The Lamplighter Of Salem Lutheran Church 2 0 1 5 Special points of interest: FEBRUARY 2015 Calendar FEB/ MAR.. Schedules Pastor’s Letter, continued Men’s Work Day Thank You Note Employment Opportunity Afternoon Circle Fat Tuesday Dinner Lenten Information Attendance WELCA News Parish Health News Parish Health News, continued Living Memorial 2 Dear Salem Community, 3 Award Presentation for Gracie Evans Marriage Encounter First Communion Sign-Up Confirmation Notes on the Liturgy 2015 Council Members and Officers Birthdays & Anniversaries Prayer List Homebound Members Prayers, Cards & Visits Needed 9 Schedules for Feb. & Mar.. Ushers, Counters, Greeters, Lay Assistants, Acolytes February. 2015 Calendar 12 Worship 9:30 am Sunday School 10:45 am And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. -1 Corinthians 13:13 13 If asked what first comes to mind when they think about February, I fancy most people might say Valentine’s Day along with something about celebrating the gift of love and honoring those we hold dear. The first thing I usually think about February is how I would just as soon skip over it and go straight to March. Not because I don’t appreciate or want to celebrate V-day and the gift of love, or want to honor my loved ones and how much they mean to me. I do want to do these things. I believe our human capacity to love one another is a gift from the source of love, God. God gives human beings the capacity to love in order to draw us together into relationships of mutual respect, faithfulness and caring, whether those relationships are rooted in friendship, family, community, or intimacy. Therefore, it seems right and salutary that we should set aside a day, a time every year to give thanks to God for the gift of love and the relationships we hold dear. So, what is hard about February? Why do I sometimes want to bypass it? It evokes memories of a difficult time when my and my family’s heart was broken by the death of my stepdad Norman. Since his death in February 2006, when stores begin filling up with red and pink balloons, teddy bears holding hearts, boxes of chocolates, and greeting cards proclaiming the richness of love, I often find my heart filling up with memories of Norman, memories both bitter and sweet. Troublesome memories of his battle with and death from cancer mixed with joyous memories of his zest for life. Memories of shaking his strong and reliable hands for the first time in the fellowship hall of my childhood church at age 10 interlaced with memories of clinging to his lifeless hands in a hospital emergency room at age 30. Memories of being gently scolded for questionable life choices alongside memories of being extravagantly praised for every new achievement in school or work. As I get to know you more deeply, I recognize your hearts too have been broken by tragedies and the deaths of loved ones—parents, grandparents, spouses, (Continued on page 2) PASTOR’S LETTER, Contnued. siblings, children, family members, community members, mentors and friends. You too carry around a mixed bag of memories. And maybe it’s not February for you. Maybe it’s March or June or October, etc., but like me, you too may have a month or a season or a time of year you would rather skip over. Yet, we know we cannot. Rather, we journey on, carrying within our hearts both the bitterness and the sweetness of our memories, our relationships, and our life experiences. And I was thinking, perhaps, therein lies God’s saving grace for us. Because truly, for all the sorrow February can and does bring, I would not bypass it for a second. Why? I never, ever expected to have a father in my life. My biological dad died when I was a toddler. I grew up as a child thinking that a dad wasn’t on the books for me. Then my mother and Norman married. Suddenly, not only did I get a dad—a totally unexpected gift of love and grace from God—but with him also came a whole new family—more siblings, nieces and nephews, and aunts and uncles—to love and to be loved by. It was like I won the lottery of family and love and new life! And so I say: bring