s w e N e v i H e e B The Volume 25, Issue 6 Alice Drive Elementary 251 Alice Drive Sumter, SC 29151 803-775-0857 http://.ade.sumterschools.net 2/2-2/13 Yearbook Presale 2/3 Awards Ceremony 1st Grade @ 8:30 a.m. 3rd Grade @ 9:30 a.m. 2nd Grade @ 1:30 p.m. 2/4 Awards Ceremony 4th Grade @ 8:30 a.m. 5th Grade @ 9:30 a.m. 2/4 Kids of Character Club Meeting 7:00-7:30 a.m. 2/5 Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. 2/5 Student Council Meeting 2:15-3:00 p.m. 2/6-2/11 Student Council Valentine-grams 2/9 Green Team Meeting 2:15-2:45 p.m. 2/9 PTA Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. 2/10 Military Deployment Support Group 7:30-8:00 a.m. 2/10 Spring Fling Speaking Auditions 2:15-3:15 p.m. (K-3rd grade) 2/11 Newcomer’s Club Meeting 7:00-7:30 a.m. 2/11 Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 p.m. 2/12 Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. February 2015 Principal’s Corner: This school year is flying by! It seems like yesterday was the first day of school, but we have just celebrated the hundredth day! The first semester is behind us, and we are proud of all the hard work our students have done so far. A word of thanks goes to our PTA Board for coordinating the Reflections Program at ADE. Several of our students participated in Reflections this year. Congratulations to those students who placed in the District XIII competition and those selected to go on to the state level for another round of judging. Registration for preschool and kindergarten is available for children who will be attending ADE for the first time next year. Come by the office to fill out an application. We will need copies of your child’s birth certificate, South Carolina immunization form, and two proofs of residency. Please share this information with your neighbors who will have school age children next year and plans to enroll their children at ADE. Parents, please be sure that you sign in your child at the attendance office if he/she arrives after 7:40 a.m. We want to be sure that your child arrives safely to the classroom, and that your child has been accurately counted for attendance that day. We have two new incentives to encourage our students to arrive to school on time. Each student will receive a bee token on Friday if they are present and on time all week. Also, the class in each grade level with the highest attendance rate at the end of the nine weeks will receive a popcorn and movie day. Again, we appreciate the support you give to our school each day. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of any help at any time. We always value and appreciate your input. There is a suggestion box located in the main office for you to offer feedback or ideas. You may also call, email, or drop by the office. Thank you for helping us strive to make ADE a great place to be! 2/13 Valentine-grams Delivered 2/17 Spring Fling Speaking Auditions 2:15-3:15 p.m. (4th & 5th Grade) 2/18 Respect All People Club Meeting 7:00-7:30 a.m. 2/19 Spring Fling Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. REMINDER: February 16th District In-Service NO SCHOOL 2/24 East of Chicago Pizza Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 p.m. 2/24 Spring Fling Drama 2:15-3:15 p.m. 2/25 Interims Issued 2/25 Kids of Character Club Meeting 7:00-7:30 a.m. 2/26 Spring Fling Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. The Bee Hive News Page 2 Music Corner Students have had the opportunity to sign up for this year’s Spring Fling, a great musical event sponsored by the PTA. The performance will be Monday, April 20th at Patriot Hall. Letters will be going out to all students who signed up for dance, chorus, and drama with the rehearsal schedule for each area. Speaking part auditions will be Tuesday, February 10th for Kindergarten-3rd grade and Tuesday, February 17th for 4th and 5th grade (siblings may come on the same day). Please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Dave’ if you have any questions. Mrs. Dave’ needs chorus pictures that were taken at any performances during first semester for the yearbook. Please send a CD or email the pictures to: anne.dave@sumterschools.net. Green Team News Our February meeting has been moved from February 2nd to February 9th due to Shadow a Relative Day! We will be doing some special activities in April for Earth Day! Stay tuned! Remember to recycle, reuse, and reduce!!! Student Council News Thursday, February 5th is the only Student Council meeting this month. School store workers