Great Basin Consortium Conference Climate programs, water limitations, and geospaces in the Great Basin Conference Program February 17-19, 2015 Boise State University Student Union Boise, Idaho, USA Participating Organizations: Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (GB-CESU) Great Basin Environmental Program (GB-EP) Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Project (GB-FSE) Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GB-LCC) Great Basin Research and Management Partnership (GB-RMP) Guest Partner: Great Basin Native Plant Project (GB-NPP) TABLE OF CONTENTS TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 WELCOME, KEYNOTE AND ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATES ........................................................................................................ 3 ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION: CLIMATE PROGRAMS .......................................................................................................... 3 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION: RESTORATION OF DRY SITES ............................................................................................... 4 ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION – GEOSPATIAL AND YOU – BROADSCALE ASSESSMENTS ..................................................... 5 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 ................................................................................................................................................................. 6 GREAT BASIN-NPP MEETING ................................................................................................................................................... 6 ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION – WATER IN THE DESERT...................................................................................................... 9 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 REGISTRATION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 MEETING LOCATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 FACILITY AMENITIES AND INFORMATION ....................................................................................................................................... 10 MEALS AND BREAKS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10 GETTING TO THE CONFERENCE ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 CAMPUS PARKING ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ......................................................................................................................................... 11 WIRELESS ACCESS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 11 GREAT BASIN CONSORTIUM - PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS ................................................................................................... 11 GREAT BASIN COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNIT (GB-CESU) .................................................................................... 11 GREAT BASIN ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM (GB-EP) ............................................................................................................ 11 GREAT BASIN FIRE SCIENCE EXCHANGE (GB-FSE) ................................................................................................................. 11 GREAT BASIN LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE (GB-LCC).................................................................................... 12 GREAT BASIN RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP (GB-RMP).............................................................................. 12 PLENARY SPEAKER .......................................................................................................................................................................... 13 ADDRESSING THE CONSERVATION CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY: WHY SCIENCE-BASED, LANDSCAPE-SCALE MANAGEMENT IS ESSENTIAL .......................................................................................................................................................... 13 PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS ............................................................................................................................................................ 13 CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION SCIENCE IN A CHANGING CLIMATE .. 13 CLIMATE PROGRAMS SESSION ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 NOAA WESTERN REGIONAL CLIMATE CENTER ...................................................................................................................... 14 USDA SOUTHWEST CLIMATE HUB......................................................................................................................................... 14 USDA NORTHWEST REGIONAL CLIMATE HUB ....................................................................................................................... 15 DOI SOUTHWEST CLIMATE SCIENCE CENTER ........................................................................................................................ 15 DOI NORTHWEST CLIMATE SCIENCE CENTER........................................................................................................................ 15 GREAT BASIN LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE................................................................................................... 16 [1] RESTORATION OF DRY SITES SESSION............................................................................................................................................. 16 SUCCESS OF SEEDING RELATIVE TO PRECIPITATION IN SAGEBRUSH STEPPE HABITATS OF THE GREAT BASIN .................... 16 SEEDING SUCCESSES ON DRY SITES IN SAGEBRUSH STEPPE, AND WHAT CAN BE LEARNED FROM THEM ........................... 17 DEVELOPING NATIVE PLANT MATERIALS FOR USE IN DRY SITE RESTORATION .................................................................... 17 USING FIELD EXPERIMENTS TO IDENTIFY THE MOST SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES FOR ESTABLISHING NATIVE GRASS SEEDLINGS IN OUR DRIEST SITES........................................................................................................................................... 18 SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF TECHNIQUES THAT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ......................................................................... 18 POSITIVE IMPACTS OF BRONCOS IN THE SAGEBRUSH STEPPE: BSU'S INNOVATIVE SCIENCE APPROACHES FOR DYNAMIC LANDSCAPE CHANGE ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19 WATER IN THE DESERT SESSION ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 MEASURING, MODELING, AND MAPPING WHOLE-YEAR VARIABILITY IN TEMPERATURE AND WATER AVAILABILITY IN GREAT BASIN STREAMS ......................................................................................................................................................... 19 CAMAS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, A WETLAND REFUGE IN TRANSITION ....................................................................... 20 GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATION, GROUNDWATER DEPENDENT ECOSYSTEMS, AND 3M PLANS IN THE GREAT BASIN .... 20 MODELING SURFACE EXPRESSIONS OF GROUNDWATER IN THE GREAT BASIN ................................................................... 21 RIPARIAN VEGETATION CONTROLS ON LOW FLOW DYNAMICS ........................................................................................... 21 AVIAN COMMUNITY RESPONSES TO ALTERED HYDRO-CLIMATIC HABITATS OVER 80 YEARS IN THE GREAT BASIN ............ 22 THE SALMONID POPULATION VIABILITY PROJECT: MODELING TROUT VIABILITY IN A DESERT LANDSCAPE UNDER CURRENT AND FORECASTED CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................... 22 POSTER SESSION | ABSTRACTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 23 BIRD ECOLOGY AND HABITATS .............................................................................................................................................. 23 SOCIOECONOMICS AND COLLABORATION ............................................................................................................................ 25 CLIMATE AND LANDSCAPE HYDROLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 29 PLANT ECOLOGY, TERRESTRIAL CARBON, AND CLIMATE EFFECTS ........................................................................................ 33 RESTORATION AND PLANT MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................ 40 REMOTE SENSING AND LANDSCAPE MODELING OF VEGETATION ........................................................................................ 46 PEOPLE AND THE HYDROSCAPE ............................................................................................................................................. 50 SPECIAL FEATURE ................................................................................................................................................................... 55 NOTES ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 56 [2] CONFERENCE SCHEDULE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 Boise State University Student Union – Lookout (3rd Floor) 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Great Basin-LCC Steering Committee meeting Convener: Todd Hopkins, Science Coordinator, Great Basin-LCC Student Union – Hatch D 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Friends of the Morley Nelson Birds of Prey National Conservation Area Student Union – Jordan A+E 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Registration and poster setup WELCOME, KEYNOTE AND ORGANIZATIONAL UPDATES Student Union – Jordan BC Moderator: Rick Kearney, BLM; Coordinator, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative 1:00 – 1:45 p.m. Welcome: Matt Germino, U.S. Geological Survey and Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative Plenary Speaker: Jim Lyons, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Land and Minerals Management, Department of the Interior 1:45 – 2:15 p.m. Organizational updates from partner organizations Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Maureen McCarthy Great Basin Environmental Program, Stan Johnson Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Project, Eugènie MontBlanc Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Todd Hopkins Great Basin Research and Management Partnership, Nancy Glenn Great Basin Native Plant Program, Francis Kilkenny 2:15 – 3:00 p.m. Challenges and Opportunities for Resource Management and Conservation Science in a Changing Climate Stephen Jackson, U.S. Geological Survey 3:00 – 3:20 p.m. Refreshment Break ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION: CLIMATE PROGRAMS The lead scientists for the main climate programs that fund or support climate-related research in the Great Basin will each give a short presentation on practical/administrative aspects of their program and what/how they fund projects climate challenges, opportunities, and priorities of their ecoregion what they are currently doing/producing for application. They will then hold a panel Q & A session to allow meeting participants to learn more about the challenges/opportunities of climate adaptation across the Great Basin, or questions relating to funding for projects. [3] Student Union – Jordan BC Moderator: Nancy Glenn, Professor, Department of Geosciences, Boise State University 3:20 – 4:45 p.m. Western Regional Climate Center, NOAA RISA, Kelly Redmond, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV USDA Southwest Climate Hub, Emile Elias, USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Las Cruces NM USDA Northwest Climate Hub, Bea Van Horne, USDA Forest Service, Corvallis OR DOI Southwest Climate Science Center, Steve Jackson, U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson AZ DOI Northwest Climate Science Center, Gus Bisbal, U.S. Geological Survey, Corvallis OR Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Todd Hopkins, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Reno NV Panel Q&A 4:45 – 5:15 p.m. Poster “Ignite” Oral Presentations I 5:15 – 7:00 p.m. Poster Session I and Reception Cash bar. Refreshments and hors d’oeuvres provided. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Boise State University Student Union – Hatch C 7:30 – 10:00 a.m. Great Basin-FSE business meeting Eugénie MontBlanc, Great Basin-FSE Coordinator ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION: RESTORATION OF DRY SITES There has been much attention on seeding success following the large wildfires that have been a primary driver in loss of habitat in the Great Basin. Whether and how to seed warm and dry sites at low elevations in the Great Basin is a major question. Speakers in this session will reflect on patterns of seeding success, factors that affect seeding success, prospects for increasing success, and tests of technological methods for improving success. Student Union – Jordan BC Moderator: Peggy Olwell National Plant Materials Program Lead BLM Washington Office 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. Success of Seeding Relative to Precipitation in Sagebrush Steppe Habitats of the Great Basin , David Pilliod, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise ID Seeding Successes on Dry Sites in Sagebrush Steppe, and What Can be Learned From Them, Cindy Fritz (presenting) and Tom Warren, Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID [4] Developing Native Plant Materials for Use in Dry Site Restoration, Frances Kilkenny, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise ID Using Field Experiments to Identify the Most Successful Strategies for Establishing Native Grass Seedlings in our Driest Sites, Elizabeth Leger, University of Nevada, Reno NV Scientific Evaluation of Seeding Techniques on Dry Sagebrush Sites Jeff Ott, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise ID Panel Q&A Student Union – Hatch C 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Great Basin-CESU business meeting Convener: Maureen McCarthy, Director, Great Basin-CESU Student Union – on your own 11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION – GEOSPATIAL AND YOU – BROADSCALE ASSESSMENTS There are a large number of inventory and assessment projects that span whole ecoregions, the entire Great Basin, or even the whole western US that have either been completed in the last year or are underway for key natural resources. This session will bring the leaders of many of such efforts together to compare/contrast their efforts and to create a synthesis product that will be a useful “table of contents” for users of geospatial data on the internet. The format will be short presentations (5 minutes per speaker with timed slides) in which they state what their product is, when/how it is available, how it adds upon previously available info, and the types of research and management questions that can be answered. The session ends with a panel and open-mic format for audience participation, in which an inventory document is created live, showing what is available and where the gaps lie. The document is then printed on a large poster and hung on the wall for people to write in omissions, then put on Google for 2 weeks for open commentary, then posted on the GBC website. Student Union – Hatch B Moderator: Génie MontBlanc, Great Basin Fire Science Exchange, University of Nevada, Reno 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Landscape Conservation Management and Analysis Portal, Sean Finn, US Fish & Wildlife Service, Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative, Boise ID Rapid Ecological Assessment, Northern Basin and Range and Snake River Plain, Nika Lepak, Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID Rapid Ecological Assessment, Central Basin and Range, John Wilson, Bureau of Land Management, Reno NV Fire and Invasives Tool, Mike Pellant, Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID Land Treatment Digital Library, David Pilliod, U.S. Geological Survey, Boise ID Conservation Effects Database, Justin Welty, U.S. Geological Survey, Boise ID Landscape Toolbox and Journal Map, Bob Unnasch, The Nature Conservancy, Boise ID [5] - Remote Sensing Characterization of Great Basin Shrub and Grasslands for Monitoring, Collin Homer, U.S. Geological Survey, Boise ID BLM Riparian Toolbar, Ken McGwire, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV Geospatial Weather Sources, Stuart Hardegree, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Boise ID Development and Use of Seed Zones in Native Plant Restoration, Francis Kilkenny, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise ID NorWEST Streams and Temperature, Dan Issak, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow ID USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis, Chris Witt, USDA Forest Service, Boise ID Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring program, Nika Lepak, Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID Sagebrush Ecosystem Response to Changing Climate and Disturbance Regimes: An Ecohydrological Perspective, John Bradford, U.S. Geological Survey, Flagstaff AZ Small Mammal Thermal Mapping, Erik Beever, U.S. Geological Survey, Bozeman MT Geospatial synthesis exercise: open floor for audience’s input 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Refreshment Break 3:30 – 4:00 p.m. Positive Impacts of Broncos in the Sagebrush Steppe: BSU's Innovative Science Approaches for Dynamic Landscape Change, Shawn Benner, Boise State University, Boise ID 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. Poster “Ignite” Oral Presentations II 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Poster Session II THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19 Boise State University Student Union – Hatch C 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. Great Basin-RMP business meeting Convener: Nancy Glenn, Great Basin-RMP, Boise State University GREAT BASIN-NPP MEETING Student Union – Hatch AD Moderator: Francis Kilkenny, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station 8:00 - 8:10 a.m. Great Basin Native Plant Project - Welcome Francis Kilkenny, Research Biologist and GBNPP Team Leader, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID [6] 8:10 – 8:20 a.m. Great Basin Native Plant Project – Expanded Program Structure and Partner Roles Anne Halford, Idaho State Botanist and GBNPP Liaison, USDI BLM, Idaho State Office, Boise, ID 8:20 – 8:50 a.m. Seed Strategy Peggy Olwell, National Plant Materials Program Lead, USDI BLM, Washington, D.C. 8:50 – 9:10 a.m. Update of Native Plant Research and Activities at the Great Basin Research Center, Ephraim, Utah Kevin Gunnell, Range Trend Project Leader, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Ephraim, UT 9:10 – 10:00 a.m. Refreshment Break Great Basin Forbs & Grasses 10:20 – 10:40 a.m. Update on Stand Establishment and Water Requirements for Wildflower Seed Production Clint Shock, Director and Professor, Oregon State University Malheur Experiment Station, Ontario, OR Co-authors: E. Feibert, A. Rivera, M. Saunders, F. Kilkenny, N. Shaw 10:40 – 11:00 a.m. Reciprocal Transplant Study to Test Adaptation of Bluebunch Wheatgrass Holly Prendeville, Research Geneticist, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR Co-authors: F. Kilkenny, B. St. Clair 11:00 – 11:20 a.m. Progress in Establishment of Legumes Native to the Western USA Shaun Bushman, Research Geneticist (Plants), USDA Agricultural Research Service, Forage and Range Research Laboratory, Logan, UT Co-authors: D. Johnson, K. Connors, T. Jones, J. Stettler 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Lunch (on your own) Great Basin Forbs & Grasses (continued) 1:00 – 1:20 p.m. Wet Thermal Time and Soil Water Potential in the Seedbeds and Root Zones Across the Sagebrush Steepe Ecosystem of the Great Basin Nathan Cline, Ph.D. Student, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT Co-authors: B. Roundy, K. Young 1:20 – 1:40 p.m. Seed and Seed Bank Ecology of Great Basin Forbs Sarah Barga, Ph.D. Student, University of Nevada Extension, Reno, NV Co-author: E. Leger 1:40 – 2:00 p.m. To Freeze or Not to Freeze? An Investigation into Sulphur-Flower Buckwheat Cold Hardiness [7] Matt Fisk, Biological Technician, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID and M.S. student, University of Idaho, Moscow Co-authors: A. Davis, K. Apostol, N. Shaw 2:00 – 2:20 p.m. Planting Native Species to Diversify Crested Wheatgrass Monocultures in Nevada Kent McAdoo, Associate Professor, Natural Resources Specialist, University of Nevada Extension, Elko, NV Co-authors: J. Swanson, P. Murphy, N. Shaw 2:20 – 2:40 p.m. Seed Zones for Sandberg Bluegrass and Friends R.C. Johnson, Research Agronomist, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Pullman, WA 2:40 – 3:00 p.m. Field Testing Provisional Seed Zones with Basin Wildrye Scott