on February and all the memories! Bring on the bitter heartache and the sweet love that may come with it! For it all reminds me; by the grace of God, I was blessed to have loved and been loved by a wonderful father, an awesome friend, and a great spiritual mentor in Norman. I am still blessed to love and to be loved by some truly good people who make a difference in my life and who affirm me when life would try to knock me down. I suspect you also, by the grace of God, have been and are even now blessed to love and to be loved by some very special people in your lives, people without who you would not be where or who you are today, people who affirm you when you need it. As we enter February, a time of celebrating l’ amour and honoring loved ones, those who have died and those who still walk this journey of life with us, may God’s love be a seal upon the hearts of you and your loved ones, a mantle about your shoulders, and a crown upon your foreheads! May we strive, in all our relationships, to live according to the words of Paul: Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body. And be thankful. (Colossians 3:14-15) A Blessed February & Happy Valentine’s to you, Salem Community, and to all God’s People! -Pastor Kara The Altar Flower Chart has been updated to showcase the days that are still available. There are many days from which to choose. . PAGE 2 WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY The Afternoon WELCA Circle will be meeting on February 4th at 12:00 PM in the Social Room. Please bring a covered dish and a reading to share with the group. All the women of the church are most welcome to attend. Ladies Work Day has been discontinued. Please see the WELCA page for more information. Thank You Notes rs: role a C he d all t d n t an a n e a r o m ou s r Ka part y o a t k s a my han To P g to rd, t n a l i c ecia nd com p a s r t o f y F gi er is the tav r i o e f ran d e o a h s l t m a Lu You lem . a h S c . e. mu ares rm c o f t a on th seas l. urch h c u al a o y y l less tru dB o G y Ma ck isni V y Bett To Jus A ll PRAYER AND STUDY GROUPS MEN’S WORK DAY On Thursday, January 8, the men met at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant for their fellowship breakfast. Those attending were: Jim Blazek, Paul Bush, Ken Dietrich, Ed Duff, Bill Klein, John Planic and Jake Schlotter. The men took down all the Christmas decorations. They will meet again on February 5 at 8:30 am at the Wagon Wheel Restaurant. Please join them if you are able. They are always looking for more help and there is always plenty of work to do at the church. Camp Agape Employment Opportunity Marketing Manager Camp Agape is seeking a year-round, part-time Marketing Assistant responsible for expanding the awareness and use of Camp Agape. The Marketing Assistiant will participate with other staff in complying with ACA and camp policies, in meeting the needs of those we serve and in the camp’s mission of bringing people together in Christ. Camp Agape 72 Agape Road Hickory, PA 15340 of Y ou: t wa n ted com to t ing han to G caro k yo olde ls to u n H me oth eigh for and er w ts t ome som o si I re n e ng of t ally her e h . a e ppr nev er k ecia n ted ow Sor it , how ry y they mu ou c ’ll I en c h o . uld joye n’t d it All stay last my long y L ear ove, Ma er. also ry L . ou L ing afel t. Contact person: 724-941-2363 Linda Broman “Well-Wishes” Card Rack Remember to sign the greeting cards each week to show our hospitalized or shut-in members we care about them and send our prayers and best wishes to them. FAT TUESDAY PANCAKE & SAUSAGE DINNER Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015 Feb. 18 Ash Wednesday Services 11:00 am & 7:00 pm 4:30 - 7:00 pm This year the dinner will be held at the same time as the Salem Serves weekly dinner. There is no charge, but donations will be accepted. There will be special crafts for children. WEDNESDAYS IN LENT On Wednesday evenings during Lent, Salem will explore how God's Word creates, calls, commands, saves, sustains, shapes and sends you and the church. This 40 - day Lenten Journey