OCEANSIDE KENNEL CLUB March 27, 28, 29 - 2015 JUDGES Dr Tamas Jakkal (Hungary) Mr Ricardo Torre-Simoes (Brazil) Ms Janet Buchanan (BC) Mrs Patricia Cummins (BC) Mrs Marion Postage (BC) THREE ALL BREED CHAMPIONSHIP SHOWS YEARLING SWEEPSTAKES VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES BRED BY EXHIBITOR COMPETITION OWNER HANDLED COMPETITION VETERAN COMPETITION BABY PUPPY COMPETITION BRACE COMPETITION THREE JUNIOR HANDLING BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH: Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of BC hosting 6 Obedience and Rally O Trials Peace Arch Working and Herding Group Specialty Western Canada Pekingese Specialty Pug Dog BC Specialty Pug Dog Lower Mainland Specialty Boston Terrier Canada Specialty CLOVERDALE FAIRGROUNDS SURREY, BC, CANADA 17607 62 Ave, Surrey, BC V3S 1V3 CONFORMATION: INDOORS Agriplex Arena and Showbarn BC Dog Show Services OFFICIAL N o F e e E l e c tPREMIUM r o n i c E nLIST tries!! Held under the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club CLOSING DATE ISUnbenched MIDNIGHTand WEDNESDAY UnexaminedMARCH 11, 2015 OFFICERS OF THE OCEANSIDE KENNEL CLUB PRESIDENT Donna Cole VICE PRESIDENT Sylvia Mantei SECRETARY Karen Papson TREASURER Michael Fury SHOW CHAIRPERSON OFFICIALS Donna Cole, 20318 37ASHOW Ave, Langley, BC V3A 2T1 rodonna@telus.net SHOW COMMITTEE All Members of Oceanside Kennel Club SHOW SUPERINTENDENT Michael Fury/Wayne J Davidson ACCOMMODATION Sylvia Lawton BRING AND BUY Lauren Goebel CHIEF RING STEWARD Brenda Anwyll EQUIPMENT Wayne J Davidson HOSPITALITY Brenda Anwyll PHOTOGRAPHER Photos by Tedy www.photosbytedy.com TRANSPORTATION David Papson, Karen Papson, Sylvia Lawton TROPHIES AND PRIZES Sylvia Mantei VENDORS Michael Fury VETERINARIAN BC Animal Hospital, Dr Brandon Chan, Unit 102 15375 Hwy 10, Surrey, BC V3S 0X9 (604) 372-1018 www.bcanimalhospital.ca CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB (C.K.C.) Mr Lance Novak 200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 6R4 www.ckc.ca CKC DIRECTOR BCSW Joan Bennett #418 8735 Hampton Place, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 2G8 Phone/Fax 604-731-2394 joanbennettbcsw@gmail.com CKC CONFORMATION COUNCIL Pat Gignac 32559 Pandora Ave., Abbotsford BC V2T 3S7 gignac@shaw.ca CKC JUNIOR COUNCIL BCSW Pat Gignac 32559 Pandora Ave., Abbotsford BC V2T 3S7 gignac@shaw.ca SHOW SECRETARY (to whom entries are sent) B.C. DOG SHOW SERVICES LTD. 151-10090 152nd Street, Suite #504, Surrey, B.C. V3R 8X8 Phone: 778-395-3647 Fax: 778-395-7404 www.bcdogshowservicesltd.ca Free!!! Show Catalogue Enter on line 1 Dog 3 days (regular classes) and receive a free show catalogue. BRING & BUY For exhibitors of our show we have an area designated in the Ag Rec for you to Bring your items to sell. Leashes, crates, exercise pens, whelping boxes, grooming equipment, figurines, etc., that is dog related. You set the price and label it with your price and ID #. Oceanside volunteers help as sales people. You receive 75% of sale, 15% is donated to the Senior Animals in Need Today Society and 10% to the club to offset the cost of tables, etc. Items not sold must be picked up by owner prior to 3:00 pm on Sunday. Oceanside KC is not responsible for any items. Oceanside KC contact is Mrs. Lauren Goebel at lgoebel@hotmail.com BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 2 JUDGES 2015 JANET BUCHANAN 523 CORCAN ROAD QUALICUM BEACH BC V2K 2E9 PATRICIA CUMMINS 375 HAZLITT CREED RD VICTORIA BC V9E 2A3 SANDRA HORTON 10167 133RD STREET SURREY BC V3T 3Y8 DR TOMAS JAKKEL BUDAPEST, XXIII STR 8 1172 HUNGARY MARION POSTGATE 5410 ELM STREET VANCOUVER BC V6N 1A1 CYNTHIA SEELING 50804 CHILLIWACK CENTRAL RD CHILLIWACK BC V0X 1X2 SUZANNE STAINES 32829 Bakerview Rd Mission BC V2V 2P8 RICARDO TORRE-SIMOES SAO PAULO SP 01232 BRAZIL COURTNEY WHITEHEAD 613 Waterloo Dr Port Moody BC V3H 3K9 TERESA WHITEHEAD 613 Waterloo Dr Port Moody BC V3H 3K9 JUDGES ASSIGNMENTS Friday Saturday Sunday BEST IN SHOW LEVEL TORRE-SIMOES JAKKEL BUCHANAN ALL SPORTING AND AND GROUP JAKKEL BUCHANAN TORRE-SIMOES All HOUND BREEDS & GROUP JAKKEL BUCHANAN TORRE-SIMOES All WORKING BREEDS & GROUP BUCHANAN CUMMINS JAKKEL All TERRIER BREEDS & GROUP SIMOES JAKKEL BUCHANAN TOY BREEDS (except **) GROUP SIMOES JAKKEL BUCHANAN **Pekingese, Pug NON-SPORTING BREEDS (except ***) & GROUP SIMOES SIMOES POSTGATE JAKKEL BUCHANAN BUCHANAN ***Boston Terrier JAKKEL POSTGATE BUCHANAN All HERDING BREEDS & GROUP BUCHANAN CUMMINS JAKKEL JUNIOR HANDLING SEELING WHITEHEAD WHITEHEAD JUV. SWEEPSTAKES MALES AND BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES JUVENILE SWEEPSTAKES FEMALES VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES HORTON STAINES HORTON Classes offered. FRIDAY MARCH 28, 2015: Regular Classes: Junior Puppy Class; Senior Puppy Class; 12-18 Month Class; Canadian Bred Class; Bred By Exhibitor Class; Open Class; and Specials Only. Exhibition only. Non Regular classes of Baby Puppy** and Veterans**. Owner-Handled Competition**. Junior Handling: All Classes offered and Best Overall. SATURDAY MARCH 29, 2015: Regular Classes: Junior Puppy Class; Senior Puppy Class; 12-18 Month Class; Canadian Bred Class; Bred By Exhibitor Class; Open Class; and Specials Only. Exhibition only. Non Regular classes of Baby Puppy**; Veterans**; Brace**. Bred by Exhibitor Competition.**. Unofficial competitions of Juvenile Sweepstakes. Junior Handling: All Classes offered and Best Overall. SUNDAY MARCH 30, 2015: Regular Classes: Junior Puppy Class; Senior Puppy Class; 12-18 Month Class; Canadian Bred Class; Bred By Exhibitor Class; Open Class; and Specials Only. Exhibition only. Non Regular classes of Baby Puppy** and Veterans**. Owner-Handled Competition**. Unofficial competition of Veteran Sweepstakes. Junior Handling: All Classes offered and Best Overall. **Competition to the Best in Show level. See “Classes” section of this premium list for more information. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 3 Prizes Offered Oceanside Kennel Club offers a rosettes for each Show and Group level awards. Purina Canada offers a food product each day for: Best in Show Best Puppy in Show Best Baby Puppy in Show Best Veteran in Show Best Brace in Show (Saturday Only) Group Placements (1st to 4th) Best Puppy in Group Best Veteran in Group Best Baby Puppy in Group Best Brace in Group (Saturday Only) Best In Show on Saturday is recognized on the Joyce Moulton (Texanda Reg’d) Perpetual Trophy. Canadian Dog Fancier offers a $200. gift certificate towards advertising or subscriptions for each Best in Show. Canadian Dog Fancier offers a $100. gift certificate towards advertising or subscriptions for each Best Puppy in Show. JUVENILE SWEEPSTAKES SATURDAY MARCH 28 NOON CLASSES: Junior (6 months to under 9 months); Senior (9 months to under 12 months); and Yearling (12 months to under 18 months). All classes are divided by sex. FORMAT: This sweepstakes is open to all dogs six months and under eighteen months on the day of the sweepstakes regardless of place of birth. All entrants must also be entered in a regular class on Saturday. The first place winners from each class will compete together for the award of Best in Sweepstakes. Runner-Up will be chosen from the remaining class winners. AWARDS: All Placements receive a Rosette plus, BEST OVERALL IN SWEEPSTAKES 15% OF TOTAL FEES RUNNER-UP IN SWEEPSTAKES 10% OF TOTAL FEES FIRST IN EACH CLASS 20% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES SECOND IN EACH CLASS 15% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES THIRD IN EACH CLASS 10% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES FOURTH IN EACH CLASS 5% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES Balance of 25% will be retained by the club to defray costs. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES SUNDAY MARCH 29 NOON CLASSES: 7 to 9 years, 9 years to 11 years, 11 years and older. FORMAT: This sweepstakes is open to all dogs 7 years of age and older on the day of the sweepstakes regardless of place of birth. All entrants must also be entered in a regular class on Sunday. The first place winners from each class will compete together for the award of Best in Sweepstakes. AWARDS: All Placements receive a Rosette plus, BEST OVERALL IN SWEEPSTAKES 10% OF TOTAL FEES FIRST IN EACH CLASS 25% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES SECOND IN EACH CLASS 20% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES THIRD IN EACH CLASS 15% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES FOURTH IN EACH CLASS 10% OF TOTAL CLASS FEES Balance of 20% will be retained by the club to defray costs. JUNIOR HANDLING EACH DAY JUNIOR HANDLING Junior Handling registration will be at the show secretaries table. Complete entries only. Entry deadline is one hour before the start of the event. Best Overall offered. Prizes: Oceanside Kennel Club offers rosettes are offered for all placements. Purina offers a Gift Bag for Best Overall each day. Purina offers a Gift bag to all Junior Handling Participants on Saturday March 28. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 4 Supported Entry and Boosters Booster for ENGLISH AND AMERICAN COCKER SPANIELS FRIDAY MARCH 27 JUDGE: DR TAMAS JAKKAL BC COCKER SPANIEL CLUB Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, BEST PUPPY IN BREED and BEST BABY PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs. Gail Bradshaw (604) 607-8821 Supported Entry for GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTERS SATURDAY MARCH 28 JUDGE: MS JANET BUCHANAN PARADOR GERMAM SHORT HAIRED POINTERS Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms. Janet Atkinson (604) 534-7454 B o o s t e r f o r A F G H A N H O U N D S F R I D AY M A R C H 2 7 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L A F G H A N H O U N D C L U B O F B C Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Lorianne Amadeo (604) 882-9611 B o o s t e r f o r A F G H A N H O U N D S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 JUDGE: MS JANET BUCHANAN A F G H A N H O U N D C L U B O F B C Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, RESERVE WINNERS MALE, RESERVE WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Lorianne Amadeo (604) 882-9611 B o o s t e r f o r A F G H A N H O U N D S S U N D AY M A R C H 2 9 J U D G E : M R R I C A R D O TO R R E S I M O E S A F G H A N H O U N D C L U B O F B C Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Lorianne Amadeo (604) 882-9611 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B A S E N J I S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 JUDGE: MS JANET BUCHANAN B O N N I E ’ S B A S E N J I ’ S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Bonnie Dick (250) 295-3080 Supported Entry for BEAGLES FRIDAY MARCH 27 JUDGE: DR TAMAS JAKKAL Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED C o n t a c t : M r Wa y n e J D a v i d s o n ( 7 7 8 ) 3 9 5 - 3 6 4 7 Supported Entry for BEAGLES SATURDAY MARCH 28 JUDGE: MS JANET BUCHANAN Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED C o n t a c t : M r Wa y n e J D a v i d s o n ( 7 7 8 ) 3 9 5 - 3 6 4 7 Supported Entry for BEAGLES SUNDAY MARCH 29 JUDGE: MR RICARDO TORRE SIMOES Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED C o n t a c t : M r Wa y n e J D a v i d s o n ( 7 7 8 ) 3 9 5 - 3 6 4 7 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r R H O D E S I A N R I D G E B A C K S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 JUDGE: MS JANET BUCHANAN A S H A N T I R E G ’ D Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Joyce Strobel (604) 209-0610 BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 5 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r A K I T A S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : M R S P AT R I C I A C U M M I N S D A N S I N G A K I T A S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, AND BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Liz Coventry (604) 534-5683 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B E R N E S E M O U N T A I N D O G S S U N D AY M A R C H 2 9 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L B O N N I E ’ S B E R N E S E Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. HIGHEST SCORING IN OBEDIENCE Contact: Mrs Bonnie Dick (250) 295-3080 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B O X E R S S U N D AY M A R C H 2 9 J U D G E : D R . TA M A S J A K K A L B O X J O Y B O X E R S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. C o n t a c t : D r C o r r y Va n D e r E n d e ( 6 0 4 ) 3 7 2 - 0 3 3 4 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B U L L M A S T I F F S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : M R S PAT R I C I A C U M M I N S K I N A N A M A B U L L M A S T I F F S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Sylvia Lawton (604) 531-3895 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r W E L S H T E R R I E R S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L D A R W Y N W E L S H T E R R I E R S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Larisa Hotchin (604) 820-4848 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r W E L S H T E R R I E R S S U N D AY M A R C H 2 9 J U D G E : M S J A N E T B U C H A N A N D A R W Y N W E L S H T E R R I E R S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Larisa Hotchin (604) 820-4848 B o o