ACTIVITIES BACKGROUND Preconference Workshops on state of the art of diagnostic techniques. Conference (Introductory Lecture, Opening Lecture, Keynote Speech, Plenary Lecturer, Poster Presentation). Exhibition of latest technology in bioscience and biomolecular medical. Infectious diseases whose incidence in humans has increased in the past 2 decades or threatens to increase in the near future have been defined as "emerging.“ We are making progress in controlling and preventing infectious diseases but we must not become complacent. The infectious disease papers in the Journal amply portray the continuing impact that infectious disease has on the world. They also demonstrate how new research can be important in defining new methods of control and prevention. PARTICIPANTS Medical and Health Sciences Teaching Staff Medical and Health Sciences Researcher Medical and Health Sciences Laboratory Manager Medical Practitioner & Health Service Manager Under and Post Graduate Student OBJECTIVES Research results dissemination during all Conference activities (ISBN Proceeding) Best Presentation & Best Poster Award CONFERENCE TOPICS Pathogen Biology and Evolution Host-Pathogen Interactions Drugs and Vaccines Technology for Infectious Diseases Epidemiology and Mathematical Modelling IMPORTANT DATES Abstract Submission Open 1 March 2015 Abstract Submission Due 1 May 2015 Abstract Acceptance Notification 3 May 2015 Pre-Conference Workshop 9 May 2015 Conference Dates 10 May 2015 Exhibition Dates 10 May 2015 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE English and Indonesian As we focus on the problems of emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, we must not underplay other diseases and health conditions that also significantly impact on all of us. With finite limits on our resources for disease control and prevention, we must learn how to better use these resources. Better planning, more attention to training, improved efficiency, and strengthening the collaboration and cooperation between countries will help in efforts to reduce the burden of disease. In response to these challenges, Student Council, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani, is hosting a joint scientific meeting to display and disseminate current results of medical research, particularly those in the field of prevention, diagnostic and treatment of infectious diseases Workshop, Exhibition & st 1 Cimahi International Conference on Global Health: Prevention, Diagnostic and Treatment of Infectious Diseases _________in conjunction with__________ 8th Anniversary Departement of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi (2007-2015) 9th-10 th May 2015 Graha Pos Indonesia Building, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia AIMS Dissemination of latest research and technology in prevention, diagnostic and treatment of infectious diseases. Enhacing collaboration between national and international researchers and institutions in prevention, diagnostic and treatment of infectious diseases. Research dissemination about prevention, diagnostic and treatment of infectious diseases for current clinical application. IN COLLABORATION WITH: CALLING FOR PAPER CONFERENCE Abstract should be written in English language not more than 300 words, including objective, methods, and results. Please submit your abstract to: or or Sunday, May 10 2015 Venue: Graha Pos Indonesia Building, Bandung 40115, West Java, Indonesia PRECONFERENCE WORKSHOP Venue: G Building 2nd floor, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani, Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Str, Cimahi 40533, West Java, Indonesia Time Saturday, May 9, 2015 07.00-08.00 Registration 08.00-16.00 Workshop 1 : Primer design and tuberculosis diagnostic using PCR (20 participants) Workshop 2: Genomica and Mobi Lab (20 participants) Workshop 3: IGRA Examination and Pipetting (20 participants) Workshop 4: Western Blot (20 participants) SECRETARIAT G Building, Basement, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani Cimahi, Indonesia Terusan Jenderal Sudirman Str, 40533 Ph. 62-22-6631622, Fax. 62-22-6631624 Email: or Website: INVITED SPEAKERS 1. Antonio E. Lim Jr. Ph.D (Vice president for. External Affairs of PASMETH, college Dean of St. Scholastica's College of Tacloban, Phillippines) 2. Asst. Prof. Ratana Lawung, Ph.D* (Faculty of Medical Technology, Mahidol University, Thailand) 3. Asst. Prof. Rohi A. Ghazali, Ph.D (University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia) 4. Prof. Hans-Jurgen Magert * (Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Germany) 5. Prof. Dr. Dany Hilmanto, dr., Sp.A(K)* (Faculty of Medicine, UNPAD) 6. Sukma Nuswantara, Ph.D (Biotechnology Researcher, LIPI) 7. Debbie S. Retnoningrum, Ph.D* (Pharmacy-Biotechnology Lecturer - ITB) 8. dr. Jusron Iriawan, Sp.PD (PT. PRODIA Laboratory) 9. dr. Jeffry Iman G., Sp.OG(K)., M.Kes (Cibabat Hospital) 10. Ayi Furqon, SKM., M. Biomed (Chairman of Medical Laboratory Technology Department, School of Health Sciences Jenderal Achmad Yani) * to be confirmed REGISTRATION FORM Name : (title included) Institution : Address : Email : Phone : I will participate as a (please indicate one of the following choices): Workshop participant Conference participant Workshop and conference participant Poster presenter participant Workshop and poster presenter participant ___________________,_______2015 (...............................) Signature Note: Please register by online (preferably) to or send the registration form by email to or REGISTRATION FEES Workshop fee : 1.000.000 IDR/ 200 USD Conference fee: Registration fee covers workshop/ conference kits, refreshments, snack, lunches, souvenir, and door prize. Please transfer the registration fee to: Prima Nanda Fauziah, Bank BNI Bandung Account Number: 0196811243 Please attach copy of bank transfer form and send it to:
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