SANDHILLS FEEDER CATTLE NEWS Volume 113 February 18, 2015 When Better Cattle Are Produced, the Sandhills Will Produce Them Bred Females JOHN KLOOZ, Purdum, Ne., PH: 308-834-3247 has for sale 110 black Angus heifers bred to Angus bulls. 50 were A.I.’d to Final Answer to start calving February 10. 60 were bull bred to sons of Pioneer. Ultrasound preg checked. GIERAU HEREFORDS, Rod & Brett Gierau, Springview, Ne., PH: 402-497-2593 or 2596 have for sale 10 black and black baldy heifers bred to black bulls to start calving March 1. STEVE & CAROL MORELAND, Merriman, Ne., PH: 402-322-0360 or 308-684-3405 have for sale 100 home raised, one iron, bred heifers. Bull bred to sons of Connealy C Thunder, ultra sounded. 70 will start calving Feb 22-March 31 and the other 30 will start calving in April. BOB & WES PELSTER, Elgin, Ne., PH: 402-843-8283 or 5411 have for sale 7 short term Angus cows bred to Angus bulls to start calving March 10, with an 80-day calving period. GREG & SUSAN GEHL, Ericson, Ne., PH: 308-750-0813 has 9 Angus bred heifers, bred to low birth weight Angus, Right Answer & Bismark sons, Due April 2-April 15. Ultrasound preg checked. TURNER RANCH, Valentine, Ne., PH: 402-376-5248 (Lawrence) or 402-322-0945 (Larry) has 10 two-year-old bred heifers for sale through private treaty. Heifers weigh around 1100 lbs, are bred to a low birth weight Angus bull and will calve in April. Heifer Sales TREFFER ANGUS RANCH, Broken Bow, Ne., PH: Loren 308-872-5595 or 308-870-1459, Bruce 308-3257463, Mike 308-631-9120 has 25 Registered Angus, open replacement heifers for sale. These heifers are show quality and home raised, weight 700+ lbs. KENNER INC, Wood Lake, Ne., PH: 402-967-3417 or 402-389-1202 has 100 black replacement quality heifers for sale. Heifers are bangs vaccinated and are UTD. JENSEN RANCH INC., Arthur, Ne., PH: 308-764-2239 has 45 black baldy heifers for sale. Heifers are all bangs vaccinated and weight 600+. Sire– Tipton and VanNew Kirk of Kirk Bulls. REED HAMILTON RANCH INC, Dave Hamilton, PH: 308-645-9765 has 155 SimAng heifers, approx. 600 lbs; non-implanted, BQA certified, continuous SimAng breeding for 25 years; 3 rounds of respiratory shots, weaned 4 months, average birth date is May 1, 2014. Cattle For Sale at Auction BOB & WES PELSTER, Bartlett, Ne., PH: 402-8435411 or 402-843-8283 will be selling 100 Angus replacement quality heifers on Monday, February 9 at Elgin Livestock. Heifers range from 650-700 pounds, are up to date on shots and boosters and OCB. Heifers are NHPC Certified. PELSTER BROTHERS, Ken & David Pelster, Bartlett, Ne., PH: 402-843-2463 (Ken) or 402-843-5546 (David) will be selling 120 Angus heifer calves on Monday, February 9 at Elgin Livestock in the afternoon . Calves are up to date on shots, bangs vaccinated, 625650 pounds and were weaned in the fall. R&D ANGUS, Robb Cook, Merriman, Ne., will be selling 40 Angus bulls on Thursday, February 12 at the Valentine Livestock Auction in Valentine, Ne., at 1:30pm. Bulls are sons of Fortunate, Juno 797 and Game Day. KELLER RANCH, Bob & Shane Keller, Valentine, Ne., PH: 402-376-5831 will sell 24 Hoffman Hereford X Keller Angus F1 replacement quality heifers on Friday, February 20 at Hoffman Ranch Bull Sale. 14 granddaughters of TH122 711 Victor 719T and 10 granddaughters of KJHVN 33N Redeem 485T ET. Sire identification tag. Heifers can be seen at Keller Ranch up until right before the sale and will then be at Hoffman Ranch for viewing. Projected weight is 700#. Bulls For Sale GEORGE KICKEN, Ainsworth, Ne., PH: 402-387-1338 has for sale full blood Irish Black yearling bulls. GIERAU HEREFORDS, Rod & Brett Gierau, Springview, Ne., PH: 402-497-2593 or 2596 have for sale 15 top quality horned Hereford