Biomarkers in Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndromes: Diagnosis, Treatment and Devices Friday, March 13, 2015 Estancia La Jolla Hotel La Jolla, California PAID 11TH ANNUAL This annual event is designed to provide the latest clinical data, guidelines and evidence related to the clinical application of cardiac biomarkers. Topics cover state of the art application of biomarkers in the following clinical categories: • 2013 ACC/AHA guidelines and the integration of new biomarkers and new application of existing biomarkers • Examination of the evolving utility of cardiac necrosis biomarkers in Acute Coronary Syndromes and Heart Failure • Review of the latest clinical data associated with biomarkers in cardiovascular disease risk prediction and clinical management of disease. • Integration of biomarker data in comorbid conditions including renal disease, diabetes and pulmonary disease • The application of biomarkers in therapeutic and device trials as qualification criteria, surrogate endpoints, etc. Permit No. 113 San Diego, CA COURSE DESCRIPTION Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage ABOUT THE SYMPOSIUM OBJECTIVES At the conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to: TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience for this activity includes Cardiologists, Internists, Primary Care Physicians, Emergency Medicine Physicians, Clinical Laboratorians and Nursing Professionals. PLEASE POST The content of this educational activity was determined by a rigorous review of recent medical literature as well as the changes in biomarker evidence, use and guidelines in the United States over the past 3 years. Evidence-based medical education is of significant importance to the target clinical audience across the US including but not limited to San Diego & Los Angeles. If you receive more than one brochure, won’t you pass the extra along to an associate? Officially endorsed by the Heart Failure Society of America. The opinions presented in this educational activity do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of the HFSA. In other related cardiovascular conditions such as acute coronary syndromes biomarkers have played a definitive diagnostic role yet confusion has evolved as the sensitivity of biomarkers such as cardiac troponin have improved. These new and evolving issues are critical for clinicians to be prepared to interpret at the point of care. Estancia La Jolla Hotel La Jolla, California HFSA The diagnosis and management of cardiovascular conditions by clinical means alone is often inadequate, including but not limited to heart failure. Until recently, biomarker testing in heart failure (HF) syndromes has been viewed as an elective supplement to diagnostic evaluation of patients suspected to suffer from this condition. This approach to the use of biomarker testing contrasts with other cardiovascular diagnoses for which biomarkers are integral to disease process definition, risk stratification, and in some cases treatment decision making. It is also noteworthy that advanced guidelines have emerged regarding the application of biomarkers in heart failure4that need to be integrated into educational initiatives for clinical caregivers. Friday, March 13, 2015 This activity is in compliance with California Assembly Bill 1195 which requires continuing medical education activities with patient care components to include curriculum in the subjects of cultural and linguistic competency. Cultural competency is defined as a set of integrated attitudes, knowledge, and skills that enables health care professionals or organizations to care effectively for patients from diverse cultures, groups, and communities. Linguistic competency is defined as the ability of a physician or surgeon to provide patients who do not speak English or who have limited ability to speak English, direct communication in the patient’s primary language. Cultural and linguistic competency was incorporated into the planning of this activity.Additional resources on cultural and linguistic competency and information about AB1195 can be found on the UCSD CME website at Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the United States and is responsible for 17% of national health expenditures. As the population ages, these costs are expected to increase substantially. This program is intended to interpret the current standards of care associated with the application of biomarkers in cardiac clinical care as well as review recent literature that provides evidence-basis for the diagnostic, prognostic and management application of cardiac biomarkers. Biomarkers in Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndromes: Diagnosis, Treatment and Devices Cultural and Linguistic Competency NEEDS ASSESSMENT 11TH ANNUAL It is our policy to ensure balance, independence, objectivity and scientific rigor. All persons involved in the selection, development and presentation of content are required to disclose any real or apparent conflicts of interest. All conflicts of interest will be resolved prior to an educational activity being delivered to learners through one of the following mechanisms 1) altering the financial relationship with the commercial interest, 2) altering the individual’s control over CME content about the products or services of the commercial interest, and/or 3) validating the activity content through independent peer review. All persons are also required to disclose any discussions of off label/unapproved uses of