Jensen, Botanist, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Provo, UT 3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Refreshment Break Sagebrush Mini-Session 3:30 –3:50 p.m. Improving the Management of Sagebrush Seed Robert P. Karrfalt, Laboratory Director, USDA National Seed Laboratory, Dry Branch, GA 3:50 p.m. – 4:10 p.m. Clines in Growth, Seed Yield and Survival of Big Sagebrush Subspecies: Their Relation to Climate and Use in Seed Transfer Zone Development Bryce Richardson, Research Geneticist, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Provo, UT Co-authors: L. Chaney, N. Shaw, M. Germino 4:10 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Response of Seedlings of each big Sagebrush Subspecies to Experimental Warming Reveals Importance of Minimum Temperatures to Establishment Martha Brabec, Student Services Contractor, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID Co-authors: M. Germino, B. Richardson 4:30 p.m. – 4:50 p.m. Climate Adaptation of Big Sagebrush Revealed From Success of 24 Historic Post-Fire Seedings: Insights for Assisted Migration Matthew Germino, Supervisory Research Ecologist, USGS Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID Co-authors: M. Brabec, A. Raymondi, B. Richardson 4:50 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. GB-NPP Meeting Closing Remarks Anne Halford, Idaho State Botanist and GBNPP Liaison, USDI BLM Idaho State Office, Boise, ID [8] ORAL PRESENTATIONS SESSION – WATER IN THE DESERT Student Union – Hatch B Moderator: Todd Hopkins, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Measuring, Modeling, and Mapping Whole-Year Variability in Temperature and Water Availability in Great Basin Streams, Jason Dunham, U.S. Geological Survey, Corvallis OR Camas National Wildlife Refuge, a Wetland Refuge in Transition, Brian Wehausen, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hamer ID Groundwater Appropriation, Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems, and 3M Plans in the Great Basin, Justin Huntington, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV Modeling Surface Expressions of Groundwater in the Great Basin, Rich Niswonger, U.S. Geological Survey, Carson City NV Riparian vegetation controls on low flow dynamics, Jim McNamara, Boise State University, Boise ID Avian Community Responses to Altered Hydro-Climatic Habitats Over 80 Years in the Great Basin, Sue Haig, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis OR The Salmonid Population Viability Project: Modeling Trout Viability in a Desert Landscape under Current and Forecasted Conditions, Helen Neville, Trout Unlimited, Boise ID Student Union – Hatch C 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Great Basin-EP business meeting Convener: Stan Johnson, Director, Great Basin-EP Closing Remarks [9] GENERAL INFORMATION REGISTRATION Registration will be available on the second floor of the Boise State University Student Union throughout the meeting, near the entrance to the Jordan Ballroom (Feb 17 and 18) or Hatch Ballroom (Feb 19). MEETING LOCATION The conference venue is the Student Union on the campus of Boise State University. The Boise State Student Union serves as the center for campus life providing educational, cultural, social, recreational and leadership programs and services that are integral to the academic experience. Your Student Union Building is a sprawling multi-million dollar complex that provides a wide range of services and programs for a diverse student body. The “SUB,” so nicknamed by the students, serves as the “living room” of campus, a place where everyone can go for fun, work and opportunity. FACILITY AMENITIES AND INFORMATION The Student Union offers a number of retail/food options including: Boise River Café, C3 Convenience Store, Chick-fil-a, La Tapatia, Mai Thai, Moxi Java, and the University Break Company MEALS AND BREAKS Refreshment breaks are provided each day. Lunch is on your own. There are several eating establishments at the Student Union and near the University campus. The reception on Monday evening will offer appetizers, refreshments and a cash bar. GETTING TO THE CONFERENCE CAMPUS PARKING Up to 120 free parking spaces are reserved for attendees of the conference in the Lincoln Avenue Garage. The garage is located beside the Student Union Building at Belmont Street and Lincoln Avenue. Coupon Code for Parking: 20151285 Important: You may park on any floor, but need to make note of the parking stall number. This number is painted on the ground at the back end of the parking stall. After parking your vehicle and noting your parking space number, proceed to one of the parking payment machines located on the ground floor, or just outside each level of the northwest stairwell and enter the coupon code listed below. A campus map is included in the back of the program. [10] LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Valley Ride bus transportation is the regional public transportation authority ( There are multiple routes that go to BSU. Attendees can catch the No. 40 from Broadway and Park North (near Courtyard Marriot) to University Drive and Lincoln Avenue (across the street from Student Union Building). From University and Capitol West (near Residence Inn), take the No. 1 to University Drive and Lincoln Avenue. The Downtown Boise Transit Map is included in the back of the program. WIRELESS ACCESS Wireless Internet access is available in the Student Union. Attendees need to use the Bronco-Guest network (no password required); do not use Bronco-Wireless, as it requires credentials for access. GREAT BASIN CONSORTIUM - PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS GREAT BASIN COOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNIT (GB-CESU) Mission Statement: The GB-CESU is a partnership for research, technical assistance and education to enhance understanding and management of natural and cultural resources of the Great Basin. Unique Role: Part of a national program that provides a funding mechanism for transferring funds from federal partners to universities to conduct projects Partners/Collaborators: Universities, federal agencies and NGOs Initiating Organization: Department of the Interior Funding/Support: Projects funded with federal agency funds through a cooperative agreement GREAT BASIN ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAM (GB-EP) Mission Statement: To develop funding for on-the-ground projects and related research and outreach education to improve the Great Basin environment Unique Role: Develop funding from public and private sources to facilitate landscape-scale, on-theground projects by engaging NGOs, state agencies and their coalitions, and the private sector in collaboration with universities and federal agency partners Partners/Collaborators: Universities, federal agencies, state agencies and coalitions, and NGOs Initiating Organization: Land grant universities in the Great Basin Funding/Support: Federal, state and private GREAT BASIN FIRE SCIENCE EXCHANGE (GB-FSE) Mission Statement: The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Project serves to: 1) provide a forum where Great Basin land managers can identify their technical needs with respect to fire, fuels, and post-fire vegetation management; 2) develop/synthesize the necessary information and technical tools to meet these needs; and 3) provide the necessary information and tools through venues most preferred by field staff, field office managers and higher administrative levels, respectively. [11] Unique Role: The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange Project is the Joint Fire Science Program's Regional Knowledge Exchange Consortium for the Great Basin. Our unique role is to provide Great Basin land managers with faster access to applicable fire and fuels science information and to develop direct knowledge exchange between managers and scientists in the Great Basin. Partners: Federal, State, Tribal, NGO, and Private fire and fuels land managers. Initiating Organization: The Joint Fire Science Program implemented this project in 2010. The Joint Fire Science Program is funded by the Departments of Interior and Agriculture and was initiated in 1998. Funding/Support: This project is funded by the Joint Fire Science Program through a Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit agreement with the Nevada State Bureau of Land Management. GREAT BASIN LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE (GB-LCC) Mission Statement: The Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative enhances understanding of the effects of changing climate and other natural and human impacts across the region and promotes the coordination of science‐based actions to enable human and natural communities to respond and/or adapt to those conditions. Unique Role: DOI initiative working with stakeholders to develop landscape-scale tools and monitoring to address climate change and other regional stressors Partners/Collaborators: Inclusive. All agencies (federal, state and local), Tribes, NGO’s, public, etc. No restrictions on participation via the LCC Forum Initiating Organization: Initiated by Department of Interior in 2009 by Secretary Executive Order. Funding/Support: Funding is committed to three positions (BLM, US F&WS, and USGS) with associated support funding for each position. GREAT BASIN RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP (GB-RMP) Mission Statement: The GB-RMP promotes comprehensive and complementary research and management collaborations to sustain ecosystems, resources and communities across the Great Basin. Unique Role: Grassroots organization that provides a web-based clearinghouse of information for the Great Basin and mobilizes teams of researchers and managers to fund and implement projects that address priority science needs. Partners/Collaborators: All Great Basin organizations—federal and state research labs and management agencies, universities, local agencies, tribal governments, NGOs, and collaboration developed to address regional and local needs Initiating Organization: Research agencies and universities Funding/Support: Member agencies and grants [12] PLENARY SPEAKER ADDRESSING THE CONSERVATION CHALLENGES OF THE 21ST CENTURY: WHY SCIENCE-BASED, LANDSCAPE-SCALE MANAGEMENT IS ESSENTIAL Jim Lyons, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Department of Interior for Land and Minerals Management Jim Lyons joined the Department of the Interior in 2013 as Counselor to the Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management. Earlier this year, Jim became the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management where he focuses on public lands, energy, forestry, and landscape-level conservation. In addition, Lyons was directed by the Secretary to help with development of a strategy to conserve the Greater Sage-Grouse. Lyons was USDA Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment during the Clinton administration. He played a key role in developing the 2001 Roadless Rule, the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan, and in new rules to guide national forest management. Jim also initiated some of the first regional ecosystem assessments across the West. In 2000, he worked with Interior Deputy Secretary David Hayes to develop a new strategy for addressing wildfires following the devastating fires that summer. Prior to joining the Clinton Administration, Lyons was senior staff on the Committee on Agriculture in the U.S. House of Representatives. He has a Master's degree from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where he has taught since 2000. PRESENTATION ABSTRACTS CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND CONSERVATION SCIENCE IN A CHANGING CLIMATE Stephen Jackson, U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson AZ, Stephen Jackson, Director of the Department of the Interior Southwest Climate Science Center, has studied effects of climate change on terrestrial and wetland ecosystems in North America for more than three decades. Before joining the SW CSC, he was Professor of Botany and Director of the Program in Ecology at the University of Wyoming. Climate change poses daunting challenges for resource management and conservation science. Ecological forecasting under climate change is rendered difficult by a dearth of knowledge about ecological responses to climate change, and by the contingent nature of ecological processes and states. Ecologists and other environmental scientists have, with rare exceptions, been studying climate-change effects for a relatively brief time – largely the past two decades. Forecasting relies on three general foundations: a limited but growing baseline of direct observations and monitoring, an expanding suite of mechanistic and empirical models, and a diverse array of geohistorical records of ecological responses to past climatic changes. Each has weaknesses and blind spots, but taken together, these three general approaches can be integrated to support some generalizations about the coming [13] decades and beyond. Beyond the raw scientific challenges lie a set of cultural challenges, which include surmounting of the disciplinary barriers within and among the various physical and biological sciences, and between those sciences and the social sciences. A particularly important cultural challenge is bridging between the communities of research and the communities of practice – the decision-makers in resourcemanagement agencies and entities. Successful climate adaptation will require unprecedented quantity and quality of communication and engagement those communities. CLIMATE PROGRAMS SESSION NOAA WESTERN REGIONAL CLIMATE CENTER Kelly Redmond, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV (WRCC, CNAP-RISA, SW CSC) Kelly Redmond has served as Regional Climatologist since 1989, and Deputy Director, at the Western Regional Climate Center located at the Desert Research Institute in Reno. His research and professional interests span every facet of climate and climate behavior, its physical causes and variability, how climate interacts with other human and natural processes, and how such information is acquired, used, communicated, and perceived. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The NOAA-administered Western Regional Climate Center acts as a repository of current and historical weather and climate information for the 11 western most contiguous states and Alaska and the Pacific Islands, including ongoing monitoring and tracking of conditions WRCC also engages in applied research on climate issues of interest, outreach and education with the public and via the press, and the manner in which such information is incorporated into decisions made at individual or institutional levels. USDA SOUTHWEST CLIMATE HUB Emile Elias, USDA Southwest Climate Hub, USDA/ARS Jornada Experimental Range, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces NM Emile Elias is a Research Hydrologist and Deputy Director of the USDA Southwest Climate Hub located in Las Cruces, NM. Her research interests include land use and climate change impacts on hydrology, water quality and agricultural communities. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The overarching goal of the USDA SW Climate Hub is to assist farmers, ranchers and foresters in addressing the effects of climate change including prolonged drought, increased insect outbreaks and severe wildfires. In the first year of operations, the SW Climate Hub (est. February 2014) entered into formal agreements with Cooperative Extension in our 6 states (AZ, CA, HI, NM, NV and UT) to create a network for communication and technology transfer between researchers and stakeholders. The Hub funded a climate change module at the 6th grade level and tested it for expansion to urban and rural schools across the region. Over the past year the Hub authored an assessment of the vulnerability of SW working lands to climate change. The SW Hub and Sub Hub endeavor to partner with [14] other climate-related federal, state and tribal programs in support of resilient and adaptive SW communities. USDA NORTHWEST REGIONAL CLIMATE HUB Beatrice Van Horne, USDA Northwest Regional Climate Hub, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis OR, Beatrice Van Horne spent 17 years as a professor of biology at Colorado State University. She then moved into the federal agencies—7 years with the Forest Service as the Wildlife Program Lead, 3 years with USGS as the Ecosystems Program Coordinator, 3 years with the Pacific Northwest Research Station as a Program Manager, and 1 year as the Director of the Northwest Regional Climate Hub. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The Regional Climate Hubs were chartered by the Department of Agriculture in February of 2014. The Northwest Regional Climate Hub will deliver science-based knowledge and practical information to farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners that will help them to adapt to climate change and weather variability by coordinating with local and regional partners in Federal and state agencies, universities, NGO’s, private companies, and Tribes. DOI SOUTHWEST CLIMATE SCIENCE CENTER Stephen Jackson, Department of the Interior Southwest Climate Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Tucson AZ, Stephen Jackson, Director of the Department of the Interior Southwest Climate Science Center, has studied effects of climate change on terrestrial and wetland ecosystems in North America for more than three decades. Before joining the SW CSC, he was Professor of Botany and Director of the Program in Ecology at the University of Wyoming. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The DOI Southwest Climate Science Center's central mission is to bridge the gap between the climate-change research community and the various communities of practice who require sound scientific information. The Center, based in Tucson, is a partnership between the U.S. Geological Survey and a six-university consortium, including the University of Arizona, Desert Research Institute, University of California-Davis, University of California-Los Angeles, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and the University of Colorado. DOI NORTHWEST CLIMATE SCIENCE CENTER Gustavo Bisbal, Department of the Interior Northwest Climate Science Center, U.S. Geological Survey, Corvallis OR, Gustavo Bisbal is the Director of the Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC) since 2011. Prior to this appointment he served for 5 years in the Bureau of Oceans, Environment and Science, at the U.S. Department of State; 4 years at the Oregon Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and 8 years at the Northwest Power and Conservation Council. Dr. Bisbal’s graduate education at the University of Rhode [15] Island includes both a Ph.D. and a Master of Science in Biological Oceanography, and a Master in Marine Affairs. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The Northwest Climate Science Center (NW CSC) is a regional partnership established in 2010 to coordinate the expertise of federal and university researchers committed to understanding and addressing changes in climate and their effects on natural systems (water, fish, wildlife, habitats) and issues of significance to society (health, economy, safety, cultural resources). The Center’s goal is to provide actionable scientific information and tools that natural and cultural resource managers can use to anticipate, monitor, and adapt to a changing climate. GREAT BASIN LANDSCAPE CONSERVATION COOPERATIVE Todd Hopkins, Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Reno NV, Todd Hopkins has been the Science Coordinator for the Great Basin Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GBLCC) since 2011. He previously worked on the Everglades Restoration Program, helped to write the Department of Interior’s Science (DOI) Plan for South Florida, and represented the Service on the DOI South Florida Task Force. He has over 20 years of experience with science, regulatory, and leadership positions with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and two National Estuarine Research Reserves. