2015 National Lop Show - Lop Rabbit Club of America

National Lop Show
Hosted by the Midwest Lop Club
LRCA National Lop Show
April 18, 2015
Washington Co. Fair Park
300 Hwy. PV, West Bend, WI
Show Officials, Time Line and Rules
Entry Fee: $6.00 per animal open and youth
Make checks payable to: Midwest Lop Club
Show Superintendent: Maggie Howard-Weigel, weshowbuns@aol.com
Mail all entries, fees apparel orders and banquet ticket orders to:
Lynn Eden
PO Box 277
Sterling, IL 61081
971-241-4582, bellevuebunnies@yahoo.com
Judges: Scott Weibensohn, Steve Zaruba, Michelle Wojcik and Cindy Stelloh
March 28th, 2015
All entries must be postmarked by midnight. NO email entries. Entries without
payment will not be accepted.
All banquet ticket orders must be postmarked by March 28 and paid with entry.
April 12, 2015
Deadline for free changes. Changes may be may to breed, variety, class, sex or ear
number. Ear changes only at check in.
April 17, 2015
Noon - Showroom opens to accept animals.
6 PM - Board meeting in showroom.
9 PM - All entries must be checked in. All ear changes must be turned in.
11 PM - Showroom closes and all animals must be in place.
April 18, 2015
6 AM - Showroom opens.
8 AM - Judging begins for open and youth.
12 PM - Lunch break. Food available in showroom.
12:30 PM - LRCA General Membership meeting in showroom.
1:15 PM - Judging resumes.
Animals may leave any time after judging is over. Please double check all tattoos
when leaving.
5 PM - Showroom closes
6 PM - Banquet begins
April 19, 2015
6 AM - Showroom opens.
8:30 AM - Entries close for A show entries. Entries to be made with the Northwoods
Rabbit Club. See page 6 for information on Sunday Shows.
9 AM - Judging begins for all breed show.
10 AM - Entries close for B show entries.
Animals may leave any time. Please double check all tattoos when leaving.
1 - All entries must specify open or youth. Those not marked will be entered in open.
Entries can not be changed after April 12. Youth and open entries must use separate
entry forms. The same rabbit can not be entered in open and youth.
2 - This is a cooped show. Exhibitors must provide their own food and water dishes.
3 - All rabbits must be permanently and legibly tattooed in the left ear.
4 - For the Lop National Show all animals must have their coop number (received at
check in) written in their right ear. Markers will be available at check in.
5 - Any animal not in their assigned coop or locked in at time of judging will be
6 - Runners and runner tags will be used to bring animals to the tables. You will not
put your own animals on the table.
7 - No one other than show personnel are allowed behind the show tables during
8 - All animals in the showroom must be entered in the National Lop show or the all
breed show on Sunday. No animals under 8 weeks. No animals not making minimum
junior weight allowed.
9 - Any animals showing signs of illness or disease and/or unsightly specimens must
be removed from the showroom. Entry fees will be forfeited.
10 - The Midwest Lop Club, Lop Rabbit Club of America nor the Northwoods Rabbit
Club will be responsible for any injury or accident occurring during the show.
11 - Parents are responsible for damage done by their children.
12 - No other animals except service animals allowed.
13 - MWL reserves the right to substitute or add judges as needed.
14 - The show committee shall decide any and all questions which are not specifically
covered by the show rules. All decisions will be final.
15 - No smoking allowed.
16 - This is an official ARBA and LRCA sanctioned show. The latest revised rules
of these associations will govern the show. Entering the show indicates your
acceptance of these rules. Exhibitors must be current LRCA members to receive
17 - All comment cards and awards must be picked up at the show.
Held in conjunction with the National Cinnamon Show. Contact Maggie
Howard-Weigel for more information at weshowbuns@aol.com.
Banquet Information
Saturday, April 18 at the fairgrounds
6 PM Bar opens
6:30 PM Food served
7:30 PM Awards and Auction
8:30 PM Entertainment starts
Adults and children 5 plus - $11 each, 5 and under - free
This will be a buffet style, all you can eat meal:
Hot Turkey and Gravy, Hot Ham, German Potato Salad, Cole
Slaw, Relish Tray, Cheese Tray, Ice Cream Bar
Tickets must be reserved and paid with entry.
Hotel Information
Don't forget to book a room!
Comfort Inn and Suites
W227 N 16890 Tillie Court, Jackson, WI
Price: $87.12/night
Quality Inn and Suites
2433 W. Washington St., West Bend, WI
Price $65.00/night
The blocks are under LRCA at both hotels. Rate will be available
until 6 weeks before the show.
Getting there
The Washington County Fair Park & Conference Center is located just 30 minutes
north of Milwaukee on Highway 45.
From the South
Take Highway 45 north to Pleasant Valley Road. Exit east on PV. Entrance to Fair
Park will be on the left.
From the North
Take Highway 41 south to County Highway 60. Go east on Highway 60 to Highway
45. Travel north one mile on Highway 45. Exit east on PV, entrance Fair Park will be
on the left.