drugs or devices. Persons who refuse or fail to disclose will be disqualified from participating in the CME activity. UC San Diego Health System 200 West Arbor Drive San Diego, CA 92103-7411 Faculty Disclosure 1. Describe the current standards of care associated with the application of biomarkers in cardiac clinical care. 2. Review recent literature that provides evidence-basis for the diagnostic, prognostic and management application of cardiac biomarkers 3. Discuss the future biomarker applications in cardiac disease based on breaking clinical studies and clinical trials. PROGRAM FACULTY UC SAN DIEGO PROGRAM CO-DIRECTORS Alan Maisel, MD, FACC Lori Daniels, MD, FACC Professor of Cardiology, UCSD Director, Coronary Care Unit and Heart Failure Program San Diego Veterans Affairs Medical Center Associate Professor of Medicine Director, Coronary Care Unit Division of Cardiology Anthony N. DeMaria, MD, FACC UC SAN DIEGO PARTICIPATING FACULTY Eric Adler, MD David Krummen, MD, FACC Associate Clinical Professor Medical Director, Cardiac Transplant Associate Professor of Medicine Director of Cardiac Electrophysiology VA San Diego Healthcare System Electrophysiologist, UCSD & VA San Diego Daniel Blanchard, MD, FACC Atul Malhotra, MD Chief, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Director of Sleep Medicine Kenneth M. Moser, Professor, Dept. of Medicine, President, American Thoracic Society (2015-2016) Barry H. Greenberg, MD, FACC Pam R. Taub, MD, FACC Distinguished Professor of Medicine Director, Advanced Heart Failure Treatment Program Assistant Professor of Medicine GUEST FACULTY Robert L. Jesse, MD, PhD, FACC Executive Director, Clinical Trials Center Cardiovascular Research Foundation Columbia University New York, NY Professor of Medicine/Cardiology Virginia Commonwealth University Health System Richmond, VA Chief, Office for Academic Affiliations, Veterans Health Administration, Washington, DC Christopher deFilippi, MD John McMurray, MD, FACC Associate Professor of Medicine University of Maryland Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Baltimore, MD Professor of Medical Cardiology University of Glasgow Glasgow, Scottland Uri Elkayam, MD, FACC David A Morrow, MD, MPH, FACC Professor of Medicine Keck School of Medicine University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA Brigham and Women’s Hospital Boston, MA Gregg Fonarow, MD, FACC William Franklin Peacock, IV, MD, FACEP Allan S. Jaffe, MD, FACC 8:30-8:45am 8:45-9:00am 9:00-9:15am 9:15-9:30am Professor, Emergency Medicine Associate Chair and Research Director Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX Nathan Wong, PhD, FACC, FAHA Professor of Medicine, & Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Chair CCLS Division, Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic and Medical School, Rochester, MN Professor and Director, Heart Disease Prevention Program Division of Cardiology UC Irvine Irvine, CA James L Januzzi, MD, FACC Alan Wu, PhD Hutter Family Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School Roman W DeSanctis Endowed Distinguished Clinical Scholar Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Professor, of Laborary Medicine UC San Francisco San Francisco, CA Registration/Coffee Welcome - Anthony DeMaria, MD, Lori Daniels, MD, Etisham Mahmud, MD and David Brenner, MD Agenda Review and Introductions - Alan Maisel, MD Biomarkers for Prediction and Prevention of Heart Disease Lori Daniels, MD (Moderator) Overview: Risk Prediction and Disease Prevention - Gregg Fonarow, MD Physical Activity/Exercise and the Potential Role of Biomarkers Christopher deFilippi, MD Sorting Out Lipid Biomarkers - Ori Ben-Yehuda, MD Imaging in CVD Risk Assessment: Implications of ACC/AHA Guidelines Nathan Wong, MD A New Biomarker for Women - Alan Maisel, MD Panel Discussion and Case Presentations - Lori Daniels, MD and Panel SESSION II Biomarker Update in Acute Coronary Syndromes - Robert Jesse, MD (Moderator) 9:30-9:45am 9:45-10:00am 10:00-10:15am 10:15-10:30am Chest Pain in the Emergency Department: Who gets What? - Frank Peacock, MD hsTroponin and Chest Pain - State of the Art - Allan Jaffee, MD Novel Biomakers in ACS - David Morrow, MD Critical Analytical and Practical Issues in the Lab for ACS Biomarkers Alan Wu, MD Panel Discussion and Case Presentation - Robert Jesse, MD and Panel Coffee Break/Visit Exhibits SPECIAL RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS - Alan Maisel, MD, Moderator TRAPID Study - Christopher deFilippi, MD PARADIGM Trial - John McMurray, MD Lunch/Visit Exhibits 10:30-11:00am 11:00-11:20am Ori Ben-Yehuda, MD, FACC Professor of Medicine, Director, AhmansonUCLA Cardiomyopathy Center Co-Chief, UCLA Division of Cardiology University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA SESSION I 7:50-8:00am 8:00-8:15am 8:15-8:30am Judith and Jack White Chair in Cardiology Professor of Medicine Founding Director, Sulpizio Family Cardiovascular Center Professor of Medicine Director, Cardiology Fellowship Program Sulpizio Cardiovascular Center 7:00 - 7:45 am 7:45am 11:20-11:45am 11:45-12:15pm 12:15-1:15pm SESSION III Acute Heart Failure - Alan Maisel, MD (Moderator) 1:15-1:30pm 1:30-1:45pm 1:45-2:00pm 2:00-2:15pm 2:15-2:30pm 2:30-2:45pm Biomarkers of Diagnosis and Risk Stratification in AHF - Lori Daniels, MD Treatment of AHF: What is New? - Barry Greenberg, MD Biomarkers of AHF: Co-Morbidities, Hyponatremia, AKI - Uri Elkayam, MD Role of Biomarkers in AHF: from Hospital to Home - Alan Maisel, MD Panel Discussion