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The GBLCC is a self-directed applied science partnership supporting conservation and climate adaptation efforts through production and dissemination of science for natural and cultural resource management decision makers. Since 2011, the GBLCC has allocated funding to projects on climate adaptation, sagebrush and sagebrush dependent species, Traditional Ecological Knowledge, invasive annual grasses, and fire. RESTORATION OF DRY SITES SESSION SUCCESS OF SEEDING RELATIVE TO PRECIPITATION IN SAGEBRUSH STEPPE HABITATS OF THE GREAT BASIN David Pilliod, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise ID, David Pilliod is a Supervisory Research Ecologist for the U.S. Geological Survey and Principal Investigator for the Land Treatment Digital Library. Seeding rangelands, particularly after fire, is a common practice in sagebrush steppe habitats of the Great Basin. We summarized historic trends of 5,450 seeding treatments in the Great Basin from the 1940s to present and examined relative levels of success for a subset of projects. Preliminary results suggest that successful establishment of native and non-native grasses and forbs varied across precipitation zones, with higher success in areas with ≤10 inches of annual precipitation. The most commonly planted species where precipitation was ≤10 inches included crested wheatgrass, Siberian wheatgrass, alfalfa, sagebrush, and saltbush. Recent field measurements [16] collected across a random sample of 101 post-fire seeding treatments conducted between 1990 and 2003 revealed that establishing non-native, deep-rooted perennial grasses, such as crested wheatgrass and Siberian wheatgrass, was possible in 8.5 - 10 inch precipitation zones, but these non-native forage grasses tended to outcompete native grasses planted at the same time. Findings from this study also revealed that seeding native grasses, forbs, and shrubs, including sagebrush, was relatively ineffective below 10 inches of precipitation. Future studies are addressing novel mechanisms for restoration in dry sites and determining what factors allow for occasional success of sagebrush establishment in dry sites in the Great Basin to improve implementation for future restoration. SEEDING SUCCESSES ON DRY SITES IN SAGEBRUSH STEPPE, AND WHAT CAN BE LEARNED FROM THEM Cindy Fritz (presenting) and Tom Warren, Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID, Cindy Fritz is a Natural Resource Specialist at the Bureau of Land Management Boise District. She started with the BLM in 1987 and has been working in the Bureau's Emergency Stabilization and Burned Area Rehab and Seed programs since 1992. She has a BS in Biology from Boise State University and just enough field experience to be dangerous. This presentation will give the perspective of land managers who have worked for many years on rehabilitation and restoration of burned sagebrush steppe rangelands. They will describe challenges to establishing plants in dry sites that are often affected by invasive annuals, where and when they have observed successful establishment, factors that appear to confer success, and their perspective research needs. DEVELOPING NATIVE PL ANT MATERIALS FOR USE IN DRY SITE RESTORATION Francis Kilkenny, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise ID, Francis Kilkenney is a Research Biologist for USDA FS Rocky Mountain Research Station in the Grassland, Shrubland and Desert Ecosystem Program. Restoration of dry sites presents a challenge, how can we have successful plant establishment and persistence under adverse conditions? While the primary restoration methods used throughout Great Basin have met with mixed success, a number of source selection and establishment techniques have been developed and are becoming available for wider use. I will give an overview of the specific challenges of dry site restoration and how novel techniques can be employed to overcome these challenges. This talk will focus primarily on plant material development for dry sites, particular seed source selection, and will also touch on seeding techniques and other establishment methods. [17] USING FIELD EXPERIMENTS TO IDENTIFY THE MOST SUCCESSFUL STRATEGIES FOR ESTABLISHING NATIVE GRASS SEEDLINGS IN OUR DRIEST SITES Elizabeth Leger, University of Nevada, Reno NV, Beth Leger is an associate professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, where she has focused her research program on restoring native plants of the Great Basin. Seeds used for restoration in disturbed sagebrush steppe communities face many challenges to establishment, including highly variable precipitation and competition with invasive plants. Because limiting resources in these sites are primarily belowground, root allocation and root morphology are likely to be very important for successful seed establishment. Using a variety of field methods, my lab has asked whether it is possible to identify specific root strategies that improve establishment rates of native perennial grass seedlings in dry, disturbed areas. Experiments have demonstrated a high degree of variation in root traits among and within populations, as well as a high degree of phenotypic plasticity to respond to below-ground resource limitation, and strong links between root form and seedling performance in the field. While establishing plants from seed in the driest cold desert communities will always be challenging, it is possible to identify strategies that improve our chances of seeding success. SCIENTIFIC EVALUATIO N OF TECHNIQUES THAT CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Jeff Ott (presenting) and Nancy Shaw, U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise ID, Jeff Ott is a postdoctoral researcher at the U.S. Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station in Boise, Idaho. His research is focused on restoration techniques for sagebrush ecosystems, vegetation dynamics following fire, and plant community modeling. Post-fire seeding to restore native plant diversity on low-elevation sagebrush sites requires careful consideration of seeding techniques, which ideally should be feasible for large areas, accommodate seeds differing in size and seedbed requirements, enhance native species establishment while inhibiting invasive weeds, and cause minimal soil disturbance. We present insights gained from an experiment comparing different drill and broadcast techniques for seeding native plants at burned dry sites in the northern Great Basin. Minimum-till rangeland drills equipped with imprinter wheels showed particular promise for establishing mixtures of large and small seeds while minimizing damage to existing native perennials. Conventional drills could also be modified for seeding differently-sized seeds and provided a measure of mechanical weed control. Aerial broadcasting of small seeds over drilled seedbeds was effective in fall but not winter at our study sites. Drought conditions and annual weed competition resulted in low establishment at one of the sites, but plants that managed to establish had high persistence and growth thereafter. At another site, seeded plants exhibited resilience following a new fire that burned within two years of the first. These results demonstrate that improvements or adaptations of existing techniques can make a difference when re-establishing native plants on burned dry sites. [18] POSITIVE IMPACTS OF BRONCOS IN THE SAGEBRUSH STEPPE: BSU'S INNOVATIVE SCIENCE APPROACHES FOR DYNAMIC LANDSCAPE CHANGE Shawn Benner, Boise State University, Boise ID, Shawn Benner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geosciences at Boise State University. Dr. Benner is actively involved in the National Science Foundation Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory and is the Boise State Director of the NSFEPSCOR grant. His research interests are in biogeochemistry with a focus on the soil carbon cycling and the fate of contaminants in the environment. Benner’s talk will review recent and ongoing work at Boise State University on climate change, hydrology, biogeochemistry, society-environment interactions, and stakeholder engagement relevant to the Great Basin WATER IN THE DESERT SESSION MEASURING, MODELING, AND MAPPING WHOLE-YEAR VARIABILITY IN TEMPERATURE AND WATER AVAILABILITY IN GREAT BASIN STREAMS Jason Dunham, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis OR, Jason Dunham is an aquatic ecologist with USGS. He has worked in the Great Basin on streams and coldwater fishes since his days as a Ph.D. student at the University of Nevada, focusing on Lahontan cutthroat trout in the eastern Lahontan basin. He’s maintained this line of research in various phases for the past 20 years, turning now to address the most fundamental question: where is the water in streams? Understanding patterns and processes driving water availability and temperature has important implications for many of the most high-profile species of management concern in the Great Basin. Understanding water availability and temperature is a fundamental need, yet we lack even the raw data for understanding how they vary across the vast extent of the Great Basin, let alone to understand landscape controls that drive variability in time and space, including climate, wildfire, land use (e.g., livestock grazing), and topographic and geologic influences. We are making great strides in other regions through assembling existing data to model, predict, and map water temperatures at broad extents (e.g., the NorWeST effort), but this is not even possible yet in the northern Great Basin due to a fundamental lack of data. Here I describe how we are beginning to address critical data gaps in the Great Basin, with an initial focus on the challenges of instrumenting streams to track year-round stream temperatures and patterns of desiccation. Relying on examples from other regions I also describe how we will use these data to model and map patterns of water quality and availability, and to link these responses to landscape controls. [19] CAMAS NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE, A WETLAND REFUGE IN TRANSITION Brian Wehausen, Camas National Wildlife Refuge (CNWR), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hamer ID, Brian Wehausen has worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service within the Refuge System for nearly twenty years. Twelve of those years was spent in both South and North Dakota managing wetland resources. He and his family moved to Idaho in January of 2009 where he has been managing Camas NWR. Camas National Wildlife Refuge (CNWR) was established in 1937 and is comprised of 10,578 acres of diverse wetland and upland habitats in the Eastern Snake River Plain along eight miles of Camas Creek in Jefferson County, Idaho. Prior to the arrival of European settlers, the area was comprised of a diverse mosaic of wetland and wet meadow habitats supplied by groundwater discharge and surface water from Camas, Beaver, and Warm creeks. The increase in groundwater discharge in the vicinity of CNWR observed during the early 20th century has been attributed to recharge from irrigation on the Egin Bench made possible by the Carey Act of 1894. Subsequently, CNWR (and other refuges in the 1940s and 1950s) sought to take advantage of available water through construction of impoundments to sustain waterfowl populations. Irrigation wells were installed during the 1950s and groundwater was used to supplement surface water flows from Camas Creek for management of CNWR waterfowl impoundments. A dramatic increase in agricultural groundwater pumping occurred in the 1970s and coincided with a shift from surface flooding irrigation practices towards the more efficient use of sprinkler irrigation. Extensive pumping of groundwater from the regional ESRP aquifer has subsequently lowered the water table at CNWR and surrounding lands and resulted in a cumulative decrease in aquifer storage and capacity to maintain surface water in managed wetlands. Consequently, future management issues that affect timing, distribution, and movement of water on the refuge must seek to define the role of the refuge lands in a larger landscape-scale conservation and restoration strategy for the Beaver-Camas watershed. GROUNDWATER APPROPRIATION, GROUNDWATER DEPENDENT ECOSYSTEMS, AND 3M PLANS IN THE GREAT BASIN Justin Huntington, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV, Justin Huntington is an associate research professor of hydrology for the Desert Research Institute where he works on water resources, hydrometeorological, and remote sensing problems. Justin focuses on applying integrated surface and groundwater models, meteorology, and remote sensing for evaluating surface water groundwater interactions, vegetation dynamics, and landsurface – atmospheric feedbacks. Nevada and Utah groundwater law allows for appropriation of groundwater for beneficial use, and is typically limited to the Hydrographic Basin’s “perennial yield.” The perennial yield is the maximum amount of groundwater that can be salvaged each year over the long term without depleting the groundwater reservoir. The perennial yield cannot be more than the natural recharge of the groundwater reservoir and is usually limited to the maximum amount of natural discharge. The majority of natural discharge in the Great Basin occurs via groundwater evapotranspiration (ETg) from shallow groundwater ecosystems such as salt grass and greasewood flats, meadows, and spring discharge areas. Following conservation of mass [20] principles, appropriation and consumption of groundwater over the long term assumes the capture of natural groundwater discharge to streams or springs, or from groundwater dependent vegetation. In this presentation, we discuss the basic concepts of perennial yield, how it is estimated, and highlight the use of groundwater models, remote sensing, and cloud computing to support Monitoring, Management, and Mitigation (3M) Plans associated with large scale groundwater development in the Great Basin. MODELING SURFACE EXPRESSIONS OF GROUNDWATER IN THE GREAT BASIN Rich Niswonger, U.S. Geological Survey, Carson City NV, Rich Niswonger is a research hydrologist for the USGS where he works on water resources problems. Rich’s focus is on the development of numerical modeling software for simulating surface water groundwater interaction. Groundwater supports ecosystems throughout the great basin, especially where groundwater levels are near land surface. Shallow groundwater occurs due to topographic and geologic conditions such as where there are large contrasts in aquifer permeability, where there are breaks in land surface slope, along streams, or at the bottom of a basin. Surface expressions of groundwater are an important resource to the Great Basin for wildlife and humans and they are susceptible to changes in climate and water use. Groundwater sensitivity to climate and groundwater extraction varies drastically across the Great Basin due to variations in geology and topography. Consequently, there are no straightforward guidelines for managing these systems. Groundwater and surface water models provide useful tools for understanding historical changes in shallow groundwater conditions, as well as for projecting future trends caused by climate change and groundwater development. In this talk we describe advancements in groundwater modeling tools designed to overcome challenges associated with complex hydrogeologic conditions that are characteristic of the Great Basin. We will illustrate relationships between climate and groundwater discharge using long-term streamflow records. Groundwater model results are used to illustrate conceptual interpretations of historical changes in groundwater discharge. RIPARIAN VEGETATION CONTROLS ON LOW FLOW DYNAMICS James McNamara, Boise State University, Boise ID, James McNamara is a Professor of Hydrology in the Department of Geosciences at Boise State University. His research interests include the interactions between geologic, biologic, and hydrologic processes in mountain watersheds. Riparian vegetation extracts water from soils or directly from streams for transpiration causing reduced streamflows on daily, event, and seasonal scales. While this occurs at all flow levels during the transpiration season, impacts are most notable when flow is low. Here, I present some examples from the Dry Creek and Reynolds Creek Experimental Watersheds in southwest Idaho, illustrating several impacts of vegetation on streamflow including the following: 1) Transpiration causes diurnal cycles with daily reductions in streamflow by up to 75%. 2) Transpiration can cause a gaining stream to appear as a losing stream. 3) The cessation or reduction of transpiration in cool weather can cause rejuvenation of streamflow in the absence of precipitation. Additionally, I show that low flow magnitudes have declined in recent years due to earlier snowmelt. [21] AVIAN COMMUNITY RESPONSES TO ALTERED HYDRO-CLIMATIC HABITATS OVER 80 YEARS IN THE GREAT BASIN Sue Haig, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis OR, Susan Haig is a Supervisory Wildlife Ecologist for the USGS in Corvallis, OR; Professor of Wildlife Ecology at Oregon State University; and a Research Associate of the Smithsonian Institution. She has worked on water and waterbird issues in the Great Basin for over 20 years. Much of her work has culminated in formation of the Migratory Connectivity Project (www.migratoryconnectivityproject) with Smithsonian partner Peter Marra. Changes in water availability and quality are occurring rapidly worldwide due to anthropogenically induced climate changes. In particular, arid and semi-arid wetlands will be greatly impacted by even small shifts in hydrological regimes given water is already in limited in quantity and quality. The hydrographic Great Basin of North America (~440,000 km2) is a unique semi-arid system characterized by highly seasonal precipitation, and isolated, hydrologically dynamic wetlands. The scarcity and isolation of water makes this system critically important to numerous species of waterbirds throughout the annual cycle. Here, we evaluate long-term trends (1920-2008) in magnitude and timing of climate and streamflow and their potential association to changes in bird assemblages across the Great Basin. We found a widespread and regionally coherent trend toward a warmer and drier climate. Overall hydroperiod (seasonal pattern of water) was highly variable, thus no statistically significant trends were detected. We detected, however, statistically significant shifts toward a later onset of the hydroperiod (5th, 25th, 50th, and 75th percentile of the annual flow) over the most recent three decades. Conversely, the end of the hydroperiod (95th percentile of the annual flow) occurred earlier over the same time period using annual data from the Breeding Bird Survey, we examined the association between waterbird species composition and abundance and annual descriptors of timing and magnitude of climate and hydrology. Most species had statistically significant relationships with the amount of precipitation and minimum monthly temperature during spring. Our findings suggest that differential associations to shifts in climate may be explained by species-level traits such as life-history strategies and migratory connectivity. We highlight the complexities and challenges that natural resource managers face during these emerging hydro-climatic conditions. THE SALMONID POPULATION VIABILITY PROJECT: MODELING TROUT VIABILITY IN A DESERT LANDSCAPE UNDER CURRENT AND FORECASTED CONDITIONS Helen Neville, Trout Unlimited, Boise ID, Helen Neville is a Research Scientist with Trout Unlimited, a national non-profit organization focused on cold-water fisheries. Her research primarily addresses questions related to the conservation genetics of native salmonids. She also oversees a large program working to conserve Lahontan cutthroat trout, collaborates on research evaluating population viability and climate change, and provides scientific guidance for TU nationally. In an ideal world, species conservation planning would be guided by formal population viability analyses (PVA) to determine the probability that each population will persist, with and without management actions. [22] Primarily due to a lack of accessible data-driven methods for PVA that can be used across broad spatial scales, most conservation planning instead relies on indirect surrogates of viability (e.g., habitat size). We developed a new statistical Spatio-Temporal Population Viability Model (ST-PVM) that combines fish sampling data with remotely-sensed data to deliver simultaneous estimates of carrying capacity, interannual variability, and viability for many populations across large areas. Remotely-sensed spatial covariates describe habitat size and quality, while temporal variability is a function of temperature and flow. The approach can leverage information from well-sampled areas to extrapolate to poorly sampled or even unsampled populations, under current and future climates. We conducted a pilot study of Lahontan cutthroat trout, a federally threatened trout subspecies native to the Great Basin Desert, to generate simultaneous estimates of extinction probability and carrying capacity for 38 populations. We discuss planned model updates including refinement of stream flow predictions, as well as exploration of different management scenarios (e.g., barrier or non-native trout removal) and estimation under climate change. POSTER SESSION | ABSTRACTS BIRD ECOLOGY AND HABITATS THE EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE FROM RECREATION ON THE BREEDING ECOLOGY OF A SHRUBSTEPPE RAPTOR Robert J. Spaul and Julie A. Heath, Department of Biological Sciences, Boise ID Outdoor recreation, including hiking and off-highway vehicle (OHV) use, has increased rapidly over the past forty years. These activities are likely to directly and indirectly impact wildlife and their habitats. Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) face several current and emerging threats, and their use of open, shrub-steppe habitats increases their susceptibility to recreational disturbance. An understanding of the spatial and temporal scales of potential disturbance to nesting eagles is necessary. Additionally, understanding how motorized and non-motorized recreation disturbance differ is important. We conducted surveys of territory occupancy, breeding behavior, and nest survival at historical golden eagle territories, in response to motorized and non-motorized recreation volume at nesting sites, trail density, proximity to trails, and proximity to other regularly used recreation sites. We found that seasonal volume of OHVs and trail density on territories negatively influenced the likelihood of territory occupancy, suggesting that occupancy may be most impacted by the indirect effects of OHVs. The volume of pedestrians and non-motorized recreationists negatively influenced the likelihood of occupied territories transitioning to breeding. Nest survival in both the incubation and brood rearing stages was negatively affected by the volume of interval-specific OHV use. This suggests that exposure to both non-motorized and motorized recreation may create stressors to individuals. These results demonstrate that both indirect and direct impacts of recreational activities could impact overall reproductive potential. We suggest a broad range of management actions be considered to minimize disturbance, including permanent and seasonal trail closures, and potentially “no-stopping zones”. Additional public education on the implications of trail system expansion and off-trail use may be beneficial. [23] USE OF PINYON-JUNIPER WOODLANDS BY PINYON JAYS IN THE GREAT BASIN Chris Witt, U.S. Forest Service, Boise ID In order to better understand how pinyon jays influence in-fill and expansion in pinyon-juniper woodland communities, the USFS FIA program collaborated with the National Park Service and the Great Basin Bird Observatory and measured forest and understory structure at sites used by pinyon jays in the Great Basin. We compared mean tree canopy cover, shrub cover, and basal area of dead trees between sites used for nesting/roosting, foraging and seed caching activities of pinyon jays. We also estimated the area within the Nevada portion of the Great Basin that met pinyon jay habitat preferences. Mean canopy cover and shrub cover were lowest at seed caching sites while basal area of standing dead trees was higher at these locations than at other activity sites. Mean shrub cover was greater and basal area of dead trees was less at foraging sites than at nesting/roosting locations. Our results suggest that pinyon jays prefer open, sparsely-stocked or disturbed areas for seed caching, moderately-stocked stands with an intact shrub understory for foraging, and mature, densely-stocked stands for nesting and roosting activities. Results also suggest that foraging habitat in Nevada is limited relative to that selected for nesting and seed caching activities. SATELLITE TELEMETRY AND BREEDING ECOLOGY OF LONG-BILLED CURLEWS (NUMENIUS AMERICANUS) IN THE INTERMOUNTAIN WEST Coates, Stephanie1, J. Carlisle1, J. Pollock1, H. Ware1, L. Urban1, and F. Smith2 1 Intermountain Bird Observatory, Boise State University, Boise ID ; 2Center for Conservation Biology, College of William & Mary and Virginia Commonwealth University, Williamsburg VA Long-billed Curlews (Numenius americanus) were once abundant across western grassland prairies, but populations have declined throughout their breeding range. Population density estimates from 2007-2012 and 2014 surveys on the Long-billed Curlew Area of Critical Environmental Concern in southwest Idaho (ACEC; 130-306 individuals) place the number of individual curlews at 15% or less of their former population estimate measured in the 1970's (Jenni et al. 1982; ~2000 individuals). Effective management strategies for the species must consider migratory and wintering habitats in combination with threats identified empirically on the breeding grounds in Idaho. To begin addressing this, in 2013 and 2014 we deployed 15 satellite transmitters on breeding adult curlews from five populations across the Intermountain West. We will present preliminary results on movement patterns, as well as research plans to further explore issues curlew populations breeding in the Intermountain West face across their range. CHANGING HABITAT USE ASSOCIATED WITH DISTRIBUTIONAL SHIFTS OF WINTER RAPTORS Neil Paprocki, Nancy F. Glenn, Eric C. Atkinson, Katherine M. Strickler, Christine Watson, and Julie A. Heath Department of Geosciences, Boise State University There is widespread evidence that multiple drivers of global change, such as habitat degradation, invasive species, and climate change, are influencing Great Basin wildlife. Understanding how these drivers interact with and affect species may be difficult for a variety of reasons. We used a historical dataset from 1991– [24] 1994 and current information from 2010–2012 to examine whether occupancy patterns of wintering raptors were consistent with regional changes in distribution or habitat conditions within a local management unit, the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA). Results support the hypothesis that northward distributional shifts influenced wintering raptor populations in southwest Idaho to a greater extent than local habitat conditions. Wintering raptors had higher occupancy rates in 2010– 2012 compared to 1991–1994, whereas invasive grasses have increased and native shrubs have decreased suggesting that habitat suitability for raptors has declined over time. On the species level, changes in habitat use were associated with greater increases in occupancy rates. Organisms flexible in their habitat use may be better able to respond to continental forces driving distribution shifts. Conversely, habitat or prey specialists may be poorly equipped to handle such rapid, large-scale global change. SOCIOECONOMICS AND COLLABORATION GREAT BASIN FIRE SCIENCE EXCHANGE Eugénie MontBlanc, University of Nevada, Reno NV; Mike Pellant, Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID; Jeanne Chambers, USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station, Reno NV; Brad Schultz, University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, Winnemucca NV; Elizabeth Leger, University of Nevada, Reno NV; Steve Bunting, University of Idaho, Moscow ID; Cheri Howell, USDA Forest Service, Wells NV; Mark Brunson, Utah State University, Logan UT; Beth Newingham, USDA Agricultural Research Service, Reno NV The Great Basin Fire Science Exchange ( connects land managers and scientists to improve pre- and post-fire management decisions by providing relevant information and access to technical expertise. This project is one of 15 regional Fire Exchanges funded by the Joint Fire Science Program ( The project works to: 1) provide a forum for identification of fire, fuels, and post-fire vegetation management technical needs; 2) develop and synthesize the information and technical tools to meet these needs; and 3) provide the information and technical tools through preferred venues. The project is currently sponsoring three syntheses and two field guides that address piñon-juniper management, impacts of fire on runoff and erosion, wind erosion and post-fire stabilization, pre-disturbance treatment guidelines, and post-fire recovery potential. We have partnered with four other Great Basin agencies and organizations on a webinar series titled, “The Right Seed in the Right Place at the Right Time: Tools for Sustainable Restoration,” (, and we are currently working on a topical science brief and video series. We expect public and private land managers to benefit from this project by having a place and a person to turn to for answers to technical questions and leads to research contacts, and we expect research scientists to benefit by gaining new ideas and partnerships for research and by providing new methods of outreach for research results. LANDSCAPE LEVEL CONSERVATION IN THE GREAT BASIN: AN EXAMPLE FROM THE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SYSTEM Gail H. Collins, John W. Kasbohm, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Lakeview OR [25] The Great Bain extends across large portions of the Intermountain West; however very little of the sagebrush biome remains undisturbed or unaltered and now constitutes one of North America’s most imperiled and neglected ecosystems. The profound influences of converging ecosystem stressors including livestock grazing, wild horse and burro management, agriculture, mineral extraction, invasive species, roads, utility corridors, and energy development all continue to this issue. The Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex represents some of the last intact examples of sagebrush-steppe habitats and contributes to the biodiversity, conservation, and understanding of the Great Basin. Results of ongoing research on landscape species such as American pronghorn, Greater sage-grouse, American pika, and the impacts of feral horses are presented and emphasize the need to develop and implement a landscape level approach to natural resource management in the Great Basin. National wildlife refuges, working in partnership, have the potential to provide critical areas for conservation, including opportunities for research, monitoring, and adaptive management. THE DEEP SPRINGS COL LEGE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TEAM - A MODEL FOR INTERAGENCY RANGELAND MANAGEMENT Gicklhorn, J., B. Goehring, J. Hunter, S. Fitton, University of Nevada, Reno – Dept. of Natural Resources and Environmental Science; USDA Agricultural Research Service – Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit, Reno NV Many ranchers in the arid west maintain federal grazing permits across multiple allotments with diverse vegetative communities, resource issues, and management strategies. We present an example of the interagency and interdisciplinary Deep Springs Resource Management Team (DSRMT), established to develop best management practices and make informed recommendations for livestock grazing on Deep Springs College’s five federal allotments. Deep Springs College is located in the remote Deep Springs Valley in Eastern California, which lies along the confluence of the Mojave Desert and Great Basin ecoregions. Resource issues present include proposed critical habitat for Bi-State Distinct Population Segment (DPS) of Greater Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) and several extant populations of the CA Threatened and Fully Protected Black Toad (Anaxyrus exul). We see the need for more inter-agency and interdisciplinary collaboration to better inform management decisions in order to maintain resilient native ecosystems across the Great Basin. GET TO KNOW THE WESTERN GOLDEN EAGLE TEAM Jessi L. Brown, University of Nevada, Reno NV, and Brian Woodbridge, USFWS The Western Golden Eagle Team was established in June 2013 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regions 1, 2, 6, and 8 to proactively address energy-related conservation needs of Golden Eagles by developing landscape-scale conservation strategies and facilitating research efforts intended to fill critical gaps in our knowledge of eagle ecology. The WGET coordinates with other UFSWS eagle teams, agencies, independent research groups, and universities to assist with and leverage projects, and to ensure that efforts are complementary. Our primary objectives are to develop decision support tools, such as maps and predictive models that may be used in project and conservation planning, and conservation measures that may be [26] taken to avoid, reduce, or mitigate the effects of limiting factors or threats. Although our mandate is necessarily species-specific, we are working to reach out to the broader scientific community and make sure that our efforts are coordinated with west-wide habitat and biodiversity conservation actions. LAND TREATMENT DIGITAL LIBRARY David Pilliod and Justin Welty, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID The Land Treatment Digital Library (LTDL) was created by the U.S. Geological Survey to catalog legacy land treatment information on Bureau of Land Management lands in the western United States. The LTDL can be used by federal managers and scientists for compiling information for data-calls, producing maps, generating reports, and conducting analyses at varying spatial and temporal scales. The LTDL currently houses 27,543 treatments from BLM lands across 13 states. Users can browse a map to find information on individual treatments, perform more complex queries to identify a set of treatments, and view graphs of treatment summary statistics. AN ENHANCED GAP ANALYSIS OF THE GREAT BASIN LCC Dunn, L., Lonneker, J., Davidson, A.,1 Gergely, K.2 1 Boise State University, Boise ID, 2National GAP program, USGS Information about biodiversity is important for decision makers, planners, researchers, private interests and others. When combined with available data related to threats and change agents, a GAP Analysis can be used to inform management and conservation decision makers about areas that often lack detailed assessments. We used a comprehensive GAP analysis approach to identify areas of biodiversity richness in the Great Basin LCC, and then applied available threats data to assess potential change in biodiversity status and to identify areas at risk of greatest biodiversity loss. The results may represent candidate areas for change in protection status or conservation actions. WHO ARE OUR OUTDOOR RECREATIONISTS? Denell Letourneau and Katie Demps, Department of Anthropology, Boise State University, Boise ID This poster presents the results of a survey conducted of outdoor recreationists in the Owyhees. Results include data that shows 25% of those surveyed spent over $5,000 on outdoor recreation in 2013 and that approximately 78% participate in more than one activity. This indicates that outdoor enthusiasts spend a significant amount of money on recreation and utilize public lands in a variety of ways. The work presented here shows that by identifying the habits, views, and economic contribution of outdoor recreationists, policy makers have an additional tool when making public land decisions that impact outdoor recreation. [27] ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AS PERCEIVED BY DIFFERENT RECREATION GROUPS Hannah Brown1, Robert Spaul1, Monica Hubbard1, Kathryn Demps1, and Julie A. Heath2 1 Department of Anthropology, 2Department of Biological Sciences, Boise State University, Boise ID The use of off-highway-vehicles (OHV) and other forms of recreation on public lands has increased greatly, especially in areas near cities and towns with rapid population growth. Outdoor recreation is the second leading cause for the decline of federally threatened and endangered species on public lands and natural resource managers are increasingly concerned about impacts of recreation on wildlife. The purpose of this study was to understand how recreationists perceive the environmental impact of motorized and nonmotorized recreation, and whether perceptions depended on group membership. We hypothesized that recreationists would not consider their own activities as harmful, but may recognize activities of other groups as causing harm. We asked recreationists using a series of eleven trail heads along the Owyhee Front to complete a survey on the type of recreation that they participate in and their opinion about how recreation impacts various aspects of the area. The results of this study showed the perception of each groups regarding their own impact on the environment as well as the impact of others along with the preferred management practices of recreation groups. DEVELOPING USABLE CLIMATE TOOLS FOR SAGEBRUSH LAND MANAGERS Melanie Brown, Oregon State University, Dominique Bachelet and Tim Sheehan, Conservation Biology Institute The Northern Great Basin provides many ecosystem services including both forage and sagegrouse habitat. The expansion of invasives altering the natural fire regime has made it difficult for land managers to maintain these services. Climate change is adding uncertainty to the long-term effectiveness of current management strategies. Information is needed to adjust these strategies for projected droughts, intense rainfall, and reduced water provision. Our goal is to discover how climate change information generated by modelers can be packaged effectively to provide usable information to federal land managers. By working closely with those managers, we hope to understand how consideration of climate change figures into the decision-making process of vegetation management activities. To meet our objectives, we have performed over 20 one-on-one interviews and valuable information was gathered on climate dependent management activities. Critical feedback on existing climate-related web pages and tools now provides a baseline to design improvements. In the coming months we will follow-up with the interviewees using blueprints of new tools based on their recommendations further allowing them to provide useful feedback. We hope to continue interacting with managers for the longer term and address the many issues they continually have to face to maintain healthy ecosystems. [28] CLIMATE AND LANDSCAPE HYDROLOGY INTEGRATING REGIONAL WEATHER AND CLIMATE MODELS WITH PROCESS ECOHYDROLOGY MODELS FOR MODELING LAND SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE WATER FLOW AT HIGH RESOLUTIONS IN SEMIARID LANDSCAPES Miguel Aguayo, Katelyn Watson, Jim McNamara, Hans Peter Marshall and Alejandro Flores Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Water management in semiarid regions require accurate and timely knowledge of runoff generation by snowmelt. This information is used to plan reservoir releases for downstream users as well as to support restoration activities such as seeding of native shrubs. Spatially lumped hydrology models are often used because of their simplicity, however, they are based on simplified mathematical assumptions and cannot adequately represent changes in land use or climate. In order to further contribute to water management strategies we propose the integration of an open-source high spatial resolution surface-subsurface hydrology model (ParFlow) with the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model. WRF is a sophisticated regional weather and climate model that simulates environmental forcings required as input to the ParFlow model. This approach, while computationally intensive, leads to internally and physically consistent environmental forcing variables distributed over the landscape at remote and ungauged areas. These data then feed a sophisticated model of surface-subsurface hydrology. Preliminary findings conform to the expectations of higher moisture in convergent areas of the landscape when tested in a watershed where data are available for verification. Ongoing work seeks to assess how well the modeling framework simultaneously reproduces values of a number of observed parameters such as precipitation, snow water equivalent, soil moisture, streamflow, etc. Ultimately, data products derived from such a modeling framework could be used to provide better spatial support to managers in support of decision-making. HYDROLOGIC RAMIFICATIONS OF AN INCREASED ROLE OF WILDLAND FIRE ACROSS THE RANGELAND-DRY FOREST CONTINUUM C. Jason Williams1,2, Frederick B. Pierson1, and Osama Z. Al-Hamdan1,2 1 USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center, Boise ID; 2University of Idaho, Moscow ID The increased role of wildland fire across the rangeland-dry forest continuum in the western United States (US) presents landscape-scale consequences relative runoff and erosion. Much of the Intermountain West now exists in a state in which rangeland and woodland wildfires stimulated by invasive cheatgrass and dense, horizontal and vertical fuel layers have a greater likelihood of progressing upslope into dry forests. Drier moisture conditions and warmer seasonal air temperatures, along with dense fuel loads, have lengthened fire seasons and increased in the frequency, severity and area burned at mid-elevations. These changes potentially increase the overall hydrologic vulnerability across the rangeland-dry forest continuum by spatially and temporally increasing soil surface exposure to runoff and erosion processes. We do not yet know the long-term ramifications of frequent soil loss associated with commonly occurring runoff events on repeatedly burned sites. However, plot to landscape-scale post-fire erosion rate estimates suggest potential losses of biologically important surface soils may be critically damaging for rangelands given inherent slow [29] soil formation rates. This study presents a summary of fire effects on runoff and erosion across the rangeland-xeric forest continuum of the western US and provides a conceptual framework for advancing post-fire hydrologic vulnerability assessment. MODELING THE HYDRO-CLIMATE OF SOUTHWEST IDAHO: VERIFICATION OF SURFACE FIELDS FROM A HIGH-RESOLUTION REGIONAL CLIMATE SIMULATION Katelyn A. Watson, Alejandro N. Flores, James P. McNamara, Hans Peter Marshall Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Observational