s t e r f o r C H I H U A H U A L O N G C O A T S U N D AY M A R C H 2 9 J U D G E : M R S J A N E T B U C H A N A N T H E C H I H U A H U A C L U B O F B C Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Edna St Hilaire (604) 521-0922 B o o s t e r fo r C H I H UAH UA S H OR T C OAT S UN D AY MARCH 29 JUD G E : MRS JAN E T B UCH AN AN T H E C H I H UAH UA C L UB O F B C Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Edna St Hilaire (604) 521-0922 B o o s t e r fo r C H I NE S E C R E S T E D SAT URD AY MARCH 28 JUD G E : D R TAMAS JAKKAL C H I NE S E C R E S T E D C L UB OF BC Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, BEST PUPPY IN BREED AND BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Stephanie Eckstein (604) 796-2469 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r C O T O N D E T U L E A R S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L W H I T E P E A R L C O T O N S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Lorna Christie (604) 576-4669 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r H A V A N E S E S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L M Y L A D & H U G A B R E W H A V A N E S E Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. C o n t a c t : M R S L A U R E N G O E B E L A N D M R S P AT P A R K H O U S E ( 7 7 8 ) 5 4 9 - 9 7 8 0 BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 6 Supported Entry for MINIATURE PINSCHERS S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L TERALEA KENNELS Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, BEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Myrna and Dixie Keyser (778) 298-3058 Supported Entry for POMERANIANS FRIDAY MARCH 27 JUDGE: MR RICARDO TORRE SIMOES POMHAVEN POMERANIANS Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Colleen Beland (604) 594-3394 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B O S T O N T E R R I E R S F R I D AY M A R C H 2 7 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L RODONNA BOSTONS Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Donna Cole (604) 534-6928 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B O S T O N T E R R I E R S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : M R S M A R I O N P O S T G AT E W A Y L I N ’ S B O S T O N S Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. C o n t a c t : M r s L i n d a M o s s ( 6 0 4 ) 8 5 6 - 2 6 1 7 M i c h a e l a n d Te r e s a B r e r e t o n ( 6 0 4 ) 8 5 7 - 2 6 5 2 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B O S T O N T E R R I E R S S U N D AY M A R C H 2 9 J U D G E : M S J A N E T B U C H A N A N DORKAY BOSTONS Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Ms Kathy McCracken (778) 298-6254 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B U L L D O G S F R I D AY M A R C H 2 7 J U D G E : M R R I C A R D O T O R R E S I M O E S FINE TUNED FRENCHIES Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, RESERVE WINNERS MALE, RESERVE WINNERS FEMALE AND BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Brenda Anwyll (604) 307-8957 S u p p o r t e d E n t r y f o r B U L L D O G S S AT U R D AY M A R C H 2 8 J U D G E : D R TA M A S J A K K A L Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, BEST PUPPY IN BREED and FIRST IN EACH CLASS. Contact: Mrs Kate McKee (250) 546-9741 Booster for FRENCH BULLDOG FRIDAY MARCH 27 JUDGE: MR RICARDO TORRE SIMOES FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB OF WESTERN CANADA Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, RESERVE WINNERS MALE, RESERVE WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Brenda Anwyll (604) 307-8957 Supported Entry for FRENCH BULLDOG SATURDAY MARCH 28 JUDGE: DR TAMAS JAKKAL FINE TUNED FRENCHIES Suitable prizes will be offered for the following awards: BEST IN BREED, BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX IN BREED, BEST OF WINNERS, WINNERS MALE, WINNERS FEMALE, RESERVE WINNERS MALE, RESERVE WINNERS FEMALE and BEST PUPPY IN BREED. Contact: Mrs Brenda Anwyll (604) 307-8957 BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 7 OVERNIGHT R.V. PARKING 2015 PARKING WILL BE A FIRST COME-FIRST SERVE BASIS. Overnight Parking is available from 2:00 pm Thursday March 26, 2015 Overnight Parking with no power $31.50./day/night prepaid or $35. cash at arrival. Overnight Parking with power $36.75/day/night prepaid or $40. cash at arrival. To prepay contact: 604-576-9461 RESERVED GROOMING SPACE Due to substantive increased rental fees of both buildings grooming will be available by reservation. On line reservation at the www.lowermainlanddogfanciersofbc.com VENDOR INQUIRIES Fee is $150. for 10’ x 10’ Space on Concourse. Email Jonathan at mdfury@dccnet.com. RENT A RING On line reservation. Thursday and Friday evening. Fee is $20/hr. Click Here HOST HOTEL Located right off Highway 1 the Sandman Hotel Langley features 144 well-appointed guest rooms including executive, kitchen and one-bedroom suites. Dine at Denny’s 24 hour Restaurant or relax with friends at the Shark Club Bar and Grill. You’ll find all of the comforts of home at the Sandman Hotel Langley. Whether it’s a meal in one of our acclaimed restaurants, the convenience of room service, or simply making good use of the fitness facilities, you can always count on our legendary hospitality to meet your every need - when you’re staying with Sandman, rest assured that you’ve made the smart choice. Oceanside Kennel Group booking code 303277 SANDMAN HOTEL LANGLEY www.sandmanhotels.com 8855 202nd St | Langley BC | V1M 2N9 Phone : 604-888-7263 | Fax: 604-888-7271 | Direct 604 888-7209 Standard Queen Standard King Standard Twin Studio Suite Jr. Corporate Suite Executive Queen Suite Bed(s) 1 Queen 1 King 2 Double Beds 1 Double 1 King 1 Queen Rate $90 $90 $90 $90 $105 $122 BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 8 HOW AND WHERE TO ENTER THE SHOWS ON LINE ENTRIES or for MAIL OR FAX ENTRIES GO TO WWW.BCDOGSHOWSERVICESLTD.CA AND PRINT A PDF OF THE APPROPRIATE ENTRY FORM. COMPLETE IT AND MAIL IT TO EITHER OF THE ADDRESSES BELOW SO IT IS RECEIVED BY THE DEADLINE!! OR FAX TO 778-395-7404 BC Dog Show Services Ltd, 151-10090-152nd Street, Box #504 Surrey, B.C., Canada V3R 8X8 (UPS outlet) BC Dog Show Services Ltd. PO Box 2010 Blaine, WA, USA 98231-2010 (USPS postal outlet) 1 D og 3 Fr ee da !!! ys S a E fr (re nt ho ee g er w sh ula on Ca ow r c li ta n l ca las e ogu s ta e e lo s) gu a e. nd re ce iv e GO TO WWW.BCDOGSHOWSERVICESLTD.CA We will not accept entries we can not read in full. We are not responsible for errors in transmission. Make sure you fax the correct side of the paper. IF YOU INCLUDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ON