexischool account You must update your Flexischool account for 2015 with your child/children’s new class details. Failure to do so will result in your child’s lunch order going to the wrong class. Log on to your Flexischool account, click profile and change class or PC group they are in, click save changes, this will reflect on the new orders placed for the new term. Volunteers are always needed to help in the tuckshop. Please contact Alan if you are available to assist for any length of time. Announcements WELCOME P&F BBQ Dear Unity Families Welcome BBQ has been cancelled due to unforseen circumstances. The P&F is excited about future fundraising opportunities through out the year and encourages anyone who is interesting in being involved with the P&F please attend the AGM on Monday 9th March at 7pm. Lost Property Any items not collected from lost property by Friday 27th of February 2015 will be donated to local charities. Student Reception Community Announcements Caloundra Catholic Parish 61 Edmund Street, Moffat Beach Sunday Mass Timetable for Caloundra: Saturdays 6pm; Sundays 6.30am & 9.30am. Phone: 5491 2011. Parish Priest Fr Kevin Smith. http://caloundracatholicparish.net/ Unity College 47 Lomond Crescent Caloundra West Qld 4551 Ph: 5490 5777 Fax: 5490 5757 Email: pscaloundra@bne.catholic.edu.au P&F email: unitypf@bne.catholic.edu.au Caloundra Uniting Church 56C Queen Street (Cnr Ulm St), Caloundra Worship times: Sundays 9.30am. Phone 5491 5353. Minister Rev’d Term Time Uniform Shop Hours Robin Osborne. http://www.caloundra.unitingchurch.org.au/ Mondays 8.00am—9.30am; 10.15am—11.00am; Tuesdays 12 noon—1.00pm; 2.00pm—3.30pm; Unity Soccer Club Thursdays 12 noon—1.00pm; 2.00pm—3.30pm Please view the website for more information http://www.unitycollegesoccer.com/ Term Time Office Hours Mondays to Thursdays 8.00am—4.00pm Unity Bellvista Netball Club Fridays 8.00am—3.30pm Please view the website for more information http://www.unitybellvistaclub.netball.asn.au/
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