bulls.18 months old. DICKE RANCH, Paul Dicke, Ewing, Ne., PH: 402-485-0376 or 402-942-2756 (c) is selling Irish Black Bulls, private treaty. Bulls are 18 months to 2-years-old. Add hybrid vigor and fertility to your herd. MONAHAN CATTLE CO., Hyannis, Ne., PH: 308-458-8014 has 14 Purebred Hereford, virgin bulls, born fall 2013. Area Auctions Atkinson Livestock Market, Atkinson, Ne., PH: 402925-5141 or 800-672-3492. Sale information coming soon! Burwell Livestock Market II LTD, Burwell, Ne., PH: 308-346-4257 will hold a Weigh Up Auction on Friday, Feb 20, a Special Calf, Feeder, Bred Cow & Heifer Auction on Friday, Feb 27, an Arrowsmith-Choat Bull Production Auction on Monday, March 2 and a Special Calf & Feeder Auction & RJ Cline Bull Auction on Friday, March 6. Bassett Livestock Auction, Bassett, Ne., PH: 402684-2361 will have No Sale on Wednesday, Feb 18, a Feeder Cattle Auction on Wednesday, Feb 25 and a Dickau Angus Ranch Complete Dispersion of Registered & Commercial Breeding Stock Sale at 1pm on Saturday, Feb 28. Crawford Livestock Market, LLC., Crawford, Ne., PH: 308-665-2220 will have No Sale on Friday, Feb 20 and a Special Feeder Sale on Friday, Feb 27. Ericson-Spalding Livestock Market, Erickson, Ne., PH: 308-653-3111 will hold a Special Cattle Auction on Saturday, 21 and 28. Gordon Livestock Auction Market Inc., Gordon, Ne., PH: 308-282-1171 will hold a Regular Cattle Sale on Tuesday, Feb 24, and a Regular Cattle Sale on Tuesday, March 3. Huss Livestock Market, Inc., Kearney, Ne., PH: 308234-2502 will hold a Special Calf & Feeder Auction on Wednesday, Feb 18, a Special Bred Heifer & Cow Auction on Monday, Feb 23 and a Special Calf & Feeder Auction on Wednesday, Feb 25. Lexington Livestock Market, Lexington, Ne., PH: 308324-4663 will hold a Special Calf & Feeder Auction on Friday, Feb 20 and a Special Calf & Feeder Auction on Friday, Feb 27. Martin Livestock Auction, Martin, S.D., PH: 605-6856716 will hold a Special Weigh Up Sale on Monday, Feb 23, a Special Weigh Up Sale at 11:00am MT on Monday, March 2. North Platte Livestock Auction, North Platte, Ne., PH: 308-534-1200 or 800-252-2855 will hold a Bred Cow & Bred Heifer Special Sale with a Calves & Feeder Cattle Sale on Tuesday, Feb 24. Ogallala Livestock Auction Market, Ogallala, Ne., PH: 308-284-2071 will hold a Regular Sale on Wednesday, Feb 18 and 25, a Special Stockcow & Bred Heifer Sale on Saturday, Feb 14, a Special Stocker & Feeder Sale on Thursday, Feb 19 and a Hayne’s Cattle Co Angus Bull Sale on Tuesday, Feb 24. Sheridan Livestock Auction Co. Inc., Rushville, Ne., PH: 308-327-2406 will hold a Special Weighup Cow & Bull Sale on Wednesday, Feb 18 and 25 and a Special Weigh Up Cow & Bull Sale on Wednesday, March 4. Valentine Livestock Auction Co., Valentine, Ne., PH: 402-376-3611 or 800-682-4874 will hold a Special Feeder & Replacement Heifer Sale on Thursday, Feb 19, a Special Bred Female Sale & Pasture View Angus Bull Sale on Thursday, March 5 and a Calvo Red Angus Bull Sale on Tuesday, March 10. WANTED: Buying & Placement Post Office Box 811 Valentine, Nebraska 69201 Doug Crouse Cellular 402.389.0111 402.376.1722 402.376.2633 P.O. Box 62 Valentine, Nebraska 69201 ALL NATURAL FEEDER CATTLE Your source for Sandhill & S.D. feeder cattle MIDWESTERN CATTLE CALL SHAWN (308) 650-1436 “Private treaty placement available – just call!” Specials on Thursday Advertised VALENTINE LIVESTOCK AUCTION 1-800-682-4874 or 402-376-3611 Production Sales OSTRAND/SLAGLE ANGUS, Mark & Kristin Slagle, Sargent, Ne., PH: 308-527-3470 or 888-527-7044 will be holding their Annual Bull Sale on Wednesday, February 18. HALL RANCH, Ed, Les & Rachel Hall, Bassett Ne., PH: 402-684-3845 (Les) or 402-684-3787 (Ed) will hold their Annual