Anthem Golf & Country Club Adult Tennis Calendar: February 2015 Sun Mon 1 Men’s Invitational Doubles (I) 8-10am 8 Men’s Invitational Doubles (I) 8-10am 15 Men’s Invitational Doubles (I) 8-10am Tue 2 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Tennis University 101(P)10-11am ATA 5.0 (I) 9am 9 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Tennis University 101(P)10-11am ATA 3.0 (I) 9am USTA 4.0 Men (I) 7:30pm 16 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Tennis University 101(P)10-11am Wed 3 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL B3 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am 10 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL B2 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am USTA 4.0 Women (I) 7:30pm 17 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL B3 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am Thu 4 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL C1 (I) 9am ATA 4.5 (I) 9am Fri 5 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL A2 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am 11 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm Tennis Stroke of the Week (I) 1-2pm 6 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Fantastic 50s 4.0 (I) 9am 12 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL A4 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am 18 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Tennis University 101 (P)10-11am Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL C1 (I) 9am Tennis Stroke of the Week (I) 1-2pm Sat 19 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL A4 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am 13 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Free Member Appreciation (I) 8-9am 20 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Fantastic 50s 4.0 (I) 9am 7 Cardio Tennis (I) 8-9am ($10) Tennis University 101 (P) 9-10am Tennis University 202 14 Cardio Tennis (I) 8-9am ($10) Tennis University 101 (P) 9-10am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am 21 Cardio Tennis (I) 8-9am ($10) Tennis University 101 (P) 9-10am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am Australian Open 22 Men’s Invitational Doubles (I) 8-10am 23 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Tennis University 101 (P)10-11am ATA 5.0 (I) 9am USTA 4.0 Men (I) 7:30pm 24 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL B2 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am USTA 4.0 Women (I) 7:30pm 25 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Tennis University 101 (P)10-11am Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL C2 (I) 9am Tennis Stroke of the Week (I) 1-2pm 26 Pickleball Drop-In (P) 11am-1pm WITL A4 (I) 9am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am Margarita Cup All Programs held at Ironwood unless otherwise noted. Register for Classes at the Ironwood Fitness Club 623-551-6247. 27 Men’s Drop-In (P) 8-10am Fantastic 50s 4.0 (I) 9am Margarita Cup 28 Cardio Tennis (I) 8-9am ($10) Tennis University 101 (P) 9-10am Tennis University 202 (P)10-11:30am Margarita Cup Chris Brewer, Tennis Director USPTR, USPTA Pro 623.551-6247 Walter Hurd USPTA Tennis Pro 602.828.2872 Terry Bennett USPTA Tennis Pro 623.640.8478 Lesli Link USPTA Tennis Pro 623.670.0366 Carol Stuller USPTA Tennis Pro 719-650-3722 ADULT LESSON PATHWAY AND CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Anthem Tennis University: 10-week Adult Beginner Program. Learn how to PLAY tennis the first class! Program includes 6 weeks of drills, 3 weeks of supervised match play and lesson review, and final day tournament. Become a tennis player not someone who only knows how to play in only 10 weeks! Wednesday Mornings 10 -11am OR Saturday Mornings 9-10am Level II/III/IV - Stroke of the Week: This fast paced class will focus on a different technique or strategy each week. Drills are a combination of game-based and live balls. Looking to improve a different aspect of your game each week and receive a great workout? This class is for you! Wednesday Mornings from 11:30am-1pm Level II/III/IV - Drills and Skills: This fast paced class will focus on strategy, movement, and shot selection. In addition, players will develop more advanced technique. Receive a great workout and improve your decision making on the court! Thursday Mornings from 8-9:30am LEVEL 1 - ADULT BEGINNERS CLASS: Are you new to tennis? Did you play a while ago and want to start over with a sound foundation? Players will learn how to serve, rally and score along with the basics on forehand, backhand, volley and serve. $15/weekly session (minimum 4 people) LEVEL II – LOW INTERMEDIATE-INTERMEDIATE: Have you graduated from an Adult Beginner Class? Played for a while but with minimum instruction? In Level II you will be given proper stroke corrections, court positions for singles and doubles, scoring and proper technique. This class is not designed for beginners. $15/weekly session (minimum 4 people) LEVEL III – INTERMEDIATE HITTING DRILL CLASS: These hitting drills focus on specific skills and developing a higher level of play and consistency in ball striking, placement and strategically setting up and winning points. Great for the intermediate and above player who wants to improve their strokes by hitting tons of tennis balls. This class is not designed for beginners. $15/weekly session (minimum of 4 people) LEVEL III/IV – ADVANCED LIVE BALL: This competitive play class involves movement, strategy and hitting a ton of balls. All drills are competitive, fast paced and designed for players who are looking for a high-energy drill. Designed for Intermediate and Advanced Level Players. Pro Approval Required for Live Ball. Speak with Terry Bennett – USPTA Professional if this is the right class for you! $15/weekly session (minimum 4 people) ALL LEVELS – CARDIO TENNIS: These are highly-charged drills done to fast-paced, motivational music. You will get tremendous benefit out of this activity if you want to enjoy an extreme workout. The session is 60 minutes and not for the faint of heart! This is a drop-in drill and advanced registration is not required. $10/session – Sat Mornings from 8-9am Diva Doubles - Progressive Ladies Doubles League: 6 weeks. Winner moves up, Loser moves down. Cost is $30 includes balls each week League Award.
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