weather and climate data in the semiarid West, in general, and mountainous regions therein, particularly, are sparse, temporally discontinuous, and often poorly representative of the domain of interest. Model output from high-resolution coupled land-atmosphere models, such as the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, is increasingly being used to fill this gap. In this study, we use the WRF model to downscale historical reanalysis data to 1km horizontal resolution over a region of southern Idaho including the Dry Creek and Reynolds Creek Experimental Watersheds, as well as the Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area for a simulation period extending from October 2008 through May 2009. We then evaluate modeled precipitation, temperature, and wind by comparing these results to precipitation gauge and weather station observations from monitoring networks within the experimental watersheds. Additionally, we investigate sub-grid variability in precipitation and the relation between this variability and vegetation and terrain properties in an attempt to derive physiographic diagnostics of the reliability and robustness of comparisons between particular observation sites and model outputs. We are simultaneously working on cyberinfrastructure (e.g., scripts, web-hosting, and data exploration tools) to distribute and disseminate these data to stakeholders for use in support of land management activities. FIRE AND DEBRIS FLOWS AT THE BOISE FRONT Katherine T Gibble1, Jennifer Pierce2, Eric Lindquist1 1 Department of Geosciences, 2Public Policy Research Center, Boise State University, Boise ID Like many areas in the Great Basin once dominated by sagebrush-steppe, climate change and human activity on the foothills above Boise, Idaho have led to invasion by non-native, flammable grasses. Paired with heighted flammability is increased human ignitions due to continued expansion of Boise’s Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).While fire alone is destructive, landscape response to fire can be equally hazardous yet is often poorly understood. While it is known that fire increases erosion on burned watersheds, not all slopes respond with hazardous post-fire debris flows. Watersheds that do respond with debris flow activity pose real hazards to life and property to those within of the flow’s destructive path. Presented here is the work being completed to address fire-related debris flow activity in the Boise Front, which has begun with the application of existing models designed to estimate post-fire debris flow probability and resulting volume (Cannon et al., 2010). Further informing fire related debris flow risk is the inclusion of ignitions distribution at the Boise WUI. Here we present our preliminary findings, ongoing work and proposal of future work assessing post-fire debris flow risks that threaten Boise’s growing community. [30] USING STABLE ISOTOPE HYDROLOGY TO PARTITION EVAPOTRANSPIRATION IN THE SAGEBRUSH STEPPE Kellie Rey and Matthew Germino U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID Stable isotope hydrology offers a method to partition evapotranspiration (ET) into its components evaporation (E) and transpiration (T). Our objective is to test a mass balance equation, presented by Wenninger et al. (2010), to evaluate the relative contributions of E and T to ET retrospectively based on stable isotope profile signatures in soil. We tested the approach under controlled laboratory conditions and in a heterogeneous, sagebrush-steppe ecosystem where microsites vary in contributions of T to vapor efflux. This presentation describes the theoretical and experimental approach to this study, along with an assessment of the approach under a simplified, purely evaporative condition in the lab, in which we asked whether the equation would correctly confirm that ET was entirely attributable to E. Independent soil microcosms were created such that only the upward movement of water was allowed. Under constant radiation and wind, the soil water contents and corresponding isotopic composition of water were evaluated after wetting to field capacity and after a period of E. Under these conditions, the equation can be simplified to the evaporated fraction being equal to the initial liquid product minus the final, divided by the composition of the vapor. Water isotopes were measured using the liquid-vapor equilibration method and ffluxing vapor was 5‰ depleted. Soil water decreased to 70% of field capacity. From these preliminary data the equation verified all (99%) vapor efflux was E. Using a similar approach in the field setting, we have observed greater variability in soil profiles. Factors affecting the performance and testing of this approach in the field will be discussed. ESTIMATING LONG-TERM ANNUAL CLIMATE VARIABILITY USING STABLE ISOTOPES FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SAGEBRUSH WOOD IN THE BONNEVILLE BASIN David Rhode, Desert Research Institute, Reno NV Annual variation in precipitation amount and seasonality may have significant effects on rangeland productivity and condition in the intermountain west, with follow-on consequences to sensitive biota such as sage grouse. Localized estimates of annual climate variability are therefore valuable for rangeland managers, but the network of instrumental climate stations in the Great Basin is relatively sparse. Here I examine the use of stable oxygen isotopes derived from cellulose in sagebrush wood as a local proxy for inter-annual variability of past precipitation and temperature. Results of a pilot program using sagebrush wood derived from archaeological sites in the northern Bonneville Basin illustrate differences in both trend and year-to-year variation through the Holocene. The 18O signal in sagebrush can serve as a local long-term measure of inter-annual climate variation in many rangeland settings, providing a useful tool for rangeland assessment and restoration. [31] SKILL OF GLOBAL CLIMATE MODELS IN CAPTURING DEPENDENCE OF GREAT BASIN PRECIPITATION ON PACIFIC MODES OF VARIABILITY Kimberly Smith and Courtenay Strong, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT; Simon Wang, Climate Program, Utah State University, Logan UT It has been shown that Great Basin precipitation is greatly affected by modes associated with the Pacific Ocean, mainly El Nino—Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). We completed an assessment of 20 models that participated in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5) using historical (1900-2005) monthly model precipitation and sea surface temperature (SST) output. We evaluated model performance of the effects of ENSO and PDO on Great Basin precipitation and compared the results to observations. The results of the study informed a filtering of the future (20102099) precipitation output of the top performing models over the western US under a high emissions scenario (RCP 8.5). In general, average precipitation in the top models tended to increase in a late future period (2070-2099) over the northern portion of the western US and decrease over the southern portion, with the zero-line centrally located over the Great Basin. This is consistent with the variance ratio computed for the same time period, which tended to increase where average precipitation increased and vice versa. One challenge for the models identified across the ensemble stems from the connectivity between ENSO and the PDO. The effect of ENSO on western US precipitation is modulated by the phase of the PDO. To better understand how the ocean interacts with the atmosphere and results in precipitation over the Great Basin, the storm track dynamics were analyzed by computing the stream function and correlating it with precipitation. MODELING THE EFFECTS ON WATER EROSION PROCESSES OF RANGELAND CONSERVATION PRACTICES IN THE GREAT BASIN REGION Osama Z. Al-Hamdan1,2, Frederick B. Pierson1, Mark A. Nearing3, C. Jason Williams1, Mariano Hernandez3, Jan Boll2, and Mark A.Weltz4 1 USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center, Boise ID 2 Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of Idaho, Moscow ID 3 USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Southwest Watershed Research Center, Tucson AZ 4 USDA, Agricultural Research Service, Great Basin Rangelands Research Unit, Reno NV The Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) is an event-based model developed by the USDA-ARS. The model has been developed to estimates runoff, erosion, and sediment delivery rates and volumes at the spatial scale of the hillslope and the temporal scale of a single rainfall event. It represents runoff and water erosion processes on undisturbed and disturbed rangeland. The data used for the development and parameterization of the model’s main components were collected from field experiments conducted on sites located over diverse rangeland landscapes within the Great Basin Region. Many of these sites exhibit some degree of disturbance, such as wildfire, prescribed fire, tree encroachment, and tree removal by mastication and/or cutting. Evaluations of the model on sites located in the Great Basin Region show its capability to match the predicated effect of disturbances across a wide range of ecological sites with diverse vegetation and ground cover conditions. The results of these evaluations shows the capability of RHEM to be [32] a practical management tool to predict water erosion processes and assess the effects of rangeland conservation practices in the Great Basin Region. INTEGRATED MODELING IN THE GREAT BASIN TO INVESTIGATE LINKAGES BETWEEN VEGETATION AND HYDROLOGY Rosemary Carroll1, Justin Huntington1, Guoping Tang1, Rich Niswonger2, Alex Lutz1, Keirith Snyder3 and Tamzen Stringham4 1 Desert Research Institute, Reno NV, 2US Geological Survey, Reno NV, 3USDA Agricultural Research Service, Boise ID, 4University of Nevada, Reno NV Changing climate or management practices can result in vegetation changes that modify the distribution of vegetation, ecosystem function and land cover. Ecosystem changes may alter how, where and when water moves through a system. Understanding the timing of water budget shifts based on vegetation change is not well understood and is likely related to the partition of soil moisture to evapotranspiration, interflow and groundwater recharge. Integrated hydrologic models allow practitioners to analyze complex ecohydrology problems including hydrologic feedback mechanisms and timing of important water budget components. The Groundwater and Surface water FLOW (GSFLOW) model accounts for flow within and between three regions: (1) plant canopy to the bottom of the soil zone, (2) surface water bodies and (3) the groundwater system below the soil zone. Two modeling studies in the Great Basin (Cleave Creek and Porter Canyon, NV) are presented using GSFLOW in conjunction with remote sensing data and/or the RasterizedRegional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (R-RHESSys) model to evaluate hydrologic thresholds and ecosystem resilience in response to shifting vegetation and variable climate. PLANT ECOLOGY, TERRESTRIAL CARBON, AND CLIMATE EFFECTS ASPEN GENETICS: UPDATING OUR UNDERSTANDING OF ASPEN IN THE INTERMOUNTAIN WEST Karen E. Mock, Colin M. Callahan, James N. Long Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University, Logan UT Aspen (Populus tremuloides) is the most broadly distributed tree species in North America. It is particularly valuable in the western US, where it provides wildlife habitat, livestock forage, and is associated with increased water yield, increased bird and herbaceous plant diversity, and can serve as a fire break. Climate models predict dramatic losses of aspen habitat in the western US, and rapid widespread mortality is being observed, particularly in drier, warmer locations. The use of genetic tools has led to some surprising insights relative to reproductive ecology and management in aspen. This poster aims to summarize and interpret some of these findings. [33] THE PHANTOM GAS FIELD PROJECT: EVIDENCE OF PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF SAGEBRUSH DUE TO HUMAN NOISE-INDUCED CHANGES IN ARTHROPOD HERBIVORY Maria T. Pacioretty1, Elizeth Cinto Mejia2, Dr. Keith Reinhardt1, Dr. Jesse Barber2, Dr. Marie-Anne de Graff2 1 Idaho State University, Moscow ID; 2 Boise State University, Boise ID Increases in human noise-disturbance have been shown to alter avian/mammalian predator activity, creating the potential for “top-down” alterations in ecosystem services across multiple trophic levels. We examined the effects of noise pollution across multiple trophic levels using an experimental approach. We broadcasted recorded gas-well-compressor noise, and quantified how experimentally-induced reductions in predator abundance and activity impacted arthropod herbivory as well as consequent changes in stem growth, photosynthetic gas exchange in shrubs. The study area was sagebrush-steppe lands of the National Birds of Prey Conservation area southwest of Boise, Idaho. 8 sites were selected: 4 treatment sites broadcasting recordings 24hrs/day; and 4 control sites with no broadcast noise. We conducted measurements on 64 Artemisia tridentata shrubs monthly throughout summer 2014. Preliminary results show that shrubs in “noise-on” plots had almost two times the herbivory compared to control plots, and decreased photosynthesis (as much as 40%) compared to control (“noise-off”) plots. Additionally, dark respiration was 10-40% greater in shrubs in the noise-on plots. Our preliminary results suggest that human noise pollution can impact ecosystem functioning at leaf to landscape scales including beneficial ecosystem services such as carbon and water storage. PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSES OF SAGEBRUSH TO CLIMATE WARMING Brynne Lazarus, Matthew Germino, Jessica VanderVeen, Lar Svenson, Martha Brabec U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID Sagebrush is a keystone species in the Great Basin. Understanding its physiological responses to climate warming is vital for predicting the type of shifts that may occur in Great Basin ecosystems with climate change. We installed passive warming frames in mature sagebrush stands at three sites along a moisturetemperature gradient and measured water use efficiency and freezing responses in warmed and control plants over two years. Preliminary results show sagebrush growing at the warmest, driest site had the greatest water-use efficiency, while sagebrush growing at the coolest, wettest site showed the lowest water-use efficiency. Water use efficiency was greater in warmed relative to control plants during a drier year. Freezing avoidance did not vary significantly with site or treatment, but freezing resistance was greatest for the coolest, wettest site and least for the warmest, driest site. Warmed plants were less freezing resistant than control plants in early spring. Freezing resistance was much greater in October than in June. Sagebrush adjusts its physiological water use and its temperature thresholds in response to warming. These preliminary results suggest that sagebrush is most susceptible to freezing in early spring, and that warming may increase its susceptibility. [34] LOW SAGEBRUSH RESPONSES TO PASSIVE WARMING AND SNOWPACK REMOVAL Lindsay Curran1, Keith Reinhardt1, Matthew Germino2, Diane Debinski3 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello ID 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise ID 3 Ecology and Evolution Department, Iowa State University, Ames IA In western North America, climate change is predicted to result in a 2-5º C warming by 2050, with declines in snowpack. Those possible changes may strongly influence the physiology of vegetation, especially in highelevation communities that are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. To better predict plant responses to future changes in climate, we used an ongoing climate-change experiment in a montane meadow of Grand Teton National Park. We investigated the effects of warming (1-3º C) and decreased spring snowpack (~15%) on the physiology of low sagebrush (Artemisia arbuscula). Preliminary results indicated that photosynthetic carbon gain, respiration, and stomatal conductance were not significantly affected by either warming or snowpack removal. Plant water-status (water potentials) was significantly improved by warming, but was not affected by snowpack manipulations. Collectively, our data demonstrate that photosynthetic carbon gain A. arbuscula may not be sensitive to slight changes in temperature or winter precipitation. However, plant water-relations may be responsive to slight changes in temperature. Our findings suggest minimal changes in low sagebrush’s ecophysiological performance in response to warming and altered precipitation, which may help explain why it had relatively large changes in growth in a related study. DIURNAL AND SEASONAL VARIATION IN TREE STEM CIRCUMFERENCE USING AUTOMATED SELF-REPORTING DENDROMETER BANDS (TREEHUGGERS) Sharma Harmandeep1, Keith Reinhardt1, Kathleen Lohse1, Mark Seyfried2, Evan H. DeLucia3, Timothy Mies4 1 Department of Biological Sciences, Idaho State University, Pocatello ID 2 Northwest Watershed Management Research, Boise State University, Boise ID 3 Department of Plant Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL 4 Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL The Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory (RC CZO) is a new CZO in southwestern Idaho whose research objectives are to quantify soil carbon storage and flux, and the factors governing these from pedon to landscape level. Aboveground carbon pools and fluxes are an important contributor to soil carbon, and quantifying variation in these is important for understanding critical-zone carbon processes. To estimate changes in aboveground carbon pools, we deployed automated, self-reporting dendrometer bands (TreeHuggersÓ) on three tree species (Juniperus occidentalis, Populus tremuloides, Psuedotsuga menziesii). These species represent the dominant tree species in Reynolds Creek watershed, and occupy sites of varying aspect and microclimates. We installed TreeHuggers onto at least 6 trees per species, and treecircumference-data (accurate to within 2 mm) were recorded at 15-20 minute intervals. Data suggest that the mean changes in tree circumference were 0.282+0.056 cm, 0.603+0.126 cm, and 1.126+0.628 cm for J. occidentalis, P. menziesii, and P. tremuloides, respectively, during 2014 growing season. Tree circumferencegrowth began on 160, 162, and 158 DOY respectively, based on dendrometer traces. Diurnal variation in [35] tree circumference averaged about 0.017+0.006 cm, 0.067+ 0.051cm, and 0.261+ 0.170 cm for J. occidentalis, P. menziesii, and P. tremuloides, respectively. Future research includes deploying litterfall traps to measure the aboveground carbon inputs to soil and installing sap flux sensors to measure the whole tree transpiration in all three species to examine the plant physiological compared to critical zone controls on aboveground productivity and inputs. TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY OF SOIL ORGANIC CARBON DECOMPOSITION ACROSS AN ELEVATIONAL GRADIENT IN A SEMI-ARID ECOSYSTEM Hasini Delvinne1, Kevin Feris2, Alejandro Flores1, Shawn Benner1, Marie-Anne deGraaff2 1 Department of Geological Sciences, Boise State University, Boise ID 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Semi-arid ecosystems are important global carbon (C) stores; given the significant amount of soil C stored. Yet, these may change at elevated global temperatures due to climate change. Incomplete understanding of the temperature sensitivity of soil organic C (SOC) decomposition poses uncertainty in predicting C cycle feedback to elevated temperatures. This study aims to elucidate the effect of litter inputs on SOC quality (i.e. labile, recalcitrant) and subsequent consequences for the temperature sensitivity of SOC decomposition along an elevational gradient in a semi-arid ecosystem. The study sites (four) located in the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed in the Owyhee Mountains, Idaho are sagebrush dominated. They span across an elevational (1000m) and climatic gradient (i.e. mean annual temperature and precipitation). Litter inputs are quantified using litter traps and assessed for quality (i.e. Lignin, C: Nitrogen). Stratified random sampling of soil (0-30 cm) was conducted at all elevations. Soil fractionations are used to quantify total SOC in fractions and determine SOC quality. The temperature sensitivity of SOC decomposition is assessed in controlled laboratory incubations by exposing soils to a temperature gradient. This study provides insights to the sensitivity of SOC stores, which determines the vulnerability of C-stores in semi-arid ecosystems at elevated temperatures. WILDFIRE IN SAGEBRUSH STEPPE ECOSYS-TEMS: CAN PAST FIRE REGIMES HELP PREDICT THE FUTURE? Jennifer L. Pierce1, Kerrie Weppner1, Mike L. Pellant2, Katherine T. Gibble1 1 Boise State University, Boise ID 2 Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID Paleo-vegetation studies show that even prior to anthropogenic influence, sage steppe communities were dynamic, and sometimes susceptible to replacement by other vegetation communities (including forests) under changing climatic conditions. Likewise, some forest communities (e.g. pinyon and juniper) have expanded northward in the past several thousand years with warming climate conditions. While fire has been a natural part of sagebrush steppe ecosystems (sage-steppe) from thousands to millions of years, human fire starts, land-use change and invasive species have substantially altered the natural fire cycle in recent times. Before Euro-American settlement in the western US in the 1800’s, fires in sage-steppe were generally smaller and less frequent than today. With settlement, widespread grazing reduced fine fuels and [36] likely promoted expansion and densification of woody species such as sagebrush and juniper. This, along with fire exclusion, may have created a ‘fire deficit’ (Marlon et al., 2012) that is now being aggressively remedied by a warming climate and invasive species. In the early 1900’s, the arrival and subsequent expansion of cheatgrass (bromus tectorum), has produced an annually renewable continuous cover of dry fuel; in recent decades, fires exceeding 100,000 acres in rangelands are common; fires of this size were extremely unusual prior to the 1980’s. Increased use and development in rangelands by people has increased human-caused fires, especially along roads and in recreation areas. Finally, a changing climate is driving longer and hotter fire seasons. These factors combine to create a vicious cycle: hot, dry, fire seasons and plenty of natural and human ignitions spark fires in sage steppe ecosystems, cheatgrass fuels larger and more frequent fires, and following fire, cheatgrass out-competes sagebrush to re-establish quickly in burned areas. These cheat-infested areas then provide more fuel for fires and further increase expansion of cheat at the expense of sagebrush. HOW DO LONG-TERM CHANGES IN PRECIPITATION SEASONALITY AFFECT ECOSYSTEM CARBON DYNAMICS? EVIDENCE FROM A 21-YEAR, MANIPULATIVE CLIMATE-CHANGE EXPERIMENT Kathryn McAbee, Idaho State University, Moscow ID, Keith Reinhardt, Idaho State University, Moscow ID, Matthew Germino, U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise ID Arid and semi-arid shrublands of the Intermountain West have been identified as potential carbon (C) sinks, but this is contingent on precipitation amount and timing. A shift in precipitation seasonality is predicted for this region, with increases in wintertime precipitation relative to summertime. To quantify the effects of altered precipitation amount and seasonality on aboveground C storage and turnover, we measured C pools and fluxes at leaf and ecosystem scales during the 2014 growing season, at a 21-year ecohydrological experiment site. We hypothesized that increases in winter precipitation would stimulate aboveground C uptake and storage relative to ambient conditions. This hypothesis was generally supported by our preliminary results: winter-irrigated and summer-irrigated plots both took up more C during the growing season (3.5 ± 0.3, 4.2 ± 0.3 µmol m-2 s-1) than plots under ambient precipitation conditions (0.1 ± 0.2 µmol m-2 s-1. Trends in leaf- and soil-level C flux suggest that precipitation treatment effects on ecosystem-level C exchange are primarily driven by soil respiration and moisture content. Biomass accumulation was approximately 50% greater in winter-irrigated relative to summer-irrigated plots, and approximately 2.5X greater relative to ambient plots. Our findings suggest that expected shifts in precipitation seasonality could result in increased aboveground C uptake and storage in shrubland communities in cold deserts of western North America. USING RANDOM FOREST TO ESTIMATE POTENTIAL CHEATGRASS AND PERENNIAL HERBACEOUS COVER FROM SITE ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS Nathan L. Cline, Bruce A. Roundy, Chris Balzotti Brigham Young University, Provo UT Developing geospatial spatial estimates of potential cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) and perennial herbaceous cover following fire and fire surrogate treatments has been challenging due to high variability in [37] climate and site environmental characteristics. The advancement of geospatial climate models and analysis tools, such as BIOCLIM and Random Forest, may provide opportunities for tool development. We conducted a Random Forest analysis to spatially estimate cheatgrass and perennial herbaceous cover using 43 site environmental characteristics as explanatory variables. Site environmental characteristics were derived from 5 m digital elevation models (DEM), BIOCLIM, and ClimateWNA geospatial data sets. Cheatgrass, perennial tall and short grass, and shrub cover were previously collected at 45 wooded (Juniperus spp.) shrublands (Artemisia spp.) in Utah. We used Random Forest and ModelMap for R statistical software to conduct the analysis. Preliminary analysis indicates a hierarchy of influential site environmental characteristics that included elevation, mean precipitation and mean temperature of the driest quarter of the year. These site environmental characteristics and a potential geospatial map may aid managers in determining which sites are more or less resilient to woodland reduction treatments or which sites may require the addition of plant materials for successful restoration. BROMUS TECTORUM AND NATIVE GRASS ESTABLISHMENT UNDER DROUGHT AND WARMING IN SAGEBRUSH STEPPE AFTER FIRE Beth Newingham1, Alexis Suazo2, Matthew Germino3 1 USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Great Basin Rangeland Research Unit, Reno NV 2 University of Idaho, Department of Forest Rangeland, and Fire Sciences, Moscow ID 3 U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID Brigham Young University, Provo UT Fire and climate change are two important drivers of desert plant communities. Changes in precipitation and temperature due to climate change will create novel environmental conditions that will likely affect post-fire plant establishment, invasions, and eventually alter plant community assemblages. In a field experiment, we reduced precipitation using rainout shelters and increased temperature using open-sided warming frames in sagebrush steppe communities in the Great Basin. At five burned sites, we established control, drought, warming, and drought + warming plots. Seeds of two native perennial grasses (Elymus elymoides and Pseudoroegneria spicata) used in post-fire rehabilitation and an invasive annual grass (Bromus tectorum) were sown in experimental plots. We measured seedling emergence, density, survival, biomass, height, and specific leaf area to evaluate native and non-native species responses to drought and warming. Native grass emergence was low in drought and warmed plots. However, warming increased native grass height and specific leaf area. Bromus emerged in all treatments, but drought and warming negatively affected Bromus biomass, plant height, and high specific leaf area. These preliminary results suggest that native and nonnative species may respond differently to future climate. Individual species responses to climate change are likely to result in altered species interactions and thus plant communities. PRECIPITATION IMPACT S ON PLANT-DERIVED SOIL C INPUT AND DECOMPOSITION Xochi Campos1, Matthew Germino2, Marie-Anne de Graaff1 1 Boise State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Boise ID 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise ID [38] Changes in climate such as timing and amount of precipitation are expected to impact the global carbon (C) cycle by affecting important water-dependent biogeochemical processes such as litter decomposition. Litter decomposition plays an essential role in the global C cycle by co-regulating net ecosystem C storage. Changes in precipitation may have an especially large effect on litter decomposition rates in semi-arid ecosystems where ecological processes are limited by and sensitive to water availability. Consequently, soil C sequestration may be effected by precipitation-induced changes in plant production and soil microbial activity. It is currently uncertain if a change in amount and timing of precipitation alters the balance of soil C input via plant-derived C and soil C output via microbial activity thus the C flux from soil to the atmosphere. We conducted a litter trap and decomposition experiment at the Idaho National Laboratory Ecohydrology Experiment with basin big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata) after 19 years of precipitation treatment application to assess how precipitation shifts may affect aboveground litter inputs and decomposition rates. Preliminary data show the direct influence of precipitation treatments on initial litter quality as well as varying decomposition rates indicating an indirect influence of precipitation. This experiment provides evidence that precipitation shifts impact litter decomposition through changes in both litter quality and decomposition processes. THE IMPACT OF FUEL REDUCTION TREATMENTS ON CARBON AND NITROGEN MINERALIZATION PROCESSES IN A DEGRADED SEMI-ARID ECOSYSTEM Billy Bringman and Marie-Anne de Graaff, Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) is an invasive plant species that contributes to degradation of native sagesteppe ecosystems. The USGS (United States Geological Survey) and BLM (Bureau of Land Management) have established a manipulative field experiment that assesses how fuel load reduction treatments (i.e. grazing, herbicide applications and mowing) affect reestablishment of native vegetation. With this study, we assessed how the fuel reduction treatments affect soil microbial activity and nutrient cycling using controlled laboratory incubation experiments. Further, using a greenhouse experiment, we evaluated how herbicide treatments (i.e. Imazapic applications) may impact germination and plant performance of native forbs. Experimental results showed no significant impact of the fuel reduction treatments on microbial activity or on soil nutrient cycling, however, herbicide treatments significantly reduced the performance of forbs. This indicates that Imazapic is not specific to cheatgrass, and its use could impact species diversity and essential sage grouse preferred forbs. ASSESSING FUEL LOADS ACROSS SUCCESSIONAL AND INVASION GRADIENTS IN DEGRADED SAGEBRUSH LANDSCAPES Doug Shinneman1, David Pilliod1, Robert Arkle1, Nancy Glenn2, Susan McIlroy1, Anne Halford3 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID 2 Department of Geosciences, Boise State University Boise State University, Boise Idaho 3 U.S. Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID Sagebrush shrublands in the Great Basin are highly influenced by non-native plants that alter successional trajectories, suppress native species, and promote frequent wildfire. Non-native fine-fuel loadings can be [39] highly variable through space and time under these conditions, hindering attempts by land managers to predict and control fire and restore native communities. We developed an approach to quantify and predict fuel loads in degraded sagebrush communities, by addressing three primary research questions: How do fuel loadings change along successional/invasion gradients in current or former sagebrush sites? How do treatments in degraded sites influence fuels? How can remotely-sensed imagery be used to develop spatially-explicit, predictive models of fuel loadings across the landscape? We sampled > 2,500 plots in southwestern Idaho over three years and found that fuel loads vary: 1) across successional gradients, with higher herbaceous fuel loadings in invaded versus intact sagebrush communities; 2) depending on nonnative species composition, with annual forbs contributing significantly to fine fuel loads relative to sites dominated by annual grasses alone; and 3) relative to precipitation, which influences species-specific contributions to fine-fuels. These data are being used to develop a fuels guide for land managers, and they are being coupled with LiDAR and remotely sensed imagery to develop spatially-explicit fuel maps. MAPPING SOIL ORGANIC CARBON (SOC) CONTENT OF SOILS IN THE REYNOLDS CREEK WATERSHED Ryan M. Will, Chris Stanbery, Mark S. Seyfried, Jennifer L. Pierce, Kathleen A. Lohse, Lejo N. Flores, Nancy N. Glenn, Lucas P. Spaete, Nick Patton, Cody Black, Alison Good, Shawn G. Benner Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Quantification of soil organic carbon (SOC) is difficult in topographically and ecologically diverse landscapes. However, advances in information technology and computation have led to new approaches to soil mapping. In this research, the organic carbon content of soils in the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watershed (RCEW) will be mapped using a field and modeling approach. This study is being conducted in the Owyhee Mountains of southwestern Idaho where a strong elevation gradient influences climate and vegetation distribution. Vegetation species generally follow precipitation with sagebrush-steppe in the lowlands and a mix of conifers, junipers and some sagebrush at higher elevations. Vegetation species have direct influence on SOC in addition to being a good indicator of climate conditions. For this reason, we hypothesize that vegetation species will be the primary control on SOC in the Reynolds Creek watershed. RESTORATION AND PLANT MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI COLONIZING WYOMING BIG SAGEBRUSH SEEDLINGS TRANSPLANTED TO THE SNAKE RIVER BIRDS OF PREY, NCA Bill Davidson and Marcelo Serpe, Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Host plant preferences and variation in the abiotic environment can affect the composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AMF) assemblages. This study evaluated the AMF colonizing individual Wyoming big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) seedlings growing in the Snake River Birds of Prey, NCA. AMF were identified based on phylogenetic analysis of sequences from the large subunit-D2 rDNA region. This analysis revealed six phylotypes, two within the Claroideoglomeraceae and four within the Glomeraceae. Sequences were also grouped into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with sequence similarities ≥ 94%. Particular [40] phylotypes included 2 to 8 OTUs and a total of 29 OTUs were detected. Individual seedlings were colonized by an average of 3.5 (±1.2) OTUs. Although a variety of OTUs colonized sagebrush roots, certain OTUs were dominant. OTU GlomusII-1 was present in 94% of the seedlings. Other common OTUs were Funneliformis 1, GlomusII-2, and Rhizophagus 1, which were detected in 54, 51, and 40% of the seedlings respectively. In contrast, 15 of the 29 OTUs were detected in less than 5% of the seedlings. AMF community composition did not differ significantly with season or rooting depth. Further work is needed to evaluate whether the differences in OTU abundance reflect preference by the host plant or differences in OTU frequencies within the soil. SEED WEIGHT AND AREA OF ARTEMISIA TRIDENTATA: A DIAGNOSTIC FOR DETERMINING SUBSPECIES Deidre Jaeger, Hector Ortiz, Stephanie Carlson, Bryce Richardson USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station - Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Provo Utah Polyploidy is a common feature among sagebrush species. Studies of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) have shown polyploids fill an important ecological niche in sagebrush ecosystems. Tetraploids, typically Wyoming big sagebrush (subspecies wyomingensis), occupy the driest regions of the sagebrush steppe. Therefore, restoring big sagebrush must rely predominantly on appropriately adapted Wyoming big sagebrush seed. To date, no cost-efficient method has been developed to differentiate seed of Wyoming big sagebrush from diploid, basin big sagebrush (subspecies tridentata). In this study we show that seed weight or area can differentiate subspecies of big sagebrush. Seed weights were obtained from an analytical scale, and area was calculated from scanned images. Seed weight and area are highly correlated. Based on 10 seed weights, Wyoming big sagebrush seed weighed 1.01 mg more that basin big sagebrush, 3.14 and 2.13 mg, respectively, from 28 wild-collected sources. Likewise, Wyoming big sagebrush seed area was 0.128 mm2 greater than basin big sagebrush, 0.523 and 0.404 mm2, respectively. Overall, subspecies seed weight and area was significantly different among wild-collected seed and from common garden plants. Data collected from wild-collected Wyoming big sagebrush populations are compared to BLM seed lots. These methods can be easily adopted for big sagebrush seed certification. CORRELATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND MANAGEMENT CHARACTERISTICS WITH NATIVE VEGETATION VARIABILITY IN INTRODUCED BUNCHGRASS STANDS Aleta M. Nafus, Tony J. Svejcar and Kirk W. Davies USDA Agricultural Research Service, Burns OR Crested wheatgrass has been seeded extensively in the Great Basin sagebrush steppe and is often associated with native species displacement and low biological diversity. In a previous study we found that plant community composition of crested wheatgrass stands was quite variable. Environmental characteristics, such as soil texture, helped explain some of the variability in the abundance of native vegetation present on sites seeded to crested wheatgrass. We are attempting to determine how much seeding conditions and subsequent management, including season of grazing and grazing intensity (using distance from water as a proxy) and years since fire help explain the variability in native vegetation [41] abundance in crested wheatgrass seedings. Initial results indicate that precipitation conditions at the time of seeding and number of years since fire in combination with site characteristics such as soil texture may be important factors that help explain some of the variability in native vegetation presence in sites seeded with crested wheatgrass. MODELING TOPOGRAPHIC AND SOIL EFFECTS ON SEASONAL DISTRIBUTION OF HYDROTHERMAL CONDITIONS FOR GERMINATION Alex Boehm1, Stuart Hardegree1, Nancy Glenn2, and Gerald Flerchinger1 1 USDA Agricultural Research Service, Northwest Watershed Research Center, Boise ID, and 2Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID In this study we used seed germination rate as an index for assessing relative favorability of seedbed microclimate for cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.), bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides Swezey) and Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis Elmer) as a function of 25 topographic classes and four soil types (clay, sand, silt loam and loam). We first parameterized the Simultaneous Heat and Water (SHAW) model with topographic, soil and weather-input data to estimate soil temperature and water potential at seeding depth for a 30-year historical simulation. Hydrothermal germination rate models were then used to map relative favorability of seedbed microclimate as a function of soil type and topographic position. Model results indicated a stronger topographic effect on seedbed favorability for cheatgrass than for the two native grasses, and topographic and soil gradients in relative favorability that are consistent with observed distributions of annual weed and perennial bunchgrass species in the Boise Front. These relationships can be used in conjunction with Ecological Site Descriptions (ESDs) to identify topographic and soil conditions that may be relatively more or less resilient to weed disturbance after wildfire. CLINES IN GROWTH, SEED YIELD AND SURVIVORSHIP AMONG SUBSPECIES OF BIG SAGEBRUSH: RELATIONSHIPS TO CLIMATE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SEED TRANSFER ZONES Bryce A. Richardson1, Lindsay Chaney2, Nancy L. Shaw3, Matthew J. Germino4 1 USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Provo UT 2 Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University, Provo UT 3 USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise ID 4 US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, Idaho Plant species that occupy large geographic distributions contend with highly varied climates. Such climatic differences frequently require genetic adaptation. Failure to understand how these species are adapted to climate will impede restoration. Here we present preliminary growth, seed yield and survival patterns of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata subspecies tridentata, vaseyana and wyomingensis) from three common gardens over four years. Using linear-mixed models (growth and seed yield) and survivor analysis (survivorship), trait variation is associated with source-location derived climate variables (temperature, precipitation and their interactions). Seed yield and growth showed similar significant clines affected by summer dryness and winter precipitation. Seed yield and growth climate models were highly correlated (r = 0.73, p < 0.0001). However, survivorship