scheduled for February are: Feb. 2-6 Feb. 9-13 Feb. 17-20 Feb. 23-27 Adison Hoskins & Clayton Goff Teagon Purdy & Caden Mahoney Hailey Wear & Ethan Jeffreys Grayson Copeland & Rivers White Student Council will be selling Valentine Candy Gram goody bags from Friday, February 6th through Wednesday, February 11th. Students will place their orders during their recess time on those dates. The cost is $3 per Candy Gram or 2 for $5. All Candy Gram bags will be delivered on Friday, February 13th to the recipient's homeroom. Thank you in advance for supporting this Student Council fundraiser. Sumter County Heart Walk On March 28th at 9:00 a.m., Alice Drive Elementary will join the Sumter County Community in the annual American Heart Walk. With this effort, we raise contributions for the American Heart and Stroke Association. We would love to have all faculty, staff, and parents with their children join our team as well! You can walk in honor or memory of someone or just to help raise awareness of the life threatening issues associated with heart disease. All walkers will begin at the Sumter County Chamber of Commerce and choose between a 1 mile or a 3 mile walk. You do not have to pay to walk; however, all donations will be greatly appreciated. For more information, please contact Mrs. Marlene Stilwell at marlene.stilwell@sumterschools.net or log onto sumtercountyheartwalk.org and join a team. Our team is Alice Drive Elementary. If you raise $100 yourself, you will receive a t-shirt the day of the walk. Try the helpful hints listed below to prevent the Flu: Wash or sanitize your hands often (at least 6-8 times a day) Home is where you stay when you are sick (fever free for 24 hours before returning to school) Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth (these are entry ways for germs) Cover your coughs and sneezes (cough into your elbow) Keep your distance from sick people (at least six feet) The Bee Hive News Page 3 PTA NEWS Wow is it February already? I hope everyone has stayed warm through these cold winter days. I want to thank all of those who turned in a School Mall booklet. Our PTA appreciates all the help and continued support we have received this school year. 3/2 Living Literature Parade @ 9:00 a.m. 3/2 Green Team Meeting 2:15-2:45 p.m. February is an exciting month for PTA!. We are doing Mixed Bags again this year as our fundraiser. The fundraiser will begin on February 23rd. Please look for information to come home soon with your child. 3/3 Spring Fling Drama 2:15-3:15 p.m. Our PTA meeting this month will be held on Tuesday, February 9th at 6:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Once again, thank you for all of your 3/6 Spring Pictures Congratulations to the 2nd Semester Preschool and Kindergarten “Safety Patrols”! Registration Captain: Sumter School District is currently holding preschool and kindergarten registration for the 2015-2016 school year. Kindergarten is a full day program. Students must be five years old by September 1, 2015, to qualify. Rhett Williamson Ansley Blanding Lydia Moore Spencer Mooneyham Hazel Grace Kolb Katie Keffer Irene Moxley Marianna Rorick John Louis Hipkins Brianne Finney Elizabeth Foley Dre Quan Simmons Will Moore Will Rorick Alec Rapier Jamie Pena Mixed Bags Spring Fundraiser begins Monday, February 23, 2015 2015-2016 The preschool program is not state mandated, and there are a limited number of slots available at each school. To qualify for this program, students must be four years old on or before September 1, 2015. Students will be pre-screened using a state-approved instrument. Students who qualify must meet the family income eligibility table, Medicaid, or documented developmental delays. Students must attend the school within their attendance zone. To register for these programs, parents should visit the school and bring the child's birth certificate, South Carolina Immunization Form 2740, two proofs of residence, physical examination form, and Medicaid card/ proof of income. For more information, please call the office or Libby DuBose at (803)774-5900. Parents are encouraged to enroll their children no later than April 30th. 3/5 Spring Fling Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. 3/10 Spring Fling Drama 2:15-3:15 p.m. 3/11 Chick-fil-A Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 p.m. 3/12-4/1 Spring MAP Testing for 2-5 Grade 3/16 PTA Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. 3/17 Spring Fling Drama 2:15-3:15 p.m. 3/19 Spring Fling Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. 