The all-seeing eye State-of-the-art vision sensors for unmanned craft Driverless 4WD MIRA’s autonomous Land Rover Danielson diesel Inside the new generation Scion SA-400 Autonomous helicopter technology UST 02 : SPRING 2015 UK £15, USA $30, EUROPE e22 Spring 2015 | Contents 40 68 18 62 48 04 Intro 40 Focus: Vision sensors Interest in swarming unmanned systems is growing, as the benefits of having them work in harmony become clearer Developments in imaging technology are paving the way for more integrated onboard vision, as Nick Flaherty explains 06 Platform one: Mission-critical info 48 Dossier: Danielson Trident 100 TD2 High-altitude internet base station UAV unveiled, details of a flexible and high-efficiency solar sheet, a real-time tool for handling complex imagery that runs on a standard web browser, new swarming algorithms, and much more… Ian Bamsey investigates this state-of-the-art French turbodiesel that’s been created specifically for UAV use  14 In conversation: Graham Smethurst BMW’s head of its autonomous vehicle programme explains the challenges that lie ahead and how to overcome them 18 Dossier: Scion SA-400 Ian Bamsey investigates an optionally piloted helicopter which, unmanned, can fly sideways at 46 knots and land on a ship at sea 32 UST online Full details on the easy way to find new suppliers and stay up to date with the latest technological developments 34 Report: Commercial UAV Show Ian Bamsey and Nick Flaherty highlight some of the new technology on show at this trade fair launch Unmanned Systems Technology | Spring 2015 56 Insight: Security and safety systems How to ensure an unmanned system is secure and safe 62 Dossier: MIRA MACE The UK’s MIRA automotive research institute is trialling unmanned ground vehicles for the military. What lessons are being learnt? 68 Focus: Additive manufacturing Making components using an additive process is ideal for the unmanned systems industry. David Cooper explains why 76 Insight: Marine UUVs Torpedo-shaped autonomous underwater vehicles are taking over the oceans. Nick Flaherty examines some new developments 82 PS: Wankel engines The rotary engine has found a niche in unmanned systems 3 Subscribe today. The a ll-seei ng e e f-the-a Driver rt vision sensoy rs for u less 4 nmann M IRA’s ed cra W autono ft mous L D a Danie nd Rov e r l s o Inside the ne n diese w gene l rati State-o magic trokUeAV powerplant s o w t ch Hirth’s Inside a hi-te s ystem tingveslopment issues a r e p ime oAnalysing the de Real-t on LAU N C ISSU H Winte E r ’14 Autono Scion SA-40 0 mous h in Pengu ossier UAV D Secrets LAUN UE CH ISS UK £15, T Cover 01 US of : NOVE 2.indd ISSU Sprin E 2 g ’15 UST 02 : 2014 MB ER 0, EU RO ology vealed om nology.c SPRI NG 2015 m co t-media. ch ste dsystem ne man www.un USA $3 r techn tform re king pla -brea a record elicopte 2014 01/10/ UK £15, USA $3 0, EU RO PE 20:53 e22 PE e22 www.un manne 3 4 ways to subscribe to guarantee a personal copy dsystem stechno m www.hi ghpowe rmedia .com Subscription prices 1 year subscription: The next 4 issues 1) Online at UK £60£50 2) Telephone +44 (0)1934 713957 Europe £72£60 (~72e) 3) Fax to +44 (0)208 497 2102 USA/Canada £75£62.50 ($100) 4) Email Rest of World £78£65 To enquire about advertising with us, email High Power Media Ltd, Whitfield House, Cheddar Road, Wedmore, Somerset, BS28 4EJ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)1934 713957 Fax: +44 (0)208 497 2102 E-mail:
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