showed clines affected by winter temperatures and the ratio of [42] winter to summer precipitation. Overall, continentality strongly affects climate adaptation in big sagebrush. We discuss the development of seed transfer zones based on these data. PLANT MATERIAL TESTING FOR RANGELAND ESTABLISHMENT C.W. Rigby, T.A. Jones, K.B. Jensen, B.L. Waldron, M.D. Peel, J.G. Robins, and J.E. Staub USDA-ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, Logan, UT Seedling establishment on damaged Great Basin rangelands is generally considered the most limiting factor for revegetation of such lands. Over the latter half of the 20th century, the use of plant breeding methodology has greatly improved seedling establishment of crested wheatgrass (Agropyron desertorum) and other introduced grasses used widely in the Great Basin. Developing plant materials of native grasses with improved performance, while maintaining genetic variation, is a major objective for our laboratory because, for a long time, rangelands in the Great Basin have been becoming increasingly modified, both in extent and degree. This makes restoration efforts much more challenging. The linchpin of our plant material development program is ongoing rangeland testing, both preceding and following plant material release. In recent years, these trials, generally established as dormant seedings each fall, have been upgraded fr=- om 4 to 8 replications. In addition, our intention is to produce seed of all plant materials to be compared within a species in a common environment to avoid confounding by non-genetic maternal effects. Results suggest that the kind of approach used for crested wheatgrass is also effective for native grasses, though some species are much more comparable to crested wheatgrass for performance than others. ESTABLISHING ISLANDS OF SAGEBRUSH IN AN EARLY-SERAL, POST-FIRE LANDSCAPE: EFFECTS OF TOPOGRAPHIC POSITION, CLUSTER PLANTINGS, AND ARTIFICIAL MICROCLIMATE SHELTERS MJ Germino1, B Davidson1, M Brabec1, A Halford2 1 U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise ID 2 Bureau of Land Management, Boise ID Methods to increase post-fire restoration of big sagebrush are needed, particularly in relatively dry regions of its range where annual exotic and other early seral grasses and harsh wind exposure often prevail. Patchy establishment of sagebrush within such landscapes is increasingly recognized as an appropriate target for restoration or rehabilitation treatments. We planted replicate clusters of Wyoming Big Sagebrush seedlings using the collaborative nexus of the BLM Snake River Birds of Prey Nat'l Conservation Area and partner network. Over 1000 seedlings were planted over about a 48 ha. Preliminary data after 1 year show 90% survival in drainages, 65% on slopes, and 40% on flat areas. Use of straw wattle, snow fences, or both to decrease windspeed reduced survival from 60% to as low as 23%, contrary to our expectations. There were no effect of planting clustered seedlings in rows or grids of various sizes and configurations. Insect defoliation was inversely related to survival and was as high as 70% of foliage. Whereas wind sheer is presumed to be a stress factor for sagebrush in this relatively flat landscape, we did not find evidence for it. Instead, our data suggests that targeting certain topographic positions and allowing for non-uniform and non-random post-fire establishment may be realistic. [43] DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH AMERICAN FORB PLANT MATERIALS FOR RANGELAND REVEGETATION AND RESTORATION K.J. Connors, D.A. Johnson, T.A. Jones, B.S. Bushman, B.L. Waldron and M.D. Peel USDA-ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory, Logan UT Plant material development for Intermountain rangelands is a primary mission of the UDSA-ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory. Currently there is a significant demand for North American forbs (including legumes) for rangeland revegetation and restoration in the Great Basin, but commercial quantities of seed are available for only a few species. At the USDA-ARS Forage and Range Research Laboratory, several North American forb species are being investigated. Four germplasms have been developed and released to meet restoration and revegetation needs of the Great Basin: NBR-1 basalt milkvetch (Astragalus filipes), Spectrum and Majestic western prairie clover (Dalea ornata), and Yakima western yarrow (Achillea lanulosa). Basalt milkvetch ranges throughout the Intermountain West from Canada to Mexico, and NBR-1 Germplasm represents populations from the Northern Basin and Range Ecoregion. Majestic Germplasm represents the Deschutes River watershed and Spectrum Germplasm represents the balance of its range in the northern Great Basin. Yakima Germplasm is recommended for use in revegetation throughout the northern Great Basin. Future anticipated plant material releases include: Searls’ prairie clover (Dalea searlsiae), Utah sweetvetch (Hedysarum boreale) and Utah trefoil (Lotus utahensis). RESPONSE OF YOUNG SAGEBRUSH SEEDLINGS TO MANAGEMENT OF HERBS Martha Brabec, Matthew Germino, Bryce Richardson, Doug Shinneman, Susan McIlroy, Robert Arkle U.S. Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID Seeding or planting of big sagebrush in post-fire rehabilitation or restoration projects involves alteration of a variety of plant community, soil, and site conditions. Herbicide application, mowing, drill seeding with forbs and grasses, and combinations of any of these treatments often happen with or before seeding or outplanting big sagebrush, and could affect herb competition or hydrological conditions for successful sagebrush establishment. The objective of this study was to evaluate how initial establishment of big sagebrush seedlings is influenced by management treatments on the herb layer, and to determine how these effects vary among different populations (seed sources) of big sagebrush. Preliminary data suggest seedling survival may be negatively affected by land management treatments that alter the herb layer and soil surface, including drill seeding. Survival probabilities were relatively greater for the local and fastgrowing populations of big sagebrush relative to other populations in an extremely dry spring at the lower edge of the sagebrush steppe ecosystem (Birds of Prey National Conservation Area in Southwestern Idaho). NATIVE GRASS PLANT MATERIALS DEVELOPED AT THE FORAGE & RANGE RESEARCH LABORATORY T.A. Jones, K.B. Jensen, B.L. Waldron, J.G. Robins, and J.E. Staub USDA-ARS Forage & Range Research Laboratory, Logan UT [44] Plant material development for Intermountain rangelands is a primary mission element for the Forage & Range Research Laboratory. In order for a plant material to be released by our laboratory, documentation of superior performance relative to previously released material or application in a previously unfilled market niche must be supplied to an internal committee that makes a recommendation to administrative personnel. Neutral genetic marker data are commonly used to assess a release’s genetic variation and its genetic similarity to other plant materials of the same species. To date, 13 plant materials of native grasses have been released by our laboratory for use in the sagebrush semi-desert and steppe, with 6 others planned for the near future. Species (and plant material release date) include bluebunch wheatgrass (P-7, 2001; Columbia, 2015; Rock Creek, 2017), Snake River wheatgrass (Discovery, 2007), bottlebrush squirreltail (Toe Jam Creek, 2003; Fish Creek, 2003; Rattlesnake, 2007; Antelope Creek, 2009, Pleasant Valley, 2010; Turkey Lake, 2016), big squirreltail (Sand Hollow, 1996), sandberg bluegrass (Reliable, 2005), Indian ricegrass (Rimrock [NRCS lead], 1996; Star Lake, 2004; White River, 2006), basin wildrye (Continental, 2008; Trailhead II, 2015), thickspike wheatgrass (Bannock II, 2015), and Thurber’s needlegrass (Princeton, 2016). SOIL INORGANIC CARBON THRESHOLDS AND FORMATION: WHAT ARE THE CONTROLS IN A TRANSITIONAL, SEMI-ARID WATERSHED? Christopher Stanbery1, Ryan Will1, Shawn Benner1, Mark Seyfried2, Kathleen Lohse3, Cody Black1, Alison Good1, Jennifer Pierce1 1 Geoscience, Boise State University, 2USDA-Agricultural Research Service, 3Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho Inorganic carbon constitutes approximately 40% of terrestrial soil carbon and it is an integral part of the global carbon cycle. The storage of inorganic carbon within soils is controlled by the primary soil forming factors including precipitation which is the strongest control on its presence or absence. However, within areas dry enough to allow soil inorganic carbon (SIC) formation, the hierarchy of controls on SIC presence and amount is complex. Measuring and modeling these variables at the pedon and watershed scale will improve our understanding of SIC storage. We hypothesize that the strongest factors controlling the amount of SIC are the age of the surface and the soil’s parent material. The Reynolds Creek watershed in southwestern Idaho is an ideal location for the study as it transitions from SIC dominated in the lower elevations to organic carbon dominated in the upper regions. Samples were collected across climate gradients in areas representing different soil forming factors throughout the watershed. The soil samples were then analyzed for SIC content and grain size distribution. Initial results suggest that the greatest controls are the parent material and surface age. The largest accumulations of SIC were found in soils formed on loess deposits and given ample time to develop soil characteristics. An initial map of the presence and absence of SIC is shown, but future work will provide data on densities of carbon throughout and help establish statistical relationships. [45] REMOTE SENSING AND LANDSCAPE MODELING OF VEGETATION THE BLM RIPARIAN TOOLBAR: AN ARCMAP PLUGIN FOR REGIONAL ANALYSIS OF VEGETATION RESPONSE Kenneth McGwire1, Justin Huntington1, Charles Morton1, Sarah Peterson2, Michael Schade2 1 Desert Research Institute, Reno NV; 2Bureau of Land Management, Reno NV The Riparian Toolbar is an ArcMap plugin being developed for the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada. This user-friendly toolbar allows a distributed user community to easily analyze a variety of geospatial At this time, the primary datasets for the toolbar include the 30 year timeseries of summertime NDVI from Landsat, drought indices, and annual precipitation. The toolbar allows users to examine historical patterns of variability in vegetative vigor, and to investigate relationships to factors such as interannual climate variability, land management practices, and disturbance history. This toolbar will allow users at all field offices to quickly quantify the current state and historical context of vegetation in relation to grazing allotments, habitat protection planning, water diversions, and commercial or recreational development. The Riparian Toolbar is an ArcMap plugin being developed for the Bureau of Land Management in Nevada. This user-friendly toolbar allows a distributed user community to easily analyze a variety of geospatial data that are hosted on a centralized server. Users can create or import polygons for areas of interest, and share or block public access to their polygons. The toolbar automatically identifies the intersection of geographical and temporal coverage between datasets when generating textual, graphical, and statistical information for user polygons. The architecture behind the toolbar is designed to be highly scalable, and it accommodates on-the-fly addition of datasets and timeseries updates at the centralized server. At this time, the primary datasets for the toolbar include the 30 year timeseries of summertime NDVI from Landsat, drought indices, and annual precipitation. The toolbar allows users to examine historical patterns of variability in vegetative vigor, and to investigate relationships to factors such as interannual climate variability, land management practices, and disturbance history. This toolbar will allow users at all field offices to quickly quantify the current state and historical context of vegetation in relation to grazing allotments, habitat protection planning, water diversions, and commercial or recreational development. USING AERIAL IMAGERY TO QUANTIFY CHANGE IN RIPARIAN HABITAT AND BEAVER OCCURRENCE, 1991-2013, RELATED TO IMPROVED GRAZING PRACTICES Robin Bjork1, Kurt Fesenmyer1, Carol Evans2 1 Trout Unlimited, Boise ID; 2Bureau of Land Management, Elko NV Loss of herbaceous and woody riparian vegetation and concomitant increase in water temperature are some well-documented effects of annual hot season grazing by livestock in western US streams. One such region historically grazed throughout the summer months on an annual basis is the water-poor high desert Susie Creek drainage in northeastern Nevada. Beginning in 1990, prescriptive grazing practices designed to limit frequency and duration of hot season grazing were implemented across different grazing allotments on public and private lands in an effort to restore the stream/riparian system. Our current analysis quantifies change in riparian vegetation and other features since implementation of the management regimes. We [46] conducted landcover classification of the approximately 500 km2 drainage area using high resolution aerial photography for two timeframes: an object-oriented supervised classification of 1991 photos and a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) classification of 2013 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) photos. Area of each landcover class, limited to the lateral extent of the valley floor and floodplain as calculated with a Valley Confinement Algorithm (VCA), was quantified and then compared between the two years. Additionally, we performed visual inspection of the imagery to quantify occurrence of beaver dams in each year. Our results demonstrate substantial increase in riparian vegetation and extensive beaver establishment across the drainage over the 22-year period indicating the importance of well-managed grazing to maintenance of intact riparian habitat. ESTIMATION OF SAGEBRUSH BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL PARAMETERS USING HYPERSPECTRAL IMAGES AND INVERSION OF RADIATIVE TRANSFER MODELS Hamid Dashtia, Nancy Glenna, Jessica Mitchell Department of Geological Sciences, Boise State University, Boise ID A large portion of the Earth’s surface is occupied by semiarid ecosystems, and thus they have an important role in climate change and other ecosystem functioning. The most dynamic elements of such ecosystems are biochemical and biophysical parameters associated with vegetation. Remote sensing can help scientists from different disciplines better quantify vegetation characteristics and estimate the current status of the ecosystem or predict its future behavior. Ecosystem models such as the Ecosystem Demography (ED2) model adopts these remote sensing-derived parameters as the forcing variables to describe ecosystem processes. Based on the inversion of a coupled leaf-canopy Radiative Transfer (RT) model, we retrieve leaf area index and nitrogen content of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata spp.). Two airborne hyperspectral images (HyVista’s HyMap sensor - 2010) were collected from eastern Idaho, simultaneous to our field study. HyMap with 125 spectral bands and 2.1 meter pixel size, provides appropriate spectral and spatial resolution for vegetation studies. The Prosail RT model was inverted using a lookup table approach to estimate leaf area index and nitrogen content, and the results were validated with our ground measurements. Parameters estimated from this study, will be assimilated into the ED2 model to parameterize the semiarid shrub plant functional type as the forcing variable. MODELING SAGEBRUSH HABITAT DISTRIBUTION IN RELATION TO CHEATGRASS AND FIRE PROBABILITIES IN THE WESTERN UNITED STATES Matthew Moskwik1, Doug Shinneman1, Matthew Brooks2, and J.R. Matchett2 1 U.S Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID 2 U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Yosemite Field Station, Oakhurst CA The sagebrush-steppe is one of the most imperiled ecosystems in the United States. Invasion by non-native annual grasses, large fires, and human modifications have reduced the amount of habitat available for sagebrush-dependent species, including the greater sage-grouse. Our objective was to identify areas that currently support sagebrush, but that also have a relatively low risk of degradation from fire and invasion by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum). We used seven unique species distribution models (SDMs) to project the [47] potential ranges of five different sagebrush species (Artemisia spp.) and cheatgrass. SDMs were also used to project the probability of fire on the landscape. After SDM projections, we used Zonation, a siteprioritization algorithm, to identify regions that maximized sagebrush species presence, while avoiding regions of high fire probability that were spatially-correlated with high cheatgrass suitability. The prioritization process also accounted for the variation and uncertainty among the SDM outputs and excluded urban and agricultural areas. Although our results are preliminary, we were able to identify regions in the western United States that represent high quality habitat for sagebrush dependent species. We also describe how our modeling approach will be modified to project future distributions of ecologically important sagebrush habitat under climate change. QUANTIFICATION OF SAGEBRUSH LEAF AREA INDEX (LAI) FROM TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNING Nayani Ilangakoon, Nancy Glenn and Peter Olsoy Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Leaf area index (LAI) regulates evapotranspiration and is an indicator of photosynthetic activity and net primary production in the sagebrush-steppe. Accurate and spatially distributed estimates of sagebrush LAI will better quantify the functional characteristics of sagebrush and the role of sagebrush in carbon cycling. In addition, sagebrush ecosystems have experienced significant degradation over the last few decades, causing fragmentation which impacts the distribution of carbon and habitat suitability across the landscape. Spatially-explicit estimates of sagebrush LAI will provide critical baseline data to monitor these changes. The aim of this study is to combine high resolution Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) technology with in situ sagebrush Leaf Area Index (LAI) measurements to quantify green biomass and productivity. Furthermore, reflectance-based classification will be used with the TLS derived 3D point cloud to separate green from woody components of sagebrush. We will use the TLS results to scale from individual to plot-level LAI using a gap fraction based calculation. The accuracy will be assessed using Specific Leaf Area (SLA) measurements. DERIVING SPATIOTEMPORALLY DISTRIBUTED NET ECOSYSTEM EXCHANGE ESTIMATES COMBINING EDDY FLUX AND REMOTE SENSING DATA Qingtao Zhou1, Alejandro Flores1, Gerald Flerchinger2, Nancy Glenn1 1 Geoscience department, Boise State University, Boise ID 2 Agricultural Research Service, Boise ID Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE) is a key ecological indicator of the direction and magnitude of exchange in carbon dioxide between the land and atmosphere. Generally there are two different approaches for estimating NEE: field-based measurement via eddy flux towers and deriving estimates from multispectral remote sensing data. Here we combine the advantages of the two methods using a machine leaning approach to develop a spatiotemporally distributed estimate of NEE in a semiarid ecosystem. The study site is the Reynolds Creek Experimental Watersheds (RCEW) in southwest Idaho, USA. Remote sensing data are in the form of 4-day composite estimates of the absorbed fraction of Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR) derived from the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) at 1 km spatial resolution [48] (MCD15A3 product). Additional remote sensing data available at RCEW include Leaf Area Index (LAI) from MODIS, topography and vegetation height derived from a 2007 Lidar flight, as well as other ancillary data such as vegetation type and soils. There are a total of five eddy flux towers within RCEW that provide estimates of NEE at temporal resolutions as fine as 30 minutes. We use a machine learning random forest approach to derive spatiotemporal estimates of NEE for RCEW. Input predictors to the random forest scheme include fPAR, LAI, topography, vegetation height, soils, etc. in the vicinity of the eddy flux towers. The random forest approach has the advantage that we can explore the relative importance of different predictor variables to better explore the relationship between NEE and different parameters. The random forest method can also be used to obtain measures of uncertainty in the predicted NEE by analyzing the spread of the ensemble of outputs. Improved estimates of NEE, as well as improved understanding