3/19 Student Council Meeting 2:15-3:00 p.m. 3/24 End of 3rd Quarter 3/24 Spring Fling Drama 2:15-3:15 p.m. 3/24 East of Chicago Pizza Spirit Night 5:00-8:00 p.m. 3/26 Spring Fling Chorus 2:15-3:15 p.m. 3/26 First Grade Field Trip to the Aquarium 3/28 American Heart Walk @ 9:00 a.m. 3/31 Spring Fling Drama 2:15-3:15 p.m. The Bee Hive News Page 4 1st Grade Sami Almosadder Jenkins Andrews* Bryson Aycock* Brenna Bateman* Jalah Benjamin* Kaleb Berry Hope Birdwell* Charles Bowden Isaiah Brooks* Jordan Brown* Kaniyah Brown Zoey Brown Sophie Castro* Robert Chapman* Tremayne CoaxumGilbert Pablo Contreras Jonatan Cruz-Zurita* Eurora Daunheimer Rachel Davis* Faith Durant* Katie Easton Kameron Edwards* Dominik Gholamireents* Aiyana Gillespie* Marley Gillespie* Kaitlyn Gleaton* Tapera Greene* Ashton Harris Tieyana Harris Noah Hazuda* Brayden Hill* Jazz’Lyne Hill* Curt Jackson* Reyana Jacobs Tanylah James Zy’Asia Johnson Arden Johnston* Kathryn Jumper* Layla Kennedy* AidenKetchum* Zy’Keya King* Rowan Komanetz* Savyion Lassiter Donavon Linnen Cortney Livingston* Katelyn Makowske* ADE Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter of 2014-2015 NyKehl McGee Isabella Mendoza Hannah Miller* Khaliyah Montgomery* Anna Grace Morris* Joshua Niswonger* Kearsten Norris Michael O’Neal* Blair Peak Nyzer Pearson* Tanaiya Pearson Stephen Pena* Beanker Reis Derrick Rivers* Gavin Rivers Alaija Roach Amoya Robinson* Markel Robinson Stormy Rogers Georgia Saunders* Gwendolyn Shelton* Nicole Shephard Elizabeth Singkhonket* Harley Spann* Mariah Spann* Annaya Staley-Richburg DaVeon Thomas* Tymaries Thompson* Crystiohna Tomlin Addie Towery* Madisyn Vincent* Tylor Vipperman Trey Welborn Keili Wilcox Zoey Williams* Delmartus Young* 2nd Grade Caleb Adams* Cory Bailey Claire Baker Riley Berger* Jacob Brazel Cayden Brogdon* Alexandra Brunson* Jaden Buitureira* Jack Burke* Riley Burton* Janiya Clark* Janiya Cooper Alarys Core Nieves Campbell Cromer Thomas Donovan* Hannah DuRant NiKol Epps* Maison Finley Ke’Andra Gadson Madison Galloway Cooper Goff* Adavia Grant* Faith Green Parker Harris* Sierra Herbert* Mary Grace Hilditch Levi Jiang Gabby Johnson Gabrielle Johnson Kirkley Johnson* Beyonca Kelson* Lawton Kirby Anna Luzzi* Elliott Lynam Shaniya Major Jonee McClain* Creed McCoy* Cooper McCoy* Billy Mistretta* Kate Noonan Jakob Oberman* Melina Ortiz* Coulter Overdorf Nikki Patel Nikshi Patel Christopher PazPimentel Mikel Prince Aaron Propst* Anna Puzewski* Brooks Rauschenbach Murrin Reed* Nevaeh Richardson Destanie Roberts* Kendall Schlager* Nyasia Simmons Mya Singleton Alyssa Steele Messiah Taylor Blythe Toburen* Stella Rose Watson Caroline Weaver* Morgan Williams* Hayden Wright* Trinity Young 3rd Grade Caleb Baker* Ashton Barr Kaitlyn Barrett Destiny Benjamin Alex Bernard* Bryanah Berrette Haylee Brown Krystan Brown* Jamie Bryan Adam Chase Caroline Coleman* Jada Collins* Mason Conley* Jaylin Croskey Alexess Davis Kadin Durham Natalie Edge* Jeshua Espiritu* Alana Garrick* Nicki Hazuda* Lucas Hice Brodrick Holland Bryce Holland* Emily-Kate Hoshour* Tyler Humphrey* Allison Irick* Thomas Johnston* Colleen Keffer* Haris Khan Aiden Kim* Dilyn Lee Caden Mahoney* Esperanza Martinez* Evan McCoy* Joshua Miller* Amelia Mistretta* The Bee Hive News Macie Morse* ADE Honor Roll for 2nd Quarter of 2014-2015 Tori Peak Alainna Jez Aubrey Bateman* Anthony Prater Jaden Johnson Caroline Belangia* Laken Purdy* Jacob Kaiser Michael Berry* Max Ringer Daniyal Khan* Ansley Blanding* Angel Robinson* Samantha Kirkhart* Olivia Bowden Marshall Saunders* Emily Levendoski Cameron Branham Genevieve Shelton Madison Lowder Abigail Brice* BJ Shephard Will Luzzi Kimberly Brown Breanna Sherwood* Lyndsi Lynch Jaycie Bryan Tralayah SingletonWyatt Meldrim Abbey Bryant* Hannibal Diamond Miller Miguel Bullock* Conner Speller-Snell* Lee Mims* Katherine Byrd Thomas Sumpter Crystal Mitchell Isa Castro Alana Thomas* Gracen Morris Zentrina Choice* Zai Anna Titus Rowe Newman Rebecca Closson* Carson Todd Katie Oberman* Grayson Copeland* Olin Towery* Dev Patel Chanlee Coulter Holden Trimnal* Ashley Petitt* Brenda Cubelo* Charlize Uson* Abigail Peyton Jeremiah Durant Justin Wang* Ethan Piccot Gabrielle Epps Tyrease Wells Teagan Purdy* Kristina Espiritu* Kendyl White Nishta Rawat Brianne Finney* Kiera White McKenna Reed Bertie Floyd* Rivers White* Emerson Richardson Elizabeth Foley* 4th Grade Nick Richardson William Garzon* Bella Riggs Nona Ghimpau* Jacob Adams Isaiah Shockey Clayton Goff* Jasmine