Angus Bull Sale on Wednesday, March 4 at Bassett Livestock Auction. Selling will be 90 2-year-old Angus bulls KREBS RANCH, Gordon, Ne., PH: 308-282-2021 (office), 308-207-5177 (Eldon), 308-360-1972 (Ty) or 308-360-3223 (Jake) will hold their Annual Production Sale on Thursday, February 19 at the ranch. CARL DETHLEFS & SONS, Jerry & Gary Dethlef, Rockville, Ne., PH: 308-372-3200 or 308-372-3248 will hold their 47th Annual Production Sale on Friday, March 6. HOFFMAN RANCH, Thedford, Ne., PH: 308-645-2780 or 530-604-5096 will hold their Bull Sale and Open Replacement Heifer Sale on Friday February 20 at the ranch. Selling will be 150 Hereford bulls, 50 Angus bulls, 20 SimAngus bulls all ranging from yearlings, 18 months and 2- year-olds. Also selling 300+ head of Open Replacement Heifers from the following ranches: Gerk Farms (Iliff, Co), Bob & Shane Keller (Goose Creek, Ne), Ray Blackford (Brownlee, Ne), Weber Ranch (Valentine, Ne) and Drew & Jordan Feller (Wisner, Ne). MINERT-SIMONSON ANGUS RANCH, Lowell Minert & JW Simonson, Dunning, Ne., PH: 308-538-2676 or 308-539-9010 will hold their Annual Performance Bull Sale on Saturday February 21 at the ranch. Selling will be 140 yearling bulls. TITUS RANCH, Tony and Joni Titus, Springview, Ne., PH: 402-322-0996 (Tony) will hold their Annual Angus Bull Sale on Friday, March 6 at their ranch. Selling will be 30 head of Commercial Black Angus yearling bulls. FLYING E ANGUS RANCH, Ryan & Cindi Edwards, White River, SD., PH: 605-452-3383 will hold a Bull Sale on Friday, March 6 at 12:30pm CST at Winner Livestock Auction in Winner, SD. Selling will be 55 two-year-old Angus bulls. SMITH FARMS ANGUS, Leonard & Linda Smith, Lynden & Alisa Smith, Hay Springs, Ne., PH:308-207-5037 (Leonard) or 308-430-5224 (Lynden) will be selling 100 Black and Red Yearling Bulls on Saturday, March 7 at the farm. Bulls are ulrasounded with guest consignor: Huntrods Red Angus. ARROW ONE ANGUS, Wayne Rundback, North Platte, Ne., PH: 308-530-4859 will hold their bull sale on Monday February 23. GREEN VALLEY CATTLE, Dennis & Sandra Garwood, Atkinson, Ne., PH: 402-925-2970 will hold their bull sale on Saturday, March 7. Selling will be 90 Angus Bulls and 55 Black Maine-Anjou Bulls. HAYNES CATTLE CO., Gale and Synthia Haynes, Holyoke, Co., PH: 970-520-9233 will be selling 100 yearling, Registered Angus bulls on Tuesday, February 24 at the Ogallala Livestock Auction Market. BARSTOW ANGUS RANCH, Neri & Patty Barstow, Springview, Ne., PH: 402-497-3448 or 402-322-0286 will hold their 24th Annual Rock Solid Bull Sale on Monday, March 9 at the ranch. SWANSON CATTLE CO., Jeff & Denice Swanson, Oxford, Ne., PH: 308-337-2235 or 308-991-0727 will hold their Annual Bull Sale on Saturday, February 28 at the ranch at 1 p.m. (CST) Selling will be 70 Balancer bulls, 40 Angus bulls and 15 open heifers. NICHOLS & SONS, David & Lynn Nichols, Chambers, Ne., PH: 402-482-5794 or 402-340-3810 will hold their Angus Bull Sale on Monday, March 9. GATEWAY GENETICS, Kevin Benes, Pierce, Ne., PH: 402-741-1479 will hold an Annual Bull Sale on Sunday, March 1 in Pierce, Ne. Selling will be 75 Angus, Simmental and Maine-Anjou yearling and twoyear-old bulls. FRED RANCH & SEEVERS ANGUS, Rose, Ne. and Anselmo, Ne., PH: office: 402-273-4236 or email: . Will be having a Joint Bull Sale on Saturday, March 2 at Burwell Livestock Market at 1:00p CST (Superior Auction-online). Selling will be fall yearling and summer yearling Angus and Charolais bulls. Cattle can be viewed anytime on the ranch. Contact for catalog and internet bidding info. HALL POKORNY RED ANGUS, Helen Hall, Bartlett, Ne., and Brad and Paula Pokorny, Stapleton, Ne., PH: 308-6362275 or 308-654-3220 will hold their 39th Annual Production