THE ENTRY FORM WE WILL CONFIRM THE RECEIPT OF YOUR ENTRY. B.C. Dog Show Services Ltd. considers the exhibitor the customer. We do not charge processing fees, credit card fees, etc! The fees owing are the fees you are charged. While we would prefer you enter as early as possible, we do not penalize you, the customer, for entering prior to closing date. We value your business and thank-you for choosing this event. PAYMENT OF FEES All fees are payable to B.C. DOG SHOW SERVICES LTD. All fees include GST. We do not accept post-dated cheques or telephone entries. If you enter on-line with us you will receive a PDF attachment of your completed entry form within 1 hour of transmitting your entry. Please review for errors. If you have not received this copy your entry was not received, therefore please enter well before closing time. Entries may be paid by Cheque, Visa, Mastercard, Money Order or Bank Draft. We do not accept cash. Payment must accompany all entries. Declined credit cards or cheques are considered non-payment of entries (S. 8 CKC Rules & Regulations) FREE, CONVENIENT, SECURE, ON-LINE SERVICE The BCDSS Online entry system, allows account holders to create an account, view their entries until closing time and receive a PDF of their entry within an hour. GO TO WWW.BCDOGSHOWSERVICESLTD.CA NO ADDITIONAL FEES!! DAILY ENTRY FEES All taxes are included in fees es !!! Sr Pup., 12-18 Months, Cdn Bred, Bred by Exh., Open, Specials Only fe Junior Puppy ss in g Baby Puppy or pr oc e Exhibition Only Brace Brace ha r ge Veterans Competition su rc Veterans Competition ad di tio na l Bred by Exhibitor Competition Owner Handled Competition All Sweepstakes 18 15 Free If either are entered in Exhibition Only 10 If entered in a regular class Free If entered in Exhibition Only 10 Must also be entered in a regular class Free Must also be entered in a regular class Free Must also be entered in a regular class 15 If the dog does not have a CKC, ERN, MCN, number 8.92 Free N Junior Handling 23 If both dogs are entered in a regular class o Daily Listing Fee (regular class) Fee 29 Catalogue (on line entry only) 1 Dog 3 day regular class entry on the same form Pre Ordered Catalogue Free 7 BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 9 Classes CONFORMATION CLASSES: Regular The rules below are paraphrased. Please refer to S. 12 of C.S.R.&R. 12.2.1 Regular official classes at a CKC conformation show shall be as described in (a) to (i) of this section. All classes must be divided by sex (except for Specials Only). Only dogs entered in one of the regular, non- regular, or unofficial classes shall be allowed within the show precincts. (a) Junior Puppy Class Dogs 6 months of age and under 9 months of age on the day of the show. (b) Senior Puppy Class Dogs 9 months of age and under 12 months of age on the day of the show. (c) 12-18 Month Class (All-Breed Shows) Dogs 12 months of age and under 18 months of age on the day of the show. (e) Canadian Bred Class. Dogs born in Canada. Champions of any country are excluded. (f) Bred By Exhibitor Class. Dogs owned and handled in the ring by the breeder.The handler must be the owner/co-owner and breeder/co-breeder of the dog.The owner/ breeder must handle the dog in this class, but need not handle the dog for further awards. (g) The Open Class. All dogs. (i) Specials Only Dogs which have a recorded CKC registration, Event Registration Number (ERN) or Miscellaneous Certification Number (MCN) and have attained the required points for Championship status. All awards earned at the show will be cancelled if it is found that a dog is not registered or has not completed the requirements for a CKC Championship. Dogs entered in this class will compete for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex and Best Puppy if eligible. CONFORMATION CLASSES: Non-Regular 12.6.1 The non-regular classes allowed at a CKC conformation show shall be as described in this section. If offered, these classes must be included in the premium list. A dog entered in the Brace or Team class that is spayed/neutered must be entered in an Altered Class or in Exhibition Only. (a) Baby Puppy Class Dogs 3 months of age and under 6 months of age on the day of the show. The award for this class are: Best Baby Male and Best Baby Female Best Baby Puppy in Breed Best Baby Puppy in Group Best Baby Puppy in Show (b) Veterans In this optional class for All Breed Shows, dogs must be 7 years of age and over on the day of the show. Dogs entered in this class may be spayed or neutered. The awards for this class are: Best Male Veteran and Best Female Veteran Best Veteran in Breed Best Veteran in Group Best Veteran in Show A Veteran awarded Best Veteran in Breed is not required to stay to compete for Best Veteran in Group. A Veteran awarded Best Veteran in Group is not required to stay to compete for Best Veteran in Show. Brace Class At an all-breed or specialty show a club may, but is not required to, offer a Brace Class. This class shall be for 2 dogs of the same breed (not necessarily of the same sex). A Brace should be judged as an identical pair – same colour, size, gait, and same stride. When viewed from the side they should appear as one dog and its shadow. A brace must be handled by 1 person on 1 lead. Exhibition Only: All dogs entered in this class shall be listed in the catalogue with the same particulars as dogs entered in regular competitions. Dogs entered in this class may not compete in any Regular class but may enter and compete in Non-Regular classes and/or Parades if provided for in the premium list. When any or all of the above described non- regular classes are offered, and including Altered Classes as described in Section 13, these classes will be judged after Best Puppy in Breed, after Best Puppy in Group and before Best In Show, in the following order: Baby Puppy Veterans Altered Brace Team Exhibition Only. Free!!! Show Catalogue Enter on line 1 Dog 3 days (regular classes) and receive a free show catalogue. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 10 Owner Handled Competition (an unofficial competition) Exhibitor Eligibility 1. Exhibitors must declare their dog Owner Handled Competition eligible at the time of entry using the check box on the entry form. 2. The handler must be an owner of record listed in the catalogue. 3. Professional handlers, household members and current assistants to professional handlers may not exhibit. Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers’ organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for pay or received payment for handling a dog. 4. Dogs must be handled by an owner-handler throughout the breed level competition for the regular show. This includes the class competition and subsequent competition in the breed ring. The same is true for all levels of group and show competition. 