Research Staff Conference Programme 2015

Research Staff Conference
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre
17th April 2015
Prof Miles Padgett, VP (Research)
Jonathan Drori CBE, ‘Communicating Research and Impact – 10 Golden Rules’
Come and chat to our stallholders.
The Careers Service
Conference and Visitor Services
Converge Challenge
The European Funding Unit
The Grants Team
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Learning and Teaching Centre
Workshop Sessions
A1. Career
A2. EU Funding
Management and
(ERC Starter
Progression as a
The Library (Enlighten / Open
Access team)
Staff Development Service
STEM Ambassador Programme
Transforming Research
Understanding Animal Research
A3. Open Access
A4. Careers
Support at
Lesley Cummings
and Dr Katie Farrell
Joe Galloway
Katrina Gardner
B1. Processes for
B2. Converge
B3. Data
B4. Postdoc
Grants Team
Veronica Ferguson
Joy Davidson
Katrina Gardner
C1. Publishing
C2. Social Media
for Research
Research Topics
C4. Making a
Dr Yvonne Bordon
Emma Gilmartin,
Dr Mark Lorch &
Ruth McKenna
Dr Jamie
Dr Bella Williams &
Dr Marc Alexander
Prof Karen Lury,
Dr Iain Hannah &
Dr Angela
Wine reception and networking
This will be a semi-structured opportunity to catch up with speakers and participants.
Research Staff Conference
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre
17th April 2015
Keynote Address
Jonathan Drori CBE (Visiting Industrial Professor at University of Bristol)
Communicating Research and Impact – 10 Golden Rules
Do you ever feel that your research isn’t properly understood? Or that the impact you make
doesn’t get the recognition it deserves? Perhaps you’ve wondered why the media, politicians,
funders, sections of the public or even other academics, seem wilfully to give greater precedence
to other, less important work than yours? Here are Ten Golden Rules - useful techniques to
ensure that Glasgow University and its research are top-of-mind even more of the time.
Jon is Chairman of Ravensbourne, the design, fashion and communications college, of the UK
Parliament’s Advisory Council on Public Engagement and of the H. H. Wingate Foundation. He is
a Trustee of the Internet Watch Foundation, the Woodland Trust and the Royal Botanic Gardens,
Kew (where he chairs its commercial arm). He is a Visiting Industrial Professor in the Graduate
School of Education at Bristol University, specialising in science misconceptions and educational
Jon has previously been Head of Commissioning for BBC Online, and before that, an Executive
Producer and Director of science, arts and education programmes.
Jon is founder of Thoughtsmith, which works with boards of large public bodies to develop
business, creative and digital strategy, and with universities and public trusts on communicating
and exploiting research. He’s also known for several TED talks on pollen and flowers.
Twitter: @jondrori
These will be located in the foyer, during the tea-break.
The Careers Service
Communications Office
Conference and Visitor Services
Converge Challenge
The European Funding Unit
The Grants Team
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Learning and Teaching Centre
The Library (Open Access / Research Data Management)
Staff Development Service
Understanding Animal Research
Careers Service (Katrina Gardner) Katrina is the University’s Careers Adviser for researchers
and offers one to one careers appointments, CV checking, mock-interviews and workshops.
Communications Office Staff from the Communications Office will be available to give advice on
research communications including working with the media, marketing, use of the web (including
social media) and internal communications.
Research Staff Conference
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre
17th April 2015
Conference & Visitor Services Office (Lynn Burniston) CVSO offers a broad range of services
designed to save you time and resources when planning conferences and events or arranging
overnight accommodation.
Converge Challenge (Veronica Ferguson) Converge Challenge aims to support the next
generation of Scottish research entrepreneurs in business and technology and offers the first
prize winner a business start-up package worth over £50k.
The European Funding Team (Joe Galloway) The EU Team can help you devise a strategy to
target the EU funding schemes most relevant to your career stage.
theGIST Glasgow Insight into Science and Technology (theGIST) is a student science magazine
and network based at the University of Glasgow and the University of Strathclyde. With nearly
100 contributors, they produce regular articles, videos and podcasts, set up workshops and
seminars, and publish a printed magazine. Their goal is to communicate science clearly,
accurately and passionately.
The Grants Team A member of the Grants Team will be on hand to answer any questions about
the research funding application process.
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (Dr Alison Reith) KTP is Europe’s leading programme
helping business to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of
knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK knowledge base.
Learning and Teaching Centre (Dr Angela Jaap) The Learning and Teaching Centre’s
Academic Development Unit delivers initial and continuing professional development
programmes in learning, teaching and assessment for academic staff.