Vendor Information
Show Vendor will be Roger Moeller, Moeller Animal Supplies. To place an order contact
Roger at darkpinesfarms7@aol.com or 920-595-0431. Preordering is recommended if you
will be needing feed and water crocks to insure he has what you need.
Area Attractions
All of the listed locations
are within 30 miles of the
3148 Pioneer Road
Richfield, WI 53076
West Bend Woolen Mills
Usingers Sausage
1030 N. Old World Third St 1125 E. Washington Street
Milwaukee, WI 53203
West Bend, WI 53095
Riverside Brewery
255 S. Main Street
Miller Brewery Tour
West Bend, WI 53095
4251 W. State Street
Milwaukee, WI 53208
Milwaukee Art Museum
750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr
Reiman Pulications
Milwaukee, WI 53202
5400 S. 60th Street
Greendale, WI 53129
Bayshore Mall
5900 N. Port Washington
Milwaukee, WI 53217
Milwaukee County Zoo
10001 W. Bluemound Rd
Milwaukee, WI 53226
Cedar Creek Winery
N70 W6340 Bridge Road
Cedarburg, Wisconsin
Sunday Show Information
Hosted by the Northwoods Rabbit Club
Double Show
Open and youth entry fee: $3.00 Day of show entry. Judging begins at 9 AM.
Judges: Steve Zaruba, Scott Wiebensohn, Ftitz Trybus, Bob Koch, Sue Dietzman,
Michelle Wojcik, PJ Dvorak
Show Superintendent: Bob Morrow - timbercreek2414@yahoo.com
Show Secretary: Tanya Zimmerman - havanacrazy@yahoo.com
Sanctioned Breeds: Open - American Fuzzy Lop, Californian, Dutch, Dwarf Hotot, English Spot,
Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, Mini Lop, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Rex, French Lop, English
Lop, Rhinelander, Checkered Giant
Youth - Flemish Giant, Havana, Holland Lop, Mini Rex, Netherland Dwarf, Polish, Rex, Thrianta,
French Lop, English Lop, Rhinelander
Contact Tanya Zimmerman by March 1st if you would like to sanction a breed.
Official ARBA & LRCA show
Sandy Bennett, 323 Macedon Dr, Lexington, SC 29073, lrcasec@gmail.com
Membership: Adult - (New) $15, (New 2 yr) $20, (Renewals) $10/year; Youth - (New)
$10, (New 2 yr) $14, (Renewals) $7/yr; Husband/Wife - (New) $20, (New 2 yr)
$30, (Renewal) $15/yr; Family - (H/W fee plus $5/child/year); Foreign add $6/year.
Sanction Fees: OPEN $15.00; YOUTH $8.00 Send Show Reports and Sanction
Requests to: Richard Gehr, 190 N First Avenue, Coal City, IL 60416
ARBA Executive Director, PO Box 5667, Bloomington, Illinois 61702. ARBA website:
www.arba.net. Membership Dues: $20.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $50.00. Combination
Husband & Wife: $30.00 per yr., 3 yrs. $75.00.Youth Membership Dues: $12.00 per
yr., 3 yrs. $30.00.
The 92nd ARBA Convention will be held in Portland, OR on Oct 31 to Nov 4, 2015.
Don’t forget to bring an item for the auction at the
banquet! All monies raised fund future awards
and the guidebook fund!
2015 Lop Nationals Entry Form
Exhibitor _____________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
City ___________________ State ___________ Zip __________
Phone _______________________________________________
Email ________________________________________________
Ear #
If not specified entry will be put
in open.
Entries must be postmarked by
March 28, 2015.
Apparel (indicate size and color on reverse):
Show Entries _______ @ $6.00 each ______
T-shirt total: _______
Banquet Tickets:
Hoodie total: _____
Adult: ______ @ $11 each _______
Apron total: ______
Under 5: _____
Apparel total: __________
Total all items: _____________
Send all entries, apparel orders, ticket orders and fees to: Lynn Eden, PO Box 277, Sterling, IL 61081.
No email entries! Entries without payment will not be accepted.
Make checks payable to: Midwest Lop Club. Entries must be postmarked by March 28 and received by April 12.
Apparel Order Form
LRCA Nationals 2015 T-shirt - $15, $17 for 2XL or larger
Ash Heather: ___S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___ 2XL ___ 3XL ___ 4XL ___ 5XL
Gold Size: ___S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___ 2XL ___ 3XL ___ 4XL ___ 5XL
Hoodies - $35, $37 for 2XL or larger
Dark Green: ___S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___ 2XL ___ 3XL ___ 4XL
Ash Heather Grey: ___S ___ M ___ L ___ XL ___ 2XL ___ 3XL ___ 4XL
Aprons - $15
Blaze orange ___
Lime Green ___
Tan ___
The t-shirts and hoodies are all moisture wicking, anti-microbial, odor control
& tag less.
Please indicate number of each color and size and send order with entries for pick up
at show. For mailed orders please contact the show secretary for postage amount.
Midwest Lop Club
National Show
PO BOX 277
Sterling, IL 61081