5. The Best Owner Handled in Breed will be selected from the eligible dogs that competed in the Best of Breed competition for the regular show. This includes Winners Dog, Winners Bitch. This excludes all dogs defeated during class and winners competition for the regular show. Determining Best Owner Handled in Breed The selection of the Best Owner Handled in Breed is held immediately following regular judging of that breed in the same ring. The ring steward will excuse all exhibitors not eligible. The judge will then award Best Owner Handled in Breed. Judging of the breed for the regular show may determine the dog that is awarded the Best Owner Handled in Breed. Guidelines: • If the Best of Breed winner of the regular show is eligible for Best Owner Handled in Breed it will also be awarded Best Owner Handled in Breed. In this case the dog will be eligible to compete in group competition for the regular show and group competition for Best Owner Handled in Group. • If the regular show Best of Breed winner is not eligible for Best Owner Handled in Breed and the regular show Best of Opposite Sex is eligible, the regular show Best of Opposite Sex to will compete against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine Best Owner Handled in Breed. • If neither the Best of Breed nor the Best of Opposite Sex from the regular show is eligible for the Best Owner Handled in Breed and both the Select Dog and Select Bitch are eligible, the judge is to choose Best Owner Handled in Breed from the Selects and any eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. • If one of the Selects from the regular show is eligible for Best Owner Handled in Breed, excuse all eligible champions and then choose Best Owner Handled in Breed from the remaining eligible dogs of the opposite sex including the eligible Winners. • If the regular show Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch are not eligible, the judge may choose any eligible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as the Best Owner Handled in Breed. If no dog remaining in the ring is eligible for the Best Owner Handled in Breed competition, no award will be made and there will not be representation in group competition for the Best Owner Handled in Group. Group and Best in Show Competition • In the Group and Best in Show competition, the dog must be handled throughout the competition by an eligible owner. • Group judging for the Best Owner Handled in Group may take place in separate rings from regular group judging. • Judging for the Best Owner Handled in Show after regular Best in Show judging. Bred by Exhibitor Competition (an unofficial competition) Exhibitor Eligibility 1. Exhibitors must declare their dog eligible for Bred By Exhibitor Competition at the time of entry using the check box on the entry form. 2. The handler must be a breeder of record listed in the catalogue. 3. Dogs must be handled by a listed breeder throughout the breed level competition for the regular show. This includes the class competition and subsequent competition in the breed ring. The same is true for all levels of group and show competition. 4. The Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed will be selected from the eligible dogs that competed in the Best of Breed competition for the regular show. This includes Winners Dog, Winners Bitch. This excludes all dogs defeated during class and winners competition for the regular show. Determining Best Bred By Exhibitor in Breed The selection of the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed is held immediately following regular judging of that breed in the same ring. The ring steward will excuse all exhibitors not eligible. The judge will then award Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed. Judging of the breed for the regular show may determine the dog that is awarded the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed. Guidelines: • If the Best of Breed winner of the regular show is eligible for Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed it will also be awarded Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed. In this case the dog will be eligible to compete in group competition for the regular show and group competition for Best Bred by Exhibitor in Group. • If the regular show Best of Breed winner is not eligible for Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed and the regular show Best of Opposite Sex is eligible, the regular show Best of Opposite Sex to will compete against the eligible exhibits of the other sex to determine Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed. • If neither the Best of Breed nor the Best of Opposite Sex from the regular show is eligible for the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed and both the Select Dog and Select Bitch are eligible, the judge is to choose Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed from the Selects and any eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. • If one of the Selects from the regular show is eligible for Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed, excuse all eligible champions and then choose Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed from the remaining eligible dogs of the opposite sex including the eligible Winners. • If the regular show Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch are not eligible, the judge may choose any eligible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed. If no dog remaining in the ring is eligible for the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Breed competition, no award will be made and there will not be representation in group competition for the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Group. Group and Best in Show Competition • In the Group and Best in Show competition, the dog must be handled throughout the competition by an eligible breeder. • Group judging for the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Group may take place in separate rings from regular group judging. • Judging for the Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show is after regular Best in Show judging. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 11 EXTRACTS FROM CKC: Conformation Rules & Regulations, Championship Points 4.1.3 A judge officiating at a show held under these rules shall not be subjected to indignities of any kind during the progress of the show. It shall be the duty and obligation of the club holding the show to see that this rule is effectively carried out. 4.5.1 A judge shall have the right to measure in the ring and weigh or have weighed by the superintendent, any dog whose breed standard list height or weight as a disqualification. 