into Seven Wonders of the Word will challenge you to experience the power of God's Word in all aspects of your life and in our world. It will also encourage you to deepen your prayer life as you relate the power of God's Word to your personal experience. Please join us at 6:00 for soup and & 7:00 for Worship and Bible Study! To get a copy of Seven Wonders of the Word , please call the church office or sign up in the Social Hall after Sunday worship. The cost of the Lenten devotional and study book is $10.00 6:00 pm Soup Dinner Feb. 25 - Worship & Music Committee Mar. 4 - Social Ministry Committee Mar. 11 - Christian Education Committee Mar. 18- Youth & Family/ Finance Committees DECEMBER ATTENDANCE Worship Services Sunday School 1 Sunday 110 2013 111 2nd Sunday 106 96 132 — 31 30 3rd Sunday 104 106 145 31 31 36 4th Sunday 116 160 162 — 30 30 2014 st th 5 Sunday 2012 2014 2013 2012 125 30 26 39 — 36 — Total Average 436 109 97 117 61 30 118 30 171 34 Christmas Eve 192 207 117 — — — Christmas Day App. 20 15 126 —- —- —- PAGE 4 W/ELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America) Committee Members: Submitted by Donna Earnest Beth Lawrence, Sandy Sullivan, Nancy Hunter, Sec-Treasurer-Donna Earnest February Activities of Women of the ELCA February 4, 2015 – Circle Meeting at 12:00 noon beginning with a covered dish lunch, weather permitting. Of course, in case of inclement weather, we will cancel. If in doubt, call Donna Earnest at 724834-5849 or the church office. There is no scheduled W/ELCA board meeting in January and February. Betty Anderson has resigned as leader of our monthly workday, and because of declining attendance, we are discontinuing workday. This activity has been ongoing for many years, originally under the leadership of Betty Hags. We thank both of these wonderful women for sharing their talents with us in the past, and we hope to find another worthwhile project to take its place in the future. Anyone who has an idea of something that would be a good service project for Salem, can contact any member of our board to discuss it with us PARISH HEALTH NEWS Social Ministry GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Desease) Heartburn is a common digestive problem. For some people, the burning discomfort happens only occasionally. For others, heartburn is a problem every day. It keeps many people from sleeping and makes routine activities difficult. The cause of heartburn is a condition called gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). It also goes by the name acid reflux. What is Gerd? The problem starts with the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). This ring of muscle is found where the esophagus meets the stomach, and keeps stomach acid in your stomach. But when it becomes weak or relaxes when it shouldn't, the contents of the stomach can flow back up into the esophagus. Symptoms The backwash of stomach acid into the esophagus causes a burning sensation-heartburn- that is usually felt in the chest just behind the breastbone. The pain may run from the lower ribs to the bottom of the neck. Heartburn can last for hours and often occurs along with burping and a bloated feeling. GERD can sometimes cause chest pain that's severe enough to mimic a heart attack. It may also cause belly pain that mimics an ulcer. 12 Self-help steps for GERD Modifying diet and lifestyle is the first foundation for treating acid reflux. The goal is to help keep the contents of your stomach where they belong. 1. These steps can help: Eat smaller meals. You might even try eating three, four, or five smaller meals a day. 2. Relax when you eat. Stress increases the production of stomach acid. Sit down. Eat slowly. Chew completely. 3. Remain upright after eating. Don't lie down, bend over, or strain t lift heavy objects for at least 3 hours after eating. 4. Elevate the head or use a sedge. If you're bothered by nighttime heartburn, elevate the head of your bed by putting blocks on the floor or by placing a wedge pillow under your upper body. Don't use extra pillows under your head because it can worsen reflux by bending you at the waist and compressing your stomach. 