and Case Presentation - Alan Maisel, MD and Panel Coffee Break/Visit Exhibits SESSION IV Chronic Heart Failure - Anthony DeMaria, MD (Moderator) 2:45-3:00pm 3:00-3:15pm 3:15-3:30pm 3:30-3:45pm 3:45-4:00pm 4:00-4:15pm 4:15-4:30pm 4:30-4:45pm 4:45-5:00pm 5:00pm 5:00pm Biomarker Guided Treatment - James Januzzi, MD Nascent Heart Failure Therapy and the Arrival of Ivabradine - John McMurray, MD Atrial Fibrillation Novel Anticoagulation Therapy - Daniel Blanchard, MD Arrhythmias, Devices and Biomarkers - David Krummen, MD Therapies for End Stage Heart Failure - Eric Adler, MD Sleep Disordered Breathing in Heart Failure - Atul Malhotra, MD LDL Particle Number and Cardiovascular Risk - Pam Taub, MD Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension - New Therapies - Alan Wu, MD Panel Discussion and Case Presentation - Anthony DeMaria, MD and Panel Conclusion and Adjourn - Alan Maisel, MD Reception COURSE INFORMATION ACCREDITATION The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of California, San Diego School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of 7.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. For the purpose of recertification, the American Nurses Credentialing Center accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM issued by organizations accredited by the ACCME. For the purpose of relicensure, the California Board of Registered Nursing accepts AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM (report up to 7.5 hours of credit and list “CME Category 1” as the provider number). REGISTRATION FEES LOCATION Friday, March 13, 2015 Estancia La Jolla Hotel La Jolla, California First Name _____________________________________________ Last Name _____________________________________________ Office Address _________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ State _________________________________________________ Zip ___________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________________ Estancia La Jolla Hotel 9700 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037 Tel: 858-550-1000 Fax: 858-550-1001 1-877-4-ESTANCIA (toll free reservations) Fax ___________________________________________________ Email__________________________________________________ Professional Specialty ____________________________________ Special room rates are offered: Single or Double - $184 per night, plus San Diego occupancy tax of 12.565%, $8 hospitality fee and $10 overnight parking fee. The site for the meeting is on 9.5 acres in the enchanting seaside community of La Jolla at the new 21st Century Learning Retreat, the Estancia La Jolla Hotel. The hotel is in the midst of a classic California coastal rancho setting, adjacent to world-class Torrey Pines Golf Course, and just minutes from the San Diego Zoo, Sea World, shopping and beautiful Southern California beaches. The hotel is only 14 miles from downtown San Diego and Lindbergh Field (San Diego International Airport). A limited number of rooms have been reserved for course participants and will be reserved as requests are received. Reservation Deadline: February 19, 2015. If your reservation is not received prior to cutoff date, reservations will be accepted subject to availability. Please specify that you plan to attend the 11TH BIOMARKERS in HEART DISEASE so you can receive our special course rate. CONTACT THE HOTEL DIRECTLY TO MAKE RESERVATIONS CANCELLATION POLICY Special Needs for Disabled ________________________________ Registration Fees: $100 Early Registration - on or before February 15, 2015 $125 Registration - after February 15, 2015 & on-site $50 Nurse/Allied Early Registration - on or before February 15, 2015 $75 Nurse/Allied Registration - after February 15, 2015 & on-site $50 Student Registration - with Student ID & letter from Dept Supervisor CREDIT CARD PAYMENT (Visa, Mastercard, Am Exp or Discover) Name of Registrant ______________________________________ Card Number __________________________________________ Security Code _______________Exp. Date____________________ Name on Card _________________________________________ Billing Address _________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ If your registration must be cancelled and a refund of your fee is desired, your fee, less $50 for administrative costs, will be refunded upon receipt of a written request that includes your signature. No refunds will be made after February 15, 2015. Please allow up to 12 weeks for a refund. Complete Conference Management 3320 Third Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92103 Websites: Biomarkers in Heart Failure and Acute Coronary Syndromes: Diagnosis, Treatment and Devices Title __________________________________________________ $100 Early Registration - on or before February 15, 2015 $125 Registration - after February 15, 2015 & on-site $50 Nurse/Allied Early Registration - on or before February 15, 2015 $75 Nurse/Allied Registration - after February 15, 2015 & on-site $50 Student Registration - with Student ID and a letter from Department Supervisor FURTHER INFORMATION REGISTRATION INFORMATION Phone: 619-299-6673 Fax: 619-299-6675 Email: Amount $ _____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ Please do not send credit card information by fax. CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYMENT (in US dollars) Make payable to: Send or Fax to: UC Regents Complete Conference Management 3320 Third Avenue, Suite C San Diego, CA 92103 Fax: 619-299-6675
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