Sale on Thursday, March 12 at 1 p.m. (CST) at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, North Platte, Ne. Selling will be 130 yearling bulls. HUEFTLE CATTLE COMPANY, Neil & Anita Hueftle, Cozad, Ne., PH: 308-529-0747 will hold their HXC Genetics, 12th Annual Red Angus Bull Sale on Friday, March 13 at 1pm at their ranch (6.2 miles N of I-80, exit 222). Selling will be 115 Yearling Bulls that are Purebred Red Angus, Commercial Red Angus, 1/2 & 1/4 Blood Simmental X Red Angus Bulls. (continued on next page) Production Sales RIPPE GELBVIEH, Duane & Dustin Rippe, Hubbell, Ne., PH: 402-324-4176 402-200-0096 (Duane) or 402316-4874 (Dustin) will hold their 16th Annual Gelbvieh Bull Sale on Saturday, March 14 at Belleville, Kans., at 1:30 p.m. Selling will be 100 bulls and 150 replacement heifers. KOBERSTEIN FARMS, Jason Koberstein, Ogallala, Ne., PH: 970-520-2385 will hold their Bull Sale on Saturday, March 14 at the Ogallala Livestock Market at 1:00 pm CDT. WAGONHAMMER RANCHES, Jay Wolf family & Myron Benes, O’Neill, Ne., PH: 402-395-2178 (jay) or 402-395-6962 (Myron) will be holding their Annual Total Performance Production Sale on Wednesday, March 18 at Shamrock Livestock Market at 12:30pm. Selling will be 175 Black Angus bulls and 15 Registers Angus heifers. GRAY’S ANGUS RANCH, Rod Gray, Harrison, Ne., PH: 308-668-2525 or 308-668-2525 (office) will be having their Performance Bull Sale on Saturday, March 21 at the ranch. Selling will be 125 yearlings and 30 2year-olds. RISHEL ANGUS, Bill & Barb Rishel, North Platte, Ne., PH: 308-534-5305 or 308-530-7999 will hold their 33rd Annual Angus Bull Sale on Monday, March 23 at the Ranch south of North Platte. Selling 100 Angus Bulls (Falls and Yearlings) and 30 Hereford Bulls from Hoffman Ranch SMITH ANGUS RANCH, Kent and Faye Smith, Bassett, Ne., PH: 402-244-5440 will hold their 26th Annual Angus Bull Sale on Friday, March 27th at the ranch. Selling will be 80 Yearling bulls and 30 Fall coming 2-year-olds. CONNEALY ANGUS, Jerry & Jed Connealy, Whitman, Ne., PH: 308-544-6552 or 2212 will hold their 46th Annual Angus Bull Sale on Saturday, March 28 at the Ranch. Selling will be 550 bulls included 425 yearlings and 125 coming 2-year-olds. A&B CATTLE, Arlen & Becky Sawyer, Bassett, Ne., PH: 402-684-2371 or 402-760-0232 will be having their 25th Annual Bull Sale on Thursday, April 2. Selling will be 150 Angus bulls, 25 fall coming 2-year-olds and 125 yearlings. Performance evaluated, semen tested and carcass compared. TREFFER ANGUS/DETHLEFS ANGUS/, Dutch & Craig Dethlefs and Loren, Bruce & Mike Treffer, Broken Bow Ne., PH: 308-872-5595 will be holding a Angus Production Sale on Friday, April 3 at Loup City Commission Co. Selling will be 60 yearlings, 10 2-yearolds and 5 fall yearlings. Sires include: Consensus, PA Safeguard, Angus Valley and Connealy Stimulus. KRAYE ANGUS RANCH, John, Julie & David Kraye, Mullen, Ne., PH: 308-546-7309 (john) or 308-546-7015 (david) will be holding their Angus Production Sale on Saturday, April 4 at the ranch. Selling will be 120 yearlings, sons of: Chisum, Broken Bow, Identity, Trustmark, Hoover Dam, South Dakota, Apex Windy, Upward, Franklin, Hero and more. HEBBERT CHAROLAIS, Dave Hebbert, Hyannis, Ne., PH: 308-458-2540 will hold their 33rd Annual Charolais Bull Sale on Saturday, April 11 at the Hebbert Sale Facility in Hyannis. Selling will be 125 ranch raised registered Charolais bulls. CAIN LAND & LIVESTOCK, Don & Maureen Cain, Broken Bow, Ne., PH: 308-872-6863 or 308-880-0831 will hold their Annual Bull Sale Cowboy Auction on Friday, May 1 at 1pm at their Ranch Headquarters. Selling will be 53 head of Red Angus & Hereford Bulls.
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