5. Chew gum. Gum can increase the production of saliva, which sooths the esophagus and washed acid back down into the stomach. Sugar-free gum is usually best. 6. Check your medications. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking any medications that might cause more symptoms. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, progestin-containing hormones and certain antidepressants. 7. Lose weight, if needed. Excess weight increases pressure on the stomach and can push acid into the esophagus. 8. Hold off on exercise. Try waiting at lest 2 hours after a meal before engaging in vigorous physical activity. 9. Stop smoking. Nicotine stimulates the production of stomach acid and impairs LES function. Quitting can offer relief. 10. Avoid things that put pressure on the stomach. Steer clear of wearing tight belts, waistbands, and other binding clothing. 11. Don't eat immediately before bed. Have your evening meal at least 3 hours before going to bed. Avoid bedtime snacks. (Continued on next page) 12 . Relax between meals. Relaxa- tion therapies (eg. Deep breathing, throat often. meditation, massage, tai chi, or yoga) Persistent coughing without apparmay help prevent and relieve heartburn. ent cause. Feeling that there is a "lump in the Avoid Foods That Burn. throat" Wheezing or asthma Try to stay away from foods and beverages that can worsen acid reflux. DIAGNOSIS: Common offenders include: High-fat foods To make a diagnosis of GERD, your Garlic doctor will review your medical history Tea and ask specific questions about your pain. Your doctor will ask about other Spicy dishes symptoms often associated with GERD, Onions such as frequent non-burning chest Mints pain, trouble swallowing, hoarseness, or Citrus fruits constant coughing and wheezing. Milk Chocolate Carbonated drinks Coffee (including decaf) Tomatoes and tomato products. WHEN IS GERD NOT HEARTBURN? Here are some of the less obvious signs of GERD: A sour or bitter taste in the mouth Backwash of food or fluids into the back of the throat Hoarseness or laryngitis, especially in the morning. Sore throat or the need to clear the If the answers to these questions suggest typical acid reflux, you probably won't need additional tests. Most doctors will start with a trial of medication. If heartburn medications provide relief, you most likely have been suffering from GERD. If not, your doctor may suggest some tests: An upper endoscopy is a flexible tube that is pushed down to your lower esophagus to look for irritation of the lining of the esophagus Esophageal monitoring is a test that measures the level of acid in the esophagus over a 24- period. A manometry measures the pressure in the esophagus during swallowing to see if the muscles are contracting normally. Treatment: medication. Here's a look at the types of medication commonly used to treat GERD. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) shut down the stomach's acid production H2 blocker suppress stomach acid and can provide temporary relief for mild GERD but are less effective than PPIs. Antacids are over the counter work faster than acid 0suppressing medications but provide only tempura relief Surgery Surgery can be a good option for people with severe GERD, those who don't respond to medication and for young people concerned about taking medications long term. Build a Living Memorial When making your will, consider including Salem. You thus continue to be a blessing long after you are gone, as you help Salem to carry on it’s ministry for Christ. You can hasten the day when yet His will shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. This is one of the finest inheritances one can leave, as it is a witness to what you felt to be important, not only in this life, but the next. Your outright gift and unconditional bequest will be a real help in the continuing of Salem’s mission and ministry. Talk this matter over with your attorney, so that you may include Salem in your will. Sample Bequest Form I, hereby give, devise