UAM Sports-Orthopedic Course 2015

Registration for April 4, 2015
About our Speakers…
Nat Grubbs, PT, OCS:
Nat Grubbs is the owner and Director of Clinical Services at
South Arkansas Rehabilitation in Monticello. South Arkansas Rehab provides outpatient physical therapy
(orthopaedics, sports, geriatrics, and pediatrics) and speech
therapy services, as well as aquatics, senior wellness, and
sports health/performance consultation services.
Phone Number
Nat has been in practice for 28 years, 20 as a boardcertified clinical specialist in orthopaedic physical therapy.
He has significant experience in professional presentation
and has published research in Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise, Isokinetics and Exercise Science, and
the Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy.
APTA Member #
Total Enclosed for Registration __________
Additional contributors to this course include:
Presented by Nat Grubbs, PT, OCS
Topics include:
Concussion management
Throwing injuries in youth baseball
Early single-sport specialization
Femoroacetabluar impingement in sports
Park Tipton, PT, DPT and L. R. Tyson, PT, DPT, CSCS
Please Make Registration Check to:
Arkansas Physical Therapy Association
P.O. Box 202
Conway, AR 72033
Dr. Tipton and Dr. Tyson practice at South Arkansas Rehab
Credits—This course is recognized by the
Board of Certification, Inc., to offer continuing
Type of Registrant
Course Fees
program has been approved for a maximum of 6.0
ArPTA PTA Member
Certified Athletic Trainers are responsible for
South AR Rehab Staff
claiming only those hours actually spent partici-
hours of
8:00am to 4:15pm
Category A continuing education.
pating the CE activity.
BOC Approved Provider Number: P8206
PT/PTA Students
April 4, 2015
education for Certified Athletic Trainers. This
ArPTA PT Member
ArPTA Business Meeting at Noon
Fred J. Taylor Library and Technology Center
Library Conference Room A
University of Arkansas Monticello
514 University Drive
Monticello, AR
Your registration confirmation will be sent by email.
Deadline to Register is March 25, 2015
To register online visit
For more information or questions call
P.O. Box 202
Executive Director
Conway, AR 72033
Becky Sewell
501-548-6003 ph or 479-858-2760 cell
Phone: 501-548-6003
Fax: 501-548-6003
Thank you South Arkansas Rehabilitation for
coco-sponsoring this course.
AR Physical Therapy Association
Contemporary Topics in Sports &
Orthopedic Therapy
(6.0 Contact Hours)
This course will cover the current “hot topics” in
sports and orthopaedic physical therapy (and in
the popular media, to a certain extent) including
concussion management, the epidemic of arm
injuries in youth baseball, the phenomenon of
early single-sport specialization, and the emergence of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) as
a source of hip pain in active young persons. This
course will provide contemporary, evidencedbased insights into each of these topics in a manner that is relevant to the clinical practice of
physical therapy.
Specific presentations and objectives:
“Contemporary management of acute and persistent concussion: a physical therapist’s guide
to assessment and treatment strategies.”
At the conclusion of this course, participants will
be prepared to:
1. Describe the pathophysiology and clinical
consequences of a concussion, and demonstrate an understanding that each concussion
is unique, and thus each patient should be
treated based on his/her unique clinical presentation;
2. Perform essential assessments, including the
patient interview, neurocognitive testing,
vestibulo-occular testing, and balance assessment;
3. Determine the primary clinical trajectory of a
persistent concussion injury based on the
assessment (trajectories include cognitive/
fatigue, migraine, vestibular, ocular, cervical,
and anxiety/mood);
4. Determine which patients need to be referred
to other medical disciplines (optometry,
ENT, primary care, neurology, mental health,
5. Provide physical therapy care as indicated,
including assisting in return-to-play and return-tolearn decision-making.
“The epidemic of shoulder and elbow injuries
in youth baseball: facts, fallacies, and forces
for positive change.”
At the conclusion of this course, participants will
be prepared to:
1. Describe what is known (based on research)
about identified risk factors related to shoulder and elbow injuries in youth pitchers;
2. Perform a brief pitching screen to identify
pitching pathomechanics;
3. Discuss expert-based and evidence-based
recommendations related to minimizing the
risk of shoulder and elbow injuries in youth
“An evidence-based look at early single-sport
specialization versus multisport participation:
which is best for performance and health?”
At the conclusion of this course, participants will
be prepared to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the historical development and growth of early singlesport specialization in the US;
2. Demonstrate an understanding of what the
available evidence shows with respect to
physical injury risks, psychosocial ramifications, and competitive success/opportunity in
those who specialize early compared to those
who do not;
3. Provide an intelligent and evidence-based
perspective on the best time frame to begin
specialization in a single sport (in other
words, is there a best time frame in which to
commit to a single sport, before which results
in an increased likelihood of physical injury
and burnout, but after which the athlete is too
far behind his or her peers to catch up from a
skill or competitive standpoint?).
“Hip pain and femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) in sports: what PTs need to
At the conclusion of this course, participants
will be prepared to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the types
of FAI (cam, pincer, and mixed);
2. Perform a physical examination and assessment that includes specific tests that
suggest the possibility of FAI;
3. Demonstrate an appropriate level of understanding of the non-PT means of definitively diagnosing FAI, including imaging
and injection techniques;
4. Provide rehabilitative interventions to clients with FAI (from both a non-surgical
and a post-surgical perspective).
Check out for information on other upcoming continuing education opportunities. You can also register and pay online at the website.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Concussion Management
Concussion Management
Lunch and ArPTA meeting
Epidemic of shoulder/elbow
injuries in youth baseball
Phenomenon of early single
sport specialization
FAI in Sports