5.1.6 The officials of a show-giving club will be held responsible for the conduct of exhibitors and spectators during the show. Any person acting in an objectionable manner must be removed from the show on complaint to the Show Superintendent. 8.2.2 A show-giving club must reject an incomplete entry form and return it immediately to the sender. 8.2.5 An error in an age specified class, date of birth, or sex, may be amended on the entry form up to one hour before the start of the show. 8.3.1 Every dog entered in a conformation show must be one of the following: (a) registered with the CKC, (b) have an Event Registration Number, (c) eligible for registration with the CKC, or (d) if it belongs to a listed breed, it must have a Miscellaneous Certification Number (M.C.N.). 8.4.1 If a dog is not registered as in 8.3.1 (a) or (b) but is eligible for registration with the CKC, it may be entered at a show as a listed dog provided 8.4.2 Entry of a listed dog as a show must be accompanied by a listing fee as set by the Board in addition to the regular entry fee. 8.9.1 A dog that is registered in the records of the CKC or that has a M.C.N. and has completed the requirements for a championship in accordance with these rules but at the time of the closing of entries for show has not received confirmation of the title, may be transferred from one of the regular classes to Specials Only providing the transfer is submitted of the Show Secretary in writing by the owner or handler at least one hour prior to the opening of the show. 8.9.3 When one or more all-breed and/or specialty shows are held on the same day, in the same venue, the request for moving of class dogs to specials must be made a minimum of one hour prior to the scheduled start of the show for which the dog is being moved up to. 12.4.1 Except for Puppy in Group or Show, an owner or handler shall be subject to disciplinary action for withholding a dog from competing for higher awards for which that dog is eligible. Any dog so withheld or absent will result in the cancellation of all awards won at that show (unless the dog is excused by the Show Superintendent). 14.1.4 Once a dog has been disqualified for any reason at a conformation show, it may not be entered or shown at another show until the dog has ben reinstated by the CKC. All awards earned by a dog shown in violation of this section will be cancelled by the CKC and the owner of the dog is subject to disciplinary action. 19.7 It shall be the duty and obligation of the show-giving club to see that a judge, club official, volunteer, or any participant at an event held under these rules is not subject to indignities. The Conformation Show Committee Chair shall promptly report to the CKC any infringement of this regulation, and the Discipline Committee shall have the authority to take such action as it deems fit on receipt of a report indicating that this has occurred. 15.1.1 A dog awarded Winners at a conformation show shall be credited with a number of championship points (ranging from 0-5) and the number of championship points credited to a dog awarded Winners shall be as provided hereunder. 15.1.2 In counting the number of eligible dogs in competition, a dog that is disqualified, dismissed, excused or ordered from the ring by the judge shall NOT be included in the calculation for championship points. 15.1.2 The schedule to be employed in the determination of number of points awarded Winners shall be as follows: *DOGS COMPETING 1 2 3-5 6-9 10-12 13 & more POINTS ALLOCATED 0 1 2 3 4 5 *Includes the dog awarded Winners 15.1.3 If a dog awarded Winners is also awarded Best of Breed at the show, then all dogs competing in the breed, including Specials Only, shall be included in the total. 15.1.4 If a dog awarded Winners is also awarded Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, then all dogs of the same sex including those competing for Specials Only shall be included in the total. 15.1.5 If a dog awarded Winners is also awarded Best of Winners, then all dogs defeated directly or indirectly in the breed shall be included in the total provided: (a) that if born in Canada, it is eligible for individual registration; (b) that if not born in Canada, it is eligible for registration in the records of the CKC; (s) that if it is a foreign born and owned dog, an Event Registration Number or CKC registration number is obtained from the CKC within 30 days of the first show entered. 15.1.8 In addition to championship points allocated at the breed level, a dog awarded Winners which also places in the regular Group competition shall be credited with the following additional points provided that a dog was defeated at the Group level. Number of Dogs Competing at Placed Placed Placed Placed Group Level First Second Third Fourth 13 or more 5 4 3 2 10 to 12 4 3 2 1 6 to 9 3 2 1 1 (see rules for lower numbers) 15.1.9 A dog may not be credited with more than 5 championship points in a single show. 15.1.12 In order for a dog to be recognized as a Champion........., the dog must: (a) earn at least 10 championship points under at least 3 different judges; and (b) be registered...,have an..... ERN,...MCN. (c) have earned at least one 2 point win either at the breed or group level. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 12 15.2.1 The title of Grand Champion may only be earned after the completion of the CKC Conformation Championship. 15.2.2 Points for this title are only accumulated after the completion of the Conformation Championship and do not include the points earned in attaining the Conformation Championship. All required points are to be earned at the breed level. 15.2.3 To be awarded a Grand Champion title, a dog must attain a minimum of 20 points which must include one Best of Breed and a minimum of two wins of at least two points each. a) Grand Champion Point System Points towards the Grand Champion title are awarded to the Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, Select Dog and Select Bitch. Points are calculated based on the number of animals defeated at the breed level for the Best of Breed Winner and the number of similar sex dogs defeated for the other three (Best of Opposite, Select Dog, Select Bitch).The following schedule shall be employed in the determination of points awarded as follows: *DOGS COMPETING 1 2 3-5 6-9 10-12 13 & more POINTS ALLOCATED 0 1 2 3 4 5 15.2.4 The title of Grand Champion shall not be awarded retroactively and all points towards this title must be achieved after the date of January 1, 2013. 