of the observable predictors of NEE, can assist land managers to identify areas and times in which the landscape serves as a net source or sink of carbon. ESTIMATING ABOVEGROUND BIOMASS OF SAGEBRUSH USING AIRBORNE LASER SCANNING AND RANDOM FOREST REGRESSION Shital Dhakal1, Aihua Li1, Nancy Glenn1, Lucas Spaete1, Doug Shinneman2, Robert Arkle2, David Pilliod2, Susan Mcllroy2 1 Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID; 2US Geological Survey, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Snake River Field Station, Boise ID Quantifying aboveground total biomass of sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata), as well as native and non-native grasses, is important for modeling climate and hydrological dynamics, estimating pre-fire and post-fire fuel loads, measuring carbon storage, assessing habitat quality and managing changes in sagebrush-steppe environments. Remote sensing data, including LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) which provides vegetation vertical structure information, have been used for biomass estimation modeling across medium to large scales. In this study, we incorporate airborne LiDAR data with ground validation for scaling shrub and grass biomass from small scales (1m-subplot up to 100m-plot scale) to large, regional scales in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area (NCA), Idaho. Various vegetation metrics and statistics derived from the point density airborne LiDAR were trained and linked with the aboveground biomass ground validation data using the Random Forest regression approach. The relationship was then used to impute (i.e. scale biomass to the larger study region covered by LiDAR data (9970 hectares). Our results demonstrate that LiDAR-derived metrics based on vegetation height (including mean absolute deviation from mean height and standard deviation of height) have a strong correlation with the field-measured biomass (R2~ 0.81). This method can be used to determine the most important metrics to estimate biomass in semiarid shrubland across Northwest United States. SCIENCE-DRIVEN IMMERSIVE ENVIRONMENTS FOR LAND MANAGEMENT SIMULATIONS Josh Johnston and Tim Wilder, Boise State University, Boise ID This research explores automated techniques for visualizing environmental processes and land management decisions. The resulting 3D environment models provide a more realistic look and feel for simulated [49] outcomes than 2D or 2.5D GIS maps and extracted statistics. Automated model generation reduces workflow complexity and increases fidelity by directly coupling science inputs with 3D output. We generate buildings, trees, and ground cover using CityEngine and procedural modeling to create realistic 3D views of alternative scenarios predicted by the Envision integrated planning and environment assessment tool, as well as to visualize discrete events such as fire and firebreak placement. The information for these scenes is incorporated using standard GIS formats. We also demonstrate integration with Forest Vegetation Simulator, which has the potential to represent stands according to prescribed climate and management protocols. The resulting 3D models can be explored on a computer, over the web, or in the form of interactive games, which can further incorporate science results and management policy. The presented tools have been developed to prototype level. Future work is envisioned to validate the 3D models against the original science and measure the effectiveness for outreach, engagement, and public input collection. USING AERIAL IMAGERY TO PREDICT OCCURRENCE AND DENSITY OF REDBAND TROUT IN A REMOTE, DESERT LANDSCAPE Daniel C. Dauwalter, Kurt A. Fesenmyer, Robin Bjork, Trout Unlimited, Boise ID Remotely-sensed characteristics of streams are often useful predictors of the distribution and abundance of aquatic species. We conducted a supervised, object-oriented classification of National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery to develop a high resolution (1-m) land cover dataset with four cover classes, with a focus on woody riparian vegetation, in northern Nevada and southwestern Idaho. The overall classification accuracy was 76%, and producer’s accuracy (reflecting false positives) and user’s accuracy (reflecting false negatives) for the woody vegetation class were 84% and 70%, respectively. Using logistic and quantile regression models, we found woody vegetation to be positively associated with Redband Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri occurrence and density, but its effect on densities was conditional on mean August stream temperatures ranging from 13 to 17°C. We also found woody vegetation and stream temperature to be better predictors of Redband Trout occurrence and density than field-measured instream and riparian habitat. Our study highlights the utility of using high resolution imagery to characterize Redband Trout habitat across a large remote desert landscape, and suggests that it can be used to identify restoration opportunities where land and water uses have negatively impacted woody riparian vegetation and stream habitat in desert regions of the interior West. PEOPLE AND THE HYDROSCAPE CONSTRAINING THE LANDSCAPE: USING DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGE TO ANTICIPATE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT NEEDS & PREDICT WATER USAGE ALONG THE ADA COUNTY & CANYON COUNTY BORDER Jeremy W. Johnson, Kathryn Demps, Khila Dahal, Department of Anthropology, Boise State University, Boise ID During the late 1990s and early 2000s the Treasure Valley experienced rapid development and population growth. The area around the boundary between Ada and Canyon counties experienced a 341.18% [50] population growth while all other areas in these counties had an 82.35% population increase. Studying the data from the four US censuses since 1980 has also shown a trend of families moving into this area as seen in average household size. The area around the boundary between Ada and Canyon Counties has maintained an average household size of 3 people per household while all other areas only exhibit 2.6 people per household. This increase in household size indicates the preference for families to live outside of the metropolitan areas and in these newly developed areas; a preference that seems likely to continue. This raises the question of water use within these areas. Did these areas experience higher water usage as farm land or is the increasing population density outpacing that of previous usage? With the study of this demographic transition, projections can be made and utilized when considering continual development of areas and the water use that is to be experienced. ENVISIONING IMPACTS OF MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AND CLIMATE CHANGE ON WATER RESOURCES IN THE BOISE RIVER BASIN, ID Amy Steimke, Alejandro Flores, Bangshuai Han, Andrea Leonard Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Changes in land use and land cover play a critical role in climate change and water resource availability. However, feedbacks between land management strategies and regional hydroclimate are poorly understood. There exists a need for improved representation and quantification of human activities on hydroclimate under diverse management scenarios. In this poster, I will outline how we plan to isolate the effects of various land management scenarios on water availability under several projections of climate change within the Boise River Basin (BRB), a mostly federally-managed landscape. Working closely with regional land managers, we will build a realistic suite of management scenarios which will be used in the Envision agent-based modeling framework to assess impacts on key variables like snow cover, runoff, and soil moisture. This framework treats the managed landscape as a dynamically coupled human and natural system where management activities and hydrology can be simulated on the landscape. Results from this study will allow us to quantify the impact of management activities on regional hydrology in the context of a changing climate, identifying potentially causal relationships between management activities and regional hydroclimate. We will continually communicate with our stakeholders to refine model parameterizations of management scenarios and ensure that data products derived from the study are useful in management contexts. AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY IN THE MIDST OF CLIMATE CHANGE: USING AN AGENT- BASED MODEL TO PREDICT THE EFFECTS OF HUMAN DECISION-MAKING ON AGRICULTURAL LANDS Andrea Leonard, Alejandro Flores, Bangshuai Han, Amy Steimke Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise ID Agricultural sustainability will become a greater priority in the near future as climate change and population growth continue in the semiarid West. Regional hydrology in the Boise River Basin (BRB) of southwestern Idaho will vary with climate change, altering the spatiotemporal water demands in agricultural areas. It is important to understand and quantify the impacts of human decisions and policies on agricultural [51] production in the midst of these changes. To accomplish this, we use an agent-based modeling framework (Envision) that couples human and biophysical systems to create alternative future scenarios. This tool will allow us to model decadal scale outcomes of agricultural activity in the BRB and assess trends associated with climate and population change in variables such as irrigation use per unit acre, overall agricultural water use in the BRB, crop yield, and urban growth impacts. Key required developments to the modeling framework include: (1) a locally relevant but generalized crop choice model that integrates key local drivers such as water rights, soil properties, and precipitation, (2) a robust, process-based crop growth model, and (3) representative scenarios of future climate change to drive the crop choice and growth models. By conducting several scenario analyses, we hope to identify key farm management decision variables that will reveal regional implications on water demand and use as well as crop distribution and yields. Ultimately, the modeling framework will be a useful tool to evaluate regional impacts of various policies. INTEGRATING BIOPHYSICAL AND SOCIAL PROCESSES IN AN INTEGRATED MODELING FRAMEWORK TO SUPPORT MANAGEMENT DECISION Bangshuai Han1, Shawn Benner1, Nancy Glenn1, Eric Lindquist2, Khila Dahal2, John Bolte3, Kellie Vache3, James Sulzman3, Alejandro Flores1 1 Department of Geosciences, Boise State University 2 Public Policy Research Center, Boise State University 3 Biological and Ecological Engineering, Oregon State University 4 Computer Science, Boise State University 5 Department of Civil Engineering, Boise State University Surface water and groundwater supply are greatly affected by climate-induced biophysical processes and human activities, especially in populated semi-arid regions. Predicting water availability at regional scales, while resolving some of the key internal variability and structure in semi-arid regions is important in order to understand complex linkages between human and biophysical system. However, this integration is difficult due to the degree to which humans have modified the hydrologic system by, for instance, creating dams and other impoundments, canal systems to deliver irrigation water, and altering regional recharge and water uptake through agricultural practices. In this study, we developed a modeling tool using the Envision multiagent framework to evaluate future water availability. This modeling tool captures elements of both human and biophysical systems, explicitly integrating their mutual influence in a regional hydrosystem. We are aiming to characterize the spatial patterns of water demand in the semi-arid Treasure Valley area of Southwest Idaho, a rapidly developing socio-ecological system where urban growth is displacing agricultural production. Hydrologic response units are represented using the conceptual HBV model, while another plugin (WaterMaster) captures the influence of human behavior by diverting water from natural waterways and applying it as irrigation to places of use in accordance with documentation of water rights. Groundwater withdrawal for irrigation purposes is also captured in a way that reflects the defined water rights within the region. Initial results shows that irrigation activities significantly affects the magnitude and timing river discharge. The modelling framework is meant to be a tool that can be used conjunctively by researchers and stakeholders to evaluate future scenarios of urban growth, water management, and climate change. The ultimate goal is to provide a tool that is useful for understanding the potential consequences of management policies and activities on regional water use and sustainability. [52] WATER FOR THE SEASONS: EVALUATING THE FEASIBILITY OF DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION Karen Simpson1, Maureen McCarthy3, Greg Pohll1,4, Derek Kauneckis4,5, Loretta Singletary2,6, Rich Niswonger7, Mike Dettinger7, Seshadri Rajagopal4, Staci Emm6, Justin Huntington4, Kelley Sterle2 1 Department of Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno; 2Graduate Program of Hydrologic Science, University of Nevada, Reno; 3Academy for the Environment, University of Nevada, Reno; 4Desert Research Institute; 5Consortium for Energy, Economics, and the Environment, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, Ohio University; 6University of Nevada Cooperative Extension; 7U.S. Geological Survey The Water for the Seasons project has been designed to create a collaborative research model for assessing climate resilience in snow-fed arid basins. Although the initial research will focus on the Truckee-Carson River System (TCRS) in northern Nevada, the project team intends to create a package of models and methods that will be applicable to water management elsewhere in the U.S., as well as abroad. The TCRS was selected for in-depth study because the diversity of local water-use and the complexity of water-use arrangements makes it possible to explore the impact of a variety of factors on resilience and enhances the generalizability of the results. Transferring this research to other basins, however, requires careful consideration of local conditions and resources. This presentation is meant to present an initial evaluation of the areas where this research might be utilized, the potential barriers created by differing economic and regulatory environments, and some potential solutions to these issues. ENHANCING RESILIENCY OF SNOW-FED ARID LAND RIVER SYSTEMS: A COLLABORATIVE MODELING APPROACH Kelley Sterle1, Karen Simpson2, Maureen McCarthy3, Greg Pohll1,4, Derek Kauneckis4,5, Loretta Singletary2,6, Rich Niswonger7, Seshadri Rajagopal4, Mike Dettinger7, Justin Huntington4, Staci Emm6 1 Graduate Program of Hydrologic Science, University of Nevada, Reno; 2Department of Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno; 3Academy for the Environment, University of Nevada, Reno; 4Desert Research Institute; 5Consortium for Energy, Economics, and the Environment, Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs, Ohio University; 6University of Nevada Cooperative Extension; 7U.S. Geological Survey Management of snow-fed, arid river systems in the western United States has taken on critical importance in response to the impact of variable climate conditions on water supply. By conducting an in-depth study of the Truckee-Carson River System (TCRS), in northern Nevada, the Water for the Seasons project aims to build a research model for examining climate resilience in snow-fed arid basins in the US and abroad. Over the next four years, a highly interdisciplinary team will work collaboratively with local stakeholders to assess the impact of different climate scenarios on the river system, and explore the potential for adaptation in terms of water management. This project will fill gaps in existing research by: integrating groundwater, surface flow and climatic models to create water supply scenarios, examining the preferences and decisionmaking processes of local water users and managers to create policy scenarios, and integrating both policy and hydro-climatic models via collaborative modeling. This presentation will introduce the Water for the Seasons project objectives in more detail, describe the structure and components of the hydrologic and policy models, and explain the role of stakeholders in the collaborative modeling process. [53] CLIMATE CHANGE, WATER RIGHTS, AND WATER SUPPLY: THE CASE OF IRRIGATED AGRICULTURE IN IDAHO Wenchao Xu, Xiamen University, Scott E. Lowe, Boise State University, Richard Adams, Oregon State University We conduct a hedonic analysis to estimate the response of agricultural land uses to water supply information under the Prior Appropriation Doctrine by using Idaho as a case study. Our analysis includes long-term weather trends and water supply conditions as well as seasonal water supply forecasts. A farmlevel panel data set, which accounts for the priority effects of water rights and controls for diversified crop mixes and rotation practices, is used. Our results indicate that farmers respond to long-term surface and ground water conditions as well as to the seasonal water supply variation. Climate change-induced variations in weather and water supply conditions could lead to substantial damages to irrigated agriculture. We project substantial losses (up to 32%) of the average crop revenue for major agricultural areas under future climate scenarios in Idaho. Finally, farmers demonstrate significantly varied responses given their water rights priorities, which implies that the distributional impact of climate change is sensitive to institutions such as the Prior Appropriation Doctrine. LONG-TERM IMPACTS OF MAJOR WATER STORAGE FACILITIES ON AGRICULTURE AND THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT: EVIDENCE FROM IDAHO (U.S.) Zeynep K. Hansen, Boise State University, Scott E. Lowe, Boise State University, Wenchao Xu, Xiamen University We investigate the long-term impacts of water storage infrastructure (dams) on agriculture and the natural environment in the semi-arid U.S. West. We conduct an empirical analysis of the agricultural impacts associated with major dams in Idaho, focusing on their crop mixes, crop productivities, and overall agricultural land values using an integrated, county-level repeated cross section dataset. Our results suggest that the presence of a dam resulted in significant increases in total crop acreage, particularly in those counties in which farmers have predominantly junior water rights. Dams led to an increase in the acreage of the higher-valued, more water-intensive crops and positively impacted some crop productivities, particularly during periods of severe droughts. In contrast to the traditional literature, we find that the presence of a dam had a small, positive, but non-significant effect on farmland values. Finally, we evaluate long-term patterns in stream flow change and examine the impacts of dams on the natural environment. We find that the presence of dams enabled the spatiotemporal transfer of water resources from cold (non-agricultural) to warm (agriculturally-intensive) seasons, reduced the potential availability of water resources for ecosystem use, and increased the seasonal volatility in water supplies. [54] SPECIAL FEATURE THE ALPHABET—A TRAVELING EXHIBITION OF THE WORLD’S ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST Stinne Storm and Resford Rouzer, Department of Art, University of Utah, Salt Lake City UT This show was started by graduate students at The Environmental Humanities Program at University of Utah. It aims to raise awareness of the contemporary reality of extinction, by visually presenting all the currently listed animals in public spaces. The show allows people the opportunity to stand in front of the alphabet of the mass extinction as a way of connecting with the direness of the state of our world as a whole. As a symbol the alphabet is a non-hierarchical artistic statement; it expresses a vision for shared accountability and breaks down all geographical reference points, due to the alphabetic order of species rather than places-based. From this a sense of a collective choir arises. This extinction is a worldwide movement on its own, spelling out reality. As non-human species expire, increasingly fewer components are available to sustain us. Our animal bodies sense and tell us that inherent in this mass extinction is a potential echo of our own. It tells us to be aware and take action to survive. In the American West we find ourselves surrounded by a landscape of grandness in both grace and fierceness. Scholars in the field of environmental dialogue, design and planning — artistic as well as traditional academic — need new ways to engage with peers to kindle our devotion and keep our visions burning. This is what the alphabet exhibition wish to perform. [55] NOTES [56] Front and back cover photos courtesy of the Bureau of Land Management
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