Amos Morgan Simmons* Kallie Goodman Zoe Bartrug Randi Sims Natalie Hamilton Tyler Bateman Takiyah Sinkler Caydin Heeter Braden Bogar Carlee Spencer Braden Herbert Daniel Braden* Luther Spigner Beth Hice Janiyah Bradley Emma Tilghman* Markus Hidalgo Chloe Brockway Tatum Toburen Nathan Hill Alijah Brown Julianna Valcourt* Fanetrice Hinnant Elizabeth Bunch Dy’Keira Vaughn John Louis Hipkins Sudie Grace Cromer* Shirley Wang Harold Jackson Mia Davis* Riley Ward* Matthew Jambard* Dax Dickerson* Zak Weber Nicholas Jefferson* Arianna Dunham Lawson Whitaker Leo Jiang Anna Caroline Frye Madison White* Hannah Parker Johnson* Cameryn Gregory Bria Williamson Ka’Breosha Johnson Bryson Hamm Trakiya Johnson* Carlos Hebert 5th Grade Christian Jung Mary Helen Hines Katie Keffer* Nicholas Alexander Riley Hingst* John Kelley Brooke Andrews* Adison Hoskins* Callie Kim* Emily Bailey* Ryder Jackson Page 5 Hazel Kolb Tawanasia McBride* Keirston McDuffie Avery McLeod* Molly McMahon* Mariangel Mendoza Rebecca Miller Jayden Milligan* Candace Mitchell Spencer Mooneyham* Lydia Moore* Will Moore* Irene Moxley* Charlie Noonan Riley Parrish Jamie Pena Clayton Porter* Sha’Asia Prince Justice Prioleau Peyton Puzewski Ahmad Rahal Alec Rapier* Makayla Robinson Marianna Rorick William Rorick Jeremy Rosario Reney Rose Seth Scandurro* Justin Shumate* Dre’Quan Simmons* Kyleigh Smith* Olivia Smith Mary Madlyn Stanfield Kewanna Steans Austin Thomas* Austin Timmons Kaniya Tomlin Keonte Tomlin Joshua Turner Josephine Uson* Sianna VanBuskirk* Althea Vicete* Kamdyn Waldron* Hailey Wear* Marcus Westberry Joshua Wheeler Rhett Williamson* * = A Honor Roll Page 6 The Bee Hive News Guidance News This month, our fourth and fifth grade students will have an opportunity to "Shadow a Relative" on Groundhog Day (02/02/15). This is a wonderful opportunity for students to experience life in the workforce and see the application of what's being taught in school applied to the real world. In order for students to be marked present, all questionnaires from this experience are due to Mrs. Simon on or before February 6, 2015, . This is also the month we usually have our Career Day; however, this year, it will be rescheduled to a later time. During the months of March and April, Mrs. Bines will be on maternity leave as she and her husband are expecting their first child the end of February. During her absence, Mrs. Simon will fill in for her classroom guidance and serve the needs of all ADE students. We will still have our Military Deployment Support group meeting and clubs on their regularly scheduled days. The Kids of Character will have a special meeting on Wednesday, February 4, 2015, to finish their Valentine's Day projects. We are so Mark your calendar for Picture Day on Friday, March 6, 2015! ADE Vision Statement ADE Mission Statement At Alice Drive Elementary, all students will receive the respect, encouragement and opportunities they need to build the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to be successful, contributing members of a global society. The mission of Alice Drive Elementary is to provide a positive school environment in which the pursuit of educational excellence prepares students to become responsible, productive citizens by focusing on the whole child while providing developmentally appropriate learning experiences through the involvement of school, family, and community. ADE Philosophy The total staff of Alice Drive Elementary School is fully committed to the fact that public schools have been, are now, and should be in the future one of the most powerful and sustaining influences of the American democratic society. We are concerned with the total development of moral and social values as well as the academic, physical, and emotional growth of our students. We recognize that children of elementary school age are individuals and are experiencing the most formative years of their lives. We feel that we should strive to guide students to think and evaluate constructively, to work independently to develop and maintain self-discipline, to acquire fundamental skills, and to have appreciation and respect for human values and the rights and responsibilities of others. We believe that all children are entitled to an education that will allow them to develop their capabilities to the fullest. It is the desire of the faculty that every child grows into a useful, productive member of society and lead a happy, contented personal life.
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