and bequeath to Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church of Delmont the sum of Signed Witnessed: This day of Date Date PAGE 6 20 SPECIAL AWARD PRESENTATION ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES: Have you signed up for your spring Lutheran Marriage Encounter Weekend? NOW is the time to register for this opportunity to rekindle the romance and realize the full potential of your marriage with all the joy and beauty God intended. Weekends run from Friday evening at 8 PM to Sunday afternoon around 4 PM. The 2015 Pennsylvania Spring Weekends are: March 13-15, 2015 at the lovely Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport Hotel located in a peaceful setting 6 miles from the Pittsburgh Airport. April 10-12, 2015 at Toftrees Golf Resort and Conference Center nestled in 1500 wooded acres in State College, PA Registrations are also being accepted for the September 18-20, 2015 Weekend at Spruce Lake Retreat Center in Canadensis, PA, in the Poconos and the October 16-18, 2015 Weekend at the Heritage Hotel in Lancaster, PA. Two nights lodging, 5 meals for each of you, and all supplies are included with your $45 registration plus a contribution of whatever amount you wish to make at the end of the weekend toward the continuation of the program. Sign up online:, and pay the $45 registration fee using your credit card, or mark the option to mail in a check. Registrations are limited, so act today to ensure that you can attend the Weekend of your choice. For questions, or if you would like a brochure mailed to you, contact Pennsylvania Directors of Lutheran Marriage Encounter, Fred & Julie Schamber, at 724-325-3166 or email: FOR GRACEY EVANS The community of Salem Lutheran Church is invited to attend an award presentation ceremony of the “Hobie’s Heroes Award” to Gracey L. Evans, the daughter of Bill & Robin L. Evans and sister of April L. Evans for her actions by responding to classmates in need of medical attention during the (stabbing) situation that happened at Franklin Regional High School in 2014. The award recognizes courageous, selfless acts by young people trying to focus on the positive aspects of these types of situations. She will be the only female to receive the award. Gracey volunteers with Salem Serves, Christmas at Salem Crossroads, sings in our church choir, just to name a few of her many activities. Please join us in this wonderful event. You can find more information about Hobie’s Heroes Award through Google and the Facebook posts. Where: Salem Lutheran Church (Newhouse Hall) 301 E. Pittsburgh St Delmont, Pa 15626 Date & Time: Thursday, February 19th 2015, 10:00 AM For February READ: Matthew 11:28 Then Jesus said: Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Prayer: Jesus, May we always come to your for strength to keep going and for the rest and peace only You can give. Amen Pastor Kara will be starting the First Communion classes soon. They will be held from 10 am—12 pm on the following dates: Mar. 7, Mar 21, Apr. 18 First Communion Sunday will be April 19. To register your child, return this form to the office or drop in the offering plate. Child’s Name_______________________________ Age__________ Grade_________ Parent’s Names:___________________________ ____________________________ Phone Number:____________________________ The Confirmation Class will be held on Saturday, February 7th at Salem Lutheran Church from 9:00 am—1:00 pm The subject will be “Faith & Culture: Congratulations Church Council Members & Officers The members and officers for the 2015 Council are as follows: President Paul Bush Secretary Clay McNerney Vice President Jen Lichok Treasurer Doug Rosensteel The Rev. Kara J. Propst, Pastor Notes on the Liturgy Sunday, Feb. 1, 2015 - 4th Sunday after Epiphany In Deuteronomy God promises to raise up a prophet like Moses, who will speak for God; in Psalm 111 God shows the people the power of God's works. For the church these are ways of pointing to the unique authority people sensed in Jesus' actions and words. We encounter that authority in God's word, around