The Library: Open Access and Research Data Management (Valerie McCutcheon and Joy
Davidson) Library staff will discuss models of open access publication and how these might
impact your research. This includes funder requirements and how to get your publications into the
institutional repository and visible in your staff profile as well as other research output and data
Photographer An opportunity to have your photograph taken by the University’s in-house
photographer, for use on your professional and social media profiles. You can update your
academic profile for the University of Glasgow webpages at this address:
Staff Development Service SDS run a suite of courses for research staff, including
project/people management and making grant or Fellowship applications.
STEM ambassador programme (Gail Penny) The STEM ambassador programme gives
researchers the opportunity to engage with the public through a variety of mechanisms, including
schools, science festivals and special events.
Transforming Research Management (Gillian Richardson) The Transforming Research
Management Project aims to revolutionise Research Management support by developing a new
University wide service fit to operate within a dynamic and challenging funding environment whilst
delivering dedicated PI support and efficient financial administration.
Research Staff Conference
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre
17th April 2015
Universitas 21 (U21) is an international association of research-based universities committed to
working together to enhance their status and capabilities. Supporting and nurturing early career
researchers is an important part of their work; learn about some of the opportunities available.
Understanding Animal Research (Dr Bella Williams) Understanding Animal Research aims to
achieve broad understanding and acceptance of the humane use of animals in biomedical
research in the UK, to advance science and medicine.
Workshop Sessions
A1. Career Management and Progression as a Postdoctoral Researcher Lesley Cummings
and Katie Farrell (Human Resources) This workshop will outline the University promotions
process and criteria for researchers. It will also include a short discussion on unconscious bias,
led by the Equality and Diversity Unit.
A2. EU Funding (ERC Starter Grants) Joe Galloway (European Funding Team) The European
Funding Team will outline funding schemes that are open to early-career researchers, including
ERC and Marie Curie, as well as the support on offer to researchers who are making funding
A3. Open Access Publications Valerie McCutcheon (Library) This interactive workshop is
aimed at helping you to understand funder expectations around open access publications.
A4. Careers Support at Glasgow Katrina Gardner (Careers Service) This session will present
some of the career development support available from the Careers Service, including sources of
advice for people seeking academic jobs.
B1. Making a Funding Application – Costings and University Processes One of the Grants
Managers will provide information on the internal and external processes involved in applying for
research grants and fellowships, including costings, eligibility, funder rules and requirements and
online application systems.
B2. Converge Challenge Veronica Ferguson (Converge) This workshop will introduce you to the
Converge Challenge, a scheme for entrepreneurial and creative thinkers with innovative
ideas that we can help to develop for the commercial world. You’ll hear about previous success
stories and how you can get involved this year with your own ideas.
B3. Data Management Joy Davidson (HATII) This interactive workshop is aimed at helping you
foster good attitudes to and techniques of research data management, exploring also some of the
legal and ethical implications therein.
B4. Career Destinations (Vitae Research) Katrina Gardner (Careers Service) This session will
present some of the career development support available from the Careers Service and give an
overview of recent Vitae research into career destinations of postdoctoral researchers.
Panel Sessions
C1. Publishing Insights Dr Yvonne Bordon (Senior Journal Editor at Nature Reviews
Immunology), will give an insight into the publication process, including how to write a wellstructured article and common pitfalls to avoid.
Research Staff Conference
Western Infirmary Lecture Theatre
17th April 2015
C2. Social Media for Research Communication Emma Gilmartin (Communications Office) Dr
Mark Lorch (University of Hull) & Ruth McKenna (GRAMNet) This workshop will provide
examples of how researchers have made use of social media (including blogs, Facebook and
Twitter) for engaging with other researchers as well as policy makers, community groups and
traditional media.
C3. Communicating ‘Difficult’ Research Topics Dr Jamie Gallagher (RSIO), Dr Bella Williams
(Understanding Animal Research) & Dr Marc Alexander (School of Critical Studies) Many
research topics can be difficult to communicate, whether because they’re controversial, they’ve
been misrepresented in the past or just because there is a general lack of knowledge of that area
(perhaps even a fear that it’s too ‘difficult’ for people to understand). This session looks at
strategies for tackling such topics when dealing with the public, the media or stakeholders.
C4. Making a Fellowship Application Prof Karen Lury, Dr Iain Hannah & Dr Angela Bradshaw
This session will provide tips on what makes a Fellowship application stand out for the right (and
wrong) reasons. Current Fellowship holders and panel members will share their own experiences
of the application and interview process.