15.2.5 Points earned toward the Grand Champion title are to be recorded by the owner/handler on the form obtained from the Canadian Kennel Club. Once the owner/handler believes that their exhibit has attained the requirements for the Grand Champion title, the form may be submitted to the Canadian Kennel Club for verification and awarding of the title. 15.3 Grand Champion Excellent (GChEx) (48-06-12) 15.3.1 The title of Grand Champion Excellent may only be earned after the completion of the CKC Grand Championship title. 15.3.2 Points for this title may be accumulated at any time after the completion of the CKC Conformation Championship and do not include the points earned in attaining the Conformation Championship 15.3.3 A minimum of 100 points which must include one Best in Show or a Best of Breed at a Breed National Specialty (where a minimum of ten dogs have competed) or a Best in Multiple Breed Specialty with at least five breeds represented plus three group firsts or three Breed Specialty wins must be earned at Con- formation shows. a) Grand Champion Excellent point system 1st in Group or Best in Specialty Show 5 Points 2nd in Group or Best of Opposite Single breed Specialty Show 4 Points 3rd in Group 3 Points 4th in Group 2 Points (Note: no points are acquired if no other dog is present in the group) Best of Breed 1 Point (To earn the breed point, at least 5 dogs must be shown at breed level) Best in Show or Best in National Specialty Show or Best in Multi Breed Specialty Show 10 Points 15.3.4 Only the highest points earned at a single show are carried forward. For example, a dog that wins First in Group and then wins Best in Show, earns 10 points, not 15. 15.3.5 Additional Requirements The dog must have been awarded a Grand Champion title before being awarded a Grand Champion Excellent title. 15.3.6 The title of Grand Champion Excellent shall not be awarded retroactively. However, dogs that have been awarded the Grand Champion title prior to January 1, 2013 will be awarded the Grand Champion Excel- lent Title on application to the CKC.” 15.3.7 Additional Requirements To attain a Grand Champion title a dog must have been awarded a CKC performance title from any CKC event. A CGN or Herding Instinct Certificate are not considered performance titles for the awarding of this title. Notice of Agreement I (we) acknowledge that I (we), all exhibitors, handlers and patrons, know and abide by the “CKC Dog Show Rules” and “CKC Junior Handling Rules,” and that I am (we) agree that Oceanside Kennel Club has the right to refuse this entry for cause, which the Club shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of the Show and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I (we) agree to hold the Oceanside Kennel Club, their members, directors, officers, agents, superintendents or show secretary and the owner or lessor of the premises and any employees of the aforementioned parties, harmless from any claim for loss or injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of a dog while in or upon the show premises or grounds or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim, and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of a dog by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury to the dog, whether such loss, disappearance, theft, damage or injury be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the Club or any of the parties aforementioned, or by the negligence of any other person, or any other cause or causes. I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnify and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and all loss and expense (including legal fees) by reason of the liability imposed by law upon any of the aforementioned parties because of bodily injuries, including death at any time resulting therefrom, sustained by any person or persons, including myself (ourselves), or on account of damage to property, arising out of or in consequence of my (our) participation in this show, howsoever such injuries, death or damage to property may be caused and whether or not the same may have been caused and whether or not the same may have alleged to have been caused by negligence of the aforementioned parties or any of their employees or agents, or any other person. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 13 Rules and Regulations Governing Events The club reserves the right to remove any person(s) from the show and the show grounds. The Show Superintendent shall have full control of these shows and trials, which are governed by CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB (CKC) rules. Any person excused by the Show Superintendent or Veterinarian for any reason shall not, compete in any class for any awards for the balance of the shows, trials and or events. The Show committee will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for, or assume any liability in the event of accident or misfortune to either dogs, exhibitors, spectators or vendors. Exhibitors may be asked by the show superintendent for proof of third party liability insurance. Failure to produce may result in dismissal from the show grounds. Dogs must be on the grounds 1 hour prior to the judging of their breed. The owner of a dog entered in these shows is entirely responsible for any error in entering his/her dog regardless of how or by whom the entry was made. Exhibitors and handlers will be responsible for their dogs and equipment left at the show grounds. All recreational units will have buckets underneath for their sink drains. Any one found discharging water on the grounds will be removed by order of the Health Department, and may be subject to fine. If, because of civil disturbance or other acts beyond the control of the club, it is impossible to open or complete the show, there is no refund of entry. Dogs must be on leash at all times on the show grounds or within the show building with the exception of the obedience rings. Anyone using the grooming space in the Showbarn Building must remove all items by the end of Best in Show on March 29, 2015 or their items are deemed to be surrendered. Dogs may not be left in any building overnight. All dogs must be exercised in the grass areas at designated areas. Failure to observe this rule may result in dismissal. Plastic sheeting must be used under all exercise pens and up the sides to prevent a dog from urinating beyond the pen. Exhibitors are expected to maintain a clean area. Please be considerate when utilizing the building facilities. No dogs are permitted in the washrooms. No Dogs in in the seating or food line-up area of the food concession. The welfare of any children is deemed to be the responsibility of the