which we gather, the word that trumps any lesser spirit that would claim power over us, freeing us to follow Jesus. Sunday, Feb. 8, 2015 - 5th Sunday after Epiphany In Isaiah it is the one God who sits above the earth and numbers the stars—it is that God who strengthens the powerless. So in Jesus' healing work we see the hand of the creator God, lifting up the sick woman to health and service (diakonia). Like Simon's mother-in-law, we are lifted up to health and diakonia. Following Jesus, we strengthen the powerless; like Jesus, we seek to renew our own strength in quiet times of prayer. Sunday, Feb.15, 2015 - Transfiguration of Our Lord The Sundays after Epiphany began with Jesus' baptism and end with three disciples' vision of his transfiguration. In Mark's story of Jesus' baptism, apparently only Jesus sees the Spirit descending and hears the words from heaven. But now Jesus' three closest friends hear the same words naming him God's beloved son. As believers, Paul writes, we are enabled to see the God-light in Jesus' face, because the same God who created light in the first place has shone in our hearts to give us that vision. The light of God's glory in Jesus has enlightened us through baptism and shines in us also for others to see. Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015 - 1st Sunday in Lent The Church Council members include: Brian Arrigo Paul Bush Donna Carney Donna Dunlap Ed Duff John Lawrence Jen Lichok Clay McNerney Sherry McQuaide Mike Sullivan Rebecca Wallace Sharon Wonderling They were officially installed on Sunday, January 4 2015 PAGE 8 On Ash Wednesday the church began its journey toward baptismal immersion in the death and resurrection of Christ. This year, the Sundays in Lent lead us to focus on five covenants God makes in the Hebrew Scriptures and to use them as lenses through which to view baptism. First Peter connects the way God saved Noah's family in the flood with the way God saves us through the water of baptism. The baptismal covenant is made with us individually, but the new life we are given in baptism is for the sake of the whole world. FEBRUARY Birthdays 1 Robert Miller 2 Paul Bush, Jr. 4 Nancy Hunter 7 Kristin Buckwalter 8 Melinda Bahney 9 Abigail Arrigo 9 Austin Arrigo 9 Alexis Arrigo 9 Elena Falo 10 Linsey Durstine 10 Helen Bortz Anniversaries 11Shannon Deutsch 12 Casey Walker 12 Marc Rigby 13 Judy Charley 14 Lilith Isabel Dulemba 14 Mary Lee Schreibeis 15 Kris Showman 16 JJ Piatek 19 Lois Bowman 20 Deseree Keffer 21 Madison Bowman 22 Erik Gray 23 Donna Dunlap 23 Paul Bush, Sr 23 Adam Bush 24 James Helfer 25 Melanie Steuernagel 25 Kim Hunter 26 Marshall Lucas 26 Nolan Lichok 26 Jeff Wonderling 27 Brian Kaufman 27 Brianna Bowman 14 Jim & Marsha Lore 14 Regis & Nancy Farrell PRAYER LIST Carol Anderson Loretta Hartman Mark Piper Leonard Anderson Mary Lou Lingafelt Joe Shaffer Randy Barker Velma Martz Joanie Smeltzer Robin Bramdish Violet Mays Kristy Waltz Walter Bush Jean Messich Yvonne Rathgab John & Judy Charley Bill Milligan Harold Painter Vera DeFrances Maryanne Nowak Susan Hunter Shuster John Grubich Andy Ogrodnik Warren Vorpagel Betty Hags Doris Piper Those Serving in the Military or Foreign Service: Tim & Candice Cipullo, & Children, Kevin & Nina Also pray for: Our leaders, our military personnel and our nation that God will give wisdom, strength and peace to all Our Pastor, our church leaders; our congregation. *These are the names we have received to date. Please contact the church office with names to be added to the Prayer List. MEMBERS OF OUR CONGREGATION IN NEED OF PRAYERS, CARDS, VISITS & PHONE CALLS. Charles Brownawell 763 Cottonwood Court Monroeville, PA 15146 Kathy DelBaggio 31 Buena Vista Dr. Delmont, PA 15626 Mary Lou Lingafelt Golden Heights Personal Care 3522 Harrison City/Trafford Rd Irwin, PA 15642 Betty Hags Wm. Penn Care Ctr. 2020 Ader Rd. Jeannette, PA 15644 Earl Rupert 2032 Plainfield Dr. Vero Beach, FL 32968 Doris Piper Weatherwood Manor 896 Weatherwood Lane Greensburg, PA 15601 Vera DeFrances Wm. Penn Care Ctr. 2020 Ader Rd. Jeannette, PA 15644 Carol Anderson