guardian or parent. Please exercise control and restraint over your child’s behavior. The club is not responsible for lost or stolen property from exhibitors or vendors/concessions. Check for lost property at the security desk. The club reserves the right to refuse an individuals entries, for just cause. Delays waiting for dogs will not be possible and handlers with several breeds must arrange for alternative handlers if judging times for their dogs conflict. The club reserves the right of restricting exhibitors grooming space. Fire lanes in all areas will be maintained. A ramp will be available to judges at their discretion for examination of low, heavy set breeds. All exhibitors must follow direction by Cloverdale Exhibition personnel. ATTENTION FOREIGN EXHIBITORS All dogs that are foreign born and foreign owned that enter Canada for the purpose of entering CKC events will no longer require a CKC registration number but will require an EVENT REGISTRATION NUMBER (ERN). This ERN number does not register a dog with the CKC for breeding purposes, but rather enables a foreign born and foreign-owned dog to be awarded titles by the Canadian Kennel Club. Each dog must have its own ERN number. This EVENT REGISTRATION NUMBER MUST be applied for within 30 days of the first day of entering a CKC event. Dogs may be entered as “listed” however, failure to apply for an ERN number within 30 days of the first event MAY result in the cancellation of any wins, awards or score.To obtain an ERN number, simply do the following: send a photocopy of the dogʼs registration certificate showing current ownership, with a written request for an ERN number. Include with the above a cheque or money order (Canadian Funds) payable to the Canadian Kennel Club. Ensure that you provide your full return address to enable the ERN number is sent to you. Faxed requests will also be accepted. Please include your Visa/Mastercard number, expiry date, cardholders name and signature: Fax: 1-416-675-6506 Forward your request to The Canadian Kennel Club Shows and Trials Division Ste 400-200 Ronson Drive, Etobicoke, ON, Canada, M9W 5Z9 Copies of Dog Show/Obedience/Rally-O/Junior Event Rules can be purchased from the CKC order desk by calling 1-800-250-8040 or going to www.ckc.ca. Please note that fees are due and payable in Canadian dollars. Due to the consistently fluctuating currency rates, discounted cheques will not be accepted. Personal cheques will be accepted; however they are to be payable in Canadian funds. If you send a cheque in US funds, it must be made out for the full amount of the entry and no exchange will be refunded to the exhibitor. Please do not mark cheques “Payable in Canadian Funds” or “at Par”. They will not be cleared by the banks. To simply the process, we urge that you purchase bank drafts or money orders payable in Canadian funds. Government regulations require that to be brought into Canada, a dog must have a current rabies certificate dated at least 30 days prior to entry. Exhibitors are reminded that all American citizens will require an up to date passport or enhanced drivers’s license in order to travel to Canada and return to the United States. Free!!! Show Catalogue Enter on line 1 Dog 3 days (regular classes) and receive a free show catalogue. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 14 CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM OCEANSIDE KENNEL CLUB ALL BREED CONFORMATION ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDNIGHT ON WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 FRIDAY March 27 2015 SATURDAY March 28 2015 SUNDAY March 29 2015 All fees are payable to BC Dog Show Services Ltd. Deliver to 151-10090 152nd Street Box 504, Surrey, BC, Canada V3R 8X8 or PO Box 2010, Blaine, WA, USA 98231-2010 FEES: ENTRY $________ Listing $_______ CLASS ENTERED Junior Puppy Senior Puppy 12 to 18 Months Canadian Bred Bred by Exhibitor Open Specials Only Baby Puppy Exhibition Only Catalogue $_______ Total Enclosed $_______ Veteran Friday Saturday Sunday Bred by Exhibitor Sweepstakes (unofficial Competition) 6 to 9 months 9 to 12 months 12 to 18 months 7 to 9 years 9 to 11 years 11+ years Saturday OWNER HANDLED (unofficial Competition) Friday Sunday Brace Saturday Dog Information Registered Name of Dog _____________________________________________________________________ Male Female Breed:______________________________________________________________________ CKC Registration # CKC ERN # CKC PEN # Miscellaneous # Listed (No REG, ERN, MCN) dd mm yy Date of Birth ____________________ Puppy? Yes Insert Number Here:_______________ or “Listed” No Place of Birth Canada Elsewhere Breeder: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sire: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dam: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner(s) & Agent Information Confirmation to: Owner Agent Registered Owner: ________________________________________CKC Membership #_________________ Registered Co owner: _____________________________________ CKC Membership #_________________ Registered Co owner(s): ___________________________________CKC Membership #_________________ Owner(s) Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Name of Agent: ____________________________________________________________________________ Agents Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Agents Email: _____________________________________________________________________________ Payment by VISA MASTERCARD CHEQUE MONEY ORDER CREDIT CARD NUMBER:_________________________________________________ EXPIRY:____________ NAME OF CARDHOLDER:_____________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF CARDHOLDER:________________________________________________________________ I CERTIFY that I am the registered owner(s) of the dog or that I am the authorized agent of the actual owner(s) whose names I have entered above and accept full responsibility for all statement made in this entry in consideration of the acceptance of this entry. I (we) agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club and by any additional rules and regulations in the premium list. I have read and agree with the terms of the waiver posted in the premium list. This entry must be completed in full and signed for acceptance. BC Dog Show Services No Fee Electronic Entries!! Email address _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone Number_____________________________________________________________________________ CLOSING DATE IS MIDNIGHT WEDNESDAY MARCH 11, 2015 Signature of Owner or Agent _________________________________________________________________ 15
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