Wm Penn Care Center 2020 Ader Rd. Jeannette, PA 15644 WORSHIP PARTICIPATION SCHEDULE FOR 9:30 am SERVICE FEBRUARY & MARCH HEAD USHER-FEBRUARY HEAD USHER-MARCH Clay McNerney N/A March 1 February 1 Opener: John Lawrence Ass’t. Min. Scott Logan Acolyte: Julia Bahney Greeters: Bill & Marion Earnest Counters Debbie Durstine, Julie Lawrence Opener: John Planic Ass’t. Min. Scott Deutsch Acolyte: Shannon Deutsch Greeters: Richard & Louise Fisher Counters Mike Sullivan, Sharon Wonderling March 8 February 8 Opener: Doug Rosensteel Ass’t. Min. Enola Erdley Opener: Mark Piper Acolyte: Morgan Rosensteel Ass’t. Min. Marsha Lore Greeters: John & Judy Golock Acolyte: Seth Kirkman Counters Janice Burt, Paul Bush Greeters: Jim & Donna Earnest Counters John Lawrence, Beverly Durstine February 15 Opener: Mike Sullivan Ass’t. Min. Rebecca Wallace Acolyte: Hannah Lawrence Greeters: Bill & Robin Evans Counters Jen Lichok, Kelly Otto February 22 March 15 Opener: Mark Piper Ass’t. Min. Robin Evans Acolyte: Madison Rugh Greeters: John & Evelyn Grubich Counters Susan DeJaiffe, Linda DelBaggio March 22 Opener: Mike Sullivan Ass’t. Min. Scott Logan Acolyte: Andrew Arrigo Greeters: Ted & Ginny Hayes Counters Ed Duff, Debbie Durstine Opener: Jeff Wonderling Ass’t. Min. Jeff Wonderling Acolyte: Angelina Reinhardt Greeters: Mary Jean Fisher Opener: John Lawrence Counters Mark Lawrence, Clay McNerney Ass’t. Min. Marsha Lore Acolyte: Julia Bahney Greeters: Bill & Carol Hartman Counters Eric Gray, Mark Lawrence If you are not available on the date for which you are scheduled, please find a replacement and notify the church office. PAGE 10 March 29 22 Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Service :9:30 AM 15 8 Sunday School 10:45 AM 9:30 AM 1 Worship Service Sunday Bell Choir- 7:15 pm Meals On Wheels Bell Choir- 7:15 pm Meals On Wheels 23 Bell Choir- 7:15 pm Meals On Wheels Evangelism Committee 7:30 pm Bell Choir- 7:15 pm 16 Meals On Wheels 9 2 Monday Bell Choir- 7:15 pm Salem Serves 5-6 pm 24 Fat Tuesday Pancake dinner/ Salem Serves 4:30-7:30 pm 17 7:30 pm Committee Meeting Social Ministry Salem Serves 5-6 pm 10 3 Tuesday Meals On Wheels Meals On Wheels Chancel Choir– after service Soup Supper– 6 pm Lenten Service 7:00 pm 25 Chancel Choir– After service Ash Wednesday Services 11 am & 7 pm 18 Meals On Wheels Chancel Choir- 7:15 pm 11 Meals On Wheels Chancel Choir- 7:15 pm Afternoon Circle 12:00 pm 4 Wednesday 26 19 Stewardship Committee 7:30 pm Worship & Music 7:30 pm Men’s Work Day 8:30 am 12 5 Thursday FEBRUARY 27 20 13 6 Meals On Wheels Meals On Wheels Meals On Wheels Meals On Wheels Friday 28 21 14 7 Property Committee Meeting 8:00 am Saturday * Non-Profit Organization Salem Lutheran Church U.S. Postage PAID Delmont, PA 301 E. Pittsburgh St. Delmont, PA 15626 Church Office 724-468-4189 Pastor’s Cell Phone: 304-668-9890 Email: Pastor: Rev. Kara J. Propst Organist: Ronna Jean Yeager Parish Secretary: Janice Tokarsky « SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:30 am Worship 10:45 Sunday School ( Sept - May) Forwarding Service Requested Honey Lime Tilapia Recipe Corner: 1/4 cup honey 3 tablespoons lime juice 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 pound tilapia fillets salt and pepper to taste 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese 1 butternut squash - peeled, seeded and sliced 1 bunch fresh asparagus spears, trimmed and chopped poultry seasoning Directions: 1. In a large bowl, mix the honey, lime juice, and garlic. Season tilapia with salt and pepper, place in the bowl, and marinate 1 hour in the refrigerator. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a medium baking dish. 3. Arrange the squash and asparagus in the baking dish. Place tilapia on top of vegetables, and season with poultry seasoning. Discard remaining marinade 4. Bake 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until vegetables are tender and fish is easily flaked. Sprinkle with mozzarella, and continue baking 5 minutes, or until cheese is lightly browned. Recipe from
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